Facial massage after 40 years - how to avoid mistakes and achieve the best result

After 40–45 years, women try to look in the mirror less often, fearing to see new wrinkles, furrows and folds in the reflection. Of course, it is impossible to stop age-related changes in the body, but reducing their expression on the face is a feasible task. You won't be able to achieve the desired success with cosmetic products alone. Massage treatments will help preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. Cosmetologists especially recommend Japanese facial massage after 45 years. What kind of technique is this, how effective is it in eliminating deep wrinkles, jowls and other age-related imperfections on the face.

Features of mature skin

Skin is an external expression of internal changes in the body, the functioning of organs and systems. Medicine claims that after 40, the process of involution, the reverse development of organs, occurs. Maintaining the same skin condition requires more effort and natural resources than in youth.

Over time, the skin becomes thinner, and the thickness of the muscle fibers decreases. Epidermal cells produce fewer proteins that build the muscular framework of the face, so it is not possible to maintain the integument in tone; they seem to “float” down, forming jowls and a double chin. The first signs of tissue sagging are drooping corners of the mouth and eyes.

Dryness and flaking are another characteristic feature of mature skin, caused by a decrease in mucopolysaccharides (component of the intercellular substance, connective tissue of the integument). Thin, moisture-deprived skin reacts sensitively to solar ultraviolet radiation, chemical components of cosmetics, and a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

What problems does a woman face after 40:

  • skin hyperpigmentation, appearance of brown spots;
  • manifestation of rosacea in the form of spider veins;
  • bags, swelling under the eyes, swelling of the upper eyelid in 35%;
  • feeling of tightness, unusual dryness of the skin;
  • furrows, deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  • a cobweb of wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • porosity, looseness of the skin;
  • a “floating” oval, drooping corners of the eyes and mouth - after 40, according to experts, a little more than half of the facial tissues are covered by ptosis.

After 45, the situation with the skin becomes more complicated: itching and discomfort appear, acne becomes a frequent guest, and hopes for a clear contour melt away before our eyes. This is facilitated by changes in a woman’s hormonal background (menopause). Special medications will help smooth out the hormonal surge, and massage and high-quality cosmetics will help reduce the risk of sudden skin aging.

“Average” methods of medical rejuvenation

Altera - non-surgical ultrasonic facelift using the American Altera device (one procedure is enough). Indications: uneven facial contour, drooping upper eyelids, wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, double chin, sagging skin. According to the heads. Olga Khusid, a doctor and anti-age therapist at the ANACOSMA clinic, the procedure is suitable for patients with pronounced age-related changes who are not ready for surgical interventions. Using ultrasonic waves, the Altera device tightens the skin to a depth of up to 5 mm. Thus, the skin of the eyelids, neck, and décolleté becomes more elastic, wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out, and the eyebrows, middle third of the face, and double chin are lifted. After the procedure, a clear oval of the face is formed. Only one session is needed, the result lasts from 2 to 5 years.


Facial correction with Radiesse - non-surgical facial rejuvenation. The procedure is carried out through the injection of the modern German drug Radiesse from the company Merz. Indications: nasolabial wrinkles, uneven facial contours, sagging skin. The effect lasts for about two years.


Blanching with Belotero is a universal injection method of rejuvenation. The filler is introduced by microinjections, uniformly filling wrinkles in all areas, including complex ones (cheeks, forehead, nose). The German drug Belotero based on hyaluronic acid is awarded an FDA quality certificate. It effectively rejuvenates the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. Indications: wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the cheeks, around the mouth, on the earlobes, nasal tears. Blanching is safe and is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure lasts for 6-10 months.

Rejuvenation with fibroblasts (neofibrolifting) is a procedure for natural elimination of wrinkles. It is carried out through several injections of fibrolasts – the patient’s own skin cells. The doctor takes a sample of the patient's skin. Fibroblasts are then isolated from the sample in a culture laboratory and multiplied. Next, the youngest cells are selected from the total quantity, which are then injected into the patient. Indications: age from 40, wrinkles, sagging and skin defects. After neofibrolifting, the skin becomes elastic and youthful. The procedure is safe and painless, and the results last up to 5 years.

Xeomin injections are facial contouring performed by injecting botulinum toxin (type A) under the skin. Indications: wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, on the chin, around the lips, crow’s feet, drooping ends of the eyebrows, uneven facial contours. The procedure allows you to eliminate wrinkles after 40, while maintaining natural facial expressions. Substances are injected clearly into the designated correction areas. If necessary, local anesthesia is given before injections, but usually clients tolerate the procedure comfortably without pain relief. The result lasts up to 6 months.

Ligature lifting is a face lift with threads, without surgical intervention. The doctor inserts cosmetic threads into the deep layers of the skin and tightens sagging areas using special cannulas. Four types of threads are used: the thinnest 3D mesothreads, which dissolve after six months; threads with rigid fixation silhouette lift; fixing threads with directional notches, happy lift and aptos. Indications: sagging skin in the chin and neck area, drooping eyebrows, lower eyelids and cheeks, uneven facial contour. The result can last for decades, depending on the type of threads, compliance with recommendations after lifting and the skill of the doctor.


