Psychosomatics of warts on the hands (soles) and papillomas

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The appearance of this problem brings not only unpleasant sensations, but also aesthetic ones. People are often embarrassed to show their hands due to the presence of such formations on them. There are a large number of opinions regarding the psychosomatics of warts on the hands and other places. You must always remember that if you cannot eliminate the problem with simple medications, then you need to turn to a more specialized specialist for help.

Warts and the reasons for their appearance

Warts - this term refers to neoplasms that are observed in 30% of the population. They damage the skin and sometimes penetrate quite deeply, which makes their treatment very difficult. Quite often, the psychosomatics of the human papillomavirus is based on its presence and manifestation when the immune system or defenses are weakened. When the virus enters the skin of the foot, healthy cells are infected and it enters the active stage.

Formations can be either single or multiple. Under the influence of skin friction against shoes, they quickly become roughened.

INTERESTING fact: Propolis for warts and condylomas

Other reasons may include:

  • Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating on the feet. If you do not pay enough attention to personal hygiene, this can provoke the development of the human papillomavirus, the main manifestation of which is the appearance of various warts on the body.
  • Infection through personal hygiene products.
  • Violation of skin integrity.
  • It enters the human body after visiting public places.
  • Transmission from mother to child during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse.


To eliminate warts and prevent their occurrence in the future, it is necessary to combine traditional drug treatment and psychotherapy. It is necessary to analyze the emotional state to identify internal conflicts and causes of self-dissatisfaction. It is important to remember exactly what situations cause anger and irritation, and write them down on paper for ease of analysis. You should ask yourself the question “Why can’t I let this go?”, “How has this situation affected my life?”, “What will happen if I let it go?”

Sometimes a person can experience a conflict within himself for years that happened a long time ago. It will be a parasite located inside the soul and manifest itself through diseases of the body. Affirmations can help get rid of such conflict:

  • “I am confident in myself and look into the future easily. I love and trust life."
  • “I forgive myself and let go of the past. I'm free and happy."
  • “I am beautiful and filled with love. Beauty is present in me and around me, I see and feel it.”

Such positive statements should be repeated as often as possible. They help us deal with stress and conflict with love, not fight. Struggle always leaves wounds, but love has healing properties. Affirmations should be spoken out loud, in a calm environment, and preferably in front of a mirror. At the beginning of such an exercise it may seem inappropriate and uncomfortable, but when talking about your beauty, it must be seen. You should take a good look at yourself in the mirror and focus on exactly the things you like. Even if at first it will only be earrings or a headdress. The more often a person looks in the mirror and looks for what he likes about himself, the more he will fall in love with himself and be filled with gracious love.

Psychosomatics of papillomas

In addition to the above factors, the state of a person’s mental health also has a great influence. Scientists have conducted a large number of studies to confirm or refute this assumption. The results were as follows. For each patient, the period from infection to the appearance of the first signs proceeded differently. There have been cases where a new wart grew in place of a long-removed papilloma.

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Psychotherapists are inclined to believe that it depends on the person’s internal state. It happens that prolonged strong nervous tension, stressful situations or experiences will provoke the patient to break down. This problem cannot be dealt with with simple antiviral drugs. Only harmonization of the inner world and general health will help bring a person’s appearance back to normal.

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Why does psychological infertility occur?

Let's look at the 10 main causes of psychological infertility.

The first reason is a woman’s unpreparedness for motherhood, fear of pregnancy and childbirth.

The first thing a perinatal psychologist does when a woman with infertility comes to him is to find out the degree of her readiness for motherhood. And very often it turns out that a woman is simply not ready to become a mother. She does not know how to communicate with the baby, she is afraid that she will not be able to raise the child and give him the best. Also, a woman may worry about what will happen to her career and material well-being after childbirth. It is a woman’s unpreparedness for motherhood that is the main cause of psychological infertility.

