Mole on the foot, thigh and other places on the leg: magical signs

Nevi and degeneration

There is a theory according to which the appearance of birthmarks and moles on the body is due to transitions from one life to another. Researchers on this issue claim that large moles, their clusters and birthmarks are located in those places where there were fatal wounds from a past life.

An American professor of psychiatry has recorded about 400 such cases. The most powerful stories Ian Stevenson documents are those of two young boys from India, Ravi and Titu. Both of them in early childhood began to talk about their past lives, which ended in tragic death. Both boys had birthmarks in the places where the killer struck them.

Is there a relationship between birthmarks and longevity?

A number of experts in the field of genetics express a slightly different theory related to the presence of birthmarks and moles on the human body. According to their data, which was published in 2007, a large number of nevi had a positive effect on life expectancy. On average, there are 30 age spots on the human body. Every 25 subsequent moles and birthmarks increase life expectancy by 2 years. Specialists from King's College London obtained this data after a thorough examination of 2,000 people whose ages ranged from 21 to 75 years.

In 2009, the same specialists published the results of another study on this topic. This time, 1000 people within the same age range took part in the study. The results showed that with a large number of nevi on the body, the biological aging of cells occurs more slowly than with their normal number, but at the same time, people with a large number of brown spots on the body increase the risk of developing malignant tumor processes.

Moles on toes

Such marks are found in suspicious people. They tend to exaggerate their illnesses, press the pity of others, and bother doctors. If no ailments can be detected, then the ailment is simply invented, overgrown with details and turning into an obsession.

But there is still some validity to their complaints. If the mole is located between the first and second fingers, you need to pay attention to your vision. A mark in the hollow near the second or third finger - strengthen your immune system. And spots closer to the little finger indicate frequent colds.

The interpretation of signs on the human body is ambiguous; it has no empirical evidence. But studying the location of moles on the leg, trying to find out their meaning, is an interesting activity in itself. It allows you to discover new facets in yourself or your loved ones.

How are birthmarks and fate related?

In all eras, people have established a connection between birthmarks and the fate of a person. People perceived a birthmark on a leg or other part of the body as a sign indicating how a person’s fate would proceed and what his character would be. In this case, only those nevi that were more than 3 mm in diameter were taken into account. The size of the spot directly indicated how much influence the spot had on a person’s fate.

Also, when interpreting birthmarks as fateful signs, the following parameters were taken into account:

  1. Form.
  2. Size.
  3. Color.
  4. Presence of hair on the birthmark.
  5. Location.

Over time, the interpretations were supplemented, modified, and became more complete and capacious. This helped to more accurately reveal all the mystical influence that a birthmark in a certain place has on a person’s life, in particular, what a birthmark on the left leg means.

Reasons for development

Melanoma on the leg is formed under the influence of a high dose of solar radiation. The cause of the disease may be a gene mutation. The group at extremely high risk of developing melanoma consists of people with the following symptoms:

  • First skin phototype and age over 45 years;
  • Second skin phototype and age over 65 years;
  • Red hair color;
  • Melanoma in close relatives;
  • More than ten dysplastic nevi and more than one hundred melanocytic nevi;
  • Previous skin cancer;
  • More than twenty solar keratoses.

The high-risk group includes people with the following characteristics:

  • Blue eyes;
  • First skin phototype and age from 25 to 45 years;
  • Second skin phototype and age from 45 to 65 years;
  • Third skin phototype and age over 65 years;
  • family history of skin cancer;
  • Multiple episodes of sunburn in the past.

The moderate risk group includes people with skin phototypes I–V over the age of 45 who have previously suffered many sunburns. The provoking factor for the development of melanoma on the foot and periungual ridge of the toes is chronic mechanical trauma.

The influence of the shape and size of a birthmark on fate

Different mark shapes have different effects on a person's life path. Some forms of birthmarks meant difficulties and trials, while others indicated favor and protection from higher powers. A photo of a birthmark on your leg will help you more accurately determine its meaning and impact on your life.

