What to do if an orange peel forms on your face

Cellulite is a term that first appeared in the 70s of the last century on the pages of glossy magazines and refers to structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer. Their consequence is a violation of blood circulation and lymph outflow, as a result of which tuberosity, spider veins, pallor of the skin, and swelling appear in different parts of the body. It’s paradoxical, but true: cellulite is not always the province of chubby girls; it often appears in fairly thin girls. No matter how unusual it may sound, in addition to the usual areas for cellulite to “settle” (hips, abdomen, arms), sometimes even the face is affected!

Many are ready to argue with this statement. Doctors and cosmetologists claim that the appearance of tubercles, bumps, and dimples on the cheeks, which in appearance resemble manifestations of cellulite, are symptoms of completely different diseases. In particular, they can manifest themselves as a consequence of strict diets, intense physical activity, dehydration...

In other words, a set of methods to combat the “orange peel” ultimately gives not only a positive result, but also unpleasant phenomena in the form of a crust on the face. However, this is not the only reason that provokes the appearance of cellulite on the face. What else can cause it will be discussed further.

Structural changes in facial skin at different stages of “orange peel”

First of all, when cellulite occurs on the face, there is an increase in adipose tissue. The elasticity of the skin is lost, blood flow is impaired, which leads to the impossibility of removing toxins and receiving nutrients.

The accumulation of fat cells creates bumps that resemble small bunches of grapes. Nerve endings are pinched, which provokes a change in vascular tone, sensitivity of the epidermis and other layers of the skin, and swelling occurs.

Structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer depend on what type of pathology the woman suffers from:

  • Dense cellulite (mostly accompanied by stretch marks, so its occurrence on the face is almost impossible);
  • Soft (occurs as a result of poor nutrition and lack of exercise; can appear as a consequence of a sudden loss of body weight; the skin acquires a soft structure, which is visible to the naked eye; often this phenomenon is accompanied by the appearance of capillary stars and mesh);
  • Edema (when you press on an area of ​​the skin affected by this type of cellulite, a trace remains for some time, indicating the presence of edema; it practically does not appear on the face).

The extent of the problem depends on the stage:

  1. There is stagnation of fluid in the tissues.
  2. The process of hardening of fibers in adipose tissue begins; tubercles and dimples appear.
  3. Nodules appear that resemble the structure of citrus peels.
  4. A sharp increase in the number of nodules, affecting large areas of the body.

Correction methods

Any cosmetic defect, especially noticeable and causing a lot of inconvenience, needs to be eliminated. You can get rid of orange peel on your face using several techniques. But which method is suitable in a particular situation, it is necessary to understand with the participation of a specialist.

Facial care

Proper facial skin care is of decisive importance in the structure of cosmetological correction. Those suffering from increased oiliness and a tendency to acne need to pay attention to a number of points:

  • Wash with special cleansing gels.
  • Use scrubs (once every 10 days).
  • Apply moisturizing creams.
  • Always remove makeup (do not leave it on overnight).
  • Do not get carried away with alcohol-containing products.

Skin care requires an integrated approach, which includes cleansing pores of fat and impurities, exfoliating the stratum corneum, and moisturizing. The selection of cosmetics must be approached very carefully, avoiding comedogenic components.

Ways to remove crust

When starting the difficult task of resisting crust on different areas of the skin, including on the face, it is important to remember the main rule - only using a complex of different methods gives the maximum result. Using only one of the methods listed below will not bring the expected effect.

So, the following methods have proven their effectiveness:

  • Correction of diet. You should drink as much water as possible throughout the day, avoid alcoholic beverages, limit the consumption of coffee, foods containing preservatives, fast food, smoked and spicy foods. Such food provokes a slowdown in metabolic processes. You should eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables, stewed or boiled foods.
  • Carrying out regular anti-cellulite massage (you can contact a professional cosmetologist or carry out procedures at home).
  • The use of special creams (which ones you can find out from your cosmetologist).
  • Physical exercise. The most effective, but at the same time the most exhausting method. Intense training will help get rid of cellulite on the thighs, stomach, arms and even on the face, and also contribute to the “loss” of excess weight. Exercises should be done every day, immediately after waking up. If a woman has such an opportunity, it is advisable to attend fitness clubs or yoga classes. Exercises in the pool will also help keep your body in good shape.

How to get rid of orange peel?

Of course, if your budget allows, you should go to a beauty salon and use such effective procedures as deep peeling or laser facial resurfacing.

However, some cosmetologists believe that home remedies are not only not inferior in quality, but are often more effective than salon procedures. At the same time, everyone can afford such funds - you don’t have to spend serious money.


