Avocado oil for the face - properties and applications, the opinion of cosmetologists

Avocado oil has been actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for several centuries, both internally and externally. This is due to the rich biochemical composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to this, the product is widely used in facial and body skin care.

Avocado oil is recommended for any skin type, but is especially indicated for dry and aging skin. It is suitable for inclusion in any cosmetic products and use as a base for masks.

  • Homemade anti-aging cream
  • Applications
  • Contraindications
  • general description

    The avocado fruit is actually a berry, but it happens to be called a fruit. It grows in Chile, as well as other countries in South America, the USA, New Zealand, and Australia. “Alligator pear” is a superfood, as it is a source of valuable vitamins and minerals.

    The fruit oil is a base oil and is widely used in the cosmetics industry. Its properties are used in folk medicine, as a wound-healing agent, and as a means to restore skin after burns.

    It is obtained by cold pressing and belongs to natural base oils, without additives or preservatives. Unrefined has a light emerald hue, a barely pronounced nutty taste and aroma. It undergoes primary mechanical filtration, thanks to which it is possible to preserve all the beneficial properties. Refined avocado oil has a light yellow color, a neutral creamy taste, and no aroma.

    It goes through several degrees of filtration; during the cleaning process, some of the valuable components are lost. But removing impurities increases the shelf life of the product.

    Avocado oil is a basic cosmetic oil and has nourishing, moisturizing, protective, and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from the refined and unrefined product, there are no other varieties such as avocado ester.

    The unique composition of the product is similar in structure to human skin lipids. Therefore, the liquid is easily absorbed and does not cause irritation even to sensitive allergenic skin.

    Widely used in face and body care creams, massage mixtures, masks and hair conditioners. It is a basic component of anti-aging complexes, including entire series of products. Also included in foundations and foundations, it prevents flaking, dryness, and protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

    Mask options

    There are various recipes for cosmetic formulations prepared with the addition of alligator pear oil. Here are the most popular ones.

    With oatmeal

    To prepare the composition you will need oatmeal or flour obtained by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder.

    Take a heaping tablespoon of flour and pour it with warm cream so that you get a mass of cream consistency. Let the mixture stand for about a quarter of an hour, then add 10 ml of avocado oil to the mixture. Stir. Apply for twenty minutes. Remove the mixture using a dry swab; after removing the mixture, you will need to wash your face. This composition is excellently refreshing, as it helps remove the top layer of dead epidermal cells.


    This composition tightens and smoothes out fine wrinkles. You need to take a spoonful of thick sour cream (preferably homemade), and beat it with the addition of avocado and peach oils (5 ml of each) and three drops of lemon ether. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


    To refresh your complexion and smooth out wrinkles, a banana composition is perfect.

    A puree is prepared from half the ripe fruit, mixed with liquid honey (half a teaspoon) and alligator pear oil (a tablespoon). Apply for half an hour to the skin of the face, not excluding the area around the eyes.

    With dry yeast

    The basis of this composition is dry instant yeast. A spoonful of this product should be mixed with natural yogurt until a thick mass is obtained and half a teaspoon of liquid (heated) honey. Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes and add 10 ml of avocado oil. Grind and apply with a brush for half an hour.

    With clay

    You will need blue cosmetic clay, which must be diluted with cold water until a creamy mass is obtained. After ten minutes of infusion, 10 ml of avocado oil and 3 drops of verbena oil are added to the mixture. Grind and apply for a quarter of an hour.

    With Dimexide

    First you need to prepare a mixture of oils by mixing equal amounts of oil - avocado, castor and olive. In a separate bowl, dilute a teaspoon of Dimexide solution with ten teaspoons of cold water.

    Wipe cleansed facial skin with a swab in Dimexide solution, and then immediately apply a mixture made from oils to moisturized skin. After half an hour, you need to rinse off the composition with plenty of warm water.

    Warning: make sure that Dimexide does not cause a negative skin reaction. Under no circumstances apply undiluted medication to the skin, as this may cause burns.

    Kefir with honey

    Take all the ingredients one tablespoon at a time.

    Heat the honey until soft and grind it with kefir and alligator pear oil. Then fresh yolk is added to the mixture and everything is beaten well. Apply with a brush for a quarter of an hour.


    This is a very simple but effective composition, which is prepared from two ingredients taken in equal volumes. You need to mix honey and alligator pear oil. To achieve homogeneity, the mixture will need to be heated and whisked. Apply with a brush for twenty minutes. The result of the procedure is tightened, fresh skin.