Facial lipofilling is adipose tissue rejuvenation, when fat cells from an area of ​​the body are transplanted into the correction zone. Indications: sagging chin, wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, uneven facial contours, sagging skin, bags under the eyes, scars. With the help of lipofilling, you can change the shape of your nose, enlarge your lips and chin, and make your cheekbones more expressive. The effect lasts for about two years.

Comparison table of methods

NameMain advantagesRehabilitation
AlteraFacial skin lifting (eyelid lift, eyebrow lifting, removal of wrinkles around the eyes) Middle third lifting. Formation of a clear oval Skin tightening of the neck and décolleté The final result is visible after 3 months. There may be soreness and swelling for a few days after the procedure.
Laser rejuvenationTreatment of rosacea and rashes Improvement of skin textureNo
Facial correction with RadiesseGetting rid of nasolabial wrinkles Skin tightening Restores a clear facial contour Rejuvenates the skinThere may be swelling for a few days
Blanching with BeloteroFilling wrinkles in the most “resistant” areas: cheeks, forehead, around the mouth, neckThere may be swelling for up to 6 days
Xeomin injectionsCorrection of wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows Non-addictive (unlike Botox and Dysport)Swelling may persist for some time
Fibroblast rejuvenationWrinkles, sagging, loss of tone, etc. Duration up to 5 yearsThe effect increases within a year after the procedure
Facial lipofillingRejuvenation of the skin around the eyes Getting rid of nasolabial wrinkles Rejuvenating the skin structure Creating more expressive cheekbonesThere may be slight swelling that goes away within a week.
Ligature liftingSkin tightening in the neck and chin area; drooping of the cheeks, eyebrows, lower eyelids1-2 days in hospital Swelling up to 10 days

Medical rejuvenation includes various procedures for the face after 40-45. They go well together and can complement each other. The selection of methods is carried out by a doctor.

Indications for testing

Active facial massage will correct many skin problems, especially the following defects:

  • decreased tone and elasticity of tissues;
  • wrinkles, creases, furrows;
  • deepening of nasolabial folds, longitudinal and transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • double chin;
  • weakening of the muscle frame, tissue ptosis;
  • itching and discomfort caused by increased dryness of the skin;
  • vagueness of the oval.

Visiting a massage therapist or performing a massage procedure at home will help correct visible defects and prevent them from deepening. The expressed problems are worked out in more detail.

Note! Cosmetologists strongly recommend that facial massage be included in the list of regular cosmetic procedures after 40 years. Such a solution will prevent the rapid aging of the skin and correct existing age-related deficiencies.

How to properly massage your face against wrinkles yourself: 9 techniques

Classic facial skin massage for wrinkles

Let's start with the simplest classic facial massage in five minutes.

Classic massage for sagging skin

Suitable for both adult women and very young girls. If you start massaging your face and eyes against wrinkles as early as possible, you can delay the aging process of your face by years. Let us remind you that all exercises are carried out along massage lines. Their implementation does not require special effort or preparation, but we advise you to massage the skin alone in front of a mirror so as not to surprise or shock others.

  1. Stretch the skin of the upper eyelids slightly to reduce creases.
  2. Raise your eyebrows as if in surprise; at the same time, you need to stretch your lips into a slight smile.
  3. Lightly press the corners of your lips with your fingers and make circular movements with your fingers in this position for one minute (the circles should not be large).
  4. Pull your lips into a tube.
  5. Gently pull the skin of the nasolabial folds to the outer corners of the eyes with your index fingers, and parallelly stretch your lips with a tube.
  6. Stretch the corners of your mouth in opposite directions with your index fingers.
  7. Perform a light facial massage against wrinkles under the eyes with your index fingers.
  8. Place your fingers on the skin of your forehead and smooth it with vertical movements: from the eyebrows to the roots of the hair.

Complete the entire procedure with stroking movements of your hands in the direction from the cheekbones to the ears.

Classic facial massage for wrinkles, video:

Japanese facial massage in photo

Europeans are always surprised by the youthful appearance of Japanese women. However, we can also get a beautiful and toned face, we just need to do an anti-wrinkle facial massage. The Japanese version is one of the most effective. It is called "Tsogan". It is also called “Asahi massage” or “Zogan”. Japanese beauty expert Yukuko Tanaka was the first to remember this ancient technology. This Japanese anti-wrinkle massage has the most positive reviews from those who have used it.

To perform this simple anti-wrinkle facial massage at home, you will need no more than three minutes a day. But rejuvenation is guaranteed in several areas:

  • Reduction of wrinkles,
  • Natural facelift,
  • Increased skin elasticity and smoothness. Experts promise that after a “Tsogan” facial massage for wrinkles, you will look 10 years younger in appearance.

To begin with, let us repeat that movements must be made in the direction from the lymph nodes to the center. There is no need to press or massage the knots, just stroke your face with a little effort.

There are several exercises:

Read material on the topic: How to increase skin elasticity

Basic movement

It is also the final stage of every massage exercise. Run your fingers down the cheeks near the ears and continue down the sides of the neck to the collarbone as shown in the facial massage diagram for wrinkles. Repeat three times.