How to remove orange peel from facial skin? We offer several effective recipes:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of linden flowers into 100 milliliters of hot water. Don't use boiling water - just hot water! Place the mixture on the stove and wait until it thickens. When this happens, allow the mass to cool, and then safely apply it to the skin. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad, then carefully wash with cool running water. It is important not to rub your face while washing.

  2. Buy bread made from black flour and soak a small amount of it in plain water. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, after which you can rinse with cool water.
  3. Crush the pulp of one orange with a spoon and apply this mixture to your face. Lie with it for about 15 minutes, rinse with water, and then use a moisturizer.

  4. Take a not very large grater and grate one raw potato. Add one egg to the mixture, mix everything and apply to the skin of the face. After 30 minutes, the mask can be washed off.
  5. A paste of fresh tomatoes will also help tighten your pores if you apply it for about half an hour.
  6. Another version of the above mask with tomatoes. It stays on the face for the same amount of time, but only the tomatoes are cut into rings.

  7. If you have oatmeal at home, you can use it to cleanse your pores of impurities. Simply soften the flakes in water and apply to problem areas for 20 minutes. Washing with oatmeal is also useful.

  8. You can use coffee grounds as a scrub. It must be applied to the skin, gently rubbed over the face, then rinsed off.
  9. To tighten the pores, lemon zest, grated and mixed with olive oil, is also suitable. However, this recipe is not suitable for everyone. If irritation occurs after applying the mask, it is better to discard it and use another product.


Cellulite as structural changes in subcutaneous fat tissue is a problem primarily in the hips, abdomen, and upper arms. If we talk about cellulite on the face, then this term is quite vague; many doctors and cosmetologists believe that it simply does not exist.

Yes, often on the streets or in your surroundings you can probably meet people (and this applies to both men and women) whose facial skin looks like a squeezed lemon. However, it is impossible to say that a person suffers from cellulite. Changes in the appearance of the skin can be a manifestation of various dermatological diseases.

For example, advanced stage acne or pimples that have not been dealt with in a timely manner may appear as bumps and pits on the cheeks. Therefore, there is no need to rush to get rid of them with massage or creams. The first thing you need to do is contact a specialist who will determine the nature of the problem and recommend a set of measures to eliminate it.

Why does orange peel form on the face?

It will not be possible to understand immediately why tubercles, irregularities, or crusts appear on the skin.

A person’s face is always open, and the skin is constantly exposed to various external factors: weather, harmful effects of cosmetics, pollution, etc. If it has become lumpy, then the reason should be sought in your lifestyle and factors such as:

  • sudden climate change. Sometimes this problem manifests itself in people who have changed their place of residence, city, or gone on a business trip or vacation;
  • constant use of inappropriate cosmetics;
  • eating unhealthy foods or eating irregularly;
  • frequent and prolonged stay in places with high air humidity;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • constant use of foundations that clog pores;
  • frequent exposure to the open sun, as well as exposure to strong wind and dust on the skin of the face;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • constant stress, worries;
  • reluctance to remove makeup before bed;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the production of large amounts of sebum;
  • hereditary factor.

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Many of these factors contribute to pollution and clogging of pores on the face, and therefore inflammation, rashes and orange peel appear on the skin.

Professional facial skin care with Alpika cosmetics

Thanks to cosmetics from you you can perform professional skin care at home. Each of the products in the line is aimed at solving specific imperfections. The ingredients included in each product are carefully selected and combined to enhance the effect of the procedure. Thanks to proper calculation of the combination of the amount of each ingredient, the product cannot have a negative effect.

The variety of Alpika products includes cleansing, care and nutrition products. Compositions for multi-acid peeling, means for correcting rosacea and hyperpigmentation, treating acne and post-acne, as well as care for women of every age group.

Cleansing sensitive skinSoap tree extract and essential oils of bergamot and grapefruit gently cleanse while maintaining the natural protective barrier.Quick view 150 ml

Cleansing foam emulsion Grapes

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Severe dry skinTo restore the required amount of moisture, the composition contains aloe extract and bioactive hyaluron. Quick view 50 ml

Bio Hyalurone Cream

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Signs of photoaging and age-related changesA set of lactobionic and mandelic acids gently exfoliates even particularly sensitive skin. Quick view 30 ml

How to determine your skin type yourself

It is not difficult to choose cosmetics according to age, but choosing according to skin type is problematic. You can solve this problem yourself by accurately determining your skin type using a regular white paper napkin.

To do this, wash your face using any neutral cleanser. Avoid applying cream for two hours. Then take an unfolded napkin, apply it to your face and gently blot your skin with it. Then look at it carefully:

  • The napkin has a uniform greasy pattern - oily skin.
  • The spots are concentrated in the T-zone - combined.
  • We found isolated spots - normal skin.
  • There are no inclusions of sebum - dry.
  • Upon visual inspection, if there are acne, inflammatory elements - a problem.
  • Redness, peeling, capillary pattern - sensitive,
  • Moreover, if the skin reacts sharply to cold, it is hypersensitive.

