About the unique jojoba oil, which has no equal in its effect on the skin

Jojoba oil, the properties and uses of which have been known since ancient times, as evidenced by archaeological excavations, has a unique chemical composition. In fact, this substance is a liquid form of wax and, unlike other vegetable fats extracted from the seed part of plants, does not contain triglycerides. Among the fatty acids, gadoleic acid predominates, which ensures the stability of the mixture, so the addition of jojoba oil to quickly destructuring compositions significantly increases their stability. Such a combination of wax esters with higher fatty acids, tocopherols, ceramides and other compounds can regenerate severely damaged strands, eliminate wrinkles, and fight sagging dermis. Detailed information about the miraculous properties of the product obtained from the seeds of the desert shrub is presented in the text below.

Jojoba plant

A Brief History of Jojoba Oil

Simmondsia sinensis was completely mistakenly named this way, and in fact does not grow in the territory of Cathay, but in desert areas. The plant grows in the deserts of southern North America, and the oil obtained from the fruit has been known to mankind for at least three millennia.

According to archaeological excavations carried out in Egypt, the product was known to the pharaohs because it was found in tombs, and industrial production began only in the 70s of the last century.

Hair masks

Jojoba oil, 100 ml. — Macrovita Greece

For dry and damaged hair

  • With cream and banana Take 100 g of cream with 20% fat content, mix it with mashed one banana. 50-70 ml. jojoba oils. Bring the resulting composition to a homogeneous consistency and apply. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Rinse well with shampoo.
  • With kefir 200 ml. kefir, 50 g. boiled oatmeal, 50 ml. jojoba oils. 2 drops rose essential oil. Distribute through hair. After 40 min. wash off. Mix 50 ml with honey. liquid honey with 50 ml. jojoba, olive and coconut oils. 2 drops of ylang-ylang ether. Apply to strands for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.
  • With vitamins Mix 4 tbsp. l. jojoba oil with three capsules of vitamin A and E. 20 ml of chamomile decoction, 2 drops of myrrh ether. Apply the mixture to your hair for 40 minutes.
  • With yolk Take 1 yolk and beat it until well foamed with a pinch of salt. Pour 3 tbsp. spoons of jojoba oil. Leave on hair for 20-30 minutes.
  • With avocado, mash one fruit until pureed. 1 tsp jojoba, 2 tbsp. l. coconut, 2 tbsp. spoons of almond oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, rinse after 45 minutes.
  • With your favorite mask Add 50 ml there. jojoba, 50 ml. coconut oil, a tablespoon of sour cream, 3 drops of lavender ether. Apply to all hair for half an hour.

For oily hair

  • With mustard 2 tbsp. l. jojoba, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard. Apply to the roots (no more than 5 cm from the roots). Apply to hair for 15-20 minutes.
  • With cognac 30 ml. shea butter, jojoba, mix. Add 1 tbsp to them. a spoonful of cognac or rum. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with conditioner.
  • With ginger 2 tbsp. l. .jojoba and olive, 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger. Apply only to roots. Keep the mask on for no more than 20 minutes. Ginger normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improves hair growth.
  • With tomatoes Grind two ripe tomatoes in a blender, 3 tbsp. spoons of kefir. Enter 2 tbsp. l. warm jojoba oil. Action time is 15-25 minutes.

Anti-aging moisturizing body lotion with saffron and almonds, 200 ml. —Indian Khadi The composition of the anti-aging body lotion moisturizing with saffron and almonds is enriched with healing plant components that restore the natural turgor of the skin and give it a beautiful even tone without age-related pigmentation.

Cosmetic oil for face against wrinkles, 60 ml. — Nefertiti Egypt Anti-wrinkle cosmetic oil, produced by Nefertiti, Egypt, contains a unique combination of oil mixture that promotes skin cell renewal and accelerates blood circulation. Used in the complex treatment of rosacea. The best remedy for dull and aging skin, which restores the elasticity and healthy appearance of your skin.

Oil mixture for breast skin care, 50 ml. — Adarisa, Kuwait Possessing a clearly balanced formula, the Adarisa mixture penetrates all layers of the epithelium, restoring its protective function, increasing elasticity and stopping the manifestations of age-related changes.

Sensual massage elixir with Royal Jasmine - Adaris, Kuwait This massage oil is distinguished not only by its natural composition, but by the maximum content of anti-aging antioxidant oils.

They deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, strengthening its deep layers and compacting their structure. With regular massage using this product, your skin will become incredibly dense and elastic, wrinkles will smooth out, sagging will go away, and freshness and radiance will return to your body.

Rejuvenating resin face cream (anti-wrinkle), 50 ml. — Adarisa, Kuwait A complex of jojoba, tamanu, fenugreek, and avocado oils restores aging skin suffering from lack of nutrition, saturating its cells with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Thanks to them, the elasticity of skin that is losing tone is significantly increased, and its surface is smoothed.

Rejuvenating cream-mask for intensive moisturizing and tightening of the skin of the face and neck Olivelia, 50 ml. — Macrovita Greece. Replenishes lost moisture, strengthens the skin's natural protection against dehydration for 24 hours. The mask quickly restores complexion.

What it is

Jojoba oil is an oily liquid obtained by cold pressing the seed part of the fruit of a plant that grows in the desert regions of the southern part of the North American continent, called Simmondsia sinensis:

  • Argentina;
  • Mexico;
  • Israel;
  • Arizona;
  • California.

