Tips from a cosmetologist on skin care for every day

Basic facial skin care: advice from a cosmetologist

During the day, a lot of impurities accumulate on the surface of the skin, which may not be visible to the naked eye. Foundation, powder, and dust particles settle on the surface of the skin and clog pores. The skin glands secrete oil, which normally moisturizes the skin and regulates pH.

If the lipid balance of the skin is disturbed and skin care is not carried out competently every day, this can cause a number of problems:

  • clogged pores
  • inflammation and acne
  • violation of breathing and skin nutrition
  • decreased elasticity
  • the appearance of wrinkles, etc.

Proper daily skin care consists of several stages. The cosmetologist selects the products taking into account age, skin type, the presence and intensity of defects.

You need to massage your facial skin along the lines of lymph movement:

  • from the point between the eyebrows up to the hairline;
  • from the same point to the temples along the brow ridges;
  • also from this point along the back of the nose to the tip and down the wings;
  • from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, then from the outer to the inner;
  • from the sinuses to the temples;
  • from a point above the upper lip to the middle of each ear;
  • from the point under the lower lip to the earlobes;
  • from the earlobes down the neck to the collarbones;
  • in front from the collarbones along the larynx up to the chin.

It is necessary to make movements in these directions to tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Why cleanse and tone your skin?

The main stages of skin care are cleansing and toning. They should be performed 2 times a day. Daily facial skin care at home depends on the condition of the skin.

Cleansing is an important stage of skincare procedures. Using makeup and cosmetics without first cleansing will be ineffective - the skin and pores are contaminated, which provokes the appearance of pimples and minor blemishes. Even if you don’t use decorative cosmetics, you still need to cleanse your skin.

Daily facial skin care at home cannot be complete without cleansing. During the night, the skin intensively produces sebum. Morning procedures will help remove excess sebum and prepare the skin for the use of day cream.

Proper daily facial skin care must include evening cleansing of dirt and makeup residues. After cleansing, the skin is able to absorb the nutrients contained in the creams. The main rule is to use special products to cleanse the thin skin around the eyes.

If everything is clear with cleansing, then why does the skin need toning? The normal pH of human skin is 3.5-5.5. The skin is covered by a lipid layer called the acid mantle. Washing disrupts the acidity of the skin, as products often contain alkalis. After some time, the skin itself is able to restore its pH, but a tonic will help speed up this process.

Facial skin care every day includes toning. Tonics perform several tasks:

  • help neutralize the effects of cleansers
  • stabilize skin pH after cleansing
  • prepare the skin for applying the cream
  • improve the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis

Daily skin care for the face and neck means using toners in the morning and evening. The toner restores pH and eliminates the feeling of tightness. The toning effect will not be long in coming - the skin becomes moisturized and velvety, skin pores narrow, and inflammatory processes decrease.

Homemade masks for facial rejuvenation: TOP 7 beauty recipes

Asian mask

Incredibly, the main component of an Asian mask is rice. On the other hand, there is nothing to be surprised about, because this product is the main food of Asians. It contains many useful components, so Eastern women look very good. It includes the following elements:

  • Starch, softening the skin;
  • Choline, which relieves irritation;
  • Silicon, which gives elasticity;
  • Potassium, which fights dryness;
  • Vitamins PP and H, refreshing the complexion and promoting cell regeneration.

When making such a mask for facial rejuvenation, you must strictly follow the recipe. Then it will make your skin soft, soft and be as effective as possible.

The recipe for preparing a rice mask for facial rejuvenation is as follows: take 200 grams of rice and rinse it seven times, pour it into a pan, pour two glasses of water, cover and leave for 10 hours. You can do this in the morning so that everything is ready in the evening. After time, a film will appear on the surface of the grains. If it's not there, then you did something wrong. Then cook the rice, all the water should be gone.

Attention! Do not mix the contents of the container!

Remove the top layer of rice; it contains the most beneficial substances; it is from this that a mask for facial rejuvenation is made. Cool the resulting mass, mix it with egg yolk; no white is needed. Apply the prepared mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

This mask is well suited for women 45 years and older. The rest of the rice can be eaten.

Wheat germ mask

This mask for facial skin rejuvenation can be done from the age of 40. It is very effective and contains a large amount of vitamins. Wheat sprouts give the skin a healthy and fresh look and also renew cells. If your skin has already begun to undergo slight age-related changes, then prepare such a mask. You will not regret it.

