Salicylic-zinc paste - an ally in the fight against acne

What does salicylic-zinc ointment help with, what is its effectiveness and what negative effects can it provoke? Read reviews of salicylic-zinc ointment in this article!

Salicylic-zinc ointment is an effective remedy for the treatment of many skin ailments. The main active ingredient of the drug is zinc oxide.

It helps wounds and scratches heal quickly. Prevents inflammation. It is an antiviral agent.

The ointment relieves skin diaper rash and other similar problems.

Reviews of Salicylic-Zinc paste

Reviews about Salicylic-Zinc ointment are mostly positive. As a rule, they are left by girls who have used this remedy for acne and acne . They note the undoubted effectiveness of the ointment. Among the negative aspects, reviews of Salicylic-Zinc paste note that it does not cope with the cause of the disease, but only eliminates the symptoms. In other words, after a while, acne still returns. In addition, it is important to apply the paste in a very thin layer, otherwise it may dry out the skin or cause an allergic reaction .

What is the effectiveness of the ointment?

Ointments based on zinc oxide have a local anti-inflammatory effect. It can be produced in the form of a paste, ointment or cream.

The basis of zinc ointment is only zinc oxide. Salicylic-zinc preparations contain two components:

  • Salicylic acid. It helps the rapid healing of skin lesions. In addition, it fights bacteria.
  • Zinc. It has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. Positively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

These ointments absorb various substances from the surface of the skin. And also dried and tied. Locally relieve inflammation. They need to be applied to the damaged part. They reduce the amount of discharge from the skin. Relieves irritation.

The composition of the ointment is selected in such a way as to eliminate all skin problems. Its action is directed against microbes. The ointment is a good antiseptic.

When using the ointment, be sure to follow the instructions. Incorrect and uncontrolled use can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Treatment that takes place in combination with other medications will be more effective. The dermantologist determines the duration of therapy and the dose used.

When to use?

Salicylic-zinc ointment is prescribed for many skin diseases. The main ones:

  • acute or chronic eczema;
  • inflammatory skin pathologies;
  • increased sweating of the feet or armpits;
  • psoriasis;
  • shallow mechanical damage to the skin: wounds, scratches, burns;
  • diaper rash in children;
  • bedsores.

Salicylic-zinc paste has the same therapeutic effect as ointment. It is used for acne and blackheads. It is applied topically. Often this problem worries teenagers. Because of this, they withdraw into themselves and have complexes.

This ointment is also effective for herpes. And also for other aesthetic problems.

It is prescribed after surgery to prevent tissue necrosis. It is also effective for weeping eczema.

Baby diaper rash

To prevent your baby from getting diaper rash, you need to treat the skin underneath it after every diaper change. This is done using zinc ointment.

To enhance the effect, the skin must first be dried and cleansed.

The causes of diaper rash are:

  • prolonged contact with urine and feces;
  • high humidity;
  • constant friction against the fabric;
  • impaired air circulation.

The ointment will protect the baby's delicate skin from external irritants.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Ointment is prescribed if there are nodules visible to the eye. It dries and relieves inflammation. Reduces irritation. Forms a protective film on the skin.

If there are infections in the body, the drug should not be used. It is also not used in the treatment of internal nodes.

Therapy for herpes

This ointment is not an independent antiviral medicine. It is used only as an additional drug.

It dries out the wounds that are created at the site where the papules burst. Reduces inflammation. Quickly restores the skin.

Fighting psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease. It starts in childhood. Not contagious. However, it spoils life very much and is difficult to treat.

In order to somehow alleviate the patient’s condition, salicylic-zinc ointment is used as an additional remedy. She's safe. Significantly reduces itching. To do this, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas three to four times a day. Can be used for a long time.


To combat worms, ointment is applied to the area near the anus. When the worm comes out, it gets stuck in the cream. The ability to reproduce is lost.

The eggs that will be laid will not end up on things. After some time, the helminths themselves are eliminated.

However, this remedy is not the main medicine. This is just an addition. In addition, you need to use anthelmintic drugs. In combination with salicylic-zinc ointment, the recovery process will go much faster.


Both salicylic-zinc ointment or paste and zinc ointment are used in the treatment of acne and pimples. They do not have significant side effects. In practice they are used very often.

The skin in areas of inflammation will quickly dry out if this ointment is applied to it. The process of microbial reproduction will slow down.

This remedy is also considered effective against ultraviolet radiation.

If you read the instructions, the ointment should be applied pointwise. Preferably in a thick layer. It should cover every bump.

For prevention, the cream can be applied to the entire face. Only its layer should be thin.

A mask will also be effective. In addition to zinc, it should contain aloe.

Elimination of wrinkles

This ointment can be used in the fight against wrinkles instead of expensive creams. The skin is first cleaned and dried. The drug is applied evenly in a thin layer to the face and neck.

It's better to apply it at night. Wash off in the morning. While you sleep, the ointment will be absorbed. According to the instructions, it is recommended to use 3 times every 7 days for three weeks.

Do not lubricate the areas around the eyes and eyelids. If the drug gets into your eyes, serious eye problems may occur. Also here the skin is very sensitive. The product will dry it out. Wrinkles will become much more noticeable.


Salicylic-zinc ointment produces a whitening effect. With its help you can get rid of age spots. It also significantly evens out skin color.

First you need to wash off all the dirt. Then apply the product and leave for an hour.

Such manipulations can be done up to three times a day. The duration of the course is unlimited. The drug is applied until a positive result is achieved.

