Guasha massage for the face: a unique technique for preserving youth

The technique comes from Ancient China and dates back several thousand years. Due to its effectiveness, it is still actively used by modern beauty salons in Asian countries.

Translated from Chinese, Gua means “scrape” and Sha means “bad energy.”

It is performed with a special scraper, thanks to which the effect is deeper than with a regular massage. The smooth surface of the plate with rounded edges does not stretch or injure the skin.

When we experience stress, the jaws tighten, clamps form, and blood circulation is disrupted. Gua Sha is a technique designed to relieve tension in the facial muscles, improve blood circulation, and stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Next, you will learn about how to massage correctly and in what sequence, as well as which scraper is best to use.

The history of Guasha massage

The procedure was invented in China in 550 BC. Its ancient origin is confirmed by jade scrapers discovered in the burials of noble Chinese. Translated into Russian, the word “gua sha” sounds like “scraping out the disease.”

During this procedure, the master runs a special scraper along the meridians - energy lines - and acupuncture points to improve blood circulation, brain function and tissue metabolism.

Modern cosmetic massage with a scraper helps remove stagnant lymph, which causes swelling and acne, and makes facial features look tired and more “aged.”

What's the point?

Since the progenitor of this technique is Eastern medicine, it is not surprising that the principle of interconnection between individual systems in the body is taken as a basis, that is, if you influence a specific point in a certain way, you can cure an area of ​​the body that is located in a completely different place. If the impact of these points is correct, then in addition to the therapeutic effect, you can achieve a noticeable slowdown in natural aging. This procedure can be used anywhere, but is most often used on the face due to the mentioned ability to look several years younger.

As for the feasibility of the procedure, Chinese facial massage for wrinkles is scientifically justified, so there is no reason not to trust this procedure.

After certain manipulations with biologically active points, some processes in the body begin to operate, which were previously in a state of inactivity. These processes are responsible for restoration, regeneration, and healing using their own resources. Collagen begins to be actively produced, which will affect the elasticity of the skin.

Massage can eliminate muscle spasms and tension, cleanse the skin, and have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and other metabolic processes. The healing effect is manifested on the facial nerves, nose, eyes and ears.

Benefits of Chinese Guasha massage

A similar procedure is performed to achieve the following results:

  • reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • toning and improving skin color;
  • improvement of facial contours by getting rid of swelling;
  • removal of toxins;
  • acceleration of lymph and blood movement;
  • improving oxygen supply to the skin;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • increasing immunity by accelerating metabolism;
  • cleansing from impurities;
  • accelerating the production of neurotransmitters serotonin, endorphin and dopamine, which are responsible for a good mood.

Guasha massage makes the skin tone even and significantly improves facial contours: cheekbones become expressive and sculpted by ridding soft tissues of excess fluid.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

Preparation for the procedure

Each individual session requires special preparatory measures:

  1. Facial cleansing procedure:
  • do make-up removal;
  • wash and dry your face.
  1. Apply a thin layer of massage product, but it is permissible to use a thick cream or milk.
  2. Rub your fingertips and palms thoroughly.

Before the massage, you need to relax, breathe deeply with your whole chest and tune in to a positive time.

Which scraper is better

There are many options for scrapers used, they differ in size, shape, etc.

The most popular are:

  • in the shape of a fish – suitable for the face;
  • triangular - used for the décolleté and neck area;
  • comb-shaped - suitable for the head;
  • universal or square-shaped - acceptable for use throughout the body;
  • spoons - applied towards the end of the massage and have a rather strong effect.

The best among professionals are those who meet a number of requirements:

  1. Has no sharp edges.
  2. Comfortable to hold in hand.
  3. Injury to the epidermis due to their use is excluded.
  4. Made of stone, better than jade or jasper.