To date, the following forms of nevi that affect fate have been identified:

  1. Cross.
  2. Bonfire with flames.
  3. Cat.
  4. Lip print.
  5. Star.
  6. Perfect circle.

A perfect circle shape is a good sign. While a more angular spot indicates the opposite. A round birthmark on the left leg indicates that quite good events await him. Also, such nevi are an indication that a person has well-developed intuition. The presence of supernatural powers in a person is indicated by a round birthmark on the right leg, located 30 cm above the knee bend, that is, close to the soft spot.

The presence of a cruciform birthmark is a symbol of the trials that higher powers send to a person. The nature of the tests depends on which part of the body it appeared on. A similar birthmark on the leg indicates that a person will often have to move from place to place.

The shape of the flame and bonfire is considered a symbol of temper. Such people do not know how to restrain their emotions. Men with such nevi suffer from excessive jealousy, and women are struck by the tendency to commit rash acts. Esotericists also note that people with such birthmarks are prone to prolonged and quite severe depression.

The star shape for birthmarks is considered the rarest in nature. However, a person who has such a spot on his body can be safely congratulated. It indicates that higher powers are favorable to him and grant him success in all his endeavors.

A birthmark in the shape of a cat indicates the secrecy and complexity of its owner’s character. At the same time, the color saturation of such a spot corresponds to the likelihood of the presence of mystical powers - the more saturated the color, the greater the likelihood of the manifestation of extrasensory abilities.

A birthmark, resembling a lip print in its shape, is a direct indication that fate has prepared a large number of surprises for its owner. Esotericists claim that men with a similar sign are very lucky, and it grants women protection from the evil eye and other negative magical influences.

Regarding the size of the mark, the interpretation is quite simple - the larger the birthmark, the stronger its influence. Based on this, we can say that a large birthmark on the leg will have a greater impact on a person’s life path than a small one on the neck or arm.

Interpretation of a mole on the lower leg

A mole on the calf means energy, lightness, and confidence in one’s desires. It is often found among athletes, production leaders, team leaders, and executives. These people are hardworking, independent, constantly developing.

A woman with a mark on her shin can be considered a standard representative of her gender - beauty, grace, intelligence, manners. In any circumstances, she remains true to herself. Moreover, the manifestation of these qualities does not depend on upbringing or education, but is a natural inclination.

If a mole appears over the course of life, this indicates that the lady herself has developed the necessary qualities. Such a woman will not only constantly develop herself, but also influence her loved ones, pushing them towards spiritual, physical and intellectual development.

Ankle mark

The location of a mole on the ankle indicates developed intuition, charm and internal energy. These people have paranormal abilities, which, with due diligence, can turn into a real gift.

Mole on:

  • The right ankle distinguishes successful people who know how to capture the attention of the crowd. They quickly achieve success in politics or the media and create an impeccable reputation for themselves. Eloquent, prone to sophistry and rhetoric. They have a penchant for religion, but do not fall into exaltation.
  • The left ankle is an avid traveler. They strive to travel around the entire globe and constantly ask for business trips at work. They have friends, acquaintances, or just acquaintances everywhere, but they are not seen as craving for chatter. Rather, having such a large number of friends is due to the ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor, delve into his problems and experiences.

What does the color and hairiness of a birthmark indicate?

These two parameters indicate the nature of the impact that the stain has on its owner. There are some clarifications and specifications in the interpretation, but in general they can be interpreted in two ways - favorable and negative.

Light spots are considered favorable, namely:

  1. White.
  2. Straw ones.
  3. Yellowish.
  4. Reds.
  5. Light brown.

There is an opinion among esotericists that the darker the birthmark on the leg or other part of the body, the worse its influence on the fate and life path of a person. However, it is worth taking into account other factors that influence the meaning of birthmarks.

Regarding the hairiness of the birthmark, the interpretation is as follows. The more hair there is on a spot, the worse its effect. Hairless birthmarks can be very beneficial to a person's life if they are not influenced by other factors. A large length of hair on a spot has a negative impact on a person’s financial situation. Accordingly, the shorter the hair on the birthmark, the more material wealth a person achieves.

Dividing the body into zones

When studying birthmarks, it was noted that each part of the body is under the protection of a specific zodiac sign. This means that a fateful mark in one place or another is responsible for the presence and brightness of expression of certain qualities.