    Application in antiquity

    Archaeological excavations in Peru confirm the use of oil for household and cosmetic purposes. The Aztecs were the first to use avocados, and the Mexicans cultivated the plant and contributed to its spread throughout South America. Mexican beauties used the oil for facial care and also applied it to their curls to moisturize and shine their hair.

    In the 16th–17th centuries, avocados were brought to Europe and America, and the fruit was gradually exported to Indonesia and Africa. Due to the difficulties of transportation, only in the homeland of avocados could beauties use the product to preserve beauty and freshness. The most valuable oil was obtained from the pulp of ripe, ripe fruit; Europeans could only enjoy the excellent taste of the overseas fruit.

    Interesting to know! Avocado oil is a well-known aphrodisiac. Among the Aztecs it was considered the best wedding gift for a young couple.

    Use in cooking

    The ingredient is used as a salad dressing, frying or stewing foods. The burning point is 220°C, and during heating the oil does not emit dangerous carcinogens. Moreover, sudden changes in temperature do not affect the taste palette of the product. Many oils begin to taste bitter or give off an unpleasant metallic odor; with an avocado ingredient, such a nuisance will not happen.

    Buy cold-pressed oil, which is obtained from the pulp of ripe, nutritious fruits. Only such a product will bring maximum benefit not only to taste buds, but also to health.

    In cooking, avocado oil is used to replace other vegetable oils. The ingredient can be used for:

    • marinades;
    • sauces (the most delicious mayonnaise is made from avocado oil);
    • gas stations;
    • frying;
    • baking;
    • extinguishing;
    • baking (as a binding element).

    Researchers at Loma Linda University have shown that fatty acids from avocados affect appetite. Monounsaturated substances suppress the feeling of hunger and its primary manifestation – appetite. Fatty acids contain soluble fiber. It enters the body and forms a thick paste-like gel inside. This gel passes through the intestines and slows down metabolism. Food takes longer to be absorbed by the body, and a person feels full for a long time.

    Beneficial features

    The natural product is known for its nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. It has a magical effect on the skin due to the content of valuable components:

    • vitamins A, E, groups B, C, D are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the integument, effectively fight irritation, inflammation, facial wrinkles, support the lipid mantle, and neutralize the influence of aggressive environmental factors;
    • saturated fatty acids provide skin nutrition, maintain energy balance, stimulate regeneration processes, prevent dryness, dehydration, regulate metabolism, activate healing;
    • zinc stops the spread of infection, prevents the appearance of acne, accelerates healing, relieves itching and redness;
    • a complex of minerals promotes normal cell formation, maintains water-salt balance, affects blood flow and oxygen saturation;
    • phytosterols are involved in collagen synthesis, slow down the process of fiber destruction, and are recognized anti-aging elements against various types of wrinkles;
    • chlorophyll activates blood flow, improves the elasticity of capillaries, prevents the formation of rosacea stars, helps saturate the skin with oxygen and nutrients, has powerful antioxidant properties, and prevents early skin aging;
    • histidine provides nutrition and regeneration, promotes rapid restoration of integument after mechanical, chemical exposure, is responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and restores the dermal framework;
    • squalene easily penetrates the skin, restores the water-lipid balance, prevents dryness, dehydration, protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infections, and is effective in the fight against premature aging;
    • lecithin stimulates the formation of new cells, neutralizes free radicals, and is a conductor of nutrients.

    Structural and functional features of newborn skin

    Recent studies have shown that the skin of a healthy full-term newborn is structurally and functionally immature compared to the skin of an adult; the process of physiological maturation continues during the first year of life. The main function of the skin is to maintain internal homeostasis by preventing water loss, thermoregulation and protection from external influences and the penetration of microorganisms.

    The barrier function of the skin mainly depends on the integrity of the outermost layer, the stratum corneum, its structure is similar to a brick wall in which the corneocytes, the “bricks”, are surrounded by intercellular lipid plates that act as a mortar, which ensures the integrity and permeability of the skin at the same time. During differentiation, the plasma membrane of the outer keratinocytes is replaced by the keratinized membrane of corneocytes, which gives the cells a certain rigidity.