You can choose any scraper, the main thing is that it is easy to use and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Execution method

During the massage, certain movements are made, each of which is repeated 10 times. Gouache technique:

  1. Both palms are placed loosely on the face, at which time the patient should blink several times.
  2. Close the eyelids with your palms, then apply pressure on them for 10 seconds, then relax your hands for 2-3 seconds and repeat the manipulation.
  3. Thumbs are placed near the bridge of the nose, then pressure is applied for 5 seconds, then there is a break and the movement is repeated.
  4. Alternate patting movements in the cheek area (from weak to moderate).
  5. Using the pads of your fingers, apply pressure several times to the area under the lower jaw.
  6. The pads of the middle fingers synchronously massage the auricles from the upper edge to the lobe.

This video will tell you how Guasha massage is performed:

It is necessary to perform massage movements at a measured pace, without sudden manipulations and exclusively in a calm state.


Gouaches for the face are performed according to a scheme that is mandatory. It is based on the performance of all movements on the skin from certain points. There are 8 of them in the face area:

  1. The first is in the central area of ​​the chin.
  2. The other two are at the right and left corners of the mouth.
  3. One each at the right and left nostrils.
  4. Four points near the eyes - above and below the inner corner.
  5. The last two are just above the beginning of the eyebrow line.

It is recommended to perform movements from the chin, gradually reaching the points near the eyebrow line.

Three main methods of influence

There are a large number of ways to influence the face; three main methods are recommended and practiced in beauty salons.

  1. “The magic of youth”, as a result of such sessions the following occurs:
  • General rejuvenation of the face and décolleté area by an average of 5 years;
  • Deepest nutrition and hydration;
  • Elimination of defects, including those that appeared many years ago.
  1. “36 movements”, suitable for every type of epidermis, thanks to the technique:
  • Regeneration processes are launched:
  • Deep nutrition is underway;
  • Changes associated with age are reduced;
  • Wrinkles, fishnets, etc. are smoothed out.
  1. “Charming eyes” - during the method, the area around the eyes is affected. As a result:
  • Moisturizing and softening occurs;
  • The appearance of wrinkles is minimized;
  • Dark circles and bags go away;
  • Natural recovery processes are resumed.

The choice of method is based on an analysis of the skin condition, age and degree of the problem.

Advantages of the technique

Guasha massage for the face can be performed independently, which will save on procedures. You just need to purchase a special scraper or roller.

If you understand how to do the manipulation correctly and follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.

Microcurrents, laser, peelings, mesotherapy - all this can and should be combined with Guasha massage to consolidate the effect and look well-groomed at any age.

For minimal effect from the procedure, you can spend only 5 minutes a day. And if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, you will need no more than 30–40 minutes of professional massage.

The technique is suitable for people of any age. With its help, you can eliminate puffiness, dull skin color and expression lines in both women and men.

  1. Affordable price.
    Guasha massage for the face can be performed independently, which will save on procedures. You just need to purchase a special scraper or roller.
  2. No pain.
    If you understand how to do the manipulation correctly and follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.
  3. Combination with salon procedures.
    Microcurrents, laser, peelings, mesotherapy - all this can and should be combined with Guasha massage to consolidate the effect and look well-groomed at any age.
  4. Just 5 minutes a day.
    For minimal effect from the procedure, you can spend only 5 minutes a day. And if you want to achieve a pronounced lifting effect, you will need no more than 30–40 minutes of professional massage.
  5. Versatility.
    The technique is suitable for people of any age. With its help, you can eliminate puffiness, dull skin color and expression lines in both women and men.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

Preparation and technique

Where to perform a gynecological massage, the doctor and the patient decide together: it can be performed both in a medical center and at home. In fact, the most important condition is the woman’s physical and psychological health, her readiness and normal emotional state. From medical nuances: before starting the procedures, it is necessary to take a general blood test (to exclude inflammatory phenomena) and a smear for vaginal flora. It is recommended to abstain from sex on the days of the massage. After eating, if a session is planned, at least an hour and a half should pass.

The massage is carried out on a couch (table) with foot rests or in a regular gynecological chair. Immediately at the beginning of the session, the woman is advised not to tense her abdominal muscles and breathe a little to relax.

During the session, the doctor uses both of his hands: with one of them he presses through the abdominal wall to the internal organs of the small pelvis, and the second (only two or three fingers) through the vagina massages and lifts those parts of the uterus that are accessible for palpation. The doctor is obliged to carry out actions slowly and very carefully so as not to cause harm. When the uterus is bent, the specialist uses a gentle massage to move and bring the organ to the required position.