Rinse the sprouts in water, dry and grind in a blender. Then mix with high-fat sour cream (if the skin is dry), milk (for sensitive skin), kefir (if the skin is oily), yogurt (for normal skin). You should get a thick paste, which is applied to the face for 25 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Vitamin yeast mask

Take a tablespoon of yeast, mix with a spoon of dairy product depending on your skin type (see recipe for a mask with wheat germ). Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of flaxseed oil, mix thoroughly. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil. Place the container with the mixture in a pan of water and turn off the heat. Wait for the yeast to ferment. As soon as the process begins (foam appears), the mask can be applied to the face after cooling. Apply the facial rejuvenation mask in a thick layer and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes.

Yeast contains B vitamins, so this mask perfectly rejuvenates and promotes cell restoration. It will help improve the appearance of your face. See for yourself!

Read material on the topic: Removing moles on the face without pain and consequences

Gelatin mask for facial rejuvenation

First, let's figure out what collagen is. Collagen is a protein that contributes to skin elasticity. When there is not enough of it, the face begins to age. Typically, collagen molecules in cosmetic products are too large, so they cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Gelatin is broken down collagen. And since the particles are split, they can penetrate much deeper. Therefore, gelatin is very beneficial for facial skin.

A mask for facial skin rejuvenation is prepared from gelatin and honey. You will need 25 grams of gelatin, one tablespoon of cold water, a teaspoon of honey, 60 grams of glycerin. Pour gelatin with water and leave for half an hour. Then add honey and glycerin. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath, heat it up, but not too much. That's it, you can apply it to your face with a cotton pad for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the resulting film from your face and wipe with tonic.

Starch mask for facial rejuvenation

Ordinary potato starch can provide your skin with an impressive rejuvenating effect. Many people say that starch gives the same results as Botox injections. Of course, this is a huge exaggeration, but it really works great as a base for a facial rejuvenation mask. Even the most expensive cosmetics from well-known brands will not be able to help as well as starch, which is available to everyone.

Mix a spoonful of potato starch with a spoonful of cocoa powder, add a little rosehip oil and yogurt. Leave on your face for 20-30 minutes.

Pumpkin face mask for rejuvenation

Pumpkin facial rejuvenation mask is useful for cleansing. It saturates the top layer of skin with vitamins, enriches it with nourishing and moisturizing components, smoothes wrinkles, and brightens the face. After all, pumpkin contains many nutrients.

Dry skin begins to age early and has increased sensitivity. You can correct the situation with the help of a pumpkin. The best option is not to use boiled pumpkin, but to steam it or cook it in the oven. In this case, the maximum possible amount of valuable substances will remain in it. If you do decide to boil the pumpkin, use a small amount of water.

You will need:

  • 50 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 5 grams of honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20 grams of cream with 20% fat content.

Boil the pumpkin pulp and mash it to a puree. Heat the honey in the microwave, mix it with pumpkin puree, egg yolk and high-fat cream. Stir the resulting mixture and apply to your face for 20 minutes. This facial rejuvenation mask can be done once every three days.

Raspberry mask

Take three tablespoons of raspberries and mash them to a puree consistency. Add a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of olive oil and an egg yolk to the puree. Mix the resulting mass well, apply to your face for 20 minutes, and wash.

Such a mask for facial rejuvenation will give the skin a healthy appearance and velvety, and also eliminate minor imperfections.

How to cleanse and tone the skin?

What do you need for daily facial skin care? Choose your products wisely and know the step-by-step care regimen!

Cleansing is a prerequisite for normal skin functioning. This is the main procedure before applying all nourishing creams. Scientists have proven that cleansed skin absorbs the nutritional components of cosmetics 30% better than contaminated skin.

Don't neglect cleansing in the morning. Even if the skin is visually clean, this does not mean that the skin is not contaminated. All night the cells worked actively, bringing toxins and sebum to the surface. You should get rid of them to awaken your skin.

The main rules for daily cleansing and toning:

  • Cleansing is carried out in the morning and evening. The main stage of intensive cleansing should be in the evening, when the skin accumulates impurities during the day.
  • To cleanse the skin, makeup is removed with special products - first from the eyes, then from the entire face. Decorative cosmetics are removed with makeup products - mousses, foams, gels. They are selected according to skin type. Mousses and foams are suitable for dry and normal skin, and gels for oily skin.
  • All cleansers, without exception, must be washed off with water. Even light milk should not be left on the skin. The components included in cleansers gradually destroy the lipid membrane of the skin, reducing its protective abilities.
  • After cleansing, the skin is toned with tonic, lotion or toner depending on the skin type. These products remove residual chlorinated water, soothe the skin, and stabilize the pH. Every day facial skin care should not include alcohol-based toners. They have an aggressive effect on the skin, and subsequently stimulate hypersecretion of the glands.


A decrease in turgor leads to the fact that the skin begins to sag in the lower part of the cheeks, forming an unnatural, irregular oval of the face. It does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, indicating not only age-related changes, but also many bad habits, as well as a lack of timely and effective care.