An exercise that enlarges the eyes and eliminates swelling around the eyes

Tighten your temples a little, raise your hands to your face. Now place the pads of your middle fingers at the outer corners of your eyes and without pressing, move them to the inner corners of your eyes. Go around the corners themselves - internal and external. The Japanese call them the “head” and “tail” of the eye.

Stop at the “beauty points” located near the inner corners of the eyes. From them, with sufficient pressure, describe a semicircle along the upper edge of the orbital bone to the outer corners of the eyes and freeze for three seconds at the temples.

Then, again lightly touching the skin, draw an arc under the lower eyelid to the beauty points to complete this phase of the anti-wrinkle facial massage.

From the inner corners of the eyes, again with slight pressure, move along the line between the cheek and the under-eye area from the inner to the outer corner of the orbital socket. Pause near the outer corner of your eye for three seconds, applying gentle pressure to the points under your index and middle fingers.

Now extend the imaginary line towards the temples. Holding your fingers at your temples for three seconds, lightly move to the tragus of your ear. When performing an independent facial massage for wrinkles, do not forget to finish it with the final basic movement, continuing the movement to the collarbones. Repeat three times, then this facial massage really smooths out wrinkles.

Remember, massage does not involve pressure on the eyes.

Exercise to strengthen the mouth and chin area, lifting the corners of the lips

Place your middle and ring fingers in the indentation in the middle of your chin. Hold this point for three seconds, pressing lightly on it.

Now, while continuing to apply pressure, go around the corners of the lips on both sides and bring your fingers together above the middle of the upper lip.

Press this point again with your fingers, as if lifting the nasal septum with your ring fingers. Hold the pressure for three seconds.

This facial massage exercise for wrinkles is also repeated three times.

Face lift

Place the “stools” of your palms (the fleshiest part adjacent to the hand) under your chin and apply gentle pressure for three seconds.

Then, with a little force, move along the cheeks to the cheekbones, as if pushing the cheeks up.

Hold on your cheekbones for three seconds, spread your arms to the sides towards the tragus of your ear and finish with a basic downward movement. This must be done three times.

Exercise to eliminate a double chin.

To perform this facial massage exercise for wrinkles, place the palms of your hands under your chin with your fingers pointing towards your ears. It is necessary to capture both the jawbone and the muscles located under the chin.

With strong pressure, move your palms towards the tragus of the ear. From there, do the final basic movement. Carry out the procedure three times.

Japanese facial massage against wrinkles, video:

Chinese facial massage against wrinkles

Chinese anti-wrinkle facial massage at home will help restore an attractive appearance to your features. The basis is made up of four exercises. Each must be repeated 10 times.

  1. Using the pads of your index fingers, press twice on your temples. After massaging subsequent points, we will return to this stage each time.
  2. Place your fingers above your eyebrows so that they meet in the center of your forehead. Move from the starting point to the temples, pressing on the skin, and then in the opposite direction, but without tension. This procedure for wrinkles in the forehead area will relieve you of them.
  3. Place your middle and index fingers to the depressions at the edge of the nostrils and press this area five times. This anti-wrinkle facial massage will easily remove wrinkles running from the nose to the lips.
  4. Place one index finger above your upper lip so that it is parallel to the floor, and place the second under your lower lip and press down. This movement will have a relaxing effect on the entire body.

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Chinese facial massage for wrinkles, video:

Anti-wrinkle facial massage with a spoon

Facial massage from Chinese masters smooths out wrinkles using a simple spoon. In advance you need to cook a decoction of chamomile and take olive oil. Cool half of the broth, leave the other half hot. Repeat all steps 10 times as well.

  1. Dip a spoon into the cold broth and apply first to the lower, then to the upper eyelids.
  2. Draw circles along the wrinkles on the forehead using a spoon previously dipped in oil.
  3. Smooth the skin below the chin using heated spoons lubricated with oil: movements should go from the base of the neck to the chin.
  4. We puff out our cheeks, draw lines with spoons along the nasolabial folds, then make gentle movements in the same places, lightly tapping with the spoon. Facial massage for expression wrinkles is based on stroking the skin with a hot spoon clockwise, then back. We finish the procedure by stroking with a cold spoon along the same lines.

Pinch massage of the face and neck for wrinkles according to Jacquet

Pinch massage according to Jacquet

, traditionally performed by salon specialists, obviously enjoys the highest popularity. However, you can also carry out existing fairly simple types of therapy on your own.

The anti-wrinkle facial massage technique involves the participation of the dermis, subcutaneous tissues, and facial muscles in the procedure. The procedure is carried out using the index finger and thumb without using cream.

Such exercises will bring more benefits in the morning immediately after washing your face. In addition, at this time they will allow you to achieve better results. Perform the exercises without leaving the massage lines, which will be discussed below:

- from the chin, make pinch movements to the earlobe; - from the extreme points of the mouth move to the ear; - from the upper lip and sides of the nose, pinch towards the top point of the ear; - from the sides of the nose go to the temples; - stretch your earlobes and bridge of your nose; - go through the area under the eyebrows: from the inner edge of the eye to the outer, and back along the bottom of the eye socket; — parallel to the eyebrows from the middle of the forehead, pinch towards the temples; - fully knead your eyebrows; - work the front of the neck from bottom to top and the sides in the opposite direction.

