Biorevitalization of lips – intense hydration and rejuvenation (2 types)

Lip biorevitalization is a popular injection technique necessary to get rid of fine wrinkles and other aesthetic defects in the perioral area.

Throughout human life, it is the lips that are the most mobile part of the face. When expressing any emotions, one way or another, the muscles around the mouth are involved.

In this area, the skin is especially thin, unprotected from negative external factors, so it quickly fades, loses elasticity and moisture. But biorevitalization can help improve the appearance of this area.

Biorevitalization of lips (the essence of the method)

The procedure for rejuvenating the lip area effectively restores the structure of the skin, replenishes the lack of moisture, and restores protective mechanisms.

Biorevitalization rejuvenates, tones, reduces the severity of wrinkles, and improves appearance.

The essence of the technique is microinjections of compounds made on the basis of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin.

The concentration of hyaluronate in the preparations is several times higher compared to the tissues of the human body. After entering the lips, the molecules of the substance break down into particles, from which the cells form their own hyaluronic acid.

With age, the natural synthesis of hyaluronate decreases greatly, so the main beneficial property is the activation of the formation of its own hyaluronic acid.

As a result, a substitution process takes place: the synthetic drug is replaced by a natural one.

Without hyaluronate, cell reproduction and normal functioning of connective and nerve tissues are impossible. The substance is part of the epidermis, joint fluid, and saliva.

Its most important property is the ability to attract many water molecules. When the concentration of hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin suffers from a lack of moisture. This leads to a slowdown in cell division and the appearance of signs of aging.

Biorevitalization of lips is an effective procedure aimed at restoring the natural synthesis of hyalurunate.

The introduction of drugs increases the level of hydration and stimulates tissue restoration. Injections provide a powerful rejuvenating effect, increase skin density and smooth out wrinkles.


I have been trying to overcome my wrinkles and dryness for many years. And everything was decided in a couple of biorevitalization sessions! Medicine itself is the basic substance of our youth. And you definitely can’t have too much hyaluronic acid!)) I had Juvederm Hydrate done - with it, after the first use, you can feel the skin being saturated with moisture! And a big plus is that Biorevitalization can be done at any time of the year!
After Biorevitalization, there are not even bumps on the face, but such whitish pimples. They are approximately every 2-3 cm. At first, of course, there is a worry that they will not go away, but the doctor told me, and that’s how I talked to the girls, they all go away within 2-3 days. For me personally, they left on the 3rd day and there was no trace left of them. It’s just that these pimples indicate that the treatment was carried out correctly. Because at the injection site, molecules attract water. You don't need to do anything to make them leave. They leave on their own a couple of days after completing the full course.
I have already had Biorevitalization done 3 times, the doctor prescribed 4 sessions in total! All the times I was given biorevitalization with the drug ial-system. I just haven’t been given it by others, so I can’t conduct a comparative analysis, but I really liked the results of this medicine! The first thing I noticed was, of course, that the dryness disappeared and the tone of my face evened out. For me, these were the 2 most important problems that have already been resolved.

Contraindications (13 prohibitions)

Biorevitalization of lips using hyaluronic acid is a serious procedure that is not recommended for everyone. You should first consult with a specialist to identify possible contraindications.


  1. age under 18 years;
  2. increased body temperature;
  3. autoimmune diseases;
  4. benign and malignant neoplasms;
  5. epilepsy attacks;
  6. mechanical damage in the problem area;
  7. herpes in the acute stage;
  8. problems with blood clotting;
  9. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  10. moles in the perioral area;
  11. tendency to form keloid scars;
  12. period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  13. individual intolerance to the administered substance.

If at least one factor is present, you will have to postpone biorevitalization to a more appropriate time or abandon it altogether. Ignoring contraindications can lead to negative consequences.

Immediately about the cost of lip augmentation

The cost of lip augmentation consists of the cost of the drug and the services of a cosmetologist for its injection.

The most popular drug for lip augmentation is Juvederm Smile . The cost of introducing it into your lips from our cosmetologists is 13,000 rubles . Yes, in Moscow there are lower prices for this drug, but don’t rush to run away - we offer all primary patients a 15% discount - you can save 2000 rubles! But this drug has a catch - the volume of one syringe is only 0.55 ml. For some it’s enough, but for a full correction it’s not enough.

