Bio-Oil stretch mark oil: panacea or advertising gimmick?

Where do stretch marks come from?

To determine how effective a particular remedy for stretch marks is, you need to understand the mechanism of their formation, and how the active ingredients included in the product are able to eliminate scars.

The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is mechanical stretching of the skin (hence the name of the defect). The skin is subject to intense tension during pregnancy, during puberty, when a teenager begins to grow excessively quickly, as well as during sudden weight gain.

But as observations show, stretch marks do not always appear when the skin surface is stretched. Their formation is facilitated by poor skin elasticity. It decreases with insufficient production of collagen and elastin proteins. In this case, at the moment of tension of the skin, ruptures of its inner layer occur.

The resulting microtraumas are “patched” with connective tissue. Fresh stretch marks are characterized by a dark color (crimson or purple). However, gradually the stretch marks lighten and become whitish. This is explained by the fact that connective tissue has a rather dense structure. There is no moisture in it and there are practically no vital processes. Accordingly, the need for blood vessels disappears, they die, and the scars turn white.

Fresh stretch marks have a dark tint, while old ones have white stripes.

There are several reasons why the skin becomes inelastic:

  • hormonal changes. For example, during pregnancy, the hormones progesterone and estrogen are actively released into the blood, suppressing the production of collagen and elastin;
  • diseases of the pancreas, accompanied by the release of the hormone cortisol, which makes the skin fragile;
  • heredity. If parents have a tendency of skin to form stretch marks, then, as a rule, children also inherit this physiological feature;
  • poor nutrition. If there is insufficient amount of protein in the human diet, collagen and elastin are poorly produced;
  • avitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency makes the skin fragile;
  • low physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, stagnation forms in the body, waste and toxins accumulate, which prevent the absorption of important nutritional components. Accordingly, the skin becomes inelastic;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking. These bad habits also interfere with the effective absorption of biologically active substances, which affects the condition and health of the skin.

Mode of application

Pour a small amount of oil into your palm and apply to areas of skin prone to stretch marks. Rub vigorously until slight redness appears. If you are going to use Bio-oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, start doing so from the beginning of the first trimester. You must adhere to the oil application regimen for 3 months.

About Bio-Oil oil

Anti-stretch mark oil Bio-Oil appeared on the cosmetics market in 2002. Country of origin: South Africa. The product meets all requirements of the World Health Organization.

The oil has a transparent orange tint and a liquid oily consistency. It has a bright floral but unobtrusive aroma.

Composition of the product

Any drug against stretch marks must contain components that enhance microcirculation, which helps restore damaged collagen and elastin fibers, as well as cell regeneration.

Bio-Oil oil contains the following active components:

  • chamomile oil increases microcirculation and promotes rejuvenation and restoration of the skin;
  • Calendula oil helps heal microtraumas, so the product effectively helps eliminate fresh stretch marks;
  • lavender oil neutralizes toxins in the skin and has a healing effect;
  • rosemary oil activates microcirculation;
  • Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on skin elasticity and regeneration;
  • Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • chamomile extract soothes the skin.

Chamomile oil activates microcirculation

According to the manufacturer, Bio-Oil oil effectively eliminates stretch marks not only due to the composition of the product, but also to the PurCellin OilTM formula used. This component reduces the density of the oil and greatly facilitates the penetration of active components into the skin .

Product effectiveness

The manufacturer claims that regular use of Bio-Oil oil will eliminate even old stretch marks. However, most consumers in their reviews indicate that the product can only effectively cope with fresh stretch marks. Old stretch marks are not affected by the product. In addition, the oil perfectly cares for the skin of the body and intensively moisturizes it.


It should be noted that Bio-Oil oil is quite expensive. The average price for a product is:

  • volume 25 ml - 150–180 rubles;
  • volume 125 ml - 500–600 rubles;
  • volume 200 ml - 700–800 rub.

You can purchase the product in a pharmacy chain or on the Internet.

Bio-oil oil is available in containers of different sizes

What does it contain?

Bio-Oil contains oils obtained from natural plant materials, not recreated in the laboratory. The product also contains vitamins and a special component - PurCellin Oil. It is a mixture of fats obtained from the glands of waterfowl. The unique patented formula ensures complete absorption of all ingredients, each of which has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

chamomile oilreduces inflammation, soothes the dermis, activates regeneration processes
calendula oilnourishes epidermal cells, evens out skin color
rosemary oilreplenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals, moisturizes, softens
lavender oilrestores natural hydration levels, reduces redness, inflammation
tocopherol (vitamin E)slows down age-related changes in the dermis, including a decrease in collagen production, soothes
retinol (vitamin A)increases protein synthesis in tissues, stimulates epithelization, prevents dryness and flaking
Purcellin OilDistributes other components well, forms a lipid film that maintains the elasticity and firmness of the dermis

The concentration of substances is completely safe for a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

How to use Bio-Oil oil

To eliminate stretch marks, any cosmetic product must be used for a fairly long period of time. Bio-Oil oil is no exception.

