10 pathologies that cause a lump under the jaw to appear

Tumor under the chin - what could it be? Considering that a healthy person cannot have any lumps in this part of the body, the question is correct and logical. The appearance of such a nodule, especially if it is palpable and painful, should alert you, although it does not always indicate the presence of oncology.

To understand the reasons for this anomaly, you must first find out what is under the chin - on the left and on the right. This is the only way we can find out what exactly is the “secret” of the formation of compactions in this zone.

Cyst of tooth and jaw

Often, patients who go to doctors with complaints of a lump under the jaw on the right or left are diagnosed with a “cyst”. Pathology can develop due to diseased or poorly treated teeth, various jaw injuries, and ENT diseases. A cyst can go unnoticed for a long time, since it is small in size and does not cause any pain. Problems arise as it grows. A formation can be detected in the initial stages only on an x-ray during a routine examination at the dentist.

The cyst may go undetected for a long time

Read about what types of cysts there are and how to treat them in the feature article on the website.

The cyst must be removed surgically. If it is allowed to grow further, it will begin to destroy the bone tissue of the jaw, can lead to facial deformation, and be complicated by such a serious disease as osteomyelitis.

Will it be possible to save the tooth after removing the cyst? This is possible if all procedures are carried out under a microscope. A high-precision optical device will allow the doctor to see the clinical picture in detail, to precisely and precisely influence only the tumor itself, while preserving healthy tissue as much as possible. Removal of a cyst is often performed with resection (cutting off) of the root apex. And the microscope allows you to carry out the operation in the most gentle way and even fill the canals in a retrograde way, that is, through the apex of the root, if, for example, there is a crown on the tooth (without the need to remove it). But, of course, saving is possible if the situation is not too advanced.

Periostitis of the jaw

Periostitis, or gumboil, occurs when a person is in no hurry to treat teeth affected by caries, pulpitis or periodontitis. The disease can also appear after tooth extraction if an infection gets inside the wound. Less commonly, pathology occurs as a complication of tonsillitis, influenza or ARVI, due to jaw injuries.

The photo shows periostitis on an x-ray

Periostitis is a purulent-inflammatory disease that affects the periosteum. If left untreated, an abscess forms, inside which pus accumulates. The tumor gradually grows, involving the soft tissues of the oral cavity and face, the parotid zone, as well as the lymph nodes, which may cause the patient to feel as if there is a lump under the jaw.


This is a serious complication of dental diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis, cyst, gumboil, osteomyelitis. Occurs against a background of very weakened immunity. There are different types of this pathology depending on the location of the inflammatory process. A lump under the jaw or next to the ear may occur if there is phlegmon in the chewing space, floor of the mouth, parotid or peripharyngeal region.

The photo shows phlegmon

In addition to finding a lump under your jaw or near your ear, you will experience pain when swallowing and difficulty opening your mouth wide and moving your lower jaw. This disease is difficult and takes a long time to treat, often in a hospital setting, but if it is not treated, dangerous complications can arise: serious facial deformities, sepsis, disability and even death.

Square chin

A person with such a chin has will, determination and strength of character. However, this type of chin is good for a man, but not for a woman. Usually a square chin occurs in people with not the highest intelligence.

The female version of this chin is softer and rounded. Women of this type are courageous and brave, but they are ready for self-sacrifice.

A person with a large, square and wide chin also has willpower; he will achieve his goal and will definitely win. In addition, he is power-hungry and loves to have sex.

Submandibular lymphadenitis

A lump under the jaw on the left or right may indicate inflammation of the lymph nodes. With a disease such as submandibular lymphadenitis, the lump can also be located under the ear on the jaw. Moreover, you may find not one, but several balls (bumps) under the skin that feel hard and painful to the touch. Other symptoms also indicate the disease: increased body temperature, general weakness, pain during swallowing movements.

The disease requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise, it becomes chronic, and pus may accumulate in the lymph nodes. This is very dangerous, since under such circumstances the infection can quickly spread throughout the body and provoke the development of sepsis.