Therefore, we offer our patients a more acceptable option: a drug from the premium line of the manufacturer Merz - Belotero Intense , full 1 ml. This drug behaves better on the lips, the effect lasts longer, and the lips look very natural.

More than 70% of our patients chose Belotero Intense!

Want to save money?

Almost 80%* of all problems after lip augmentation occur due to the use of inexpensive fillers [* our experience, forums and review sites]. Almost all fillers with a cost below 7,000 are not officially approved for use in our country and are used by home-based cosmetologists and those working without a license. But you must have a choice.

We can offer you lip augmentation on a promotional basis or with inexpensive but registered drugs by appointment.

Enlarge your lips at a discount: leave your contacts to sign up!

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We will definitely call you back and tell you everything about lip augmentation!
List of dangerous fillers and consequences of the procedure.

What lips look like after the procedure

The patient came to us twice for lip correction: on the first visit, 1 ml of Belotero Intense was injected, after 4 weeks an additional correction of 0.5 ml was performed. with Juvederm ultra smile. The result in the last photo above is 3 weeks after the last additional correction.

Useful tips/answers from cosmetologist Elena Anufrieva:

✅ If you are prone to herpes, I recommend taking a course of acyclovir 2-3 days before the procedure. Believe me, this is for your own beauty.

✅ Regarding alcohol: it is categorically unacceptable to drink on the eve of the procedure.

✅ I do not recommend thermal effects on lips that have undergone the procedure. For at least a week, protect your lips from hot food and drinks and do not visit baths and saunas.

Find out all the tips and life hacks.

Suitable drugs (4 best options)

To carry out the procedure, you can use only high-quality compounds that were manufactured in compliance with accepted standards and stored correctly.

The list of popular drugs includes:

  1. Hyalrepair. Russian product, enriched with vitamins and polyacids, with a density of 2 mg/ml. Corrects contours and provides a lifting effect. Will not help patients with asymmetry.
  2. IAL-system. An Italian drug designed to saturate cells with life-giving moisture.
  3. Bio-R. Composition of Russian production. Suitable for adding fullness to lips and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  4. X Fill. Dermal gel from a German brand. Used for rejuvenation, increasing volume and correcting contours.

During the consultation, a cosmetologist will help identify existing problems and select a drug suitable for lip biorevitalization according to indications and price.

What is better: biorevitalization or mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy drugs, although administered in the same way as biorevitalizants, have different indications. For example, to improve the shape of the face, or vitamin C for whitening and stimulating cell function. The biological product for mesotherapy contains vitamins and microelements that are poorly produced in the body.

Attention is important:

Mesotherapy can be performed starting from the age of 25, while biorevitalization is best not done until the age of 35. It should also be said that a course of mesotherapy is carried out once a week, and biorevitalization once a month, which saves money.

Unlike contouring, biological products used for biorevitalization do not add volume. In contour plastic surgery, denser preparations are used, they are called fillers.

Question answer

Experts recommend using injections to prevent premature aging after 35 years. Younger women are also not prohibited from undergoing the procedure if indicated.

One session takes about 30 minutes. The laser procedure will take no more than 40 minutes.

One course consists of 3–4 sessions, with short breaks between them. The number of courses is determined individually, as it depends on the characteristics of the skin and the age of the client. In the photo on the Internet you can see the pronounced result after a course of lip biorevitalization.

What result can I expect after the procedure?

Biorevitalization of the lips restores the elasticity of the lips, their color becomes richer and brighter, the contour is more pronounced. Purse-string wrinkles are smoothed out, lips look smoother and more moisturized. Patients with problematic skin around the lips (manifestations of eczema, dermatitis) will get rid of irritation and peeling. Frequent infections such as herpes will also cease to bother you. The procedure restores damaged skin and is especially recommended after severe temperature changes (trips to the sea or mountains) and after sunburn.

Methodology (2 methods)

Today the procedure can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Injectable. The most effective option, since nutritional components are delivered to the deep layers of the epidermis. Disadvantage: discomfort, pain.
  2. Injection-free. The medicinal composition enters the skin when exposed to laser radiation. The manipulations do not cause discomfort, but do not bring such pronounced results as injections.

