How to make cucumber face lotion for every day, and how is it useful?

Do you want to get rid of acne, smooth out wrinkles and reduce oily shine? Prepare cucumber face lotion! Made with your own hands, it will bring more benefits than any purchased product.

I'll tell you what my grandmother did when there was little choice in stores. Today the assortment is orders of magnitude wider, but real cucumber lotion will confidently compete with branded cosmetics.

Cucumber is the first summer vegetable. It is loved for its sweet taste, juiciness and delicious crunch. But it is suitable not only for vitamin salads. Its healing power has been known for several centuries. Green fruits tone, give freshness, and preserve youth.

There are many preparations containing cucumber juice on the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets. As a rule, they include dyes, fragrances, and preservatives. Learn to make healing lotion at home. Natural ingredients are a guarantee of safety and environmental friendliness.

Benefits and effects on the skin

The healing properties of cucumber have been known for a very long time. Until cosmetics made from synthetic ingredients appeared, every woman had homemade lotion made from a juicy vegetable.

Action on the epidermis:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • cleansing;
  • antiseptic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • whitening

The use of natural cucumber product with daily use allows you to achieve excellent results. Effective remedy:

  • refreshes the epidermis;
  • deeply moisturizes;
  • cleanses pores of dirt and fatty plugs;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • relieves redness and inflammation;
  • reduces the number of pimples;
  • nourishes the skin;
  • helps get rid of blackheads;
  • brightens pigmented areas on the face;
  • eliminates wrinkles.

Chemical composition

Cucumber is considered life-giving moisture not only for the skin, but also for the entire body as a whole. 80% of its mass is water, and 20% are essential vitamins and minerals that will benefit the skin.

These include:

  • A - normalizes the water balance in cells, removes dryness and flaking;
  • C − activates the process of epidermal renewal, stimulates the formation of collagen;
  • E - activates regeneration, tightens the skin;
  • B1 - rejuvenates;
  • B2 - responsible for tissue respiration;
  • B5 - smooths out wrinkles;
  • B6 – normalizes metabolic processes;
  • B9 – prevents the formation of acne;
  • K and RR - fight pigmentation;
  • N - has wound-healing properties.

Microelements also have a positive effect on the skin:

  • potassium - retains moisture in cells, prevents early withering of the skin;
  • iodine - activates metabolic processes; if this element is missing, the skin looks tired and becomes dry;
  • sulfur is an excellent assistant in rejuvenating the epidermis.

The nutritional value of cucumber (per 100 g) is presented in the table below:

Squirrels0.8 g
Fats0.1 g
Carbohydrates2.5 g
Calorie content14 Kcal


Lotion made from juicy cucumber is an indispensable remedy for acne. This product has virtually no contraindications.

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • It’s easy to make your own homemade tonic;
  • the natural product is approved for use in various diseases;
  • perfectly tones tired, flabby skin;
  • successfully fights acne;
  • does not cause a feeling of tightness, dryness, or flaking;
  • suitable for all types of epidermis;
  • The natural product is inexpensive and prepared from simple, affordable ingredients.

On our website you can find out the best recipes for gelatin masks for blackheads and acne.

What is soft tissue phlegmon and how to treat the disease? Read the answers on this page.

Other recipes

  1. This toner is suitable for irritated and sensitive skin . Chop the cucumber, add 75 ml of still water and cook the vegetable in it for half an hour over low heat. Strain the infusion, wipe your skin with it morning and evening before applying the cream. Shake the container with tonic before each use and store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
  2. Acne toner .
    Wash and peel the cucumber. Squeeze the juice from half the vegetable, pour into the pan and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the infusion, strain, add witch hazel extract at the rate of: a teaspoon of extract per 2 tablespoons of juice. The extract can be replaced with a few drops of tea tree oil. Store this tonic in the refrigerator. Tonic with cucumber and aloe.
  3. Tonic for skin prone to pigmentation . Mix half a glass of cucumber juice with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, add the juice of half a lemon. Store the tonic in the refrigerator for no more than three days, shake before each use.

Recipes and application for all skin types

How to make cucumber lotion at home? You can get a valuable product without much difficulty. You will only need half an hour to an hour plus the desire to defeat the hated acne.

Which recipe should you choose? It all depends on the type of epidermis. Most often, blackheads, acne, and pimples appear on oily skin. The active components regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminate excess fat. Fewer clogged pores mean less chance of acne.

Instructions for using cucumber lotion are very simple:

  • wipe the skin with the prepared composition;
  • wait 15–20 minutes;
  • Rinse off the product with lukewarm water.

Recipe No. 1 for oily skin

Peel two medium cucumbers, cut into thin slices, and place in a bottle or jar. Add 200 ml of high-quality vodka and seal tightly. Infuse the miracle remedy for acne on a windowsill on the sunny side.