How to care for your skin depending on its type?

Oily and combination skin suffers from intense production of sebum. The skin has a characteristic oily sheen, which is especially noticeable in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin.

Daily care for problem skin is based on the use of products with a mousse texture that are washed off with water. Such products do not disturb the balance of the skin. To care for problem skin, it is better not to use abrasive products - they aggressively cleanse the skin and injure the epidermis.

Every day care for problematic facial skin is based on the main rule - proper cleansing. You need to take care of your skin with gels and small scrubs. They eliminate impurities and dead particles of the epidermis, cleanse pores, and eliminate clogging of the sebaceous glands. Daily care for problem skin necessarily includes refreshing your face with tonic. Products should contain a lot of moisture, but not be too greasy.

Combination skin is characterized by a combination of two skin types. The so-called T-zone is distinguished by an oily sheen, often with inflammatory foci. There are dry areas in the cheek area. Combination skin becomes treacherously shiny in the summer heat, but dries out quickly in winter. What should be your daily facial skin care routine at home?

There is no need to use different products for different areas of the face! Today, cosmetics have been developed for mixed skin types. Daily facial skin care involves the use of soft toners and low-fat creams. Mattifying wipes can get rid of excess fat in the T-zone, and toner can normalize the pH of the skin.

Dry skin suffers from a lack of sebum and moisture. The skin looks thin, stretched and rough. Dry skin is prone to premature wrinkles. Products with an oily, rich texture will help restore comfort and beauty to your skin.

A cosmetologist's advice on caring for dry skin is based on hydration and nutrition. Daily care for dry skin at home involves the use of delicate products that have a mild moisturizing effect.

Daily care for dry skin should include soft milk, gentle tonics, and nourishing creams with herbal extracts. Such products will restore healthy radiance and beauty to the skin. Products containing irritating alcohol and abrasive particles should be excluded from daily care for dry skin.

Daily care for aging skin has its own characteristics. Often women aged 35+ experience loss of elasticity, the appearance of thin skin folds, dryness and sagging.

Daily facial skin care at 35 years old is based on replenishing the lack of collagen and elastin, stimulating cells to self-heal. Naturally, it will not be possible to stop the aging process. But they can be significantly slowed down. Daily skin care after 45 should consist of products containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Anti-aging cosmetics will make the skin more elastic, tightened and nourished.

Correcting the situation with the help of cosmetologists

The most effective conservative methods for eliminating this defect is a visit to a cosmetology salon. The doctor will be able to determine the root cause, the degree of neglect of the problem, and also choose a set of procedures that will help in the fight for the beauty and youth of the skin. Among the existing tools:

  • hardware cosmetology;
  • injections;
  • non-injection drugs;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • massage and physiotherapy.

With the combination of all these approaches, it is possible to achieve not only a visual reduction of the defect, but also completely remove it or significantly slow down the sagging. All methods should be aimed at improving turgor, stimulating one’s own synthesis of collagen and elastin in tissues, reducing the number of damaged, dysfunctional cells, and their renewal.

What do you need for skin care every day?

The procedure for caring for facial skin changes every day as the body grows older:

  • 20+. During this period, the withering processes begin and the first signs of skin maturity appear. Daily skin care after 25 years is based on the use of moisturizers and antioxidants. The skin is still elastic and actively regenerates. Therefore, daily skin care after 25 is limited to the use of products to cleanse and nourish the skin.
  • 30+. At this age, the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers significantly decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity. Fine wrinkles, traces of dehydration and sagging appear on the skin. A cosmetologist's advice on skin care after 35 is based on the use of antioxidant products and creams for ultraviolet protection, and anti-aging formulas with hyaluronic acid.
  • 40+. Daily skin care after 45 is a comprehensive fight against age-related changes. By the age of 45, signs of aging, pigmentation, changes in facial contours, and decreased tone are noticeable on the skin. Tips from cosmetologists for skin care over 45 years old: replenish your cosmetic bag with products containing retinol, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.
  • 50+. Daily home care for facial skin after 50 years should be carefully planned. During this period, hormonal imbalance is noted - collagen synthesis stops, skin tone decreases. At the age of 50+ you cannot do without compensatory care. A cosmetologist's advice for skin care after 55 years is to use anti-aging formulas with a powerful effect, aimed at replenishing the lack of moisture and collagen fibers.

Fighting deep wrinkles

Deep wrinkles are a clear sign of old age. They occur when the synthesis of collagen and elastin is reduced and the activity of connective tissue cells decreases. Dermatologists will tell you how to care for your skin after 40 years and smooth out wrinkles.