However, you need to ensure that there are no allergic reactions. If they occur, treatment is stopped.

To avoid tightening or drying out the skin, the ointment should be mixed with butter. It should be melted first.

Treatment of nail fungus

The drug is actively used to get rid of nail fungus. It is applied to the affected nail plate. Leave it for a while. After several procedures, the nail is restored.

To completely eliminate the fungus, you need to be treated for 14 days.

It is better to apply ointment at night. First, wash your feet or hands with antibacterial soap.

In addition, it is effective to use special baths.


Excessive sweating can be treated with zinc oxide-based medications. Salicylic-zinc ointment is very effective in the fight against this disease.

Hyperhidrosis is primary. This is when he appeared in his teens for unknown reasons. This is a human characteristic.

Also, increased sweating may be secondary. It develops against the background of concomitant diseases. Such as diabetes, kidney disease, hormonal disorders.

Different places can sweat. This is the forehead, and the face, and the back, and the armpits, and the legs, and the arms.

Ointment should be applied to problem areas twice a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

The skin will dry out. The number of bacteria will decrease. As a result, sweating will decrease and the unpleasant odor of sweat will decrease.

Application of ointment

According to the instructions, the drug is applied only to clean and dry skin. The product is applied to the affected area up to 6 times a day.

The duration of treatment can be up to 1 month. The amount of product depends on the area of ​​damage.

If wounds and burns are being treated, a bandage should be applied. It is also good to use the ointment as a preventive measure for diaper rash.

Always have instructions at hand.

It is better not to use the product without permission. First you need to go to the doctor. Only after consultation with a specialist can treatment begin.

Negative consequences

Before using the drug, you need to check if you are allergic to it. To do this you need to apply a little product to the skin. Wait 20-25 minutes. If no reaction occurs, then the ointment can be used.

If redness is observed, the drug must be quickly removed from the skin. In this case, it should not be used under any circumstances.

However, you should not abuse the product either. Side effects that may occur include:

  • allergic rash,
  • inflammation;
  • itching

The ointment cannot be used internally. It is used externally only. You should also be careful not to get the product into your eyes.

Methods of application

Salicylic-zinc paste should be used as follows:

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin of dirt and makeup.
  2. Apply the paste with a cotton swab to problem areas.

It is not recommended to apply the product all over the face, as the consistency of the product is quite thick and greasy, which will create discomfort. It is best to use the paste at night for a long time. The course of treatment is at least a month.

If there are a large number of inflammatory elements, it is recommended to apply the composition 3 times a day in a thin layer.

The salicylic-zinc preparation can also be used in combination with other components and applied as a mask for 15–20 minutes. To do this, you can prepare an anti-inflammatory composition, which includes this paste and aspirin. The following sequence of actions must be followed:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablets of regular aspirin in warm boiled water (about half a teaspoon of liquid is needed).
  2. Place 0.5 tsp in a glass bowl. salicylic-zinc composition.
  3. Mix pre-dissolved aspirin into it until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Apply to a previously cleansed area of ​​the face for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

This mask can be done once a week. Thanks to the aspirin included in its composition, the effect of zinc and salicylic acid will be enhanced. You can make similar masks by adding Levomycetin to the paste, which will help increase the antibacterial effect. The preparation algorithm is the same, only Levomycetin tablets will have to be crushed manually, and only then dissolved in water.

A mask based on salicylic-zinc paste has a dense consistency

Contraindications and possible harm

This anti-acne product has virtually no contraindications. However, during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is better to abstain from such a composition. The main caveats are also:

  • dermatitis of unknown origin;
  • presence of burns;
  • open wounds;
  • intolerance to the main components;
  • dry seborrhea of ​​long duration.

In addition, you should not apply the paste to flaky areas, if any.

Side effects when using the drug are rare, but in some cases the following skin reactions may occur:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • hives;
  • redness of the epidermis.

If after using the product any unpleasant sensations or visible changes appear on the skin, then you should stop treatment with this product and find an alternative way to eliminate acne.

The product is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Salicylic-zinc paste

Registration number: R No. LSR-002788/10
Trade name of the drug: Salicylic-zinc paste.

INN or group name: Salicylic acid + zinc oxide.

Dosage form: Paste for external use.

Composition per 100 g of paste: Active substances:

  • Salicylic acid 2.0 g
  • Zinc oxide (zinc oxide) 25.0 g


  • Potato starch 25.0 g
  • Vaseline 48.0 g

Description: Homogeneous paste from white to white with a yellowish or grayish tint.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antiseptic.

ATX code: D08AX

Pharmacological properties: Combined preparation for external use. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and keratolytic effects. Zinc oxide has a drying effect.

Indications for use: Subacute eczema of various origins, hyperhidrosis of the feet.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children (up to 12 years).
  • Use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and dosage: Externally. The paste is applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 - 2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks. If the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, you should consult your doctor.

Side effects: Allergic reactions are possible.

Overdose: To date, no cases of overdose have been observed.

Interaction with other drugs: No interactions with other drugs have been identified.

Special instructions: Avoid contact with eyes.

Release form: Paste for external use. 25 g in orange glass jars, 40 g in aluminum tubes. Each 25 g jar or tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a box made of cardboard. It is allowed to place 25 g jars or tubes without a pack together with an equal number of instructions for use in a group package. Packaging for hospitals: 1.8 kg in jars with polyethylene terephthalate lids or polyethylene terephthalate jars with polyethylene lids; 20 kg in plastic bags, the bags are placed in metal cans.

Shelf life: 4 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions: Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

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