Sulfur ointment for dandruff: application, instructions, effectiveness, reviews

  • August 15, 2018
  • Hair treatment
  • Maria Ivanova

Dandruff is the most common scalp lesion. This condition occurs regardless of age and gender. When such a problem occurs, the main thing is to establish its root cause and begin comprehensive and effective treatment. In addition to its unpleasant appearance, dandruff provokes itching and burning of the scalp, which in most cases leads to severe hair loss. To eliminate such damage, doctors have developed special ointments. You should figure out how to use sulfur ointment for dandruff for children and adults.

Instructions for use

How to apply sulfur ointment for dandruff? What do experts say? Before using any medication, it is recommended to consult a specialist. For dandruff, sulfur ointment is used in combination with other treatment methods. Before using the product, you need to visit a dermatologist, trichologist and neurologist.

The main goal of the consultation is to identify the exact cause of the lesion and formulate the correct treatment. Regardless of the chosen treatment method, a systematic approach helps eliminate the external manifestations of the disease, get rid of the cause of the lesion, and also strengthen the immune system.

For oily dandruff

The instructions for using sulfur ointment indicate that the product should be applied to the head three times a week. Oily dandruff is characterized by its abundance, strong burning sensation, and the release of a large amount of sebaceous secretion. In this case, you should use special anti-dandruff shampoos.

To combat the lesion, the following solutions are used:

  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • salicylic acid;
  • sulsen paste.

Causes of dandruff in humans

A certain amount of fungi and bacteria are regularly found on human skin. In the normal state of the body and immune system, their spread is controlled by a person’s internal defense mechanisms. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms remain invisible to the human body.

But any disturbance in the balance of systems (most often this occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, regular stress, nervous strain, problems in the production of hormones) provokes the emergence of favorable conditions for the development and spread of pathogenic microflora.

When malfunctions occur in the functioning of the protective system, the risk of formations in the form of dandruff increases significantly. In this case, the dermatological disease will provoke unpleasant itching and peeling of the epithelial layer of the skin. Most often, this process indicates problems with the functioning of certain organs or systems in the patient’s body.

Sulfur ointment for lichen

Usually the word lichen refers to fungal infections of the skin. This infectious disease in medical terminology is called microsporia or trichophytosis, and in the generally accepted version - ringworm. To treat it, you can use an inexpensive salicylic-sulfur composition. However, there are other, more effective means .

The sulfur composition has remained popular in the treatment of lichen in animals. Thus, veterinarians recommend using sulfur ointment for cats with large areas affected by lichen, if it is necessary to treat the entire body. It is also recommended to supplement treatment with internal antifungal medication.

Note: for a dog or cat, sulfur ointment will be the best and safest remedy. It will not cause poisoning, as can happen when stronger agents (fungin) are applied to a large part of the body.

Instructions for using sulfur ointment

The ointment as a medicine is applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin. If water remains on the surface, it will prevent the active components of the product from contacting the infected area. Therefore, be sure to dry the surface with a towel or napkin before applying.

The ointment is used only on the skin, excluding mucous membranes. You cannot rub sulfur ointment into the lacrimal sac, apply it under the lower or upper eyelid, lubricate the mucous membranes of the nasal passages with it, or treat stomatitis. In case of accidental contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with a slightly salted solution of clean water. Accidental ingestion may indicate immediate gastric lavage.

Sulfur ointment is often used as the main remedy for lichen. Apply a moderate layer to the affected area, spreading the ointment evenly over the entire area. It is important to carefully, slowly, rub the product into the upper layers of the skin. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The second application should be in the evening, just before bedtime. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

The scabies mite, which causes an itchy sensation on the skin, can be easily treated with sulfur ointment. The difficulty of treatment lies in ensuring that one condition is met: the product must be constantly present on the affected areas. As a result, wearing clothes can be difficult. During treatment, it is better to stay at home, apply a new layer of ointment after each shower, rubbing it into the affected areas. The second mandatory condition is changing bed linen after every night. Sheets and duvet covers must be washed at high temperatures, after which they must be ironed with steam.

For demodicosis, sulfur ointment acts as an auxiliary component of complex therapy. The main therapeutic agent, as a rule, is a drug for systemic use. In this case, sulfur ointment helps to avoid secondary infection and prevents the spread of the affected area throughout the body.