    The skin of the fetus can quite fully realize all functions already from the 30th week of gestation; at the 34th week, the epidermis is already well developed in the fetus; by the 37th week, the stratum corneum is almost completely mature. The upper layer of the epidermis, despite its thickness of only 7–35 microns, which is on average 20–30% less than that of an adult, mainly performs the protective and regulating functions of the skin barrier. Corneocytes in newborns are smaller, since after birth there is active cell proliferation, but cell maturation occurs relatively slowly, this process continues in the second year of life. Newborn skin is also more susceptible to stretching and shrinking due to the weak dermoepidermal junction. After birth, adaptation to the ectopic environment changes the hydration of the stratum corneum, the surface pH of the skin, and the permeability of the stratum corneum to water, which affects transepidermal fluid loss (TEFL). The stratum corneum of the skin of newborns and infants contains more water, but less natural moisturizing factors, because of this, skin hydration at birth decreases, TPE increases, and therefore the skin of newborns after birth is much drier than that of adults. The hydration of the stratum corneum and the pH of the skin surface constantly change during the neonatal period, and the rate of these changes depends on the body site and the care of the child [2–4]. During the first month of life, skin hydration in infants increases and continues between 3 and 24 months of age. becomes higher than in adults [5, 6]. During this period, the stratum corneum smoothes out. Skin water content also influences barrier function by regulating the activity of hydrolytic enzymes that are involved in the maturation and desquamation of corneocytes. Components of the natural moisturizing factor in corneocytes, such as free amino acids, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, lactic acid, urocanic acid, organic acids, peptides, sugars, urea, citrate, glycerol and many others, contribute to the hydration of the stratum corneum. Filaggrin, one of the markers of terminal differentiation of the epidermis, also provides hydration of the stratum corneum, is broken down into free amino acids, which are further metabolized to hygroscopic derivatives, such as pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, a glutamine derivative, and urocanic acid, a histidine derivative.

    At birth, the pH of the skin characterizes the environment as alkaline. In the first seven days, the pH changes from almost neutral to neutral, followed by a decrease over the course of a month, as the acidic reaction of the skin provides protection against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms [7]. Insufficiently formed acid mantle and skin microbiome, gradual maturation of the immune defense system cause a higher risk of pathological microbial colonization and the frequent occurrence of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases in newborns and infants, especially with defects in care.

    Currently, the effect of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1α on the maturation of the skin barrier of the fetus and newborn is being actively studied. It has been established that the relatively low level of this cytokine increases in the neonatal period, which may contribute to the maturation of the skin barrier [8]. Microbial colonization of human skin begins immediately after birth, but the necessary balance between the numerous microorganisms colonizing the baby's skin is achieved only by the end of the first year of life. It has been suggested that microbial colonization of the skin during the neonatal period significantly influences the development of skin immune function and possibly the maturation of other barrier functions, as well as the development of the immune system in general [9].

    Thus, the immune defense system of the skin of a newborn and a child of the first year of life, consisting of immediate nonspecific (innate immunity) and delayed (adaptive immunity) mechanisms, is in the process of maturation, which makes their skin vulnerable.

    In the keratinocytes of the granular layer, lipids are synthesized - precursors of ceramides, free fatty acids (FFA), cholesterol, some of which are then released from lamellar bodies into the space between the stratum corneum and granular layer, while the remaining lipids are secreted onto the surface of the skin by the sebaceous glands (cutaneous salo). The barrier that ensures skin permeability depends on the state of the intercellular matrix containing ceramides, FFAs and cholesterol. After secretion from lamellar bodies, intercellular lipids are modified by enzymes and become intercellular lamellae. They mainly consist of saturated fatty acids, among which palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), behenic (C22:0), lignoceric (C24:0) and hexacosanoic (C26:0) acids predominate [10] . Content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic (C18:1, n-9), eicosapentaenoic (C20:5, n-3), arachidonic (C20:4, n-6), docosahexaenoic (C22:6, n-3) acids , as well as linoleic acid (C18:2, n-6) and its derivatives - linolenic [α-linolenic (C18:3, n-3), γ-linolenic (C18:3, n-6)] and dihomo-γ -linolenic (C20:3, n-6) acids, significantly less in the stratum corneum than saturated fatty acids. Linoleic acid is the most common polyunsaturated fatty acid; however, in addition to linoleic and arachidonic acids, other FFAs are also synthesized in keratinocytes [11].

    The epidermis is also characterized by active metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic acid, the major 18-carbon n-6 polyunsaturated FFA in normal epidermis, is metabolized in the epidermis through the 15-lipoxygenase pathway, mainly to 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid, which has antiproliferative properties [12].

    Arachidonic acid, the second most important polyunsaturated FFA in the skin, is another substrate of 15-lipoxygenase, by which it is converted to 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE). 15-HETE inhibits leukotriene B4-induced chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear neutrophils [13]. However, arachidonic acid is mainly metabolized through the cyclooxygenase pathway into prostaglandins E2, F2α and D2. At low concentrations, prostaglandins modulate skin homeostasis, whereas at high concentrations they cause skin inflammation and hyperproliferation of keratinocytes [14].

