Dermotonia is a universal way to improve appearance

Skin problems are common among residents of large cities. Various shortcomings are not a reason to be upset, since any problem can be corrected with the help of cosmetics. But first of all, you need to find out why this or that shortcoming arose in the first place. Basically, the reason lies in problems with metabolism, lack of oxygen and nutrition for cells.


Dermotony is a cosmetic hardware service used for various purposes. It has an impact on the following levels: physiological, psychological, cellular. This event is of interest due to the absence of unpleasant sensations, and the result is excellent: a single dermotonia is equal to seven repetitions of lymphatic drainage massage.

Dermotonia is quite effective

Definition of methodology

Various negative factors such as frequent emotional turmoil, hormonal problems, unbalanced nutrition, negative environmental conditions can provoke the appearance of cellulite. There may be problems with blood supply to tissues, an abundance of toxic substances, and rapid formation of adipocytes. The vacuum reflex-therapeutic method of dermotonia allows you to correct “orange peels”.

Interesting to know! The founder of the idea is Serge Karagozian. He and his assistants developed a special apparatus for the procedure with a suction mechanism.

There are special devices for this procedure.

The device is a stationary device with various handpieces in the form of marble or Teflon balls. Each nozzle has its own processing area and force. There are two directions of work: vacuum or pulsating grip, massage. The operation of the device is carried out on several levels due to the constant rolling of balls. When exposed to about seventy hertz, capillary flow and lymph flow can be increased several times. The volume of the figure is corrected, the skin becomes healthy and beautiful.

Massage affects the dermis and hypodermis. Thanks to the action of the device, blood microcirculation in the tissues is activated, and the necessary nutrients and oxygen are supplied to them. Metabolism and lymph outflow return to normal, which means toxic substances leave the body.

Interesting to know! The arterioles become wider, and this only helps to get rid of toxins.

The impact goes on several layers of skin at once

Apparatus for dermotonia and its principle of operation

During the procedure, the vacuum apparatus is applied at several levels, which improves cellular metabolism, improves the supply of blood and oxygen to tissues, normalizes lymph exchange, and removes unnecessary substances from the body. Since, thanks to dermotonia, stagnation in the skin disappears, it becomes healthier and functions better.

Dermotonia improves skin condition

The operating principle of this procedure is patented (France). They implemented dermotonia in their devices “Le Dermo V4”, “Le Skin V6”, “Dermopulse” and “Skintonic”.

Interesting to know! In our country there is an analogue of equipment called “Charm” ().

Russian device "Sharm"

In general, all equipment is a stationary device that has manipulatives that affect the body and face. All attachments vary in area and force of impact. The manipule consists of marble or Teflon balls arranged in a circle. A special effect is achieved through vacuum grip and massage actions.

Work is done on the face or body

Interesting ! Vacuum modes are different - constant suction or pulsating.

How the procedure works

The French doctor suggested considering the skin not as a shell of the body, but as an organ where, due to various negative factors, for example, poor ecology, stress, and so on, problem areas appear. In such areas of the skin, metabolism is disrupted, fat deposits form, and microcirculation of blood and lymph is disrupted.

Karagozyan proposed treating patients with these problems using a special Skintonic massage device, which, carefully sucking the skin, produces a massage with special attachments. The size of the nozzles, suction power (vacuum), impact area and other parameters are selected by the specialist depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The list of indications for dermotonia is almost limitless: wrinkles and folds, capillary networks, sagging skin and adhesive formations, as well as swelling of the legs, pain syndromes of various origins, scars and even metabolic, circulatory and gastrointestinal disorders. And in all these cases, the French technique allows you to achieve remarkable results. It helps restore skin elasticity, remove toxins, break down excess fat cells, and therefore sculpt your figure!

Medical uses of dermotonia

Plastic surgery

A similar procedure is used to prepare the skin for transplantation and for further recovery. The lymphatic drainage effect leads to the disappearance of swelling, hemorrhages and scars - characteristic side effects of surgical intervention. The tissue structure returns to normal, trophism improves. Treated areas heal faster, scars and scars disappear faster.

Dermotonia serves as a preparatory procedure before surgery


Thanks to special equipment, it is possible to cope with manifestations of arthrosis, vertebral dysfunctions, various tendon pathologies, and problems with the functioning of the spine that arise due to insufficient physical activity.

Interesting to know! The effect is achieved by getting rid of inflammatory processes, pain, swelling, rigidity and contractures, due to which the functions of the musculoskeletal system are restored.