Sessions last from a few minutes to half an hour and are usually scheduled once every two days.

Execution Rules

Many people try to perform Guasha massage on their own, but as a result they do not get a pronounced effect. And in most cases this is due to incorrect manipulation technique. When starting this massage, remember a few simple rules:

  • The procedure must be done regularly. If you massage occasionally, you should not expect visible results even after several months. Regularity is the main condition for the effectiveness of Guasha massage.
  • The method is not suitable for people with acne. Problem skin does not like intense mechanical impact. Therefore, if you have a pustular rash, you will first need to eliminate the inflammation and make the acne disappear. Otherwise, you can easily spread the infection throughout your face and only worsen the problem.
  • During the session you need to strictly follow the technique. Otherwise, the swelling will increase and new wrinkles may appear, which will be difficult to get rid of. If you are unable to complete the procedure yourself, it is better to make an appointment with an experienced specialist.

Facial muscles with description and diagram

Below is a description of the main muscle groups that create the facial corset. I tried to present this information briefly and without complex terms. Be sure to look at their location on the diagram - this will give you a visual representation of what happens when exposed to them.

Sphincters (constrict)

Orbicularis oculi muscles - located around the eye openings and close the upper and lower eyelids, protecting the eye socket. They are attached to the inner corner of the eye and are one of the most active on the face. Already at a young age, the first wrinkles appear in this area.

Orbicularis labii muscles - located around the mouth, allowing you to compress your lips. They are not attached to any bone, but more than 10 other facial muscles are woven into it. Clamps in this area directly depend on the psycho-emotional state. For example, tension of the lips during indignation and dissatisfaction leads to the formation of ridges in the corners of the mouth and wrinkles above the upper lip.

Depressors (pull down)

The proud muscle begins on the back of the nose and attaches to the skin above the bridge of the nose. When angry, this area of ​​skin goes down and forms transverse wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

Brow wrinklers - woven into the skin of the eyebrows, which allows them to be brought closer together. Due to activity, stable vertical folds are formed in the area between the eyebrows.

Depressive corners of the mouth - pull the corner of the mouth down. When contracted, they give a dull and sad expression on the face. This movement also involves the muscles of the neck, which are held together by tendons and pull the oval down. This leads to the formation of jowls.

Chewing - originate from the zygomatic bone and attach to the angle of the lower jaw. Their main function is to press the lower jaw against the upper jaw. With their help, the chewing process is carried out, as well as the pronunciation of sounds. They grow throughout life due to tension and clenching of the jaw as a result of chewing and negative emotions. This prevents the normal flow of lymph to the parotid lymph nodes, resulting in swelling.

Levators (pull up)

The frontalis are the largest facial muscles. They start from the superciliary arches and are woven into the tendon helmet in the area of ​​the hairline. With active facial expressions, they shorten and spasm, forming transverse creases on the forehead.

Zygomatic - consist of a small and a large one. Allows you to lift and pull the corners of your mouth to the side. Stretch between the zygomatic bone and the orbicularis oris muscle. When they work, “crow’s feet” form in the corners of the eyes, and the nasolabial folds deepen.

The chin lifts the skin of the chin upward and, when contracted, presses the lower lip against the upper lip, helping to express emotions.

Lateral - raise the upper lip and pull the wings of the nose upward, widening the nostrils. Its spasms lead to a deepening of the nasolabial fold and also contribute to the retraction of the eyes, making the nasolacrimal groove more pronounced.

All facial muscles are woven with microscopic fibers into the skin. Therefore, it is very important not to run the facial corset, improving blood circulation and lymph movement.

Guasha massage scheme

Since the purpose of the procedure is to speed up lymph flow and remove excess fluid, during its implementation all movements occur along massage lines.

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

Each stage of the procedure should last up to 1 minute. Before the session, you need to wash your face and apply liquid oil that does not clog pores to the skin - it will ensure smooth sliding of the scraper and will not allow the tissues to stretch. It is advisable to pre-cool the instrument in the freezer for a few minutes. This will help tone the skin and achieve maximum effect.

