Guide to lip tattoo pigments from Tinel: color palette, top shades

Issues discussed in the material:
  • How permanent makeup transforms your appearance
  • What types of lip tattoos exist?
  • In what situations is this or that technique suitable?
  • How is the lip tattoo procedure performed?
  • What are the features of preparing and caring for lips after tattooing?
  • How to choose a salon and permanent makeup artist

The procedure for lip tattooing or micropigmentation is the process of introducing a special hypoallergenic pigment into the subcutaneous layer to a depth of 0.3–0.8 mm, with the help of which the lips acquire a clear, indelible contour. We will consider the most popular lip tattoo techniques in this article.

Lip tattoo techniques examples with photos

Permanent lip tattooing techniques are selected by a professional artist depending on the problem that needs to be solved. We will consider all types of modern permanent makeup in detail below.

  1. Contour technique.
  2. Most women over 40 experience blurred lip lines. It is with this problem that they come to the salon. The clear outline obtained as a result of the procedure resembles a pencil stroke.

    It is worth noting that lip correction in this way does not change the shape acquired from birth. A correctly performed technique leads to a natural effect: the selected pigment, in perfect harmony with the natural shade, transforms the lips. The result of the correction looks natural and soft.

  3. Contour technique with shading.
  4. To give lips brightness and richness, they use the technique of permanent makeup with shading and contouring. The idea of ​​such a tattoo is to apply a contour of the same shade as the pigment used on the lips. The middle is not painted over, visually creating the effect of slightly erased lipstick.

    Due to the fact that the permanent is applied beyond the natural boundaries of the contour, the effect of plump and more voluminous lips is created. Any shade of pigment can be chosen - both dark and light. Young ladies of all ages can use the technology.

  5. 3D technology.

Popular palettes

Using different pigment colors, the artist is able to create the desired image. The most popular shades are presented in the line of the Swiss brand “Swiss color”. Its palette contains many transitional shades, which allows you to create beautiful images, giving your appearance the necessary visual effect - naturalness, romance and sexual attractiveness.

The popular “Swiss color” line of light shades with a soft tone and matte structure of colors that are chosen for a delicate, romantic look - Ivory, Pearl, Blush, Rosa.

Popular shades for beautifully full lips, which are preferred by those who try to maintain a natural look - Tosca, Sienna, Sanset.

Current shades that organically fit into the image for a business woman - Sevilla, Paris, Tango.

Lovers of bright, sexually attractive and memorable images choose bold and rich shades - Red, Coral, Blacksberry, Valentine, Tango.

Preparation for lip tattooing

Prevention of herpes is a necessary condition for performing permanent lip makeup. As a result of the procedure, regardless of the technique used, microdamages are formed on the delicate skin, which contribute to a decrease in tissue immunity, resulting in the formation of herpes. This applies even to those girls who have never encountered such an illness before. Neglect of prevention will lead to your lips being affected by herpes on the second to fifth day. Not only will the appearance suffer, but the pigment injected under the skin will be corroded by infection, and areas where the herpes is localized will remain unfilled with color.

About a week before the procedure, you need to take Acyclovir and Valtrex. On the day of your visit to the specialist and two days after it, you need to continue taking these remedies. Before tattooing, do not drink tea, coffee, alcohol or energy drinks for 24 hours, and do not eat seafood or any dishes that thin the blood.

To maintain and strengthen the immune system, you can drink vitamin C, Immunal and homeopathic medicines.

Useful video

Once you become closely interested in the issue of tattooing, you simply must study it from all sides. Especially for these purposes, we invite you to familiarize yourself with thematic video materials, from which you will receive direct recommendations from professionals.

The masters will reveal to you the intricacies of the process itself, and will also indicate a number of nuances, on the basis of which you can subsequently choose not only the optimal conditions for applying paint, but also the artist himself directly in your city.

