Baziron or Azelik: comparison of drugs and which is better

Many people are familiar with what pimples and blackheads are. Mostly young people and girls suffer from this disease. Often people with this condition have low self-esteem, because they consider acne on the face to be a clear disadvantage. Today there are a large number of pharmaceutical drugs that help cope with the disease. At first glance, choosing a drug is quite simple. You can see a large number of advertisements with products that help in a short time to cope with pimples and blackheads on the face. In reality, everything turns out to be a little different. It is believed that effective drugs are Baziron And Azelik. Some people have a choice between them. To determine which is better to eliminate this disease, you need to understand the characteristics of both remedies.


The active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide . Available in gel form for external use.

Baziron has a pronounced antimicrobial effect . Anti-inflammatory and comedolytic effects are also noted. Improves tissue respiration. Normalizes sebum production and also moisturizes the skin.

The active component has a strong bactericidal effect . Due to this, bacteria that are sensitive to it subsequently die and stop reproducing.

Benzoyl peroxide is practically not absorbed into the skin. It is converted to benzoic acid, which enters the circulatory system. It is excreted primarily through the kidneys. It does not accumulate in body tissues, which eliminates the risk of side effects.

Indications for use are:

  • Acne.
  • Comedones without acne.
  • Trophic ulcers of the leg.

The drug is contraindicated for people with an allergic reaction to its constituent components, as well as for children under 12 years of age.

The gel is applied twice a day to dry, cleansed skin where there is acne. It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening. As a rule, the course of treatment is 3 months. The first results can be noticed no earlier than after a month of regular use. If necessary, a repeated course of therapy can be carried out.


adapalene and clindamycin as its main components .

The gel is a homogeneous white mass .

It consists of the following formative components:

  • Macrogol.
  • Phenoxyethanol.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Water.
  • E218.
  • Poloxamer.
  • Trilon B.
  • Carbomer 940.

According to its chemical structure, adapalene is a retinoid metabolite . It stops the inflammatory process and has a comedolytic effect. When applied externally, the absorption of adapalene is approximately 4% of the dosage used; it is excreted mainly through the intestines.

Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic . It has a broad spectrum of action and is active against Propionibacterium acnes, which causes acne. The antibiotic suppresses the process of protein biosynthesis in bacterial cells, as a result of which the growth of pathogenic microorganisms stops.

Klenzit-S should be applied to previously cleaned and dried problem areas once a day at night for 2-4 weeks. The doctor may extend the course of therapy.


The active substance is azelaic acid . Available in gel form for external use. Has a bacteriostatic effect.

When using the drug, the production of fatty acids in the skin is normalized . Affects the keratinization of the epidermis. The gel can also change skin pigmentation with the development of abnormal melanocytes.

The gel penetrates the skin in small quantities and is found in the systemic circulation. Excretion occurs primarily by the kidneys.

Azelik is used for acne and rosacea . People who are allergic to the drug should not use it.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor. Studies have not revealed any negative effects on the reproductive system and fetus.

The gel should be applied twice to dry, cleansed skin where there are rashes. Patients will be able to notice improvement only a month after use. To consolidate the therapeutic result, you need to use the gel for several months.

How to remove pigment spots with peeling

Important! The peeling composition should include lightening substances, and not just acids with an exfoliating effect. Only then will it work for lightening.

Peeling "MangoBright" DermaQuest

Specialized peeling “MangoBright” from DermaQuest – lightening of pigment spots that have arisen due to photoaging (diffuse superficial pigmentation). Additionally, the MangoBright peeling has an active moisturizing effect due to the content of hyaluronic acid, and also restores and rejuvenates the skin - antioxidants and plant stem cells in the composition do their job!

Peeling is used to combat age spots with clearly defined boundaries (superficial), spot prevention and antioxidant protection - preparing the skin for summer, maintaining smoothness and hydration. MangoBright peeling is completely atraumatic, which makes it part of the “before going out” program.

Benefits of MangoBright peeling

  • Atraumatic – does not cause redness, peeling, there is no rehabilitation period
  • Comfortable when performing
  • Performed without interruption from social life

How does MangoBright peeling work? DermaQuest

  • Lightens pigment spots and evens out skin tone

The basis of the peeling is Mango pulp - a source of ingredients with a brightening effect, containing phytic and kojic acids - whiten, delicately exfoliate the surface layer of keratinized cells.

  • Restores skin damage – fights photoaging

Contains Sweet Orange Stem Cells and Green Tea Leaf Extract – restoration of damaged collagen structures and antioxidant system protecting the skin from free radicals.

  • Moisturizes the skin and restores barriers , eliminating dryness and tightness

Peeling contains lactic acid 30% and hyaluronic acid.