    Indications for use

    Cosmetologists recommend using it throughout the year, enriching finished cosmetics or creating home care recipes.

    Efficiency of use:

    • a variety of creams, masks, applications based on avocado oil are suitable for anti-aging therapy, allowing to reduce the depth of wrinkles and reduce their number;
    • helps get rid of hyperpigmentation caused by age-related processes or the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
    • improves complexion, refreshes, eliminates bags under the eyes;
    • with regular use, it is possible to get rid of crow's feet, remove bags around the eyes, by restoring the elasticity of thin, delicate skin;
    • prevents dryness, flaking, recommended for use to restore skin after peeling, scrubbing and other cosmetic procedures;
    • used in the formation of stretch marks, an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite, must be included in daily care for women working on weight loss;
    • Should be used to care for the delicate skin of the lips; it will be an excellent base for makeup;
    • in case of hair loss, cross-section of porosity, you can enrich conditioners and maxis to activate dormant follicles, restore nutrition, and a natural remedy will protect curls from burning out, preserving the depth and shine of the color.

    The oil has a moderate degree of comedogenicity, so testing is recommended before use on oily, porous skin. If after application the amount of acne increases within a day, then it is better to discard this product.

    Recommended for whom?

    Avocado oil is a universal product that helps solve a lot of different cosmetic problems. Product:

    • will help to quickly get rid of rashes - acne, pimples;
    • saturates cells with vitamins;
    • will provide the necessary hydration;
    • relieves peeling;
    • will give the skin tone;
    • will tighten, eliminate sagging.
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    Where is the best place to buy

    It is recommended to purchase unrefined oil; the cold pressing method allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties. Purchases must be made in stores that provide quality certificates for products. also pay attention to the following aspects:

    • You need to purchase it in a container with darkened glass, exposure to light negatively affects the quality, the oil turns brown;
    • a high-quality product has a light nutty aroma and a green-emerald color; the main beneficial elements are lost during filtration; a yellow liquid is unlikely to achieve the desired cosmetic effect;
    • It is recommended to make a purchase at a pharmacy or chain store specializing in eco-cosmetics;
    • You need to carefully study the composition; often unscrupulous manufacturers sell avocado extract with active additives, passing off the product as oil.

    The cost of 30 ml is from 50 to 180 rubles; the price is determined by the country of origin, as well as the production method. It is recommended to store in a place protected from sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 25°. After opening, you can store it in the refrigerator and heat it in a water bath before use.

    Unrefined oil retains all its properties for 6-9 months, refined oil - from 12 to 18 months.

    Attention! It is quite simple to understand whether a product is spoiled; it has a distinct rancid odor and a brown color. It is better to avoid using such liquid.

    Product selection rules

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    Regardless of the purpose of the purchase (cosmetic procedures or cooking), choose only cold-pressed oil. It is safe for the human body and is subject to all types of heat treatment. Cold pressing prevents the entry of chemicals into the composition of the final product. The result is an organic plant product that remains pure and as healthy as possible.

    Pay attention to expiration dates and ingredients. Choose only high-quality, fresh and certified products. The composition should not contain unknown components, fragrances, fragrances, etc. Focus on a simple rule: the simpler the composition, the healthier the product.

    Evaluate the container in which the oil is stored. This should be a glass or plastic sealed container that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation and is reliable. The color of the oil can vary from pale green to golden (depending on the degree of processing and manufacturer). If possible, check the smell of the ingredient. The product should produce a clean, vegetal aroma that is very similar to a ripe avocado. If there are notes of rot or chemical impurities in the aroma, refuse the purchase and find a more responsible seller.

    General recommendations for use

    To achieve the desired transformation effect, it is worth knowing the secrets of proper application:

    • Before use, it is recommended to heat the oil in a water or steam bath; as the temperature rises, it reveals its beneficial properties to the maximum;
    • should be applied to skin cleansed of makeup; the viscous oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties; micellar water can be prepared from it;
    • for application it is convenient to use a wide brush, which will allow you to evenly apply the product to the entire surface of the face, the direction of movement is along the massage lines; instead of a cosmetic brush, you can apply it with your fingertips;
    • It is recommended to enrich ready-made formulations, creams, tonics, emulsions with oil, but combine them immediately before use; do not add the natural product directly to the jar;
    • is universal for all skin types, but those with dry, sensitive, dehydrated skin will especially appreciate its beneficial qualities;
    • can be used throughout the year, in winter it will protect from exposure to low temperatures, in summer - from the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
    • there is an addictive effect, so after using for 2-3 months you need to take a break using other base oils;
    • The natural product can be used on the skin of the hands, neck, and décolleté; the product not only has anti-aging properties, but also protects the dermis from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals.