Salivary stone disease, or sialadenitis, appears due to blockage and inflammation of the salivary glands. The disease most often occurs in the submandibular and parotid areas1. Pathology develops mainly on one side of the jaw. Patients who consult a doctor with this problem complain of swelling under the jaw, chin, or near the ears. In the initial stages, the cheek and neck swell; in later stages, pain occurs when opening the mouth, talking, chewing and swallowing food.

The cause of the lump may be salivary stone disease

Sialadenitis can worsen and recur from 2 to 6 times a year. Dysfunction of the salivary glands and hyposalivation (lack of saliva) contribute to various infectious processes in the oral cavity. The most common is generalized periodontitis, due to which you can lose all your teeth.

“The other day, quite unexpectedly, a lumpy lump appeared under my chin, I went for an ultrasound, and there I was stunned by the news that these were stones in the salivary ducts. There were no other symptoms before. As treatment, they prescribed all sorts of pills and physical procedures, massage, but if it didn’t help, they said that they would put them in surgery and cut them up...”

Flo, review from 32top.ru

Prominent representatives

Various world publications regularly conduct ratings of the most beautiful and sexiest men on the planet (Heart world, Life). Looking at celebrity portraits, it is easy to understand what a strong-willed chin means. This is an invariable attribute of all modern sex symbols. It is possessed not only by actors who traditionally star in action films - Steven Seagal, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren. But also handsome men George Clooney, Robert Pattinson, Justin Timberlake. The picture is similar among Russians. Sex symbols from Nikolai Eremenko to (the blockbuster “Inhabited Island”) are the owners of an outstanding lower part of the face. Among the legendary politicians, whose contribution to history has been confirmed by time, there are also many men distinguished by the presence of a strong-willed chin: John Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin. The existing exceptions only confirm the rule.

Benign tumor, or lipoma

A lump has appeared under your jaw on the right or maybe on the left, and you are wondering what it is? One of the most common reasons for its appearance is a large wen. To the touch, the formation is soft, motionless and painless. A small lipoma does not pose a serious threat to the body, but if it is not removed, it will continue to grow. The tumor, reaching 5–10 cm in diameter, compresses the nerve endings, disrupts blood circulation and normal cell nutrition. In addition, a large wen is an aesthetic problem, as it spoils the appearance of the face.

A small lipoma does not pose a serious threat

Under unfavorable factors (internal diseases of the body), a lipoma can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Atheroma of the sebaceous gland

A tumor resulting from blockage of the sebaceous glands is called atheroma or sebaceous cyst. Most often it occurs where there are a lot of sebaceous glands - on the head or face (mainly below the level of the mouth, under the jaw). Soft to the touch, mobile, painless. The lump under the jaw on the right or left increases in size very slowly and usually does not exceed 40 mm in diameter.

Atheroma most often occurs where there are many sebaceous glands

The bad thing is that atheromas often fester. They can communicate with the surface of the skin - in this case, a cheesy mass can seep out through the hole, which smells unpleasant. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, atheroma, like all neoplasms, is removed surgically.

Famous personalities

The conclusions are confirmed by examples from the lives of celebrities. Thus, the Duchess of Cornwall, whose strong-willed chin can be seen in the photograph, had an affair with Prince Charles before divorcing her first husband, Andrew Parker-Bowles. And the owner of a neat lower face spent her entire life married to Paul Newman, a Hollywood star who drove women crazy with his bottomless blue eyes. Women's strong-willed chins rarely have a quadrangular shape. They are more rounded and attractive in appearance. They often make it especially in the lower third, more correct and perfect. Celebrities with a protruding jaw include Julianne Moore and Ksenia Sobchak. Many Hollywood careers began with chin augmentation through implantation. Among women, Angelina Jolie, Haley Bury, and Jennifer Aniston decided to undergo such surgery. Their appearance has benefited so much from this that today many are wondering how to make a strong-willed chin.