  • Prevention of premature skin aging

MangoBright peeling contains carnosine , a substance that captures and removes excess sugars that glue collagen fibers together. Prevents glycation – sweet aging of the skin.

Clinical results of peeling - reduction in the severity of age spots:

1st procedure – reduction by 37%,

4 procedures – for 87%.

“MangoBright” PEELING COURSE ranges from 6 to 8 procedures once every 10 days.

You can see the VIDEO the link .

Peeling SkinBright DermaQuest

Peeling "SkinBright" DermaQuest - to combat deep stagnant pigment spots that are not amenable to classical correction methods.

Composition of acids in SkinBright peeling

A combination of acids that does not require neutralization. Layer-by-layer lyses the epidermis, blocks melanogenesis, brightens the skin and prevents post-peeling hyperpigmentation.

  • Lactic acid 10% - loosens and moisturizes the skin;
  • Mandelic acid 10% - delicately exfoliates, has an antiseptic effect, prevents rashes during peeling;
  • Salicylic acid 10% is a true keratolytic, evenly exfoliates the epidermis;
  • Phytic acid 5% is a powerful antioxidant, has an anti-tyrosinase effect;
  • Citric acid 5% - tyrosinase blocker (brightens);

Whitening ingredients in SkinBright Peeling:

White Lily stem cells block the transfer of melanin to keratinocytes.

Plant extracts: licorice root, white mulberry, bearberry, red algae;

Benefits of SkinBright peeling

  • Whitening pigmentation, both focal and diffuse, of any origin, including deep and long-existing;
  • Safe for all phototypes, including dark skin;
  • It is applied in layers, it is possible until frost appears - the status is middle;
  • Rejuvenates the skin - has a stimulating effect on the dermis, evens out the relief and smoothes out wrinkles;

The course consists of up to 3-4 procedures in autumn and spring.

Performed once a month with appropriate home care.

The result of application - with strict adherence to the recommended pigmentation correction algorithm - is a guarantee of smooth and uniform facial skin!

Looking for a peeling for acne-prone skin? about which peeling is best for problem skin - read here .

What to choose?

These drugs have one goal: eliminating pimples and acne . Both are available in gel form. However, the distinctive feature is the composition of the drugs - it is completely different. They should not be used in the presence of allergic reactions. Baziron mentions the fact that the drug is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

Despite the fact that the drugs are quite harmless, they have a number of side effects. Both medications are characterized by:

  • Skin irritation.
  • Allergy.
  • Dry skin.
  • Burning.
  • Itching.
  • Redness.
  • Peeling.

After using Baziron, people's feedback is mostly positive. The opinion of doctors also indicates that the drug is one of the effective means for eliminating this disease.

The gel can eliminate the appearance of pimples and acne in a short time. The anti-inflammatory effect allows not only to eliminate inflammation, but also to have a drying effect. The product also eliminates spots that form after acne. Normalizing sebum production helps prevent the development of new acne.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight the frequent development of side effects - the appearance of irritation and peeling of the skin. To avoid this, you need to moisturize your facial skin more often.

When using Azelik, patients note an improvement in their skin condition after 3 weeks . This time is enough for the symptoms to significantly decrease.

First, you should conduct a test to determine the body’s compatibility with this medication. Doctors say this can be checked within a week. To begin with, it is enough to purchase a 5 g tube, and then, if the product is suitable, then buy a larger volume. The gel allows you to eliminate not only acne, but also various irritations.

It is recommended to use the medication in autumn or winter . With strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation, spots may appear on the skin. Along with using Azelik, you should use sunscreen.

Patients note that in some cases side effects develop. Also, some people do not like the consistency and duration of the treatment.

Baziron is produced by a French company. Azelik is produced in Russia. Their cost is almost the same and is about 800 rubles.

Comparison and which is better

There are the following differences between the gels:

