When can you wash your face after tattooing: hygiene issues during the recovery period

Tattooing is a lucky ticket for beautiful ladies who need to look perfect at any time of the day. Achieving the ideal permanent option is not so difficult, the main thing is to take into account several factors - the qualifications of the specialist, the quality of materials and properly selected care after the procedure. Of course, the healing of each zone has its own nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

After the procedure, permanent eyebrow makeup, as well as any other areas where dermopigmentation is used (eyelids, lips, scars, scalp, blush, areolas), post-procedure care is recommended. Each zone has its own characteristics. Healing of eyebrow tattoos can occur in different ways. Permanent is a technically complex process, as a result of which pigment, which is essentially a foreign body for the skin, is introduced into the dermal layer and part of it is lost through the formation of crusts, their subsequent exfoliation and removal by the lymphatic system. The remaining paint is fixed in the connective tissue of the skin for a long time.

Stages of tattoo healing

First days.

Immediately after ]permanent eyebrow makeup[/anchor], the result may look excessively bright and rich. There is no need to worry, it will go away in a few days. After complete restoration, the shade of the pigment will become thirty to fifty percent lighter, for this reason the correction is prescribed by the master.

The first couple of days after tattooing, ichor is released from the treated area. This is a natural reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign body. To combat this consequence, it is enough to wipe the area with a cotton pad soaked in a product recommended by the specialist with wetting movements. After a couple of days, a crust will form at the site of the permanent, which will fall off in three to four days.

During the first week.

After four days, crusts appear on the tattooed area, which require special care. It is strictly forbidden to soak, steam or rub the area during this period. You need to wait until they fall off on their own. Visiting solariums, baths, and saunas should be excluded. Remember, temperature changes negatively affect the recovery process. If it is not possible to stay at home, avoid direct sunlight and precipitation on the permanent area.

On the third day, the tattoo begins to peel off, which may make it seem like the pigmented substance is not lying evenly. Most women want to get rid of dead skin. This should not be done so as not to cause an infection and affect the final effect. Peeling is a normal reaction of the body.

If your skin feels very tight, you should moisturize it. The ointment should be applied in one layer to avoid creating a “greenhouse effect”. If you accidentally peel off the crusts, it is important to immediately blot the skin with an antiseptic substance. Permanent eyebrow makeup requires careful handling. During this period, it is worth postponing all cosmetic services for the recovery period. You should not swim in ponds. It is necessary to minimize possible risks of infection on the skin. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the body as a whole; any cold or infection can slow down the recovery process.

Second week.

The good news of this period is the absence of crusts. If you follow all the recommendations of the master, you can observe the desired result. It should be remembered that the color may vary, depending on your skin type and body characteristics. The tint of the tattoo may have blue or lilac tones, this will go away in a couple of days. The final result can be observed only after a month.

You should not scratch the area - you can damage the crust, which affects the healing of the tattoo.

First month.

As the crusts fall off, the color may appear pale. There is no reason to worry; the pigmented product needs time to develop. It is after a month that you can see all the shortcomings that can be easily corrected through correction.

It is necessary to notice all the nuances that you don’t like and explain them to a specialist, who should correct everything during correction.

How to wash your hair safely after tattooing

You should not wet the scabs after the eyebrow permanent procedure for the first few days until they come off. In some cases this happens after a few weeks. It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene during the period of formation and peeling of crusts on the tattoo.

For 3 days after the salon procedure, you should not wash your hair to avoid getting water on your eyebrows. It is better to do this the day before the procedure. It will eliminate the need to wash your hair in the first days of the rehabilitation period and expose damaged skin to contact with water.

After the three-day period, you can wash your hair with shampoo or soap. However, you should wash as carefully as possible, tilting your head back. It is important to avoid splashing your face and eyebrows. Do not wet your forehead or the tattooed area.

You can ask your loved ones to help wash your hair after applying the permanent.

You can resort to dry washing. Special powdered shampoos, starch or talc are applicable.

You can wash your face after eyebrow tattooing, avoiding healing areas. You should use cleansing lotions, tonics, and cosmetic milk. This hygiene procedure is suitable for the part of the face from the eyes to the chin. It is advisable to wipe the area above the eyebrows with a damp cloth.

When taking a shower after the procedure, do not allow the jets to come into contact with your face. They should be directed towards the shoulders. It is not allowed to get your eyebrows wet in the shower.

When drying yourself, you should avoid using terry towels for your face. Do not rub the damaged area. It is advisable to blot your face with a napkin. If necessary, this is done for the tattooed area.

It is not allowed to tape your eyebrows after the procedure.