The technique for performing Guasha massage at home looks like this:

  • First, the cheekbone area is worked with the oval part of the scraper. The scraper or roller is moved from bottom to top; during movement, the instrument should be pressed tightly against the skin, but not stretch it. You can move alternately smooth and ribbed sections of the scraper across your face.
  • The next area is the forehead and between the eyebrows. The wavy part of the scraper is installed at an angle of 45 degrees. Next you need to walk over the skin from bottom to top. This will help smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows and relieve muscle tension. The ribbed part of the scraper is passed along the massage lines from the eyebrow fold to the ears. Then they move on to massaging the forehead.
  • After this, you can begin to work on the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and the area around the lips. The smooth long part of the scraper is used, movements are performed from top to bottom along the massage lines.
  • Additionally, you can treat the neck and décolleté area. Movements in this area are performed from bottom to top at an angle of 45 degrees.

As a result, a massage with a Guasha scraper lasts about 5–7 minutes. At the end of the session, the device should be washed with warm water and soap and wiped dry.

Jade massage roller - how to use and what are the disadvantages

Jade massage is a simple technique that uses a special jade roller. It puts pressure on the skin and underlying tissues. As a result of increased blood circulation, tension and tightness in the muscles are relieved.

This effect is beneficial for lymph microcirculation and helps reduce swelling.

Additionally, getting in touch with a stone (be it jade, rose quartz, or any other material) is a wonderful, relaxing way to pamper yourself. The procedure does not take much time and can be performed anywhere at a time convenient for you.

You simply roll it over the entire surface of your face. You need to start by treating the neck to open the blood circulation channels. And then move on to the face. It is recommended to move the roller in one direction - only up, and not up and down (as when painting a wall).

To achieve visible results, this massage should be performed daily during your daily skincare routine.

Jade rolling does not require special knowledge or practice. Therefore, it is much easier to work with it than with a scraper.


  • You will have to clean the roller regularly as dirt will get trapped in the area inside the roller. It will need to be washed thoroughly with a brush and soap in hot water.
  • The roller consists of several working parts, which wear out and break over time. They can also break if dropped, so handle the tool with care.
  • If you intend to achieve visible results, jade massage is not as effective as the Gua Sha method.

Important Tips

If you perform the procedure yourself, pay attention to the following:

The skin does not stretch if you use oil. 3-5 drops are enough for the entire treated area. It is advisable to use non-comedogenic formulations (for example, argan oil). Water-based skincare products are not suitable as they are quickly absorbed.

  1. At the end of the procedure, the remaining oil is wiped off with a dry cloth. Do not leave the product on the skin, especially around the eyes - this will lead to swelling.
  2. Apply only light pressure to the scraper. If you overdo it, hematomas and burst capillaries will appear on your face. Both are unaesthetic and contradict the very idea of ​​Guasha massage: to remove swelling and make the skin tone even.
  3. You should always follow the pattern of movements during massage. Do not move the scraper against the massage lines - this will create new wrinkles and swelling.
  4. After each session, the plate must be washed with soap. If this is not done, the oil and bacteria from the stone will enter the pores of the skin and cause acne.
  5. Movements during the session should be intense to accelerate the flow of blood and lymph.

The first 2-3 times Guasha massage may be painful. The pain is due to the fact that the muscles are not accustomed to such an impact. After a few sessions, the discomfort will go away and the procedure will bring only pleasant sensations.

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SHA spots

“SHA” spots appear in the body against the background of diseases, the course of which makes it difficult to naturally eliminate toxins. It is important to get rid of such stains in a timely manner, because they:

  • reduce protective properties;
  • inhibit the removal of toxins;
  • lead to disease progression.

The technique of performing Guasha is described in this video:

Getting rid of “shi” prevents chronic diseases from worsening and helps internal organs function at the proper level.


The effectiveness of Gouache massage is high; many people note that the transformation occurs rapidly. As a result, it is possible to achieve the following changes:

  • significantly smooth out scars or scars on the face;
  • normalize blood microcirculation and ensure the flow of oxygen to tissues;
  • whiten age spots;
  • reduce the severity of skin diseases;
  • get rid of acne;
  • minimize the appearance of wrinkles and reduce the volume of existing ones.

