How to make your own cucumber lotion - recipes

In the midst of summer harvesting of vegetables and fruits, it is imperative to think about how to use the gifts of nature to take care of yourself all year round. And take care to preserve them for the winter. For example, make cucumber lotion at home. An excellent helper for acne, a whitening product, and is suitable for both oily and dry skin. For particularly sensitive skin, you can make the product without alcohol; it will provide gentle care, provide youth and a delightful appearance.

Of course, you can reasonably ask me: “Why? Isn’t it easier to buy in a store - it’s inexpensive, and you don’t need to bother.” I answer: it’s worth it, and how! What is being sold is... not a lotion at all, in my opinion, just a hint of cucumber tonic and a beautiful label to boot. Lightly colored water with added alcohol and cucumber flavoring. There is no benefit from such a product, but it can easily cause harm.

Benefits of cucumber lotions and masks

The benefits of cucumber for the skin are due to its complex chemical composition - it contains vitamins B, C, P, iodine, carotene, sugars, proteins, mineral salts, enzymes and other active components. This vegetable has soothing, anti-inflammatory, whitening properties. Cucumber-based masks are used to lighten the skin and get rid of freckles and age spots. Cucumber lotion is an excellent product for gently cleansing and moisturizing the skin. It relieves puffiness and is suitable for any skin type.

Cucumber juice is suitable for any skin type.

The skin is affected by the following vitamins found in cucumber pulp:

  • Vitamin A – prevents the aging process, moisturizes, prevents peeling.
  • Riboflavin – restores proper breathing of the skin.
  • Thiamine – rejuvenates, protects the skin from external influences.
  • Folic acid – eliminates pimples and acne.
  • Pantothenic acid – helps smooth out small wrinkles.
  • Pyridoxine – stimulates cellular metabolism.
  • Tocopherol – promotes cell renewal and skin elasticity.
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid – ensures skin elasticity.
  • Phylloquinone - eliminates swelling of the skin, evens out the shade, gets rid of age spots.
  • Biotin – accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Niacid – gives the skin a fresh look.

Cucumber facial cleansing lotion: beneficial properties

  • refreshes and tones the facial skin;
  • prevents the appearance of acne and blackheads due to the folic acid content;
  • cleanses the facial skin of environmental pollution, makeup residues and cleansers;
  • naturally whitens the skin of the face, helps with freckles, making them less noticeable;
  • cucumbers are able to secrete collagen, which eliminates the first wrinkles;
  • saturates the skin with beneficial vitamins, macro- and microelements contained in cucumbers;
  • gives a healthy and radiant complexion to the skin;
  • relieves fatigue, softening and improving skin structure.
  • rejuvenates facial skin due to the high content of silicon dioxide in cucumbers.

Recipes for oily skin

  1. Finely chop or grate fresh cucumber and fill half a glass. Add half a glass of vodka, close tightly and leave for 15 days. After straining, dilute in equal proportions with boiled water, wipe your face with this lotion daily. If you have dry or combination skin, this recipe can also be used, but then take 2-3 times more water than the infusion.
  2. Mix 4 tablespoons of chopped fresh cucumber with a tablespoon of grated lemon zest. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the mixture and pour a glass of vodka. Cover the container tightly and leave for 15-20 days. After the time has passed, strain, dilute with the same amount of boiled water, add raw egg white and a teaspoon of honey. Stir the mixture until the honey dissolves, then wipe your face with it daily.
  3. This tonic has a whitening effect, so it is good to use if you have freckles and age spots. Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed fresh cucumber seeds into a glass of vodka, cover and leave for 1 week. Strain, dilute with the same amount of clean water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  4. Cut a small cucumber into large slices, pour in half a glass of natural apple cider vinegar, leave for 1 week. Use these slices to wipe your face, and 15-20 minutes after that, wash with cool water.
  5. This tonic cleanses oily skin well and brightens it. Mix cucumber juice with sour milk in equal proportions, then put the mixture in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Wipe your face with cold infusion 2-3 times a day. You can do it a little differently: pour sour milk over cucumber slices, cool in the refrigerator, and then wipe your face with them.
  6. Mix fresh cucumber juice in equal proportions with lemon juice. Use the resulting infusion to wipe your face.

How to apply it correctly?

To ensure that the lotion brings maximum benefits, follow the recipe and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to cleanse your face before applying. Wash your face or use a special foam.
  • Remove the bottle from the refrigerator and shake well. If sediment has fallen to the bottom, ensure that it is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume.
  • Dampen a cotton pad.
  • Apply gently onto your face, following the direction of the massage lines.
  • Distribute over face, neck and décolleté.
  • Wait for it to dry. No need to rinse off.
  • Use 1 or 2 times a day.

Before first use, test the lotion on the inside of your elbow. If you notice an adverse reaction, do not continue. This means that he is not suitable for you.

Natural cosmetics are highly effective. In the midst of summer, don't miss the right moment. Donate a few young cucumbers and prepare extra cucumber lotion for your face. May it bring you youth and beauty!