Mumps or mumps

With this pathology, the salivary glands located next to the ears become inflamed. If there is a lump, swelling on the jaw or a tumor under the ear, then you can suspect that it is mumps. Additional symptoms: increased body temperature, weakness, pain in the area where tumors are located and when swallowing. Mumps most often affects children and young people.

The tumor may be caused by mumps

This disease is viral and poses a danger of infection to others, so the patient must be isolated from others. It is also important to start treatment for pathology on time because in the absence of adequate measures complications may arise, the most serious of which is infertility.

Concept diffusion

The chin is responsible for the shape of the face as a whole, completing its lower part. Each race has its own characteristics in its structure. Thus, Negroids are distinguished by slightly developed chins, Mongoloids - by their almost complete absence. And representatives have the most pronounced lower part of the face. The most developed jaw, which influences its shape, is found in Americans. They are the ones closest to the ideal of what people mean by the concept of a “strong-willed chin.” It is believed that it was the Americans who largely contributed to the spread of this term. Spencer Tracy (1900-1967), who played gangsters at the beginning of his career, introduced a more glamorous concept to replace the “American jaw,” endowing his characters with masculinity and strong-willedness instead of arrogance and rudeness. With his help, a prominent chin became a sign of a real man, which began to influence the perception of others.

Internal subcutaneous pimple or boil

If there is a small lump under the jaw on the left or right, then this may well be an ordinary subcutaneous pimple. Many people do not think that such a tumor poses a serious threat, but if you start squeezing the pimple, the infection can go inside the body, and you will end up on the surgical table. Moreover, if such pimples appear frequently and do not go away for a long time, then this signals problems with the internal organs, excretory, reproductive and endocrine systems.

The photo shows a boil under the jaw

Do not under any circumstances try to crush, puncture or heat the lumps under the jaw. You can bring an infection inside, cause complications and the appearance of rashes in new places.


A variety of preventive measures will help prevent the disease from exacerbating and returning. First of all, it is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Engage in moderate physical activity and avoid eating unhealthy foods in excess. If you periodically have pain in your neck under your chin, then do not forget to visit a doctor and consult with him before you feel another pain syndrome. Stop smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Try not to abuse alcohol or take medications not directly prescribed by your doctor.

Lymphoma (malignant neoplasm)

As we noted above, a lump under the jaw on the right or left may indicate inflammation of the lymph nodes. The tumor is often benign, but in some situations it is malignant.

The pathology occurs against the background of low immunity, hereditary predisposition, prolonged exposure to negative factors (for example, carcinogenic substances), after operations. It is characterized not only by swelling in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, but also by headaches, shortness of breath, cough, sweating, and fatigue.

In any case, you should not delay your visit to the doctor and be sure to get a diagnosis.


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  1. Brezgina A.A. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of chronic recurrent sialadenitis / Problems of dentistry. – 2006.

Expert “A lump under the jaw may be a pimple or a wen, or it may be a sign of serious dental or other diseases. If the tumor is painful, large or rapidly growing in size, the skin around it has changed color, or pus has accumulated inside - be sure to visit a dentist, ENT doctor or therapist. The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the easier and faster the treatment will be.” Dentist-therapist Elena Vladimirovna Orlova

Consulting specialist

Dzagurova Elina Ruslanovna

Doctor rating: 9.5 out of 10 (2) Specialization: Dentist-therapist Experience: 11 years

Conservative treatment

Treatment of early stages of tumors and swelling in the neck area is carried out conservatively. But it is worth remembering that this method may not give a positive result.

Conservative treatment includes the following procedures:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • folk remedies.

When choosing an appropriate course of treatment, the medical history, as well as the risk factors outlined earlier, must be taken into account by the attending physician.

Drug treatment

Medicines are used as a treatment for certain types of tumors and swellings in the neck area. In the process of choosing them, the doctor takes into account the type of tumor, its nature and progression.

In the treatment of this disease, medications are used that help reduce the intensity of pain and reduce the size of the tumor.