Description of Simmondsia chinensis:

  • bush;
  • height from 1 to 2 meters;
  • length of the root system – from 10 to 25 meters;
  • method of pollination - by wind;
  • flowering period - spring;
  • The shape of the fruit is triangular boxes.

Description of jojoba oil, which is obtained from the fruit:

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  • smell – neutral, weakly expressed;
  • state of aggregation – liquid;
  • transparent;
  • texture – oily;
  • boiling occurs at a temperature of 389.0 degrees/C, freezing - from 7.0 to 10.0.

Due to the absence of a pronounced aroma, the extract has found use in perfumery, namely the production of solid perfumes.

Jojoba: plant

Jojoba oil is extracted by cold pressing the fruits of the Simmondsia chinensis plant, or Simmondsia chinensis (more often called simply Jojoba). Jojoba is an evergreen shrub that grows in the southern United States, Mexico, South America, and Australia. Despite the fact that the name contains the word “Chinese”, this representative of the flora has never grown in China. The mistake in the name appeared in the 19th century, when G. F. Link, a German naturalist and botanist, sorted out the plant collections of the English biologist Thomas Nuttall. Link misread the name of the plant "Calif", thinking that researcher Nuttall had written "China", which means "Chinese". Subsequently, they tried to correct the error, but in the end the name with the addition of “Chinese” stuck.

Jojoba oil: properties

The effect of jojoba oil on the epidermis and strands is explained by the following positive effects:

  • antimicrobial;
  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • protective;
  • accelerated cell regeneration;
  • antioxidant;
  • rejuvenating;
  • softening;
  • acceleration of hair follicle growth;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • calming;
  • regenerative (damaged curls);
  • tonic;
  • conditioning;
  • strengthening;
  • wound healing;
  • cleansing;
  • regulation of the glands that synthesize sebum.

These types of effects are also suitable for the epidermis of the hands, as well as the structure of the nail plates, and combating delamination. It is also worth considering the high stability and oily texture, so it is recommended to use it in a mixture with:

  • ethers;
  • basic vegetable fats.

IMPORTANT. Scientifically proven fact: the addition of essential oils (any) enhances the effect at least five times.

A small amount – sometimes 1% is enough – of the extract stabilizes the composition of unstable components, which is actively used in the industrial production of cosmetics.

Jojoba oil is most similar to the composition of human sebum

Jojoba oil: benefits for women

The female sex can fully appreciate all of the above positive properties of the product, using it to care for:

  • face;
  • hair;
  • area around the eyes;
  • hands;
  • nails;
  • heels;
  • hair removal areas.

On these parts of the body it can be used in pure form or as part of ready-made/home remedies. The pronounced softening effect is useful for caring for rough heels and elbows. According to reviews, jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes in combination with avocado oil is the best remedy for caring for aging epidermis.

Thanks to the combination of wax esters with higher fatty acids and collagen, this product is able to work real miracles even on severely damaged, brittle, split hair shafts.

Unique properties of jojoba

There is no plant compound in nature that resembles human sebum like jojoba oil. And this is its uniqueness.

The oil contains dissolved biologically active substances that quickly penetrate the human body due to the excellent absorption abilities of this product.

  • Jojoba oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating properties. Vitamin E also makes cosmetic oil stable and ensures long-term storage.
  • The oil does not have a comedogenic effect, so it can be used by people with any skin type, including the most problematic - oily skin;
  • The peculiarity of the oil is that it forms a thin, breathable protective layer;
  • After use, no oily shine remains on the skin and hair, the evaporation of water vapor and gases is not blocked, and the natural moisture of the skin is preserved. it provides skin protection from harmful UV rays and environmental influences;
  • Jojoba oil adds volume to hair and restores its structure. It helps exfoliate dead cells, restores normal functioning of hair follicles, nourishes the scalp, saturating it with useful active ingredients.


Jojoba oil contains unique compounds. One of them is a very rare eicosenoic acid, known as Omega 9. With its help, damaged skin tissue is quickly restored, the healthy appearance, firmness and elasticity of the skin returns.

In addition, the oil contains:

  • Several fatty acids, including docosenic, oleic, palmitic, etc. Provide moisture balance in the epidermis, protect against the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena such as wind, frost, UV rays;
  • Compounds representing the class of alcohols (eicosene, tetracosene, docosahexane alcohols). Improve the condition of blood vessels, accelerate blood flow, nourish the epidermis with oxygen and nutrients;
  • Collagen is the main building material of skin cells. Positively affects complexion, eliminates dark circles under the eyes. By interacting with eicosenoic acid, it restores cells and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Vitamin E, or tocopherol, together with other components of the oil gives a strong rejuvenating effect.

Jojoba oil: application

Due to its unique component composition, the product is widely used in cosmetics and other industries:

  • Caring for the skin around the eyes;
  • preventing fragility and splitting of strands;
  • regeneration of hair/nail structure;
  • increasing the rate of regrowth of strands and nail plates;
  • softening of very rough skin (elbows, heels);
  • relief of inflammation (diaper rash, allergies);
  • preparing the epidermis for tanning;
  • eliminating the consequences of prolonged exposure to frost/sun;
  • facial skin care – cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, eliminating wrinkles;
  • prevention/treatment of stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy;
  • improving appearance, accelerating the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • treatment of hair removal areas;
  • perfumery;
  • soap making

The list is not limited to the above options due to the versatility of this vegetable wax in liquid form, which makes it easier to use.

