Japanese rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage Asahi Zogan in pictures and videos with Russian translation

Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods, wants to find a natural and safe way to preserve youth. If you look at the beauty secrets of Japanese women, you can be convinced that they most likely have a magic remedy that allows you to look young even at an age when the first wrinkles traditionally appear.

You've probably come across articles about a typical resident of the Land of the Rising Sun, over whom the passing years seem to have no power, and at 42, a Japanese woman looks 20, while these mysterious girls continue to look twenty until old age.

If you delve deeper into the study of the intricacies of oriental cosmetology, you can find mention of such techniques as tanaka massage, or Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. Not only Eastern, but also European specialists sing odes to this method, having successfully adopted the positive experience of Japanese women in their work. After mastering the Japanese self-massage technique, the treasured 5 letters will become for you a kind of “code” into the world of beauty and youthful skin, which every fifth woman in this amazing country owns.

What this method is and what is the secret of the amazing youth of Japanese women will be explored in this article.

Yukuko Tanaka and Zogan massage for body and face

Stylist Yukuko Tanaka

The technique of Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan has been known in the east for many centuries and is constantly being improved. Translated, its name means “touch of the morning sun.” The effectiveness of this method has been proven by the beauty and youth of Japanese women at any age. The idea of ​​reviving the Asahi Zogan technique belongs to Japanese cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. However, in the development and improvement of this idea, the main role belongs to Tanaka Yukuko, a popular female stylist today.

It was thanks to Tanaka-san that Asahi gained popularity outside of Japan. The impetus for the spread of the Japanese massage method by Yukuko Tanaka was the publication of her book “Facial Massage”, which literally “exploded” the cosmetology field and aroused great interest among beauty specialists and ordinary women.

What is Japanese facial massage Zogan?

This technique is based on the principle of stimulating certain points in the lymphatic system. During the session, the skin, facial muscles and even the bones of the skull are affected. This effect is achieved by increasing the speed of lymph movement, which leads to the removal of harmful decay products from cells. Cells cleared of toxins are renewed, which starts the rejuvenation process.

What results can be achieved

Japanese rejuvenating massage is a truly miraculous method that allows you to achieve visible results within a month after regular use. This happens thanks to:

  • intensive effects even on the deepest tissues, which distinguishes it from standard rejuvenation techniques;
  • performing a massage with the whole palm, and not just the fingertips;
  • detoxification of skin cells by stimulating lymphatic vessels;
  • toning, strengthening the muscles of the facial area of ​​the head;
  • formation of a clear contour of the oval face;
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • improving skin color.

Asahi massage allows you to include the skin, connective tissue, muscles and facial bones in the process. Thus, the effect of this technique on the condition of facial skin is complex, which ensures its high effectiveness in the fight against age-related changes.

If you believe the reviews of those who have already tried the Japanese anti-aging facial massage described in the book by Tanaka Yukuko, it has a truly miraculous effect on the skin. This is confirmed by the fact that the question “Why do Japanese women look younger than their years, why do the years have no power over them?” It is constantly discussed on forums and in magazine articles, and does not lose its relevance today. On the Internet you can find many photographs of the Japanese beauty Masako Mizutani, whose face looks unusually young, despite her age “well over 40”.

Masako Mizutani with her daughter. Guess where the mother is and where the daughter is?

By adopting the secrets of Japanese women's youth, you can master an accessible natural way of preserving natural beauty. However, due to the fact that the technique involves an effect on the body’s lymphatic system, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Features and effectiveness of massage

The basic principle of this procedure is not some kind of revolutionary discovery. The author of the technique, Japanese stylist Yukoko Tanaka, systematized all the knowledge about lymphatic drainage massage and, based on this, came up with a new technique, adapting it to the needs of aging skin. This procedure is called Asahi massage.

Who will benefit from this massage? First of all, women whose age-related changes are associated with fluid stagnation and muscle tension. These factors greatly influence facial features; even with relatively young and dense skin, pronounced nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes, and a double chin can be observed. Relaxing muscles and removing excess fluid from tissues is the main goal of Japanese massage.

