How Long Does Permanent Lip Makeup Last - Optimal Removal Time.

Permanent makeup helps you look stylish and save time on applying decorative cosmetics. The photo helps you see in more detail how healing occurs day by day after lip tattooing. To speed up this process, you need to properly care for sensitive skin after the procedure. The choice of technique for applying permanent makeup also plays an important role.

Permanent makeup is the creation of a permanent pattern on the face.

Description of the lip tattoo procedure

This is the name for a type of permanent makeup. During the procedure, a dye is injected under the skin.

After tattooing, lips acquire a well-groomed, fresh look. Contours become more pronounced and clear.

The pigments used for the procedure are made from mineral and plant components. The entry of harmful substances into the blood is excluded. The tattoo technique resembles a tattoo. However, when drawings are applied to the skin, the dye penetrates into deeper layers.

Lip tattoo corrects the shape, makes the color deeper and more saturated.

Permanent lip makeup: questions and answers

We have collected the most popular questions from women and prepared laconic but informative answers to them.

What is the most fashionable color for lips?

There is no fashionable color! The choice of a specific shade of pigment directly depends on the following factors:

  1. personal preferences;
  2. features of facial features;
  3. color type

It is not the specific shade that is important, but its naturalness and correspondence to the woman’s face.

What should the result be?

The main signs of high-quality work by a master:

  1. uniformity of tone;
  2. clear contours;
  3. no stains.

Is lip tattooing allowed if filler injections are being given?

Yes! There are no contraindications! However, micropigmentation is recommended to be done before filler injections.

Varieties of application techniques

The following methods of tattooing are considered the most common:

  1. Contour, in which makeup is applied in thin lines. After this procedure, the use of a pencil becomes optional, but you cannot refuse to use lipstick. Contour makeup helps to increase or decrease the volume of the lips and make the lines of the mouth more expressive.
  2. Filling, in which the entire skin of the lips is painted. The procedure helps you stop using lipstick. It is recommended to choose natural tones. When applying dark permanent makeup, the use of standard cosmetics becomes impossible. Natural tattooing is considered a popular variety. The dye tone is chosen taking into account the natural color of the skin.
  3. Contour with shading, in which the pigment is distributed from the borders of the lips, not completely affecting their surfaces. The makeup looks more natural than traditional contouring. Ombre and watercolor techniques are in demand, giving a glitter effect.

Effect of technique on healing time

The more complex the method of introducing the dye, the longer the healing process. The condition of the lips in the first days and weeks after injection is influenced by the individual characteristics of the skin and the experience of the specialist.

The condition of the lips is influenced by the characteristics of the skin.

The least and most traumatic methods of applying permanent

The contour technique is gentle. To inject the dye, a thin needle is used, leaving small punctures. Treated areas heal faster. In addition, when applying contour makeup, small areas are affected, and swelling after the procedure is insignificant. The contour technique with shading is considered more traumatic. In this case, healing takes longer. The pigment is also introduced to a minimum depth, but larger areas of the skin are subject to treatment.

Contour technique is the least traumatic way of applying permanent.

Filling tattoo is considered the most traumatic. A tool with a thick needle is used, which is used to process all surfaces of the lips. Deep wounds are formed that heal in 2-3 weeks.

How does the session work?

Initially, the specialist performing the procedure must clean the surface of the lips from dirt and makeup residues.

Next, based on the client’s individual wishes, the master draws a preliminary sketch using special markers. The session begins only after the client has approved the sketch.

Pain relief can be performed by application (using creams and gels with anesthetics) or injection (injection of special drugs under the skin) method. If the patient's pain threshold is high, the procedure can be performed without the use of anesthesia.

The duration of the session can be either 30 minutes or 3 hours, as it depends on the existing defects and the desired results. In some cases (for some types of 3D makeup), the procedure is divided into several sessions.

Average time for complete healing

It takes 14 to 20 days for the damage remaining after tattooing to disappear. Sometimes the recovery period drags on for a month.

What can slow down the process

Healing takes longer due to:

  • allergic reactions to dyes;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • improper lip care after tattooing.

Healing takes longer due to increased skin sensitivity.

If the skin takes too long to heal, you should consult a dermatologist.

Contraindications to the procedure

Tattooing should not be done during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Contraindications are inflammatory skin lesions, chronic diseases in the acute phase.

You can't get a tattoo during pregnancy.