Jojoba oil: application in cosmetology

Below we will consider in detail each of the above methods of using this ancient remedy.

Jojoba oil slows down the process of skin aging

Jojoba oil for face

This component has a thick consistency, which makes it easy to apply, but cosmetologists do not recommend using it in its pure form over large areas. To eliminate acne, a targeted application is enough, but in other cases, in the mono version, you should not keep it for more than 15 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle jojoba oil should be used in combination with:

  • ethers;
  • basic vegetable fats (avocado, almonds, etc.)

Regular use helps smooth out existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones, and adding it to daily creams (no more than 10%) enhances the main effect.

Jojoba oil for hair

Due to the ability of waxes to envelop each hair shaft, the product can be used for scalp massage to prevent and treat hair loss. To eliminate split ends, it is enough to comb the strands with a lightly lubricated comb, and masks with this product can:

  • accelerate growth;
  • eliminate fragility and loss;
  • add shine;

The product is so versatile that it is suitable even for colored strands. It is rarely used as a mask in its pure form, and adding up to 10% to shampoos or balms enhances the main effect.

Jojoba oil for the skin around the eyes

In this area, it can be used in mono variations - compresses, massage - or as a component of masks. Cosmetologists recommend diluting with basic vegetable fats (equivalent ratio) or ethers (with extreme caution, no more than two drops). Regular use is indicated on dry, aging epidermis.

Jojoba oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

You can accelerate growth and add shine to your eyebrows and eyelashes by using the product alone or in combination with additional components according to the following scheme:

  • Apply after removing makeup for 15-30 minutes;
  • Remove unabsorbed residues with a paper towel.

It should be used daily for a week, then a break is required (at least a week).

Jojoba oil cosmetic for cuticles

The pronounced moisturizing effect is also used in hand care - baths with this component help accelerate growth, strengthen the structure of the nail plates, and soften the cuticle for subsequent removal. Regular fingertip massage is necessary when trying to make the cuticle invisible.

Jojoba oil for lips

You can quite often find this component in industrial cosmetics due to its comfortable texture, which does not dry out, softens, and helps fight cracking. It can be used in its pure form instead of the usual balm.

Jojoba oil for feet

Regular massage of this area of ​​the body, as well as baths with the addition of essential oils and sea salt can significantly soften the rough dermis of the feet, eliminate corns, and also, due to their antimicrobial effect, prevent unpleasant odors and the development of fungi.

Indications for use

Due to its unique properties, jojoba oil for the face is recommended for use primarily by those with dry and hypersensitive skin.

In addition, cosmetic oil can be used in the following cases:

  • If freckles or shallow age spots appear on the face;
  • The face is completely covered with small wrinkles;
  • The skin has become sluggish and flabby;
  • If you receive a sun or thermal burn;
  • To restore a healthy complexion;
  • If it is necessary to return the clear contours of the oval face;
  • With severe drooping eyelids, dark circles or bags under the eyes.

And the oil is also good at soothing irritated skin. Gives a sedative effect, relieves redness. The main thing is that jojoba oil has no age restrictions and both adults and children can use it.

Rules for selection and storage

Since we are talking about using the product on the body, poor quality can cause an allergic reaction, so you should be careful where you buy it - you should not do it in an unspecified place.

Studying packaging data reduces the risk of wasting time and money. For this reason, it is better to spend two or three minutes and read the data on compliance with GOST requirements, the country of origin (the shrub grows in the deserts of the south of the North American continent), and expiration dates. The contents should not be distinguished by the presence of sediment, pronounced aroma or tint - it is a clear oily liquid.

Should be stored out of reach of direct sunlight, in accordance with the expiration date indicated on the product packaging.

The main contraindication to the use of jojoba extract for facial care is individual intolerance to the product

For hair

Jojoba oil replenishes moisture, helps improve hair structure, this also applies to dry hair and dandruff treatment.

A study conducted in the USA at the University of Maryland showed that scalp massage with a few drops of essential oils: lavender, rosemary, thyme, cedarwood, improves growth and treats dry hair follicles.

Indispensable for extensive dry scalp, which leads to the formation of dandruff and hair loss at an increased rate. Moisturizes hair without leaving any residue. Helps hair cells reproduce themselves at a fast pace.

Used together with shampoo and conditioner. Helps in removing dirt and other rough particles and makes them clean from all types of damage.

Harm, contraindications

Even the safest cosmetic product, if used frequently, can cause disruption of the lipid layer, thinning, and premature aging instead of the expected rejuvenation effect. For this reason, even though this product is a wax in its chemical structure, it should not be used in its pure form or as part of masks more than once a week.

Contraindications for use are the presence of:

  • individual intolerance;
  • severe burns;
  • open wounds;
  • skin diseases.

If there are skin diseases, use on the affected areas is possible only after consulting a dermatologist.


For some categories of people, jojoba oil is contraindicated. This category primarily includes pregnant and breastfeeding women. The fact is that the composition includes erucic acid, which can have a toxic effect when large doses accumulate in the body.