Self-massage of the face for wrinkles in the forehead area seems to be the most labor-intensive of all those listed, but you also cannot do without it. Move the skin with your fingertips pressed against it, do this in a circular motion, first down and then up. Don't forget to include the deeper tissues along with the skin.

Thai facial massage against wrinkles

Thai massage is recognized as one of the most ancient methods of saving wrinkles and restoring youth to the whole body. The massage technique involves using active points and energy lines on the human body. They are directly related to the nervous system and human organs, the effect on them brings simply incredible results. You can find out how this anti-wrinkle facial massage is done in the video below.

Thai facial massage against wrinkles, video:

Acupressure facial massage against wrinkles

The technique of acupressure facial massage allows you to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles. This relieves tension and spasms in the forehead, nose and cheeks. Microcirculation in the skin improves significantly, which means even the smallest wrinkles are smoothed out. You will stop wondering whether facial massage helps with wrinkles as soon as this technique becomes a daily habit and you will immediately notice the results. The main thing is to do it with pleasure and systematically. It is best to do it at least once a week after a bath or sauna, which will remove emotional excitement and, what is also important, relax the whole body. In this case, the effect of facial massage to smooth out wrinkles will increase significantly.

Let us name the points necessary during the procedure:

  1. A point in the middle of the forehead helps smooth out wrinkles in this area.
  2. The “third eye” is the point in the center of the bridge of the nose.
  3. The points at the beginning of the eyebrows help prevent the appearance of wrinkles at the temples.
  4. Impact on points a couple of centimeters above the eyebrow on the pupil line increases the tone of the forehead muscles. In addition, such a massage can overcome drowsiness.
  5. “Thread of bamboo” - the end of the eyebrows, the transition to the temples. Facial massage for wrinkles in this area relieves headaches caused by problems with blood vessels. Remember to massage the points only where you can feel the bone.
  6. The paired point is the temporal region. Stimulation is carried out in parallel on both sides.
  7. The point at the top in the depression near the edge of the ear will be effective for moral fatigue, pain in the eyes and persistent headaches.
  8. A point located in the depression near the ear at the beginning of the auditory canal.
  9. Placed under the lobe near the lower jaw, its massage perfectly eliminates wrinkles.
  10. Depression under the chin. Active muscle stimulation occurs here. This place helps eliminate wrinkles.
  11. Working on the chin area between the fangs will invigorate the skin.
  12. The “anti-stress” point is located under the middle of the mouth, at the bottom of the chin. Facial massage for wrinkles is carried out only with the thumb of the right hand.
  13. The “mid-person” is located above the upper lip in the middle.
  14. Paired dots just above the corners of the lips.
  15. The area under the nose.
  16. Points near the wings of the nose.
  17. “Beauty point” on the cheekbones under the middle of the eyeball.

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Honey facial massage for wrinkles

Honey facial massage for smoothing wrinkles is fundamentally different from anti-cellulite honey massage and from cosmetic facial massages performed with oils. All kinds of pinching, stretching and kneading of the skin are unacceptable. The method is based on light tapping, driving in honey for young skin. When massaging the face for wrinkles after 40 years, instead of the active method, use a slow application of hands, which allows you not to spoil the structure of the skin. This method will also work great for facial massage against wrinkles after 50 years.

Facial massage against wrinkles at home is best done after taking a warm shower or warming bath. Since when the pores have time to open, the effectiveness of the procedure increases significantly and it will be easier for the natural mask to penetrate into the underlying layers of the skin. We recommend warming up the honey itself a little using a water bath and even melting it if it has dried out or turned into crystals.

Prepare your skin. There should be no decorative cosmetics left on it, the surface of the face should be absolutely clean. Wipe your face with lotion before applying honey for extra cleansing. Now apply honey in a fairly thick layer all over your face, avoiding the most delicate skin around the eyes. Start the massage after about 10 minutes, because you need to allow the honey to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and begin to affect them.

Using your fingertips, use fairly short movements to gently press onto the surface of the skin. But remember, you can’t suddenly pull your hands away, as you should during the procedure with honey against cellulite. Movements should be intense, but careful. Do you have doubts and want to know for sure that you are not making mistakes anywhere and are not harming your face? Then, before starting the procedure, watch video tutorials or photo instructions on facial massage for wrinkles, where the appropriate hand position will be discussed using an example. The fingers move gradually, one area is processed in two or three movements. In this case, there should be no painful sensations.

The most serious attention should be paid to the most problematic areas on the face. These include a large number of blackheads, deep wrinkles, and sagging skin. If there are pimples or stars on the face, then these places should be excluded from the treatment area.

When performing a massage, grayish-white balls may appear, which is completely normal and not scary. These are toxins, dirt, exfoliated dead scales coming out of the skin, mixed with honey.

Effective anti-wrinkle facial massage (lymphatic drainage)

Performing lymphatic drainage massage will give you the opportunity to say goodbye to all the unpleasant changes of age.

First, in order not to harm yourself, you will have to thoroughly study the anti-wrinkle facial massage technique before performing it. A video tutorial will help, where Margarita Levchenko will talk about how to perform the movements correctly. A video of a facial and neck massage for wrinkles can be viewed below.