In total, the following zones on the body are identified:

  1. The Aries zone is the head. It is considered the most difficult to analyze the marks on them. Ears are subject to a separate area of ​​study and analysis, since they not only reveal fate, but also help to understand a person’s past and subsequent lives.
  2. The Taurus zone is the area of ​​the neck and collarbones. Responsible for material wealth, health and willpower.
  3. Gemini zone – shoulders and arms. Shows the relationship between a person and his environment.
  4. Cancer zone - chest. Responsible for motherhood, family life and homeliness, shows the situation in the house and helps to find out how your childhood was.
  5. Leo's zone is the back. Shows such qualities as the ability to present oneself in the right way, the ability to sincerely and brightly love, the ability and desire to help other people.
  6. The Virgo zone is the upper abdomen. Reveals how a person copes with the responsibilities assigned to him within the walls of home and at work.
  7. The Libra zone is the lumbar region. Responsible for a person’s relationships with personal and business partners, relations with the law and public speaking.
  8. Scorpio zone – lower abdomen and groin. Responsible for the intimate side of a person’s life.
  9. Sagittarius zone – buttocks and upper legs. Talks about upcoming travels and gaining new knowledge.
  10. Capricorn zone – knees and the area around them. Tells about achieving your life goals and moving up the career ladder.

Analysis of exactly which zone a birthmark or any other mark is located helps to more accurately determine its meaning and explain its impact on a person’s fate. These additional factors help to create the most complete description of a birthmark anywhere on the body.

Text of the book “Signs of Fate on the Human Body”

Temporary signs

In addition to moles, there are many temporary signs on the body - warts, papillomas, pimples, scars.
Occultists explain the meaning of their appearance as an omen of fleeting events. Warts are recognized as visible manifestations of the evil eye and envy. Therefore, their removal is encouraged. By the way, a few recipes:

• wrap the wart three times with horsehair;

• daily before going to bed, drip a drop of acetic acid from a pipette;

• lubricate the wart with celandine juice at night.

For a person who has warts, it makes sense to take a closer look at the circle of people in which he moves and identify an envious person, an ill-wisher. But it is also recommended to pay attention to the location of the wart. So, its presence on the index finger is considered a lucky sign. A wart on the lips is a sign of animal passions.

The clue to the appearance of the above spots during life is related to their location on the “own” or “foreign” side. Do not worry if they appear on the left side of a woman or on the right side of a man. This stands for receiving someone else's patronage, solving a tormenting problem. The appearance of temporary information about a party is a warning about unfavorable circumstances that will interfere with the execution of any business. You will need to muster all your will, strength and determination to resolve a difficult issue.

Scars are acquired marks on the body that remain after healing of wounds received during body damage or surgery. Here you should pay attention to which part of the body the scar appeared on. Interpreters recommend linking the appearance of such marks with the expectation of changes in the area of ​​life for which this part of the body is responsible.

As for tattoos, which among priests have always been evidence of initiation, one should take into account information about the favorable and unfavorable halves of the body and refrain from applying a design to a kind of “geopathogenic” zone of the body - the “alien” side.

Despite the fact that signs in the form of warts or individual dark or light spots, different in size and shape, that arise during life, correspond to short-term phenomena, reading them explains the essence and cause of many events that happened to a person throughout life, and their perception happens in a different light.

Pigment spots appear suddenly and in the most unexpected places. From the point of view of occultism, they are considered indicators of the upcoming overcoming of any problem or struggle. What area of ​​life this struggle should be associated with is shown by the place on the body where the pigment spot appeared.

Red pigment spots are associated with Mars and mean a loss of strength and energy. Being on the “good” side, they indicate victory, overcoming a problem.

Light or golden spots indicate that their owner may be subject to illness or depression, or exposure to negative energy from other people. Pigment spots on “one’s” side are evidence of a successful resolution of life’s problems.

Pimples, styes, boils. Acne is associated with the planet Mars. Their appearance means unfavorable situations that the one who experiences them will have to endure. If acne appears on the cheeks or cheekbones, this is an indication that the person will have difficulties in relationships with people. Acne on the legs means travel, and on the hands it means gaining or, conversely, losing money. It depends on whether they appeared on the “good” or “bad” side.

Pimples on the upper body indicate that an event will happen soon; acne that appears in the lower area of ​​the body indicates a longer period of time after which the event will occur (about 2.5 months).