Dermotonia is used in the fight against arthrosis and other rheumatic diseases


The procedure is necessary for the combined treatment of dislocations, muscle strains, bruises and periarticular pathologies. Dermotonia allows you to correct pain syndromes associated with injuries, eliminates swelling after bruises, and restores trophic processes. Muscle mobility is restored, and in general it is easier for a person to return to normal life after an injury thanks to this procedure.

Bruises and injuries are eliminated faster thanks to dermotonia


As a result of the action of dermotonia, in case of problems with the venous-lymphatic system, it is possible to correct hormonal imbalances in the body and normalize metabolism. The vacuum forces the valves of blood vessels to function correctly, it is also possible to get rid of stagnation of blood, normalize the outflow of venous blood and lymphatic circulation.

Interesting to know! The feeling of heaviness in the legs and swelling go away.

Dermotonia can improve the functioning of the circulatory system


If a person has problems such as anxiety, pain, or a feeling of tightness in the chest, you can use dermotony to get rid of them. In addition, problems with the digestive system are corrected - spastic colitis and gastralgia go away. Internal organs relax and work better than before, regulating homeostasis.

Neurological diseases can be eliminated by dermotonia

Cosmetological use of dermotonia

Getting rid of excess fat and “orange peels”

Thanks to the procedure, blood circulation returns to normal, metabolism is adjusted, and excess fat is removed from the treated areas. The infiltrate is drained, and adipocytes are naturally removed from the tissues. It is quite possible to get beautiful body shapes and normalize skin texture.

Cellulite goes away after several treatments

Skin toning

Due to the massage, blood circulation improves, as a result of which cell synthesis is activated, tissue is renewed, collagen and elastin are produced. Active work of the skin layers leads to skin toning.

Interesting to know! The procedure prevents premature aging and damage to the skin, increasing firmness and elasticity.

Skin looks fresher and more toned

Correction of stretch marks

The procedure allows you to get rid of stretch marks. The vacuum improves trophic processes and makes fibroblasts, which produce connective fibers, work. The effect of the device reduces stretch marks both in depth and width, giving the skin a healthy color.

“Erasing” scars and scars

It is quite possible to get rid of annoying scars and scars with the help of dermotonia. In addition, fibrosis, keloid and hypertrophic scars are prevented. Adhesive processes are reduced, and the outflow of lymph ceases to be obstructed by anything.

Interesting to know! The impact of the equipment allows you to cope with pain, the tension of the skin returns to normal in the injured area.

Scars and scars can be removed from the surface of the skin

Correction of face shape

The procedure eliminates unsightly folds between the eyebrows and in the nasolabial triangle. You can also remove a double chin and other age-related skin imperfections. Dermotonia restores the skin by facilitating the removal of dead cells. Tone and elasticity are restored, wrinkles are slightly smoothed out. Overall, a tightening effect is achieved.

The shape of the face can be changed thanks to dermotonia

Correction of edema and swelling

Since the vacuum tones and has a peeling effect, you can get rid of bruises and dark circles under the eyes, and relieve swelling of the eyelids. Unnecessary fluid and toxic elements are removed, as a result of which there is no stagnation in the body. Since metabolism is corrected, the skin becomes closer to youthful in condition, sagging and sagging are eliminated.

Swelling and edema disappear after a course of procedures

Dermotonia is “gymnastics” for cells, cleansing for the body.

How will it help you get rid of the “surplus”?

The hardware method of dermotonia is based on a combination of a special vacuum massage, kneading, as in a classic massage, and impact on biologically active points.

Skin is the largest organ in our body. And all the problems in the body are reflected in it. The dermotony procedure starts the process of natural cleansing of the skin from “waste”.

When you undergo the procedure, blood flow in the massage area accelerates significantly, tissues are freed from toxic substances and excess fluid. Oxygen enters cells faster, metabolism accelerates, nutrition improves, and renewal processes occur faster.

As a result, fat deposits disappear, scars and adhesions dissolve, the skin tightens, becomes softer and more elastic. You not only look better, lose inches, get rid of wrinkles, but also improve your health - get rid of swelling and fatigue in your legs, and get fewer colds. And the intestines work like clockwork.

Dermotonia for the body

During this procedure, a mechanical effect is exerted on the skin and muscle tissue. To do this, they use special equipment with ebonite sticks moving towards each other. In this case, a certain pace of work is set. Folds of skin are gently captured, exerting an effect on the desired parts of the body. In this case, any injuries are absolutely excluded.

