Ferulic peeling - what it is, how it is done, acids, Mediderma procedure protocol, reviews, photos and results

With the development of the technological process, medicine and the chemical industry, cosmetology is also developing. Every year, more and more cosmetic procedures appear. Every girl dreams of a beautiful appearance. And facial skin plays a huge role in this. To keep the skin toned, there is a special procedure - peeling. This cosmetic procedure is generally not used in hot weather. Ferulic peeling was created for the summer season. And to find out how effective this procedure is, you need to look at reviews with photos before and after ferul peeling.

Ferulic peeling is a cosmetic procedure related to the surface treatment of the skin. The active ingredient is ferulic acid. It has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the skin. Also, this acid does not cause pigmentation when exposed to sunlight. Thanks to this, it is suitable for holding in hot weather.

What is ferul peeling

Ferulic peeling (a chemical analysis will help you figure out what it is) is one of the ways to cleanse the skin based on alpha-hydroxy acids. These biologically active substances are extracted from the fruits of certain types of plants, trees or berries, which is why they have a second name - fruit acids.

Ferulic peeling is one of the latest developments by scientists in the field of cosmetology, a simple and fast method of delivering beneficial elements to the deep layers of the skin without the use of hardware cosmetology.

The peeling mixture contains ferulic acid and other components, such as salicylic acid and resorcinol (help cleanse the skin), vitamins, minerals and plant extracts (nourish and heal the skin).

Chemical peels

Modern cosmetology offers women many ways to care for their skin.
One of the most effective is chemical peeling. In 2010, the Spanish company Sesderma offered the cosmeceutical market chemical peels based on nanotechnology to solve aesthetic and dermatological skin problems. Currently, there are more than a hundred different chemical peeling products based on glycolic and trichloroacetic acids on the global cosmetology market. The cost of chemical peeling at the Cellulite clinic is quite affordable.

In 2010, the Spanish company Sesderma offered the cosmeceutical market chemical peels based on nanotechnology to solve aesthetic and dermatological skin problems.

Sesderma is the first company to apply nanotechnology in the production of dermatological and cosmetic products. Sesderma has its own research center, which, using advances in the field of nanotechnology, has developed special nano-containers to protect active substances from destruction and target delivery to the deep layers of the skin.

MEDIDERMA peelings from Sesderma are intended for professional use in clinics and beauty salons. They solve the problems of skin aging, age spots, etc., giving the skin a fresh and well-groomed appearance. The main advantage of MEDIDERMA peels is that they are suitable for people with sensitive skin and high phototypes.

Properties of ferulic acid

Ferulic acid has beneficial properties that determine its popularity in the field of cosmetology:

  • smoothes the skin, making it elastic and less prone to the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • whitens skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • is a powerful antioxidant;
  • eliminates acne and age spots;
  • protects against ultraviolet rays;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates blood microcirculation;

  • removes toxins from the skin.

The peculiarity of ferulic acid is that it not only protects against UV rays, but also its properties are significantly enhanced under their influence.

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Reviews from cosmetologists about ferulic facial peeling

To obtain an objective assessment of this procedure, it is necessary to consider reviews of cosmetologists about peeling:

Irina Dorofeeva

If we talk about ferul peeling, it is a very effective procedure. And the most important thing is that the result comes very quickly, compared to other types of skin cleansing. It is very noticeable already on days 4-5. Those clients who completed a full course, without missing a single session, got rid of pigmentation, pimples, blackheads, blackheads and scars. Even after the first session, the visual effect is very noticeable. The skin becomes much lighter. After completing the course, maintain the effect with special creams and masks. And of course, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle.

Michelle Green

A wonderful procedure that I recommend with a clear conscience to all my friends and clients. Ferulic peeling is suitable for both winter and summer. I am of the opinion that it is better to go to a beauty salon to have the procedure performed by experienced specialists. However, home use of peeling mixtures is not prohibited. It’s just that in this case, I advise you to carefully choose the mixture itself and perform all the steps in strict sequence. Remember that if done incorrectly, it can harm your skin.

Michalina Romazanova

I performed this procedure on several patients. Everyone liked the result. The main thing is to use only high-quality products (our salon actively uses Sesderma mixtures) and perform all actions correctly. Of the complications that I was able to observe, I can only highlight slight redness of the facial skin. It passed after two days. I recommend Sesdermo ferul peeling to other specialists.

Composition of ferulic preparation

All components for ferul peeling are placed in so-called nano-sized capsules, which are similar in structure to the cell membrane. This is what allows the product to penetrate the skin and begin to act at the nanolevel inside it.

An example of the composition of a ferul mixture for peeling:

  • ferulic acid;
  • malic acid (exfoliates dead skin particles and rejuvenates the skin);
  • salicylic acid (used to treat defects in cosmetology);
  • L-lactic acid (exfoliates dead skin, removes toxins, normalizes sebum production);
  • ascorbic acid (whitens and rejuvenates);

  • glycolic acid (prevents skin aging, cleanses);
  • spinach powder (contains vitamins D, groups B, P, PP, C);
  • green tea extract (contains vitamins A, B, C);

And one more option:

  • ferulic acid;

  • retinol (a form of vitamin A that helps fight skin aging);
  • phloretin (has antioxidant properties);
  • Apple acid;
  • L-lactic acid;
  • citric acid (cleanses the skin of dead skin and impurities).

