Types and causes of hair bumps on the head

As a rule, atheroma occurs in those places where hair is developed. Therefore, the head, rich in sebaceous ducts, often acts as their incubator.

Atheroma on the head is caused by blockage of the sebaceous glands. The reasons are different - for example, as a consequence of injury or against the background of hormonal imbalance.

However, there is another reason. Remember the words of the heroine Ekaterina Vasilyeva from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle”: “What the hell do I need my head for when it hasn’t been washed for three days?” - she asks rightly. Yes, atheroma of the scalp can also occur due to the banal inability to keep hair clean.

Atheroma of the scalp can be congenital. This is a rare case when it can remain unchanged for many years. Or it may be acquired. Such atheroma occurs at any age and can literally grow from the size of a pea to the size of a chicken egg in just a matter of days.


In any case, atheroma is a disease that requires the attention of a doctor. And the sooner the better.

Firstly, the signs of atheroma are very similar to the symptoms of another neoplasm - lipoma; often only a professional diagnostician can distinguish them.

Secondly, a bump on the head attracts a lot of unhealthy attention.

In addition, a rapidly growing large atheroma resembles a cerebral hernia (brain prolapse). So, as is the case with any neoplasms, you cannot wait, nothing itself will ever resolve


Why does atheroma occur on the head?

Atheromas can be congenital or acquired. In the second case, their development is facilitated by:

  • metabolic disorders,
  • hormonal changes (high testosterone levels),
  • poor hygiene,
  • abrasions,
  • increased skin oiliness.

Atheromas can be single or multiple, their sizes range from a pea to a chicken egg and larger. Since atheromas develop from the sebaceous glands, they occur more often on those parts of the body where there are many of these glands: on the head, face, neck, and armpits.

What can be useful for creating a hairstyle with a bump?

See our list of hair styling tools and versatile products to create the perfect bump hairstyle.


To create a hairstyle you will need the following set:

  • bagel or roller,
  • hairpins,
  • thin elastic bands or clips,
  • comb.

Styling products

  • Spray or varnish for fixation. Fashion Work 12
    is a universal spray that will securely fix your hair without weighing it down.
  • Thermal protection.
    When creating curls or straightening your hair, use
    Satinwear 04
    , it will protect your hair from heat and make it thicker and shiny.
  • Texture.


    Wax Blast Spray Wax . It will complete the styling and give a matte shine.
  • Mousse or foam.

    Stay High 18
    gel mousse from

Is scalp atheroma dangerous?

If there are no complications, then the biggest trouble that atheroma of the scalp causes is the lack of hair in the place where it is located. But the situation may change:

  • If an infection gets inside the atheroma, it will turn into an abscess. An abscess of the soft tissues of the head will occur.
  • Ulcers are dangerous on any part of the body, but especially on the head. The infection may spread deeper to form an intracranial abscess.
  • Sometimes (although very rarely, there is such a possibility) atheromas transform into malignant tumors.

If an incomprehensible lump appears on the scalp, you should not wait for complications. Contact our doctors, they will remove it quickly and carefully!

Who is suitable for a bump hairstyle?

The classic bun hairstyle reveals the entire face, so it is not suitable for everyone. Firstly , the bun adds age, the woman immediately looks older and more respectable. Secondly , such a hairstyle will emphasize any roundness of the face even more strongly. Girls with a round face type should think ten times before putting together such a hairstyle.

Those with a square face should also approach styling with caution, as a bump will visually make the lower part of the oval heavier. An option with elongated bangs is suitable for this type, as is a triangular face, which will have pronounced cheekbones and angles with a bump.

Short hair

On short hair from 15 cm, you can already make a bump using a donut or roller. It would also be appropriate to add artificial strands or a chignon. At a shorter length, making a bun will be problematic.

Medium hair

Starting with a medium length, you can create an excellent styling, and for thickness, add a donut or roller, securing it with hairpins. The hair is threaded inside the donut and hidden with strands.