Boils mean unresolved problems, often of a material nature. If a boil appears on a man’s right side, this means a successful resolution of the problem; on the left side, solving the problem will require a lot of time.

Freckles are interpreted as a sign of human relationships. Freckles on the face are good. It's worse when they are scattered in other places. Their location on the back, especially on the “bad” half, means a conflict between their owner and the crowd, the presence of rivals, to defeat whom one will need to muster all one’s will.

Decoding moles by color

Ancestral or acquired prints on the body or face during life have their own meaning for each person. People differ in skin color, and this is an important factor. Convex moles are important for people with fair skin types. Dark-skinned people should pay attention to black moles. There are signs without pigment, that is, non-pigmented areas of the skin. They carry a negative meaning.

Red moles, which bear the color of the planet Mars, indicate energy reserves in the area where they are located. It is in this area of ​​life that significant events will occur. Which ones - positive or negative - depend on the location - on “your” half or “someone else’s”. A red mole located on “your” part of the body is a favorable sign. A Mars mole on the “foreign” side of the body is a sign of confrontation and conflict situations.

Light moles (the so-called Venus moles) are evidence of feelings of closeness and sympathy that a person can manifest in relation to others. The same moles that a woman has on the “male” half of her body are a sign of loss and an environment that will put a spoke in the wheels on the way to progress towards the goal.

Black moles, signs of Saturn, hide lessons that a person will learn during the course of life. And these will be fateful events. These same black marks are a sign of rewards, gifts of fate, which will be received if they are located on the yang side of a man and the yin side of a woman. Black moles that find a place on the “foreign” half should be perceived as harbingers of upcoming blows of fate, involvement in difficult circumstances, and great trials.

Brown or red-brown marks on the body are Jupiter moles. They symbolize power and patronage, speak about the high social status that is intended for their owner, about his connections with government agencies and legislative bodies.

Mole with hair. It often happens that a hair or even several grows from a mole. These hairs, according to mystical experts, contain a sign of salvation and are protective ropes. This is especially good if the mole is on the “evil” side. A mole with hair growing out of it in this case is considered as a mitigating circumstance, as a sign of a way out of any trouble and misfortune. If a mole with a hair is located on the “right” side, it is recommended to share your happiness with others. Otherwise, happiness will not be complete.

In general, a mole with hair means forgiveness of karmic debt.

Shapes of moles and birthmarks

The shape of a mole or birthmark is of great importance. Markings can be of a wide variety of configurations. Occultists studied the most common types of these signs on the human body and gave them a decoding.

Constellation Ursa Major.

A mole in the form of the constellation Ursa Major is a wonderful sign, a symbol of great achievements, victories, glory, high position in society, evidence of the patronage of a Higher Power. Good luck awaits the owner of such a mole in the area with which its location is associated. After all, each zone of the body is under the control of planets or constellations. In total, there are twelve zones on the body, each of which corresponds to a zodiac sign. A mark on the body located in a place corresponding to the zodiac sign of a given person is given great importance. It is in it that the important eventual side of human destiny as a whole is contained.


Moles can form a square on the body. This is interpreted as a very unfavorable sign. The heavy cross of fate, the struggle with circumstances throughout life is the lot of the owner of such a mark on the body. A mole or birthmark in the shape of a spider means the same thing.


A cross of moles (meaning protruding points on the body) is a warning sign. It warns its owner to be prepared for difficult trials and unforeseen turns in a difficult fate. A cross of five moles carries a positive meaning. Its decoding is humility, as well as a fulfilled duty.


The happiest mark on the body is the one shaped like a star. Such a print occurs in rare cases. Of course, we are not talking about a regular five-pointed star. The spot may also have the appearance of a distorted star. It is important here that such a sign has five ends. The interpretation of a star-shaped mark is a happy fate, the protection of the sky, good luck and success in any area of ​​life. “My star protects me!” - this is what the bearer of this lucky imprint can say.

Circle, sun, moon.