To obtain the expected result, the product should be used when stretch marks first appear . In case of pregnancy, it is recommended to apply the product to problem areas (abdomen, chest, thighs) from the second trimester.

Bio-Oil oil can be used for prevention from the second trimester of pregnancy

If stretch marks already exist, the product should be distributed with massage movements until the product is completely absorbed.

Bio-Oil oil must be used 2 times a day for three months. The product is applied to clean skin.


Bio-Oil oil cosmetic product is very popular among women because it has many beneficial properties:

  • moisturizes the skin;
  • helps cope with wrinkles and makes other age-related skin changes invisible;
  • fights fresh stretch marks by nourishing the skin with vitamins and fatty acids;
  • helps scars dissolve;
  • softens the skin on the feet and elbows;
  • fights skin rashes caused by germs;
  • relieves inflammation and tones the skin;
  • regular use lightens pink stretch marks and normalizes the surface of the epidermis throughout the body;
  • Applying the product with massage movements fights cellulite.

The product is hypoallergenic, so it can be used for any skin type throughout the body.


I read very conflicting reviews about this product, so I bought it at a pharmacy at a special price for several months at a time to check it myself. Oil is consumed very quickly. For dry skin on the chest, stomach, and thighs it lasts about 2 weeks. Moisturizes the skin and does not cause allergies. It would be good for the face as a treatment, but, as you would expect from an oil, it is very oily. It dries on the body, but does not look good on the face if the skin is oilier. Only at night, and there is a feeling that the skin is not breathing. Regarding stretch marks: the effect is almost zero. Almost - because the old ones have not diminished, although new ones have not appeared. For comparison, the “Mom Comfort” cream removed fresh stretch marks very quickly. If applied to the inner thigh, an all-night adventure is guaranteed: it itches and does not dry out.


I bought it to prevent stretch marks. The belly is growing, you need to take care of your skin. And the oil performs this function. No stretch marks. The next thing I wanted to correct was stretch marks on my hips. There are no changes here, but again it hasn’t gotten any worse, so we’ll assume that the oil did the job, especially since I grew up in these places too.


The oil is recommended for use during pregnancy from the second trimester, advertising on TV says the same. And with what a confident voice the girl advertises it! I decided to play it safe in advance and started using it at 9 weeks. I didn’t notice any obvious changes in the skin; after application it was covered in an oil film, despite the fact that I didn’t just smear it, but rubbed it in with massage movements! The next morning, the skin was not nourished, but rather dry. And then some blue threads began to appear on the chest. Spider veins, I thought. Yeah, naive squared. And after a little time, the “stars” grew all over the chest in all directions. And then the bitter truth dawned on me: these are stretch marks! But I started using it in the first trimester! By this point, the oil has run out, I obviously won’t buy another bottle. The oil not only did not help in the fight against stretch marks, but did not even help reduce existing ones.


Bio-Oil oil contains many active components that help eliminate stretch marks. However, as consumer reviews indicate, the product does not quite cope with the tasks announced by the manufacturer. The product is able to prevent the formation of stretch marks and remove fresh stretch marks. Bio-Oil does not remove old scars.

  • Author: woman
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A little history with geography

What kind of product is Bio-Oil, reviews of which can be found in huge numbers?

The recipe for the miracle product was developed by specialists from the Swedish company Union Swiss, and it is produced in South Africa. However, it was not only in our homeland that the magical properties of Bio-Oil were appreciated. Reviews about it are left by residents of Hong Kong and the Netherlands, Poland and America, South Korea and Australia. The whole world managed to get acquainted with the new product.

In 2013 alone, the useful product won 81 awards, today the number has increased to 200. Bio-Oil received a safety rating. Recently the fame of the product has reached Russia.

Indications for use and side effects

During clinical trials, the main directions of action of the drug were identified. Practically, you can use it to care for any skin. The oil is used for:

  • Scars:
  • Burns;
  • Stretch marks;
  • Post-acne scars;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Symptoms of skin irritation.

If you use Biooil for stretch marks, you may be one of the lucky ones whose stretch marks become almost or not noticeable at all. If the use of the drug is due to post-acne scars, you must conscientiously adhere to the precautionary rules. Since mineral oils contain certain petroleum products (paraffin, wax, etc.), they often cause allergies. Or they lead to the appearance of inflamed red subcutaneous tissues.

Therefore, do not overdo it, although Bio-oil oil has a universal effect. Any cosmetologist will answer you about the use of mineral oils on the skin of the face: everything is individual. But in most cases, acne is complicated by the development of inflamed pimples because mineral oils have comedogenic properties.

However, there is no direct evidence of the harm of the Biooil product. It meets high environmental requirements established by special international organizations.

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