The fact is that for deep wrinkles it is no longer enough to simply use cream, but I would like to preserve the youth of my face. In this case, injection and hardware therapy methods are used:

  1. Botulinum therapy (Botox) is a neurotoxin; it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle, and it stops contracting, and the wrinkle is smoothed out.
  2. Contour plastic surgery involves the use of gel preparations and hyaluronic acid. They are injected into the deep layers of the skin, thereby adding volume and smoothing out wrinkles.
  3. Plasma therapy is a shallow injection of the patient’s own blood plasma under the patient’s skin, this eliminates signs of skin aging and provides a lifting effect.

Hardware methods are an ideal solution for those who are afraid of the consequences of injections or have contraindications; they are no less effective and safe. Often used by cosmetologists are thermal lifting and laser resurfacing.

What does daily facial skin care consist of?

Daily care for different skin types includes several mandatory procedures:

  • Cleansing. Cleansing products are selected individually based on its type. It is better to give preference to products with a neutral pH without surfactants (alkalies).
  • Exfoliation. Tonics, due to their mild chemical action, dissolve dead cells on the surface of the skin, renew the skin, and restore radiance and freshness to the skin.
  • Hydration. The remedies work in two ways. And, as a rule, modern creams combine both options. The first method is water retention. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid in creams retain water molecules. The second method is to “lock” the water. Oils and silicones create a protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents water from evaporating. Step-by-step daily facial skin care, regardless of its type, necessarily includes the use of creams. The texture of the moisturizer depends on your skin type. The drier the skin, the denser the cream should be. It is also worth considering the advice of a cosmetologist on caring for the skin around the eyes. The skin in this area is thin and requires delicate care.
  • Protection. Taking care of your skin every day involves using products with ultraviolet protection. They are applied before going outside to exposed areas of the body.

The best cosmetic masks with acids

Acid care is at the peak of popularity today, which is not surprising. After all, it is easy to use and transforms the skin in a short time. Products based on fruit, lactic, mandelic, salicylic and other types of acids stimulate the processes of regeneration and cell renewal, therefore getting rid of wrinkles, enlarged pores, rashes, pigmentation, uneven tone and relief.

After just one use of the acid mask, the skin becomes velvety and filled with radiance. And with regular use, the product will prolong her youth and eliminate any imperfections. The downside of such products is their aggressive effect, which the sensitive epidermis will definitely not appreciate.

Blithe Patting Splash Mask Rejuvenating Purple Berry



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Don't have time for a daily skin care routine for aging skin? Pamper your face with flower and berry syrup from the Asian brand Blithe, and it will thank you with a refreshed look.

A splash mask is a new product format in the form of a liquid concentrate, rich in useful substances, which does not require rinsing. Simply apply the transformative cocktail to your face after cleansing and blot off any remaining residue with a towel after 15 seconds. This time will be enough to start the rejuvenation processes.

The splash mask contains lactic acid, gardenia, strawberry, blueberry and acai extracts, which stimulate the processes of microcirculation, renewal and regeneration of the dermis. When used daily, the product relieves the face of dryness, wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven tone, giving in return tone, elasticity, smoothness and well-groomed radiance.


  • Unusual format;
  • Express effect;
  • Cost-effective;
  • Soft impact;
  • Anti-aging effect;
  • Eliminates pigmentation imperfections.


  • You will have to pay 3300 rubles for 200 ml.

The rejuvenating splash mask from Blithe is especially recommended for active and busy women in the care of dry, atonic skin with rosacea, pigmentation and wrinkles over the age of 35 years.

Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask



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The Andalou Naturals skin radiance mask is one of the brand’s bestsellers, which is also appreciated by our compatriots. The cheerful orange-colored product is made with pumpkin puree, fruit stem cells, glycolic acid and vitamin C.

This mix gently exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, cleanses and tightens pores, evens out the tone and texture of the face, smooths out wrinkles and gives the face a sleek glow. The product is applied to clean skin and washed off with water no later than 20 minutes. There may be a slight tingling sensation during use.

Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask quickly transforms problematic, aging and dull skin. At the same time, the composition has a more gentle effect compared to other acid-containing products.


  • Good and relatively gentle composition;
  • Renews the epidermis, eliminates imperfections;
  • Gives skin radiance;
  • Anti-aging effect.


  • Due to the delicate effect, it will require longer use.

A mask with glycolic acid from Andalou Naturals is a godsend for lovers of organic cosmetics who have oily, problematic, aging or dull skin.

How often should you use a scrub and why?

The main thing in facial skin care is cleansing. Without this procedure, it is useless to use other cosmetics. The scrub is able to thoroughly cleanse the skin, making it soft and tender.