Add eye-catching features and added practicality to your look with modern procedures for injecting permanent color into the top layers of your lips. Tattooing is your chance to achieve a flawless appearance in any situation , because you no longer have to constantly touch up and adjust the treated area.

Choose the best methods of applying paint, become familiar with the risks and contraindications, and surround yourself with a professional approach from an experienced artist today. Let your appearance become flawless.

Prohibitions and contraindications to the procedure

The permanent tattoo procedure is absolutely contraindicated for diabetes, oncology, liver, kidney failure, HIV infection, hepatitis, AIDS, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, hypertension, acne, poor blood clotting, dermatological diseases, breastfeeding, mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system , pregnancy and the presence of keloid scars.

Also, lip tattooing has a number of limitations.


, it is prohibited to use excessively bright and saturated pigment that resembles lipstick in dark shades: cherry, burgundy, brown, plum, etc.

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, permanent application should be avoided during critical periods or with weakened immunity.


, an absolutely necessary condition is the prevention of herpes.


, when applying pigment, it is forbidden to go beyond the line of the natural contour of the lips.

In addition, performing the procedure at home is unacceptable! The service should be provided only by a specialist with the necessary qualifications, in a clean office, using a sterile disposable instrument.


Contraindications to any invasive procedures are:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Unhealed wounds in the work area
  • Local dermatitis, other skin diseases, active herpes
  • Blood clotting diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Acute form of chronic diseases
  • Feverish processes
  • Epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by involuntary movements

If you have rare and serious diseases, it is better to consult a doctor about your decision to do permanent makeup.

Permanent application technique

In the master’s office, before the procedure, the first thing you will need to do is discuss and draw a sketch. This is a very important task, because it is necessary to discuss all the nuances: choose a shape, color scheme, suitable pigment, tattoo application technique. The specialist should also tell you about the possibilities of correcting certain deficiencies: unclear borders, pale skin associated with herpes, drooping corners of the mouth.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Drawing a sketch on the lips and fixing it.
  2. Passing along the contour of the sketch with a device that makes micropunctures. The manipulation is performed without anesthesia.
  3. Application of an anesthetic spray, gel or cream commonly used in dentistry. A specialist makes applications. An experienced master never gives injections, as they cause swelling and lead to disruption of the sketch.
  4. Micropigmentation is performed using a special device with a thin needle.

The duration of the procedure is from one to three hours. The duration directly depends on the chosen lip tattoo technique. Creating a contour will not take much time, while watercolor or fondant techniques, Naturelle, 3D, Lip Light and the shading method take more than one hour. Application anesthesia does not always have a long-term effect. In such situations, anesthesia is repeated.

Is it painful to do permanent makeup?

The pain of tattooing depends on the pain threshold of the individual. This is individual for everyone, so it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question.

If a girl knows that she does not tolerate pain well, she will be given a painkiller. At the same time, she will not feel the tattoo at all.

If the client experiences pain during the procedure, with or without anesthesia, she may ask for additional pain medication. Everything is done according to your feelings, so don’t be shy about telling the artist about it so as not to leave negative impressions about the tattoo.

How to choose lip tattoo color

Perhaps the most difficult thing in the permanent makeup process is determining the color of the pigment. This is not surprising, since you will wear it on your lips for several years. This is why it is so important to take a responsible approach to choosing a master. A professional in his field will be able to accurately determine your face type, skin color and select the most correct option.

The choice of color is limited only by your imagination. In the final version, the lip color can be absolutely any, even blue, if you so choose. But such radical changes are useless, because it is much better to emphasize the shade given to you by nature.

When choosing a tone, you can be guided by the color of your hair. For example, shades of pink and nude colors suit blondes, while red and brown suit brunettes. Selecting a pigment is very similar to buying lipstick. If necessary, the specialist applies each shade of pigment to the lips, and all you have to do is “try it on” for yourself and make the final decision.