Medicines are the first assistants in the fight against tumors

The following medications are used to treat early stages of a tumor or swelling in the neck:

  • "Cetuximab";
  • "Fluorouracil";
  • "Bleomycin sulfate";
  • "Amifostin";
  • "Temoprofin";
  • "Methotrexate."

It is worth noting, however, that some people may initially have a positive response when taking these medications, but over time the effect may cease to be effective. It can be concluded that the medicine can only serve as a temporary way to cure neck cancer and get rid of a tumor or swelling.


Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is a method of treatment that is based on the use of decoctions, tinctures and other forms of herbal medicines.

Herbal medicines are an excellent assistant in the fight against neck tumors at an early stage of development. They help to “dissolve” tumors, reduce pain and discomfort.

Below are recipes for traditional medicines that can help treat this disease.

Recipe No. 1. Celandine compresses

What is needed:

  • celandine – 2 pcs;
  • gauze bandage – 1 pc.

How to prepare: take a gauze bandage and soak it in juice, decoction or tincture of celandine. Then it needs to be tightly applied to the neoplasm and secured with an adhesive plaster. In addition to celandine, it is allowed to use plants such as aloe vera, Kalanchoe or golden mustache. You can also simply apply a cut leaf from a plant to the tumor. Another option is to grind the plant with a meat grinder or blender to a pulp, which then needs to be placed on a bandage. This, in turn, is applied to the affected surface and also secured with an adhesive plaster. This type of compress is applied several times a day. Course – 3 weeks.

Recipe No. 2. Medicine from a mixture of onions and laundry soap

What is needed:

  • large onion – 1 piece;
  • laundry soap – 1 pc.

How to cook: first you need to leave the onion to bake in the oven for fifteen minutes. Then the onion is cooled and crushed to a paste using a meat grinder or blender. Meanwhile, the laundry soap needs to be grated on a fine grater. When both components are ready, they are added to the container in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. The finished mixture is applied to the neoplasm. This procedure is carried out once a day for two to three weeks.

Folk remedies for the treatment of neck tumors are suitable for absolutely everyone

Recipe No. 3. Garlic medicine

What is needed:

  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • vegetable oil – 350 ml.

How to prepare: Garlic cloves are crushed and vegetable oil is added to them. The mixture is spread on the area of ​​skin located above the tumor. Thanks to the medicine prepared according to this recipe, the tumor will begin to rapidly decrease in size. The procedure is carried out daily for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe No. 4. Miracle beets

What is needed:

  • beets – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil – 350 ml.

How to prepare: grate the beets on a fine grater. Bring to a paste, mix with vegetable oil and apply to the site of the tumor. You need to use this product 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Recipes for folk remedies

Before treating a benign tumor at home, you should find out exactly its nature and make sure that the tumor does not become malignant.

Benign tumors can be successfully treated with folk remedies. But there is one condition - the size of the tumors should be no more than five centimeters. If the tumor is larger than indicated or it has become malignant, then urgent surgical intervention is required.

Important! The indicated dosage should be observed, since if folk remedies are used incorrectly, organs located in the neck area may suffer.


Chemotherapy is a method of treating malignant tumors that uses all kinds of drugs against cancer.

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat a spinal cord tumor (cancer), as well as consider symptoms and alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

This procedure is aimed at destroying cancer cells that are rapidly dividing. Unlike radiation therapy or surgery, which target specific areas, chemotherapy affects the entire body. But it greatly affects some healthy cells and organs, such as skin cells, hair cells, intestines and bone marrow. This influence is one of the side effects of treatment.

Chemotherapy helps get rid of cancer

In some cases, chemotherapy treatment destroys cancer cells completely. However, unfortunately, there is a high chance of relapse, so this method of treatment does not guarantee a cure for cancer.

There are some cases when therapy is not able to cure a disease, but only slow down its development and reduce pain.

Chemotherapy is rarely prescribed as the only method of treatment; more often it is used together with surgery (usually carried out after chemotherapy), radiation or biological therapy.

