Squamous lichen in humans: symptoms, treatment, photo with description
Squamous lichen or psoriasis is a severe non-contagious skin pathology of a non-infectious nature, mainly localized in
A modern view on the possibilities of using alpha-lipoic acid
Thioctic acid in cosmetology Testimony from cosmetologists indicates that lipoic acid compounds for
How to choose a good diuretic for swollen eyes - list of tablets and herbs
Sometimes patches and home decongestants really “don’t work”, and if they do, then
Treatment of allergic urticaria: symptoms and causes
Cost Allergology-immunology Name of service Price Consultation with an allergist-immunologist, primary 3,500 ₽ Benefits Newest, permanent
Lip augmentation with Surgiderm 30 xp - reviews
Surgiderm (Surgiderm) what kind of drug? Not so long ago in the arsenal of contour plastic specialists
How long does it take for urticaria in a child to go away and how much attention does it require?
General information The name of the disease is due to the fact that outwardly it looks like a nettle burn -
What to do if a pimple appears on your lip?
What is this disease Herpetic stomatitis is a pathological process that develops in the mucous membrane
Why does redness appear on the bend of the elbow?
The types of skin diseases are very diverse. They differ in location, nature, character and degree
Mole on the lip: reasons for its appearance, how to remove it and which specialist is best to contact (video + 125 photos)
Every person has several nevi on the surface of the skin. Mole on or near lip
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) of high oncogenic risk.
Today, HPV infection is one of the most common and important STIs (transmitted infections).
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