Fresh tattooing during the rehabilitation period cannot be treated with the following products:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Compositions containing an antibiotic.
  3. Lotions.
  4. It is forbidden to wet the eyebrow area after the procedure with alcohol tinctures.
  5. Ointments containing hormones.
  6. Essential oils.

You should not wet the tattooed area of ​​the eyebrows for several weeks after applying the permanent until the skin is restored.

Recovery period and care rules

Healing has one key factor that influences the final version of the tattoo - properly selected, regular care. At the end of the procedure, the master gives all recommendations that must be followed. Permanent eyebrow makeup has the following care rules:

  1. After introducing the pigment, the specialist applies a layer of Vaseline to create a protective layer. After this, the epidermis needs to rest for a couple of hours. After two hours, the area is washed with antibacterial soap and cold water, then the area is treated.
  2. The remaining ointment is removed with a soft cloth that does not leave lint. Do not rub, do not press.
  3. Rinse with a product recommended by a specialist.
  4. Apply moisturizer according to the feeling of tightness or every two to three hours.
  5. Limit the use of alcohol-containing products and do not use hydrogen peroxide.
  6. You should not pluck excess hairs in the first days of recovery.
  7. For swelling, it is recommended to take an antihistamine.
  8. In rare cases, pain may occur in the first hours after the session; to relieve pain, you need to take a painkiller.

How to carry out hygiene procedures during the healing period

Despite the fact that it is prohibited to wet eyebrow tattoos for 7-10 days, it is not at all necessary to cancel water treatments.


The best method of cleansing your face in such conditions is waterless washing. The method involves applying cleansers and then removing them with cotton pads. To do this, you can use special lotions, gels, cosmetic milk or cream, as well as two-phase products. They are applied to the skin of the face, around the eyebrows, and after 3-5 minutes have passed, they are removed with cotton pads. The procedure can be repeated several times until complete cleansing.

Washing head

There are two ways to tidy up your hair without getting your eyebrows wet.

  1. Outside help.
  2. Dry shampoo.

The first option can be done in a beauty salon, where the master will gently wash your hair, tilting it back over a special sink. As a last resort, the same can be done at home in the bathroom, asking a friend to help.

The second option is special products that can be bought at any cosmetic store. Dry shampoo is sprayed onto the roots and ends of the hair, wait a few minutes, and then comb thoroughly. This procedure cannot fully replace washing your hair, however, it will make it look fresher.


Keeping your eyebrows dry while taking a shower is quite easy. To do this, follow a few rules:

  1. The water should not be hot to reduce the amount of steam.
  2. Shower doors must be left open. Thanks to this, the resulting steam will escape.
  3. Take a shower for no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Do not wet your face and head, directing streams of water only to the neck and below.

But if you take a hot bath after tattooing, the chances of ruining it increase.

Permanent eyebrow makeup and care at different times of the year

In addition to general care recommendations, qualified specialists know that there are several rules for restoring the dermis at different times:

  1. The winter period is characterized by the following features:
  1. Before going outside, you do not need to apply gels or creams to the permanent area. It will not have time to dry, which creates the risk of inflammatory processes.
  2. It is worth protecting yourself from colds. You can take antiviral drugs.
  3. After coming from outside, you do not need to wash your face with hot water or take a bath. Temperature changes can adversely affect the condition of the tattoo.
  1. The summer period requires compliance with the following rules:
  1. Permanent does not like harmful ultraviolet rays. Before going out in the sun, you need to wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least thirty. Don't neglect wearing sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats.
  2. Skin needs nutrition. Using nourishing creams is a great option. They will help restore water balance and nourish it. Permanent eyebrow makeup needs deeper hydration and nutrition; creams should be selected with a complex of vitamins A, which contribute to the rapid restoration of the epidermis.

Getting the desired tattoo result is easy! To do this, you should contact a qualified master who has been able to make a large number of ladies happier and more beautiful. Elena Olshanskaya is an international tattoo specialist who can make a woman happier and freer in just a couple of hours. You can sign up for a consultation at Olshanskaya’s studio on the website ms-makeup.ru.

What is the essence of the eyebrow spraying technique?

The procedure must be carried out in the salon by a certified master, who is obliged to discuss a number of points with the client before starting work:

  • length and width of future eyebrows;
  • shade of the coloring composition and its intensity;
  • degree of pigment stability;
  • client's pain threshold level;
  • presence of contraindications.

To begin with, the master tests the pigment that will be injected on a small area of ​​skin to exclude a possible allergic reaction.

Recommended reading:

  • Correction of eyebrow shape with tweezers, wax and tattooing
  • How microblading differs from eyebrow tattooing: features of procedures and care
  • Eyebrow tattoo: consequences and contraindications

Spraying is carried out using a special electrical device that resembles a felt-tip pen with a sterile needle at the end. Through this disposable needle, the pigment is applied to the skin in the form of tiny splashes. The master applies the paint in several layers.

