potassium permanganate for treating wounds
Calluses: causes, types and methods of control
What to do with hard calluses? A hard callus is essentially a dry callus. From her,
Treatment and prevention of pus in a callus on the foot
Most often, a callus on the hand from a pen bothers people who write a lot: doctors, teachers,
Unhealthy skin color
What pigment is responsible for skin color? Determine your color type and pallet
Cosmetology today offers several procedures that will help make your complexion healthy. Read about
Recommendations for skin care while undergoing radiotherapy
What is radiation therapy? Radiation therapy (x-ray therapy, telegamma therapy, electron therapy, neutron therapy, etc.) –
Treatment of thermal skin burns of different degrees: main points
A large number of people have encountered such an injury as a skin burn. Typically such injuries to the epidermis
Doctor and patient
How to treat a burn from iodine on the skin? First aid and further therapy
An alcohol solution of iodine is often used at home to treat wounds and other injuries, but
How to treat a thermal burn?
Modern principles of local treatment of thermal burns
A thermal burn is a specific injury to the skin and (sometimes) underlying tissue due to exposure to high temperatures.
getting an electrical burn
First aid for thermal and electrical burns
Current (contact) - occurs directly when a person comes into contact with a live part, when the electric current
oral burn
Throat burn: types and causes, manifestations, first aid, how to treat
A burn of the oral cavity is damage to the oral mucosa through exposure to high
Dropsy on the leg
Treating wet calluses at home
Friction of the skin on hard surfaces causes detachment of the epidermis from the underlying layers of the dermis, followed by
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