Concealer, corrector or foundation: what is applied first, what is the difference?

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November 16, 2022 |

Every woman is beautiful in her own way, and the right makeup helps to maximize her potential. All you have to do is experiment a little with cosmetics, and your face will transform. Most girls have foundation and concealer in their makeup bag - they even out the complexion and give the skin a healthy look.

How to apply foundation and concealer correctly to get the best results? What to use first: concealer or foundation?

Concealer and foundation: what is the difference

With the development of the beauty industry, many new products have appeared in cosmetic stores. Some representatives of the fair sex think that concealer is a foundation. Both products are designed to correct skin tone, but they are actually used for different purposes. Then how is concealer different from foundation?

Foundation is a product that evens out the tone of the face, corrects minor skin imperfections and protects against the adverse effects of the sun. Usually the composition is applied evenly to the entire face and thoroughly shaded so that no boundaries are defined.

Concealer is a product designed specifically to disguise skin imperfections. Local correction of imperfections is required in the presence of acne and “bruises” under the eyes.

When concealer and foundation are purchased, the question arises: how to apply these miracle products to get the “wow effect” like on the covers of a magazine? It is important to learn how to use both tools correctly, which at first seems difficult. The tone or concealer is distributed over the skin using different tools.

The foundation applies perfectly thanks to a duofiber or kabuki brush. The first helps to create a light, weightless coating like a “second skin”, and the second helps to get a denser result. Another option is a damp sponge.

Apply the concealer with a small flat rounded brush using your fingertips.

No. 5. Applying the product strictly to the problem area

If you are using concealer on your lower eyelids, be sure to blend well around the edges to smooth out the transition between tones. Thanks to this, the beauty product will not look foreign and too noticeable. Solution: use the triangle rule - draw a shape on the lower eyelid and additionally above the cheekbone, and then blend the product with a brush.

What should you apply first: concealer or foundation?

Photo: what to apply first, concealer or foundation?

Before you start creating the perfect look, you need to decide whether to apply concealer or foundation first. Using your makeup in the right order really does give you balanced coverage that looks natural and sheer.

So what should you apply first, concealer or foundation? Most experts agree that foundation should be used first. It is applied to certain areas to hide skin imperfections or narrow facial features. Only professionals who know how to work well with any product use concealer under foundation.

Photo: what to apply foundation or concealer first

#7: Wrong texture

A high-quality concealer does not crease and does not highlight unevenness or flaking. All these imperfections become noticeable some time after applying makeup, and especially when exposed to sunlight. Solution: Replace it with a product labeled “for glowing skin.” It won't give you a dull finish, but you will look rested and refreshed.

How to choose a concealer with foundation?

Correctors have different release forms:

  • liquid – ideal for beginners, equipped with a convenient applicator, hides circles under the eyes well;
  • pencil is the driest, most durable, corrector that has a pronounced drying effect, applied before or after foundation, as it can be used to cover a suddenly popped up pimple on top of makeup;
  • stick – hard, reliably covers pimples, can also be used over foundation;
  • The cream is thick, allows you to correct the oval of the face, but also copes with skin imperfections with a bang.

Foundation includes several types of textures:

  • classic – has a high density and lipid concentration, best used for dry skin;
  • foundation – lighter than cream, suitable for oily skin;
  • fluid - the lightest texture, good for young skin without any flaws, to create a natural healthy complexion like a child's;
  • cream pencil is dense, gives an opaque coating, it is more difficult to apply successfully without a “mask effect”, so this product is most often used by professional makeup artists.

How to use concealer under the eyes: step-by-step photos

Apply foundation

Some people apply concealer before foundation, but it's actually more effective the other way around. Use your fingertips or a brush to apply foundation. Use circular motions to blend everything so it looks nice and smooth.

  • Some concealers are designed to be used before foundation, so check your products when in doubt. Most formulas work best after applying foundation
  • Choose the right foundation for you. Some foundations work better on dry skin, some work better on oily skin. Some foundations have a matte finish, while others have a natural finish.

Apply concealer to your problem areas

When applying concealer, you can use your fingers or a small brush to blend it in - whichever you prefer. Apply small strokes of concealer to the area you want to cover and blend the strokes in with your fingers or a brush. Use small circular motions to blend into concealer.

