Skin Cap cream
Instructions for using Skin-cap cream and cheap analogues
A drug with antifungal and antibacterial effect - Skin-cap in the form of a cream, prescribed for treatment
Rice. 5. Focal hyperkeratosis, moderate acanthosis, focal hypergranulosis. Hematoxylin-eosin staining. Magnification: ×100 5. Focal hyperkeratosis, moderate acanthosis, focal hypergranulosis (hematoxylin-eosin, ×100)
Lichen planus - symptoms, causes, treatment
What does lichen look like? During the course of the disease, rashes appear - most often they take the form
Photo of what post-acne looks like
Papular acne - causes and treatment of papular acne and pimples
Papular acne is the formation of papules on the skin, which are bumps with a hard consistency.
lichen in humans
Ringworm, thrush, mycoses - types, symptoms and treatment
The most common dermatological diseases include lichen - an infectious lesion of skin areas caused by
Yellow peeling: all about the transformative effect of this procedure
From this article you will learn: Yellow peeling - what is it Properties of yellow peeling
Perioral dermatitis: what it is, how to recognize and treat
Oral dermatitis is a local skin lesion, which consists of small papules (pimples) localized
Jessner peeling – features and progressive possibilities of a complex procedure
Salicylic acid – 14%; lactic acid – 10%; resorcinol – 14%. Medical product,
Tips from a cosmetologist on skin care for every day
Basic facial skin care: advice from a cosmetologist. During the day, a lot accumulates on the surface of the skin.
:What is self-facial massage
Five easy movements will prolong the youth of your face
We can talk endlessly about the benefits of massage for beauty and health. This ancient practice
Lymphatic system
Lymphatic drainage massage: indications and contraindications, techniques
Lymphatic drainage massage is a special technique of manual or hardware influence on the body that allows you to influence
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