    Directions for use on the face

    The base oil can be used as a base for homemade recipes, as well as for enriching finished cosmetics. The product has no age restrictions and is used to protect delicate baby skin from aggressive environmental factors. also an excellent anti-aging product that prolongs the freshness and youth of the face.

    Can be used in its pure form, replacing the use of moisturizer.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cleanse your face and treat with toner according to your skin type.
    2. Spread a few drops of warm oil on your face, following the massage lines.
    3. Half an hour is enough for absorption, blotting the surface with a napkin, then you can start applying makeup.

    Eye mask

    Provides nutrition and saturation with active elements, helps strengthen thin capillaries. Thanks to regular use, it is possible to restore skin elasticity and prevent the formation of crow's feet.


    • 5 ml avocado oil;
    • 5 ml parsley juice;
    • 5 ml yogurt.

    Combine warm nourishing oil with natural yogurt, add freshly squeezed parsley juice. Clean the skin of the eyelids with cosmetic milk, apply the finished product with a brush from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner in a generous layer. Leave to act for 20 minutes, then carefully remove with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week

    Eye patches

    You can create popular patches yourself using natural ingredients. This procedure for the delicate skin of the eyelids will relieve dark circles and puffiness and relieve fatigue. There are no age-related contraindications, an effective way to preserve and restore elasticity properties.


    • 5 ml avocado oil;
    • 10 gr. aloe gel;
    • 1 gr. shea butter

    Heat avocado and shea butter in a water bath, then mix with aloe gel. Cut out small patches from cling film and, using a spatula, evenly distribute the prepared cosmetic mass onto them. Clean the area under the eyes of makeup; to achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to moisturize with thermal water. Apply and straighten the patches under the lower eyelids and leave to act for half an hour. After removing the film, distribute the remaining composition with light tapping movements of your fingertips.


    An effective way to get rid of puffiness, normalize blood flow and lymph movement. It is recommended to use not only when characteristic bags appear, but also to prevent the formation of wrinkles and give expressiveness to the look. It also has a beneficial effect on eyelash growth, stops hair loss, and makes hair elastic.


    • 10 ml chamomile decoction;
    • 10 ml avocado oil.

    Prepare a concentrated chamomile decoction, strain, combine with nourishing oil. In the evening, remove makeup from your face, soak cotton pads in the prepared liquid, close your eyes, and put a compress on top. Rest for about half an hour, then you can complete the treatment. After removing the discs, there is no need to apply additional cream; the product will provide nutrition throughout the night.

    Micellar water

    Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it can be used to cleanse the skin. The product is suitable for all types of dermis, effectively removes impurities, lipids, and softens dead cells. Regular use promotes moisturizing, whitening, improving color, and restoring the dermal framework.


    • 100 ml Borjomi;
    • 10 ml avocado oil;
    • 5 ml grape seed oil;
    • 5 drops of bergamot ether.

    Heat a little avocado and grape seeds in a water bath, then combine with ether. Mix the mixture with mineral water and pour into a prepared bottle with a dispenser. Shake thoroughly before use, use morning and evening, wiping the skin with a sponge.

    Mask for dry skin

    Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps restore hydrobalance. Regular use will help avoid the appearance of premature wrinkles and provide the cellular matrix with vitamins and fatty acids.


    • 10 ml avocado oil;
    • 5 ml jojoba oil;
    • 5 gr. honey;
    • 10 gr. cocoa powder

    Heat the nutritious oils in a water bath and mix cocoa and honey separately. Combine all ingredients, cleanse face of cosmetics, moisturize with a compress or thermal water. Distribute the composition along the massage lines, avoiding the eyelids and lips. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining mask with a damp sponge and apply moisturizer. Repeat the mask 3-5 times a month.

    Mask for oily skin

    Helps normalize lipid synthesis and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. With regular use, it is possible to tighten pores, cope with oily shine, and reduce the amount of acne.


    • 10 ml avocado oil;
    • 10 gr. blue clay;
    • activated carbon tablet.

    Crush the coal into powder, combine with blue clay, add oil. If the texture is too thick, dilute with mineral or thermal water to the consistency of sour cream. Clean your face and steam with a warm compress. Distribute the mask along the massage lines and leave for 15 minutes. After rinsing with cold water, apply zinc ointment to the acne. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times a week.

    Whitening mask

    To remove pigmentation and restore an even tone, it is recommended to include an avocado mask in your care. The product allows you to refresh the skin, activate blood flow, and saturate the skin with oxygen and nutritional ingredients.


