How to tighten sagging body skin? We ask the experts

Why does sagging skin appear in the abdomen?

A defect can occur for various reasons. If we talk about the most common ones, they are as follows:

  • childbirth, pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the skin and abdominal muscles. Moreover, during pregnancy it becomes larger and larger. Because of this, the muscles and skin are greatly stretched and become less elastic. The situation worsens after a caesarean section is performed;
  • intensive weight loss. If you have lost weight dramatically, there is no time for your skin to adapt and return to its normal state. That is why it becomes sagging and wrinkled;
  • lack of physical activity. If a woman does not play sports, the muscles may atrophy, metabolic processes will slow down, and the condition of the skin will deteriorate;
  • poor nutrition. Convenience foods, fast food, chips, soda have a very bad effect on the skin and figure in general;
  • stressful situations. Usually, if a woman is stressed, she tries to eat it. And this is where the skin suffers;
  • age-related changes. With age, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.


If sagging skin on the abdomen appears due to sudden weight loss, then now is the time to switch to a proper and balanced diet in order to replenish the reserves of vitamins, minerals and other substances that help in the process of skin regeneration.

You should definitely include fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt) in your diet, as they allow protein to be fully absorbed, and therefore receive the necessary amino acids.

Amino acids are the main building material for connective tissue cells. Your menu should include fish: trout and salmon may seem expensive, but pink salmon is also a good option. Red fish contains collagen (a protein that underlies the connective tissue of the body, ensuring its elasticity).

A large amount of collagen is also found in seaweed, turkey and fresh herbs.

The condition of the dermis is greatly influenced by a chemical element such as zinc; you can get it from seafood and quail eggs.

As mentioned above, nutrition must be balanced, that is, the body must receive sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  1. Proteins can be either plant or animal. The optimal norm is 1-2 grams per kilogram of human weight. Animal proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, and cottage cheese. Plant-based – in legumes, some grains, vegetables (for example, eggplant) and mushrooms.
  2. Fats have a big impact on the skin. Vegetables, that is, oils, should predominate in the diet. The norm is 30 grams.
  3. Carbohydrates are a source of energy. Choose complex ones - these are cereals, vegetables, durum wheat pasta, wholemeal bread. Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from fruits and honey.

Cosmetological measures

The sagging skin of the abdomen after losing weight can be removed a little at home using some procedures. They will help make the frame made of collagen fibers denser and improve the internal structure of the skin. If you want to ensure the strength of the fibers, then you need to provide regular and proper care. You can do massages, wraps and peelings at home.

With the help of massage you can improve the tone of the skin, and it is important to use special oil. If we talk about the simplest option, then the massage is performed with your hands. Vacuum massage also has an excellent effect on the skin. Flabbiness is also removed with the help of hydromassage, where the water temperature constantly changes.

Wraps are a good way to help speed up metabolic processes, fat burning processes, tighten the skin, and saturate it with nutrients. Here a certain mixture is applied to the skin (the most popular are honey-mustard, cocoa, honey-oil) and wrapped with film. This allows you to insulate the problem area of ​​the skin and improve it.

Peels help tighten the abdominal skin and remove sagging abdominal skin after childbirth. Thanks to the activation of regeneration, the dead layer of the skin is exfoliated. Here you need to use a special scrub, which can be purchased or prepared independently.

Rejection of bad habits

Everyone knows that bad habits greatly affect the condition of the skin.

If you still decide to put yourself in order, you will have to give up:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • junk food;

You need to start actively spending your free time, rather than sitting at the computer and getting enough sleep. Of course, it’s difficult to change your lifestyle right away, but if you change your habits at least gradually, the result will not be long in coming: the skin on your stomach will not only take on a healthy appearance, become toned and tightened.

Professional cosmetology

It is not always possible to correct loose abdominal skin at home. And here professional cosmetology will help. Of course, you need to pay more for it, but after such procedures you get a lasting, quick result. How to deal with sagging abdominal skin? Specialists in salons can perform the following procedures:

  • leather reinforcement. This happens slowly and hyaluronic acid gels are used here, which dissolve. The cosmetologist injects the drug under the skin using injections. In this way, a framework is formed that nourishes and supports the skin;
  • bioreinforcement with mesothreads. During this procedure, special threads are already used that can support the skin and fix it in the desired position. As a result, it will not sag;
  • LPG massage. Thanks to it, elastin fibers become denser. For this procedure, a special device is used that kneads the skin with roller massage elements;
  • cryotherapy. Low temperatures are used here to tighten the skin;
  • mesotherapy. The specialist injects formulations containing active ingredients under the skin.