  • It is not recommended to use the oil for people with problematic oily skin. Despite its anti-inflammatory properties, ulcers, which are characteristic formations for oily skin, continue to develop even after applying the oil.
  • On a face with oily skin, when using jojoba, the sebaceous ducts become clogged, which leads to the formation of acne;
  • It is very rare, but individual intolerance to the components of the oil still occurs. If your skin is hypersensitive, you should do a test before use. You will need to apply a drop of a mask containing jojoba oil to a delicate area of ​​the skin, for example, in the elbow area. The skin reaction will be visible after 1–2 hours. If a rash, redness and itching appears, then you should stop using it.

Side effects

If you abuse the product, ignore the body’s allergic reaction and continue to use it, you cannot avoid the appearance of such side effects as:

  1. redness or rash;
  2. Skin itching;
  3. The appearance of blackheads, pimples;
  4. Unnatural oily sheen;
  5. Reduced thickness of eyelashes and eyebrows due to loss.

Product Overview

This product is not as rare as, for example, kokum oil: you can buy it at a pharmacy or any other chain. A wide range of products requires a lot of time to select the right product, so buyers are often interested in what brands of jojoba oil are available.

The product under the specified trade name is available in the lines of most manufacturers:

  • Zeitoun;
  • ARS;
  • Levrana;
  • Spivak;
  • Botany;
  • Aroma;
  • Natural oils;
  • Mirolla;
  • Aspera.

Products from the first two manufacturers are highly expensive, have earned the trust of customers due to their appropriate quality, and have a rating of 5.0 points out of a maximum of 5.0. For this reason, if you don’t have time to search, you can trust the reviews. Below we will look at most of the products separately.

Hydrophilic jojoba oil

Hydrophilic oil
The product of the Spivak brand is intended for removing traces of cosmetics from the face, including the area around the eyes, is available in a plastic bottle without a dispenser, the cost of a bottle is 100.00 ml. is 200.0 rubles. The composition presented on the product packaging is distinguished by the presence (in addition to the main substance):

  • rapeseed, almond, castor oils;
  • rosemary extract;
  • polysorbate.

Recommended by about 90% of satisfied customers; girls note a weak cleansing effect, clogging of skin pores, and an allergic reaction as disadvantages. Representatives of the fair sex, whose dermis did not react, are satisfied with the result.

Jojoba massage oil

Massage oil
A product intended for massage procedures is highly expensive, and to make it easier to choose the best jojoba oil, we have compiled a rating:

Brand Bottle volume, ml. Price, rubles Recommend, %
Stenders 250,0 2320,0 100
Vivasan 50,0 1950,0 100,0
Kneipp 100,0 575,0 100,0
R-Cosmetics 250,0 1357,0
Turquoise 50,0 150,0

There are no reviews for some of the products presented in the table on various services (Biryuzok, R-Cosmetics).

Jojoba oil Botanica

Recommended by 94-98% of satisfied customers who note its effectiveness when used to care for the body, strands, lips, and area around the eyes. Girls are impressed by the quick improvement effect and the absence of side effects. A bottle of 30 milliliters will cost 150 rubles.

Jojoba oil Golden "Spivak"

Spivak oil
The product is produced in small volumes - a dark glass bottle of 10.0 ml. at a price of 130.0 rub. The manufacturer writes about possible use as a massage product. Recommended by 100% of satisfied customers, which were mainly used for the regeneration of severely damaged curls, which indicates effectiveness.

Jojoba oil Golden "Levrana"

Levran oil
The product is recommended by about 98% of satisfied customers. Girls use it for hair care, prevention of stretch marks after pregnancy, instead of lip balm and notice an improvement, leaving positive impressions online. The price for a bottle of 50.0 milliliters is 550.0 rubles.

Jojoba oil Natural oils

Jojoba oil Natural oils
This product can be purchased at the pharmacy for 98.0 rubles/10.0 ml. On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about its use as a basis for perfumes and home care products - face and hair masks - and even a way to treat diaper rash in newborns. At a relatively low cost, the product has a high rating - 98% recommend it.

Jojoba oil Styx

Styx oil
This Austrian-made product is highly expensive – 2,250 rubles. per bottle of 100.0 milliliters. On the Internet you can find mostly positive reviews about the product; on average, 98% of satisfied users recommend it, which indicates undoubted quality and effectiveness.

Jojoba oil Mirolla

Mirolla oil
The product of the indicated manufacturer can be purchased at the pharmacy at a relatively affordable price - 92.0 rubles for 25.0 milliliters. Customer reviews strongly disagree about the positive impact: some girls leave enthusiastic impressions, others report a complete lack of the promised result. In this case, it is worth taking into account individual characteristics and the tendency of the epidermis to an allergic reaction. Recommend 90-92%.

Aspera jojoba oil

Asper oil
You can buy it at a pharmacy, the cost for 10.0 milliliters will be 140.0 rubles, which is quite affordable, if you do not take into account the small volume. On average, the product is recommended by 90% of buyers, girls' opinions on its effectiveness differ - there are enthusiastic opinions about improving the appearance of the face and strands, and cases of individual intolerance.

Avon jojoba oil spray lotion: reviews

The product is intended to moisturize and nourish the epidermis of the entire body. A bottle with a volume of 15.0 milliliters on average in Russia will cost 290.0 rubles. The product has no restrictions on the types of epidermis and provides an additional softening effect. The rating is 4.5-4.6 points (maximum value 5.0), girls write about the velvety feel of the skin after application, ease of use due to the presence of a sprayer. The downside is that the aroma fades quickly.

