5 red clay face masks: benefits, cosmetic use

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Today we will continue the topic of natural skin care. Red clay for the face is not as famous among Russian women as compared to white and blue. But its properties are truly impressive.

This is one of the most versatile clays that suits all skin types. In cosmetology, it has been used for 1400 years as hair shampoo, body soap and, of course, for facial skin.

In this article I will try to talk about the healing effects of red powder, how it can be used to achieve the best results, and I will give several effective masks and scrubs for the face.

Chemical composition

Red clay is an effective and healthy natural product. In cosmetology, it is used to solve various problems, including as a preventive measure.

The color of clay and its properties depend on the chemical composition of the mineral.

Chemical composition:

CopperWith a deficiency of this microelement, regeneration processes slow down, and copper also neutralizes the effects of free radicals
Ironevens out skin tone, normalizes hydro-lipid balance
Magnesiumrelaxes muscles, cleanses, rejuvenates, slows down the aging process
Siliconeliminates wrinkles, increases elasticity, has an antioxidant effect
Potassiumoptical color modifier, cleans and cares
Mineral saltsimproves appearance, saturates with minerals and valuable microelements

White (Kaolin)

Great for oily skin, fights fine wrinkles, saturates with microelements, helps to become more elastic, the hair mask nourishes the scalp, stimulating growth.

  • Ingredients: calcium, silicon, magnesium, zinc.
  • Property: Possesses dry, germ-killing, naturally absorbent properties,
  • Purpose: Acne, oily face, hair loss, baldness, split ends and dandruff, cellulite, dysbacteriosis.

Face mask with clay:

Beneficial features

Mountain powder is actively used, helps treat bruises, wounds, and eliminate swelling. The main effect of the red rock:

  • regeneration – the healing of wounds and minor skin damage is accelerated, scars resolve;
  • Relieving inflammation - especially important for aging, sensitive skin. Removes periodic rashes;
  • adsorption - high cleansing qualities, eliminating toxins, impurities, giving freshness, an even shade;
  • Relieving itching – after a course of masks you will forget about such unpleasant problems as increased dryness and constant peeling.

It suits almost everyone, so we recommend trying it.

The main thing is not to use it too actively, often, and do a preliminary test for individual intolerance.

Red clay has a comprehensive caring effect. It will suit almost everyone.


Most often used for dry, allergy-prone skin.

  • Composition: iron, copper, silicon, potassium, magnesium, aluminum.
  • Property: corrects the secretion of the sebaceous glands, acts against microbes, regenerates damaged skin, removes toxic substances from the body - radionuclides, toxins, waste. Most often used for dry, allergy-prone epidermis.
  • Purpose: varicose veins, hair loss, dandruff, epidermal diseases, greasiness of the face or head, swelling of the legs, cellulite.

Benefits for facial skin

Most popular properties:

  • resorption of scars, scars;
  • removal of toxins, poisons;
  • restoration of hematopoietic function;
  • purgation;
  • restoration of joint function;
  • normalization of sebum and sweating;
  • elimination of purulent acne, ulcers.

It is not for nothing that the product is in high demand in cosmetology and folk medicine.

Red clay is an effective remedy for various pathologies of the thyroid gland, joints, and heart.

The powder eliminates excess oil, cleanses pores and narrows them, reduces inflammation, eliminates redness, resolves stagnant post-acne spots, enhances cell nutrition and blood circulation processes.

Red clay is suitable for all skin types

Regular use of masks will restore the water-fat balance of the skin, saturate the deep layers of tissue with oxygen, and remove dead cells. The product does not have an aggressive effect on the skin, quickly restoring its attractiveness and fresh appearance.


Green clay is one of the drier clays, making it good for oily skin. It is also the best absorber of impurities, dust, oil, toxins and makeup - which is why you will see it in many spas.

  • Composition: silicon, potassium, molybdenum, silver, cobalt, copper, zinc.
  • Property: corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, is a rejuvenating agent for both the skin and the whole body. Removes toxic toxins and waste, improves metabolic balance in the body.
  • Purpose: problematic hair - thinning, fragility, hair loss, dandruff, acne on the face, clogged pores, pimples, loss of skin tone - sagging, sagging.