Expected effect

Facial massage is a set of exercises and movements that can increase muscle tone and affect the speed of metabolic processes and regeneration. The primary task of massaging the skin is to speed up blood circulation, get rid of possible stagnation of lymph (intercellular fluid), and strengthen the facial muscles.

1-2 weeks after the first massage session you will notice significant changes:

  • skin regeneration is enhanced, the natural rejuvenation process is launched;
  • internal processes in the cells of the epidermis and the work of the sebaceous glands are normalized;
  • improves and evens out complexion;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable;
  • tightening the muscle frame, strengthening the facial muscles;
  • has a pronounced lifting effect;
  • skin tone and turgor increases;
  • sagging and looseness of tissues decreases.

You can enjoy a long-lasting, noticeable effect only with regular massage treatments; a one-time session cannot solve skin problems. It is better to include massage exercises in facial care.

There are many options for rejuvenating massages; Japanese massage from Asahi Zogan is especially popular. The massage technique differs from the usual classic massage:

  • A large role is given to biologically active points and lymph flow lines. In the classic version, the master performs stroking and kneading, taking into account massage lines.
  • Pressure is performed with the palm or pads of several fingers simultaneously.
  • Particular attention is aimed at removing toxins and waste from epidermal cells, eliminating lymph congestion. After 45, toxins and lymph stagnation inhibit the natural regeneration of the integument.

One more moment! Asahi massage after 45 and 40 years is different, this is due to severe skin problems in patients. After 40, special emphasis is placed on solving problems around the eyes, mouth, and eliminating facial wrinkles. As for the massage actions of more mature skin, the master concentrates on the lifting effect, the fight against sagging cheeks, and a double chin.

When and to whom is massage indicated?

Despite the emergence of many modern hardware techniques and procedures for rejuvenation, massage does not lose its position. It is often a less traumatic, safe and much more effective manipulation that allows you to work on the deep tissues of the face, neck, décolleté, and collar area.

With the help of a massage, performed correctly, you can relax the spasmed muscles that lead to the formation of wrinkles and skin creases. Massage helps improve microcirculation, the skin receives additional nutrition and oxygen. Normalizing lymphatic drainage helps remove toxic substances from tissues, activate metabolic processes, and reduce swelling.

As a result of the massage sessions, a visual effect will appear:

  • the skin will become more elastic and toned;
  • complexion will improve;
  • wrinkles will be smoothed out due to getting rid of muscle hypertonicity;
  • the oval of the face will be clearer and contoured;
  • the double chin will decrease;
  • The puffiness of the face will disappear.

Stitches after facelift are usually removed on days 10-14. Massages can be started 3 weeks after this. When discharging you from the clinic, the surgeon will tell you in detail about the most effective massage options and the rules for performing it in your particular case.

General provisions of the procedure

Asahi facial massage is a therapeutic and rejuvenating procedure. Translated, “Asahi” means “morning sun massage.” On the Internet, this massage is also known as the Zogan technique; its translation exactly coincides with the effectiveness of the technique (“creating a face”).

Not long ago, the Japanese massage technique was partially adjusted by Yukuko Tanaka. In 2007, her book on massage was published, where Tanaka competently differentiated exercises for the face and neck, taking into account the type and age of the client. This greatly simplified the process of performing Japanese massage and brought it closer to doing it at home. The advanced massage technique became known as "Zogan Asahi 2 massage".

The technique of Japanese massage is quite simple, so manipulations are performed without the help of a specialist, at home. Before you begin a detailed study of patterns and directions of massage movements, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for conducting such a massage:

  1. Regularity is the most important criterion for success. Asahi Zogan massage is suitable for daily use and is not addictive.
  2. Pay more attention to working on problem areas (periorbital, frontal zone, contour). If there are significant defects, perform massage movements twice a day.
  3. One rejuvenation session should not exceed 17 minutes. If necessary, repeat the steps in the morning and evening; overexertion causes stretching of the skin and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles.
  4. Please note that massage movements using the Asahi technique are performed along the lymphatic pathways. It is recommended to study their location in advance.
  5. Those with sensitive, thin skin should be extremely careful and control the pressure applied.
  6. Massage movements should be smooth and soft. They should be repeated 3 times.
  7. It is necessary to refuse the rejuvenation procedure if there are contraindications. Contact a specialist, he will select a massage technique that is safe in your case.
  8. Zogan massage is performed only on clean skin, using massage oil (cream).
  9. Pressure during the massage procedure should be intense, but not painful.
  10. Each massage exercise is completed with light, smooth stroking of the skin in the direction of the collarbone through the lymph nodes. They promote the drainage of excess lymph and the removal of toxins, increasing the effectiveness of the actions performed.
  11. After the manipulations, thoroughly remove any remaining massage cream (oil) with a paper napkin, and consolidate the effect with a nourishing mask or skin care cream.

Important point! If the next morning after an evening massage session swelling appears on your face, do not worry. Next time, perform the procedure not in the evening, before bed, but in the morning.

Does anti-wrinkle facial massage have contraindications?