But your daily facial skin care routine shouldn't include a scrub. The intensity of use of this product depends on the type and condition of the skin, its sensitivity, age and time of year. Often, a deep cleansing scrub is used no more than once a week.

The rules for daily facial skin care do not include the constant use of scrubs. This is undesirable from the point of view of skin functioning. The skin is programmed with a natural exfoliation process. Therefore, normally it is enough to support these processes.

In order not to harm the skin, you need to use scrubs with small spherical or hemispherical particles. The products are applied in a circular motion, which helps to gently remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. Rough scrub particles can injure and scratch the skin. Some scrubs contain particles that dissolve during application. This cleansing is more effective due to the enzymes contained in the scrub.

Every day care for oily skin and the use of scrubs should be agreed upon with a cosmetologist. For example, if there are purulent rashes on the skin, the scrub will only increase inflammation and lead to the spread of infection.

The best cosmetic masks for cleansing the skin

High-quality but gentle cleansing is the key to beautiful and well-groomed skin of any type. To realize the dream of a porcelain face without rashes, you cannot do without masks based on clay, coal or sea mud. For oily, problematic and porous skin, use such products 2 times a week; for normal, dry and aging skin, one procedure every 7-10 days will be enough.

Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment



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The bestseller from Glamglow is recognized by beauty bloggers and ordinary consumers as one of the best cleansing cosmetic masks. The product with an anti-inflammatory, pigment-reducing and sebum-regulating effect has a creamy graphite-colored texture with a mint aroma. It contains white clay, charcoal, extracts of eucalyptus, licorice, cucumber, chamomile, as well as salicylic lactic, glycolic, tartaric, pyruvic and mandelic acids.

Such a rich cocktail exfoliates dead epidermis, eliminates deep skin impurities and rashes, regulates sebum production, and returns a beautiful tone and uniform texture to the face. The mask effectively fights blackheads, acne and enlarged pores, without drying out the skin at all.


  • Available in various volumes (50 and 15 ml);
  • Rich composition;
  • Comfortable texture;
  • Does not dry the skin;
  • Fights imperfections;
  • Gives the face a well-groomed look.


  • High price (about 5000 rubles for 50 ml).

Looking for a highly effective cleanser for problematic but sensitive skin? You will definitely appreciate the effect of the Glamglow mask.

Origins Original Skin Retexturizing Mask With Rose Clay



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The peeling mask from Origins pleases with its rich composition and intense cleansing effect. A creamy, thick composition with tiny abrasive pollen is applied to slightly damp skin for 10 minutes. If desired, you can do a light massage during the process to achieve maximum exfoliating effect. The mask contains pink clay, grapefruit, lavender, sandalwood and chamomile oils, jojoba oil, pomelo, sage, geranium, rose and hyaluronic acid extracts.

This whole mix delicately cleanses the skin, evens out tone and texture, eliminates blackheads and rashes, and also has an antiseptic, soothing and moisturizing effect. Thanks to its comprehensive caring effect, this mask from Origins will appeal even to those with sensitive epidermis.


  • Cost-effective;
  • Good composition;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • Pronounced cleansing effect;
  • Available in various volumes (30, 75 and 100 ml).


  • The cost is about 2000 rubles per 100 ml.

Origins pink clay mask is best suited for cleansing dry, normal and aging skin, even if it is highly sensitive.

Nivea Urban Detox “Pore cleansing and detox”



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Urban Detox minute mask is a product for intensive cleansing at an affordable price. The scrub based on white clay, magnolia extract and shea butter is easily distributed over the skin due to its creamy texture, and the polyethylene particles present allow mechanical peeling of the face without damaging the skin.

The product gives a pleasant cooling effect, eliminating puffiness and toning the epidermis. In just 1 minute, the mask lightens blackheads, exfoliates dead cells, tightens pores and mattifies the face, and also gives it a healthy glow. The effect of this product will be appreciated by those with problem skin, aging and sensitive epidermis.


  • Can be used as a scrub;
  • Cooling effect that reduces swelling;
  • Does not require much time for the procedure;
  • Pronounced cleansing and exfoliating effect without microtraumas;
  • Universal;
  • Budget price (about 250 rubles)


  • Poor composition, in comparison with expensive analogues.

The “Pore Cleansing and Detox” mask is suitable for regular use by those with normal to oily skin over 14 years of age.

How to avoid age spots?

When it comes to preventing age spots, the order of daily skin care and the protection of the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation are important.

Products for daily facial skin care must include creams with SPF factor. The products must be used all year round on exposed areas of the body. In the summer heat, it is recommended to use SPF products above 30, in other months - creams with an SPF of at least 25.