Indications for Asahi massage

Every woman wants to have an attractive, well-groomed appearance, and therefore, having heard about such a miracle technique as Japanese rejuvenating massage, she will want to try it on herself as soon as possible. However, the author of the technique claims that Japanese self-massage is a rejuvenation technique that is not suitable for everyone. In view of its purposeful action, there are a number of specific indications for performing gymnastics for the Asahi face, namely:

  • swelling of the face in the morning (a sign of improper functioning of the body’s lymphatic system);
  • blurring of the facial contour due to age-related changes (for example, the presence of a double chin or folds on the cheeks);
  • the appearance of wrinkles of any type: age-related or facial).

Asahi gymnastics is an excellent way to overcome the problems described above, however, Japanese lymphatic drainage massage will only be beneficial if you have no contraindications to the procedure.

There are few of them, it is extremely necessary to take into account such nuances so that the Tsogan facial massage does not cause harm.

Benefits for the body

The goal of a popular massage technique in Japan is to provide a rejuvenating effect by stimulating the body's natural processes. Thanks to this effect, the features become harmonious, blood circulation improves, the face smoothes and becomes toned, and the skin takes on a blooming, healthy appearance. Existing oriental techniques help strengthen facial muscles, prevent sagging, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Reviews prove that the massage procedure not only tightens the skin and gives it a healthy color, but also improves the overall appearance and well-being of a person. In addition, popular techniques in Japan help enrich the skin with microelements, oxygen, improve regeneration and nutrition. When you experience Japanese massage techniques, swelling and signs of stress will be eliminated, and regular massage will help you stay young and well-groomed, regardless of age.

Contraindications for Japanese massage

For women, especially those over the age of 45, Japanese facial massage may seem like a panacea for the changes that inevitably appear over the years. However, there are a number of circumstances under which anti-aging Japanese anti-aging facial massage is strictly contraindicated. These include:

  • the presence of diseases of the lymphatic system in women;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • any manifestations of skin rashes, rosacea;
  • pharyngitis;
  • very sensitive and thin skin;
  • weakened body (for example, with ARVI, chronic fatigue).

Due to the strong impact that Japanese facial gymnastics for wrinkles has on the functioning of the lymphatic system, carrying out such a procedure can dramatically aggravate the course of the described diseases and problems. Thus, ignoring contraindications to performing Japanese oil massage may not only not bring benefits, but also provoke many side effects.

If your health is in perfect order, you can safely begin the procedure sessions by using the services of a massage therapist, or by mastering this technique yourself.

Japanese beauties

By the way, Asahi massage is performed taking into account strict rules, which you need to know to achieve the desired effect.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for massage exercises is a simple but important factor. You need:

  1. Remove hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere during the massage procedure.
  2. Remove makeup residue, particles of dust, grease and sweat. In a word, the skin should be perfectly clean. A mild cleanser is suitable for this. Many cosmetologists recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub on the eve of massage procedures.
  3. After cleansing, dry the skin and remove droplets of moisture using a clean cloth (paper) napkin.
  4. Apply a little massage cream or oil to a clean, dry face. Please note that massage therapists do not recommend using oil for self-massage, based on the inability to deeply work the skin on your own. It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction before the massage.
  5. Lie down on a flat surface or sit on a chair. The main thing is that your back is straight.

Clean, humidified air in the room, relaxing music and a few drops of essential oils in an aroma bowl will put you in a positive mood and help you relax.

Basic rules for performing Asahi Zogan

Revealing the secrets of youthful facial skin in her book, Tanaka Yukuko notes that every little detail is important, even the mood with which you perform the procedure affects the final effectiveness. You should not expect that Japanese anti-aging facial gymnastics will rejuvenate you if you ignore the basic rules of its implementation. Let's look at the features of performing the exercises that Asahi Zogan facial gymnastics involves.

  • Clean skin.

This is the main rule, without which the rejuvenation effect will not occur - the ducts for the movement of lymph will be closed. Cleansing the skin is easy by washing with soap or a special cleanser, then wipe your face dry with a towel or napkin. If the dirt on the skin is very strong, the pores are clogged, it is flaking, or does not look the best, use an additional scrub.

  • Knowledge of anatomy.