Radiation therapy

Physiotherapeutic devices

Radiation therapy is a procedure that uses penetrating radiation to shrink tumors and kill cells that cause cancer. This technique uses gamma radiation and x-rays.

There are two types of this procedure:

  • external beam radiation therapy (rays come from a special medical device);
  • close-focus radiation therapy, or brachytherapy (a radioactive substance is injected into the patient's body in a small amount). In this procedure, radioactive substances, such as radioactive iodine, are injected into the body and travel through the blood to contact and destroy cancer cells.

Radiation therapy is highly likely to destroy tumors

Approximately half of patients with neck cancer receive radiation therapy throughout their course of treatment.

How radiation therapy works: substances injected orally interact with cancer cells and damage their DNA.

Worth knowing! DNA is a macromolecule that ensures the storage and transfer of genetic information from generation to generation.

Either the direct injection of radioactive substances damages the DNA of cancer cells, or the charged particles created by the apparatus penetrate into the cells, which, again, leads to destabilization of the DNA.

Cancer cells with damaged DNA strands die and are then eliminated by the body.

However, there is a danger that this therapy also affects healthy cells, which negatively affects the patient's health.

When agreeing on the course in which this therapy will be included, specialists do not exclude possible damage that will be caused to healthy cells of the body and warn the patient about this. They know well how much radiation healthy tissue can accept without harm. This knowledge helps them decide where best to direct the radiation during treatment.


I suffered from a severe sore throat, after which two lumps appeared under the jaw on the right, the doctor said that these were lymph nodes and prescribed ointments, but nothing helped. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Mikheeva (05/01/2020 at 18:44) Reply to comment

    Enlarged lymph nodes indicate the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the acute or chronic stage. It is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis of your condition, for this you need to take smears for flora, take a detailed blood test, visit an ENT doctor and a dentist.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (05/14/2020 at 09:14) Reply to comment

I have a lump on the left side opposite the corner of my mouth. It doesn’t hurt, nothing hurts, when I press on it, it’s hard. It’s been 2 weeks now and it hasn’t grown or fallen, I feel like always, I don’t have a fever, but I have lower dentures. .What is this?

Tatyana (07/04/2020 at 06:35) Reply to comment

A lump appeared 3 years ago under the jaw in the area of ​​the lymph node and it seems that it is a single whole because... the node lost its mobility when palpated, they took a picture, a lump (1-2 cm) is visible in the picture, they said the problem was teeth, removed the problematic one, the lump remained, but did not progress, did not hurt, but when moving the neck there was an unpleasant sensation sometimes behind the ear too, an oncologist at the local he told the clinic that he wasn’t seeing anything, maybe he’d contact the oncology center, but they didn’t prescribe treatment

Alexey (09.24.2020 at 15:51) Reply to comment

He bit the same spot on his lip twice. It became swollen and there was pain on the lower side of the jaw (the lip hardly hurts), pain when moving the jaw, but not when swallowing. A small lump is felt on the bottom of the bone, which is very painful when touched.

Georgy (07.10.2020 at 19:42) Reply to comment

Write your comment Cancel reply

Vertical chin

It’s not difficult to determine character by such a chin. People with such a chin are extremely distrustful, reserved, difficult to talk to, reserved, and taciturn. They don’t even want to be in debt to their loved ones and keep all their worries to themselves. Most often, people with a vertical chin are mental workers; they are not capable of physical labor. Able to perform routine, meticulous work that others find too tedious. They have everything laid out on shelves, each document has its own place, each item does not change its location for years. They are reliable, they can provide the necessary information at any moment, and there is never a malfunction. In addition, they also have a developed imagination, make their own adjustments to the organization of work, and come up with original ideas. They are creators by nature, but even greater critics. Disorganized and undisciplined people, slow and lazy people cause contempt in them and are always the object of their criticism, which greatly irritates the latter. It cannot be said that everyone in the team loves such people, but the fact that it is difficult to do without them is undeniable. Among such people there are also petty and cynical ones, but they always remain honest, are not hypocritical, and are able to go to the end in the actions they take, even if success is doubtful.

