Watery pimples on fingers and palms: causes, treatment and prevention methods


Depending on the appearance, rashes can appear in different forms. With various pathologies, acne will be characteristic. As a rule, they itch, sting, cause pain, or may not manifest themselves at all.

Acne on the back or inner surfaces of the palms occurs due to allergies, hyperhidrosis of the hands, chronic diseases, fungal or other infectious pathologies, and hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms may vary depending on the cause that caused them. Diagnosis based on examination, history taking, skin scraping examination.

Treatment: antihistamines, immunocorrectors, vitamins, sedatives, diuretics, probiotics; local antiseptics, healing ointments, sometimes antibiotics for infections.

The following types of rash are distinguished:

  • white bubbles;
  • blisters;
  • warts;
  • small red dots;
  • large formations;
  • transparent bubbles.

If vague rashes begin to appear on your palms, you should immediately seek medical help. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective methods of therapy.

Rashes on the palms can be of different origins.
Do not underestimate this symptom. In addition to harmless, quickly curable pathologies, papillomas may appear, which, when injured, can degenerate into malignant tumors.

Therefore, making an appointment with a dermatologist is the first thing to do when you notice growths.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

Why do rashes itch?

The skin reacts to various processes that are not inherent to it with itching. In case of injury or inflammation, this reaction begins. If nothing is done when the formation has just appeared, then the next symptom will be itching. Sometimes, the skin itches when a certain disease appears (scabies, chickenpox, measles). Contact with chemicals or cosmetics may cause itching.

If any symptoms appear, you should immediately see a dermatologist. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. We offer products that will help eliminate redness and discomfort (itching, burning, pain). But these remedies cannot remove the source of the disease itself. At the hospital, you will be examined and the nature of the rash will be determined. You may need to get tested.

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For treatment you may be offered:

  1. antiallergic drugs;
  2. immunocorrectors;
  3. ointments, creams or gels;
  4. hormone treatment;
  5. drug treatment in the form of capsules, tablets or injections;
  6. physiotherapy.

To prevent any pimples from bothering you and your child, be on your guard. Consider the following preventive measures.


Before making a decision regarding treatment, it is necessary to determine the factors that could provoke such a reaction in the body.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

This is one of the most common causes of rashes. This is explained by the fact that when the system is disrupted, a redistribution of excretory functions occurs, which begin to be taken over by other organs. These organs include the skin.

Therefore, if the intestines cannot cope with the processing of any product, this problem begins to manifest itself in the form of a rash on the skin.

Allergic reactions

Often the cause of rashes is a contact allergy. The manifestation of symptoms is noted only after direct contact with the irritant. These include:

  • Food;
  • pet hair;
  • dust;
  • household chemicals;
  • toxins.

In most cases, rashes occur in people who do not use gloves while cleaning. When an allergen comes into contact with the skin, red and white pimples may appear on the palms.

Excessive hand sweating

With strong sweating, rashes begin to form under the skin, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and scratching.

With excessive sweating, the sebaceous glands become clogged, which provokes this pathological condition. In adults, acne may appear due to frequent isolation.

With the constant use of gloves in connection with work activities, the skin stops breathing, causing the hands to constantly sweat. The result is a small rash.


It can provoke subcutaneous rashes, while causing severe discomfort. The disease is unpleasant and requires long-term treatment. The fungus is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the skin and itchy dermatosis. If action is not taken in time, the infection will begin to spread further, affecting the nails and wrist.

Infectious pathologies

Most infections are accompanied by a watery rash. This is an unpleasant condition not only for children, but also for adults. In addition, other symptoms contribute to a deterioration in overall health.

Diseases such as rubella, measles or chickenpox cause severe discomfort. Each disease is characterized by its own specific rashes, but they are all united by similar symptoms and increased body temperature.

Failures of metabolic processes

In cases where a metabolic disorder occurs, the rash begins to appear on the fingers, after which it covers the hands.

In the absence of timely treatment, the rash progresses and the pimples itch. Therefore, it is so important to seek help from a specialist at the initial stage of the disease.