Before mastering this rejuvenation technique, it would be useful to look into a book on anatomy and become familiar with the exact location of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels on the human body, since it is the impact on these points that provides the miraculous effect of Japanese facial massage against wrinkles. If we briefly characterize their location, these are places near the ears, behind the ears, occipital area, lower jaw, tongue and neck.

  • Precision and accuracy.

All movements should be followed in a certain sequence according to the instructions, and the pressure on the points should not be strong. Self-massage of the face in Japanese is a painless procedure, however, careless massaging of the lymph node area can cause discomfort.

  • Posture.

During the procedure, your back should be perfectly straight, and if you can’t maintain your posture, it would be better to perform self-massage in a lying position.

  • Use of aids.

If you delve deeper into the study of Japanese secrets of beauty and youth, you will find out that residents of the Land of the Rising Sun use special oils and creams when performing Asahi massage, the acquisition of which is quite problematic in our country. Therefore, for home treatment sessions, you can use natural oils, high-quality massage creams or an oatmeal mask, which will enhance its effect and help remove harmful substances.

Varieties of body techniques

In Eastern medicine, various massage techniques have long been practiced, and over the years they have been improved, based on extensive knowledge of human physiology and anatomy. The most popular are Amma massage, which helps stimulate the circulation of human energy, and Shiatsu, a finger pressure treatment used instead of acupuncture.


This Japanese technique is unique; it does not require the use of massage oils during the session or the presence of a special table. To perform an Amma massage, you do not need to lie down or undress - the master of oriental massage acts on parts of the body with the “yang” energy (back side), and the vulnerable area with the “yin” energy is protected at this time by pillows. Using touch, the specialist determines the level of your physical and mental state, and identifies areas of the body that are subject to negative changes.

When working with energy flows, the master influences some points of the meridians where the movement of energy is blocked for some reason, while he removes the blockage and allows energy to move freely through the channels. Meridian massage is the best way to activate the circulation of energy; in just 20 minutes you will be full of vitality, but at the same time you will feel complete relaxation.

All techniques of the Amma technique are directed from the heart. During work, stroking, stretching, kneading, and rocking are used in areas of acupressure points. Massaging is carried out with fingers, palms, elbows and even knees to enhance the effect. Amma is an effective method for treating pain in the lumbar region, displaced discs, headaches, hypertension, and various types of injuries. The Japanese technique is also an anti-stress procedure, because it helps relieve both nervous and muscle tension.


Treatment using finger pressure has long been successfully used instead of acupuncture. Shiatsu affects biologically active points, which the master often chooses intuitively. Pressure is applied to them with the base of the palm and fingers. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, chest, carotid artery and temporal region, pressure is applied with three fingers and the base of the palm; the back and limbs are massaged with the thumbs. The pressure is applied gently, without rubbing or displacing the tissue, while the working finger is positioned perpendicular to the area being treated.

There are several Shiatsu techniques: gentle and longer pressure - for 5-10 seconds on one point, without removing your fingers (repeated 2-3 times), as well as light pressure without jerking on a point for 3-5 seconds. Many elements of the technique are easy to learn, after which they can be performed at home. The duration of a general Shiatsu session is 60 minutes, a private session is about 5-15 minutes.

Japanese facial massage technique

Mastering Japanese self-massage techniques is accessible to any woman. To do this, you initially need to learn a technique such as the “Japanese point”, which ends each of the exercises of the technique. It consists of using three fingers (index, middle and ring) to lightly press a point near the ears (that is, where the lymph nodes are located). It is necessary to apply pressure not with the tips, but with the entire length of the fingers at once, for about 2 seconds. After this, smoothly move down to the collarbones, without changing the intensity of the pressure.

The main exercises that are offered during Japanese lymphatic massage are performed for areas such as the forehead, eyes, lips, nose, lower face and cheeks. Let's take a closer look at the implementation features for each zone.