Of course, there are contraindications. It is a mistake to believe that facial massage for wrinkles is recommended only for people over 30 years old after the first age-related changes appear on the face. It is an excellent preventive remedy that can save the skin from early aging, as well as prevent this process. Therefore, the sooner you start learning anti-wrinkle facial massage techniques, the longer your skin will be able to remain tightened, fresh and youthful.

This procedure is not an accessible and absolutely safe method of preserving youth. There are some contraindications that you need to know to avoid complications:

  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Herpes;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Open wounds and injuries;
  • Warts;
  • Large moles.

To achieve the maximum positive effect, you need to know how to properly massage your face against wrinkles.

Read material on the topic: Face building for the face

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for massage exercises is a simple but important factor. You need:

  1. Remove hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere during the massage procedure.
  2. Remove makeup residue, particles of dust, grease and sweat. In a word, the skin should be perfectly clean. A mild cleanser is suitable for this. Many cosmetologists recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub on the eve of massage procedures.
  3. After cleansing, dry the skin and remove droplets of moisture using a clean cloth (paper) napkin.
  4. Apply a little massage cream or oil to a clean, dry face. Please note that massage therapists do not recommend using oil for self-massage, based on the inability to deeply work the skin on your own. It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction before the massage.
  5. Lie down on a flat surface or sit on a chair. The main thing is that your back is straight.

Clean, humidified air in the room, relaxing music and a few drops of essential oils in an aroma bowl will put you in a positive mood and help you relax.

Facial massage products. Facial massage: errors, complications, indications and contraindications

Despite their apparent softness, massage techniques can have a strong effect on the body, and if used incorrectly, cause significant harm to it. What mistakes should be avoided to prevent this from happening?

Facial massage is one of the most complex procedures in cosmetic skin care; it requires knowledge of the structural features of the muscular system of this area.

In our country there is a developed network of specialized schools that teach various massage techniques; many cosmetologists combine several massage techniques in their practice and make mistakes when carrying out this procedure. This is mainly a problem for novice cosmetologists.

The most common mistakes:

  • Wrong choice of technique or massage technique that does not correspond to the skin type. For example, when caring for young normal skin with preserved turgor and tone, plastic or tightening massage (modeling the oval of the face) will lead to excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid and stress on the muscles. As a result, swelling often occurs.
  • The massage begins with aggressive tonic manipulations. The first stage of the procedure always involves smooth hand movements, leading to muscle relaxation. If great intensity is to be achieved, it should always be done gradually. We also complete the procedure. The illiteracy of many cosmetologists leads to complications such as hematomas, bruises, and the formation of capillary “stars”.
  • Strong painful pressure during acupressure or plasticizing massage, when the cosmetologist tries to enhance the sensations from the procedure in the patient.

When performing a facial massage, the direction of the movements of the fingers is important. During the massage, circular movements are used clockwise, less often - counterclockwise.

Sometimes they use movements perpendicular to the muscle fibers - fan-shaped (in combination with massage lines, these movements resemble the mesh structure of collagen and elastin fibers).

Fan-shaped movements are used for massage that models the oval of the face, with a pronounced decrease in tissue tone and tightness, with visible dehydration of the dermis, for active injection of interstitial fluid in places where it is lost. These movements must be done very carefully and systematically, and always with lymphatic drainage movements, so as not to cause swelling.

Age indications for massage.

  • Age up to 27 years old, the main indications for massage are acne in the stage of compensation or subcompensation, as well as oily, porous skin. They are usually recommended a special pinch massage according to Jacquet.
  • Age from 28 to 35 years, when natural processes of slowing down the formation of fibroblasts and moisture-forming elements of the skin begin. A classic cosmetic massage is recommended for the prevention of wrinkles, maintaining the tone and turgor of the skin and muscles of the face, neck and décolleté.
  • Between the ages of 35 and 40, signs of aging on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté actively appear. There is a decreased tone and turgor of the skin and muscles, and the first fine and deep wrinkles appear. A series of cosmetic procedures is recommended, including massage as one of the main elements. Usually these are courses in cosmetic or plastic massage or a combination of these techniques.
  • Introduction of some types of gel-like correctors of wrinkles and facial contours. Many of them activate their main action after a massage.
  • Local lymphostasis, usually accompanying edematous syndrome. In such cases, lymphatic drainage massage helps.

Contraindications to the use of massage.

Massage is strictly contraindicated if the skin has:

  • Acute infectious-allergic rashes (eczema, pyoderma, herpes, etc.).
  • Multiple nevi (moles) and papillomatous formations.
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin (presence of scratches, abrasions, cuts).
  • With increased fragility of the superficial vessels of the skin.
  • After medium and deep chemical peels and microdermabrasion.
  • Massage of these areas is contraindicated in the presence of oncological diseases of nearby organs, acute nervitis of the facial nerves, hypertension of the 3rd degree, acute sinusitis, sinusitis, diseases of the blood coagulation system.
  • Summary.
  • Carrying out a massage of the face, neck and décolleté without taking into account one’s own qualifications, indications, contraindications and possible complications is a big and serious mistake.
  • uses plant extracts and essential oils for its cosmetics, recognizing their undeniable benefits in skin care.