How to do this makeup

Permanent makeup for brunettes, blondes and redheads is done according to the same principle. The master injects natural dyes under the client’s skin, and then, if necessary, shades them over the entire area. The process itself involves only four stages:

  1. Choice of color and style. A good master will always provide you with a choice of current options for applying pigment paint, as well as an abundance of the coloring composition itself.

  2. Marking the area. Initially, the specialist forms the outline with an erasable pencil, and only then begins to work with tattoo equipment.

  3. Application. Once the specialist has chosen the paint, the processing method and applied the preliminary contour, he begins the main process.

  4. Correction. After 3-4 weeks after the color is applied, you will need to attend a correction to fix the color.

Consequences of lip tattoo

Before you decide to tattoo your lips, you need to consider all the positive aspects and possible negative consequences of the procedure. The correct selection of material combined with the professionalism of the specialist will lead to the best result - the beautiful lips you dreamed of. But you need to take into account that within a month the swelling will subside and the crust will disappear.

Although micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure, it is an operation. And any operation, as we know, carries the risk of negative consequences. In addition to cosmetic defects, health problems may arise. The pigment introduced under the skin, being a foreign substance, directly affects the immune system and cellular structure.

The most common side effect of lip tattooing is herpes. The next most popular positions are occupied by infectious diseases that occur when dirt and dust enter the affected areas. They form in the form of wounds and pustules and carry a risk of infection. An insufficient level of skill can lead to the fact that the procedure leaves scars and wounds, which can be quite difficult to get rid of.

The least severe consequences are considered to be an allergic reaction and swelling. They arise as a response of the body to the administered drug. Moreover, if swelling that appeared immediately after the procedure and subsided within a couple of days is considered normal, then a longer reaction requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Taking antihistamines, applying hydrocortisone ointment to the lips, and applying dry ice have a beneficial effect only in rare cases. This situation requires contacting a therapist and the specialist who performed the procedure.

Improperly performed tattooing can cause aesthetic problems - uneven lip contour and color. There are also disadvantages such as uneven pigment distribution and gaps. Contacting a more qualified technician will allow you to positively resolve the situation.

Contour with shading

In this case, the contour is not a thin line, but a shaded one, thanks to which you can experiment with the color of lipstick within a wider range than in the case of a clear contour. At the same time, this type of tattoo is also divided into two subtypes: a slightly darker contour smoothly turns into shading (shading width is about 5 mm), a natural contour, clear, matching the tone of the shading.

Before starting the procedure, it is important to have a complete understanding of it. You should listen to the opinion of the master. Also, preparing for tattooing requires taking medications for herpes. The course must be started 3 days before the procedure itself. But these are not all precautions; some people are contraindicated for any type of lip tattoo. You should consult a dermatologist and allergist about the possibility of applying it.

Lip tattoo and herpes

As mentioned earlier, before the procedure it is necessary to undergo a course of prophylaxis using drugs against herpes. This will reduce the likelihood of the disease occurring, but will not eliminate it completely. To be completely confident in the successful outcome of the procedure, you need to use the service in a salon whose reputation is beyond doubt. You shouldn't skimp on your health. The cost of treatment if unsuccessful can be much higher.

Pay attention to the cleanliness of the office and the materials the master works with. The main cause of herpes is the use of dirty instruments or insufficient sterility of the room. The artist should use exclusively disposable tools when opening lip tattoo needles in front of you. The absence of gloves and sterile instruments should alert you and prompt you to refuse the procedure.

Before performing micropigmentation, check the reputation of the specialist. Do not focus on cost - this is not a decisive factor in making a decision in favor of a particular salon. Look at the portfolio, read the reviews, and only then trust your lips to a specialist.


At the moment, this is the newest type of lip tattoo. It is considered the most beautiful and high quality. The master will need not only clear movements, but also the ability to correct colors. The technique itself involves gradually lightening the folds of the lips from the contour to the middle. If all shades are chosen correctly, the effect will be unsurpassed. The lips will be stylish, plump and alluring, and at the same time very natural. With this type of tattoo, you can completely change your image - both the shape and color of your lips change, and these changes can be radical. Shades are not always selected from the same range - the more interesting the result.