Let's consider the features of both methods.

Injection method (5 stages)

The procedure is carried out using the thinnest needle. Sometimes a cannula, a tube with a small diameter, is used to administer the drug.

To change the contours, injections are made intradermally, to add volume - under the mucous membrane of the lips.


  1. At the first visit, the cosmetologist conducts an examination and identifies any contraindications. Taking into account the patient’s wishes, existing problems are identified and a method for solving them is selected. The cost of biorevitalization is negotiated, and the client must sign documents confirming his consent to the procedure.
  2. The skin is cleansed of impurities and decorative cosmetics.
  3. A cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the border of the lips, and a film is placed on top. After 30 minutes, the remaining anesthetic is removed and the skin is wiped with an antiseptic.
  4. Punctures can be created along the lip line at regular intervals, at the border of wet and dry mucosa. To increase the volume, many targeted injections will be required.
  5. After administering the drug, the cosmetologist again disinfects the treated area. To distribute the components evenly, light massage movements are performed. Ice cubes are applied to reduce bruising and swelling.

Laser technique (5 steps)

This is done as follows:

  1. The perioral area is also cleaned, then wiped with a disinfectant composition.
  2. Pulsed laser radiation is directed onto the lips to soften the tissue and open transport channels through which hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin.
  3. A gel-like preparation containing useful substances is applied. After this, infrared radiation is used again.
  4. Through thermal action, the gel is quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. At the same time, skin tightening and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  5. After completion, the lips are wiped with an antiseptic.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. There are two options for delivering hyaluronic acid to the lips - injection and laser.

The injection method is considered preferable and more effective, since it guarantees delivery of the drug to the necessary layers of the skin.

The laser method allows the drug to be delivered using a low-frequency laser radiation device. The procedure, as in the case of injections, lasts 30-40 minutes.

Before the procedure, the doctor removes makeup and disinfects the lip area. Injections are made with a very thin needle, and sometimes flexible cannulas are used to administer the drug. For the lip area, use a preparation with a volume of 0.5 - 0.6 ml. For a lasting long-term effect, it is recommended to carry out two to five procedures with a break of 2-3 weeks. The number of procedures and the interval between them, as well as the specific drug, is determined by the doctor, based on the condition of the patient’s skin, his age and task. At the end of the procedure, the doctor again disinfects the injection area and may massage it a little for better distribution of the drug.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, it will take some time for tissue restoration. The consequences of the injection technique will be especially pronounced: redness, bruising, and swelling remain in the perioral area.

Rehabilitation after injections takes about 14 days, after laser – 7 days.

To speed up skin healing and prevent complications, you must follow several rules:

  • during the first 24 hours after the manipulations, you should not use cosmetics or touch the treated area without the need: apply pressure, massage, rub;
  • avoid temperature changes, do not drink too hot or cold drinks and food;
  • it is recommended to quit smoking;
  • in the first 2–3 days, alcoholic drinks and drugs that thin the blood are prohibited;
  • Replace care products with anti-inflammatory ones;
  • for 10 days you cannot sunbathe in a solarium or take a steam bath;
  • protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, use suitable products before going outside;
  • In the first 14 days after the procedure, you should not be exposed to intense physical activity.

Reviews of biorevitalization of lips with hyaluronic acid indicate the high effectiveness of the technique. If you follow the recommendations, rehabilitation takes place without unnecessary difficulties, and your attractive appearance will soon return.

What will provide additional hydration?

Should you moisturize your lips at all? Some consider this a waste of time and money. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, even if it is erroneous or does not coincide with reality.

In fact, hydration is necessary, first of all, for the health of the mucous membrane of the lips, because, as you know, it is much thinner and more delicate than the skin. It is because of this feature that the mucous membrane often dries out, its elasticity decreases, and small wrinkles and even cracks appear. Lips appear thinner, lose their original shape and do not look as attractive as before.

Just in order to avoid all these troubles associated with premature aging, a procedure is carried out to moisturize the lips with hyaluronic acid. The expected result is getting rid of minor aesthetic defects and improving the overall appearance of the lips.