Powder spraying is considered one of the safest eyebrow tinting procedures. The pigment is injected under the skin to a minimum depth and practically does not injure the tissue; during the procedure there is no release of blood or ichor. The entire process is virtually painless.

What influences the process of epidermal restoration?

Optimal and rapid fixation of the pigment is ensured by the hypoallergenic and sterile properties of the dye, that is, the less allergenic they are, the more favorable the process of pigment fixation (healing). This depends on the pH of the paint, on the purity of the component itself and on the non-use of components that have toxic properties. The quality of the needles used, the alloy of the steel, and the absence, for example, of nickel in the alloy (which causes long-term inflammation and healing of the skin) are important. Manufacturing and sharpening of needles, combination of composite materials in the production of cartridges and their guarantee of sterility.

As a result of all that has been said, we can conclude that permanent eyebrow makeup depends to a large extent not only on care, but also on the professional and competent approach of a specialist.

With this approach, healing proceeds calmly and unnoticed by the person, that is, it does not cause additional difficulties or inconveniences. It is enough to follow the recommendations of your specialist. As a rule, it is enough to moisturize the epidermis of the eyebrows with the product suggested to you and do not exfoliate the crust yourself (do not steam or peel off), but wait for natural exfoliation during the first week. And within a month, wait for the skin to completely recover and achieve the desired result.

Why it is not advisable to get your eyebrow tattoo wet

Tattooing is a salon procedure that involves introducing a dye under the skin, which will give them a beautiful shape and rich color for a long time. It is considered safe because it is performed under sterile conditions. Pigment cannot be injected deeper than 1mm. The integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis is compromised, which leads to swelling, irritation, and redness. This is a normal reaction of the skin to damage, but it is forbidden to wet the eyebrows.

Upon completion of the tattoo, the release of ichor from numerous microscopic wounds is observed. Over time, a crust forms.

Do not tear off or wet the crust that protects the damaged skin of the eyebrows from infection. When water gets on the makeup site, it soaks it, causing the wound to open. This is associated with the risk of consequences after the tattoo procedure:

  • introduction of infection;
  • worsening inflammation;
  • delaying the skin healing process;
  • distortion of the result.

You cannot wet an unhealed tattoo, soak it, or tear off the crust from it. It should fall off on its own a week after the eyebrow beauty procedure.

Main contraindications to surgery

A patient suffering from an acute infectious disease (pneumonia, pyelonephritis, influenza, etc.) will not be allowed to undergo the procedure. Hysteroscopy will not be prescribed for a woman diagnosed with acute inflammation of the genital organs. If the test results reveal a grade III or IV purity of the gynecological smear, the patient will also be denied minimally invasive surgery, since there is a high risk of infection in the uterus.

In case of renal or liver failure (both acute and chronic), hysteroscopy is not performed. Disruption of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is also considered a contraindication. General exhaustion of the body, shock or coma is a good reason for postponing the operation (it is performed under anesthesia, which can aggravate the patient’s condition).

Another contraindication is a blood clotting disorder. During surgery, bleeding may occur, which can be fatal.

Stages of the eyebrow spraying procedure

The procedure for powder spraying eyebrows takes place in several stages:

  1. To begin with, makeup is completely removed from the eyebrow area.
  2. If necessary, anesthesia is administered (it can be added during the procedure if pain occurs).
  3. Then the master draws the shape of the future eyebrow with a pencil and coordinates the sketch with the client.
  4. The next stage is the selection of pigment.
  5. Next, the master applies the dye; the number of layers of pigment depends on its durability and the planned intensity of the final color.
  6. Treating the skin with a special fixing solution.
  7. The master tells the client how to care for eyebrows after powder spraying.

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As a rule, the procedure does not cause any noticeable pain. The client may feel a burning or tingling sensation in the area being treated by the therapist. But in most cases, this is not a reason to use anesthesia, which still has a negative effect on the body. With a normal pain threshold, it is better to be patient.

Who is recommended for eyebrow spraying?

The powder spraying procedure is suitable for those who:

  • eyebrow hairs naturally faded in the sun;
  • eyebrows are not thick;
  • there are bald spots;
  • there is no clear outline;
  • eyebrow and hair color is different.

On average, the pigment on the skin after the procedure lasts 1–2 years. In addition to the long-lasting effect, powder spraying of eyebrows has a number of advantages compared to other methods of tattooing:

  • minimal maintenance after spraying;
  • the procedure lasts a maximum of an hour;
  • eyebrows look natural;
  • minimal body reactions after the procedure (redness of the skin and swelling);
  • painlessness (with local anesthesia);
  • rapid healing (on average no more than 2 weeks).