It is not uncommon for people to be born with birthmarks in the shape of a circle, which is considered a celestial sign because it resembles the sun or full moon. Also, half a circle or part of it is classified as a category of signs called “celestial bodies”. The “sun,” unlike the “moon,” should have “rays” around the spot itself. Sun sign carriers are very interesting, meaningful, and multifaceted people. They are distinguished by irrepressible energy, ebullient temperament, cheerfulness; they charge everyone around them with joy and love of life, encouraging them to take action. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, the owners of these signs are born in the light of the sun - in the morning, afternoon or before sunset.

Bearers of solar marks are talented, good parents, wonderful husbands. Occultists claim that only desired children are born with sun signs.

An incomplete circle (for example, in the form of a sickle with rays) indicates the presence of a karmic debt, that is, some kind of misconduct that was transferred from past incarnations in order to be corrected with the help of good deeds and actions in this life. Such a spot can be transferred genetically to the child, who will pay for the parental sin, and the higher it is located, the stronger the vicissitudes of fate. It is bad if a spot of this type is on the head. This is a sign of a serious mental illness that a person can develop.

A thinner sickle is a sign of heightened intuition. The crescent without rays also encodes the presence of a developed sixth sense. For the owner of such signs, this promises protection from Divine powers, because intuition is a gift from God, filled with saving power.

The innate symbol in the form of a waning moon conceals hidden possibilities that can manifest themselves already in adulthood. The owner of such a mark should try his hand at the field of jurisprudence or devote himself to financial activities. The sign of the waning moon promises him success in these areas. He can also become a successful specialist in the securities market.

A birthmark can be a complete circle without any “rays” surrounding it – a “full moon”. This sign indicates the presence of developed intuition and a magical gift, which is expressed in the ability of foresight and witchcraft. The owner of such a mark was the fortuneteller Maria Lenormand. But all these mystical properties are contained only in a sign located on the right side of the body, and more specifically, on the back surface of the knee bend at a height of 25 cm from it.

The bearer of the imprint in the form of a regular circle may have other talents, which can cause the envy of others and rejection of the person as an individual. But, having overcome all difficulties, the owner of such a sign emerges from the troubles with a hardened, purified soul.


Good properties include a birthmark that looks like a bird. This sign portends great successes and achievements in life. Of course, they will not come on their own; the owner of the “bird” must try: to reveal his abilities, show perseverance, and make an effort to attract good luck. And she will definitely come, because the “bird” sign testifies to God’s gift in the form of some talents. Typically, a person with the bird sign is born into a family of capable people - good musicians, artists or writers. This sign, located on the left shoulder or chest, is a sign of a talent of great strength.


It happens that moles are scattered throughout the body so that you can read them like a geographical map on which there are seas, lakes, islands. Occultists interpret them as a not very favorable sign that unwanted children receive. People with this mark are explosive, unrestrained, angry and hysterical. They can also harbor grievances against others and do not always use their reason, riding on their emotions like sails, which can lead to unpredictable actions.

Spots in the form of a continent, peninsula, or lake carry information about traveling to different countries and meeting many people.


A mark in the form of an elephant in the interpretation of morphoscopy is not a particularly favorable symbol, especially if it is located on the shoulder. Although the owner of this sign himself is a completely reliable and decent person, fate presents him with unexpected surprises. The meaning of his life lies in overcoming difficulties and obstacles. This is connected with karma, with his sins in previous incarnations. In order not to pass on karmic debt by inheritance, he should maintain peace of mind, generosity, and perform worthy deeds. But this will not be easy for him, in the struggle with his inner self. How difficult this struggle will be depends on the location of the innate imprint. If it is located on the buttocks, the owner of the “elephant” will have to fight great temptations in life.


in the occult sciences - a servant of the devil. That’s why the mark in the form of a cat’s silhouette is called a satanic sign. The decoding lies in attributing to the owner of such a mark a mysterious and enigmatic nature. And if the “cat” is dark in color, then a person can test himself in the field of magical art: influence people, prophesy, tell fortunes, perhaps even heal. The owner of such a sign is capable of bringing unconscious evil, without wanting it. This refers to the evil eye. Secrecy, restraint, confidence, authority, insight - human qualities that will bring the owner of a mole in the form of a cat good luck on stage, in the field of justice.

Lip print.