  1. Klenzit-S is contraindicated for pregnant women; it is incompatible with breastfeeding, therefore, during treatment with it, it is recommended to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. According to indications, Baziron AS can be used during pregnancy and lactation. During breastfeeding, you need to ensure that the drug does not get into the baby’s mouth, so it should not be applied to the mammary glands.
  2. During treatment with Klenzit-S, sunburn in the area where the gel is applied, swelling of the skin, increased sebum production, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, inflammation of the hair follicles, irritation, swelling, redness of the eyelids, burning in the eyes, pseudomembranous colitis.
  3. Clenzit C gel should not be used if the patient is receiving clindamycin orally or in the form of injection solutions and has a history of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, ulcerative or granulomatous colitis. It should be used with caution if the patient is being treated with muscle relaxants or has dermatitis, eczema or allergies.
  4. Simultaneously with Klenzit-S gel, it is not advisable to use products for external use that contain antibacterial substances or retinoids and also have a similar mechanism of action. In combination with it, it is not recommended to simultaneously use local drugs based on erythromycin, for example, Zinerit, because it and clindamycin are antagonists. Cross-resistance between clindamycin and lincomycin has been observed in bacteria.
  5. During treatment with Klenzit-S, it is recommended to protect the skin from the UV rays of the sun . If you are going to be in the sun for a long time, then you should not apply the gel the day before, during solar exposure and the day after it.
  6. When Klenzit-S gel is applied externally, adapalene poisoning is unlikely, but clindamycin can be adsorbed and cause systemic adverse reactions. If signs of overdose appear, symptomatic therapy is indicated. When taking Klenzit-S orally, be sure to seek medical help.

If Baziron-S is applied more often than prescribed in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor, this will not lead to acne going away faster, but it may cause irritation of the skin. When it appears, the gel is canceled and symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

It is impossible to answer the question of which gel is better. The treatment regimen should be selected by a specialist depending on the cause of acne, the patient’s contraindications to starting therapy, and the patient’s tolerance to treatment.

Medicine and healthComment


Thus, these drugs are practically no different from each other . They effectively cope with pimples and acne. Their cost is also approximately the same, so there is no point in choosing a product based on the patient’s financial side. The gel should be selected based on patient preference. Also, in some cases, a doctor’s consultation is required, since he will be able to accurately determine which of the listed analogues will cope faster in a given situation. Naturally, you can find cheaper analogs, but as practice shows, they are less effective.

Medicine and healthComment

Comparison of the effectiveness of Baziron AS and Klenzit

The effectiveness of Baziron AS is quite similar to Klenzit - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Baziron AS is more pronounced, then using Klenzit even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Baziron AS and Klenzit. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Baziron®️AS for teenagers

Juvenile acne is the “work” of millions of propionic acid bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes, modern name - Cutibacterium acnes), multiplying in the mouths of hair follicles. They feed on the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which are distributed to a greater or lesser extent throughout the skin.

In adolescence, during the period of hormonal shifts, excess secretion of sebum occurs, and bacteria actively multiply. Inflammation begins, which is aggravated by blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts with a large number of keratinized epithelial cells. In such cases, a drug such as Baziron®️ AS can come to the rescue, which, by acting on bacteria, fights the key cause of the disease and thereby helps reduce the visible signs of acne on the skin in the form of various rashes.

Release form and dosage Baziron® AS

In our country, Baziron® AS gel is available in two dosages: Baziron® AS 2.5% and Baziron® AS 5%. The therapeutic effect of both gels is comparable, but the 2.5% dosage is more “gentle” on the skin and “works” more delicately. If the patient has no previous experience of using the drug Baziron® AS, it is recommended to start treatment with this dosage.

In general, Baziron® AC 2.5% is recommended for sensitive skin prone to irritation. Baziron® AC 5% is optimal for people with oily, problem skin.

If your skin type is in doubt, then it is better to use Baziron® AC gel 2.5% during the first four weeks. After four weeks, if signs of acne remain and the skin responds well to treatment, then you can switch to a gel with a higher concentration - 5%.

Comparison of safety of Baziron AS and Klenzit

The safety of a drug includes many factors.

At the same time, in Baziron AS it is quite similar to Klenzit. It is important where the drug is metabolized: drugs are excreted from the body either unchanged or in the form of products of their biochemical transformations. Metabolism occurs spontaneously, but most often involves major organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, brain and others. When assessing the metabolism of Baziron AS, as well as Klenzit, we look at which organ is the metabolizing organ and how critical the effect on it is.

The risk-benefit ratio is when the prescription of a drug is undesirable, but justified under certain conditions and circumstances, with the obligatory observance of caution in use. At the same time, Baziron AS does not have any risks when used, just like Klenzit.

Also, when calculating safety, it is taken into account whether only allergic reactions occur or possible dysfunction of the main organs. In other matters, as well as the reversibility of the consequences of using Baziron AS and Klenzit.

Comparison of addiction between Baziron AS and Klenzit

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Baziron AS is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Klenzit. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, in Baziron AS the values ​​of the “syndrome” are quite small, however, the same as in Klenzit.

Comparison of ease of use of Baziron AS and Klenzit

This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

The ease of use of Baziron AC is approximately the same as Klenzit. However, they are not convenient enough to use.

The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

Last update date: 2020-12-04 13:47:29

Comparison of side effects of Baziron AS and Klenzit

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Baziron AS has almost the same side effects as Klenzit. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Baziron AS are similar to Klenzit: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

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