Interesting to know! During the manipulations, microscopic circulation in the skin layers is activated, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin increases. It is quite possible to improve fat metabolism in order to remove excess fat.

Simple dermotony can help get rid of excess body volume, remove local fat deposits, erase “orange peels,” and restore the skin to its former elasticity, healthy tone and radiance.

Interesting to know! The impact occurs at a frequency of up to seventy hertz, which allows you to achieve an analgesic effect, relieve swelling, and increase lymph outflow.

At a certain frequency, you can improve the general condition of the body

Dermotonia for face

This procedure is part of a set of beauty procedures designed to cope with small wrinkles, a double chin, bruises and swelling under the eyes, and puffiness of the eyelids. Cosmetologists recommend using this service if you suffer from weakness of the facial muscles, which has led to the formation of a double chin. Problems with the outflow and inflow of lymph can cause swelling of the eyelids and under the eyes, but dermotonia can easily cope with them.

It is also possible to work with the face

The procedure is also excellent for treating small wrinkles, which are believed to be caused by excessively bright facial expressions and natural aging processes, as well as weakness of the orbicularis muscles of the eyes. What is the effect? Clients say that the complexion becomes much better, the skin resembles youth in its properties, and the oval of the face also takes on the desired shape.

Small wrinkles can be removed during the procedure

Features and Pros

It is known that the skin is the largest human organ, accumulating many reflexogenic areas. Dermotony allows you to have a positive effect not only directly on the treatment area, but also on the entire body. Nerve endings are activated, resulting in good health and a positive emotional background.

Interesting to know! It cannot be said that during the exposure a person does not feel any pain. Many compare this procedure to relaxation.

The procedure is attractive due to its painlessness

The device involves the use of several attachments, each of which operates according to its own principle.

  1. Light suction is used for reflexology.
  2. Constant suction allows you to achieve a massage effect.
  3. Pulsating suction activates the outflow of lymph and improves the functioning of the lymph nodes.

Interesting to know! Some people believe that dermotonia in pulsating mode resembles a kiss. The combination of business and pleasure is perhaps one of the most significant advantages of this event.

Many people talk about the association between the pulsating mode of the device and a kiss.

Event stages

Before dermotonia begins, the client should remove clothing, lie down on a massage table, and relax as much as possible. Some cosmetology centers provide various additional effects: light, incense sticks, music.

Dermotonia occurs as follows.

  1. Diagnostics. First, the cosmetologist conducts a tactile examination of the client’s body, identifying painful and tense areas that require special attention.
  2. Reflexology – pulsation on problem areas leads to relaxation, relief from pain and spasmodic contractions.


  3. Vacuum massage, during which a constant suction mode is used. Fibrous adhesions are neutralized, fibroblasts are activated, cells are saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  4. Lymphatic drainage - pinpoint pulsation is carried out on the lymph nodes, due to which they begin to actively work. “Unnecessary” lymph leaves, removing excess substances from the body. Fatty tissue breaks down.

Lymphatic drainage

If the procedure is for the face, the steps are similar, but the attachments are not as large, and the effect is softer. Each stage lasts about twenty minutes (body) or about ten minutes (face). Constant contact of the specialist’s hands with the client’s body is necessary.

Interesting to know! For reflexology and drainage, no additional creams or gels are needed, but for a stronger effect from the massage you need to use orange peel gel.

The client does not experience any pain or discomfort; on the contrary, the procedure evokes only positive associations. The total duration of dermotonia is approximately an hour.

The procedure does not cause pain

How is the dermotony procedure performed?

Before the procedure, you undergo a consultation with a specialist to exclude contraindications. The specialist finds problem areas and creates an individual program. In addition, the specialist tests how you tolerate the procedure in order to select the strength of the impact. This way you are protected from discomfort and bruises.

During the procedure, the specialist treats areas that need attention with a special nozzle. The strength of the impact is regulated by the program, the mode is constant and pulsating. The sensation is somewhat similar to a cupping massage. However, unlike cupping, there is no pain or bruising with dermotonia. Only slight warmth, comfort and relaxation.

After the procedure, you need to rest. Try not to eat junk food while taking the course, and give yourself at least minimal exercise. You will receive more detailed recommendations from a specialist.

Result and number of repetitions of the procedure

The first results will be noticeable immediately after the session. The treated skin turns slightly red, evens out and becomes smooth - this is to some extent reminiscent of peeling. The muscles are pleasantly relaxed. The person generally feels better and has a positive mood.