Moles in the shape of a lip print are considered a very lucky sign, foreshadowing the kisses of fate. God, rewarding a person with such a mark, took him under his protection, gave him strong intuition, awarded him with creative thinking, imagination, a healthy psyche, and a sense of humor. Good luck, life's surprises, happy love await him. Minor troubles will never unbalance the owner of this mark, and the patronage of the Creator will protect him from major troubles. No evil will come to him.


The mark, shaped like a human face, can be located anywhere on the body or on the face. But, no matter where this mark is located, it does not have a very favorable meaning in terms of personal qualities. People marked with this sign are usually suspicious, conscientious, ambitious, like to delve into themselves, self-critical, always feel guilty, and exaggerate their shortcomings. Their self-esteem is low. They depend on the opinions of others, from whom they seek support.

The “face” on the face is a provocative sign that will inhibit intuition and caution, pushing you to unreasonable actions. The “face” on the back foreshadows a constant search for a life partner and disappointment in love. Located on the back, this mark hides the secret of eternal confrontation with ill-wishers who will plot and involve you in intrigue. The owner of the mark in the form of a face cannot avoid the torment of unhappy love, as evidenced by its location on the chest. The same code hides a similar spot on the inner thighs.

The imprint of a “face” on the buttock does not carry anything good, foreshadowing the ridicule of others and absurd situations. A “face” on the stomach promises illness.

But a birthmark in the shape of a human face on the shoulder is a completely favorable sign, indicating a mind prone to philosophizing, and also promising a successful outcome in case of trouble.

Birthmark in the form of a tongue of flame

- a testament to the complexity of human nature and unfavorable fate. Because of its vicissitudes, the owner of such a mark often falls into melancholy and despondency, at times harboring thoughts of taking his own life. Love can bring a person out of depression. But the owner of a “fiery” mark who goes to extremes is an insane jealous person, succumbing to angry impulses. Due to the complexity of his character, it is difficult for him to find saving love, but it is quite possible, because he has many positive traits in his character - courage, determination, generosity. Women who have received a “fiery” imprint from the Creator are distinguished by their liveliness, energy, and vivid imagination. They are capable of the most decisive actions, recklessness, and love extravagant outfits.


There are people whose birthmarks on their body resemble numbers. The same marks are found on the face. Occultists give the answer to such signs, relying on the work of Cornelius Agrippa, a famous master of the mystical sciences of the 16th century, entitled “Occult Philosophy.” In it, Agrippa, outlining the foundations of the discipline called “numerology,” gives a decoding of the numbers. A professional occultist, by summing, reduces any number to a single digit - from one to nine, finding a magical meaning in it. It is in this vein that the interpretation of digital signs on the body is given.

A birthmark resembling the number 1 speaks of the ambitious nature of its owner and the desire to lead. A person with a mole in the form of a unit is capable of extreme actions, as he is distinguished by courage, boldness, willpower, perseverance in achieving goals, and a fighting spirit. There are historical examples that speak of the success of some people with one on their body in the military field.

Owners of a mole that looks like a two are driven people in life, distinguished by their tendency to accept suggestions. They are not very confident in themselves, they commit contradictory actions due to the imbalance of their character. We can even talk about their duplicity. The sign of two also hides the secret of creative abilities. Such people can try themselves in a musical career or in the theater field. Individuals with a birthmark that looks like a two are devoted family men, but on occasion, women or men cannot resist the charms, since in their souls there is always a penchant for small adventures.

A birthmark in the form of a three is a sign that carries positive information about possible well-being and career growth. Success in the business or creative sphere can be determined by energy, determination, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and get out of unsuccessful situations. Often the bearer of this sign is characterized by selfishness and vanity. But he cannot be denied charisma. This sign also conceals fame, the likelihood that its owner will create some masterpiece that is quite capable of shaking the imagination of others.

A mark on the body or face in which the number 4 is guessed is evidence of the strength and stability of its owner’s position in life. The bearer of such a sign is a realist, knows what he wants to achieve, and sets very realistic goals. He is a practitioner, not a lyricist. What is important to him is not his career, but the opportunity to provide for his family at this stage and create something material for the future.

A birthmark in the form of the number 5 does not at all convey the concept of “excellent” either in relation to a personal characteristic or in an assessment of life circumstances. A person with such a mole does not have an ideal character, is somewhat unsure of himself, goes through life through trial and error, at times showing his unpredictability. But he has good appearance, charm, and is not without abilities in some sciences, which can lead to some discoveries in the field of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and possibly biology. The bearer of the sign in the form of a five can show his love.

