Clay wraps: anti-cellulite spa treatments at home

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Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: August 21, 2022

Review date: November 01, 2022

Fat on the sides accumulates as a result of poor nutrition. Moreover, both as a result of uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods (sweet, fatty, fried, fast food), and as a result of fasting. The body, experiencing stress during hunger, gives a signal to accumulate fat, and it is no longer so easy to remove it.

Other common causes of flank fat include:

hereditary predisposition: hereditary diseases are the root cause of the accumulation of fatty deposits;

taking hormonal medications: hormonal treatment promotes more active production of hormones responsible for weight gain;

stress: stressful situations provoke the release of adrenaline and cortisol, and due to their large quantities, metabolism and hormonal levels are destabilized;

improper sleep and rest patterns: lacking sleep, the body is in a stressful state, which means it again produces more adrenaline and cortisol;

physical inactivity: a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that calories consumed are not consumed during the day, but are converted into fat;

menopausal changes: due to a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, hormonal imbalance occurs.

In order to remove unsightly overhanging sides that spoil your figure, you will need an integrated approach, which will include physical activity, diet correction, and additional procedures.

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

The benefits of clay wraps for cellulite

Wrapping is a procedure during which a special composition is applied to areas with cellulite (usually the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, shoulders), which is secured with cling film, and then washed off after a certain time (from 30 to 60 minutes).

Various ingredients can be used as a product applied to problem areas, and one of the most popular is clay. The effectiveness of this product for wraps is explained by the fact that when used:

  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • activates blood microcirculation;
  • removes excess fluid from subcutaneous fat;
  • frees epidermal cells from toxins and toxic substances;
  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, making it smooth and soft.

And although cosmetic procedures occupy an important place in the fight against cellulite, you need to understand that the best effect is achieved in combination with proper nutrition and rationally organized physical activity.

Dreams of beautiful skin and a thin waist will come true with clay wraps

Video: a set of exercises for cellulite

On store shelves you can find clay of various colors. Which one should you prefer?

Any clay can be used for wrapping, but in addition to the effects described above, each type of product provides additional effects due to the components it contains.

Table: composition and properties of clay of different colors

Clay color.Features of the composition.Additional effects when used for wraps.
Red.Rich in honey and iron oxides.Perfect for those with oily skin (eliminates sebaceous shine and makes the epidermis matte). In combination with moisturizing components, it can be used for dry and sensitive skin. Most often used for hot wraps.
White.Contains zinc, silica, magnesium.Due to its high heat capacity, it provides a pronounced cleansing and metabolism-accelerating effect, and provides a strong drying effect, so it is not recommended to use the product in its pure form for dry skin.
Pink.A mixture of red and white clay.Suitable for any skin type, especially useful for dull, flabby, aging, dry and sensitive skin due to its rejuvenating and softening effect. Helps with irritations.
Green.Contains zinc, manganese, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese.Relieves excessive swelling.
Yellow.Rich in iron and potassium.Eliminates acne on the skin of the body.
Black.Contains quartz, iron, magnesium.Perfectly normalizes lymph flow and provides an anti-inflammatory effect.
Blue.Contains silicon, potassium, silver, nickel, phosphorus, molybdenum, iron, aluminum, etc.Most often used for body care, fights stretch marks and inflammatory skin rashes. It is one of the most environmentally friendly types of clay.

Clay of different colors differs in composition: each variety provides a special “bonus” effect

Hot or cold?

The described procedure contains clarifications regarding hot wrapping. Indeed, the procedure can be carried out according to two schemes - hot and cold. They differ slightly in both indications and effects. Hot wrap is contraindicated for heart disease, varicose veins and some other diseases and conditions. If you are at risk, do not completely deny yourself this procedure - do a cold wrap. The principle of its implementation is the same, only the mixture should be at room temperature, and there is no need to wrap yourself in film after wrapping it.

Hot wrap involves the use of cling film and insulation

Hot wraps warm up the surface of the skin, “accelerate” blood and lymph circulation, and expand pores. But cold ones are more conducive to the removal of toxins, breakdown products and excess fluid from tissues. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect from a course of procedures, it is best to combine both types of wraps.