The effectiveness depends on how timely the course of sessions began and how correctly the method of influence was selected.

Indications and contraindications

In general, Guashi is not an aggressive massage option and during its implementation the deep layers are not affected, so most people are allowed to do it.

Primary indications for:

  1. Disturbances in the flow of oxygen into cells.
  2. Pigmentation or acne.
  3. Scars of varying severity.
  4. Metabolic disorders.

In some cases, Gouache cannot be done; the main contraindications for such a massage are as follows:

  1. Diseases of the lymphatic system, including enlarged nodes for unknown reasons.
  2. Multiple moles and papillomas.
  3. Herpes.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Heart diseases.
  6. Blood clotting disorders, thrombosis.
  7. Increased blood pressure or temperature.
  8. Some mental problems.

In the absence of obvious contraindications, it is still better to consult a doctor about the benefits and possibility of conducting such sessions.

Contraindications for the technique

Like any other massage technique, manipulation has its contraindications. These include the following:

  • Convex moles and warts in the affected area.
  • Infectious diseases and colds.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Recent facial contouring.

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for facial massage, however, consultation with a doctor in any case will not be superfluous.


Why gynecological massage is needed in each specific case is decided by the doctor. The main indications for prescribing this manipulation will be the following:

  • if menstruation is painful;
  • if a woman suffers from chronic inflammatory diseases (can be carried out only if there is no exacerbation);
  • weak, non-standard, contraction of the uterus during the period after childbirth;
  • pregnancy that was terminated;
  • if there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • in case of infertility and during the period when a couple is trying to conceive a child;
  • if a diagnosis such as fibrosis and/or dystonia is made;
  • if the uterus is positioned incorrectly;
  • if there are problems during sexual intercourse (in particular vaginismus).

Pelvic massage in a woman can also be performed if it is necessary to normalize the condition of the intestines or bladder. This manipulation also helps eliminate problems that arise after pregnancy and childbirth.

Which is better - a roller or a scraper?

Most often, jade scrapers are used for Guasha massage - they help to perform the procedure correctly and with maximum benefit for the skin. However, special rollers are also suitable for massage. They are a jade or rose quartz tool that is cylindrical in shape and attached to a handle.

  1. Rollerballs are convenient to use simultaneously with skincare cosmetics. For example, with nourishing or moisturizing masks, serums, hydrosols, a small amount of argan oil. The roller is moved along the massage lines so that the product is better absorbed into the skin.
  2. Guasha scrapers are used for lymphatic drainage massage before applying skincare cosmetics. First, remove makeup, then wash with gel or foam to remove all impurities and prevent them from being absorbed into the pores. After this, oil is applied and a massage is performed.

Scrapers are considered more functional than rollers, since their shape allows you to change the pressure and work on facial areas more accurately. If you use the plate correctly, you can achieve not only the effect of smoothing the skin, but also work the muscles and acupuncture points. The scraper is also convenient to use for massaging the back and other areas of the body.

Guasha scraper: which stone to choose?

The catalog of the online store contains sets and individual tools for gua sha massage. Before purchasing, explore all options to choose the one that suits you best.

According to Eastern medicine, each stone has a certain effectiveness:

  • Nephritis. Has a healing effect: calms, increases energy, eliminates bags under the eyes, fights age-related changes. The roller increases tone, removing swelling, and the scraper works the deep muscle structures of the body. Best suited for zodiac signs such as Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.
  • Rose quartz. Helps get rid of toxins and puffiness, and also improves blood circulation and fights wrinkles. The heart-shaped plate works the muscles, improving blood circulation. The roller helps restore turgor and prevents ptosis (drooping of soft tissues). Rose quartz is the stone of Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra.
  • Aventurine. Used in the treatment of dermatitis, restores sleep and increases self-esteem. The roller and scraper are used for a comprehensive massage of the body, head and face, which helps normalize the outflow of lymph and eliminate swelling. The complex effect allows you to smooth out wrinkles, sculpt cheekbones and facial contours. In terms of energy, aventurine is suitable for Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Taurus.