In addition, the causes of psychological infertility can be fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth:

  1. Fear of the period of bearing a child. A woman does not know what awaits her during pregnancy, how she will look and feel.
  2. Fear of pain during childbirth, the consequences of childbirth.

The second reason is excessive anticipation of pregnancy

Psychogenic infertility can occur if you wait too long for pregnancy and constantly think about it. In such a situation, the emotional stress is so great that it is transferred to your body. In fact, you are constantly under stress. And stress is always a combination of psychological and physical reactions of the body.

It often happens that a married couple takes an adopted child into the family, and after some time the woman has a long-awaited pregnancy. This is due to the fact that after the birth of a child in the family, a woman stops constantly waiting for pregnancy and comes out of a state of stress.

The third reason is strained relations between spouses

Psychogenic infertility can cause difficulties in the family and strained relationships between spouses. For example, if a woman does not have the opportunity to express her emotions, talk out loud about her feelings and experiences, then she experiences changes at the somatic level. The female body stops accepting male cells, and pregnancy does not occur.

In such a situation, the couple needs the help of a family psychologist who will explain how they can express their feelings and communicate more openly with each other.

The fourth reason is that the place of the unborn child is taken by other children

Psychological infertility can occur if the place of the unborn child is already taken by someone else. For example, these could be younger sisters, brothers, nephews, children of acquaintances. In such a situation, a woman gives all her love, attention, care to another little person, and she has no psychological need for her own child.

The fifth reason is an unsuccessful previous pregnancy.

The cause of psychological infertility can be an unsuccessful previous pregnancy. For example, if a woman had an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, she may think and be sad about the lost baby for a long time. In such a situation, a potential pregnancy cannot occur, because there is no room in the woman’s body and soul for a new child.

The sixth reason is the desire to get pregnant at any cost.

Sometimes a woman’s desire to get pregnant turns into an obsession, mania, and she begins to control the entire physiological process of conception from beginning to end. As a result, intimate relationships with your spouse begin to resemble a medical procedure.

Constant emotional tension during intimacy works as a stress factor. The female body begins to resist the process of conception, and pregnancy does not occur.

The seventh reason is fear of responsibility for the unborn baby

The fear of responsibility for someone is formed in childhood. Fear of responsibility may arise in a woman who is the eldest child in the family and in childhood too often performed adult responsibilities. For example, she fed and clothed younger brothers/sisters.

If as a child you failed to cope with the responsibilities assigned to you, and your parents criticized you for mistakes, then the fear of responsibility for another person may remain for the rest of your life. Thus, in adult life it can develop into a fear of responsibility for the unborn child.

Louise Hay on the development of warts

There are different opinions about the causes of this problem. Among a large number of psychotherapists, Louise Hay considers the psychosomatics of papilloma to be a person’s dissatisfaction with himself, as well as his relationship with the outside world. She is the author of many self-help methods. Its main idea is based on the fact that the manifestation of such problems is associated with our constant despondency and inability to realize our plans.

It is precisely because of the decrease in the protective functions of the body and dissatisfaction that its activation occurs. Therefore, in order to prevent possible troubles in the form of skin ailments, you need to try your best to remain calm in any situation.

Health to you!

What is psychological infertility?

Psychological infertility is the inability of a woman to become pregnant due to psychological problems. Emotional stress and fears of various etiologies negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system, and can even completely block its functioning.
Of course, in most cases, infertility is caused by physiological factors - hormonal imbalances, inflammatory processes, and malformations of the genital organs. However, in 10-20% of cases, patients are diagnosed with “infertility of unknown origin.” This diagnosis means that no physical abnormalities have been found after a thorough medical examination.

It is the diagnosis “infertility of unknown origin” that is most often psychological infertility. Psychological infertility can be the result of internal conflicts, barriers, unreasonable fears, and a dysfunctional family history. And since it has long been proven that the human psyche and physiology are a single system, it should not be surprising that infertility can be caused by psychological problems.