Please note that procedures are recommended to be carried out at different times of the day. So, for hot wraps, evening time is more suitable - from 18.00 to 22.00. During this period, metabolic processes are most active, so the benefit from the procedure will be maximum. At other times, it is better to carry out cold procedures.

General recommendations for performing body wraps at home

  1. A full course of clay wraps includes 10–12 procedures, performed every other day. A repeat series of sessions can be carried out six months later.
  2. Clay wraps can be cold (the temperature of the composition is equal to room temperature) or hot (the mixture is heated to 36–38 ° C). Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, you may prefer one or another option. If there are no health problems, it is recommended to alternate hot wraps with cold ones.
  3. When choosing a suitable composition recipe, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and body.
  4. Before a course of wraps, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if you have any chronic diseases.

Why is clay the best remedy for body shaping?

Clay wraps have been known to beauties for a long time for their healing properties.
For example, ancient Greek ladies mixed clay with sea water and seaweed, applied all this to the body and wrapped it in thick fabric, repeating this procedure almost daily. Perhaps it was thanks to the wrap that the Greek women of that ancient time were considered the most well-groomed and attractive women in the world. In the struggle for a beautiful, slender figure, many, without stinting, waste money on advertised and very expensive drugs, desperately hoping that this miraculous ointment or that magic pill will certainly help to finally get rid of annoying cellulite and all the extra pounds. But they forget that truly magical and very useful beauty products are given to everyone by Mother Nature. One of these wonderful remedies is clay, which is used for clay wraps.

Description of the procedure

Conventionally, the wrapping procedure can be divided into 3 stages.

Preparatory stage

The goal is to prepare the body for the application of an anti-cellulite composition: the skin should be steamed and cleansed (open pores allow easier penetration of active substances into the deeper layers of the dermis), and the muscles should be relaxed (physical tension causes clamping of small blood vessels, reducing the effectiveness of the wrap).


There are several ways to remove muscle tension and steam the skin:

  • visit a bathhouse or sauna;
  • immerse yourself in a warm bath with the addition of any citrus essential oil (5-8 drops, pre-mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt, honey or milk);
  • just take a warm shower.

The effectiveness of the wrap increases if you do the procedure in a sauna.


During water procedures, it is necessary to treat the body with a scrub using massaging movements, paying special attention to problem areas. This will help cleanse the skin of dead particles and other impurities, and also activate blood circulation.

Homemade scrub recipe with anti-cellulite effect

Grind the coffee beans and mix 50 g of the product with 60–70 g of cane sugar, pour 150–200 ml of almond oil into the mixture. To enhance the effect, you can add 2-4 drops of any citrus essential oil.

After the scrub is washed off and the body is wiped dry with a towel, the preparatory stage can be considered complete.

Video: preparing an anti-cellulite scrub with your own hands

Main stage

The goal is to apply and fix the anti-cellulite composition on the body, relax while the product “works”.

Application of the composition

Apply the pre-prepared composition (see recipes below) to problem areas.

Consolidation of the composition

Wrap the treated areas with cling film and, if necessary, insulate with a scarf or thick scarf. Wear loose clothing.


Rest for 30–40 minutes. It is advisable to just sit comfortably on the sofa, wrapped in your favorite blanket or warm blanket. If the mixture contains essential oils, mustard and other “hot” components, the waiting time is reduced to 10–15 minutes.

While the anti-cellulite composition is “working”, you can relax and read your favorite book, wrapped in a soft blanket

Some people advise moving actively during the wrap, for example, performing a set of physical exercises to enhance the weight loss effect. However, such a measure can cause excessive stress on the heart, so you should not take the risk, at least without first consulting a doctor.

The final stage

The goal is to remove the composition and apply an anti-cellulite product.

Removal of composition

Carefully remove the cling film, take a warm shower, rinsing off the composition under running water. Wipe dry.

Application of anti-cellulite agent

Applying an anti-cellulite product to problem areas using massage movements will help strengthen and consolidate the effect of the wrap.