During the period of active sun, products with retinol and vitamin A should be excluded from your beauty cosmetics bag. They provoke redness and irritation of the skin.

How to remove jowls on your face at home

It is quite difficult to cope with such a problem at home. All methods can be classified as preventative rather than producing tangible results.

The most effective method can only be if a person is overweight. With proper weight loss, fat will disappear from the cheeks, and with additional care, the skin will quickly tighten and create a harmonious oval of the face. However, you should not allow sudden weight loss, which will only worsen the problem. The best option is to lose 4-5 kg ​​per month under the strict supervision of a nutritionist and endocrinologist.

If the problem has not yet gone far and is just beginning to appear, use massages, masks, and exercises as a correction or prevention.

Why is it necessary to use serums?

Daily skin care includes the use of serums. But today they remain a mysterious remedy for many. The range of possibilities of serums is huge:

  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin
  • fight acne and age spots
  • eliminating signs of wilting, etc.

The serum contains a concentrate of active substances that can solve many skin problems. The main feature of the serum is that the depth of penetration of its components is much greater than that of any cream.

Daily skin care products differ in their action:

  • Moisturizing. Eliminate inflammation on the skin. Such serums are necessary for sensitive and dehydrated skin. They will be especially useful in hot weather, when the skin suffers from a lack of moisture. Typically, moisturizing serums contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin. They should be used 2 times a day.
  • Calming. Suitable for sensitive skin. The serums contain herbal extracts, niacinamide and other active substances.
  • Exfoliating. Eliminate dead epidermal cells. Serums are made on the basis of lactic, salicylic and other acids. They are used only in the evening.
  • Anti-aging. Tightens the skin, eliminates sagging and wrinkles. Serums contain retinol, vitamin C, antioxidants.

Is it possible to fight jowls using conservative methods?

The only effective way is plastic surgery, threads and other interventions that will completely eliminate the unwanted defect. All other options will help in cases where deficiencies have just begun to form. They will help tighten the oval a little and prevent the rapid progression of sagging skin.

If the changes are critical, then only surgical methods will help restore turgor. In the future, you can use conservative ones to prolong the effect. With insufficient care, even after plastic surgery, the problem may return again, which will require more expensive and drastic interventions to restore beauty and youth.

Jowl massage

Quite an effective remedy. After applying cosmetics, you should move with special massage rollers or hands in the direction from the chin, to the sides and up to the ears. Massaging can also be done with a soft towel soaked in saline solution. After finishing, the salt must be washed off, and a moisturizer or anti-aging cream is applied to the skin.

Removing jowls on the face with lifting masks

Both pharmacy and home recipes are suitable. In the case of folk remedies, aloe, honey, essential oils of orange, cedar, tea tree, and argan will help. Among store-bought products, you should choose those that have the following on the label: panthenol, allantoin, marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, snail mucin and others.

Exercises for jowls

Beautiful and tightened skin on any part of the body is unthinkable without strong muscles. The face is no exception to the rule. Let's consider a special set of exercises that allows you to keep muscle fibers in good shape:

  1. It is necessary to puff out your cheeks strongly. Then roll the air from one side to the other for 30 seconds.
  2. Imagine a candle in front of you, purse your lips and sharply blow out the imaginary fire at least 50-60 times.
  3. Press your index fingers to your cheeks and then try to smile. Hold your hands firmly enough so that the effort you put into this process is noticeable.
  4. Alternately move your lips to one side and the other. Wrinkles and other irregularities on the tense part of the face should be smoothed out.
  5. Relax your lips. They should remain in this position until the end of the exercise. Stick your tongue out as far as possible and lift the tip up. Repeat the movement for a minute.

Face fitness will help prolong youth and tighten the unclear contours of the face. It is enough to devote 15-30 minutes a day to the procedures. It is good to combine them with massage, lifting masks and other care products that improve turgor.


The symbiosis of cosmetic preparations and nutraceuticals has proven itself in the fight against cosmetic defects. Such compositions have both a caring effect and a healing effect on the skin. Rare plant extracts and patented effective vitamin and protein complexes help stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin in tissues and restore water-fat balance.

Cosmetics from the RHANA corporation contain the necessary proteins, vitamins, micro- and macrocomponents, growth factors necessary for cell renewal and healing:

  • GHC Placental Cosmetic is a biocorrector cream for intensive rejuvenation. Makes the skin denser, more elastic and firmer.
  • Modeling 3-D mask with placenta hydrolyzate and coenzyme Q10. Evens out tone, promotes cellular renewal, eliminates wrinkles and tightens the oval.
  • GHC Placental Cosmetic is a concentrated lotion for intensive rejuvenation. Serves to prevent the development of inflammation, protects skin cells from free radicals, and also restores the natural uniform color.