  • In the forehead area, the procedure is carried out using three fingers (middle, index and ring), which must be pressed tightly to the central part of the forehead, and after three seconds, smoothly move to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Having reached the goal, turn the palms 90 degrees and move them down.
  • For movements in the eye area, use the pads of the middle fingers, with which you need to touch the outer corners of the eyelids, then, sliding to the bridge of the nose, rest against it and linger for three seconds (this is the so-called “beauty point”). After this, you should increase the pressure and move your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrow area (at the edge of the eye sockets), stopping at the “beauty point”. Then the pressure is weakened, and the fingers return to the lower inner corners of the eye, after which the pressure increases again and a transition is made along the lower eye sockets to the outer edges of the eyelids.
  • Self-massage of the lip area is performed with the ring and middle fingers. Place your fingers in the center of the chin, apply a little pressure at this point and hold for a couple of seconds. Afterwards, you need to move the indicated fingers around the mouth, pressing intensely. The movement ends in the center just above the upper lip, maintaining pressure at the point for several seconds.

To make the description of the techniques clearer, lymphomassage is presented in pictures.

  • The nose is massaged using the middle fingers, which are placed in the depressions at the wings of the nose, after which 5 sliding movements are performed from bottom to top and top to bottom. Then the ring finger also comes into play, intensively rubbing the back of the nose in the direction of the cheeks.

  • The Asahi technique for the lower part of the face is performed with the middle fingers, which are pressed to the center of the chin, then moved upward towards the eyes. At the same time, the pressure is not weakened, and it is advisable to bend the corners of the mouth. Near the eyes, the fingers are fixed at a point for three seconds, after which the palms turn and spread towards the temples.
  • Massaging the cheek area is done using the entire surface of the palms. To do this, the elbows should be folded together, and the hands should be opened with palms up, placing their bases towards the lips. Next, the palms are raised in the direction of the nostrils so as to completely cover the cheeks, and are fixed for three seconds. Then the hands are raised to the temples without stopping the pressure.

All these techniques are performed sequentially, one after another. Do not forget that at the end of each exercise it is necessary to perform the finishing technique described at the very beginning.

Classic eye massage

The result of a classic back massage is relief from diseases of various systems and organs , including this procedure helps with ophthalmological diseases.

There are four techniques of classical massage , which can go in any order, but must begin and end with stroking:

  1. Stroking movements.
  2. Rubbing with palms.
  3. Kneading movements.
  4. Patting or tapping.

Stroking is performed with the surface of open palms , which move from the lower border of the chest upward, to the base of the neck, and ends in the shoulder area.

The stroking movements should also be directed upward and to the sides, away from the spine. When massaging the cervical spine, the direction of stroking is the opposite (toward the spinal column).

This technique is performed with noticeable force, but should not be too strong so that the skin does not gather in folds..

Then rubbing is carried out, during which forces are acceptable, leading to the formation of folds under the hands of the massage therapist .

This technique can be performed in different directions, while each hand can move separately from the other , without maintaining symmetry and uniformity of movements.

Important! When kneading, the deepest effect on the body occurs. To do this, not the entire palm is used, but only the fingers, which apply deep pressure.

After several such movements, kneading can be done with both the palm and fists, pressing several times on each area.

One pressure should take from one to three seconds. The direction of movement of the hands when kneading is from the spine to the sides .

Asahi Zogan body massage

It is interesting to know that Asahi Zogan is intended not only for the face, but also for the body. Japanese body massage is a practice that allows you to effectively influence soft tissues and muscles, improving metabolism, stimulating blood and lymph circulation, and cleansing the body of toxins and accumulated deposits.

Asahi for the body has a tonic effect on the entire body, and its daily use can be compared, according to the author of the technique, with a walk of three kilometers.

The principle of action on the body of Japanese massage for the body is the same as for the face, namely the effect on the lymph nodes. This massage complex includes 20 exercises, each of which is aimed at stimulating lymph flow in a specific area of ​​the body. Consistent and regular execution of all the movements of the complex allows you to improve the general condition of the body, get rid of skin and excess weight problems, start metabolic processes and even overcome some chronic diseases associated with improper location of internal organs.

However, as in the case of the face, the effect will be achieved only if the technique is strictly followed, which has its own characteristics for each exercise. Due to the large number of techniques in this complex, it is best to familiarize yourself with the features of performing Asahi Zogan gymnastics exercises for the body using video instructions, of which there are quite a lot on YouTube today.

You can watch and study the technique using an online video tutorial. In this version of the video, the voice acting, unfortunately, is not translated into Russian, but the technique of the techniques is quite clear from the movements of the demonstrator.