Hereditary predisposition

If a person has a tendency to subcutaneous rashes. Which is inherited, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid such a condition. In cases where treatment does not bring positive results, we can talk about diseases of the internal organs.

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This rash tends to spread quickly. Acne localization occurs in areas with more delicate skin.

To accurately determine the cause of the rash, the help of a specialist is necessary, since in this case, in addition to a genetic predisposition, there may be an allergic reaction of the body.

Hormonal imbalance

In most cases, the appearance of acne on the palms for this reason is observed in adolescence and in women after childbirth.

How to get rid of acne quickly

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting about 85 percent of the population.

The provoking factor here is an increase in secretion , against the background of which pores become clogged and pouches form, into which various types of infections penetrate. Such pimples should never be squeezed, as this may cause further spread of pathogenic bacteria to other parts of the body.

Also, experts do not recommend using the cauterization method in order to prevent the formation of scars, which will not be so easy to get rid of later.

Psychological factor

Frequent stressful situations and mental disorders also cause rashes on the palms.

In addition, acne can also result from direct contact with toxic agents or chemicals.

The nature of blistering rashes on the fingers and palms

Before asking yourself the question of treating a blistering rash on your hands, you need to carefully examine the pimples and accurately determine their nature. The fact is that blisters and vesicles are different things, and the reasons for their appearance on the skin are also different.

So, blisters are shapeless formations containing water. They can have different sizes and localization, but their formation does not always indicate a pathological process.

Pimples on the fingers, which have clear outlines and can merge with each other, forming one large bubble, are called vesicles. They often become the main symptoms of skin diseases.

Inside such bubbles there is a liquid, which often contains the causative agent of the pathological process. Of course, if we are not talking about a specific allergic reaction.

Having found out the nature of the blisters on the skin with liquid on the hands, you can proceed directly to studying the reasons for their appearance.


In some people, rashes on the palms are not accompanied by any symptoms and go away on their own after a certain time. However, in most cases, the course of the pathology occurs with pronounced symptoms. It could be:

  • burning and severe itching;
  • discomfort and pain;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • irritation;
  • swelling.

In addition to local symptoms, the disease is also characterized by general symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • excessive sweating;
  • bowel disorders;
  • nausea;
  • joint pain;
  • irritability.

Also, if the cause of acne on the palms is a malfunction of any system, then you may experience a sore throat, swelling of the face and tongue, and rhinitis.

Skin pathologies

The first thing every dermatologist will suspect when he hears a complaint about pimples is scabies. On the skin of the palms, this disease manifests itself as a small reddish rash, and under the upper layers of the epidermis, grayish stripes are noticeable - the passages of the scabies mite. The parasite most often penetrates the skin between the fingers, since it is in this place that it is very tender.

Among the skin diseases that occur with rashes on the skin of the palms, it is worth noting fungus. It usually affects the nail plate, but in advanced cases it can spread to the hands. Both scabies and fungus are contagious diseases, so tactile contact with people suffering from these diseases should be avoided.


When the first signs of rash appear, you should consult a dermatologist. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor conducts a visual examination of pathological neoplasms, and also interviews the patient to identify the following information:

  • what could have caused the rash;
  • How long does this condition last?
  • what type of acne had at the beginning of the development of the pathology;
  • whether the disease was accompanied by other symptoms, for example, fever, the presence of rashes in other parts of the body.

After this, the specialist directs the patient to undergo certain tests, based on the results of which he makes a diagnosis.

general information

Streptodermia refers to a pathology caused by streptococci. If we talk about the external manifestations of the disease, blisters and purulent rashes that itch appear on the skin.

Streptoderma in children can occur in two different forms: acute and chronic. Acute is characterized by pronounced symptoms, and chronic - by periodicity.

According to the degree of damage, the disease is classified into superficial, deep and intertriginous. Each form has a specific feature.


With a few rashes, as a rule, they disappear on their own. When a large number of pimples appear, it is recommended to seek medical help. It is important to understand that a rash does not just appear. It indicates that there is a disruption in the functioning of some system in the body.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

In cases where the appearance of acne on the palms is caused by an allergic reaction or an infectious process, the doctor prescribes drugs from the following groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • immunostimulants;
  • ascorbic acid and vitamins A and B;
  • sedatives and diuretics;
  • medications that normalize microflora .