Such a diagnosis as “psychological infertility” may sound differently in different sources:

  • psychogenic infertility;
  • ideomotor infertility;
  • functional infertility.

However, it is not so important what this diagnosis is called. It is much more important to understand its reasons.


Since it is almost impossible to avoid contact with the papilloma virus throughout your life, to prevent warts you need to follow measures aimed at strengthening the immune system and maintaining clean and healthy skin:

  • washing hands with soap after returning home;
  • Thoroughly wash your feet after visiting the beach, bathhouse, or swimming pool;
  • balanced, nutritious diet, normal sleep;
  • avoiding close contact with people who have warts;
  • the use of orthopedic insoles and shoes made of natural material.

Risk of delayed or irregular menstrual cycles

In women with a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs every 25-28 days. Although the interval between periods is individual for each woman and may differ, especially during puberty and perimenopause, in any case, menstruation occurs once a month if the woman is healthy.

If a woman stops menstruating, which is called “amenorrhea,” then this is a clear sign that you have some kind of health problem. Primary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation in girls when they have never had a period, which will begin when they reach the age of puberty. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman already had a period, but suddenly stopped and has not been present for three months or more.

The presence of regular moderately painful or painless menstruation every month is a sure sign that the hormonal levels are normal and the reproductive system is in order. The opposite picture is observed if irregular menstruation, delayed menstruation, or very painful and intense menstruation are recorded. They indicate that the level of one or more hormones is too high or that one or another hormone is missing altogether. If you have any health problems, chronic stress, poor nutrition, heavy physical activity, frequent delays in menstruation, then such problems should never be left to chance (unless you are absolutely sure that you are not pregnant).

Unfortunately, according to the latest data, many women prefer not to talk to their doctor about frequent delays or irregular periods, which is quite a big risk, since hormonal imbalance and amenorrhea are associated with a number of serious diseases, and also increase the risks of developing osteoporosis, heart disease, and infertility and other hormonal complications.

According to research from the Mayo Clinic's Department of Endocrinology, “amenorrhea may indicate a wide range of anatomical and endocrine disorders. Amenorrhea can lead to decreased fertility. When estrogen levels are low, amenorrhea is often accompanied by an imbalance of minerals, blood glucose and impaired fat metabolism. "Such metabolic changes affect bones and the cardiovascular system, including increasing the risk of osteoporosis and coronary heart disease later in life."

general description

Some had them in childhood, while others appear in old age. But most people are well aware of what a wart is. The psychosomatic nature of this phenomenon is questionable, although the influence of the psychological state on the development of the disease cannot be denied either.

So, we are talking about a skin disease, which is a small formation on its surface. The character is benign and non-inflammatory. Although you can put a question mark here. The fact is that in some cases, a wart can turn into a malignant neoplasm. The size of the growths is usually a few millimeters, but there are also larger ones. The patient’s main problem is their unaesthetic appearance, so people try to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

general information

Such formations can have different shapes and sizes. They often appear on the knees, elbows, fingers; It is not uncommon to see warts on the face and scalp.

These benign neoplasms do not change their appearance for a long time, but can spontaneously disappear without treatment and just as suddenly appear again.

Warts cause aesthetic discomfort. In addition, they can be constantly injured when shaving, clothing, or a comb. This increases the risk of inflammation and bleeding.

To learn how to get rid of warts, you must first determine their type. It is difficult to do this on your own, so you will need the help of a doctor.

A growth on the skin is like something extra in the soul

This is another theory that also has the right to life. The psychosomatics of a wart on the foot can be somewhat more complex than just a reaction to stress. If a person has had some kind of burden on his soul for a long time that prevents him from achieving his goals, this is reflected in such an exaggerated way. That is, this is unnecessary, this cargo appears on the surface of the skin. To get rid of the problem, you need not only to get rid of an unnecessary piece of skin, but also to bring out the very essence of the problem on a psychological level.

