Biorevitalization with Butel

Product Description

The basis of the drug is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, the molecular chains of which, when they enter the epithelium, are preserved for quite a long time due to their own mass (it varies in the range from 3 to 4 thousand kilodaltons).

Rejuvenation itself is achieved by normalizing water balance, which becomes unstable with age. At the same time, the production of natural collagen and elastin by the dermis is stimulated and the biological process of skin cell regeneration is launched.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Regeneration is enhanced due to increased humidity; in an aquatic environment, all biochemical processes proceed faster. High-density hyaluronic acid retains large amounts of water inside the skin. In this case, there is no feeling of swelling, except for the first days after the manipulation.


Biorevitalizant Beautelle is a cosmetic product manufactured by the Italian company Istituto Ricerche Applicate . It has the status of a pharmaceutical concern. However, hyaluronic acid is supplied from France by Beauty Pharma Co.

The role of the official distributor in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus is performed by Melis, which is a co-owner of Beauty Pharma.

Also, the Butel series of drugs has a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor under the number RZN 2013/698 as a means for intradermal and subcutaneous injections in the form of gels.

Types of drugs

The line of rejuvenation products is represented by several biorevitalizants that have a targeted effect on the skin, taking into account the age category.

Unlike other miracle elixirs, Butel is also suitable for women over 30 years old.

The difference between the drugs lies in the amount of hyaluronic compounds in the composition. For example, Beautelle 30 has a HA density of 10 mg/ml and a molecular weight of 3000 kDa. And the higher the category, the more directly proportional the concentration increases: in the case of density, the spread is 5 mg, while the mass fraction increases by 500 units.

Beautelle 30. Due to the relatively low level of hyaluron in the composition, use is possible already after reaching 30 years of age, when changes in the dermis are just beginning to appear.

Basically, the use of the drug during this period is recommended for noticeably thinning skin, the appearance of the first wrinkles (including facial wrinkles), as well as for consolidating other anti-aging procedures carried out previously.

Beautelle 40. The audience for this product is women and men aged 35 to 45 years. Injections of similar density are used to combat pronounced wrinkles, photo- and chronoaging, as well as to prepare the epidermis for further contouring.

Beautelle Age. Butel is recommended in this category for people who have crossed the threshold of 45 years, when skin deformation becomes quite noticeable, relief and age spots appear. It copes well with the consequences of deep peelings and dermabrasion.

However, none of the products should be confused with another type of cosmetics that has a similar name, because the latter is a culinary product and acts as a dietary supplement (manufacturer Art Life).

Composition of the drug

The main active component of Beautelle products is hyaluronic acid. Glycerol acts as a stabilizer.

Biorevitalization Beautelle is an intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid for skin rejuvenation.

The line of products includes 3 varieties with different percentages of the main component, which adapts them for use at different ages.

The drug is suitable for injection into the skin of the face, neck, hands and décolleté.

If the drug is of high quality, then it will certainly also contain organic acids.

If we talk about the advantages of the Beautelle composition, the main one is that it contains no substances that can negatively affect the health of the human body. In addition, the composition does not contain preservatives or anesthetics, which makes the product hypoallergenic and can be prescribed to people prone to developing allergic reactions.

The Beautelle line of drugs is intended for patients aged 30 years and older.
The amount of hyaluronic acid and stabilizers in its composition increases depending on the age of the person, as well as the effect on the dermal layers.

The speed of impact on the body increases in direct proportion, and the achieved effect lasts for a long time.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

4 years of experience

Cost of biorevitalizant

You can purchase a miracle cure either in specialized stores in the city or on the Internet.

However, in the latter case, you should be careful, because online stores cannot always guarantee a truly high-quality product. This is due to possible non-compliance with injection storage standards.

In specialized stores, they monitor storage conditions more carefully, and you can also request a certificate.

The price varies depending on the component composition and indications for use.

  • Beautelle 30 will cost approximately 4,100 rubles,
  • Beautelle 40 - at 4600
  • And the price for Beautelle Age will start at 5,200 rubles.

It should be noted that the price tag is not indicated for the amount of product for a full course, but taking into account one ampoule.