Beneficial features

The consistency of the oil is liquid, has a neutral aroma with a subtle smell of fat and a bright yellow color with a golden tint. When stored at sub-zero temperatures, it turns into wax, but does not lose its beneficial properties, and under normal conditions it returns to a liquid state again.

Jojoba oil is universal, absolutely harmless, and its chemical composition is similar to that of human sebum, so it is suitable even for the delicate skin of babies. It is instantly absorbed, forming a protective film, softens the skin and retains moisture inside the cells, does not create an oily sheen effect, and does not cause allergies. Added to sunscreens, tanning products and lip balms.

Nourishes, softens, moisturizes the skin. Since it has a high level of protection, you simply cannot find a more suitable oil for caring for the delicate skin of babies. Helps with diaper rash and rashes.

In addition to amazing cosmetic qualities, it provides 100% UV protection. It is added to ointments and creams for the treatment and prevention of dermatitis, eczema and other skin problems.

A storehouse of useful substances

The oil contains a high concentration of tocopherols, which are contained in vitamin E, as well as many other valuable ingredients. Natural skin protector against aging.

Protects against free radicals

Has the ability to bind free radicals that cause cancer.

Fights bacteria

When contacting jojoba oil, many bacteria, such as staphylococcus, die.

Jojoba Oil Golden, Shams Natutal Oils – Nefertiti, Egypt

The oil is soft golden in color. May come in richer shades of yellow or gold, and may even be colorless.

In terms of its effect and properties, it can replace skin care creams. A few drops of jojoba can provide the missing hydration, nutrition, restoration, protection and rejuvenation.

  • It is useful both in winter when chapped and in summer, when the skin is, on the contrary, dehydrated from the heat. But the main thing is tightening, natural lifting for aging, withered dermis, thanks to amino acids and vitamin E.
  • If you don’t have a bactericidal agent at home, and there is a burn, inflammation or wound on the skin, then jojoba oil is quite suitable.
  • It will help with psoriasis and eczema. Recommended for use on delicate baby skin.
  • Rheumatologists recommend this remedy for joint diseases, and it can also be used instead of a specialized cream to protect against harmful solar radiation and for a more uniform, beautiful tan on the body.
  • Helps against nausea, dry cough, and poisonous snake bites (or poisoning).
  • It removes makeup from the face well, can accelerate the growth of eyelashes, strengthen them, make them fuller and healthier.


According to services that collect customer opinions on products and services, this product, regardless of the manufacturer, has a high rating. The product, on average, is recommended by 95-98% of satisfied customers, which indicates its effectiveness in working with damaged strands and in the fight against age-related changes in the dermis.

As positive aspects, girls note the versatility of use and visible results after the first procedures. With all the advantages, cases of individual intolerance are possible, so it is better to spend 20 minutes testing the epidermis.

Ksenia, 24 years old, Vladivostok

During pregnancy, I did not attach importance to the possible appearance of white stripes on my stomach, so after giving birth I used jojoba oil for stretch marks, which did form. Within a month of use, the streaks became less noticeable, and the remaining product was used to combat excessive hair loss. The month-long course not only solved the problem, but also accelerated the growth of strands, so I recommend it as an effective, multifunctional product.

Yulia, 34 years old, Moscow

Until I was thirty, I didn’t use facial skin care products, so, as I understand now, signs of aging appeared earlier than among my peers. It was possible to reduce crow's feet, tighten the dermis, and refresh the skin by regularly using face masks with jojoba oil. Now I’m quite happy with my appearance, I sometimes use this product in its pure form to care for my hands. I recommend it to combat age-related skin changes.

Christina, 45 years old

I’ve been familiar with jojoba oil for more than five years – I’ve used it in face and hair masks. Regular use made it possible to partially eliminate wrinkles, grow curls, and recently discovered another application. Two months ago, my nails began to peel a lot - frequent extensions took their toll. A course of nail baths with sea salt, orange essential oil and this product in combination with a daily massage of the fingertips - and the problem is solved. I recommend.

Basic mask recipes

Jojoba oil is an ideal component in masks. Such masks put the skin in order and saturate it with vitamins. All women know very well that a store-bought mask cannot be compared with a homemade one in terms of effectiveness. Therefore, you should not waste your money, but rather buy jojoba oil and use it as an additive to a mask or in its pure form.


  • Grind soft cheese or cottage cheese through a sieve, add one egg yolk and mix everything;
  • Add 8 drops of jojoba and the contents of 1 ampoule of retinol to the mixture; after forming the mask, you need to wash off your makeup (it is better to do this with micellar water) and apply the mask to a clean face for 20 minutes;
  • Remove the mask with warm water and blot your face with a moistened sponge.

For acne

  • Cocoa powder in the amount of 17 g. mix with yellow clay (12 g) and add a little water;
  • Add 4 drops of jojoba and ginger powder (no more than a pinch) into the resulting consistency;
  • Apply the well-mixed mixture along the lymph flow lines and leave for 9 minutes;
  • Wash off with a warm herbal decoction, such as chamomile;
  • Treat acne with additional jojoba and lemongrass essential oil.

For dry skin

  • Take 1 banana, mash it to make a paste, mix it with low-fat natural yogurt (12 g) and jojoba oil (6 drops).
  • Apply the prepared mask to cleansed skin and leave for 40 minutes; Using cotton pads, remove the mask and wash your face with warm water.