Indications for use

Red clay is used for the following indications:

  • varicose veins;
  • hypotension;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • depression, increased fatigue;
  • seborrhea;
  • dermatological diseases.

In cosmetology, the product is indispensable for caring for problematic, sensitive, aging, dry skin. It saturates with moisture, nourishes, relieves inflammation, accelerates the resorption of scars, evens out the relief, and removes unsightly post-acne spots. It is not inferior in efficiency to expensive algae, but is much cheaper. To achieve lasting results, you need to use it regularly.

Clay is an inexpensive and effective remedy for stretch marks and cellulite.

What causes stars to appear?

Spider veins, or rosacea, is a so-called condition of microvessels on the skin, which is manifested by their expansion and disruption of microcirculation in the affected area. The pathological process in the wall of small vessels occurs without the participation of inflammation.

The process primarily affects vessels that have a small lumen diameter and participate in microcirculation. That is, we mean vessels such as capillaries, venules, arterioles, etc. Under the influence of some pathological factor, the wall of the vessel expands irreversibly, that is, it is not able to return to its previous dimensions. Blood flows there, which lingers there and becomes visible on the skin, due to the fact that due to the expansion of the vessel, its wall becomes significantly thinner.

The vessels of the microvasculature are especially sensitive in areas of the face with thin skin, such as the nose, cheekbones, forehead, etc., so “stars” are localized in these areas. But, rarely, involvement of thicker skin in the pathological process can be observed.

Often, such defects do not pose a great threat to the vital functions of the body and its systems and do not threaten life. The main problem that the disease causes is a cosmetic defect, which, of course, is unpleasant for everyone.

Among the causes of the appearance of telangiectasia (dilated small vessels), the following can be distinguished:

  • exposure to unfavorable physical factors - frequent changes in external temperature, excessive weathering, dry or humid climate;
  • genetic component - hereditary transmission of rosacea from mother to children is often observed;
  • excessive insolation - this means that the appearance of “stars” is promoted by long exposure to the sun’s rays, frequent and long-term visits to solariums;
  • bad habits such as: alcohol, smoking and drugs;
  • violation of hygiene rules for facial skin care and more.

Read also: Folk recipes for varicose veins
Also, people who are prone to diseases of the skin system and suffer from acne are more susceptible to vasodilation on the facial skin.

Rating of the best

You can make your own masks at home or buy ready-made ones. The second option is more convenient - the product is always at hand, just open the tube.

Let's look at the most popular products:


A natural and inexpensive face mask made of red clay, which also contains vitamins and auxiliary microelements. It is enough to use the product twice a week. The mask is quite thick, so be careful when applying it so that it does not dry out. The price of 100 ml is about 200 rubles.


Natural red cosmetic clay, sold in 200 g jars. Suitable for sensitive, irritated skin, eliminates acne, acne, inflammation. Can be used as a mild peeling agent.

Cost approximately 290 rubles

Clay exfoliates the upper layers of the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, softens, evens out tone, and gives a fresh look. With constant use, it is possible to achieve a pronounced anti-aging effect.


Damask rose mask made of red clay. The mixture has a red-brown color due to the high content of iron oxide. The product is suitable for sensitive dry skin, saturates cells with oxygen, activates metabolism, triggers cellular metabolism, and rejuvenates.

For 180 g you will have to pay 190 rubles.

The mask contains antiseptics and tonic rose hydrosol. The composition is not applied to the skin around the eyes.


The “Red Clay” facial care mask is sold in ready-to-use form; the cost of a 100 ml tube is 200 rubles. An ideal product for sensitive, irritated, dry skin, giving softness and smoothness. Cleanses, tightens pores, removes peeling, redness, itching, swelling, and restores elasticity. Contains almond oil and nut extract.

Savonry, Top Face

Does not cause allergies or other unwanted reactions, therefore it is indicated for sensitive skin. Eliminates peeling, redness, itching, restores normal blood supply. The natural properties of the rock are perfectly complemented by the natural component alginate, obtained from red and brown algae.

Cost 270 rubles per 150 g.

Cheaper or more expensive depends on your budget. Inexpensive cosmetics provide excellent results if used regularly.

For those who want to save money on home beauty without sacrificing quality, we recommend choosing powdered red clay and preparing masks yourself using improvised means.

