16 recipes on how to make a lip scrub at home with your own hands or which of the 5 to buy

A lip scrub should be in the arsenal of any girl who takes care of herself. Its use makes lips smooth, soft and moisturized, giving them a well-groomed and attractive appearance. He helps:

  • heal peeling and cracks;
  • remove the stratum corneum;
  • speed up the removal of a permanent (if you no longer like it);
  • cause blood flow for juiciness and swelling.

The main thing is not to overdo it: the skin of the lips is 3-4 times thinner than the rest. In addition, it is completely devoid of sebaceous glands and hair. We can say that lips are defenseless against cold, wind and sun - therefore they need special care. The scrub along with a nourishing balm/oil maintains a healthy appearance. For you, a selection of the best beauty products in our opinion!

Indications for use

Honey lip scrub is a cosmetic product with a consistency similar to a thick cream, but it contains small particles. Using your fingers, lightly massage the skin. At this time, the scrub particles spread over the skin, exfoliating it. It is important that the particles are not very large, as they will scratch the skin.

What is the scrub used for:

Features of lip scrub products

They say that women of Ancient Greece, long before the advent of the New Era, knew how to keep their lips fresh with the help of ground fruit seeds mixed with olive oil or animal fat. The idea, in general, is sound - hard particles will polish the skin, and fatty substances will soften it, supply it with healing vitamins and give it smoothness. But this is when it comes to the body. But bones would hardly be appropriate in a lip product, so the ancient Greek women clearly got carried away. Such a scrub should contain very, very finely ground particles. Even sugar and coffee grounds, which you can use without embarrassment to scrub your skin in rather delicate places - for example, on the stomach - can cause more problems for your lips than good.

In short, be extremely picky when choosing ingredients for a scrub:

  • no aggressive pepper or salt (even with cinnamon you should be careful - sometimes it burns noticeably);
  • no coarse grinding - the grains should be only slightly larger than regular flour.

Another important argument: you should simply like the chosen product. If every time you open a jar of scrub, you feel the aroma of your favorite honey, orange oil or the delicate freshness of mint, there will be more benefits from the beauty procedure.

While you are selecting ingredients for the scrub, take care of suitable containers - let everything be aesthetically pleasing and pleasant

Possible harm

Lip scrub made from honey often causes an allergic reaction. Honey is a strong allergen. Therefore, before use, you need to apply a small drop of the product to the area of ​​skin behind the ear.

Before using a honey lip scrub, you need to test it for an allergic reaction.

Then you need to observe the reaction for several hours. If there are no unpleasant sensations (burning, itching), redness, then you can use a lip product.

The scrub may scratch your delicate lips. Therefore, you need to choose components that will gently exfoliate the skin without harming it.

Quitting bad habits to preserve youthful lips

  1. If your lips are dry, get rid of the habit of moisturizing them with your tongue. This will only make the drying worse. Instead, use moisturizer or chapstick.
  2. Do not expose your lips to direct sunlight. Solar radiation dries out the skin of the lips and can even discolor them. Use lip balm with SPF protection.
  3. Alcohol and smoking are bad for skin health, causing dryness and dehydration. The skin of the lips is no exception. Don't forget that to maintain healthy skin you need to drink enough clean water. The norm is at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. But please note: we are talking about clean drinking water, not tea, coffee or juices.
  4. An unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins in the body can cause unpleasant, long-healing cracks in the corners of the lips. Regularly apply pure shea butter, primrose or rosehip oil to the affected area and follow a diet against dry skin for at least some time.


A lip scrub prepared at home is considered absolutely safe, as it does not contain any synthetic components. But, like any cosmetic product, lip scrub has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of honey scrub:

  • Allergy to honey and other components of the product. This point should be taken strictly. Sometimes allergy sufferers often neglect such rules, since the cosmetic product does not need to be used internally. But the danger from using honey externally is no less. An allergic reaction can cause not only discomfort, but also life-threatening conditions. Quincke's edema is a common reaction to honey.
  • Tendency to allergies. It is necessary to use products containing allergens with extreme caution if you have hypersensitivity to other substances. Allergies can also occur to honey. Therefore, you should first conduct a sensitivity test on a small area of ​​skin.
  • Open sores on the lips. Scrubs do a great job with small cracks on the lips. But with open wounds, the product will cause great harm. The scrub irritates a vulnerable spot on the skin and reduces its healing rate. The product can cause inflammation and suppuration of the wound.