For oily skin

  • Take a tablet of white charcoal, crush it and mix the powder with heated, but not hot milk (15 ml - dessert spoon), and 7-8 drops of jojoba;
  • Place a hot towel on a clean face to steam the skin for 5 minutes;
  • Apply the mask using circular movements for 8 minutes; Rinse off the mask with warm water and treat your face with an antiseptic.

To cleanse the skin

  • Laminaria in the amount of 20 g. immerse in mineral water and leave for 1 day;
  • Drain the liquid and add grape seed oil (3 drops) and jojoba oil (4 drops);
  • The mask is applied to cleansed skin along the lymph flow lines and left for 45–60 minutes;
  • After time has passed, the mask is removed with paper napkins;
  • then the face is washed with warm water and finally a moisturizing lifting agent is applied.

Vitamin mask

  • Puree 1 avocado;
  • Add bran (10 g), jojoba (8 drops) to the pulp and mix;
  • Apply the mask to the face, excluding sensitive areas around the eyes, for half an hour;
  • Remove the used mask with warm water;
  • Lightly pat your face dry with a paper towel and cover it with moisturizer.


Is jojoba oil a carrier oil?

Despite the fact that the chemical structure of this plant extract is a liquid form of wax, where there are no triglycerides, and fats are represented by higher fatty acids, this combination still refers to base oils. The product has conductive properties, therefore it is used in a mixture with ethers, acting as a stabilizer of volatile substances.

How is jojoba oil different from other base oils?

This extract of the seed part of the fruit of a shrub growing in desert conditions is distinguished from a number of liquid plant extracts by the following characteristics:

  • wax by chemical structure;
  • liquid state of aggregation;
  • does not dry out;
  • unique stability due to the high concentration of gadoleic acid;
  • pronounced regenerative effect due to ceramides, amino acids, collagen;
  • conductive properties and rapid absorption due to wax esters;

Thus, the oily liquid, which is a liquid form of wax, has a rich chemical composition and properties that no other oil has, and has significant differences from other products of a number of basic vegetable fats.

Does jojoba oil clog pores?

When asking this question, it is worth knowing that the formation of comedones as a result of clogging of skin pores can be influenced by the individual characteristics of the epidermis, inadequate quality of the product, the use of a composition that is not appropriate for the type of dermis, and other factors. The closeness of the ratio of the components of the product to the substances that make up the skin is of decisive importance.

In theory, cosmetologists rely on a selected amount of fatty acids - oleic, linoleic, linolenic - which are not contained in this product, and, according to the classification developed by American scientists, jojoba oil has a moderate tendency to cause the formation of comedones (comedogenicity index 2 points out of 5 maximum).

IMPORTANT. This fact suggests that use in its pure form is not recommended, so it is better to combine this product with ready-made products or include it in homemade masks, observing certain proportions.

The clear answer to the question is that this factor is determined individually, but if we take into account customer reviews, girls do not notice an increase in acne.

Where can you buy jojoba oil?

The unique properties of the product and unique chemical composition became the reason for its production on an industrial scale back in the 70s of the last century, so now the product can often be found in finished cosmetics or in its pure form.

The unrefined form (cold pressed) has the greatest benefit, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, soap making chain or specialized online store. Due to the low cost, it is worth paying attention to the place where the goods are sold - you should not buy in unidentified places, or second-hand. The label must contain information about the degree of purification, the country of origin, and compliance with GOST requirements.

Jojoba oil for the face: is it possible to use it in its pure form?

This plant extract has a thick consistency and a moderate comedogenic index. The absence of triglycerides in the chemical composition, the predominance of wax esters and the presence of rare fatty acids makes the product unique, but, by analogy with other base oils, cosmetologists do not recommend use in mono-variation over large areas - it is possible to apply it to the periocular area where there are no sebaceous glands or precisely on problem areas.

IMPORTANT. To eliminate cracking, peeling and other consequences of prolonged exposure to frost, it is possible to use it in its pure form every day, but only until the problem is eliminated.

Jojoba oil: what is it used for?

This product is distinguished by its uniqueness and rich chemical composition and, accordingly, a wide spectrum of action. It can often be found in industrial tanning products, balms/lipsticks/lip glosses, shampoos and other cosmetics. At home, the product is used for:

  • eliminating fragility, excessive hair loss;
  • giving strands shine;
  • care for hands, nails, rough epidermis of heels;
  • regeneration of the structure of damaged hair shafts;
  • protection from the negative influence of environmental factors;
  • treatment of diaper rash in babies;
  • in the treatment of irritations, manifestations of allergic reactions, cracks, peeling, burns (excluding severe skin lesions), wounds;
  • care for epidermis of any type;
  • eliminating signs of aging, maintaining tone;
  • combating stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy.

Considering the information presented, the product is multifunctional and has no age restrictions.

How to use jojoba oil for the face?

The method of application of the product is determined by the tasks and the problem posed. Possible options:

  • in its pure form - apply for 15 minutes. on a previously cleaned, steamed face, removing excess with a paper towel;
  • as part of homemade masks - a combination with other vegetable fats, which are classified as basic, essential oils;
  • additive to industrial creams/masks (no more than 10%).

Since the chemical composition does not contain triglycerides, which improve penetrating ability, but there are substances that have a regenerative effect, it is advisable to combine the product with additional components.

