Why do balls appear in the groin of women and men?

Testicles are male reproductive glands located in the scrotum (lat. Scrotum). Their task is to produce male sex hormones and male gametes. Inside the scrotum, in addition to the testicles, there are blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves.

The scrotum and testicles are located outside the body to keep them at a lower temperature than inside the body. It is very important for fertility and sperm function. After the 28th week of pregnancy, the testicles of a male fetus begin to descend from the abdominal wall into the scrotum.

Due to external influences and complex anatomy, a man may develop a lump or nodule in a small area of ​​the testicle. The reason for the formation of a lump on the testicle can be different.

Causes of nodules in the testicles

Lumps in the testicles are a very common symptom due to a number of reasons leading to this condition. Most do not require medical intervention and are not serious illnesses. But there are also certain conditions that require urgent treatment.

On the other hand, in the case of testicular cancer, early detection of symptoms leads to a significantly better prognosis.

Regular self-examination is recommended (at least once every three months).

Causes of nodules on the testicles:

  1. Injury – blows to the testicles cause edema (swelling) and may contribute to the formation of lumps. If the injury is too severe, more serious problems may arise, so a visit to the doctor is recommended.
  2. A special type of injury is testicular torsion (testicular rotational injury), which damages the blood and lymph vessels, nerves and vas deferens, leading to the formation of a tumor (requiring medical intervention).
  3. A hydrocele is an accumulation of fluid in the scrotum and enlargement of the testicles (often does not require medical intervention).
  4. Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins that drain blood from the testicles. As a result, superficially visible nodules or edema (swelling) are formed. It is not always visible and can only be felt. It is one of the most common causes of testicular tumors, with an estimated one in six men suffering from varicocele. Medical intervention is required in both symptomatic and acute forms.
  5. Cysts are accumulations of fluid in the testicles that form a growth. Treatment may or may not be required.
  6. Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis. Causes redness, pain, heat, thickening of the epididymis, testicular orchitis - pain and swelling. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed or symptomatic treatment is carried out.
  7. An inguinal hernia is the passage of abdominal structures through the same passage through which the testicles and related structures passed during the prenatal period. An inguinal hernia can descend into the scrotum and lead to their enlargement. The hernia should only be treated surgically.
  8. Testicular tumors are the most severe case. It can cause lumps on the testicles. Early detection can provide a better prognosis. Often the lump is felt when swimming or showering. The tumor grows quickly, causing pain, possible bleeding, erythema (redness of the skin), and fever.

Sebaceous cyst

Atheroma is a benign formation that can form on any hairy part of the body.
It is caused by blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous gland and the accumulation of a large amount of secretion, which has nowhere to go out.

The lump does not cause concern, seems mobile when touched, does not hurt, has an even outline, is located under the skin, and therefore does not change its shade.

Atheroma in the groin area is most often caused by certain factors:

  • Wearing underwear made of synthetic material that is too tight.
  • Injury to the sebaceous gland duct during depilation, ingrown hair.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, infection in the hair follicle.
  • Excess weight and metabolic disorders.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Increased sweating.

Many, after consulting with an oncologist and learning that this lump is not malignant, are afraid to remove the cyst. Therefore, considering that the formation does not bother them, sometimes they wait until the atheroma seriously grows to 5 cm in diameter. An enlarged ball can become inflamed, which will lead to unpleasant symptoms:

  • Swelling, pain, change in skin color in the affected area.
  • A liquid similar to pus with an unpleasant odor begins to be released from the blocked duct.
  • Increase in temperature, loss of strength.
  • Lack of appetite, vomiting.

These signs indicate the development of a serious inflammatory process that requires immediate medical attention. As a rule, atheroma in a calm state is easily removed surgically. To do this, you need to undergo a series of tests and be referred for surgery. Sometimes the patient is discharged home on the same day, in other cases he has to stay in the hospital for less than a week.

After excision, the cyst no longer forms in this area. It is also necessary to seek medical help if an abscess appears or the atheroma bursts under the skin as a result of injury.

Symptoms of a lump on the testicles

In addition to the nodules themselves, it is especially important to note that there are certain accompanying symptoms. They can help in diagnosis:

  • upon palpation, you can feel the consistency of the formation (liquid or hard);
  • possible blood in the urine;
  • erythema (redness of the skin);
  • pain and tingling in the testicles;
  • heat;
  • nausea.

When visiting a doctor, it is important to list all the symptoms you observe. The doctor may not notice on his own.

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland

In women, a ball in the groin may appear due to a problem in the intimate area.
This is the main symptom of the pathological process occurring in the Bartholin gland, which is responsible for producing secretions during sexual arousal.

An increase in size is most often caused by the following factors:

  • Violation of intimate hygiene rules.
  • Sexually transmitted infections, including syphilis, herpes, thrush.
  • Inflammation of the urinary canal.
  • A complication of recovery after an abortion.
  • Wearing underwear that is too tight and rubs delicate skin.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland can occur without visible symptoms, but most often a woman experiences increased secretion production, redness and enlargement of the labia, pain during intercourse, fever, nausea, inflammation of the lymph nodes, the ball in the groin becomes the size of a chicken egg.

You can get rid of the problem after consulting a gynecologist, diagnosing the reasons that caused the enlargement of the gland and taking a course of antibiotics.

Treatment of testicular nodules

Treatment primarily depends on the cause.

Inflammation caused by sexually transmitted diseases is treated with medications (corticosteroids), and an accurate diagnosis is important.