The cost of the procedure may vary significantly. This is influenced by the rating, the professionalism of the performer, and the location of the salon (beauty center, cosmetology salon). On average, one visit to a massage therapist in Moscow will cost 2 thousand rubles, in the region up to 1 thousand rubles.

In order to save money and self-development, you can perform massage exercises at home. To be sure that your actions are correct, it is recommended to perform 2-3 sessions with a specialist or carefully study the massage training video.

Problems after Japanese massage and their solutions

Like any serious procedure, Asahi self-massage may cause side effects, such as:

- skin rashes;

- severe weight loss in the facial area;

- swelling;

- deterioration of the skin condition instead of the expected improvements.

The appearance of all these signs most often indicates an incorrect technique, the choice of a low-quality massage product, or abuse of sessions (for example, if you do them twice a day, weight loss can be so fast that your face will look unhealthy).

To avoid swelling on the face, it is advisable not to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The best time for a session is in the morning. And of course, make sure that the oil or cream is natural, high quality and suitable for your skin type.

So, the 5 letters “Asahi”, incomprehensible at first glance, hide the well-known Japanese massage technique, which allows narrow-eyed beauties to maintain a youthful appearance for a long time.

Read all about Chinese acupuncture massage at the link.

Tags: Japanese massage

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Personal experience

Watch the video with Alena Sobol's review:

Japanese Facial Massage - Become 10 years younger.

We hope that our article helped you learn how to do Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage at home. By spending only 15 minutes a day on such rejuvenation, you can achieve tangible results: maintain your youth longer or restore your former beauty.

Without a doubt, Zogan facial massage is not a panacea for age-related ills. It should be supported by a healthy diet and clean water, and also monitor the absence of stress. Be sure to use anti-age cosmetics in combination with salon and home beauty treatments. Do face building so that your facial muscles firmly hold the contour of your face in their hands and do not allow it to sag.

We welcome your comments and feedback! If you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks and messengers.

Facebuilding - pros and cons, before and after results, instructors, exercises at home

Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Olga S.:
    05/05/2019 at 4:45 pm

    I decided to try it with the conviction that it wouldn’t get worse. All along massage lines and non-aggressive action. Two weeks! And the effect is already felt. The skin feels smoother to the touch and the loose areas on the cheeks have disappeared. I will continue!


  2. Kate:

    05/05/2019 at 7:41 am

    The drainage massage technique is really very amazing. I have been using it for about a year now, I am very glad that I discovered this method.


Reasons for rejuvenation

Why is Yukuko Tanaka's Japanese facial massage so effective? The technique differs from that usual for Russian and European schools. Features of the technique:

  • The action is directed not only to the skin, but also to muscles, bones, lymph;
  • Movements follow the paths of lymph flow, and not along massage lines;
  • Manipulations are carried out with fingers and palms using little physical force.

Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, excess fluid leaves, and along with it swelling. Elasticity returns to the mice, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

We tighten our cheeks

We place our left hand, bent into a fist, on the chin near the neck, bend the right hand in the hand and rest it on the cheek parallel to the nose. The left hand is motionless, and with the right we move towards the ear. We return to the starting point and go down to the collarbones.

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Is it permissible to massage with rosacea?

Couperosis often becomes the reason for refusing a massage, but in some cases the procedure is still acceptable. Contraindications in this case may be contradictory. On the one hand, it is better to refrain from the procedure, but if the client insists and the attending physician allows the session, then there will be a massage. But we should not forget about the mandatory precautions for rosacea:

  1. The use of cosmetic scrubs or peels is prohibited.
  2. The presence of a venotonic component in the oil base for massage is mandatory.
  3. Kneading the affected areas is not allowed.
  4. You should first enrich your diet with silicon.
  5. A few days before the procedure, it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium.

Women diagnosed with rosacea should understand that the desire to look younger should not cause harm to health.


Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage involves a forceful effect on the body, therefore it has some contraindications:

  1. Dermatitis, rash, redness;
  2. Problems with facial vessels;
  3. FLU, runny nose, sinusitis;
  4. Sore throat;
  5. Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  6. Diseases related to the lymphatic system;
  7. Cancer.

After the procedure, the face becomes thinner, so those with thin oval shapes and fragile girls should avoid it.

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