How to treat Helicobacter pylori: educational program for patients

Useful properties of baking soda

Baking soda

Baking soda is used as an antiseptic - it helps relieve inflammation . An effective and quick remedy for the first signs of colds and flu. Rinsing with soda and salt really helps get rid of redness and mucus.

For heartburn and stomach pain, many people use baking soda to neutralize acid. However, this can be dangerous and cause a backlash in the body (with large doses of soda).

Treatment of psoriasis with baking soda is not dangerous , however, you need to be careful and monitor the doses.

The effectiveness of such treatment varies from person to person – it will help some and not others. Let's look at a few recipes.

Helicobacter pylori: general information about the microorganism and route of infection

Helicobacter colonizes areas of the mucous membrane.

Helicobacter is a spiral-shaped gram-negative microorganism. Its dimensions are only 3 microns. This is the only microorganism capable of surviving and multiplying in the acidic environment of gastric juice.

Under favorable conditions, Helicobacter colonizes areas of the mucous membrane. The negative effect on the stomach occurs due to the complex properties of this microorganism:

  1. The presence of flagella allows for rapid movement in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Adhesion to stomach cells. This creates inflammation and the body's immune response.
  3. Produces enzymes that break down urea into ammonia. This neutralizes the hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, and the bacterium receives an environment favorable for development. Ammonia additionally burns the mucous membranes. This causes an inflammatory process.
  4. The microorganism produces and releases exotoxins that destroy mucosal cells.

Scientists have proven that Helicobacter strains in patients with ulcers are more aggressive than in patients with gastritis and other inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines.

Infection with this microorganism occurs asymptomatically in 70% of cases. Doctors call possible routes of infection oral-fecal or oral-oral - through kissing, sharing utensils, in canteens and cafes, during medical procedures.

Treatment with soda: recipes

Soda is recommended for the treatment of psoriasis by traditional medicine. Academician I.P. Neumyvakin developed his own soda treatment system and opened a treatment center where he used this method. However, the center is now closed for unknown reasons. Therefore, let's consider traditional methods.

  1. Take a pack of salt (sea salt is better), a pack of soda, half a bottle of iodine. Dissolve in the bath and take for no more than 20 minutes. A course of 20 baths, carry out procedures every other day. There are modifications of this recipe; for sensitive skin, you can take 100 g of salt and soda and 5-10 drops of iodine. If psoriasis worsens, you can leave only soda in this recipe.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to the bath. Take 15-20 procedures every day.
  3. For psoriasis of the scalp, take 1 teaspoon of soda and dissolve it in a glass of water. Rub the resulting solution into the scalp in a circular motion and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm running water.

Read about methods of treatment with other folk methods - herbs, tinctures - in the publication: “53 folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis.”

Helicobacter: diagnostic measures

To diagnose Helicobacter, you need to undergo tests.

Diagnostic procedures begin with interviewing and examining the patient. Then special studies are carried out to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis. Tests for Helicobacter pylori:

  • Non-invasive procedures - blood for specific antibodies, breath test, stool and saliva analysis
  • Invasive techniques - endoscopy with collection of material for histological examination
  • To determine the microorganism in biological media, PCR analysis is carried out.
  • For breath tests, the patient takes a solution of urea with labeled carbon atoms. The microorganism breaks down urea, and the labeled atoms are found in the air exhaled by a person. Additionally, an analysis is carried out to determine the concentration of ammonia in exhaled air.

The most accurate results are provided only by invasive examination methods.

Treatment of psoriasis with soda: reviews

Reviews are mixed, but there are positive experiences. Website – catalog of individual women: prostitutes in Kemerovo Website for searching for individual women. Others talk about not stable remission.

Review from Rain user about baking soda treatment

Review from GEMINI user about baking soda treatment

Review from user Alexis about baking soda treatment

Review from GEMINI user about baking soda treatment

Antibacterial drugs

Macmiror destroys the parasite's genetic material.

The choice of antibacterial drugs that can cope with Helicobacter is small. This is "Trichopol" or "Metronidazole", or "Makmiror".

Trichopolum and Metronidazole are complete analogues. The main active ingredient of the drug, metronidazole, penetrates the microorganism and breaks down, releasing toxic substances.

They destroy the parasite's genetic material. The main active ingredient of Macmiror is nifuratel. It simultaneously inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevents the proliferation of microorganisms.

The peculiarity of this drug is that nifuratel does not reduce the patient’s overall immunity, but, on the contrary, improves the body’s defenses. Macmiror is a second-line drug. It is prescribed if treatment with metronidazole does not give the expected result. This medicine is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers in children.

Conclusion about treating psoriasis with baking soda

Baking soda helps relieve the symptoms of psoriasis - itching, peeling, irritation. It is safe to use this remedy even during an exacerbation. However, this method is just an auxiliary one.

In addition, it is necessary to treat psoriasis comprehensively :

  1. Exfoliate, soften crusts and scales using non-hormonal creams and ointments for psoriasis.
  2. For psoriasis on the scalp, use anti-psoriasis shampoo.
  3. Irradiate with ultraviolet 311 nm every other day for several minutes (from 1-2 minutes to half an hour).
  4. In case of damage of 20% or more, use the PUVA therapy method for psoriasis.
  5. Follow proper nutrition and diet for psoriasis.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle and think positively .

Remember that psoriasis is a complex disease, therefore it must be treated from all sides.


There is only one contraindication to the external use of soda - the presence of individual intolerance or allergy to the product. The use of sodium bicarbonate is not recommended in the following cases:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • increased acidity and sensitivity of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not forget that psoriasis must be diagnosed by a specialist. It is not advisable to start self-medication without consulting a doctor.

The best remedies for Psoriasis

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Antipsoriasis cream 990 rub.

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Magnipsor ointment RUB 1,490

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Ultraviolet lamp Dermalight ® RUB 14,900.

Bismuth preparations and proton pump inhibitors in the treatment of Helicobacter

De-nol is a bismuth-based medicine.

A bismuth-based drug, De-nol, was used even before the discovery of the pathogenic microorganism. It has an enveloping effect, forming a film on the gastric mucosa.

It protects the walls from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. After the discovery of Helicobacter, it turned out that bismuth subcitrate has an inhibitory effect on the bacterium. It is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the mucous membrane, where the pathogen likes to settle.

Proton pump inhibitors - Omez, Omeprazole, Pariet - block areas of the mucosa responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid. This promotes the healing of erosions, reduces the acidity of gastric juice and allows the antibiotic molecules to be preserved in an acidic environment.

Helicobacter pylori. How to do without antibiotics?

There is no effective treatment regimen for diseases associated with Helicobacter without the use of antibiotics. Only in some cases, without symptoms of an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract and with a low contamination of bacteria, is it possible to remove Helicobacter pylori from the body.

All treatment regimens place a serious strain on the body. If carriage is detected without signs of inflammation, it is recommended to use more gentle methods.

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