After several sessions, the results become more obvious. The body is more toned, cellulite begins to “erase off”, scars and stretch marks are less noticeable. This measure is extremely effective in dealing with excess weight - you can remove about 4 cm in body volume. The skin of the face looks healthy, acquires a normal color, wrinkles and pigmentation disappear.

After the procedures, the person looks fresher and much younger

For the effect to last for a long period of time, about ten repetitions of dermotonia are required. Between them you should take a break of three days to a week.

Interesting to know! Then you need to do one or two repetitions of the procedure every two to three months to maintain the effect.

What to do to enhance the result?

Experts note that dermotonia and its effectiveness are in no way related to various additional influences such as changes in diet or exercise, since it already produces good results. However, of course, it will be useful to get rid of bad habits, drink about two liters of water a day, eat right and at least sometimes exercise. You should also lead as active a life as possible. All this will allow you to consolidate the resulting effect, especially if you combine the procedure with the use of skincare cosmetics and additional self-massage.

It is quite possible to enhance the effect of the procedure

Why are 80% of women concerned about their body shape and skin condition?

“Even if the development of cellulite is not life-threatening, it is considered, in accordance with WHO criteria, as a deterioration in a person’s overall health: physical, mental and social well-being. Hyperlipodystrophy of the lower extremities, known as cellulite, affects more than 80% of the female population.”

In fact, many women suffer from psychological and aesthetic rejection of their body shapes, associated with uncomfortable sensations and experiences. The decision to treat is a consequence of this suffering: here too, dermotonia acts as an effective tool for realizing the wildest expectations.

Deep tissue mobilization, defibrosis, restoration of veno-lymphatic microcirculation, drainage, improved metabolism... the skin restores its firmness, elasticity and balance at the cellular level.

Contraindications and complications

The procedure is contraindicated if you have:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • acute rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammatory damage and trauma to the skin;
  • infections;

    In the presence of infections, dermotonia is contraindicated

  • high body temperature;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension.

The procedure cannot be performed if you have high blood pressure.

No side effects or complications have yet been observed after the event.

Reviews from clients and cosmetologists

It is important before the procedure to comprehensively study the opinions of clients who have already tried dermotonia on themselves. The following questions are particularly relevant:

  • sensations during the procedure;
  • satisfaction with the effect;
  • Isn't it a pity for the money spent?

It’s worth reading reviews from people who have already undergone this procedure.

Surveys show that the highest percentage of people dissatisfied with the event are those who only wanted to deal with wrinkles. However, it is known that dermotonia does not have the desired effect on them, and any specialist will immediately tell you this. At the same time, clients notice that the “orange peels” are gone and the “gravity” effect disappears.

It is worth noting that almost no one regretted the money invested in dermotonia. Many speak positively about the procedure, although they say that they thought that they would have to do only five procedures, but in the end everything took a huge amount of time, since cosmetologists insist on repeating it ten times. They often complain that they wanted to improve the condition of their skin before an important event, a trip to the sea, but this procedure does not guarantee an immediate positive effect.

Interesting to know! If you need to trim your figure before an event, consider other procedures that can help you lose weight quickly and effectively.

If you want to get a quick effect, it is better to take a closer look at other procedures

Since dermotonia requires the use of professional equipment, a good analogue is LPG massage.

You need to study all the information about the procedure

Anna, Ufa

“I decided to undergo a course of dermotony procedures to get rid of stretch marks and scars. I can say that the result satisfied me. The doctor prescribed 10 procedures for me. I didn’t experience pain, the sensations were even pleasant. I began to feel better, the main problems that I wanted to get rid of disappeared. I know that dermotonia is also used on the face to remove swelling and wrinkles. Perhaps someday I will use this procedure for this purpose.”

Irina, Voronezh

“I decided to undergo dermotonia to improve the appearance of my face. My main problem is swelling, which traditional methods and all kinds of cosmetics do not help. This is a rather expensive procedure for me, but I went for it to finally eliminate my shortcomings. I'm glad I wasn't mistaken. I achieved exactly what I wanted. My face became fresher, even the wrinkles went away a little, although I didn’t count on it.”