The owner of a birthmark in the form of the number 6 is characterized by reliability and decency, a developed mind, and the ability to make wise, informed decisions. He is a thinking person, distinguished by a great thirst for knowledge and the ability to assimilate science, an erudite who understands humor. The owner of the “six” has all the makings of a leader, mentor, and teacher. In life, he achieves prosperity, material wealth, and is the owner of an exemplary home. As a rule, this is a reliable, loving husband, a real father, who understands his children, is a support for them in life, and supports them in difficult situations, both morally and financially.

A birthmark in the shape of the number 7 is a sign of good fortune. It symbolizes the desire of its owner for everything secret, unsolved, unknown. This is the code of a traveler, a discoverer, a leader, a ruler, a person capable of leading the masses, healing people, and penetrating the secrets of someone else's soul. This is a sign of achievement and success in unraveling the secrets of human thinking.

A birthmark in the shape of the number 8 is a very favorable sign. Numerologists consider the number eight to be a symbol of fourfold balance. The owner of this sign is distinguished by balance, balanced decisions, high business qualities, a rational mind, strong will, and the ability to achieve set goals. In life, this is expressed by conquering great heights and possessing significant material values.

The number 9 on the body or face is a double sign, which can contain both success and great tragedy. The decisive role here is played by the choice of the path along which the life scenario will develop. Trustworthiness, decency, ambition, hard work, high moral qualities, mental stability, incorruptibility and denial of false values ​​can lead the owner of such a sign to great heights. Low goals, indulgence of one's passions, manifestation of lack of will, selfish inclinations, on the contrary, will mean collapse, possibly death in the prime of life.

What is the difference between the interpretations of birthmarks in men and women?

In esotericism there is a statement that the side on which there is a birthmark is somewhat different for a man and a woman. This is due to the fact that different sexes have different sides of the body that are more favorable.

According to this statement, men are more positively influenced by a birthmark located on the right side of the body. At the same time, for women, the left side is more fortunate and decisive. However, despite this, exceptions to the rules are possible, and this principle does not always work so categorically and unambiguously.


Moles on the finger of the left hand or right hand occur as a result of an excess of the dark pigment melanin and its accumulation in skin cells. This contributes to the degeneration of the latter into so-called melanocytes. Accumulating in large numbers, melanocytes form a mole. The following circumstances may contribute to such degeneration:

  • Abuse of visiting a solarium or sunbathing.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Hormone-containing drugs.
  • Papillomavirus.
  • Genetic predisposition.

How to interpret a birthmark on different parts of the legs

The meaning of a birthmark may differ depending on what part of the body the mark is located on. However, at the same time, nevi should be interpreted based on the specific area of ​​the body in which it is located. That is, a birthmark on the right leg, located in the thigh area, will have a meaning different from that of the same mark located on the foot or knee.

A birthmark located on the thigh is evidence that a person will have strong and healthy offspring, who will give a large number of grandchildren. The presence of marks on both thighs serves to reinforce this prophecy.

What does a birthmark on the right leg located in the knee area mean? Esotericists claim that such a mark is a symbol of a happy marriage. In married life, a person will encounter very few problems and obstacles, the marriage will proceed smoothly.

But the birthmark on the left leg, located in the same area, is the personification of the fact that a person first thinks and then acts. Because of this haste, the owner of the mark often has to regret it. However, fate endowed him with such traits as kindness, openness and the ability to empathize with others.

The presence of a birthmark in the area between the knee and ankle is direct evidence that its owner is a lazy, carefree and careless person. Also, people with this mark are often distinguished from others by selfishness, insensitivity towards other people and sloppiness.

For a man, a mark located on the ankle is a sign of his sophistication and sloppiness. For women, the same mark of fate represents optimism, a large supply of strength and energy, independence, hard work and courage.

What does a birthmark on the foot mean? A nevus on the right foot indicates a person’s love of travel. But if the mark is placed on the left foot, then its owner is a person with well-developed thinking and intelligence. Birthmarks located on both feet indicate that a person has the habit of indulging his passions.