Salt of the Earth brand products are of high quality, which is confirmed by certificates of conformity. All items presented in the catalog are in stock and ready for delivery the very next day after receiving the application.

Removing the “withers” with a massage of the cervical spine

“Withers” is a general designation for the protrusion on the upper back, on which a semblance of a hump appears. An aesthetic defect is formed due to the accumulation of fatty deposits, which do not disappear even with weight loss. Massage is an effective way to help safely break down and remove excess substances in the collar area. The procedure is useful for men and women interested in how to remove the withers easily and quickly.


Before starting the procedure, follow the classic recommendations for preparing for the massage. You can also enhance the effect of the procedure below by performing special head movements (several hours after the session). The manipulations are similar to those that are performed during communication with an interlocutor - with agreement (up and down), disapproval (right and left) or remark (“Ay-ay-ay”, as when addressing a child). Each type of exercise is performed at least 30 times.

Algorithm for performing the basic technique:

  • Stroking.
    Surface contact of the palms, carried out from top to bottom, helps relax the muscles. Stroking is performed from 7 to 10 times.
  • Trituration.
    The massage therapist performs rotational movements from the back of the head to the shoulders. If subcutaneous seals are detected in these areas, a longer local effect is performed. Rotating the fingers in place is performed in order to remove the withers thanks to an exercise that greatly accelerates the destruction (splitting) of subcutaneous deposits.
  • Cupping massage.
    Outlining an invisible triangle with the apex pointing downwards, the cup is moved (clockwise and then counterclockwise) to increase blood flow, which helps break down subcutaneous salt and fat. After exposure (for 1 minute), the rubbing procedure is repeated.
  • Massage with fists.
    The specialist runs his clenched fingers from the neck to the shoulders from top to bottom (simultaneously on both sides of the spinal column). Repeat - 3-5 times. After exposure, the cupping massage is repeated again.
  • Squeezing.
    The entire palm is placed on the upper back and then squeezed. Repeat 5–10 times.
  • Repeated stroking.
    Relaxation manipulation prepares muscles for the everyday rhythm of life.


In more than 80% of cases, the formation of “withers” is combined with the appearance and worsening of cervical osteochondrosis.
If you do not massage the cervical-collar area in the presence of a widow’s hump (the name of the aesthetic effect is used in common speech), then pain will be added to the visual defect.

An increase in growth provokes the consolidation of the habit of slouching, and also leads to compression of the artery that supplies the brain.


After eliminating the lump, the patient is recommended to sign up for preventive massage courses 1-2 times a year so that the protrusion on the back does not reappear. You can also get general information on how to remove the withers on the neck and make the collar area aesthetically attractive using a video where the method is demonstrated by Anna Kurkurina. A professional athlete and coach shows the technique in great detail, but in the most succinct and interesting way.



Qigong facial massage

When you need to shake up the body so that internal resources are activated, allowing you to look ten years younger, then Qigong self-massage will effectively cope with the task, but to achieve a full result, you will need to perform various breathing exercises, change your diet, and do special gymnastics for the whole body .

For all this, an experienced mentor is needed, but if we consider facial procedures, they can be done at home and independently. There are no contraindications, which makes this massage universal for all people. It also does not matter where it is carried out, so the procedures can be carried out even at the workplace.

To prepare, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face and then moisturize it with water or oil. The position in which you will need to sit is similar to the “lotus” position, and as for movements, the first step is to smooth out the face with pads, then you need to clap your fingers, starting from the forehead and going down to the chest. The next stage is stroking with the palm, then kneading with the pads of bent fingers, followed by kneading with the base of the palms (lower part), the sixth step is stroking with the fist. These movements should be replaced by pressure with a fist, and the penultimate stage will be stroking with fingers, simulating the laying of thin threads. The finale will be a full body massage.