  • Herpes, cold sores on the lips. If you use a scrub if you have herpes or a cold on your lips, your skin condition will noticeably worsen. There is a high probability that the scrub will destroy the crust that forms at the site of the rash. This will impair healing. Also, the scrub will spread the virus from one “bubble” of herpes or a cold throughout the skin of the lips. This increases the risk of new rashes and worsening of the condition.

A few lip care tips

Both professional expensive products and some tricks available to every housewife are ready to help the health and beauty of your lips. It is important to remember the basic rule: it is not enough to think about your lips once a year. Taking care of your lips, like your teeth, is important every day, taking just a couple of minutes a day. Regularity is the key to endless youth.

Fortunately, modern medicine, together with cosmetology, can boast a number of professional procedures that will provide emergency assistance to damaged skin and, if necessary, can correct its shape. If you manage to maintain a sense of proportion and not succumb to the temptation to enlarge your lips every time you visit a specialist, you will be able to maintain freshness and youth on your face.

Home Recipes

Here are the best scrub recipes that you can prepare at home.

A simple recipe using honey and sugar

A honey lip scrub according to this recipe is the easiest to prepare. Honey and sugar can most often be found in any kitchen. It requires minimal effort to prepare. Therefore, when peeling appears in the cold season, a scrub made from honey and sugar is a must-have in lip care.

What you will need to prepare the scrub:

  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar – ½ tsp.

Step-by-step preparation and application process:

  1. Honey and sugar should be mixed in a clean prepared container.

  2. Makeup should be removed from the lips if it is applied to the skin. Using a cleanser, gently cleanse your lips.
  3. Then you need to use a cotton pad and makeup remover milk to go over your lips to remove any remaining cleanser and possible impurities.
  4. Apply the scrub to your lips using your fingertips. Here you can use a special brush. If you apply the product with your fingers, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap first so as not to transfer dirt to vulnerable skin.
  5. The lip product should be left on for 5-7 minutes. During this time, honey will soften the skin, making it more susceptible to the effects of sugar particles.

  6. After 5-7 min. You should lightly massage the skin of your lips with your fingers. You need to move in a circular motion, going through all areas of the lips. At this time, sugar will remove all dead skin cells, it will become smooth and soft. The process of cell regeneration will accelerate.
  7. Now you need to remove the product from your lips. To do this, wet a cotton pad or napkin with warm water. Using light, non-rubbing movements, remove any remaining product from your lips.
  8. Now you need to apply a thick layer of nourishing lip balm. If you don’t have it, you can apply a small drop of honey to your lips.
  9. It is better to carry out the procedure at night. You don't need to use this scrub every day. 1-2 applications per week are enough to keep your lip skin healthy.

Coffee lip scrub

Ground coffee has long been used as a cosmetic product. Small coffee particles perfectly remove flaking without scratching the skin. If you use a coffee scrub on your face, it will clog your pores. But this scrub is perfect for lips.

What you will need to prepare the scrub:

  • Aloe juice.
  • Coffee grounds.
  • Honey.

Step-by-step preparation and application process:

  1. After brewing coffee, coffee grounds should be transferred to a separate container.
  2. You need to add aloe juice to the same container. You can buy ready-made juice at a cosmetic store. But you can use the pulp from the plant if you have it at home. It is necessary to remove one leaf and peel it. Then the resulting pulp should be crushed and added to coffee.
  3. Add 1 tsp to all ingredients. liquid honey. Any variety will do.
  4. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly.

  5. Lips must be prepared for the procedure. It is necessary to first remove dirt and remove makeup. To do this, you need to use your usual cleanser and makeup remover.
  6. Then you need to apply the scrub to the skin of your lips in a thick layer, without going beyond the contour of your lips. Now you need to leave the scrub on your lips for 10 minutes.
  7. After 10 minutes. You should do a skin massage. Using the pads of your fingers, scrub your lips in a circular motion, avoiding aggressive pressure.
  8. Now you need to wash the product off your lips. To do this you will need a cotton pad and warm water.