For dry skin

  1. Mix raw egg yolk with 3 tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice, a tablespoon of cream, and 50 g of dry white wine. Wipe your face well with this mixture, and after 20 minutes, wash with warm water.
  2. Cut the cucumber into large slices and add olive or other vegetable oil. Leave for 1-2 hours to soak the cucumber, then use the slices to wipe your face. It is better to do this at night after cleansing the skin and not wash your face after applying toner.
  3. This recipe is suitable for dry and normal skin. Chop a medium-sized cucumber and pour half a glass of vodka over it. Cover tightly and leave for 2 weeks. Strain and dilute by half with cold water. Add raw egg yolk, a tablespoon of heavy cream to the mixture, stir again.
  4. Cut a medium-sized cucumber into slices along with the peel. Pour 3 tablespoons of cubes with a glass of boiling milk and boil them for another 5-7 minutes. When you remove from heat, cool the mixture, then strain and wipe the skin. This toner improves complexion and cleanses the skin.
  5. Place a small piece of cucumber in a cup and pour warm milk over it. Keep it like this for 30-40 minutes, after which wipe your face with this piece, periodically moistening it in milk.
  6. Mix milk and fresh cucumber juice in equal proportions and wipe your face.


Alina: I use store-bought cucumber lotion, the simplest one. I don’t apply it all over my face, only spot-on when pimples appear. I like the effect.

Elina: I made milky cucumber lotion and was completely satisfied with it. The only bad thing is that it is stored for such a short time.

Anastasia: I really love homemade recipes, and among lotions for skin toning, cucumber is in first place for me! When the alcohol one runs out and the new one is not ready yet, I can simply wipe my face with slices of cucumber - it works very well.

For any skin

  1. Chop the cucumbers very finely or grate them. Pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave until completely cool. When the infusion has cooled, use it to wipe the skin.
  2. Peel the cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them. Freeze it, then rub your skin with ice cubes in the morning. This procedure tones, refreshes the skin, and brightens the complexion.
  3. Pass the peel of a fresh cucumber through a meat grinder. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of the resulting gruel with a tablespoon of finely chopped dill or parsley. Pour everything over with a glass of dry white wine and leave for about 2 weeks. After cleansing with this tonic, the skin will lighten a little. If you have very dry skin, it is better not to use this recipe.

How to make cucumber lotion at home?

To make a cucumber facial toner you will need:

  • Cucumbers (preferably homemade) 2 - 3 pcs. medium size.
  • Vodka (diluted alcohol) – 300 ml.
  • Deep container – volume 500 ml.
  • Grater
  • Nylon lid for container

Other recipes

  1. This toner is suitable for irritated and sensitive skin . Chop the cucumber, add 75 ml of still water and cook the vegetable in it for half an hour over low heat. Strain the infusion, wipe your skin with it morning and evening before applying the cream. Shake the container with tonic before each use and store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
  2. Acne toner .
    Wash and peel the cucumber. Squeeze the juice from half the vegetable, pour into the pan and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the infusion, strain, add witch hazel extract at the rate of: a teaspoon of extract per 2 tablespoons of juice. The extract can be replaced with a few drops of tea tree oil. Store this tonic in the refrigerator. Tonic with cucumber and aloe.
  3. Tonic for skin prone to pigmentation . Mix half a glass of cucumber juice with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, add the juice of half a lemon. Store the tonic in the refrigerator for no more than three days, shake before each use.

Features in cosmetology

It is necessary to solve skin problems at the first symptoms. If you ignore any redness, peeling, or itching, then it will be more difficult to get rid of the problem in the future. It is not necessary to immediately go to a cosmetologist; you can improve your care at home using homemade products.

Homemade cucumber lotion helps solve the following problems:

  • replenish the lack of moisture in the epidermis;
  • removes the feeling of tightness and flaking;
  • makes freckles and age spots invisible, brightening the skin;
  • removes redness;
  • relieves puffiness under the eyes;
  • increases skin oiliness;
  • prevents early aging.

Cucumber lotion can remove small rashes and remove inflammation, but not for long. A cucumber mask at home will help prepare the skin for the application of medications that help remove the cause of acne.


Lotion made from juicy cucumber is an indispensable remedy for acne. This product has virtually no contraindications.

Cucumber tonic:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • It’s easy to make your own homemade tonic;
  • the natural product is approved for use in various diseases;
  • perfectly tones tired, flabby skin;
  • successfully fights acne;
  • does not cause a feeling of tightness, dryness, or flaking;
  • suitable for all types of epidermis;
  • The natural product is inexpensive and prepared from simple, affordable ingredients.

On our website you can find out the best recipes for gelatin masks for blackheads and acne.

What is soft tissue phlegmon and how to treat the disease? Read the answers on this page.

Cosmetical tools

Many cosmetic companies, knowing the benefits of cucumber, produce skin care products based on it. All of them are divided into several types depending on skin type.