How to get rid of acne marks

Facial rashes are a common problem that almost every person faces.

If the rash was caused by eczema or another disease characterized by severe itching, then glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

Treatment of acne on the palms should be carried out comprehensively. All therapeutic measures are selected by a specialist based on the cause that provoked the pathology and the nature of the course of the disease. In no case is it recommended to self-medicate, especially using traditional medicine.

Diet and lifestyle

For treatment to be successful, experts recommend reviewing your diet and daily habits. The first thing to do is remove contact with any irritant and water. It is better to do the work with gloves.

To prevent the further spread of the infection, if it was the rash that was caused by it, it is advisable to touch your face less with your hands and wash them often using softening soap.

It is also important to eat right until the rash disappears completely. Foods that can trigger allergies should be excluded from the diet. It can be:

  • chocolate products;
  • eggs;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • honey.

It is also not recommended to use:

  • fried, salty, spicy foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee.

The diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals and vegetable oils.


Complex therapy for small pimples on the hands involves not only taking medications, but also following a strict diet. It is necessary to give up junk food and give preference to fortified foods. It is important to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction and support the body’s immunity and resistance.

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  • lean meats (beef, rabbit, chicken);
  • whole grain porridges, cereals;
  • low-fat fish;
  • milk products;
  • peas, cabbage, zucchini;
  • vegetables and fruits.
  • sweets, chocolate products;
  • citrus fruits, apricots;
  • spices, seasonings, sauces;
  • sausages;
  • fatty, fried and smoked foods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea.

It is necessary to adhere to portioned nutrition, drink more fluids (herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes, still water). Dietary recommendations must be followed during treatment and for some time after therapy to prevent the recurrence of rashes.

Small pimples that appear on the hands are not life-threatening, but they cause serious discomfort, especially if accompanied by accompanying symptoms.

It is necessary to consult a dermatologist, undergo a comprehensive examination and specially selected treatment. In some situations, small pimples are signs of serious pathologies, which can lead to complications.


To prevent the appearance of rashes on the palms, experts advise following some simple rules:

  • avoid frequent stressful situations;
  • wash your hands with baby soap that does not contain dyes or additives;
  • do not contact with chemicals ;
  • allergenic foods from the diet ;
  • prevent overheating and hypothermia of the body;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • sleep at least eight hours a day, do not overload the body with physical activity.

Even if the appearance of acne could not be avoided, taking preventive measures will help you cope with the disease faster.

When subcutaneous rashes form on the palms, do not panic too much. Nervous tension can only make the situation worse. It is important to promptly seek help from a specialist who will prescribe the necessary examination and select the correct treatment. In order for the treatment of the disease to be more successful, it is necessary to accurately determine the source of its occurrence.

It is also not recommended to self-medicate, which may not provoke the most favorable consequences and will only prolong the recovery period.

Drug therapy

Medications are prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the patient’s condition, the established diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the body. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the specialist’s instructions or carefully read the instructions for use of the medications. Many current medications cause side effects.

Small pimples on the hands are treated with the following medications:

Claritin tablets

Group of drugsNameApplication
AntihistaminesClaritin, ZyrtecMedicines reduce swelling and inflammation of the skin. The tablets should be taken once a day. The recommended dosage for adults is 10 mg.
Antifungal drugsClotrimazole, ExoderilMedicines are prescribed to patients if the appearance of small pimples is caused by fungi. The gel or cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the body, which has been previously cleaned. Procedures should be carried out 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy depends on the patient’s condition and lasts 1-4 weeks.
Antibacterial agentsAzithromycin, CeftriaxoneThe medicine should be taken once a day before meals. Patients are prescribed 0.5 g of the drug for 3 days.
Antiviral drugsAcyclovir, NovirinThe medicine should be taken orally with enough water to wash down the tablets. The dosage of the drug is selected taking into account the person’s condition and is 50-100 mg/kg. The course of treatment lasts 5-14 days.
Hormonal creams, ointmentsSinaflan, ElokomTopical preparations quickly eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction (redness, itching, swelling). The cream must be applied to previously cleansed skin. Apply a thin layer 2-4 times a day, rubbing in with light massage movements.
SorbentsEnterosgel, PolyphepanMedicines remove toxins from the human body. The drug should be taken orally for 7-14 days. The recommended dosage is 15 g 2-3 times a day.
ProbioticsProbifor, AcipolThe drugs restore intestinal microflora. Patients are prescribed 1-3 sachets 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 5-15 days.