When should you start using anti-aging products?

Daily skin care at home largely depends on age. But the question arises: when should you start using anti-aging cosmetics? You need to take care of youth and beauty of your skin from an early age. The first “bell” to use anti-age cosmetics is the appearance of creases and loss of elasticity.

Often, the aging process starts at the age of 25. This does not mean that the skin will suddenly lose its fresh appearance and become covered with wrinkles. Aging is a gradual long-term process and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But it is easier to delay the aging process than to fight profound age-related changes.

The rules of daily skin care are individual for everyone. There is no universal figure for starting to use anti-aging care. Daily facial skin care after 25 should be based on the recommendations of a cosmetologist. The main advice from a cosmetologist on skin care after 35 years is the use of products aimed at moisturizing, protecting from ultraviolet radiation and maintaining tone.

If you use anti-aging creams prematurely out of fear of “aging prematurely,” then these treatments will be useless. Anti-aging cosmetics work where their work is needed. If the skin is young, anti-age cream will nourish and moisturize the skin, but will not perform its direct functions. Anti-aging cosmetics should be used according to indications and always in a timely manner.

Daily skin care after 35 should not be chosen independently. A cosmetologist will prescribe products that are optimal for your age and skin condition.

Prevention of early skin aging

You should start taking care of the beauty of your skin at the age of 20. Choose the right quality cream, remove makeup from your eyes, and wash your face not with soap, but with special products suitable for your skin type. When they are young, they like to spend a lot of time in the sun, and this habit is difficult to give up. A passion for tanning should be covered with SPF protection, this will protect the skin from injury and dryness.

Visiting a professional cosmetologist at any age is one of the stages of maintaining youth and beauty!

The further you go, the more - from 40 years old, to prevent premature fading, it is important to use:

  • additional products containing vitamins A, E, C, not only inside, but also on top of the skin; injections with these vitamins around the eyes are useful;
  • cosmetics containing collagen, hyaluronic acid, peptides (they will help restore water balance and add velvety);
  • Peeling with lactic acid and deep chemical cleansing are required, which will help speed up skin regeneration and slightly tighten the face;
  • Exercising will help tighten and give elasticity to the skin.

Be sure not to stop drinking water; each body has its own norm - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

Do not use low-quality decorative cosmetics; choose a moisturizing foundation (BB).

From the age of 30-35, you should begin to carry out moisturizing procedures for the skin, soak your eyelids with cream and use toner, and do not rub it into the skin, but apply it with point-to-point, tapping movements. It is useful to sign up for a facial massage. This will refresh and improve blood circulation.

Frequency of application

First of all, this important question depends on your skin type . Needs may also be different, as discussed earlier, all products can be divided into several types, according to the principle of action on the skin. Taking these two factors into account, you can choose the optimal composition.

The secret of the beneficial effects of watermelon pulp on the skin of the face lies in the unique combination of substances included in its biochemical composition. Take the best recipes for watermelon face masks to your home storage.

Read reviews about hair coloring with oil dyes in this article.

Watch the video from Everything will be Good: making a face mask from starch

For oily skin

The main problems of this type of skin will be hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands and rapid contamination. Oily skin is also more prone to developing pimples and blackheads. The positive thing is that skin aging usually occurs later than in those with dry and hypersensitive skin. Cleansing compositions can be used twice a week, remembering to moisturize the skin afterwards. Anti-aging masks are used as needed, but you need to be careful with nutritional compositions, because they can worsen the situation. Such masks are made no more than once a week, maintaining comfortable intervals between sessions. It is with the help of foundation that you can emphasize your natural beauty, given to you by nature, without the effect of a “mask” on your face. Learn more about the shades and composition of Revlon foundation.

Watch the video: advice from a cosmetologist on the correct use of face masks

Dry and sensitive

The use of masks for this skin type is characterized by a more picky choice of composition. The peculiarity of these types of epidermis is their extraordinary vulnerability, so all kinds of cleansing procedures are carried out once a week and with soft, non-abrasive substances. For example, baking soda and salt should be combined with softer ingredients and not rub your face too much when applying. Anti-aging formulations also need to be selected with extreme caution so as not to cause harm. Natural oils, dairy products of sufficient fat content, honey and more exotic ingredients - seaweed, yeast and even mayonnaise (homemade, of course) will be good helpers. Nourishing and moisturizing formulations can be applied twice a week, many even use them every day, this is all purely individual. Unique French cosmetics of excellent quality have long won the hearts of fashionistas all over the world. We have made a review of la roche posay cream for you.


Despite the fact that the main action of the components here should be aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, it is also necessary to base it on your skin type. Dry skin is also prone to rashes, pimples and blackheads, but it is extremely unwise to use salt and soda scrubs that are effective for oily skin types.