After 2 weeks, the homemade lotion is ready. Shelf life in the refrigerator is 1 month. Wipe areas where acne and blackheads accumulate 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2 for problem skin

Cut a medium cucumber into thin slices, put it in a jar, pour in half a glass of high-quality apple cider vinegar. Cover the vessel with a lid and put it in a dark place.

After a week, get the valuable product. Do not throw away the cucumber pieces. Wipe your face with it, just like lotion.

For any skin type

The combination of “cucumber plus green tea” will help enhance the tonic and cleansing properties of homemade lotion. The product does not dry out the epidermis, reduces inflammation, and gets rid of pustules.

Brew 1 glass of strong green tea. While the mixture sits, grate a large cucumber on a fine grater. Mix the ingredients. Strain the cooled mixture, pour into a bottle, and refrigerate. Wipe your face a couple of times a day.

How to make rose water for face at home? We have the recipe!

Read more about using rosehip oil for the face here.

Follow the link and learn all about using coconut oil for skin.

Cucumber ice

Prepare the lotion according to one of the recipes, pour it into regular ice molds, and put it in the freezer. In the morning, invigorate the epidermis with a refreshing “ice wash”.

Carry out the procedure if you are not allergic to low temperatures. The same healthy ice can be made from regular cucumber juice, but a lotion made from several active ingredients is much more effective on acne.

Cucumber lotion for dry and normal skin

The natural product will help not only those with problematic epidermis. For normal and dry skin there are also recipes that allow you to maintain youth, pleasant color, and freshness of the face.

Cucumber lotion with milk

A popular home remedy will soothe dry skin, moisturize, and nourish with vitamins and minerals. Preparing this miracle product is very simple:

  • take 1/3 of a juicy vegetable, chop thinly, pour in 1 glass of warm milk;
  • after 40 minutes, homemade lotion for sensitive and normal facial skin is ready;
  • Strain the milk-cucumber mixture. Wipe your face with a nourishing product three to four times a day;
  • the result will not be long in coming.

Whitening product with cucumber juice

This natural product is suitable for anyone who wants to lighten freckles and pigmentation on their face. Squeeze the juice out of the grated cucumber - you will need half a glass. Pour the liquid into the bottle. Add the same amount of sour milk or yogurt, shake well.

Place in the refrigerator and let it sit for an hour. An effective whitening agent is ready. Wipe areas with excess pigmentation a couple of times during the day. This natural composition can be used to treat the face, shoulders, and hands. Keep the mixture on your body for 20–25 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Lotion for sensitive skin

An ideal remedy for dry, flaky skin is made from cucumber and St. John's wort. The composition soothes irritated epidermis, reduces inflammation, deeply moisturizes, and heals microcracks.

  • freshly prepared cucumber juice – 50 ml;
  • St. John's wort decoction – 50 ml;
  • infusion of rose petals – 30 ml.
  • prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chop the flowers and leaves, take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, add 1 glass of hot water;
  • heat the mixture in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour, let it brew for 40–50 minutes, strain;
  • The pink infusion is even easier to prepare. Pour 2 tbsp. l. petals 200 ml boiling water, seal tightly, let it brew;
  • After 30 minutes, the healing rose water is ready. Strain, be sure to squeeze out the liquid from the rose petals;
  • chop a juicy cucumber, squeeze out the healing juice;
  • combine the specified amount of each component and let it brew. After 20 minutes, the lotion can be used;
  • Keep the moisturizer in the cold and wipe your skin twice a day.

Cucumber and parsley lotion.

A pleasant and refreshing lotion that can also perform a nutritional function in addition to cleansing. It is good, first of all, for its light structure, which does not burden the skin at all on hot summer days, but, on the contrary, helps it cleanse itself of sweat and dust. And there’s even a heap of parsley and cucumbers in the summer, so the economic component will practically be a penny, which is also important. Well, and most importantly - natural ingredients So, we need: * Parsley * Cucumber * Mineral water (chamomile decoction or any other suitable herb) * Alcohol (for preservation) or calendula tincture * Castor oil * Apricot kernel oil/almond oil/grape oil kernels/wheat germ oil/olive oil (to choose from according to the appropriate oil for your skin type, but you can also combine) The finished product should be (well, this is how I do it, but in general the proportions, of course, can be changed at your discretion) in volume with 250 ml bottle. Therefore, first we pour there: 1. Castor oil - 1 tbsp. 2. Other oils - 2 tbsp. (if you combine, then this should be the total volume of oils) 3. Alcohol 2-3 tbsp. (depending on the strength) or 1/2 bottle of calendula tincture 4. Finely chop the parsley, add a little water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, let it brew and squeeze out the resulting broth. Pour the decoction into the bottle, filling it about 1/3 full. (the remaining broth can be frozen for ice cubes for wiping the face 5. Finely chop the cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them. Cucumber juice should also be about 1/3 of the bottle. 6. Add mineral water to the full volume. It is better to take it with a high salt content . Shake everything and store in the refrigerator. Be sure to wipe your face in the morning and evening. During the day - as needed. You can pour it into a small bottle and carry it with you. And best of all, in a bottle with a spray bottle BE BEAUTIFUL!