Additionally, patients are prescribed a complex of multivitamins to increase immunity and body resistance. In case of severe stress and nervous exhaustion, patients should take sedatives, and in severe situations, tranquilizers and antipsychotics.

Traditional methods

In addition to the main treatment, you can use products made according to folk recipes.

For a burn

  • A fresh cabbage leaf will be an “ambulance” for pre-medical consultation. You can make cuts on it to reveal the juice. The sheet should be applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage.
  • Baths and lotions with chamomile decoction, strings. The liquid should not be hot.
  • Apply a paste of ground oatmeal, steamed with boiling water and cooled to a comfortable temperature.

For prickly heat

  • Lotions made from a decoction of oak bark, string, mint, and chamomile will help with the appearance of bubbles. Herbs can be steamed separately or combined in any proportions.
  • Lubricate the affected area with tea tree oil.

For scabies

  • Make compresses with baking soda and apply ice to relieve itching.
  • For better healing of combed areas, use pre-cut aloe leaves, or treat the wounds with juice half diluted with water.
  • Make a poultice from comfrey leaves. Dip them in hot water, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to the affected area.

For herpes

  • Brew arnica flowers. Apply a napkin soaked in infusion to the blisters.
  • Make lotions from green tea. It relieves itching and speeds up healing.
  • Lubricate the affected area with yellow celandine liquid.

For coxsackie A16

  • Gargle with a soda solution, a decoction of chamomile, and sage.
  • Treat sores on the palms with aloe juice.

What can streptoderma be confused with?


With pyoderma, the sebaceous and sweat glands are damaged. The rash appears in certain areas of the skin - parts of the body, scalp.

Herpetic rash

Herpes is characterized by the presence of blisters with constant inflammatory processes. They burst and provoke development.

Thrush or candidiasis

Candidiasis is characterized by erythematous papules or reddened, wet plaques. In the pathology under consideration, the lesion, as a rule, occurs in the mucous membranes or fold areas.

Manifestations of allergies

An allergic rash continues to occur as long as the influence is the causative agent of the allergy.


If streptoderma occurs, what is the treatment? Before we know the treatment options, let's find out the symptoms. The disease in children occurs in extremely severe forms:

  • temperature up to 39C,
  • poisoning,
  • large lymph nodes.

The texture of the skin may vary depending on the form of the pathology:

  • Superficial. Initially, red spots form on the skin. After a couple of days they turn into blisters with a certain liquid inside. The blisters grow up to two cm in diameter, after which they rupture. Yellow crusts form in this area. After this, the skin in this area heals, and the pathology develops further.
  • Dry streptoderma . This form usually occurs in boys. Light and pink spots up to 5 cm in diameter form on the skin. They are found everywhere on the body. After they disappear, scars may remain.
  • Streptococcal infection. The pathology extends specifically to the corners of the lips; it is encountered when there is a deficiency of vitamin B. Small cracks form on the skin, causing discomfort. After some time, they form into pustules that become crusty. The child has difficulty consuming food, as it causes pain.
  • Felon. In a situation where streptococcus spreads to the area around the nails, panaritium develops. Oddly enough, this disease is more often encountered by children at an early age who bite their nails.
  • Streptococcal diaper rash. This form of pathology is typical for breastfed children. Blisters form in the folds of the skin.

Understanding how streptoderma begins to develop in children, treatment which requires timely contact with a dermatologist and the implementation of therapeutic actions, not a minute can be lost. If you constantly put off going to the doctor, the pathology can develop into a chronic form, and it will be almost impossible to achieve a final cure.

streptoderma, treatment

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