An integrated approach to solving the problem

Unfortunately, when choosing a strategy to combat the problem of sagging skin in the abdominal area, you will have to take into account that you will not be able to achieve results only by eating right.

Or regularly doing belly peeling and using special cosmetics, you should not hope for a miracle.

The problem can only be solved by a set of measures, which include:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Sport.
  3. Drinking regime.
  4. Cosmetic care.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.

Next, we will consider each measure in more detail.

How to remove sagging abdominal skin?

If the case is very advanced, then aesthetic surgery can be used. But there are contraindications and there is a period of rehabilitation. Therefore, you initially need to undergo an examination, consult a specialist, and only after that decide on surgery.

After this, there are usually no serious consequences or scars, but this is only if the surgery is performed by a qualified professional.

Drinking regime

In order for your skin to look good, it simply needs water. There is such a thing as turgor. In simple terms, this is elasticity. The main reason for decreased turgor is dehydration.

To prevent this, the body must receive the required amount of water every day. The average value is 2 liters. Sweet carbonated drinks, tea, coffee do not count. It is better to avoid coffee altogether, as it actually leads to dehydration. Replace it with green tea. Only plain water can restore skin elasticity.

TOP products for guaranteed results

Buying essential oils today is easy; they are sold in every pharmacy. But not all of them can boast of good quality and natural composition.

In order for the necessary oil to really help, I advise you to buy trusted products. Here are a few of the best.

Orange Essential Oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Tangerine oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Rosemary essential oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Clove oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Geranium essential oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Lime essential oil, Now Foods, 30 ml
Frankincense Essential Oil, Now Foods, 30 ml

5 reviews on the use of frankincense essential oil for oncology

If your skin has felt the first age-related changes, then it’s time to use essential oils for sagging body skin. There are quite a lot of them, so you can choose the one that suits you. Just remember to always test for an allergic reaction before introducing a new product by applying a few drops to the back of your elbow.


The cost of a product that gives a noticeable effect (for stretch marks, folds, and other imperfections) ranges from 500-3000 rubles. Among cheap products (i.e. 100-200 rubles), there is no point in trying to choose something effective, according to reviews from women. The current price for such creams in Moscow can be seen in the table:

Name Packaging volume Price
Guam Firming Cream 250 ml 2390 rub.
Nip + Fab Bee Sting Deluxe Body Souffle 200 ml 662 rub.
Collistar Anti-age lifting body cream 400 ml 2690 rub.
Shiseido Firming Body Cream 200 ml 4499 rub.
Garnier Body Ultra Firmness 250 ml 380 rub.

Expert advice

  1. The most important thing that experts can advise regarding such a skin problem is to make sure that it does not stretch. To do this, you don’t need to fight extra pounds, but make sure they don’t appear.
  2. Don't lose weight quickly. Yes, it’s clear that you want to achieve your goal faster, and when you see the result, there’s more than enough motivation, but remember that your skin is suffering. The acceptable norm is 1-2 kilograms per month, and not 10 kilograms per week, as tempting advertising screams at us.
  3. Proper nutrition is something without which you cannot achieve perfect skin. The diet should contain vitamins and minerals; if there are not enough of them in food, then you should think about taking vitamin complexes.
  4. Physical exercise will help build muscle mass in the place where there used to be a layer of fat, due to this the skin will tighten.
  5. Massage and cosmetic skin care, as an addition to all of the above, can play a decisive role and speed up the process of restoring to its former shape.
  6. If all this does not help , then you can contact a plastic surgeon, but remember that this procedure is not cheap and is not always effective.

When is it better to refuse procedures?

When figuring out how to remove a loose belly, do not forget that most cosmetic procedures have contraindications. This also applies to sculptural modeling of the figure.

Contraindications to hardware correction, massage and wraps are:

  • any diseases that are in the acute stage;
  • open skin lesions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • oncology at any stage;
  • acute heart failure.

Individual intolerance to the products used for massage and wraps is possible.

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