  9. The last stage is hydration. You need to apply a thick layer of nourishing balm or makeup base to your lips if you plan to apply decorative cosmetics.

Sugar and cinnamon scrub

Cinnamon has an antibacterial effect and will reduce the risk of inflammation. The spice also tones the skin. In addition, cinnamon has a pleasant aroma. The oils in this scrub will help saturate the skin with vitamins, heal cracks, and provide lips with reliable protection from external influences.

What you will need to prepare the scrub:

  • Ground cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tsp.
  • Cocoa butter – 1 tsp.
  • Shea butter – 1 tsp.
  • Cocoa butter – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step process for preparing and applying the scrub:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a container for preparing and storing the scrub, since this amount of product will be enough for a course of use. The scrub should be stored in a dark place where direct rays of the sun do not penetrate in an airtight container.

  2. The container for preparing the scrub must be thoroughly rinsed and dried to avoid dirt and bacteria getting into the product.
  3. All components should be mixed. If desired, you can replace some oils with others. Any vegetable oil is suitable for making a scrub. Coconut, flaxseed, and peach seed oil are also suitable for this recipe.
  4. Now you should prepare the skin of your lips for the scrubbing procedure. First, you need to cleanse your lips of daily impurities using makeup remover.
  5. The scrub should be applied to the lips in a thin layer and left for 3-5 minutes. During this time, the skin will soften and the action of the nutritional components will begin.
  6. Lips must be massaged using fingers or a special brush. You can also use a cotton pad.
  7. The remaining scrub should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing mask should be applied to the lips.

Nourishing milk scrub

A scrub made from fine particles of semolina is ideal for exfoliating lips. Cream will help moisturize the skin, make it soft and smooth. Honey will create a protective film on the lips.

What you will need to prepare the scrub:

  • Semolina – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cream – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step scrub preparation process:

  1. First you need to clean your lips from dirt. Lips must be dry before using the product.

  2. The skin of your lips can be slightly steamed. A clean towel should be moistened with warm water and pressed to the lips for 1-2 minutes. There is no need to apply a hot towel; you may get a burn and subsequent injury from peeling the wounded skin. For steaming, you can use chamomile decoction.
  3. In a separate container, which has been previously washed and dried, mix the cereal, cream and add ½ tbsp. l. honey
  4. After steaming, dip your lips with a napkin and apply the scrub to the skin.
  5. Using a special brush, you need to massage the skin of your lips, avoiding strong pressure.
  6. Rinse off the product with warm water and apply a caring hygienic lipstick.

Salt scrub

A honey lip scrub prepared according to this recipe disinfects the skin of the lips, killing bacteria. But salt dries out lips, so coconut oil is added to soften and nourish.

What you will need to prepare the product:

  • Melted coconut oil – 1 tsp.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step process for preparing and using the product:

  1. Coconut oil is hard, so you need to melt it first. This can be done using a water bath. Or using a microwave oven, in small pulses of 1-2 seconds. It is important not to overheat the oil, as it loses most of its beneficial substances when heated.
  2. You need to add honey and salt to the oil.

  3. Now you should prepare the skin of your lips. You need to clean them with makeup remover. You can steam your lips with a warm towel.
  4. Then you need to blot your lips with a dry cloth. Because on wet lips the salt will dissolve and there will be no peeling effect.
  5. Using massage movements, apply the scrub to the lips, starting from the corners, moving in a circular motion to the middle. It is necessary to avoid strong pressure, all movements should be light. The skin of the lips is delicate and easily injured.
  6. Leave your lips like this for 1-2 minutes.
  7. After scrubbing, rinse off the product with warm water and apply nourishing care products. If you don't have balm or lipstick, you can use a drop of coconut oil.

Do not use the scrub from this recipe if you have cracked lips. Salt will cause unpleasant pain and skin irritation.

Mint lip scrub with honey

Essential oils are often used to make lip scrubs. But essential oil in many cases is the cause of an allergic reaction. Therefore, you first need to conduct a test on a small area of ​​skin. Peppermint oil gives a plump effect to the lips after use.