Long hair

You can make absolutely any hairstyle out of long hair. The bump in the classic version will have strands wrapped around it depending on your length. Hair that is too long is also a challenge to style your hair, it creates weight and extra layers.

How are atheromas removed?

No amount of burdock, plantain or compresses with alcohol help with atheroma. It needs to be treated surgically. You should visit a doctor as early as possible. If the atheroma has festered, you need to run to the surgeon.

The most senseless way to remove scalp atheroma is puncture, when a needle is inserted into the cyst and its contents are pumped out with a syringe. No normal doctor does this (except perhaps to obtain the contents of the cyst and send it for a biopsy). As long as the walls of the atheroma are preserved, it will fill up again and again. In order to rid the patient of a cyst, its walls must be completely removed. The classic operation looks like this:

  • Two bordering incisions are made on the skin in the area of ​​atheroma.
  • A blunt instrument (most often closed scissors) is placed under the atheroma.
  • The atheroma is peeled off, and stitches are placed on the wound.

The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. Usually the operation is performed on an outpatient basis, but if the atheroma is large, hospitalization in a hospital may be required. However, scalpels are becoming a thing of the past. Surgeons now have more efficient tools. For example, lasers. With their help, atheroma on the head less than 5 mm in size can be evaporated without a trace; for larger ones, additional small incisions will have to be made.

An even more advanced way to remove atheromas of the scalp is radio wave and laser surgery. These are the methods that doctors at the ProfMedLab clinic use. Laser or high frequency radio waves work instead of a scalpel. They cause little tissue damage, healing occurs faster, and the cosmetic effect is better.

Treatment methods

Methods for eliminating soft or hard bumps on the head depend on their origin, the severity of symptoms, and the age of the patient. If it does not increase in size and does not interfere with a person’s normal lifestyle, then doctors adhere to a wait-and-see approach. Only with its sudden growth will conservative or surgical treatment be carried out.

Ointments, gels, creams, balms

Immediately after a head injury, it is advisable to use a cold compress. A plastic bag should be filled with ice cubes and then wrapped in a thick cloth. Apply the compress every hour for 10 minutes. If a lump does form, external remedies will help. What to do to eliminate pain, what medications to use:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketorol, Nise, Voltaren. Ointments and gels relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and prevent the formation of edema;
  • angioprotectors, venoprotectors - Troxevasin, Troxerutin, Lyoton, heparin ointment. They restore the integrity of damaged capillaries and eliminate bleeding.

Time-tested remedies have proven themselves well in resolving bumps on the head - balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky, Naftaderm, balms with comfrey or cinquefoil. They are characterized by complex effects. The components remove excess fluid so that it does not compress sensitive nerve endings and reduce the severity of pain.

Tablets, capsules, dragees

The formation of bumps on the head, large and painful, often signals infection of the tissues. A similar situation usually arises when a doctor’s prohibition is violated - do not touch the lump, be careful when washing your hair. Staphylococcus aureus and epidermal staphylococci and opportunistic fungi penetrate into microcracks. An infectious-inflammatory process starts, which can only be stopped by taking antibiotics or antimycotics:

  • macrolides Clarithromycin or Azithromycin;
  • semisynthetic penicillins Amoxiclav, Augmentin;
  • cephalosporins Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin;
  • antimycotic agents Flucostat, Nystatin.

When the allergic nature of the neoplasm is identified, antihistamines are included in the treatment regimen - Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine. A persistent headache may indicate compression of the nerve endings by the lump. Ketorol, Maksigan, Spazgan are used as analgesics.


Surgical removal of cones is the most commonly used treatment method with many advantages. Within 30-60 minutes, the patient gets rid of the tumor, which causes both physical and psychological discomfort. The likelihood of compression of blood vessels and nerves, the formation of ulcers and malignant degeneration of the tumor is completely eliminated. Surgical therapy is performed by doctors in government institutions and private medical centers.