Reasons why tattoo does not show up

  • Superficial introduction of pigment - the paint comes off with crusts. The problem arises due to the unprofessionalism of the master.
  • Incorrect choice of dye application method. The waxing technique is not suitable for those with oily skin and can result in uneven lines.
  • Excessive lymph activity. The body rejects the dye and washes it away with the lymph. To reduce the effect, specialists use vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Tattooing on fibrous tissue. To perform the procedure on scars, a special approach and knowledge of the nuances are required.
  • The use of tint dyes, which should complement the base dyes - dense, covering the skin color.
  • Herpes has a negative effect on the density and contour of the pattern.
  • Individual characteristics of the body - the activity of metabolic processes.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and hormonal changes can lead to negative results.
  • Diabetes mellitus, when a person is dependent on insulin. The procedure can cause inflammation, which minimizes the effect.
  • Incorrect care: visiting baths and saunas, steaming the skin, staying in open sunlight.
  • Drinking coffee or alcohol before the procedure. Drinks cause blood thinning and pigment leaching.

Healing process by week with photos

Photographs and a detailed description of the condition of the skin after permanent makeup help to understand whether the recovery period is proceeding normally.

First 7 days

Immediately after the procedure, slight swelling appears in the treated areas. On the 2nd day, the pain begins to subside. On the 3rd day, the swelling decreases, the wounds become covered with crusts. This is how the body reacts to mechanical damage. On the 4-5th day itching appears. The crusts crack and fall off. They should not be torn off on their own, as this increases the risk of infection and suppuration.

During the first 7 days, slight swelling appears on the lips.

By the end of the week the crust is completely gone. After this, the shade of the dye becomes more saturated.

Second week

There is no crust at this stage, but the itching does not completely disappear. You should not scratch your lips, as this can infect wounds that have not completely healed. The swelling disappears completely within 8-10 days. The shade of the pigment fades somewhat, because the crust partially absorbs the dye. There is a feeling of tightness and dryness. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, the skin is treated with hygienic lipstick or Vaseline.

In the second week, the itching does not disappear completely.

Third week

Slight dryness still persists, but the pain completely disappears. The color of the makeup is closer to natural. If the tone turns out to be too light, correction is made 2-3 weeks after application. During the procedure, a small amount of pigment is added.

In the third week, the pain disappears.

A month later

Healing is complete. After a month, you can evaluate the final result of the procedure. The intensity of the shade by this time is reduced by 50-60%. If a woman is unhappy with the color she received, she needs to visit a specialist. With high-quality application, permanent makeup lasts 2-3 years.

After a month, healing is complete.

Color selection

From the before and after photographs of permanent lip makeup, you can see how the procedure can transform your appearance, disguise imperfections and balance your shape. With minimal intervention (only dye, no artificial fillers), lips look seductively voluminous, symmetrical, and healthy in color.

The choice of pigment color depends on the client’s color type, wishes and goals. Some come for the most natural result, and their goal is to correct the shape and contour of the lips, to disguise a scar or pigmentation around them. Others are dissatisfied with the pallor of their lips and want to add richness and expressiveness. At the same time, too saturated, dark, unnatural colors are not used in the permanent lips.

If the client does not like the color immediately after the procedure, or if for some reason the client no longer likes the result, a correction can be made or the permanent removed using a remover. This is a lactic acid-based drug that pushes pigment from the layers of the epidermis to the surface of the skin.

Duration of pain

After the anesthetic wears off, severe pain appears, making it difficult to eat and talk. You have to eat liquid foods. Food should not be hot or too cold. Compliance with this rule eliminates increased pain. Discomfort becomes less pronounced on the 3rd day. After 5 days, the pain gives way to itching, which is sometimes unbearable.

After the procedure, severe pain appears.

During the normal course of the healing process, the discomfort disappears after 7-10 days.

Is it normal to have no crusts?

Wounds do not crust over when:

  1. Incorrect application of pigment. When the needle is inserted to the desired depth, lymph is released. When the liquid dries, crusts form. If there are few of them, the paint has not penetrated deeply. This type of makeup will not last longer than a year.
  2. Careful care. Some salons offer special tattoo technologies. In this case, during the application process, the lymph is removed and healing ointments are used. If you follow the master’s recommendations, your lips will look healthy after tattooing within 3 days.

Wounds do not crust over with careful care.
Healing after the procedure occurs individually. With a fast metabolism, crusts do not appear or quickly subside.


Girls are interested in whether it is possible to get a tattoo during menstruation. Tattooing cannot be done not only during the cycle, but also three days before their onset, and you also need to wait three days after them, because at this time the body is susceptible to diseases, and the risk of negative consequences increases.

This is not the only reason why tattooing should not be done. It is also prohibited for the following problems:

  1. Lip diseases (scars, injuries, peeling). They must be in healthy condition before tattooing.
  2. The presence of alcohol in the blood a day ago.
  3. Poor blood clotting rate.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Infectious diseases accompanied by increased body temperature.

With these indicators, tattooing cannot be done, as this can worsen the health condition.

Features of lip care after tattooing

The master gives the client recommendations on how to manage the recovery period. They help you understand how to care for your lips in the first and subsequent days after applying makeup.