Aromaphytotherapy from "Alpika" combines the main advantages of aromatherapy and herbal medicine, which help improve skin condition and well-being, using aromatic and neutral plant extracts.

True “concentrates of nature” are cosmetic facial oils consisting of 100% natural plant extracts and oils.

The combination of plant extracts and essential oils in one formula is the result of the latest technology.

  • Lipid phytobiocomplex for facial massage for dry skin
    is an excellent product for cosmetic massage;
    nourishes and tones the upper layers of the epidermis, smoothes wrinkles, prevents moisture loss, gives silkiness and softness; restores vitality, freshness and radiance to dull, dehydrated skin. Ingredients:
    essential oils: sandalwood, cardamom, lavender, patchouli; nut oil, tea tree oil, olive oil.
  • Lipid phytobiocomplex for face and body massage
    Designed for professional face and body massage.
    A unique selection of natural vegetable oils, oil phytoextracts and vitamins introduced into alposomes. Which provides a wide range of effects: nutrition, toning, stimulation, regeneration. Pronounced sliding properties provide a comfortable massage. Ingredients:
    essential oils: jojoba, cedar, geranium, sea buckthorn; oil phytoextracts; perfume oil, vaseline, corn; tocopheryl acetate.
  • Lipid phytobiocomplex for facial massage for combination skin
    A professional product for carrying out cosmetic massage procedures.
    Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, tightens pores and smoothes the skin. Cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis, prevents moisture loss, makes the skin silky and soft. Ingredients:
    essential oils of rosemary and geranium; lotus extract; nut oil, olive oil.
  • Anti-cellulite massage cream
    is intended for anti-cellulite massage during the implementation of a professional figure correction program;
    promotes the removal of fats, water and toxins from the body, normalizes water-salt balance; has a vascular strengthening effect, helps normalize blood and lymph circulation in problem areas, reduces congestion; does not clog pores, provides a good sliding effect during massage; the essential oils of sage and lavender included in the composition allow you to combine the effects of aroma and herbal medicine; Vitamin complex relieves fatigue, gives energy and vitality. Composition:
    liposomal complex, including extracts: bay laurel, horse chestnut, arnica, sweet clover, horsetail, St. John's wort, nettle, calendula, chamomile; olive oil, nut oil, peach oil; essential oils of sage, lavender, lemon.

Step-by-step execution

Instructions for performing face-building exercises depend on the age category of the client and his individual characteristics.

For category 40+

The following exercises will help preserve the beauty of your face after 40 and correct flaws that reveal a woman’s age:

  1. Make a fist with your index finger on top. Work on the nasolabial folds, from top to bottom. From the corners of the mouth, move to the middle of the chin, then along the lower jaw to the ears. The exercise is performed symmetrically, with both hands on both sides.
  2. Spread your elbows to the sides and open your fists. With effort, but without pain, apply pressure while rolling your fists along the lower jaw. When you reach the ear, perform the finishing movement.
  3. Impact the active points on the chin, the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose by applying pressure with your fingertips. Perform each pressure for 2-3 seconds. Smoothly move your palms to your ears and complete the exercise.
  4. Using the fingers of one hand, slightly lift the cheek muscle to enhance the effect, place the fingers of the other hand on top. Slowly move your fingers towards your ear. Then perform a final stroking with one hand, and with the other, massage the skin in the direction from the ear to the center of the chin.
  5. Do the previous massage exercise in the opposite direction.

This complex is recommended for women over 40. Its main task is to correct nasolabial folds and prevent sagging cheeks.

For those over 45

For clients 45+, it is recommended to pay special attention to the cheeks and chin area. Perform the following massage exercises:

  1. Using your fists, apply pressure in the direction of the corners of the mouth - the auricle, along the lower jaw. Make the finishing move.
  2. Work the nasolabial folds from top to bottom using moderate pressure, as if you were smoothing them out. Complete the exercise.
  3. Place one palm on the other and on the temporal area, apply pressure, moving towards the ear. Complete the exercise with one hand, and with the other make smoothing movements in the direction of the chin, along the lower jaw.
  4. With one palm, fix the cheek muscle near the corners of the mouth. Using light pressure on the skin, smoothly move your palm towards the top of the ear. Perform the finishing movement.

Before performing Asahi massage exercises, we recommend watching video tutorials or visiting a massage therapist.

For a thin face

The active effects on the skin suggested by the Asahi massage technique model the correct oval of the face and contribute to its weight loss. For those with a naturally thin face, massage is indicated to combat swelling.

A massage exercise against puffiness under the eyes is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform smooth stroking with the pads of your middle fingers towards the inner corners of the eyes from the outer ones.
  2. Pause for a few seconds on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Move in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid (closer to the eyebrow line).
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds at the outer corners of your eyes.
  5. Return to the inner corners of the eye along the lower eyelid. This time the force should be reduced.
  6. Move towards the outer corners with light pressure.
  7. Apply targeted pressure to the temples.
  8. Perform the finishing movement.

Attention! When the problem is solved, stop exercising, and in this case, age-related deficiencies will be corrected by gymnastics. Otherwise, excessive thinness will only add age and emphasize visible defects.