How the operation is performed:

  • the neoplasm is completely excised with a scalpel or a certain part of it is removed;
  • the surgeon makes a puncture at the appointed point and removes the contents of the formed cavity;
  • Laser excision is practiced for small tumors, localized mainly in the occipital zone, on the top of the head.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia in a hospital setting. The patient's condition is monitored by medical staff for several days, and then he is discharged home.

Folk remedies

Doctors allow traditional medicine to be used only to eliminate hard or soft lumps formed as a result of a bruise. Their use is also possible at the final stage of allergy therapy. In all other cases, folk remedies will not help, but will only harm. As long as a person uses ointments and infusions with mild analgesic properties and does not consult a doctor, the pathology rapidly progresses. If the tumor is malignant, then both health and life are at risk. The earlier cancer is diagnosed, the significantly greater the chances of a complete cure.

For injuries that lead to bruises, swelling and bumps, the following homemade ointments help well:

  • Grind a tablespoon of aloe juice and full-fat sour cream. Without ceasing to stir, add 150 g of Vaseline, 2 drops of juniper essential oil;
  • In a mortar, mix a teaspoon of tar and honey. Add a drop of essential oils of thyme, spruce and fir, 100 baby cream.

Folk remedies for oral administration are recommended for use in case of insect bites. They will speed up the removal of allergens from the body, relieve pain, and relieve swelling. To prepare the infusion, pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of dry plant material, cool and filter after 20 minutes. Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day. Sage, birch leaves, linden blossom, and nettle are used as raw materials.

Recurrence of atheroma after removal

Relapse is one of the possible complications after surgery to remove atheroma. Most often, the reason is trivial and related to the human factor: the doctor did not completely remove the capsule. We will consider the option when the surgeon did everything “perfectly”, and there was no trace of atheroma left on the head. Can it happen again? Maybe if the same thing happens to another sebaceous gland. Can this be prevented? Following three simple recommendations will help reduce risks:

  • Wash your hair regularly and thoroughly.
  • Use special shampoos that help fight oily scalp.
  • Try to exclude fatty, sweet, and spicy foods from your diet.

If atheroma does appear, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Make an appointment with a surgeon at the Medical Center: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

Cone hairstyle - what is it?

A good stylist will associate pine cones not only with a fragrant pine forest, but also with timeless styling. A bun is a high bun hairstyle. With this option you can play up the look in the style of the 50s and 60s or create an elegant and modern one.

The bun is a medium to high bun that can be styled sleek or messier depending on the look you want. This hairstyle will be appropriate both in everyday life due to its severity, and for a special occasion. Often, the cone hairstyle is chosen by brides and graduates; depending on the styling, it can look simpler or more festive if done with braids and curls.

A careless bump can perfectly complement both a formal trouser suit and a delicate romantic dress. It’s more difficult with a smooth high bump, as it creates a retro mood: you either need to support it, or go completely against it, choosing the most modern silhouettes.

Tips and life hacks from professionals: how to tie your hair into a bun

Follow the advice of stylists to make your hairstyle last longer and look more impressive.

  • If you create a cone from strands or braids, then the following rule applies: the more there are, the more voluminous the cone
  • For the most voluminous bun and bump, use a roller or donut, also known as a donut
    . The size of the beam will depend on its size. A high and sleek big bun can look old-fashioned, so don't go for one that's too big.
  • For long hair, you can make a bump from one strand
    , spreading it over the tail.
  • Accessories
    that work well for evening looks include bright hairpins, hairpins, a comb or Japanese/Chinese chopsticks.
  • The fastest way
    is to thread your ponytail into a donut and wrap your hair around it; you can braid one strand into a pigtail.
  • For volume, you can first use mousse or texturizing spray


A mischievous option for the brave and daring. Suitable for little fashionistas and visiting kindergarten. This type of bun is easy to make. Just when making the ponytail on the last turn, the elastic band should not pull out the hair completely, but leave it bent at the same distance on both sides, stretch it a little like a fan, and then wrap the rest of the curls around and pin it with hairpins.

There is the same version of beams, only from below.