Feedback from users

Many representatives of the fair sex often use fresh juice extracted from a juicy cucumber, or prepare lotions based on it. What are the results? Is cucumber lotion good for blackheads and pimples?

Reviews confirm the positive effect of the natural product:

  • Tanya, 19 years old. I learned about the properties of cucumber from my mother. She said that previously everyone used it only. We remembered this natural remedy because of my acne. I prepared a tonic according to a simple recipe with vodka and began using it morning and evening. After two weeks I noticed: there were fewer rashes, the pimples had dried out. At the same time, I began to eat less fried foods, gave up my favorite fast food, coffee, chocolate;
  • Marina, 33 years old. I have dry skin that always flakes. A friend told me about cucumber milk lotion. It turns out that this mixture is suitable for sensitive epidermis. I prepared it and began to lubricate my skin in the mornings and evenings. I keep the mixture on my face for 15 minutes and wash it off. After the procedure, you can feel the difference: the skin is smooth and moisturized. I noticed that my face peeled less. I advise you to prepare the miracle remedy for no more than 3-4 days;
  • Galina, 21 years old. Unfortunately, acne also ruins my face and back. On the advice of a cosmetologist, I added a healing tonic made from cucumber and apple cider vinegar to the main procedures. I wiped the inflamed areas in the mornings and evenings, made face masks with grated cucumber pulp and green clay. After a month, I noticed that acne stopped appearing and my skin became fresher. It seems that the lotion also lightens age spots. I will definitely continue using this product;
  • Maya, 42 years old. My daughter and I are “obsessed” with home cosmetology. Among my favorite products is lotion made from juicy cucumber pulp. A tonic liquid made from cucumber juice and green tea is ideal for my aging skin. My daughter is 19 years old and has acne and blackheads. She alternates between cucumber tonic infused with vodka and an anti-inflammatory agent with St. John's wort infusion. The results are excellent. Try it, you won't regret it.

From the following video you can learn another recipe for making cucumber lotion at home:

For any skin

  1. Chop the cucumbers very finely or grate them. Pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave until completely cool. When the infusion has cooled, use it to wipe the skin.
  2. Peel the cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them. Freeze it, then rub your skin with ice cubes in the morning. This procedure tones, refreshes the skin, and brightens the complexion.
  3. Pass the peel of a fresh cucumber through a meat grinder. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of the resulting gruel with a tablespoon of finely chopped dill or parsley. Pour everything over with a glass of dry white wine and leave for about 2 weeks. After cleansing with this tonic, the skin will lighten a little. If you have very dry skin, it is better not to use this recipe.

Definition of Cucumber Face Lotion

Cucumber lotion is a classic skin care product. It is one of the best lotions for oily skin. As a rule, it consists of alcohol (however, there are other types of bases) and active natural and chemical substances, which include cucumber extract. Fragrance and dyes are also added to the lotion.

High-quality cucumber lotion has anti-inflammatory properties, saturates the skin with vitamins A, B and C, minerals and also acts as a facial cleanser. In addition, the cucumber extract in its composition has antioxidant properties, protects the skin from negative external influences and prevents its aging.

The cost of the drug usually depends on the volume of container, manufacturer and composition. The cheapest products cost ten to fifteen rubles, the more expensive ones cost from fifty to one hundred rubles.

Often, to save money, the manufacturer adds only cucumber flavor and dye instead of cucumber extract. The effect of using such a product will be the same as using pure alcohol. Therefore, before purchasing, it is important to carefully study the composition.

Indications for use

Based on the benefits and effect of cucumber lotion, it is recommended to use it in the following cases:

Problems with skin water balance

Excessive oiliness or dryness is quickly eliminated by using cucumber lotion.

Inflammation, including acne, acne, etc.

Cucumber extract neutralizes inflammation and its external manifestations.


The lotion soothes delicate skin.

Uneven complexion, pigmentation and post-acne

Lightening the dermis and evening out the tone of the face are some of the properties of the product.

Reduced skin tone, lack of elasticity and density

Due to its liquid consistency, the lotion penetrates deep into the skin and promotes its internal saturation with useful substances and the restoration of natural processes.

How to use it correctly

Cucumber lotion of any brand, especially alcohol-based, should be used with caution for flaking and dry skin, as well as for hypersensitivity. You should not use it if you are allergic to the vegetable. To check the possibility of an allergy to the lotion, it is useful to conduct a test before the first use. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the bend of the elbow.