Let's focus on the result: how dermotonia can benefit you

Example No. 1: help if you have a sedentary job You are a responsible employee. Your workday often ends in the dark, and you have to sit at the computer for 8-10 hours. As a result, your back hurts, your legs often swell, and cellulite is right there. And also rapid fatigue, and the mood is “zero”. Sound familiar? Dermotony procedures help eliminate congestion and remove excess fluid. Your back no longer hurts, your legs stop swelling, and the extra centimeters disappear. Don't regret them. They are replaced by cheerfulness and good mood. There's still so much to do, isn't there? Example No. 2: a way out if you need to get back into shape after childbirth An exciting event has occurred - your baby has been born. There is more and more hassle, less and less time for yourself. The baby grows, the load increases, and as a result - back pain. After giving birth, my body changed, stretch marks remained, and a couple (or more) extra pounds appeared. How to return to the previous size? Improve your appearance? Remove this eternal fatigue? Dermotonia helps eliminate “excess” from the waist and hips, tighten the stomach and buttocks, eliminate back pain and leg fatigue. And if you decide to have a facial procedure, newly appeared wrinkles will disappear and your skin will glow again. Example No. 3: solution if you are on your feet all day You have an interesting creative profession. Constant change of impressions, dynamic life, new acquaintances. And you're on your feet all the time. As a result, your medicine cabinet is full of anti-edema drops, tablets and ointments, you buy tights to prevent varicose veins, and you can only dream about stilettos - you can’t stand wearing them for long. The dermotony procedure removes stagnation, removes excess fluid, gently “trains” the blood vessels, reduces the risk of progression of varicose veins and the likelihood of its complications. By the evening, your legs hurt less, and the swelling disappears. As well as 3-5 centimeters from the waist and hips by the end of the course. Nice bonus, right? Dermotonia helps hundreds of thousands of patients around the world look and feel better. However, this only works if you know who to trust with your health.

Why here? 4 reasons to become healthy and slim at Primavera:

You get results One dermotonia procedure replaces 5-7 manual massages. According to our observations, 80% of clients' condition and appearance improve by the end of the first course of treatment. The rest need more than one course, or a combination of dermotonia with other techniques, to achieve what they want. Our best specialists with medical education will take care of you. All of them have been trained in dermotony techniques, each of them has experience working with patients and experience from 2 to 7 years. If you have any questions, ask and always get a professional answer. Your procedures are performed using the latest generation equipment. We perform procedures using the Le Skin V6 device. This is a luxury device and the only one in the city. During the procedure we do not use oils, creams or protective suits. Everything is very comfortable and pleasant. You are given maximum attention. We care about your safety, therefore, to eliminate contraindications, we consult you before the procedure. And of course, we carry out the procedure itself as carefully and accurately as possible.

Questions and answers

Of course, ladies are interested in many of the nuances associated with such a procedure. We will answer the most popular questions.

Can dermotonia correct abdominal folds caused by excess weight or pregnancy?

The appearance of this problem is associated with changes in the anterior abdominal wall. People call her "apron". Excess skin and fat that are associated with excess weight or pregnancy cannot be removed with this procedure. It is better to seek help from other methods.

Is it possible to reduce excess weight with dermotonia?

Dermotonia removes excess moisture from the body, so with an integrated approach to the problem, it is quite possible to remove extra pounds.

The procedure helps to get rid of extra pounds

What is the duration of the procedure and the required number of repetitions?

It all depends on the specific characteristics of the client’s skin and body. An hour or a little more is allotted for the body, half an hour for the face. On average, ten repetitions of dermotonia are performed.

Is dermotonia combined with other treatments and cosmetics?

Complexes of procedures and the use of skincare products will only improve the effect of the procedure.

Dermotony can be combined with other procedures

What is DERMOTONIA. Answers to all questions.

Many people are already familiar with the Le Derm V4 device, created for use in salons. Despite the fact that with its help you can achieve certain successes, it still differs significantly from the “clinical” model Le Skin V6, which allows you to obtain, in addition to an aesthetic effect, a therapeutic one.

What happens as a result of the device’s influence and how does the patient feel during the procedure?

Dermotonia on the Le Skin V6 system is completely atraumatic, without pain and bruises! The procedure includes several stages: relaxation, toning, lymphatic drainage. The face, the entire body and even the plantar part of the foot are worked on. Vascular collaterals and shunts open, blood flow is restored in those places where it was obstructed or disrupted, and the vascular wall is toned. Since there is active drainage, swelling is relieved, “tired leg syndrome” is eliminated, and volumes are reduced. Due to the anti-edema effect, an anti-cellulite effect is achieved. In cosmetology, cellulite is the stagnation of fat cells swollen with water, between which there is disorganized connective tissue - a mesh. The resorption of this mesh is stimulated, due to the restoration of blood flow, excess fluid is removed, oxygen is supplied, and the process of fat breakdown - lipolysis is activated!

Does vacuum massage promote weight loss?