By the way:

Hypersensitive skin is not always given by nature. Careless care, the use of aggressive products such as bar soap and occasional care will make any skin type hypersensitive.

Throughout the year, the condition of the skin often changes:

  • In the hot summer, combination skin can become oily, and oily skin can turn into problem skin.
  • In the cold season, the normal type shifts to dry, and dry to sensitive or hypersensitive skin type.

In order for your facial skin to be healthy, you must adhere to at least the following general rules of care:

  • caring cosmetics should be suitable for age and skin type;
  • care should be regular;
  • products for the eyes and face should be independent;
  • when applying products behind the face, exclude the area around the eyes;
  • All manipulations on the face are performed along massage lines;
  • For regular or waterproof makeup, cleansing products are also different;
  • The pH of all cleansers should be neutral 5.5, close to the level of healthy skin.

Causes of uneven facial skin texture

Numerous observations and studies by specialists indicate that the main reasons for the uneven surface of the skin of the face are:

  • adolescence;
  • acne and acne scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • improper skin care;
  • use of low-quality cosmetic products.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It acts not only as a cover, but also as our protection. Many people may have an uneven skin surface due to their tendency to develop pimples and blackheads, which often results in scars of varying sizes that are a physical disability. This usually occurs during puberty when the sebaceous gland is very active and therefore produces too much oil.

Many people also face the problem of deep pores on the skin, which subsequently threatens to change the skin texture. Enlarged pores have an unsightly appearance and cause a number of inconveniences and discomfort. Contributing factors to this condition may be:

  • heredity;
  • clogged pores;
  • age;
  • lack of water;
  • smoking;
  • sun damage.

There is no permanent solution for reducing pore size. However, a proper understanding of why pores become noticeable when they are enlarged, infected or clogged with oil and with the right skin care regimen can reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.

Procedures using ultrasound, which today has taken a leading place in cosmetology, will help get rid of the above problem. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation and not bring the desired result.

Practice confirms that uneven facial skin texture is also the result of an excess of dead cells accumulating on the surface of the skin. Because of this, the surface becomes rough or uneven to the touch, and also looks quite dull. The factors that lead to this condition are the following:

  • skin aging;
  • chronic sun exposure;
  • smoking;
  • skin diseases (for example, eczema).

What will not help in the fight against paint bags:

1. Botox. Promotes even more bag formation. The injected muscle becomes inactive as before, and the outflow of lymph becomes more difficult. Swelling appears above the paint bags - another swelling that will further focus attention on the problem.

2. Fillers with hyaluronic acid, if they are injected superficially. The problem is that any drugs that are injected superficially into this area cause swelling. Because paint grease is very hydrophilic and attracts water.

3. Injections of direct lipolytics (which destroy fat). May lead to atrophy. Indirect - have a lymphatic drainage effect and reduce swelling (but do not destroy fat.

Photos from open sources

How to get rid of jowls on your face using plastic surgery methods

Cosmetology products and techniques can cope with only minor changes when the formation of jowls is just beginning. But after 50 years, with pronounced age-related changes, more radical techniques are required - plastic surgery. Indications for their implementation:

  • pronounced prolapse of tissue in the lower jaw;
  • loss of a clear oval face;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • a large amount of fat deposits in the cheeks, lower jaw and chin;
  • excess skin in the lower third of the face.


In our center, liposuction can be performed using several methods - it all depends on the severity of the aesthetic defect. For example, in the absence of Bisha’s fatty lumps, classic liposuction is recommended.

Fat removal is carried out by a device to which a cannula is attached and inserted under the skin. There are no scars or traces left after the operation.

Endoscopic jowl lift

This is the most gentle and safe surgical method for removing jowls on the face. But it can only be used when there is no excess skin. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to get rid of ptosis of the cheeks, but also achieve a rejuvenating effect.


This includes smoothing nasolabial folds, correcting the shape of the chin and rejuvenating the lower third of the face. The tissues are fixed vertically, excess skin is removed. There are no scars left after the procedure.


The technique, which is also called a short-scar lift, can be performed even with sagging skin and in the absence of normal neck muscle tone. The advantages of the technique are its low trauma, short rehabilitation and quick recovery.

SM-Clinic surgeons have an arsenal of techniques for removing jowls - the choice of the appropriate one takes into account the age, condition, severity of the problem, the anatomical characteristics of the patient and his wishes. You can make an appointment 24 hours a day by calling the clinic.

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