“January” ones are obsessed with new ideas. While accumulating money, they may one day decide to invest it in a very dubious project.

People with such a chin are generous, selfless, you can always borrow any amount from them and know that you will not become dependent on them. They don't ask for anything in return. They have difficulty navigating commercial issues, they are often deceived, do not repay debts, and do not pay dividends. By their nature they are unpretentious, they can be content with what they have, live in any conditions and consider themselves the happiest. With all this, they easily and quickly achieve their goals, and early become independent, independent of loved ones. They don’t attach much importance to success, they don’t chase fame or big money. If they take the wrong path, it is impossible to re-educate them. Many of those who have lost their way end up in correctional colonies several times and each time they repent, saying that this time is the last. In extreme situations, they do not control themselves, they can be very cruel, and their aggressive actions can only be stopped by physical force. Knowing their character, they avoid various kinds of conflicts and try not to have problems.

How to determine the character of “July” people based on their chin? They are calm and balanced, charming, and have a certain cold and stern beauty. They love antiques, and women love expensive jewelry and good perfume. They often change sex partners because they feel lonely and are looking for their man. Men with this chin shape are also lonely, even in a family or large group. They are too proud, independent, but persistent in achieving their goals. These people are exceptionally smart, have an analytical mind, scientific inclinations, ingenuity, and the ability to make discoveries. They are not always successful in their professional activities, but they never despair. They do not like to ask for concessions or promotions, even if they deserve it. They willingly give practical advice to everyone who needs it, they are selfless and generous.

People with a vertical chin have good health, are physically strong and resilient. Brave, decisive and, it should be noted, not too stubborn, very good-natured with everyone. They love sports: wrestling, swimming, tennis. They are hardworking, never get tired, do not know overwork, which is a clear advantage over others in any field of activity.

“December” are overly hot-tempered, irritable, it is unsafe to argue with them, and it is impossible to prove anything to them. Fighters by nature do not allow anyone to get the better of them, especially in sports. In favorable conditions, when they are given due attention, they can achieve unprecedented results in any field of activity. Full of various plans that they themselves know how to implement. They are not influenced, they will listen to everyone, but they will do it at their own discretion. They are excellent organizers from school and carry this gift throughout their lives. Such people are very decent in their relationships with others, their actions are balanced and thoroughly considered. They never rely on chance. Their gaze is prickly and searching. They can interrupt the interlocutor if they see falsehood or forgery. They pierce the interlocutor with their gaze, like an x-ray.

“Mayskie” are strong and courageous people, including women, who have a masculine personality, prefer to communicate more and be friends with men, and ignore women. They do not like physical work; they prefer to use the potential of their sharp, analytical mind. They have a tenacious memory. Women choose calm, flexible men as husbands, so that they can calmly lead them and have power over them. Both men and women with vertical chins are very diligent, obligatory, and assertive by nature. They bring any matter to its logical conclusion and do not shift their responsibilities to others. They like to work so that everything is completely ready, any piece of paper, any document is at hand. They think through their actions in advance and follow a strictly planned plan. Failures and errors are not for them. They are distinguished by their innate intelligence, especially men. They devote a lot of time to thinking about the meaning of life, read a lot, and have extensive knowledge in many areas. With their presence they bring peace and tranquility to any society.

“September” people with a vertical chin are calm, compliant, love to be the center of attention, but never create conflict situations.

What can your chin say about your character? Its owners are tolerant of other people's shortcomings and are inclined. forgive insults, can agree with someone on controversial issues so as not to escalate the situation, but always have their own opinion. They are loyal to the judgments of others, believing that everyone has the right to their own views. They never interfere in other people's affairs and do not enter into conversation unless asked. They are so delicate that it is difficult to accuse them of tactlessness, but it is easy to suspect them of indifference to everything that happens. However, if necessary, everyone can turn to them for help and will never be refused. They know how to control themselves, never give vent to their feelings, and do not spoil their nervous system over trifles. They have the ability to convey their state of serenity to others.

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