To give your hair a more festive and cute look, you need to use various decorations. The most important thing here is not to overdo it so as not to look like a parrot. And the colors need to be combined correctly and matched to your outfit.

You can beautifully tie each bump with a bow - this will make your hairstyle incredibly feminine. Various headbands and headbands will not only help improve your appearance, but will also secure strands that just want to get out of your hair. You can also complement the look with stiletto heels with rhinestones or flowers at the end.

It is always worth remembering that the bunches themselves look very good.

general description

Traditionally, a double bun hairstyle is made from two twisted pieces of hair. The buns are placed at an angle of 45 degrees symmetrically on the sides of the head. The elements are formed from the total volume of strands along one side of the hair.

You can release the tail from the fluffy “bun”. Elements can be decorated with ribbons and jewelry. Sometimes round bagels are replaced with pointed buns that imitate cat ears. The voluminous bumps are often compared to Mickey Mouse ears. How to make ears from hair step by step, original hairstyle variations, you will find on our website.

Creative rolls are made from hair of different lengths. Even with short hair you can twist small bagels. This allows you to create an original playful look. Miley Cyrus successfully confirms this by appearing with small lambs imitating horns.

Miley Cyrus

You can create beautiful buns from hair of different textures. Although traditionally “buns” are made from thick long hair. Cones of tight curls look no less attractive. Minimal horns of sparse, fine, short hair cause more smiles, but are also used.

The hairstyle is successfully complemented by bangs. It is acceptable to execute an element of any format. The hairstyle goes well with any hair color. The most organic options look in fashionable unnatural shades (lilac, pink, blue), like Lady Gaga’s.

Baby buns

Any child requires attention. Especially girls with their constant hairstyles and styling. Every mother dreams of spending no more than a minute on this process, especially when it comes to the morning. In this case, the bundles on the sides come to the rescue. They are easy to do, and they look perky and cute.

Diagnosis of the disease

Often, the clinical picture alone is sufficient to make a diagnosis and determine a treatment regimen. In some cases, the use of additional diagnostic techniques is still required. In particular, they are necessary to clarify the nature of the tumor and exclude its malignant nature.

To determine the nature of the lump, you may need to undergo the following procedures:

  • general blood and urine tests - aimed at identifying an infectious or inflammatory process;
  • blood biochemistry - allows you to identify problems with metabolism and suspect oncology;
  • the use of tumor markers is an informative method for detecting cancer;
  • X-ray or CT scan of the skull - help assess the condition of the bones of the skull, exclude their fractures, the presence of cracks;
  • Ultrasound – aimed at studying the structure of the lump, its composition and the depth of penetration into the tissue;
  • histology – studies the cellular structure of the biomaterial, which allows you to quickly make a diagnosis;
  • A biopsy is another way to examine tissue for cancer.

Based on the diagnostic results, the optimal treatment method is selected. If necessary, the procedures are repeated several times, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

Classic buns

We recommend starting your training with the standard and most common method, on the basis of which different hairstyle variations will subsequently be formed.

  1. After dividing your hair with an even parting into rugs, tie two ponytails symmetrically. Like in picture 3.
  2. Backcomb each one a little and spray with hairspray. Those girls who have voluminous hair can skip this step.
  3. Twist two bundles around the elastic band and secure with bobby pins and hairpins.

The strands released at the forehead will ideally complement the image. Especially if during styling you slightly stretch the strands near the ponytails.


The special shape of the beams, pointed upward, creates a similarity with its loud name. The execution itself is no different from previous master classes, except for one nuance.

The hairstyle uses two elastic bands for each ponytail, which are wound in height, creating a strong rod for the entire structure. The remaining stages can be seen in step-by-step photos.


This option is useful for business meetings and visits to the office, school or institute. The highlight of the execution is turning the ponytail inward under the elastic band (photos 3, 4 and 5). Then they braid the braid and wrap it around the resulting tubercle.

The braid bun on top follows the same pattern, but the purpose of the hairstyle changes its character to a more frivolous one: walks with friends, picnics and children's parties.

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