Basic rules - how to do a facial massage for wrinkles at home

If you want to perform facial massage for wrinkles at home, there are many instructional videos. However, let's discuss in more detail the simple but incredibly important rules listed there:

  1. Approximately 30 minutes before the massage, you need to make a hot herbal facial compress. It will help the muscles warm up and become pliable.
  2. Hide all your hair under the cap, never let it get under your fingers.
  3. Wash your hands first and clean your nails, otherwise you risk introducing an infection into your facial tissues.
  4. Apply a special anti-wrinkle cream or oil to your facial skin before the procedure. Do not forget that the product can cause an allergic reaction on delicate facial skin, so test it on your wrist in advance.
  5. Learn the lines of facial massage for wrinkles along which all movements are made. It is through them that lymph moves. If you carry out the massage chaotically, you can achieve the opposite effect: the skin may sag and additional defects may form on the face.

    So, massage lines should pass:

      From the middle of the chin to the earlobes;
  6. From a point under the center of the lower lip to the earlobes;
  7. From the center point above the upper lip to the middle of the temples;
  8. From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears;
  9. From the middle of the forehead to the centers of the temples (eyebrow level);
  10. From the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones on the lower eyelid;
  11. From the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones on the upper eyelid.
  12. Learn to make the correct transition during a massage from area to area. To do this, gently press the pads of your index fingers on the temporal area. This is the center of all metabolic processes in the skin cells on the face.
  13. Try to do everything gently and carefully. This is most important when massaging around the eyes for wrinkles.

If you want to achieve a result visible to the naked eye, then do a home facial massage regularly. For example, 10 days in a row. The time can be from 10 to 20 minutes. A week later, go through the cycle again.

How many sessions will it take?

The number and frequency of sessions are determined by the degree of the problem, as well as the choice of massage technique. Asahi massage movements after 45 years of age in order to correct imperfections on the face are recommended to be performed twice a day, every day. After a month, reduce the intensity of exposure to 2-3 times a week.

Asahi massage for facial rejuvenation after 40 and 45 years is somewhat different (pattern of massage movements, pressure pressure), so there is no difference in the quantity and frequency of performance. Visit intensive care at least twice a year.

The following actions will help to consolidate and delay the achieved effect longer:

  • adjust your diet by filling your diet with vitamin-rich foods, vegetables and fruits, excluding alcohol, fried and salty foods;
  • use high-quality cosmetics, taking into account age and skin type;
  • Be less nervous, watch your facial expressions, don’t squint, don’t wrinkle your forehead;
  • Gymnastics for the face (face building) will be useful and effective.

Types of Japanese massage

There are several types of Japanese massage:

  1. Zogan or Asahi. The peculiarity is that the technique is performed with two fingers of both hands. You can use a pair of index and middle or middle and ring. Asahi massage affects the deep layers of the epidermis.
  2. Point Shiatsu. The technique involves pinpoint stimulation of active areas, promoting skin tone. Due to the lymphatic action, swelling goes away.
  3. Kobido technique. The massage is carried out according to the anatomical atlas of facial lymph nodes and muscle threads.

Any type of Japanese massage involves the use of an emollient. However, not everyone can do it.


The cost of the procedure may vary significantly. This is influenced by the rating, the professionalism of the performer, and the location of the salon (beauty center, cosmetology salon). On average, one visit to a massage therapist in Moscow will cost 2 thousand rubles, in the region up to 1 thousand rubles.

In order to save money and self-development, you can perform massage exercises at home. To be sure that your actions are correct, it is recommended to perform 2-3 sessions with a specialist or carefully study the massage training video.

Precautionary measures

The main disadvantage of this transformation technique is the presence of contraindications. These include:

  • rosacea;
  • ailments, chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • ARVI, fever, influenza;
  • lymph related disorders;
  • dermatitis, rashes of an infectious and allergic nature;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

For those who have very sensitive and thin skin, performing a massage on their own is not recommended. Women with thin faces will have to choose a different massage technique.

Errors in performing movements are often accompanied by side effects, in particular:

  • Swelling in the morning is an acceptable phenomenon when the massage is performed before bed. Carrying out massage movements in the morning rather than in the evening will help to avoid swelling.
  • Rash, irritation - the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be neglect of contraindications, performing a massage with dermatitis, acne on the face. Thus, the infection is transferred to healthy areas of the skin.
  • Allergic rashes - the massage product is not suitable; an allergy test was not performed before the procedure.
  • Rash localized in areas of lymph movement - irritation caused by massage. At the first manifestation of a side defect, stop manipulations, replace the massage oil (cream) used, and carefully remove any remaining product after each session.
  • Spider veins, stars on the face - such side defects are often caused by neglecting contraindications; in case of rosacea on the face, the treatment is not carried out or is carried out only by a specialist. A medicinal cream can correct newly formed defects.
  • Sunken cheeks, flat face - the technique is not suitable, turn to face-building or massage without any weight loss effect.

Japanese facial massage after 45 years is a simple but effective exercise. The massage technique is popular all over the world, has received positive reviews from beauty salon clients, and is suitable for home use. Take advantage of the advice and recommendations of specialists, perform massage regularly and be sure that the rejuvenation effect will not take long to appear and will be noticeable after just a few procedures.

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