Depending on the initial condition of the tissue, the lips may slightly change their shape after the procedure. However, lip hydration is carried out without increasing their volume, and to change the size there is a separate procedure for which other means are used.

Moisturizing the lips with hyaluronic acid without increasing their size helps to form their correct contour. This is expressed in details such as:

  • raising the drooping corners of the mouth;
  • removal of wrinkles around the lips;
  • reduction of nasolabial folds.

Natural or acquired pallor of the lips also does not make a woman beautiful. The moisturizing procedure will also cope with this problem. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, lips acquire a healthy color and a brighter shade for a long time. The natural turgor of the skin increases.

Side effects

Every patient who goes for lip biorevitalization with preparations containing hyaluronic acid hopes to see the same excellent result as in the before and after photo.

That is, in the mirror he should see the proportions of the lips, harmonious in relation to each other, as well as to other facial features.

Many people are afraid of the so-called “duck lips effect”, which looks unsightly and worsens their appearance. But after biorevitalization, this rarely happens, since after the procedure the volume of the lips does not change much.

In the first days after the session, the following negative manifestations are observed:

  • pain at the puncture sites;
  • the formation of slight swelling;
  • minor hemorrhages and bruises;
  • small rash on the skin;
  • redness in the treated area;
  • infection and inflammation - in the most serious situations.

After the injection procedure, small nodules may appear under the skin. Papules are a natural occurrence when hyaluronate is injected, so there is no need to worry about this.

Usually within 3 days the seals completely dissolve. If this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist. Irritation disappears after 5 days.

Redness occurs due to stress to which the skin is exposed at the time of punctures. This is how she reacts to such manipulations.

This phenomenon, although temporary, causes discomfort and a desire to quickly return to the previous state. To relieve redness, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Ice. The pieces are applied to the surface of the lips; it is permissible to perform the most gentle massage. The steps can be repeated several times a day.
  2. Medicines. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe suitable medications with anti-inflammatory effects. Usually this is Traumeel or Troxevasin.

In reviews of lip biorevitalization, patients say that all negative reactions disappear if the requirements of the rehabilitation period are met. Serious consequences arise if contraindications are not observed.

The role of hyaluronic acid

This compound is present in absolutely every human body, in many of its organs. In its pure form, it is a transparent jelly-like or gel-like substance. Hyaluronic acid plays an irreplaceable role - it regulates hydrobalance in tissues and takes part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen. The elasticity and hydration of the skin, including lips, depend on these components.

At a young age, up to about twenty years old, there are no problems with the production of your own hyaluronic acid. However, over time, there is a gradual decline in its production by the body. Its chemical composition also changes somewhat. Together, these factors smoothly start the aging process of the body.

There are two options for getting out of this situation:

  • do nothing and perceive yourself as you are;
  • turn to specialists to carry out the necessary procedures and feel young and beautiful for a long time.

Preparations containing a predominance of hyaluronic acid are widely used in cosmetology. Various creams, lotions, balms, masks and other products for external use are very popular. It is included in some dietary supplements to maintain skin tone.

Injection procedures using hyaluronic acid are almost the most harmless of all those produced, since the composition of a quality product is closest to what the body produces on its own. Its main property is hydrophilicity, it allows you to restore the hydrobalance of the surface of the lips.

But we should not forget that any cosmetic product, even one that is as close as possible in composition to natural, can be perceived by the body as a foreign body. Lips need hydration much more than other parts of the body, and since they are also very sensitive, hyaluronic acid must be of the highest quality.

Determining the optimal size and proportions of lips

The criteria for the attractiveness of facial features is a subjective matter, but many patients who insist on “lips like Angelina Jolie” receive overcorrection and disharmony in appearance.

Doctors should not literally follow the wishes of patients, and patients themselves should soberly assess the features of their faces!

Determining the lip proportions that are ideal for the face is best left to a cosmetologist with an aesthetic sense and anatomical knowledge.

Often the issue of lip augmentation is due to a disproportionately developed chin, in which case a comprehensive correction is necessary!

An example of correcting a patient’s appearance without changing the shape of the lips.

You can read more about determining the optimal lip size and measuring proportions in a separate article.

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