Hydroceles, varicoceles and cysts are treated symptomatically or with antibiotics, and in some cases with surgery.

Hernia can also be treated surgically.

Testicular cancer is the most serious medical problem. Its treatment requires surgery and post-operative treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. If detected early, the prognosis is very good.

Treatment of a lump in the groin of a man

Doctors carry out therapy, the main goal of which is to eliminate the pathogenetic factor. If necessary, the patient is hospitalized, conservative (drug) therapy is used, or surgery is performed (as indicated).

If you find a lump in your groin, you should not delay visiting a doctor. Most problems can be successfully treated. The medical office is attended by qualified, experienced doctors who prescribe only the necessary diagnostic tests and, based on their results, develop an individual effective treatment plan.

Urologist in Lipetsk: +7 (4742) 90-40-50, and you can also make an appointment online

How to examine the testicles?

Examine the testicles while showering because the warm water will soften the scrotum, making it easier to feel the inside of the testicles.

During a self-exam, first look for a tumor on the testicle. Edema or swelling may be an important symptom. It is important to note that one testicle can (and very often) be larger than the other. Look for a hard lump or swelling of the skin.

Examine each testicle separately and then compare them. With both hands, gently grasp the testicles with your thumb and forefinger. Both testicles should be smooth.

The hard lump should not be confused with the epididymis, located on top and behind each testicle. If you notice a hard lump anywhere else on your testicle, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

An additional sign to look out for is severe pain. It may indicate torsion, injury, or infection (inflammation). Also during self-examination, you may notice a varicocele - an enlargement of the veins in the upper part of the testicles. It appears as nodules or growths under the surface of the skin.


This disease most often affects people from the onset of puberty to 55-60 years of age.
It is expressed in purulent inflammation of the sweat glands as a result of staphylococcus bacteria entering them. As a rule, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the ducts located in the groin area as a result of scratching, after shaving, hair removal or through small wounds.

An environment with high humidity on this part of the body is favorable.

Cones filled with pus can pop up on one or both sides. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • A small, dense, itchy nodule appears in the groin.
  • The lump quickly grows, acquiring a pear-shaped shape.
  • The inflamed area begins to hurt and swell.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • The patient complains of weakness and lack of appetite.

After a week, the heavily swollen node opens on its own. Thick pus with ichor flows out of it. An ulcer remains, after healing of which tissue scarring is observed.

At the first signs of inflammation of the sweat gland, you should consult a dermatologist, since several more similar nodules may appear in the groin, the merging of which into one large inflamed boil will bring severe suffering and the possibility of developing sepsis.

We recommend:
A lump with pus on the pubis in women;

Furuncle in the groin in women;

A ball on the neck under the skin.

Treatment is carried out with antibiotics. Also, a patient who suffers from relapses of hidradenitis is recommended to follow a special diet, avoiding sweets, spices and fatty foods. Instead, you should enrich your diet with vitamins. The places most often exposed to the appearance of purulent nodes are wiped 4 times a day with boric alcohol.

The powers of traditional medicine

For such a disease, home methods will have little effect. It is acceptable to treat furunculosis on your own, being sure that it is he. However, if the cause is any other disease, you should not trust herbs and compresses.

If the “fraction” is accompanied by itching or burning, then you can reduce the discomfort with the help of chamomile infusion. To do this, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the plant with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 5 - 6 hours.

Then moisten gauze or cotton wool with the broth and apply to the site of irritation. The lump will not change in size, but the itching will become less, probably absent for 2 - 3 hours. In fact, there will be enough time to get to the doctor.

It is possible to use therapeutic exercises. Effective for inguinal hernia, but does not relieve the problem. The real result is that the “sphere” will not increase, but will not dissolve either.

Symptoms of lipoma in the spermatic cord

Benign and malignant tumors at the first stage reveal themselves by the appearance of a small compaction. Externally, a lipoma looks like a small ball filled with fat. At the initial stages, it is difficult to identify pathology, which is due to the peculiarities of its localization and development.

Features of the development of lipoma and other tumors in this area:

  • Benign tumors grow slowly. Some of them take several years to reach a size of 3 cm in diameter. Others (fibroids and lipomas) can grow to enormous sizes. Due to the expansion of tissues, a man may be bothered by the feeling of the presence of a foreign body.
  • Over time, the wen grows, so the scrotum changes size, increasing on one side. Unpleasant sensations arise when touching underwear.
  • At first, nothing hurts; pain in the inguinal-scrotal area occurs a little later. The resulting pain is not constant, tending to intensify with pressure and movement. The growth of the tumor leads to a constantly pursuing feeling of heaviness and constant pain. It can radiate to the sacrum, lower back and lower abdomen.
  • A large wen compresses the testicle and pinches the veins of the spermatic cord, they expand and become deformed. Due to heat exchange disturbances, spermatogenesis is disrupted, so lipoma is often accompanied by male infertility. Problems with blood flow make themselves felt by a burning sensation in the groin and scrotum.
  • Malignant tumors are very insidious. They prefer to grow in the groin area, gradually infiltrating surrounding tissues and organs and forming metastases in the pelvic lymph node. Sarcoma grows slowly until a certain time, which can mislead a man. A sharp increase in tumor with the formation of multiple metastases begins suddenly.

The appearance of pain in the groin area and increased temperature require immediate contact with a urologist to receive a referral for examination. There is a small chance that the tumor will degenerate into cancer.

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