Each girl must decide for herself which types of lip tattoos are best. After all, everyone has their own ideas about beauty. Some people like a clear, eye-catching outline, while others want maximum volume. Each case should be considered individually.

Lip tattoo: healing by day

Lips heal quite quickly after tattooing.

After about 4-5 days, you can see color changes on your lips. The complete picture of the transformation by day is as follows:

  • Day 1: lips look very bright. Redness and swelling are observed. Immediately after the procedure, such a reaction is considered normal and does not require any action.
  • Days 2–3: swelling is observed to subside. The color remains bright. Crust formation is possible.
  • Days 4–5: Steady crust formation occurs. There is a feeling of discomfort due to the fact that the lips begin to itch very much. To avoid risk, you need to minimize contact of your hands with your lips, and in no case tear off dry formations. The healing process should take place naturally.
  • Days 6–7: lips are completely cleared of crust. They are set to a shade close to natural. The result begins to please you, and there is an indispensable desire to appear in all your glory.

The final result can be assessed after about 30 days. This is exactly how long it takes for the lips to take on their natural appearance and final color.

Post-procedure care

Often a thin crust forms at the puncture site. You cannot rip it off; bleeding and the formation of unsightly scars are possible. The lips should heal naturally. It is recommended to smear the skin with a moisturizing antiseptic gel; the crust will fall off in 3-4 days, leaving no traces.

If the skin is swollen, it is recommended to take an antihistamine. All unpleasant symptoms disappear completely 12 hours after the procedure. The colors gradually fade, the lips acquire normal shape.

After tattooing, you cannot visit the sauna or swimming pool, sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium. For a week, you need to give up decorative cosmetics for your lips and any cosmetic creams other than the wound-healing agent recommended in the salon. It is important to ensure that toothpaste, shampoo and other medications do not come into contact with inflamed skin. The healing and recovery process will take 2 weeks, after which you can fully evaluate the work of the cosmetologist.

How long does lip tattoo last?

Many factors influence the preservation of the effect of lip tattooing. The main ones are the client’s age and the quality of the pigment. The younger the woman resorting to the service, the less lasting the effect of the procedure. This is due to rapid skin regeneration and accelerated metabolism. The higher the quality of the coloring pigment, the longer its effect and retention of color on the lips. Low quality paint will last no more than a year, but good quality dye will last more than three years.

In addition, the use of low-quality pigment entails not only fading or complete disappearance of the tattoo, but also staining the lips green or blue. Neither a laser, nor even home attempts will help completely get rid of this problem. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of a salon and specialist, not guided by price alone. A high-quality lip tattoo procedure cannot be cheap.

The enemies of permanent makeup are peeling, tanning, sauna and steam bath. They significantly reduce the lifespan of the tattoo. Therefore, to ensure proper care, you need to limit your exposure to the factors listed above that negatively affect your new lip color.

Are tattoo dyes safe?

The issue of the safety of the procedure for applying a cosmetic tattoo and the pigments used for this is acute. Different experts sometimes express diametrically opposed opinions on this issue: from accusing pigments of the ability to provoke cancer to statements about the complete safety of dyes for health.

The truth, given such a range of opinions, usually lies somewhere between the extreme positions. At the initial stage of development of cosmetic micropigmentation, low quality components were used. Many of them contained harmful components and could cause serious harm to health. Modern drugs meet safety standards and cannot harm health.

Cosmetic tattoo is an intervention in the body. Therefore, people who take responsibility for their own health make efforts to ensure that it is as safe as possible.

Lip tattoo care

As for long-term care, first of all, it is necessary to limit exposure to the sun and avoid scrubbing the lips. In the immediate aftermath of the procedure, you should treat your sponges with special care. During the procedure, they were exposed to the aggressive effects of the device and received microtraumas. For quick healing, it is recommended to frequently lubricate the surface with wound-healing and disinfecting ointments. Do not allow the delicate skin of your lips to dry out.