Operating principle and effectiveness

To understand the principle of action and features of ferul peeling, it is necessary to understand how the components of the applied substance affect the skin. It contains:

  • Ferulic acid;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • Lactic acid;
  • Carrot, green tea, spinach and grape skin extract;
  • Glycolic acid.

The main task of these components is to cleanse the skin of dead areas. This helps restore the original appearance of the skin, fill it with freshness and give it a natural color. Also, ferul peeling protects the skin from sunburn. A significant advantage of this procedure is its versatility. It can be performed on people of any age and with any skin type.

Effect on skin:

  1. Rejuvenation and exfoliation of dead tissue.
  2. Improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Activation of cell self-regeneration.
  4. Slowing down the skin aging process.
  5. Normalization of blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis.
  6. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Effective removal of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.
  8. Stops inflammatory processes.
  9. Saturates the skin with the necessary amount of moisture.
  10. Brightens the face.
  11. Increases skin elasticity.
  12. Smoothes out wrinkles.
  13. Ferulic peeling does not cause peeling, like other types of skin cleansing. Thanks to this, it can be used without fear by people working “in public”.

Execution and principle of operation

Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist must clean your face and treat it with an antiseptic. After it dries, a peeling mixture is applied to the surface of the skin. The time it should remain on the epidermis is determined universally for each client. The acids included in the composition destroy dead cells and penetrate deep into the skin. Thanks to this, not only superficial but also internal imperfections begin to disappear after the first session. While the peeling mixture is on the face, the cosmetologist examines the client and inquires about the sensations that appear. After the allotted time, the mask is washed off, and a special cream is applied to the cleansed skin, which has a calming effect.

Important! If the weather is hot and clear, you need to use creams to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

The average number of sessions to achieve the desired result is 6-7 procedures. The interval between them should not be less than 6 days.

The best company producing ferul peeling compositions is the Spanish manufacturer sesderma Laboratories. It consists of several divisions: mederma, sesderma and sesvalia. The most popular option at the moment is almond-ferul peeling. It has existed for more than 10 years and is only gaining popularity.


Experts recommend paying attention to ferul peeling if you notice:

  • increased skin oiliness;
  • withering of the epidermis;

  • skin photoaging;
  • unwanted pigmentation of varying degrees;
  • acne;

  • rosacea, acne and consequences after them;
  • excessive skin density caused by the accumulation of unexfoliated dead cells;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;

  • pronounced blue “circles” under the eyes;
  • decreased skin immunity.

Efficiency of the technique

Ferulic peeling (what it is has already been described above) gives the following changes:

  • Collagen production is enhanced. Thanks to this, a lifting effect appears, the skin tightens and looks healthier and younger.
  • Facial skin becomes clean and smooth.

  • The aging process slows down, and this effect lasts for a long period.
  • Blood circulation and metabolism are improved. Outwardly, this is manifested by a healthy, even skin tone.
  • Eliminates oily shine by normalizing sebum production.
  • Dry skin becomes softer and velvety, flaking disappears.
  • The proliferation of bacteria slows down, and this contributes to the disappearance of acne and pimples.
  • Pigment spots are lightened.
  • It feels like the skin becomes more hydrated.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Ferulic peeling (what it is should already be clear, and how to apply it will be discussed below) is called by cosmetologists one of the most effective means for cleansing the skin, which will not cause harm. After all, when using it, no aggressive techniques or any equipment are used.

Ferulic peeling. What is it and how to do it at home, a cosmetologist will tell you

Cleansing occurs through ferulic acid and auxiliary components included in the peeling mixture. During the procedure, needles, syringes, and current are not used. Everything is as simple and painless as possible. And most importantly, it is effective.

Cosmetologists recommend this peeling for all seasons, but more often it is suggested to use it in the summer, as it copes with the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, helps to avoid sunburn and the appearance of age spots.

Moreover, UV rays not only do not destroy ferulic acid, but, on the contrary, contribute to its more efficient operation. Cosmetologists allow the use of ferul peeling even for sensitive skin.

What is the difference from other types of peeling?

There are many types of peeling and other methods of skin cleansing, but ferul peeling is somewhat different from other methods, namely:

  • No special preparation of the skin is required before the procedure.
  • Peeling is carried out at any time of the year.
  • The procedure is possible for all skin types.

  • Minimal possibility of complications and almost complete absence of contraindications.
  • A large number of indications for use.
  • A pronounced effect that is immediately visible.

Photos before and after ferul peeling procedures

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of ferul peeling, you can verify its effect in the pictures before and after the procedure.


Mediderma is a line of professional chemical peels produced by a Spanish company of the same name.

Its founders were dermatologists led by Gabriel Seranno. These peels are considered one of the most effective in cosmetology.

The basis for drugs is not only ferulic acid, but also others:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • salicylic;
  • apple;

  • glycolic;
  • dairy.

Such a wide range makes it possible to have the maximum influence on the processes occurring in the skin. Peeling affects the deep layers of the skin, healing and restoring them, working specifically on areas with problems.

Mediderma is used for any age category, and even with quite severe aging of the skin, the procedure gives good, and most importantly, long-term results. The purpose of the product is to remove keratinized layers from the skin, thereby reducing the signs of age and visible cosmetic blemishes.