What you will need to prepare the scrub:

  • Peppermint essential oil – 1 drop.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step process for preparing and applying lip scrub:

  1. To prepare the scrub, you just need to mix all the ingredients.
  2. Before using the scrub, lips must be cleansed with a cleanser or makeup remover.
  3. Then you need to dry your lips with a napkin.
  4. Apply the scrub to your lips and leave for literally 1 minute. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to lick your lips. Peppermint essential oil causes serious poisoning when used internally.

  5. Now you need to rinse off the product with warm water and a cotton pad.
  6. The regularity of using this scrub is once a week.

Scrub with baking soda to smooth lips

Baking soda is used as a mild abrasive on the lips. It has an antibacterial effect. Honey will help saturate the skin with beneficial substances, and sea buckthorn oil will make your lips soft.

What you will need to prepare the scrub:

  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step preparation and application process:

  1. All ingredients must be mixed in a separate clean container.
  2. Lip make-up remover is required. Makeup remover and a cotton pad are suitable for this.
  3. You can steam your lips using a warm compress with chamomile infusion. A clean towel should be soaked in a non-hot broth. Then you need to hold the towel on your lips for 5 minutes.
  4. You need to apply the scrub to your lips using massage movements, starting from the corners of your lips, moving towards the middle.
  5. You need to leave the product on the skin of your lips for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Then the scrub should be rinsed off with warm water and a nourishing balm should be applied.

  7. Course of application – 1 month. During the course, the scrub should be used 1-2 times a week.

Nourishing scrub made from rose water and a complex of oils and sugar

Rose water is an excellent antioxidant, it significantly improves the condition of the skin of the lips. A set of oils nourishes the skin and makes it resistant to aggressive external environments.

What you will need for preparation:

Pink water2 drops
Shea Butter1 drop
Peach kernel oil1 drop
Unrefined coconut oil1 drop
Sugar2 tsp.
Petrolatumto create the required consistency

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. First you need to mix all the oils and Vaseline in a separate container. Coconut oil must first be melted, since unrefined oil is in a solid state.
  2. Now you should prepare your lips for the peeling procedure. You need to cleanse your skin of makeup and impurities. To do this, you need to use makeup removers and micellar water.
  3. Before use, add sugar to the mixture. Then you should apply the product to your lips.
  4. Lips should be massaged in a circular motion without applying pressure.
  5. After use, rinse off any remaining product with warm water and apply a caring balm.

The scrub contains a large number of components that cause allergies. Therefore, before using a product made from honey and oils on your lips, you should do an allergy test.

Review of professional scrubs

Many girls find it much easier to buy a scrub for chapped lips than to prepare it at home. Now many cosmetic companies offer their customers a variety of exfoliants: natural, with chemical components, hard or for sensitive skin.

Reviews claim that the inexpensive scrub from Lush BubbleGum is an excellent alternative to premium lip cosmetics. The product contains natural ingredients combined with various chemicals. The main component is sugar, which is colored with food colors and supplemented with safe flavors. The taste is completely identical to the more expensive ART-VISAGE Bubble gum.

Lush Bubble Gum

The Faberlic company offers Eye to eye sugar scrub , the recipe of which is almost the same as a homemade lip product. The composition includes oils and sugar, making the product ideal for delicate and sensitive skin. At the same time, it is hypoallergenic. The main advantages are the budget price, nutritional properties and excellent exfoliating effect.

Eye to eye

Scrub for chapped lips Spivak Bergamot is considered one of the best emergency care products. In just 20 seconds, it will turn flaky sponges into soft and smooth ones. Can be used daily. The composition includes shea butter, crushed strawberry seeds, bergamot and orange extracts.

Spivak Bergamot

ELF studio lip exfoliator gently exfoliates skin that is chapped or chapped. Contains vitamin and plant extracts (particularly avocado and grape). Supplemented with nourishing and moisturizing oils.