Cucumber lotion from Novaya Zarya

This product from a domestic manufacturer has earned a lot of positive reviews due to its low price and excellent cleansing and drying properties. This product contains cucumber extract, citric and boric acid, glycerin.

It is thanks to this combination that the product perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin, removes irritation. The lotion has a pleasant aroma, removes oily shine, prevents acne, and perfectly evens out skin tone.

This lotion should not be used by those with dry or normal skin, because it contains alcohol, which will dry out the skin more. But for combination and oily skin it is perfect, because it is aimed at eliminating the imperfections of these skin types.

In addition to alcohol, salicylic acid is added to the composition, which helps effectively fight rashes.

Apply lotion to a cotton pad and wipe your face. It is necessary to wipe the skin with the product after washing in the morning. You should not use the product often, as it can dry out the skin and cause flaking. The price of lotion in a 100 ml bottle starts from 60 rubles.

Holy Land Cucumber Face Lotion

This professional product is recommended for daily care of oily and combination skin. Regular use of the lotion helps get rid of irritation, relieves inflammation, and gently soothes sensitive skin. The natural composition helps to delicately care for the skin and keep it in perfect condition.

Cucumber essence perfectly tightens pores and fills the epidermis with moisture. Aloe, chamomile and ginseng extracts improve blood circulation, accelerate regeneration, and relieve irritation.

Citrus bioflavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The lotion does not contain alcohol, so it does not dry out the skin.

The lotion can be used morning and evening after washing. Apply to a cotton pad and wipe the skin. Lotion in a 250 ml bottle costs from 1000 rubles.

Lotion Grandmother's Pharmacy

The lotion from a domestic manufacturer is based on cucumber extract, which is enriched with beneficial vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. After use, the product does not create a greasy film, does not dry the skin, does not cause peeling, and does not provoke an allergic reaction.

After 2-3 uses, it is noticeable how the pores narrow, the skin clears of acne, inflammation goes away, and the tone becomes lighter. This lotion is ideal for all skin types and does not contain alcohol or parabens. It should be applied to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. Lotion in a 250 ml bottle costs from 100 rubles.

Cucumber lotion One hundred percent beauty

This product is intended for gentle cleansing of the facial skin around the eyes and lips without any additional friction. The lotion was created using cold preparation technology, thanks to which it is possible to preserve all the beneficial properties of natural ingredients.

The lotion has a calming effect on the skin, completely dissolves and removes makeup, moisturizes and tones, and does not cause any unwanted effects such as burning or rashes.

Aloe juice, included in the composition, perfectly cleanses, preventing clogging of pores, activates tissue regeneration, and accelerates blood circulation. Cucumber juice activates collagen production, smoothes wrinkles, and gets rid of pigmentation.

Ginseng root restores water balance. Vitamins C and E prevent early aging.

The product can be applied to the skin using a cotton pad, wipe the face, removing all makeup, and then do not rinse off. If you feel the presence of an invisible film on the skin, you can wash off the product with water. Lotion price from 100 rub.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use cucumber face lotion in the following cases:

  • increased oily or dry skin;
  • a large number of age spots or freckles;
  • peeling, itching;
  • initial signs of aging and deep wrinkles;
  • dirtiness of the skin - blackheads, acne, acne;
  • excessively enlarged pores;
  • irritation, redness;
  • feeling of tight skin;
  • morning and evening swelling.

What kind of cucumbers do we use?

Under no circumstances should they be store-bought, especially in winter. These fruits can contain a lot of chemicals - nitrates, pesticides - that our skin does not need at all.

Therefore, we will prepare our lotion only in the summer, when you can take cucumbers from your own or your mother’s garden, or, in extreme cases, buy them from a trustworthy grandmother at the market.

It is better to take large, ripe, even yellowish fruits - they have the highest concentration of active substances.

Back to the beginning of the article

How to use overgrown cucumbers

Very often, when there is a good harvest of cucumbers, housewives do not have time to process them. And they outgrow. The Internet is full of advice on how to make salads for the winter from such cucumbers. Perhaps someone will need such recipes. I suggest you think about beauty and yourself. Therefore, my recipes will be about preparing for the winter, but not for food, but for beauty. And you'll learn how to use overgrown cucumbers for skin care all year round.

By the way, not only overgrown cucumbers are suitable for such purposes, but also soft ones that were not used in a timely manner and are awaiting their fate to go to waste. What can be made from overgrown cucumbers?

The simplest thing is cucumber masks. But how many cucumbers can you use for a mask? One two. What if you make something that can be used in winter?

Contraindications for use

Cucumber is one of the few vegetables that does not cause allergies. But if the vegetable was grown using nitrates, then after using the lotion an allergic reaction, peeling, dryness and increased wrinkles may occur. It is better to use homemade cucumbers for the preparation of cosmetics, the cultivation of which did not use chemicals.

There are no contraindications to using homemade lotion; the main thing is to choose the right recipe, because each person has a different skin type.

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