Each of the described types of massage has approximately the same effectiveness, but much depends on what ailments a person has and what contraindications there are. Almost all types of procedures, with the exception of Guasha, are performed without any objects, but it is still better if there is an experienced specialist nearby who can promptly suggest something or adjust the set of procedures. It cannot be said that Chinese facial massage is accessible to everyone and can be learned the first time, but if you don’t have confidence in your abilities, then it makes sense to stick to a classic massage. If you have existing health concerns, it is better to try Qigong massage. Although none of the listed procedures is suitable for pregnant women, since one should not forget about the very strong effect of these massages on the body.

Types of spa head massage

Currently, there are various types of spa massage for the head and face. Among them:

1. Hygienic (cosmetic).

Cosmetic spa massage of the head and face is used to maintain elasticity and healthy skin color, toning muscles, to prevent diseases, and relieve fatigue.

2. Medicinal.

Therapeutic spa head massage is a classic option for those who care about their health. Each master has his own set of movements and techniques.

The treatment procedure is represented by both classical medical methods and many exotic techniques. For example, Chinese massage contains special movements, and in order to perform them, the massage therapist must have great skill.

Therapeutic head massage is designed to improve health, make a person feel a surge of strength and energy, or, conversely, relax.

3. Cryomassage.

Cryomassage of the head is carried out with liquid nitrogen, which, when interacting with air, turns into smoke. Thanks to this procedure, the processes of growth and development of healthy and strong hair are activated. This is an effective, painless and pleasant manipulation that gives quick results.

It is useful for the prevention and treatment of:

  • fatigue, fatigue and sleep disturbances;
  • androgenic alopecia (alopecia);
  • dandruff, seborrhea, inflammatory processes of the scalp, as well as severe itching, split ends, dullness, fragility.

To avoid burns, it should be done in specialized salons.

4. Exotic.

Exotic spa massage is a variant of the procedure using unusual objects to tone and improve the scalp.

  • Indian, or Champi massage, is performed in a sitting position with the abundant addition of Ayurvedic oils infused with herbs. The session lasts about 40 minutes and it is recommended to remain at rest for another 15 minutes after it. By stimulating blood circulation, it helps improve memory, increase concentration, reduce blood pressure, relieve stress, fear, headaches, relax, eliminate muscle spasms, promote hair growth, stop hair loss and dandruff.

You can watch the video here:

  • Thai head massage helps relieve a wide variety of painful conditions. These include stress, insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, and fatigue. The procedure helps to relax the muscles of the head, neck and shoulders, relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, skin respiration and vascular tone, restore strength and activate hair growth.

This simple, pleasant and very effective manipulation lasting 15–30 minutes has a psychotherapeutic effect. Some spas use a variety of aromatic oils and healing mixtures during a session, selected according to the patient's skin type and hair condition.

  • Burmese massage is widely known as an anti-stress remedy. It is performed on the neck-collar area and head, helps to quickly restore strength, relieve headaches and improve blood circulation. In addition to its relaxing effect, Burmese massage helps strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss.

Watch the video here:

  • Traditional Chinese head massage activates blood circulation in the skin and brain, which helps relieve pain and spasms. Depending on the purpose and technique, the procedure has a stimulating or calming effect: it fights migraines, dizziness, and increases concentration and memory.

Chinese head massage includes an integrated approach to the physical and energetic components, and therefore is not only an effective treatment practice, but also the prevention of diseases of many body systems.

  • Guasha massage, or scraping massage , is the most ancient type of Chinese massage. The name speaks for itself: “gua” in translation means “scrape”, and “sha” means “disease”. The procedure is carried out using a special attribute - a scraper. It is made from stone, animal horns or metal.

The best scraper is made of black jade. It is considered a sacred stone in China and is mined in only one place in the world. With its help, it affects the reflexogenic zones located on the face and body. A comb scraper is used to massage the head, a square one for the back, and a triangular one for the arms and neck.

Regular exposure to the head improves lymph flow and blood circulation, relaxes muscles, increases skin tone and its defenses, and returns natural shine and silkiness to hair. During a gua sha massage, pressure is applied to acupuncture points, which affects all physiological processes and triggers reflex reactions.

You can watch a video of the procedure here:

Read material on the topic:

Stone massage: description, benefits, methods

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