Indications for use

The biorevitalization procedure with the hyaluronic preparation Butel is performed in the following cases:

  • bags and dark circles under the eyes.
  • grayness of facial skin.
  • fine and deep wrinkles.
  • dark spots.
  • insufficient level of hydration.
  • regulation of sebaceous secretion and the protective function of the dermis.
  • after a long course of taking antibiotics, in the event of various types of diseases and stress (prescribed as a supportive agent).

It is also possible to use Beutel biorevitalizants for preventive purposes before Botox, deep facial cleansing, contouring and possible exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Line of drugs

The product line is represented by three biorevitalizants, each of which has its own characteristics and is used only for a certain age category.

Beautelle 30+

The concentration of hyaluronic acid in this type of drug is 1%. Therefore, it is recommended for use from 30 years of age and older.

The substance shows maximum effect when solving such age-related problems as the presence of a large number of fine wrinkles, increased dryness of the skin, thinning, and a tendency to premature aging.

Cosmetologists often use this drug for local rejuvenation, for example, if there are pronounced problems in the décolleté, hands or neck.

A good result will also be achieved if it is necessary to maintain the result obtained after performing any other cosmetic manipulation.

Beautelle 40+

The product has a dense structure, hyaluron is contained in a concentration of 1.5%. Biorevitalization Beautelle 40 is suitable for those people who already have pronounced signs of age-related changes. The drug is used only after 40 years, when there are problems in the form of decreased skin tone, crow's feet, tear and nasolabial grooves, the appearance of signs of photoaging, and increased pigmentation.

Beautelle 40 is often used before contouring or for preventive purposes to stop the aging process.


Prescribed to persons over 45 years of age. The concentration of the main active ingredient is 2%. This product allows you to combat pronounced aging skin changes. High efficiency is noted when solving problems such as:

  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • superficial and deep wrinkles ;
  • lack of firmness and elasticity;
  • pinpoint and extensive pigment spots.

The drug also contains mineral and vitamin complexes, nutrients, which makes it possible to inject this product during recovery after deep peeling, as well as before plastic surgery.

Carrying out the procedure

The chronology of the rejuvenation procedure consists of several successive stages.

  1. Initial consultation with a cosmetologist to identify possible contraindications, determine the localization of the corrected area and select the appropriate drug from the line of fillers.
  2. Disinfection of the skin followed by application of an anesthetic cream (Emla is most often used).
  3. Carrying out injection. The ampoules are opened by a cosmetologist immediately before the patient with a mandatory check of the expiration dates and integrity of the packaging.
  4. Re-treating the skin with an antiseptic.

On average, the procedure itself takes about 40 minutes + the time allotted for anesthesia (no more than half an hour).

How does the procedure work?

There are several ways to administer the drug: papular and retrograde-linear.
In the first case, the cosmetologist performs manipulations so that papules are formed in the dermis, in which hyaluron is activated. The diameter of one “tubercle” is no more than 2 mm, and the depth does not exceed 3.

In the second option, an injection is made relative to parallel and perpendicular lines at a distance of 5 to 10 mm from each other. Moreover, the drug is injected at the exit of the needle from the skin.


The first positive results can be seen in 10-12 days. As a rule, the procedure has a cumulative effect and only increases with each session.

As a result, after the administration of the drugs, there is an activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level, the natural production of collagen and elastin fibers is launched, and skin cells begin to renew themselves more quickly. In addition, the condition of the skin improves noticeably. Wrinkles are reduced, the relief is smoothed, the complexion is evened out, and pigment spots are eliminated.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist, a slight pain is felt for some time in the area undergoing correction with characteristic symptoms for injections. Additional discomfort may occur in the form of skin tightness from the effects of the anesthetic.

However, after a few days, depending on the personal characteristics of the dermis, all unpleasant sensations will pass.

To speed up the healing process, apply Traumeel S or Curiosin; before use, you should consult a specialist.


Before deciding to administer Beautelle injections, you must first consult with a specialist. At the appointment, the doctor will examine the skin, determine the severity of the problem, make sure there are no contraindications and give certain recommendations for further preparatory measures.

First of all, no later than two weeks before the appointed date, the patient will need to refuse to visit the sauna, steam bath, hot bath and solarium. Tanning in open sunlight is also prohibited.

4 days before the procedure, you will need to stop taking any medications whose action is aimed at thinning the blood (aspirin, Phenilin, anticoagulants, etc.).