However, to get an ideal result, it is advisable to come to your specialist for correction in 1.5–2 months.

Relative contraindications

Relative contraindications include the following manifestations:

  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this case, it is better to postpone permanent makeup until your health condition has stabilized, so that the body does not react negatively to outside interference, and the immune system does not weaken under the influence of external factors.
  • The period of exacerbation of skin diseases. In this case, the pigment may not be absorbed, and inflammatory processes may form on the skin. To apply permanent makeup, you need to wait for remission.
  • Feeling unwell (runny nose, fever, cold). It is better to postpone the permanent makeup procedure until complete recovery, because... During the period of illness, the immune system actively works to resist infection. There is a possibility that with a strong immune reaction, the pigment will not lie evenly.
  • Taking blood-thinning medications, antibiotics, hormonal drugs, undergoing a course of chemotherapy. First of all, all of these drugs are associated with serious diseases. And the main contraindication is not the use of drugs, but the presence of diseases for which these drugs are prescribed. The main evaluation criterion is the ability to spend time on the client. For example, hormonal drugs are different. Hormonal contraceptives are not a contraindication to tattooing. But if you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy, you need to consult a specialist.
  • Intolerance to anesthetic drugs. In this case, the master must select anesthesia to which the client will not be allergic, or perform

    procedure without it – if the client has a high pain threshold. In this case, the specialist assesses how much pain you feel and whether he can carry out the procedure without pain relief.

Also relative contraindications are pregnancy and lactation. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Preparatory process

It is not recommended to drink alcohol 24 hours before the start of this procedure.

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo

Particular attention should be paid to preparing for eyebrow tattooing. 24 hours before the start of this procedure, it is not recommended to drink an alcoholic drink, even beer. Alcohol generally increases blood pressure. It is advisable to avoid drinking coffee, Red Bull, Coca Cola, black tea, paracetamol, aspirin and other drugs. A few weeks before visiting a cosmetologist, it is not recommended to pluck your eyebrows. You need to grow all the hairs for the effect to be expressive.

The exception is chronically low blood pressure. In this case, you can drink a cup of weak coffee. After completing the procedure, drinking alcohol is also prohibited for 10 days. The recovery period depends on the body. In general, wounds heal within 3-10 days.

Note. Permanent eyebrow makeup should not be performed during periods of exacerbation of any disease, as well as during pregnancy and menstruation. The latter increase bleeding during the procedure, preventing the high-quality absorption of pigment by the skin, and affect the general condition of the body, including the condition of the skin, making it less elastic, which means the result will be of less quality.

Sometimes eyebrow tattooing can have some irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, which can cause spontaneous lacrimation. Therefore, during this procedure, it is advisable to come to the cosmetologist’s office without makeup on your eyes.

The color is usually selected according to the color of the hair, a tone darker or a tone lighter. The choice of pigment color for permanent makeup is unlimited - from dark brown (any shade) for brunettes to light brown for blondes.

Eyebrow tattooing before and after, in practice there are three main methods:

  • hair method. This procedure is carried out using a special machine that draws each hair. Tattooing is carried out in two techniques: European and Eastern. The European technique consists of two strokes of equal length with a slant towards the temple. The distance between the “hairs” is the same. Eastern technique - drawing hairs of different lengths, sloping in different directions. Sometimes a specialist makes several shades. This way you can give your eyebrows maximum naturalness;
  • shading (shadow tattooing) is the most common method. Eyebrows look as if they were tinted with pencil or eye shadow. The essence of the method is to draw the contour of the eyebrow with further shading. It is suitable for those who naturally have good-looking eyebrows or only need minor corrections to lengthen the ponytail or hide gaps;
  • 3D tattoo. This option is a combination of the shading technique and the hair method. Ideal for women with light and thin, expressionless eyebrows. Powder tattoo looks as natural as possible on eyebrows.

Note. Biotattooing is especially popular - the least painful procedure, which lasts for a month.

Henna is used to color eyebrows using this method. The dyeing technique is distinguished by its gentle effect on the skin. When tinting eyebrows using the powder technique, only surface pigment is introduced under the skin to a depth of no more than 0.9 mm. Spraying with this method only lasts for a month.

The advantages of professional implementation of the technique are:

  • 100% safety;
  • economy, going to a professional specialist will reduce the cost of treatment and correction of poor-quality “jewelry” work;
  • aesthetics - a specialist will help you choose the color and shape of the eyebrows that will ideally suit the client and look natural;
  • durability.
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