Mediderma composition:

  • all of the above acids;
  • green tea extract;
  • grape extract;
  • carrot extract;
  • spinach extract.

Ferul peeling Mediderma, for all skin types – Professional chemical peels

Many skin problems can be solved with one procedure, believe specialists from the Spanish brand MediDerma, led by Dr. G. Serrano. Ailments such as acne, acne, skin aging of various natures, hyperpigmentation, sagging, scars, scars and much more can be overcome by properly selected chemical peeling, dermatologists say. And they have something to back up their statement.

MediDerma is a division of the huge cosmetic concern SisDerma, specializing exclusively in the production of peelings. There are already more than 30 varieties of them: from superficial to the deepest. Part of this range is an absolute innovation and has no analogues. During the work of the laboratory, since 1989, the team of doctors has gained extensive experience in the effects of chemical peels on various skin pathologies.

All MediDerma products belong to the class of cosmeceuticals, an industry formed at the intersection of cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Peels are manufactured according to international standards for the production of pharmaceuticals. MediDerma products are famous for their effectiveness in solving problems, the absence of allergic reactions, optimal concentration of acids and balanced Ph.

MediDerma peelings will help renew and rejuvenate the skin, eliminate visible blemishes and pathologies and give you self-confidence!

Ferulic nanopeeling

If you want to get the maximum result from peeling: beautiful, rejuvenated skin, even color and smooth facial texture, but refuse to hide your face from others during the recovery period, hide from sunlight for a month and see a flaky face in the mirror, ferul nanopeeling LIPOCEUTICAL is what you need , what you need!

The brainchild of progress, nanotechnology, has made it possible to deliver active substances directly into the deep layers of the skin. Due to their microscopic size and composition similar to cell membranes, nanoliposomes penetrate directly into the dermis, stimulating its renewal. Smart nanosomes, creating an impact where it is needed, promote the production of young collagen fibers and have an antiseptic and healing effect. There is no damage to the skin.

Unlike other types of peeling, ferul nanopeeling can be done at any time of the year. After all, there is no unpleasant recovery period. The exfoliation of dead cells occurs completely unnoticeably. Therefore, immediately after the procedure you can go out into the world. And at this time, intensive rejuvenation will take place in the deep layers of the skin.

Ferul nanopeeling is indispensable for all those who want to get rid of:

  • skin aging of various nature;
  • flaccid skin with decreased tone;
  • wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dry skin.

The procedure significantly rejuvenates the tissue, tightens the oval of the face, revitalizes and evens out its color, smoothes the skin texture.


  • pregnancy;
  • open skin lesions;
  • acute stage of herpes;
  • manifested allergic reactions.

To achieve maximum sustainable effect, it is advisable to take a course of several procedures with an interval of 1 week. No side effects of ferul nanopeeling were identified.

Sign up for a free consultation with a dermatologist at the T.A.T.U beauty salon. in Otradnoye. He will select an individual program for caring for your skin and answer all your questions.

Ferul nanopeeling allows you to carry out intensive rejuvenation and healing of your skin, and at the same time lead a normal lifestyle. People around you will never guess that you are undergoing treatment from a cosmetologist, but they will definitely notice the incredible transformation of your face and the healthy glow of your skin!

Salicylic peeling (superficial-medium)

Salicylic peeling allows you to eliminate the signs of aging and many skin imperfections with one procedure. Cope with such ailments as biological and photoaging, many manifestations of oily skin (excessive production of sebaceous glands, acne and post-acne, comedones, acne), increased pigmentation or seborrhea. The procedure is gentle on the skin and does not cause allergic reactions; no side effects have been identified.

The procedure is a chemical peeling of superficial-medium action. Its main active ingredient, salicylic acid, delicately but effectively exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers in young healthy cells, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Salicylic peeling is indicated for people of all ages and all skin types. The procedure normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the skin of impurities, eliminates clogged pores and prevents their re-formation, reduces the appearance of rashes of various nature and allows you to maintain the result, effectively removes freckles. For more mature skin, salicylic peeling will return youth and a healthy complexion, eliminate wrinkles, age spots, tighten facial contours and improve skin tone. The procedure very well evens out the skin texture, effectively eliminating or softening the appearance of various scars and cicatrices.

Chemical salicylic peeling is a procedure that takes place in several stages and requires certain preparation. Therefore, it should be done by an experienced specialist, having undergone a preliminary examination and consultation. After the procedure, the skin begins to peel off. This is absolutely normal and indicates active cell renewal, does not require any intervention and goes away on its own in a short time. To obtain a stable and long-term result, it is advisable to conduct several sessions of salicylic peeling with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

Salicylic peeling has a number of contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • damage and inflammatory skin diseases;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Sign up for a free consultation with a dermatologist at the T.A.T.U beauty salon.
He will help you choose the optimal type of peeling and create a program for individual preparation and implementation of the procedure, as well as competent rehabilitation after it. Salicylic peeling will make your skin young, healthy and full of vitality! You will forget for a long time about rashes and comedones, a greasy face and hated age spots. Salicylic peeling will remove scars and scars, smooth out the skin texture. Taking care of your skin will give you beauty and self-confidence!

Almond-ferul peeling

This type of peeling contains mandelic acid. It is used by professional cosmetologists, as it has a strong cleansing effect, promotes skin regeneration at a deep level, eliminates dryness, sagging and aging of the skin.