  • To apply concealer to the under-eye area, lightly apply concealer along your eye bags and continue blending. Using your ring finger to blend in this area usually works very well. If you are covering dark bags, you should get a concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone.
  • To cover spots with concealer, lightly apply concealer on top and around each spot. Then take your finger and blend the concealer. Use a concealer that is the same color as your natural skin tone to cover your acne.
  • If you're covering up bright red acne, consider getting a concealer that has a yellow tint. This will help balance out the red color.

Use powder to set the concealer

After you've applied your concealer and foundation, set your makeup with face powder. This will help keep your makeup in place throughout the day and prevent your face from getting shiny. Apply powder with a large powder brush and use circular motions to blend.

What to apply first, foundation or concealer?

Photo: is concealer applied before or after foundation?

Do not confuse corrector with concealer. It has the following features:

  • has a denser texture;
  • better masks acne and post-acne;
  • used more locally than concealer;
  • It dries out rather than moisturizes.

Given the density and pronounced covering properties, the answer to the question “When to apply concealer, before or after foundation?” obvious. Typically, the corrector is applied as the very first of all the products discussed in the article.

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The most common mistakes when using concealer

So, you've chosen a concealer with the texture and shade that suits you, but that's only half the battle. Now it is important to avoid making one of the following mistakes.

  1. 1
    The most common misconception is to apply concealer before foundation. This makes absolutely no sense: a foundation that is darker in color and lighter in texture will cover up the concealer and, at best, will simply erase it. At worst, it will create the effect of a layer cake. Remember: concealer must be applied strictly on top of foundation. The only exception is colored concealers; it is important to use them before foundation.
  2. 2
    Another common mistake is to always use the same concealer for the under-eye area. In fact, this area may require different concealers on different days, it all depends on the specific problem. If you have grayish shadows under your eyes, then the concealer should have a salmon tint; if you have brownish-purple, then with a mustard tint.


  3. 3
    A layer of concealer that is too thick is a mistake that will be visible to the naked eye. It is better to apply a translucent layer of concealer, adding another layer if necessary. And focus on high-quality shading; the boundaries between concealer and foundation should in no case be visible.

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Sculpting. Tips for proper makeup

Concealer helps create a beautiful facial contour and bring its proportions closer to ideal. In this case, the concealer performs the functions of a corrective agent and a highlighter.

Using several shades of concealer allows you to advantageously highlight the desired accents on the face, darken and outline the cheekbones, add depth to the look, sharpen and narrow the nose.

Tips for correct application:

  1. When it comes to contouring, don't be afraid to experiment. There is no universal contouring technique. Only through trial and error will you find the best makeup option for yourself.
  2. To draw cheekbones, you need to draw in your cheeks and apply a dark concealer along the natural visual line from the temple to the chin.
  3. To sculpt the nose, a dark shade is applied along its sides and wings, a light shade creates a pointed, neat tip.
  4. Light concealer should also be applied to areas of the face that naturally reflect light: the forehead, bridge of the nose, tip of the nose, upper cheekbones, area around the eyes and brow ridges. How not to make a mistake with a zone? Illuminate your face with a lamp or phone flashlight; you will need to work on the lightest areas.



Learning to distinguish from brothers

Have you ever watched video tutorials on makeup techniques? First, she takes a jar of base (before that there was a foam cleanser to cleanse the pores, then a gentle gommage to even out the texture).

So, let's go back to the base. After that it’s the turn of the proofreader. Then, it seems, foundation: a couple of tubes. Next it is powdered. Concealer. Powder again for a radiant effect. Then again a substance that makes certain areas flicker mysteriously. And this is all before, in fact, decorative cosmetics.

Secret! Before purchasing, you should know that long-lasting specimens have a matte texture. But if you have a problem with dark circles under the lower eyelids, choose formulations with a radiant formula.

Everything together looks confusing and complicated. Jars and tubes seem the same. Understanding the science of choosing the right palette seems unrealistic. But first of all, it is important to learn how to determine how all masking components differ. And what functions are assigned specifically to the concealer?

So, what is it for:

  • Hide dark circles under the eyes;
  • Emphasize the contours of the oval;
  • Mask light redness, pigmentation spots, freckles, moles;
  • Smooth out large pores;
  • Visually distract from small wrinkles;
  • Tint the capillary mesh on the thin dermis.

Concealer is needed to disguise light redness, pigmentation spots, freckles, moles

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