If a pimple on the skin has a purulent body, this indicates that it was caused by a bacterium. Pus is formed as a result of the activity of bacteria. To get rid of acne or pimples with white contents, you can use sulfur ointment. There is no need to open the rash elements first. The product is applied in a thin layer to dry, previously cleansed skin.

Description of the drug

Sulfur ointment is actively used in cosmetology to improve the condition of facial skin. It not only clears acne, but also becomes firmer and more elastic. Sulfur has powerful healing properties. Indications for the use of ointment include the following pathologies:

  • acne on the skin of various etiologies;
  • demodicosis is a disease caused by the parasitism of opportunistic mites (acne worms);
  • psoriasis, characterized by the formation of painful papules and plaques on the skin;
  • seborrheic lesions of the dermis due to malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • mycoses - pathologies of fungal origin;
  • lichens, the appearance of which was provoked by activated pathogenic fungi and viruses.

The use of the drug helps soften and loosen the upper layer of the epidermis. The scales begin to peel off intensively, and young healthy tissues form in their place. It is thanks to this ability that Sulfur Ointment is used to eliminate the effects of acne - scars and scars.

Pharmacological action and group

Sulfur ointment is a representative of the clinical and pharmacological group of antiseptics and disinfectants. It is prescribed regardless of the location of acne - on the chin, cheeks, wings of the nose. Acne can be treated externally for the following reasons:

  • sulfur quickly stops inflammatory processes and prevents the formation of new rashes;
  • under the influence of the ointment, blood circulation and microcirculation improves;
  • the exfoliating effect of the drug helps eliminate red and blue spots;
  • sulfur effectively fights swelling, removes purulent exudate from the pores;
  • The microelement reduces the production of sebaceous secretions by the glands - the main cause of oily skin.

Sulfur ointment is used to treat acne and comedones complicated by bacterial and (or) fungal infection.

The drug has a pronounced antiparasitic, antimycotic and antibacterial effect.

Upon contact with organic compounds of the epidermis, sulfur is converted into sulfides and propionic acids. These substances are capable of inhibiting pathogenic microorganisms and destroying subcutaneous mites.

Composition and release form

Sulfur ointment is a thick, rich yellow, oily consistency with a specific odor. Domestic manufacturers package the drug in 25 and 30 g quantities in aluminum tubes and glass bottles. In pharmacies you can buy 8%, 10% and 33% medicine with sulfur to eliminate acne. The ointment contains the following auxiliary ingredients:

  • purified water;
  • medical Vaseline;
  • emulsifier.

But the drug also comes with a different composition. Instead of Vaseline, manufacturers form an ointment base from mineral oils and paraffin. The addition of an emulsifier ensures better absorption of sulfur into inflammatory tissues. If you simply mix the trace element with Vaseline, most of it will remain on the surface of the skin. The introduction of an emulsifier into the composition promotes optimal contact of sulfur with organic compounds of the epidermis.

Dry dandruff

This lesion is characterized by the formation of dust-like dandruff on the hair, which spreads mainly on the head, neck, and face. In an advanced stage, the disease can provoke partial or complete baldness.

For treatment you should use:

  • sulfur ointment (10 percent);
  • boric acid (as prescribed by a specialist);
  • shampoos with tar, zinc pyrithione and ketoconazole.

Sulfur ointment for dandruff is prescribed on the advice of doctors, after a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient’s condition and identification of the cause of the lesion.


The ointment exerts its antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect upon contact with the skin. It interacts with substances of organic origin, resulting in the formation of sulfides and pentathionic acid. They make sulfur ointment a natural antiseptic.

When in contact with the skin, the components of sulfur ointment are not absorbed into the blood, which means they do not have a systemic effect on the body: they do not put a strain on the liver, do not require filtration by the kidneys, and do not affect the functioning of other internal organs.

Factors leading to dandruff

The following negative factors can lead to dandruff:

  • failure to follow hygiene rules, poor body and hair care;
  • problems with the functioning of certain systems or organs (disturbances in the production of hormones, problems with the functioning of the digestive system);
  • regular nervous tension, emotional outbursts, depression;
  • insufficient daily physical activity, lack of fresh air.

The described factors significantly increase the risk of dermatological lesions. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp can be eliminated using sulfur ointment.

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