After such peeling, the rejuvenation effect is immediately visible. Ferulic acid, in turn, normalizes and enhances the effect of vitamins E and C. It restores and protects the skin from aging.

Almond-ferul peeling is safe and does not cause irritation or burns. Best suited for problematic or oily skin. It should not be used on damaged or irritated skin. Also not used for children.

Types of MEDIDERMA peelings in the Cellulite clinic network

Ferulic peelings Ferulic peelings are superficial medium peelings. Their main purpose is to prevent aging and rejuvenate the skin.

  • corrects and eliminates wrinkles, decreased skin tone
  • accelerates the process of cellular renewal
  • has a pronounced antibacterial, sebum-regulating and wound-healing effect
  • protects skin from UV
  • damage and free radicals
  • has vascular strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects
  • moisturizes, evens out complexion, eliminates pigmentation
  • increases local immunity and enhances the protective properties of the skin.

Ferulic peeling is all-season, suitable for all skin types and phototypes, especially effective for women over 35 years old.

Almond peels Almond peels are superficial peels. They have a soft and gentle effect on the skin.

  • the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of mandelic acid are explained by its structural similarity to macrolide antibiotics
  • used during periods of active sun. The appearance of post-peeling hyperpigmentation is excluded
  • mandelic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. For these reasons, almond peeling is recommended as an alternative to mechanical and manual facial cleansing.
  • stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, elastin and other important substances in the intercellular space.

After peeling, the skin smoothes out, begins to “breathe”, pigment spots disappear, and the level of skin moisture is normalized.

Retinol peelings Retinol peeling RETISES CT is a superficial-medium peeling. The main and most important property of Retinol peeling is the STRONGEST ANTI-AGING EFFECT.

  • retinol reduces the destruction of collagen fibers and stimulates the synthesis of neocollagen.
  • retinol has a direct effect on all living skin cells, improving skin texture and color, stimulating epidermal regeneration.
  • smoothes wrinkles, increasing the thickness of the dermal layer. Stimulates cellular regeneration and cellular renewal, activates dermal blood circulation, stimulates protein synthesis.
  • Provides skin whitening and moisturizing
  • reduces hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands.

Salicylic peels SALIPEEL MEDIDERMA salicylic peels are medium peels. Effective for inflamed and non-inflamed acne, post-acne, comedones, aging skin, fighting wrinkles, neck dyschromia, stretch marks, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, keratosis, rosacea, melasma.

Procedure protocol

  1. Stage 1: Cleanse the skin and remove any remaining makeup.
  2. Stage 2: You should use a degreaser, lotion or special cream.

  3. Stage 3: Having previously put on disposable gloves, take a cotton swab and apply the peeling composition to the skin of the face and neck in 2 or 3 layers. After application, you can use your hands to spread the mixture and leave it for 2-3 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated 2-3 more times at intervals of 3-4 minutes and the skin is left with peeling for 25-30 minutes. A dense nourishing layer is formed on the skin.

  4. Stage 4: Next you need to apply a thick layer of aloe gel to the skin without washing off the peeling mixture.
  5. Stage 5: Remove the applied mixture after 10-12 hours with a cotton pad moistened with water at room temperature. You need to thoroughly wipe your face to remove all traces of peeling. After removing the composition, the skin will become red and slightly tight.
  6. Stage 6: Apply nourishing cream. Bepanten cream or another product with Panthenol is also suitable.
  7. Step 7: Next, apply a protective cream with SPF, this should be done especially if the procedure is performed in the summer.

After applying the mixture to the skin, you should carefully monitor its reaction. Mild redness, slight tingling or burning is allowed. But if there is a strong feeling of itching, pain or thick redness, these are signs of an allergic reaction. You should immediately wash your face with water, apply a special neutralizer, and rinse it off after 5 minutes. Then you need to lubricate your face with aloe gel.

96 hours after the procedure, the skin begins to peel off, as dead cells come off. During this period, it is important to treat the skin with moisturizing and nourishing products. It is impossible to tear off scales from the skin, as this will damage it, and subsequently scars will remain.

The best result is visible after 8-10 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10 days.

Dermatime chemical peels for aesthetic correction of the intimate area in women

The aesthetic appearance of the genitals has worried humanity for centuries. Standards most often arose under the influence of medical or religious ideas. Today, cosmetic procedures in gynecology are aimed at subjectively improving the appearance of the genital organs, which helps normalize functional and psychological comfort and sexual satisfaction. One of these procedures is intimate whitening, which is becoming increasingly popular among modern women.

Throughout a woman's life, numerous changes occur in her overall appearance and in the appearance of her intimate area. These changes are associated with both physiological processes in the body (pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, etc.) and pathological ones (insulin resistance, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitals, excess weight, incorrect hair removal of the bikini area, etc. .) [2–4].

From about 25 years of age, women are already faced with the problem of hyperpigmentation of the anogenital area, and a little later – with a decrease in the tone and turgor of the skin of this delicate area [5, 6]. The process of natural aging is aggravated by childbirth, hormonal disorders, depilation, amenorrhea, and early menopause.

Often, aesthetic defects in the intimate area cause discomfort or psycho-emotional distress. Excessively dark skin color in the perineal area is not only a reason for embarrassment and awkwardness during intimacy [2]. Women are embarrassed about their bodies in the locker room, on the beach, at a doctor’s appointment, and for dancers, gymnasts, and models, “non-ideal” skin pigmentation can lead to the end of their careers.

