Mustard face masks at home: recipes for wrinkles and acne
Mustard face masks are a wonderful way to improve your skin condition at home.
What to do if blisters appear after sunbathing: what to do first and how to treat burnt skin?
Tanning is a protective reaction of the skin to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. UV rays are invisible
A child has a callus on the foot: causes and treatment methods
May 21, 2019 Child’s health Olga Simchenko Callus is a local thickening of the skin. It
Sulfuric acid and the consequences of poisoning with its vapors. Reference
A sulfuric acid burn is a dangerous chemical injury that is often fatal. Oily liquid
burns - photo
Why do pigment spots appear on the skin after sunbathing?
Remedies for burns that are sold in pharmacies Today you can buy in pharmacies
foot appearance
Bone pain on the side of the leg: causes, methods of treatment
Bumps on the toes are a manifestation of various diseases and complex deformities of the foot. Despite
Educational program on electrical injuries: from burns and cataracts to fractures and fibrillation
Electric shock occurs when you come into contact with an electrical circuit that contains voltage sources.
Anatomy of the visible part of the nose
Effective exercises for the nose - Reducing and correcting the nose with gymnastics
Anatomy of the nose The visible part of the nose consists of the dorsum, wings, tip and nostrils. Anatomy of the visible
Burn degrees
LEATHER. SKIN STRUCTURE. FUNCTIONING OF THE SKIN The skin is one of the most complex, subject to the strongest
A callus is a minor detail with significant consequences.
Foot skin problems can be solved by a pedicurist or a qualified podiatrist. Skin is the largest and
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