    • 10 ml avocado;
    • 5 ml lemon juice;
    • potato.

    Peel the root vegetable and grate it on a fine grater. Add lemon juice and nutritious oil to the pulp. Clean your face, steam thoroughly, apply the mask in a generous layer, avoiding the eyelid area. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure in a course of 7–10 sessions.


    This natural product will not only protect your skin from the scorching sun, but will also allow you to achieve a beautiful, even tan. The cosmetic product can be used throughout the year, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


    • 100 ml avocado oil;
    • 20 gr. coffee;
    • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.

    Heat the oil in a water bath, add coffee, cover the dish with a lid. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Then strain through cheesecloth, heat again and add lavender essential oil. Pour into a dark glass bottle and apply to face half an hour before going outside.

    Lip balm

    Suitable for use in winter and summer, cares for thin skin, prevents dryness and flaking. It is also an excellent base for makeup and can be used with matte lipsticks, avoiding the formation of cracks.


    • 10 ml avocado oil;
    • 5 gr. coconut oils;
    • 10 gr. beeswax.

    Melt the wax in a water bath and gradually add nourishing oils. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Then pour into a prepared dry jar. Leave the composition to harden; after a few hours you can use it, covering your lips with a thin layer.

    Avocado oil for dry skin

    Are you worried about dryness and flaking on your face? Try avocado oil massage. After washing, do not wipe your face dry. Massage a small amount of oil into damp skin. The product will easily penetrate open pores and deliver moisture deep into the epidermis. Another easy hydration hack: add a few drops of avocado oil to your day cream or make your own homemade face oil.

    Avocado oil is present in many face creams and serums from well-known cosmetic brands. Manufacturers use the unique ability of avocado oil to quickly penetrate the skin.

    Pure use

    This product can be used as a moisturizing facial serum, that is, applied to dry areas after washing the skin and before using day or night cream. Facial oil is also used for a special cleansing method - the so-called oil wash.

    Washing with oil allows you to cleanse the pores of sebum. Apply the oil to your face, then place a cloth warmed in warm water on your skin, hold it on your face, and remove dirt and excess oil with the cloth.

    Step-by-step instructions: how to make facial oil

    1. Take a dry and clean bottle.
    2. Fill 2/3 of the volume with avocado oil.
    3. Pour another nourishing oil of your choice into the remaining third of the container: jojoba, olive, emu, tamanu.
    4. Add 3-4 drops of lavender or rose essential oil (optional step).
    5. Shake the bottle well to mix the mixture.

    Homemade oil can be stored for about a year if the container is kept away from sunlight.

    How to use facial oil

    Immediately after washing, wet your face with warm water to open the pores. Pour some oil into your hand and spread the product onto the fingers and palms of both hands. While your face is warm, press your palms with the oil to your face for a few seconds. Wait until the product is absorbed (two minutes) and then you can apply moisturizer and makeup as usual.

    Apply facial oil to warm, damp skin. But there is no need to rub your face with oil!

    Moisturizing face mask with avocado oil

    A face mask is an effective way to combat dry skin. The best time for this procedure is evening. Try to relax during the mask and not be distracted by gadgets. Then all the ingredients in the composition will be able to act more effectively on the skin.

    Preparing the mask

    The mask requires only two ingredients: avocado and avocado cosmetic oil.

    1. Cut the ripe avocado into small cubes.
    2. Add a small amount of avocado oil.
    3. Using a fork, soften the avocado and butter until smooth.
    4. Apply the mask to dry areas of the face and leave for 10-15 minutes.
    5. Wash off the mask with warm water and a cleanser appropriate for your skin type.

    Application for lips, eyelashes

    Avocado oil can be used not only for facial skin. It is known to be used for eyelashes and eyebrows; the vitamin-rich composition promotes strengthening, growth, and elasticity. With regular application, it is possible to stop hair loss and prevent discoloration.

    It is recommended to apply valuable liquid to restore eyelashes after extension and lamination procedures.

    The composition saturates the follicles with nutrients, promotes the formation and growth of healthy hairs. To prevent hair loss and stimulate growth, apply the oil to eyelashes after applying makeup before going to bed.

    The product is great for moisturizing and nourishing the delicate skin of the lips. Antimicrobial properties prevent the appearance of herpes; the product can also be used in the treatment of a viral disease. It is recommended to use a natural product to soften and protect lips during the winter.

    By the way! Makeup artists use it as a base before applying make-up; the oil is quickly absorbed, prevents the occurrence of cracks, and promotes long-term preservation of lipstick on the lips.