The demand for lightening and rejuvenating the skin of the intimate area has increased significantly in recent years, and the topic of improving its appearance is no longer taboo and exclusively personal.

Lightening and rejuvenation of the skin of the intimate area

Correction of aesthetic defects in the anogenital zone can be carried out using hardware methods or chemical peeling. And here the absolute trend is, of course, peelings. They are easily tolerated, there is no need for rehabilitation after them, they have practically no contraindications, they have a brightening, strengthening and rejuvenating effect, helping to get rid of complexes, enhance sexuality and improve the quality of intimate life [6, 7].

The intimate peeling procedure is quite simple, however, it can only be performed by a qualified doctor who knows the specifics of working with the intimate area and knows how to correctly use chemical peels. In this case, the course of procedures gives truly impressive results without side effects. The intimate peeling procedure is primarily aimed at solving such aesthetic problems in the anogenital area as hyperpigmentation, decreased tone and turgor of soft tissues.

Contraindications to the use of chemical peeling in the intimate area: – pregnancy and breastfeeding; – age up to 18 years; – herpes during an exacerbation; – tendency to form keloid scars; – acute vulvovaginitis; – damage to the skin in intimate places; – hemorrhoids, anal fissures; – oncology of any location and stage; – allergy to the peeling composition; – skin hypersensitivity; – dermatitis and rosacea; – severe and decompensated somatic diseases.

Lightening the intimate area

Hyperpigmentation in the intimate area appears as dirty brown areas or limited pigment spots (Fig. 1). These darkenings are associated with excessive melanogenesis and the accumulation of melanin due to hormonal changes (pregnancy, taking hormonal medications, endocrine disease), chafing of the skin when wearing tight underwear, frequent depilation, excess weight, and hereditary predisposition.

The problem of imperfect skin color in the intimate area can be solved on an outpatient basis with the help of intimate peeling (Fig. 1), the action of which is aimed at inhibiting melanogenesis, activating the work of endogenous antioxidants and improving the microbiome. This usually involves 3–7 professional procedures and the subsequent use of special long-acting medications during home care.

One of the most popular brands of intimate peelings is Dermatime (Spain) (Fig. 2). The delicate effect of these peels is based on a correctly selected composition, including active ingredients of high pharmaceutical quality, and an adjusted pH of the preparations.

For effective whitening of the perineum, vulva, groin, anus and skin lifting, Dermatime peelings are produced in several versions, different combinations of which allow you to achieve : – lightening and evening out skin tone; – elimination of pigmentation of various origins; – restoration of physiological processes and launch of de novo collagen production; – deeper penetration of active ingredients included in daily home care products.

The headliner of the intimate peeling procedure can be safely called the Vita C Kojic brightening micro-exfoliating gel mask, which is used in the whitening and rejuvenating protocols below and is used as a basis for peeling. It contains highly concentrated vitamin C (50%) and kojic acid from fermented rice grains (3%), which have an intense antioxidant and revitalizing effect. The gel mask allows you to delicately exfoliate the skin and has a pronounced brightening, rejuvenating, strengthening and moisturizing effect on the epithelial tissue of the intimate zone.

Vita C Kojic peeling is supported by a “sealing” peeling cream with 5% retinol Retinol 5n RRT Sealing Set, which not only brightens (suppresses the production of tyrosine hydrolase), renews and deeply moisturizes the skin, but also leads to a filling effect. The technology of encapsulating retinol in nanosomes allows it to be used even on very sensitive skin that is not tolerant to retinol.

Dermatime brightening intimate peeling (procedure protocol)

The procedure does not require preliminary preparation, is absolutely painless, and has no pronounced rehabilitation period or seasonal restrictions.

  1. Cleanse the skin with Eva Care cream-gel.
  2. Degrease the skin with Degreaser Lotion.
  3. Apply Protector moisturizing protective cream to the vulvar mucosa.
  4. Mix 3 g of Vita C Kojic powder with 6 ml of water (1:2). Beat thoroughly with a brush and leave for 5 minutes to thicken. Apply with a brush or gloved hand to the treated area. Exposure time in the intimate area is 15–20 minutes; Every 5 minutes the skin should be moisturized and gently massaged, not allowing the mask to dry out.
  5. Rinse off the peeling with plenty of warm water and dry the skin.
  6. Apply booster serum Neoretin Serum (Cantabria Labs, Spain) to areas with pigmentation.
  7. Apply cream peeling with retinol Retinol 5n RRT Sealing Set.

The complex use of two peels and a whitening booster serum in one protocol allows you to influence several stages of melanogenesis at once, destroying melanin and inhibiting its transport to the upper layers of the epidermis, preventing the formation of new foci of hyperpigmentation. In addition, a course of such procedures has a powerful anti-aging effect, renewing and regenerating the skin.

The procedures are carried out with an interval of 10–20 days in a course of 4 to 8 procedures (depending on the severity and depth of the pigment). Moreover, the results are visible after the first session and increase noticeably with each procedure. To maintain the effect after a course of procedures, it is recommended to carry out one procedure every six months. Brightening intimate peeling does not disturb the established rhythm of life and can be performed at any time of the year.