Peeling and biorevitalization

Peeling and biorevitalization are the most popular cosmetic procedures among women in the fight against age-related skin changes.

Do not apply care products or decorative cosmetics to problem areas overnight.

It is also important to pay special attention to ensuring that the date of biorevitalization does not coincide with the beginning of the onset of critical days. You cannot give injections during menstruation, as well as 3 days before and after it. This is explained by the fact that during such a period a woman’s skin sensitivity increases and protective functions decrease, which can cause the development of side effects.

Side effects

The occurrence of side effects after rejuvenation with Beautelle is minimal. They arise in most cases when choosing a specialist who is incompetent in this matter or due to non-compliance with hygiene standards. Among them:

  • Blockage of blood vessels.
  • Tissue death.
  • Violation of lymph outflow.
  • Infection.
  • Erythema.

If any unnatural ailment is detected after the procedure, you must immediately contact the clinic.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Side effects after the introduction of biorevitalizants develop quite rarely, because the product is not injected deeper than the skin. Consequently, hyaluronic acid does not come into contact with the bloodstream of the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Precautionary measures

To avoid side effects. You should choose a specialist with special care, check for a diploma of completion of specialized education, and also read reviews about the clinic.

Please note: it is not recommended to inject the drug into the periorbital zone, into the area near tendons, bones, ligaments and blood vessels, or into the muscle.

It is necessary to inform the cosmetologist about the menstrual cycle, because during this period the ability to regenerate the skin noticeably decreases and pain increases.
After the procedure for some time you should not:

  • use decorative cosmetics and creams;
  • resort to peelings and physiotherapy;
  • visit the sauna;
  • sunbathe;
  • exert a mechanical effect on the skin for the first day.

Complications and consequences

Since the main component of the Beautelle line of products is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, such preparations are recognized as absolutely safe for human health. As a result, the likelihood of developing side effects is usually minimized.

However, you should not completely exclude all possible risks. In any case, even the introduction of injections implies a violation of the integrity of the skin and an invasion of the body, which can lead to completely unpredictable reactions.

The most common complications include redness, slight swelling at the puncture sites, and hematomas. Such phenomena are considered normal and go away on their own within a short period of time.

Rarely, but consequences such as infection or the formation of papules may occur, which will protrude at a distance of 0.5 centimeters above the surface. If such symptoms do not go away within three days, and their severity only increases, you should immediately seek medical help.


Like any serious procedure, biorevitalization with a drug from the Butel brand has a number of contraindications.

These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases and instability of the immune system;
  • the possibility of formation of keloid scars;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • allergic predisposition;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • immunity of hyaluronic compounds;
  • diabetes;
  • psychological instability;
  • oncology.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we compare Beautelle preparations with other fillers, they have clear advantages over them:

  • safety;
  • maintaining the result for a long time;
  • compatibility with other cosmetic procedures;
  • minimum complications;
  • low likelihood of developing allergies.

Significant disadvantages include the high cost of this technique, as well as the presence of a number of contraindications.

Beautelle biorevitalization is one of the most effective and popular cosmetic procedures that helps fight signs of aging of varying severity. Thanks to the production of a whole line of drugs, it is possible to choose exactly the product that is suitable for a specific age category.

Before choosing this method of rejuvenation, you need to carefully study all its features, positive and negative sides. In addition, it is important to remember that despite the complete safety of the substance, it is not necessary to completely exclude the possibility of developing consequences. However, to minimize them, you need to follow all the specialist’s recommendations and contact only trusted clinics.

Price for the procedure

If you decide to use the drug, you should take into account that in addition to the considerable price of the product, you will also have to shell out a round sum to make your dream come true.
On average, the price in Moscow for the provision of services starts from 8,000 rubles per session.

The maximum price tag is 12,000 rubles. This monetary dispersion is associated with the level of the clinic and its location. In provincial cities, the cost will be slightly less, but the likelihood of a cosmetologist’s unprofessionalism increases.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Basically, the opinion of specialists about the innovative drug is positive.

A cosmetologist talks about the first experience and setting priorities:

A doctor at a Moscow clinic shares his impressions of getting acquainted with the drug and his own observations:

Another specialist shares his experience:

Here is an expert’s opinion on the relationship between efficiency and price:

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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