Black (Bentonite)

Referred to as Montmorillonite, the natural clay mineral is of volcanic origin. Bentonite forms a gel when mixed with liquid.

  • Composition: iron, magnesium, calcium, quartz, potassium, strontium, radium.
  • Properties: cleansing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tightens pores, heals minor wounds, eliminates irritation.
  • Purpose: relieves acne, pimples, blackheads, oily skin, enlarged pores, premature aging, skin aging, cellulite.

Rules for use/application

It is almost impossible to harm the skin with red clay, but you must follow the rules for its use. Basic recommendations from cosmetologists:

  • Prepare the product before use and strictly for one time only. Waste raw materials cannot be used - it may not be safe;
  • metal bowls are not suitable for mixing ingredients;
  • Do not use chlorinated water to dilute the powder;
  • before applying the mask, be sure to pre-clean it;
  • you need to rinse thoroughly and for a long time, this is done without fail;
  • two procedures per week will be enough.

Select additional components for preparing homemade masks based on your skin type.

Using store-bought masks is much more convenient than using homemade ones, and no less effective. Choosing a particular option is a matter of taste.

Effect on skin

Masks with red clay effectively solve the following problems:

  • moisture deficiency;
  • acne, pimples;
  • redness, peeling;
  • dilated capillaries;
  • pigmentation;
  • increased greasiness;
  • clogged pores;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • vascular network.

The product has a comprehensive universal effect and will be useful to everyone. The temperature of the mask should be warm - in this case, the results will be most effective. To enhance the effect, you can combine clay with other components - for example, cream and lemon juice are good for pigment spots.

During the procedure, make sure that the clay does not dry out completely.

Fighting methods

The fight against rosacea should be comprehensive and include not only the use of medications, cosmetic care products and folk recipes. Therapy should be aimed at completely changing lifestyle, normalizing nutrition, giving up bad habits, etc.

The diet in such cases must be correct and balanced, contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and nutrients. Also, it is worth spending more time outdoors, but not under the scorching sun.

In addition to drug treatment, which most often will include the use of various ointments that improve the tone of blood vessels and the condition of their walls, minimally invasive methods of therapy are used in medical practice:

  • laser removal of “stars”;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • introduction of ozone into the skin;
  • phototherapy.

It is worth noting that if treated incorrectly, a relapse will not take long to occur.


There are practically no contraindications for a product with unique properties, but a number of precautions will not be superfluous to take into account. Avoid using red clay masks in the following cases:

  • with active tuberculosis;
  • in case of increased individual sensitivity;
  • during ARVI, especially if body temperature rises;
  • in the presence of open wounds or other damage to the skin at the site of exposure.

Systemic blood diseases and oncological tumors are also cases when it would be better to refuse masks with red clay.

Allergies are most often caused by other components of masks

It is highly advisable to do a test for an individual reaction, since in most cases it is unpredictable.

Burns, warts, moles are not contraindications, but red clay cannot always be used for them.

Side effects

Red clay powder does not cause any significant side effects, since it has a natural, safe composition. The exception is cases of individual intolerance to the active components, but they are very rare. To minimize the risk of developing unwanted reactions, follow the instructions for preparing and using the product.

The chemical component of clay reacts with metals, so non-metallic objects are needed to mix the mask

Do not use metal containers for mixing and avoid the idea of ​​reusing the powder. It is better not to use any products that are questionable in terms of freshness or other characteristics at all. The presence of additional additives is desirable, but not necessary; in addition, they may cause allergies.

Red clay is no less useful for hair than for the face. The only negative is that it is difficult to wash.

How often can you make masks, clay storage

Red clay - needed for sensitive and dry, pale, thin, aging skin. It is suitable for any age, type, condition of the epidermis, and specifically eliminates existing problems. For example, if you have acne, red clay will eliminate exactly that; wrinkles will increase elasticity and smooth the skin. The main thing is to mix the powder with clean water, maybe mineral water, since bleach definitely won’t do any good.

Learn to calculate the proportions of masks - too liquid a composition will drip. In store-bought products, everything is already balanced.

It is enough to do the procedures a couple of times a week, and in general 2-3 masks every 7 days is enough. Be sure to cleanse your skin first. If you use regular clay powder, store it strictly in dry, clean, uncontaminated areas.

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