ELF studio

Consider a list of scrubs from other brands:

L'ACTION L'Action Soft Lip Scrub by Rive GaucheThis medicinal product can be purchased both at a pharmacy and in a company store. The composition contains polymers and Panthenol, which accelerate skin regeneration processes. The product can be used as a mask.
Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip ScrubKorean new product from a well-known company producing budget cosmetics. It is a complete analogue of Tony Moly Kiss Kiss (Tony Moly), but costs a little less. It is used not only for exfoliation, but also for nutrition and moisturizing of the epidermis.
The Body Shop Lip ScuffContains whole sugar, not grains (unlike many brands), so it is a rather harsh product. Works well on severely chapped or chapped lips. An analogue of the regenerating agent from Collistar Scrub balm.
Baviphat Apple Jelly Lip ScrubA good and almost completely natural scrub. Enriched with apple and nut extract, which deeply nourishes and refreshes the skin.
Givenchy Mister Scrub Lip Smoothing Exfoliator (Givenchy)Very unusual - it looks like lipstick. Apply in several layers and wash off after massage. Very gently removes dead cells, but does not moisturize. The release form is not reminiscent of the mass market cosmetics Essence Like an Unforgettable Kiss.
Candied Almonds from OriflameUnique in that it contains crushed sugar mixed with almonds. Some reviews say that your lips feel dry after using it. Any balm, for example, a nourishing one from Avon or Oriflame, will help solve this problem.
Peeling mask for lips Satin Lips from Mary Kay (Mary Kay)Apply like a regular cream or balm - with your fingertips on the epidermis, after which it is rubbed for several minutes. The active substances included in the composition gently cleanse the skin without injuring it. This is similar to the Yves Rocher product.

Rules for applying the finished composition

It is better to apply the scrub with your fingertips or using a soft-bristled toothbrush. The movements should be light and circular. The duration of the massage is 10-30 seconds, after which the product can be left for the skin to completely absorb the beneficial components. If discomfort occurs, the procedure can be stopped earlier.

The remaining composition should be washed off with water at room temperature. Hot and cold liquids are not suitable as they can cause dryness and spider veins.


Alina: The simplest and healthiest option is simple candied honey without any additives. Take a little, rub it on your lips and see the results!

Lena: I'm just in love with Spivak products! They are very effective and smell incredible, I’ve already tried them all!

Christina: I didn’t even know about the existence of such a procedure. The topic is relevant, since my lips are constantly cracking and peeling, a very unpleasant sight, I will definitely try to prepare some kind of scrub at home.

How to care for delicate skin

The effect obtained from using the scrub will not last long if your lips are not properly cared for afterwards. Proper care involves:

  • using protective cosmetics when going outside, especially if the weather is windy or frosty;
  • regular use of nourishing balms, which can be applied before bed, as well as in the morning under lipstick;
  • using only high-quality decorative cosmetics, without overusing them.

It is also not recommended to moisturize your lips or lick them with your tongue, as this contributes to their chapping. It is even more necessary to get rid of the habit of biting your lips.

What is it and why is it needed?

Sponges are characterized by the absence of sebaceous glands, so they are prone to peeling , drying out, and also suffer greatly from the harmful influences of the environment:

  • heat;
  • wind;
  • frost;
  • dust.

A scrub will be an excellent assistant in your care. This cosmetic product is designed to exfoliate dead skin particles without damaging the skin. It will also come in handy if you need to apply matte lipstick and your lips are chapped.

With the help of a little helper, you can quickly get your lips in proper shape and prepare them for coating.

Since the skin on this part of the body is very delicate, when you use the product, you should pay attention to the size of the scrubbing particles. They should not be large and hard.

Oils should also be present in the peeling. They will moisturize, nourish and restore damaged skin.

Any scrubbing agent consists of two components:

  • moisturizing (nourishing);
  • exfoliating.

Moisturizers include:

  • oils;
  • honey;
  • hard batters.

Exfoliating agents include:

  • sugar;
  • peach, apricot, grape seeds;
  • cereals;
  • semolina;
  • soda;
  • coffee.

Regular use of an exfoliant can:

  1. Remove dead skin particles.
  2. Increase the intensity of blood circulation.
  3. Stimulate capillaries.
  4. Improve appearance - after scrubbing, lips look visually fuller, contours are more clearly defined.
  5. Moisturize and nourish the skin.
  6. Prevent aging.
  7. Even out the relief and color of the lips.
  8. Smooth out fine wrinkles and imperfections.
  9. In hot weather, the scrub can protect the epidermis from ultraviolet rays.
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