    The effect of oil on skin regeneration and restoration

    In addition to the fact that avocado oil is a moisturizing and nourishing product for the skin, it also stimulates recovery processes. When used in the form of masks, it promotes the production of collagen and estrogen. Skin cells produce these substances on their own, but sometimes their levels decrease.

    With such disorders, the action of vitamins C. A and E activates these processes. As a result, skin cells are restored and rejuvenated faster. As a result, the formation of age-related wrinkles slows down, and the skin smoothes out and becomes elastic. Additionally, other microelements contribute to this: zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium.

    But it is impossible to achieve such effects in one or two uses of products with avocado oil. A course of 10–15 procedures is required, and the higher the age, the more of them may be needed.


    Alligator pear oil is widely used in cooking. Nutritionists recommend including the product due to its content of fatty acids, unsaturated fats, magnesium, as well as youth beauty vitamins A, E, D.

    Regular use will allow you to immediately feel the positive effects:

    • the product helps eliminate toxins formed as a result of poor nutrition, drinking alcohol, smoking, activates the renewal of cells of systems and organs, neutralizes the effects of free radicals, reduces the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases;
    • prescribed by nutritionists for patients with various forms of obesity, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, avoids the formation of plaques, stimulates the heart, prevents the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes;
    • the content of lutein ensures the maintenance of visual acuity, helps to avoid retinal detachment, the occurrence of cataracts, the substance is not produced by the body, so it is important to ensure it is supplied with food;
    • enriching food with avocado oil stimulates digestion processes, improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals, prevents gas formation and the appearance of a feeling of heaviness, has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis, and helps restore the integrity of the mucous membrane of internal organs;
    • It is recommended to use in the fight against excess weight, as well as in maintaining the achieved results, the product suppresses the feeling of hunger, thanks to its rich composition it helps to reduce the consumption of sugar and salt;
    • fatty acids and vitamins promote youth and freshness of the skin not only when applied topically; regular use improves skin firmness and elasticity, prevents the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of inflammatory processes.

    Both refined and unrefined oil are used in cooking. The smoke point of the product exceeds 250°; you can season not only salads and ready-made side dishes. Used for frying meat, fish, vegetables, baked goods; when heated, carcinogenic compounds are not formed in the composition.


    • individual intolerance, the fruit is an exotic product, it is recommended to check tolerance before use, should not be used by allergy sufferers;
    • chronic and acute liver diseases are a direct contraindication for consuming avocado oil;
    • when carrying out drug therapy, including taking blood thinning drugs, a doctor's consultation is necessary; the product may reduce the effectiveness of the drugs;
    • It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation; use may cause allergies or digestive disorders in expectant mothers.

    Even with normal absorption, you should not abuse the product. You can include no more than 10 ml of oil in your diet daily. This volume is enough to saturate the body with useful components and remove oxidants and toxins.

    What vitamins does the oil contain?

    Avocado oil contains vitamins and microelements in large quantities. This makes it a valuable health product and an excellent flavor additive.

    Vitamins Content, mcg
    Vitamin A 937,5
    Alpha carotene 5208,3
    Beta carotene 5208,3
    Vitamin D (calciferol) 10,4
    Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 15,6
    Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 125
    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 93,8
    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1,6
    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1,9
    Vitamin B3 (niacin) 20,8
    Vitamin B4 (choline) 520,8
    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 5,2
    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 2,1
    Vitamin B7 (biotin) 52,1
    Vitamin B8 (inositol) 520,8
    Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 416,7
    Vitamin B11 (L-carnitine) 680
    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 3,1
    Vitamin B13 (orotic acid) 312,5
    Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 31,3
    Vitamin N (lipoic acid) 31,3
    Vitamin U (methylmegionine sulfonium) 208,3

    Vitamin A helps get rid of inflammation on the skin and has an anti-aging effect, helping to maintain good vision. B vitamins normalize intracellular processes, increase skin tone and prevent photoaging. They also ensure the normal functioning of internal organs, participate in metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, and regulate blood sugar. Vitamin E slows down the aging process and stimulates collagen production. Vitamin C helps the body fight infections and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, promotes blood clotting and normalizes heart function.

    Microelements Content, mcg
    Calcium 1041,7
    Iron 10,4
    Iodine 156,3
    Magnesium 416,7
    Phosphorus 833,3
    Potassium 2604,2
    Sodium 1354,2
    Zinc 12,5
    Copper 1
    Manganese 2,1
    Selenium 72,9
    Fluorine 4166,7
    Chromium 52,1
    Silicon 31,3
    Chlorine 3125
    Molybdenum 72,9

    It is important to know. Avocado oil is the record holder for the content of healthy monounsaturated fats (about 70%), second only to olive oil.