A birthmark on a child's leg also indicates that he will have to face a number of difficulties as he grows up. However, this is not a reason to panic, because all people go through trials of fate, regardless of the presence or absence of birthmarks in different places of the body.

The meaning of moles on the heels and soles

Information about what moles on the legs in the area of ​​the soles mean is negative in relation to the owners. With the exception of a few places where the birthmark reflects a good state of affairs.

If birthmarks are located on the heels, this is primarily a prediction of an upcoming illness. Not necessarily fatal, but perhaps so. Most often, these marks appear as hereditary ailments.

In addition, moles on the heels mean that their owners:

  • prone to narcissism, egocentrism or increased selfishness;
  • like to talk about themselves, do not like conversations unrelated to themselves;
  • boastful;
  • energetic, assertive, especially when it comes to themselves, they will do everything for their comfort.

This is also a sign of potential energy vampires. As a rule, they have few real friends. And those who exist are forced to tolerate their narcissistic nature due to their kindness.

However, sometimes such moles on the legs mean high intelligence, wisdom, talent, and spirituality. To do this, you need the birthmark to be located on the left heel, not in the center.

Exactly the same on the right heel is a sign of a cheerful traveler, an active nature. Especially if a girl has such a good mark, then she is not afraid of any envious people. After all, this is a sign of strong protection from enemies.

In addition to esoteric information, a person’s feet reflect the physical health of the body.

Each point on the sole relates to a specific organ in medicine.

The second option for interpreting marks

There are several options for what birthmarks on the leg mean. The subtleties of explaining their meaning also depend on where exactly the mark is located.

Typically, a birthmark located on the leg indicates that its owner is a person with well-developed intuition, capable of subtly sensing future events. At the same time, such subtlety of nature is quite harmful. A person can be thrown out of balance by any irritating or stressful factor. Sometimes such irritation can last for quite a long time. While working, owners of such a birthmark pay a lot of attention to details and nuances rather than to the main subject.

Often, owners of such marks may suffer from strange dreams, the plot of which is quite incomprehensible and bizarre. They are strongly discouraged from overworking themselves and exhausting themselves to the limit. At the slightest sign of fatigue, you need to take a little time to allow your nervous system and body to rest. Types of employment such as dancing, light music, sports and spending time in nature have a beneficial effect.

People who have birthmarks on their legs may find their calling in the fields of surgery. They can also become good clergymen. But at the same time, these people can reach heights in the occult sciences, discovering and developing supernatural abilities in themselves.

The presence of a birthmark on the leg near the knees indicates that its owner is a person who does not know how and does not like to wait. They need to focus on learning to control themselves and control their nervousness. Quite often they are faced with the problem that they cannot complete the work they have started, being carried away by new ideas. To restore balance, long walks are perfect for them, as well as thinking about the details of the work they have started and imagining a positive final result.

A birthmark on a person’s lower leg indicates the lightness and mobility of his nature. Among such people, many achieve success in the sports field. A similar mark on a man indicates a large number of fans and the character of a monogamous man. The meaning of a birthmark on a woman’s leg in this area is a large amount of male attention without gossip and gossip behind the back due to the appearance of a touch-me-not.

If the mark of fate is located on the toes, then its owner is a vulnerable person who is overly concerned about the state of his health. Such people tend to suspect that they have many diseases. Amid this preoccupation, obsessions about illnesses and their progression may arise.

What does medicine say about this?

Birthmarks on the foot can appear throughout your life. They usually stop occurring after age 25, when tissue growth stops. If the resulting formation grows, hurts, itches or changes color, this is an alarming sign.

There are several reasons for the growth of a mole:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • stress;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • heredity;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • pathologists of internal organs.

Important! Any mole on the foot can develop into melanoma. This happens especially often with nevi located on the feet and palms.

It is important to monitor the formation and contact a specialist if problems arise. If a spot grows on a child, it is worth showing it to the pediatrician. Fortunately, today there are many ways to get rid of unwanted nevus.

It is important to understand that birthmarks on the feet can have opposite meanings among different peoples. It is impossible to say which culture is closest to the truth. The main thing is to monitor your moles and listen to the advice of folk signs. In any case, most events and their outcome depend on the person himself.

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