  1. The intimate peeling procedure can be carried out no earlier than 10 days after tanning on the beach or in a solarium.
  2. Hair must be removed 3-4 days before peeling.
Clinical examples

Patient E., 43 years old. Hyperpigmentation in the intimate area appeared during the second pregnancy and intensified during lactation. The patient underwent a course of peelings consisting of 8 procedures, once every 7–10 days. After the second procedure, the skin began to look 20% lighter, and after the eighth procedure – by 90%. Over the next 2 months, with external use of the whitening serum with retinol Neoretin DC (3 times a week) and the systemic antioxidant dietary supplement Heliocare Pure White, 100% satisfaction with the result was achieved. The results shown in the before and after pictures (Fig. 3) were taken 20 days apart.

Patient L., 40 years old. Hyperpigmentation in the intimate area appeared several years ago and has intensified recently. The patient underwent a course of peelings consisting of 4 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 10 days. The patient noted the result of lightening after the first procedure; the fourth procedure led to the equalization of skin color in the intimate area (Fig. 4). It was decided to carry out maintenance procedures once every 3–5 months. The results presented in Fig. 4, made with an interval of 40 days.

Rejuvenation of the intimate area

Low turgor of the soft tissues of the genital area is the second most common problem with which patients turn to a gynecologist, wanting to achieve aesthetic rejuvenation of the intimate area.

Reasons for decreased elasticity and turgor of soft tissues: – overstretching of tissues during childbirth; – postoperative scars; – radical change (decrease) in body weight; – frequent depilation; – age-related changes.

Rejuvenation of the intimate area includes homogenization of skin color, restoration of pH, lipid barrier, replenishment of hydraulic reserves by activating the production of ceramides and glycosaminoglycans, compaction, increased elasticity and lifting of the skin through increased synthetic activity of fibroblasts producing collagen, elastin, and reticulin.

Rejuvenating peeling Dermatime (protocol of the procedure)

The procedure does not require preliminary preparation, is absolutely painless, and has no pronounced rehabilitation period or seasonal restrictions.

  1. Cleanse the skin with Eva Care cream-gel.
  2. Degrease the skin with Degreaser Lotion.
  3. Apply Protector moisturizing protective cream to the vulvar mucosa.
  4. Mix 3g of Vita C Kojic powder with 6ml of Lactic A80 Gel peeling. Beat thoroughly with a brush and leave for 5 minutes to thicken. Apply with a brush or gloved hand to the treated area. Exposure time for the intimate area is 15–20 minutes; Every 5 minutes it is necessary to moisturize and gently massage the skin, preventing the mask from drying out.
  5. Rinse with plenty of warm water and dry skin.
  6. Apply Global GF concentrate with growth factors (contents of 1 ampoule).
  7. Apply “sealing” peeling cream with retinol Retinol 5n RRT Sealing Set.
  8. Wash off the peeling after 8–12 hours.

The frequency of repetition of procedures is 1 time in 12, 14, 20 days. The recommended number of procedures is 4–8.

The synergistic effect in one protocol of 2 peels with concentrated fruit acids (50% L-ascorbic + 80% lactic acid), a rejuvenating concentrate with growth factors and encapsulated 5% retinol has a powerful anti-aging effect, renewing and regenerating the skin (Fig. . 5).

To achieve a more pronounced rejuvenating effect, peeling can be performed as a single procedure, or in combination with radio frequency (RF) lifting (using DQRF dynamic quadripolar radio frequency technology implemented in the EVA device).

FAQ (frequently asked questions)
  • Is the intimate peeling procedure painful? Dermatime intimate peelings do not cause any discomfort either during the procedure or during the rehabilitation period. There are no prohibitions in the post-procedure period, there is only a recommendation for the use of moisturizing cream with aloe Hidraloe Moisturizing Cream for faster skin restoration.
  • At what age can intimate peeling be done? From the onset of adulthood.
  • When should I expect lightening results after intimate peeling? A full course usually includes 5-7 procedures, but skin lightening by 1-2 tones is noticeable after the first procedure.
  • How long does the result last after completing the course? The duration of the effect depends on compliance with supportive recommendations and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. On average from 6–8 months to 2 years.
  • How often can you peel the bikini area? A course of intimate peelings consists of 5–8 procedures, which are carried out once every 2–3 weeks.
  • Is it possible to combine intimate peeling with other aesthetic procedures (PRP therapy, fillers, RF lifting)? Yes. The combined effect on the tissue will lead to a more pronounced result, especially for the skin lifting effect.

Intimate peeling with Dermatime preparations is a delicate and very effective procedure aimed at reducing the volume of the epithelium, improving the microbiome, strengthening the barrier properties of the skin, moisturizing it and, of course, lifting it. A pleasant bonus is slowing down growth and preventing the appearance of ingrown hairs.

The full version of the article can be read at the link.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure yourself at home?

Professional cosmetologists do not recommend using ferul peeling yourself at home, explaining that such peeling has a complex mixing and application technology. But the developers have come up with options for home use.

One of them is almond-ferul peeling and ferul peeling with retinol. It smooths out wrinkles and restores the skin. For this peeling, no skin preparation is needed, which allows you to do the procedure at home.

Ferulic peeling with vitamin C is also used at home. Before use, cleanse the skin with tonic, alcohol or alcohol-containing tinctures. Then the peeling mixture is applied in several stages and left for 10 hours.