Can I apply jojoba oil to my face at night?

If you have a number of problems or to eliminate signs of aging, you can use it as a mask (apply for 15 minutes). In some cases, the product can be left overnight, but not more than once a week. Since the main rule of using any home care products is to maintain regularity of procedures, and not to increase the exposure time, to achieve the required result, you should not leave the mask on for longer than 15-20 minutes.

The first results should be expected after at least 4 weeks of use, so a single soak for 8-10 hours will not solve all problems, and may result in impaired functioning of the lipid layer if used too often.

A feature of the product is rapid absorption, so keeping it overnight does not make sense in this case.


Contains 98-100% cis-monounsaturated liquid esters.


  • α, β, γ -tocotrienol 50%,
  • γ-tocotrienol 0 - 1%, δ-tocotrienol 0 - 1%&

Fatty acid composition:

  • Eicosic acid - 66-71%;
  • Docosenic acid – 14-20%;
  • Oleic – 10-13%

It is called vegetable wax, which is similar to spermaceti, and spermaceti is very popular among cosmetologists.

Contains amino acids - proteins, which in their structure resemble collagen, wax esters, similar in composition to human sebum.

High content of vitamin E.

Brief summary

  1. Jojoba oil, the properties and uses of which have been known since ancient times, is obtained from the fruits of a plant that grows in the desert areas of southern North America.
  2. In fact, the resulting extract consists of wax esters; it does not contain triglycerides, but contains higher fatty acids.
  3. Among the fatty acids, gadoleic acid predominates, which is monounsaturated and, unlike oleic acid, is characterized by high stability, therefore it acts as a natural preservative, and when used on the skin it has regenerative properties and preserves youth.
  4. Wax esters create a protective barrier in the form of a film that does not clog skin pores.
  5. Jojoba oil has a moderate comedogenic index and can be used in its pure form as a care product for the dermis of the face, the area around the eyes, hair, hands, and heels.
  6. With all the advantages, individual intolerance cannot be ruled out, so before use you should check the dermis for a tendency to an allergic reaction.

Application for massage

Jojoba oil, having a thick consistency and the ability to be easily absorbed, is ideal for massage. It makes it easier to slide your hands during the procedure. The product is not only convenient to use, but also increases the effectiveness of the massage. By improving the appearance of the skin, jojoba oil has a general strengthening effect, removes toxins, relieves pain, rejuvenates, soothes the skin and promotes a good night's rest. Before use, the product should be warmed to a comfortable temperature. The oil is used for various types of massage, including anti-cellulite.

Having a thick consistency and the ability to be easily absorbed, jojoba oil is ideal for massage and increasing its effectiveness.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Easily absorbed and does not leave a greasy film.
  • Rejuvenates, improves texture, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Multifunctional in terms of application methods.
  • Characterized by hypoallergenic properties.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Protects against peeling and cracking.
  • Suitable for various skin types.
  • Used to treat certain skin conditions.


  • Due to its thick consistency, it may cause discomfort during application.
  • Activates hair growth, which in some cases is undesirable.
  • You must choose carefully, as there is a high probability of buying a counterfeit and dangerous product.
  • In rare cases, may cause an allergic reaction.
  • High cost of the product.

Where and what kind of cold-pressed jojoba oil should you buy?

If you want to get a natural product, use only trusted online platforms.

Here is a list of products that I can recommend to you.

Certified organic jojoba oil, Now Foods, USA, 118 ml.
Cold pressed jojoba oil, Now Foods, USA, 118 ml.
100% pure jojoba oil, Desert Essence, USA, 60 ml.
Organic jojoba oil for hair, skin and scalp, Desert Essence, USA, 118 ml.
Jojoba oil for skin care, Aura Cacia, USA, 118 ml.

Of course, cold-pressed jojoba oil is not a panacea for all ailments and skin problems. However, its regular use can give your skin a youthful and healthy appearance, and make your hair shiny and full of strength.


Jojoba Oil – NaturArgan, Morocco

You can improve your lotion or cream by adding a little jojoba oil to it (10-20%).

Only if you are individually intolerant to this oil should you refrain from using it.

To moisturize the skin Apply to face and décolleté before going outside and after water treatments. For a deeper moisturizing effect, warm a tablespoon of jojoba oil, apply to your face and leave it overnight.
To remove makeup If you remove eye makeup with jojoba oil, you will prevent the appearance of fine lines around the eyes.

Use a cotton swab with oil to wipe your face and lips. Remove any remaining oil from your face with a damp cotton swab. The oil is also useful for removing eye makeup such as antimony, mascara and eye shadow.

To nourish lips You need to take equal quantities of jojoba oil and pure beeswax and melt the wax in a water bath. Mix well, put it in a warm place to warm it. You can add natural flavors by adding a few drops of mint or rose essential oil. Let cool in a small glass jar. You can also mix 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil.
For Tan Use a mixture of jojoba oil, almond oil (or avocado, peach, apricot, grape seed), taken in equal proportions.
For massage It has a non-greasy texture and a pleasant scent that will give you a soothing feeling.
For dark circles under the eyes Mix equal amounts of jojoba and chamomile oil. Massage gently under the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Wash thoroughly with warm water.

It will help reduce inflammation present in this area and lighten the skin tone.