    If you care about your health and try to consume only high-quality and healthy products, you should pay attention to other vegetable oils. In the catalog of the online store olivias.ru you can order peanut, argan, coconut, almond, pistachio and walnut oils.

    Precautionary measures

    There are no contraindications for the use of oil other than acute inflammatory rashes. Testing for a possible allergic reaction is also recommended. Apply a small amount of product to the cleaned surface of the wrist or the bend of the elbow. If after half an hour no irritation or redness appears, then it can be used on the entire surface of the face.

    It should be used with caution for oily types; the average degree of comedogenicity can lead to clogging of the ducts and the formation of acne.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Avocado oil is considered a universal base oil; many cosmetic products can be created based on it. The beneficial properties are actively used not only for aesthetic purposes; it is popular in folk medicine, as well as in cooking. It is worth assessing all the advantages and disadvantages of a natural product, not forgetting about possible contraindications.


    • has a moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating effect, can be used for skin, hair, eyelashes, lips;
    • recommended for the delicate skin of the eyelids and the area around the mouth; regular use helps prevent the appearance of facial and static wrinkles;
    • protects against ultraviolet radiation, promotes uniform distribution of tan, effective prevention of pigmentation;
    • suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, medium comedogenicity allows use for oily, inflammation-prone dermis;
    • avocado oil is successfully used to strengthen and grow hair, an effective remedy for eyelash loss;
    • has antimicrobial and wound-healing properties, recommended in the complex treatment of skin diseases;
    • Combines with other base oils and essential compositions.


    • Before use, you need to test the composition, exotic oil can cause an allergic reaction;
    • Not recommended for oily skin with severe inflammation.

    Avocado oil for the skin around the eyes

    A product with avocado oil effectively moisturizes the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles. The effect of young and plump skin is created. However, oils should be used with caution on the skin around the eyes. It is not recommended to overload thin skin; it is not able to absorb large amounts of anti-aging ingredients. Cosmetologists warn about the so-called over-care effect. It is most often characteristic of the skin around the eyes. There comes a time when the thinnest skin becomes “overfed” and loses its ability to absorb valuable ingredients. This skin fatigue leads to premature aging; the epidermis ceases to produce collagen itself.

    When using avocado oil for the skin around the eyes, do it no more than 2-3 times a week, and apply the product with the oil in a thin layer.

    Lightly massage the skin around your eyes with avocado oil before bed. Just take a drop of oil on your fingertip and spread it under your eyes with smooth movements. This is a good prevention of swelling, dark circles and wrinkles.

    If we talk about personal feelings from using facial oil, then I am a fan of modern facial oil. They really can change all ideas about skin hydration. My favorite method is applying pure oil to a steamed face after washing. It is difficult to imagine such effective hydration. The foundation then applies very smoothly, without any imperfections. I rarely use oil for the skin around my eyes. I don't want to burden my skin with fats. The fact is that sometimes I use eyelash serum with castor oil while sleeping, and its composition migrates to the skin of the eyelids overnight. I think this amount of oil is enough for the thin skin around the eyes.

    Reviews from cosmetologists

    Professionals choose cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Many experts have already assessed the effectiveness of avocado oil in skin care cosmetics.

    The cosmetologist describes the properties of the anti-photoaging cream, which contains avocado oil, hyaluronic acid, and grape seed oil.

    The specialist writes that avocado cream can be used under makeup.

    The cosmetologist indicates what can be used to whiten the skin. Describes the sunscreen properties of avocado cream that nourishes and softens.

    Home remedies

    You can quickly prepare a simple oil compress at home. To do this you will need two drops of oils:

    • chamomile;
    • roses;
    • sandalwood;
    • orange

    Add the ingredients to a tablespoon of avocado oil and soak regular paper napkins with the mixture. They need to be applied to problem areas for half an hour twice a day.

    This method helps get rid of wrinkles and smooth out the skin of the eyelids. If the problems are minor, the effect is noticeable after the first five procedures.

    You can quickly prepare a simple oil compress at home.

    User reviews

    On the forums you can find many reviews of people who have successfully used natural facial care products.

    The user writes about the natural composition of the oil, a good effect after the first use. Recommends use for all skin types.

    In the review, the participant writes about the benefits of oil care and the possibility of using it for both cleansing and massage. The main thing is to choose products that suit your skin type; avocado can be used for oily dermis that is prone to inflammation.

    The girl writes that oils are not suitable for her skin as care. But avocado oil is used for lips in winter.

    The user notes a good effect of use, but expresses doubts about the naturalness of the oil of a certain brand.

    Other opinions can be found on the forum.

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