Papillomas look ugly and disfigure the appearance. This is a reflection of the inner world, where the problem distorts one’s own harmony and prevents one from finding peace within oneself. You need to pay attention inside yourself and find a solution to the problem. If you were unable to do this on your own, then you need to seek help from a psychologist.


Only at first glance can two different people have the same warts. Psychosomatics in both cases may be different, as well as the nature of education. It depends on the appearance and “behavior”. Let's look at the main types that have been identified today.

  • Common wart. Nothing special, a small and dense nodule. It is completely painless, the surface is slightly rough. Appears on the back, arms, head and face.
  • Rod-shaped, most often appears on the sole. This is a painful formation, which represents growths of filamentous papillae. A cushion forms around it, which looks like a callus. It looks quite strange, but is a typical wart. We will consider psychosomatics below, when we examine this type separately.
  • Flat youthful. This type occurs only in children and young men. They usually appear on the hands. The color is slightly yellowish and can completely blend into the skin. They are round with a smooth surface, almost invisible to the touch. They can go away on their own without treatment.
  • Red wart or thorn. It has a large number of blood vessels and therefore bleeds when damaged.
  • Genital condylomas are located on the genitals. This variety is transmitted sexually.
  • Senile. They appear throughout the body and do not require treatment.

In addition to physiological, there are also psychomatic causes of warts. Today we will try to get a complete picture of what kind of disease this is and how to fight it.

The eighth reason is the negative experience of mother-daughter relationships

A woman’s attitude towards motherhood is also formed in childhood. The mother-daughter relationship that existed in your family is clearly recorded on a subconscious level for life. Therefore, it is very important what example of motherhood your mother showed you in childhood, how her relationship with you and other children developed.

A woman may have a negative attitude towards motherhood if her mother often told her about her difficult pregnancy and childbirth.

The ninth reason is the perception of the future baby as a competitor

The cause of infertility may be the perception by potential parents of the future baby as a competitor. For love, attention, care... In such a situation, your body will resist the process of conception, and pregnancy will not occur.

The tenth reason is emotional and physical exhaustion

Conceiving a child can be difficult if potential parents are emotionally and physically exhausted. With excessive stress on psychophysiology, chronic stress occurs, which leads to hormonal imbalance and infertility.

The causative agent of warts on the foot

HPV provokes the appearance of growths on the body, mucous membranes, and hollow organs. Currently, 170 different types of papillomaviruses have been identified. About 40 infect humans.

The cause of plantar warts, spines, and horny papillomas on the feet and palms is caused by strains No. 1–4. Outwardly, they look like calluses. They are characterized by rapid growth and resistance to treatment.

The classification of HPV strains is based on the principle of oncogenicity, the possibility of a neoplasm degenerating into a malignant tumor.

The type of virus that causes the appearance of the spine belongs to the low-oncogenic group. The likelihood of a horny wart degenerating into carcinoma is low; such growths are benign in nature. The strain does not provoke the appearance of condylomas and papillomas in other parts of the body.

Treatment of such neoplasms on the leg is carried out using complex methods. Drugs that suppress HPV are used: Groprinosine, Isoprinosine. Take according to instructions, as prescribed by a doctor.

The popular Akriderm ointment is not used to treat tumors. The drug is a topical steroid and is used for allergic diseases. Papillomatosis is not mentioned in the indications for use.

What can be confused with

Most often, a person does not see a doctor when he sees a growth on the skin similar to the description. Someone resorts to the “grandmother’s” method. He ties it with a thread, which he then buries in the ground. It is difficult to say what effect this should have on the skin formation. Others just wait for everything to go away on its own. But there are other diseases that can be similar to warts, but the nature of these formations is completely different.

  • A white wart requires specific treatment.
  • Molluscum contagiosum is caused by the smallpox virus. Externally, it appears as semicircular, dense formations on the skin. When pressed, a gray mass emerges from them, which never happens with warts.
  • Verrucous red lichen. These are purple nodules on the skin covered with scales.
  • Moles. They are usually smaller in size and dark in color.

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