Video: clay wrapping technique

Clay wrap at home

Clay body wrap for weight loss is a simple procedure. You can go to a cosmetologist to get it, or you can arrange a session at home. Components for wrapping are sold at the pharmacy, and some, as you have already seen, can be found in the refrigerator. To conduct the session, you will need the actual ingredients for the mixture, a mixing bowl, plastic wrap (food wrap), a warm blanket or clothing (for hot wrapping). Let's look at all stages of preparation, wrapping and post-procedure care in more detail.

  • Preparation. Take a shower and then scrub your skin. The pores will open, which will facilitate the removal of decay products and the penetration of beneficial substances from the mixture into the epidermis. But don't overdo it. As already mentioned, wrapping is not performed on damaged and irritated skin. Lightly massage your body with the scrub and then rinse with cool water. Dry the skin well - the mixture should be applied only to a dry surface of the body.
  • Wrap. Apply the pre-prepared mixture to your body. Do this with massaging movements. You can wet your hands in water - this will make it easier to apply the thick mixture. Clay can be applied both to the entire surface of the body and to individual problem areas. Wrap the clay-covered areas with plastic wrap in 3-4 layers. Wind it so as not to pinch the body, but at the same time quite tightly. This is important because the skin will begin to sweat, the mixture will become liquid, and the film “coating” may begin to twist or even slide off, nullifying the procedure.
  • Insulation. If you are performing a hot wrap procedure, after applying the film, the body needs to be wrapped. When wrapping only one area (for example, thighs), you can simply wear warm clothes. If you applied the mixture to your entire body, cover yourself with a warm blanket. Lie quietly for 30–60 minutes.
  • Completion of the procedure. After this time, carefully remove the film and rinse the clay with lukewarm water. You can apply an anti-cellulite product – cream or oil – to cleansed skin.

Recipes for clay wraps

To make wrapping compositions, clay is used as an independent component or in combination with other ingredients.

Classic version (pure clay)

When using clay in its pure form, the product (usually about 50–150 g of powder is required to treat problem areas) is diluted with warm water (preferably mineral) to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Instead of water you can use:

  • hydrolate (rose floral water is suitable for oily skin, lavender is suitable for dry skin);
  • unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil (olive, mustard, almond, peach, apricot kernel, etc. are most often used);
  • fresh milk or kefir.

For dry skin, you can dilute the clay with olive oil rather than water: this will neutralize the drying effect of the procedure.

The remaining recipes for clay wraps are variations of the classic composition, to which other components are added.

Enriched clay compositions

Additional ingredients in clay mixtures can include products that activate blood microcirculation and metabolic processes, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. What could it be?

Table: how to enrich the clay composition

Ingredient.How much to add?
Citrus essential oils (orange, grapefruit).2-3 drops per 1-2 tablespoons of composition.
Mustard.One teaspoon for every 2 tablespoons of clay.
Honey.You can use from 1 to 5 teaspoons for the entire composition.
Ground coffee beans.Clay and coffee are mixed in equal proportions.
Finely ground sea salt.For every 2 tablespoons of clay, a teaspoon of salt.
Turmeric.You can add from 1 to 3 teaspoons of seasoning to the composition, gradually increasing its concentration from procedure to procedure.
Ground red pepper.Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon pepper to the mixture. The volume of seasoning in the mixture increases gradually.
Cinnamon.From 1 to 3 tablespoons for the entire volume of the composition.
Seaweed.Clay and algae are mixed in equal proportions.

You can come up with the composition of the components yourself, combining the components at your discretion, or you can use ready-made recipes.

Cinnamon is a tart seasoning that will enhance the activating effect of the clay wrap.

Recipes for multicomponent mixtures

Prepare the clay composition according to the classic recipe and add:

  • a teaspoon of mustard and 2-3 drops of orange or grapefruit essential oil;
  • mustard and honey (1 teaspoon each);
  • a tablespoon of cinnamon and 3 drops of citrus essential oil;
  • a tablespoon of cocoa powder and a teaspoon of turmeric.