However, more often the skin is still prepared for the upcoming procedure. Begin pre-peeling preparation at least 7-10 days before the procedure. To do this, you can use Skinoren gel.

You need to use it every time you wash your face. But such preparation lasts at least 21 days. Other cosmetics that contain fruit acids are also suitable.
But it’s still better to go to a cosmetologist and carry out 1-2 cleansing procedures with fruit acids. When preparing your skin you should not:

  • sunbathe in the open sun,
  • go to the solarium,
  • apply aggressive cosmetic procedures and use scrubs.

If you do not prepare the skin, then there may not be a positive result, and there is also a high probability of adverse reactions.

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Reviews from women

Ekaterina Ravkova 34 years old

I talked to many cosmetologists before deciding on peeling. As a result, opinions agreed on the use of Mediderm products. The reason for the procedure was uneven skin color and minor defects, which became more and more numerous over time. Classic peeling, which causes the skin to peel for a long time, was not an option for me. Ferulic peeling has become an ideal way to get rid of skin problems. As a result, in three sessions I got exactly the result I expected. Now my skin color is fresh and even.

Diana Kostroma 37 years old

I have long known that peeling is a very popular procedure. And so I decided to try it. My problem was the acne marks that ruined the look. A cosmetologist I know recommended almond-ferul peeling. I heard from reviews that the result is noticeable after the first session. However, in my case it appeared only after 3. And I’m still very happy with this procedure. I plan to take a repeat course in six months.

Evgenia Mukhina 25 years old

I was faced with the problem of a large number of blackheads and pimples. I tried many creams, cleansing scrubs and masks. The result appeared for a very short period of time. On the advice of a friend, I decided to do a peeling. After consulting with a specialist, I decided on the ferulic option. It was perfect for summer weather. The course consisted of 6 sessions, with a week break between each. It's been about 8 months now, and I don't even remember about acne. A very effective way.

Victoria Radkevich 42 years old

I had ferul peeling done at a beauty salon several times. Then I decided to figure out how it can be done at home, so as not to overpay extra money. My master recommended the Sesderma mixture. I found instructions in what order to perform the steps and what else you might need for the home procedure on the Internet. As a result, the home peeling turned out to be a great success. I didn’t notice much difference between carrying out the procedure in the salon or at home.

Anna Stepanenko 45 years old

Friends advised me to smooth out wrinkles and remove acne marks with peeling. Since the weather was warm outside (the month of May), the cosmetologist recommended ferul cleansing. After passing special tests and checks, she prescribed 7 sessions for me. After the first session, the skin on my face turned unnaturally red and this color did not go away for a whole week. As a result, the master changed the procedure and all other sessions were successful. The effect is noticeable, but I expected much more.

Elena Slepakova 39 years old

For my birthday, a friend gave me a bottle of Mediderma mixture. Putting it aside, I forgot about it for a long time. I remembered it when I was looking on the Internet for a way to get rid of dark marks under the eyes. I did all the steps as in the instructions. The first few minutes after applying the mixture to the skin, the feelings were unpleasant. But the discomfort quickly passed. The circles under the eyes disappeared, the skin seemed to have acquired a new life.


This type of peeling has many advantages, but is still a serious cosmetic procedure, since acids are aggressive chemicals. The skin will react to ferul peeling with redness, and in some cases, burning or tingling.

It is better not to plan going out in the coming days after the procedure. The best option is to stay at home. If you need to go outside, lubricate the skin of your face and neck with SPF 50 cream. In the first days, intensively moisturize and nourish the skin with creams, masks, and lotions.

It is not recommended to use foundation, concealer and other decorative cosmetics; they will not apply well due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Their work is activated in the first 2-3 days, then restored.

On day 3-4, the top layer of the epidermis will begin to peel off. This is also the norm. The scales cannot be torn off, but if this causes discomfort, use soft cosmetic peelings while washing. You should choose products for sensitive skin. When using everyday cosmetics, small pimples may appear.

Possible complications and side effects

Ferulic acid, like other chemicals, sometimes causes side effects, although this is less common than with other peels.

After such cleaning happens:

  • allergic reaction and severe swelling of the face (extremely rare);
  • slight swelling and redness (disappears within 1 hour after the end of the procedure);

  • fever, chills (often this reaction goes away on its own);
  • slight peeling of the skin (occurs after each procedure and goes away after 1-2 days if the skin is moisturized).

You should also avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes, such as the eyes. If the mixture gets into such areas, it is recommended to quickly rinse them with plenty of running water.


Ferulic peeling is a modern and safe procedure, which is characterized by minimal trauma to the skin of the face and neck.

But there are also contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation (possibly dangerous effects on the fetus or child);
  • allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the components of the peeling mixture;
  • presence of skin diseases;
  • open wounds and pustules on the treated area of ​​skin (acid getting into the wounds will further damage the skin and slow down the healing process);
  • viral infections;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • presence of a tan;
  • fungal diseases of various origins;
  • herpes in the acute phase (the procedure is possible, but only after recovery, otherwise the infection will spread throughout the skin).

Which peeling to choose - the opinion of a cosmetologist


(from English to peel in translation means - to remove the peel, to clean) - one of the methods of removing the top layer of skin, which helps to renew the underlying layers.