List of restrictions

In the first days after the procedure, it is prohibited:

  1. Wash your face for the first 2-3 days. Contact with water promotes infection of wounds and increased swelling. They begin to wash their face 5 days after tattooing. To do this, use warm boiled water. Using a towel is not recommended. Toothpaste is used carefully for a week.
  2. Visit a solarium, undergo facials or other cosmetic procedures.
  3. Eat sour, salty and spicy foods. When drinking drinks, use a straw.
  4. Take hormonal and antibacterial drugs.
  5. Apply decorative cosmetics. The use of medicinal balm with vitamins and healing substances is allowed.
  6. Smoking, drinking alcohol. Such actions contribute to increased itching and swelling.
  7. Kiss for 10 days after the procedure.

In the first days you should not wash your face.

How to treat lips

During the first 3 days, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution. It is also recommended to apply antifungal and antiviral ointments, such as Acyclovir.

What to do to speed up healing

The faster disappearance of wounds and crusts is facilitated by the use of special products and adherence to skin care rules. The following medications are intended to speed up recovery:

  • tablets that remove excess fluid from the body (Furosemide);
  • antihistamines that eliminate swelling (Tavegil, Suprastin, Dexamethasone);
  • antiseptic gels and ointments (Bora Plus, D-Panthenol).

Furosemide promotes faster disappearance of wounds.
It is recommended to smear the lips carefully, trying not to tear off the crusts.

How long will it take for the final color

If the rules for preparing for tattooing and the healing periods are followed, and the professional did the job without errors, the dye will appear and become bright in a month. Substances are hammered into the upper layer of the epidermis with a special needle using different techniques at a depth of 0.7 to 1 mm. At first, the dye is 1.5-2 tones brighter than the original color in the master’s palette.

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The body needs time for the dye to settle into the skin of the lips. After a few days, the crusts will stop hurting and color will appear in their place, but the shade is not final. The situation depends on many individual factors of the human body, the characteristics of reactions, and the conditions of the post-procedure period.

An important point that accelerates the reaction to the absorption of pigmented substances is natural ultraviolet light. The sun's rays, which are familiar to the female body, are a catalyst for the reaction. If ultraviolet radiation does not penetrate under the crusts on the lips, pigmentation will appear. This mechanism provides protection against penetration of harmful bacteria into the wound; peeling off the crusts is strictly prohibited. When they come off naturally, the color of the tattoo will definitely appear and take on a bright shade.

The rate of increase in shade intensity is individual for each woman. With normal and low photosensitivity, pigmentation will appear after a month (for women with dark skin: type 3-4).

Due to the high sensitivity of type 1-2 fair-skinned girls, the desired shade will appear in 5-6 weeks. At this first stage of the procedure, after a month and a half, the pigment after lip tattooing will fully appear.

Correction stage. During the repeated procedure, the specialist injects an additional volume of the substance under the skin. When the color is fully developed, the artist complements the unevenly painted areas with shading. A similar healing stage then occurs over several weeks. During this time, the crusts fall off and particles begin to appear when exposed to sunlight. It will take some time before the final shade is finalized.

There is no need to rush to be disappointed with the color at the first stage. The main thing is to follow the rules of preparation and care for your lips while they are healing. The shade will appear naturally.

How long will a lip tattoo last?

With proper care, makeup remains attractive for 3 years. After this, correction is required. How long the tattoo will last depends on:

  1. Individual skin characteristics. With a mixed or oily type, makeup lasts less. Those with dry skin wear tattoos longer.
  2. The nature of metabolism. If the injected dye is rejected, correction begins to be required earlier. Most of the pigment is absorbed by the crusts during the healing stage.
  3. Compliance with the rules of care. When the crusts are torn off, light areas are formed. The same is observed with the abuse of fatty ointments.
  4. Master's work experience. With high-quality spot application, makeup lasts longer.

What to do if the tattoo has lightened

Natural lip changes occur individually, average values ​​are 1-2 years. Durability depends on the structure of the skin, type of appearance, and duration of sun exposure. In a situation of discoloration, correction is carried out. An experienced professional does not guarantee that the result will be pleasing or that the color will appear evenly. The first tattoo correction is carried out after 30-40 days. According to statistics, 50% of women have light areas in the shade. Due to improper care during the makeup healing period or infection and scabs falling off, the areas become discolored. A specialist will paint them over, and after a month you can see an even shade.

If the lip tattoo has lightened and the color is rejected by the body, allergies and inflammation occur, then permanent makeup must be completely removed using a laser.

There is a possibility that another substance will not cause rejection; a repeat procedure is allowed, but only after an allergy test at a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

For women who are prone to peeling, a repeat tattoo procedure using the “lipstick effect” technique is indicated. The dye is introduced deeper into the epidermis of the lips and is not removed with flaking particles. The tattoo and final color will appear after a month.

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