Video: wrap with clay and mustard (+ bonus: salt anti-cellulite massage)

Features of use for different skin types

  • With normal skin without a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions, there are no special restrictions on the use of clay compositions.
  • For oily skin, it is advisable not to dilute the clay with vegetable oil. It is better to use this component as an additional one (one teaspoon for the entire composition).
  • Since clay has a drying effect on dry skin, it is advisable to dilute the product not with water, but with vegetable oil.
  • If you have excessively dry and sensitive skin, it is not advisable to use essential oils and “hot” ingredients (pepper, turmeric, mustard, etc.) in mixtures. As an acceptable alternative, you can combine them with moisturizing components (vegetable oil, aloe juice, sour cream, etc.).
  • If there is irritation on the skin, it is better to “soften” the clay mixture with a teaspoon of heavy cream or sour cream.

Rules for wrapping with blue clay

For your information!

Blue clay can be bought at any specialized store; it is inexpensive and available at almost any level of income.

Of course, it is preferable to use the services of specialists in beauty salons for body wraps, but you can also perform body wraps yourself.

To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • before starting the wraps, reduce your food intake, and 2 hours before the procedure, do not eat at all;
  • To prepare the mixture, blue clay is diluted with warm water in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be creamy and have a consistency that is easy to apply to the skin;
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps left that could injure the skin during application.
    When preparing the mixture, do not use iron utensils. Take a glass or ceramic bowl and a wooden spoon;
  • stock up on everything you need to make a blue clay wrap. In addition to the clay itself, you will need food-grade plastic film, warm clothes or a blanket, nourishing cream, body scrub, cosmetic serum (such a serum or serum will enhance the effect of the wrap);
  • To enhance the effect, you can mix clay with other substances that have certain cosmetic properties.

Clay and essential oils

Essential oils are often added to the wrapping mixture. Such wraps with blue clay and essential oils are more effective.

This is explained, firstly, by the fact that essential oils themselves have many beneficial properties, and secondly, they have a warming effect on the skin.

For cellulite, the most effective oils are grapefruit, lemon, geranium, juniper, and orange. But they must be used carefully.

Just a few drops are added to the wrapping mixture. When wrapping the whole body, 14 drops are enough.


Do not under any circumstances exceed the concentration of essential oil - this can lead to skin burns and other undesirable consequences.

Contraindications and precautions

You should not resort to wraps if:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy and gynecological diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney ailments;
  • oncology;
  • dermatological lesions and open skin lesions (wounds, cuts, etc.);
  • conditions after recent surgical operations.

Pregnancy is not the best time for body wraps: you need to wait until the baby is born

Before using the mixture with clay for wraps, an allergy test is recommended. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the crook of your elbow for 8–10 minutes. Wait a day. If the skin does not react with undesirable manifestations (irritation, redness, peeling, etc.), the mixture can be used.

Pros and cons of clay wrapping

After studying online reviews, we came to the following conclusions:

  • At home, the wrap works, but slowly. The positive results of the course are influenced by your daily diet, physical activity, use of auxiliary creams, etc.
  • Carrying out procedures yourself saves money. Even if you make wraps solely based on clay powder and water, the cost of a home course will ultimately cost about half the cost of one salon procedure.
  • You are fully aware of the ingredients in the mask. The absence of synthetic additives is an ideal option for fans of eco-cosmetics.

What are the disadvantages of homemade body wraps?

  • The procedure takes a lot of free time and requires concentration. For women burdened with household chores, this option is unlikely to be suitable.
  • As the clay dries, it falls off into tiny flakes, staining clothes and furniture. After rinsing, you will have to thoroughly wash both the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom and the floors in the house.

Salon procedure - pros and cons

A salon wrap from an experienced professional is a guarantee that your time and money will not be wasted. When an experienced cosmetologist performs the wrap, all you have to do is relax and enjoy professional body care. At a good spa, you don't have to worry about getting clay on your clothes or floors. In addition, no one will distract you from the process, and the procedure can be supplemented with a massage or scrubbing.

The main disadvantage of salon body wraps is the price of the service. But if this drawback does not bother you, we suggest you look through our catalog of professional cosmetologists from Odessa, Dnepr, Krivoy Rog and other cities.

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