Depending on the depth of impact, peelings are divided into superficial, medium and deep. There are several types of peeling: chemical, laser, mechanical, plasma. The most affordable and effective is chemical peeling. α - hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, tartaric, citric, etc.) and β - hydroxy acids (salicylic, etc.) are most often used as a chemical agent in peelings.

These acids have the following effects: exfoliating effect; influence on the barrier function of the stratum corneum, which manifests itself in strengthening this function by stimulating the synthesis of ceramides; moisturizing effect, which is associated with the removal and renewal of the epidermis, which leads to an increase in natural moisturizing factor (NMF); anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, which is carried out through influencing inflammatory mediators and increasing local immunity; enhancing the synthesis of collagen and glycosaminoglycans by stimulating the function of fibroblasts, which contributes to the thickening and compaction of the dermis.

Common types of peeling

Glycolic peeling.

The main ingredient of a glycolic peel is glycolic acid. Glycolic acid has a small molecule, so it easily penetrates the epidermal barrier and has the most pronounced effect. When choosing this type of peeling, such indicators as the pH concentration of the solution are important. Exfoliating activity, changes in the dermis, stimulation of collagen and glycosaminoglycan synthesis depend on these indicators. Using this type of peeling we get the following effects: exfoliation, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, comedolytic effects, skin texture and color improve, pores narrow and acne scars are smoothed out. However, rapid and uneven penetration may be accompanied by the development of irritation and a burning sensation.

Salicylic peeling.

Salicylic acid is often used as an auxiliary transport system. However, salicylic acid itself can be used as an independent ingredient. It is effective in the fight against acne, prevention of inflammatory elements and has a keratolytic effect in the treatment of dermatoses accompanied by hyperkeratinization (seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis, atopic dermatitis). It has the following effects: evens out the relief; anti-inflammatory effect; comedolytic; antibacterial; exfoliating. In addition, salicylic acid softens dry, rough and flaky skin.

Almond peeling.

Mandelic acid has a larger particle than glycolic acid, therefore it penetrates the skin more slowly and evenly, produces all the effects characteristic of glycolic acid, but does not irritate the skin and is ideal for those with sensitive skin. And its antimicrobial activity allows it to be used for more severe forms of acne and hyperpigmentation. It is characterized by the following effects: anti-inflammatory; antibacterial; improves the relief of the skin; depigmenting; reduction in the thickness of the stratum corneum.

Retinoic peeling or yellow.

The active ingredient is retinol. Stimulates the growth and proliferation of basal kerotinocytes and fibroblasts, accelerates cellular renewal of the epidermis and stimulates collagen formation. Due to the inclusion of whitening components, it has a depigmenting effect. Indications for yellow peeling: epidermal melasma (pigmentation); pigmented superficial moles; superficial wrinkles; seborrhea; consequences of acne. During the post-peeling period, severe peeling is characteristic, and manifestations of aseptic inflammation are possible. Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and liver dysfunction.

TCA peeling.

The active principle is trichloroacetic acid. It is used for superficial and medium peeling, accompanied by a pronounced burning sensation and painful procedure. In the post-peeling period, large-plate peeling and hyperemia are noted. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Effects: stimulating effect on fibroblasts and stimulation of neocollagenogenesis; pronounced leveling effect; comedolytic effect; reducing the depth of wrinkles, the effect of “shrinking” the skin. However, this peeling must be approached very responsibly so that complications do not arise.

Contraindications typical for any peeling

  • Warts in the peeling area.
  • Herpes in the active phase.
  • Photos and solar dermatitis.
  • Radiation therapy in connection with cancer.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Taking Roaccutane.
  • Insolation in less than 2 days.
  • Increased sensitivity to peeling components.
  • Exacerbation of chronic skin diseases or acute dermatological disease.
  • Decompensation of any somatic disease.
  • Acute condition.

Which peeling to choose is best decided after consultation with a cosmetologist, who will also advise the frequency and duration of the course of peelings. The severity of the expected effect and the solution of the assigned tasks will depend on this. Best time for peeling

– this is autumn, winter and early spring.

Main tasks of post-peeling care

  • Ensuring skin protection from UV radiation (cream with adequate SPF factor).
  • Reduction of post-peeling skin reaction.
  • Accelerate healing.
  • Preventing complications.

For home post-peeling care, adequate and necessary cosmetic products should be selected, aimed at providing comfortable subjective sensations, preserving moisture in the skin, preventing complications and creating conditions for restoring the dermal layer.

In conclusion, I would like to note that peelings are extremely effective and safe in the hands of a specialist.

Make an appointment with specialists by calling a single call center:

+7(495)636-29-46 (metro stations “Schukinskaya” and “Street 1905 Goda”). You can also make an appointment with a doctor on our website, we will call you back!


The price for ferul peeling varies from 3 thousand rubles to 6 thousand rubles for 1 procedure. The cost depends on the status of the beauty salon, rating, location, number of scheduled sessions and depth of cleaning. Deeper cleaning costs more.

Ferulic peeling is a new product in the field of cosmetology. It noticeably refreshes the skin, gets rid of dead cells, and cleanses it of impurities. With regular use, it helps maintain youth for as long as possible.

This is primarily a salon procedure, since its implementation requires compliance with clear instructions. If ferul peeling is carried out at home, then they try to follow all the recommendations and do a test for an allergic reaction before the procedure. This is what will eliminate such troubles as swelling and severe redness.

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