The product is usually used to freshen the skin or remove makeup. Some manufacturers make special lotions that can be used for the skin around the eyes. Thus, the drug can become an alternative to the popular milk and micellar water.

Using the lotion is quite simple. To do this, apply a small amount of product to a cotton pad or swab and wipe problem and contaminated areas of the skin with it. Application once a day is sufficient, but if necessary, the number of uses can be increased to two.


The classic recipe for cucumber lotion, which began to be produced back in the last century, suggested the presence of only cucumber extract, alcohol and fragrance. Today, other liquids can be used as the basis for such a product. So, in addition to alcohol, in pharmacy chains and stores you can find:

  • sour;
  • alkaline;
  • water lotions.

The alcohol composition is harmful to sensitive skin. It is recommended for normal and oily skin. However, thanks to the emergence of such a variety, lotions can be used even for thin and dry skin. In any case, before starting use, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist and dermatologist, and also identify skin problems and imperfections that need to be eliminated.

Also check out the uses of micellar water here.

You can make your own cucumber lotion at home.

Frequent use of lotion is not recommended. When going outside in the cold season, its last use should occur no later than half an hour before.

Stamps: New Dawn, One Hundred Beauty Recipes

Currently, cucumber lotion is produced by several popular Russian companies. Some of them develop their own original recipe for the product, enriching it with additional additives and extracts, green tea, thanks to which the classic solution acquires new properties.

Among the best lotions:

  • New dawn . The product has been produced for several decades and its popularity has not diminished over time. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer adheres to all quality standards in its production and determines the low cost. Today it costs about fifty to eighty rubles. Like other classic lotions, New Zarya cleanses the skin well, refreshes and tones, evens out the complexion, dries out inflammation and accelerates its healing. However, you should not abuse the drug.
  • Holy Land Cucumber Face Lotion. This product differs from others in that it has a non-classical composition and is produced in Israel. It is intended for the care of any skin type and causes virtually no harm with frequent use, since it does not contain alcohol. It perfectly prevents peeling and eliminates dryness, smoothes and restores inflamed areas, refreshes and tones. The cost of such a lotion differs significantly from domestic analogues and is about a thousand rubles.
  • Cucumber water Grandma's pharmacy. The drug has a number of advantages: it does not dry the skin, can be used for any type of dermis, and does not cause allergies or irritation. Meanwhile, it is only suitable for refreshing and cleansing, as well as tightening enlarged pores. Unlike other products, it does not fight rashes and inflammation, so it is not able to help in the fight against pimples and acne (


Lotion is an essential product for women that helps to effectively cleanse the skin. The evolution of its appearance began in the Stone Age, when ancient people used natural remedies to maintain the softness and elasticity of their skin.

The scrolls of Ancient Egypt mention that the Egyptians used special lotions made from plant extracts for moisturizing.

Women began to use fruits, vegetables and other products to prepare products that help effectively care for their skin. This is how cucumber lotion appeared, which is especially popular, which is water of a delicate green color with a pleasant aroma.

Review of lotions that you can buy in the store

The positive effect of cucumber on facial skin has also been appreciated by cosmetic companies, so if you do not want or have the opportunity to prepare lotions yourself, you can purchase ready-made ones at a pharmacy or a regular cosmetics store. Today the following products are especially popular:

  • Cucumber lotion with silver from Vitatek. Available in a 100 ml jar, it contains natural cucumber extract, but some may not like it due to the presence of a specific flavoring;
  • Cosmetic lotion Cucumber from Novaya Zarya. Contains: cucumber extract, boric and citric acid, glycerin. The affordable product whitens, smoothes and nourishes the skin well, has a light, unobtrusive aroma;
  • Cucumber face lotion from HolyLand, made in Israel. Suitable for sensitive skin, as it has a very delicate composition (it includes cucumber essence, aloe extract, chamomile and ginseng root, citrus bioflavonoids and witch hazel extract).

Useful properties in cosmetology

Cucumber lotion, prepared at home, has a rich composition. It is filled with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin, which is why it brings invaluable benefits. The unique composition helps to moisturize the epidermis, normalizes metabolic processes, and nourishes with useful substances.


  • removes the inflammatory process;
  • relieves acne;
  • tightens pores;
  • rejuvenates the epidermis;
  • removes oily shine;
  • brightens the skin.

To get the effect, the lotion must be used every morning after washing.
Apply the product for a couple of minutes and then wash off. After just 2-3 weeks of regular use, you can notice significant improvements. An effective cucumber-based skin cleanser can be:

  • refreshing water;
  • alcohol-based cleanser;
  • whitening cream;
  • cucumber juice - fresh or frozen.
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