In general, cleansing and anti-inflammatory compositions can be applied 1-2 times a week, but focus on the condition of the skin after the procedures. You need to be careful with nourishing masks and not use them more than once a week. We should not forget about additional moisturizing, which can be done every other day. Avon products are known all over the world. It is difficult to meet a family that does not have cosmetics from this brand. For you, a review and photos of popular Avon shower gels.

For rejuvenation

A very undesirable, but inevitable condition - the gradual aging of the body is most noticeable on the face. The condition of the epidermis can be improved through nourishing masks, as well as special anti-aging compounds. Usually, for each recipe, recommendations on possible frequency are given. For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to do courses of 10–12 procedures, after which you change the composition or give the skin a rest for 2–4 weeks. After 35 years, it is necessary to use cleansing scrubs and masks with greater caution, because the epidermis becomes more vulnerable. On the other hand, nutrition and hydration can be applied up to two to three times a week. Use whitening masks as needed, but not too often. Basically, such masks are made once a week. Gentle formulations, for example with cucumber, are made every other day with a mandatory break after a month of use. Women often change their image by dyeing their hair. And the transformation from brunette to blonde is the most mysterious. Find out more about dyes for lightening dark hair.

The order of applying masks by day of the week

To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, you can alternate masks with different effects throughout the week. This also allows you to avoid getting used to the active substance and composition of the product. For young skin, it is best to alternate a moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing mask, and carry out procedures at intervals of 3-5 days. After 30 years, it is recommended to develop an application scheme.

After 30, aging processes are observed, so you should create a schedule for using masks.

An example of the order of application by day of the week:

  • Monday – nourishing;
  • Tuesday – rejuvenating;
  • environment – ​​moisturizing;
  • Thursday – tightening;
  • Friday – cleansing;
  • Saturday and Sunday – break.

In this case, you should take into account the time and season, as well as your skin type when using this or that type of mask. It is important to remember that some compounds are addictive, so their use should be strictly limited. You can find out what professional facial care should be like here.

Correct time of day to apply

During the day, the epidermis needs different influences, which is associated with natural physiological processes. For the procedure to be effective, you should take into account the time of application of the product to the skin of the face. Features of use during the day:

  • Early morning . From 5 to 7 am, the skin just begins to awaken from sleep, at this time all metabolic processes slow down, and sensitivity to external influences decreases. During this period, it is advisable to abandon any caring procedures;
  • Morning hours . From 7 to 10 am is the optimal time to use toning and moisturizing masks. During this period, it is not recommended to use compositions with aggressive components or cleansing masks based on fruit acids. The carboski masks discussed in the article are ideal for toning;
  • From 10.00 to 12.00 . During this period, it is best to apply preventive and therapeutic masks to get rid of acne, and products to control sebum production. The risk of an allergic reaction is minimal;

You can combine nourishing masks with natural products; this is never superfluous.

  • During the daytime . From 12 to 15 hours the body does not need additional influence; it is during this period that the stability of all metabolic processes is noted. It is advisable to avoid masks, as they will be ineffective;
  • Afternoon. From 16 to 18 hours you should not make masks, since during this interval regenerative processes decrease, the epidermis loses sensitivity, and metabolism slows down slightly;
  • Evening hours . From 18:00 to 22:00 is the best time for cleansing procedures; you can also use nutritional compositions. For cleansing, you can try Agafia's Bathhouse mask. There is good absorption of nutrients, minerals and vitamins are quickly absorbed;
  • Night time . During this period, regenerative processes reach their peak. It is at night that it is better to apply anti-aging masks; they are also effective and nourishing, but they should be used no later than 30 minutes before bedtime. Recipes for yeast anti-aging masks are presented in this material.

During the day, the body goes through several cycles, the duration of which depends on age, the strength of blood flow and metabolic processes. In general, it is advisable to carry out moisturizing and toning procedures in the morning, and rejuvenating, nourishing and cleansing products are best postponed until the second half of the day.

Despite the fact that all people have different biorhythms, natural physiological processes occur in the same way. If you go to bed very late or even in the morning, it is not recommended to use day care cosmetics at night.

Why are masks needed?

Many people don’t understand that if there are tonics, face creams, both day and night, why use anything else? Face care creams have many tasks: moisturize, protect from sun rays, etc. Face masks are a cosmetic product with one function (which is in the name itself) and have a stronger and specifically targeted effect on the skin.

With the right choice of ingredients and type of mask, you can get rid of various facial skin problems. You just need to know exactly what exactly in the condition of your skin does not suit you, and direct the action of the mask precisely to this deficiency.

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