In the first time after the procedure, to avoid infection, avoid using decorative cosmetics. During tissue regeneration, it is preferable to stay at home to eliminate the risk of infection. Also, mechanical impact should not be allowed: do not rub your lips with your hands or a towel. To quickly relieve swelling, apply dry ice to your lips and apply a healing ointment. If necessary, seek help from specialists.

Lip tattoo correction

More than half of the success of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the specialist. Only a professional will be able to choose the colors of the pigment and apply it so that the result of the procedure looks natural and transforms the client’s appearance. Lack of experience can negatively affect the result. In addition, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to aftercare. This is the time when the crust is formed, the skin is restored and the final distribution of the dye occurs. Failure to follow the care rules can negatively affect the result of the procedure and lead to more than one correction. This is precisely what justifies the need to carefully select a salon and artist for permanent tattooing and lip correction.

The following reasons for tattoo correction are distinguished:

  • Existing features in the client’s metabolism. There are two options for the development of events: the body does not respond to the injected dye or actively fights it. Although this is considered a natural reaction, it affects everyone differently. It happens that during the healing of the lips, up to 80% of the pigment is removed, regardless of the quality of the dye and the qualifications of the artist. In such a situation, correction is necessary to restore color.
  • Differences in skin types. So, on dry skin, tattooing lasts a long time, while on oily skin, the pigment may spread and be removed.
  • Failure to follow recommendations for care after tattooing. Breaking the rules often leads to disastrous results. It happens that clients do not wait for the scab to heal naturally and remove it themselves, without using healing ointments. Excessive use of skincare products is also harmful. This contributes to the greenhouse effect.
  • Errors in the work of the master. The possibility of mistakes exists even among a highly qualified specialist. During operation, a blot may form or, conversely, a small omission may occur. Jewelry precision and well-developed skill in introducing pigment into the subcutaneous layer are necessary conditions for micropigmentation.
  • Late correction. The removal of the coloring pigment usually occurs after two to three years. After this time, the lips acquire their natural shade. To maintain the result, it is necessary to make an annual correction.

The first correction is necessary approximately 4 weeks after tattooing. During this period, complete healing of the skin occurs, and the pigment is finally distributed. With a slow metabolism, it may take longer to recover - up to one and a half months.

Your skin may be too active in removing pigment, and then the colors begin to fade rapidly. This situation necessitates correction after two to three months. This will help consolidate the result and stop the dye from being removed. A later visit to a specialist will cause the need for full micropigmentation, since the dye in the skin will be almost completely absent.

Tattoo correction should be performed by the artist you contacted initially. He will be able to correctly select the previously used shade of pigment and perform the procedure using the same technique. The only exception is the discrepancy between the specialist’s work and the desired result. Here you have the right to choose a new salon and specialist.

Recovery period

The cosmetologist is responsible for the aesthetics of the appearance immediately after the session, but the client himself is responsible for the final result. What the healed result will be depends 100% on compliance with all care recommendations during the recovery period. A good tattoo artist will definitely tell the client what awaits him and how the healing progresses day by day.

  • day 1: the lips swell, their surface is moist, crusts appear, pain may be felt at the sites where the tattoo machine needle is inserted;
  • day 2: the swelling gradually subsides, the crust becomes denser;
  • day 3: the swelling goes away, the crust hardens and darkens, touching the mouth area remains painful;
  • day 4: the crusts begin to fall off, the color underneath is less saturated than immediately after the session;
  • day 5: there is no pain anymore, the scabs are coming off.

This is how lip tattoos heal day by day in most cases. Many people take daily photo reports to monitor the dynamics of recovery and evaluate the results of lip tattooing before and after. Girls publish their photo reviews on the Internet to share their experiences. They confirm that how long lip tattoos take to heal is an individual phenomenon. The recovery period can range from 4 to 8 days.

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