Caring for problem skin Used to heal wounds, cuts, minor infections like herpes, warts. Reduces painful swelling and redness that often accompany injuries.
For dry skin Add a few drops of chamomile, orange or sandalwood ether to a tablespoon of oil. Use the product daily before bed.
For skin aging Reduces fine lines and wrinkles by up to 25%. Linoleic acid, antioxidants present in the oil helps in the regeneration of skin cells.

It is very effective when used with face wash or moisturizer.

For stretch marks Rub a small amount of oil over the abdomen twice a day during pregnancy and after childbirth to protect the body from stretch marks. Its use will have a calming effect on the nerves.

Characteristics of cold-pressed jojoba oil: from A to Z

Today jojoba oil is popular and in demand. However, this has happened before. Due to its valuable properties of a wide range of effects, the Indians of North America called it “liquid gold”.

The oil is obtained from the fruits of Simmondsia sinensis, an evergreen shrub. Externally, its fruits resemble nuts, which is why they are called jojoba nuts.

Simmondsia chinensis

The shrub does not grow everywhere, but only in the harsh, desert areas of the USA, Israel, and Australia. Over time, its cultivation was also established in Argentina, Peru and Egypt.

The method of obtaining oil can be different: most often it is either cold or hot pressing. Today we are analyzing the cold method of “extracting” oil, as this is of fundamental importance.

1) Why cold press?

After cleaning and preparation, jojoba nuts can be pressed. First, cold, which does not involve the use of high temperatures.

In this way, about 30% of the total amount of oil is obtained. Further, in order for this figure to increase and approach the 100% mark, the nuts can be cooked.

After high temperatures, the oil, unfortunately, loses most of its beneficial properties and can no longer be called a miracle product.

For this reason, only jojoba oil that is obtained by cold pressing is valuable.

2) Features of product consistency

Although processed jojoba nuts are called oils around the world, they are not actually oils. In fact, jojoba oil is a wax that melts easily at temperatures above 0°C.

This is facilitated by wax esters contained in jojoba oil.

It is quite easy to verify this statement: after purchasing the oil, place it in the refrigerator, and it will immediately become hard, like wax.

3) Composition + beneficial properties

Jojoba oil contains vitamin E, protein and fatty acids.

Among the latter in its composition you can find acid:

  • Erukova;
  • Nervous;
  • Oleic;
  • Palmitic.

Their influence on the properties of the oil is very great: they have antioxidant, moisturizing and protective effects.

Vitamin E, in turn, is able to deeply nourish the skin and increase its turgor.

Protein is actually collagen of plant origin, which has a strong anti-aging effect.

Composition of jojoba oil

To summarize, jojoba oil:

  1. Fights cellulite.

    It has the power to enhance lipid metabolism and promote the rapid burning of fat deposits.

  2. Prevents and eliminates stretch marks.

    A rare remedy can eliminate existing stretch marks, but jojoba oil can reduce them to an almost invisible state.

  3. Rejuvenates the skin.

    Based on the principle of its action, this oil is similar to collagen. This means that it nourishes the skin not only in the thickness of the epidermis, but also deeper - at the cellular level.

  4. Moisturizes the skin.

    The oil saturates the skin with vitamins and prevents moisture loss, creating an invisible barrier on its surface that does not prevent the skin from “breathing.”

  5. Heals damaged areas, softens dead cells.

    One of the unique properties of the oil is antibacterial, antiseptic and wound healing. It regenerates cells, heals wounds, burns, and fights skin diseases.

  6. Stimulates hair growth.

    With regular use of oil, you can easily grow long and healthy hair. It can also be used for eyelashes and eyebrows.

  7. Is a natural UV protection. Jojoba oil is recommended to be used before going to the beach. Firstly, with it the tan will be more even, and secondly, the risk of burns will be reduced significantly.

4) How to distinguish the original product?

Today, it is no secret that the demand for jojoba oil is tens of times greater than its production capabilities.

For this reason, you can often find counterfeits or low-quality goods obtained by hot pressing on the market.

To avoid becoming a victim of counterfeit in the future, remember that natural cold-pressed jojoba oil must have:

  • The characteristic color is light, golden, but not transparent.
  • The bright aroma inherent in this product.
  • High cost - such a valuable product cannot be cheap given such a high demand for it.

The average shelf life of jojoba oil is about 5 years. But this is provided that you store the oil correctly.

There is nothing complicated about the storage rules. Here are some simple recommendations:

  • Buy small quantities only in glass containers, plastic will contribute to the oxidation of the product.
  • Avoid direct sunlight - this is not recommended for any oil.
  • The storage temperature should not be high or low. Room temperature will be optimal.

Important: Many people believe that jojoba oil should be stored in the refrigerator, but this recommendation makes no sense. If you put oil in the refrigerator, it will turn into wax every time, so you will need to “defrost” it every time.

5) Are there any contraindications for use?

In fact, jojoba oil has no contraindications or restrictions. It can be used to care for babies, pregnant and nursing mothers.

This oil also has very low comedogenicity, so its use is allowed for all skin types.

However, there is an exception to every rule: if your skin is oily and acne accompanies you on a regular basis, any oil should be used with caution.

Comedogenicity of jojoba oil – 2 points

Among other things, jojoba oil should not be used internally. The reason for this is erucic acid, which is contraindicated for use.

And one more nuance - jojoba oil greatly promotes hair growth, so if you have even minor signs of hirsutism, be careful with it - it can increase hair growth on the skin.

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