Using the method of dermotony (vacuum massage), by removing stagnant fluid, you can improve the contours of the figure, as well as stimulate metabolic processes. And in this sense, dermotonia is a good adjunct in the complex treatment of excess weight.

Are any additional creams or ointments used during the procedure?

The advantage of the device is that no products are required to be applied to the body, meaning the procedure can be performed on patients prone to allergic skin reactions. Works on dry skin.

How long does the procedure take? How many sessions are needed?

The number of procedures is individual, adjustments are made during sessions based on the condition of the tissue, on average 5-10 procedures are required. It takes about an hour to treat the entire body, 30 minutes for the face, and one and a half to two hours if you need to do both. The hardware procedure can optionally be supplemented with cosmetic care: applying a mask, special eyelid patches and cream.

What effect does the patient feel?

The effect of the procedures is anti-cellulite, anti-edematous. Therefore, the dermotony method is good for the prevention and correction of varicose veins. Vacuum massage stimulates the production of collagen by skin cells, which causes an increase in its tone with atony and sagging. The maturation is accelerated and the quality of postoperative and post-traumatic scars, as well as stretch marks, improves. In addition, dermotony procedures stimulate the functioning of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract) and have a positive effect on the pelvic organs: the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome is alleviated in the form of relieving swelling and relaxation of the nervous system.

The aesthetic result of the dermotony course is expressed in the effect of “sculpting” the body by removing excess fluid from the soft tissues. If you are not overweight, you can “pick up” saggy buttocks, a small soft belly, and achieve a lifting effect. The patient is required not to eat immediately before and after the procedure. Otherwise there are no special restrictions. Needless to say, maximum results are achieved, of course, by combining vacuum massage with fitness and a balanced diet. The same thing happens with the face. Due to the fact that the facial muscles relax, facial wrinkles become less pronounced. The structure of the skin improves, its tone increases, a lifting effect is observed, and the initial signs of aging - fine wrinkles - disappear.

Can the procedure be done during pregnancy?

With the consent of the obstetrician-gynecologist caring for the patient, the procedure can be performed. Drainage measures benefit pregnant women: swelling is relieved, irritability disappears.

The sooner after pregnancy and childbirth a woman begins the recovery process, the better. 3 months after the end of breastfeeding, the procedure is indicated, because... Helps restore body contours and tighten skin.

Is it possible to combine skintonic procedures with other means?

The complex always gives excellent results. Skintonic is effectively combined with other methods. a specialist can create an individual program, including dermotonia, myostimulation, manual massage with special active cosmetics, algae wraps and non-traumatic “needle-free mesotherapy” in a certain sequence.

The effect has been achieved, the course of procedures has been completed. What to do to maintain the effect?

To maintain the final result, two full courses of dermotonia per year are required. The effect is usually lasting, since metabolism is transferred to a qualitatively new level.

What are the contraindications to the procedure?

One of the important contraindications is the presence of a pacemaker, as well as all infectious diseases and diseases in the acute phase.


The cost of a session is related to its duration, equipment and facilities used. We will indicate the average prices for such a procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow2500 rub.
Saint Petersburg2400 rub.
Volgograd2400 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod2400 rub.
Kemerovo1970 r.
Samara1800 rub.
Chelyabinsk1500 rub.
Kazan1500 rub.
Ekaterinburg1600 rub.

100% guarantee of results. We will compensate for any costs and complaints!

We give a 100% guarantee and in the event that you are not satisfied with the result, we will compensate any of your costs, including the full cost of the Skinexians® Dermotonia - Hardware Attack procedure!

Take advantage of the offer - sign up for the Dermotony procedure FullSkin V7, Skinexians® today: 8 (495) 120-50-77 and receive a comprehensive individual consultation for free, as well as 15 minutes of the procedure as a gift!

Find out about possible contraindications by calling: 8 (495) 120-50-77

Medical license No. LO-77-01-004250

Photos before and after procedures

Photos before and after the course of dermotonia procedures No. 1

Photos before and after the course of dermotonia procedures No. 2

Photos before and after the course of dermotonia procedures No. 3

It's better to try once!

Promotion! Dermotonia procedure “Hardware attack” / 15 min. / 0.0 rub. - try it! * The free procedure is provided as part of the promotion to meet a specialist.

Sign up today: 8 (495) 120-50-77

How to find us:

Moscow, metro Novye Cheryomushki, Leninsky pr, 85 b Telephone: 8 - branded salon Paul Mitchell - branded salon

Medical license No. LO-77-01-004250

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