Lymphatic drainage massage: what is it, contraindications and indications

Lymphatic drainage massage is a great way to improve your health and appearance. During the procedure , lymph exchange is stimulated, processes that remove harmful substances from the body are activated . Metabolism improves, fat breakdown processes are launched, muscles become toned and the immune system as a whole is strengthened.

As a result of treatment, cellulite can be completely eliminated and problems with the vascular system can be solved. Next, you will learn more about how important good lymphatic drainage is and what the benefits of hardware massage are.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual massage can be performed superficially and deeply, as well as acupressure. Since lymph moves from the limbs to the heart, the massage is performed in this direction.

During the massage, special massage lines are used, which cannot be crossed, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite of what was expected. But sticking to this rule is not at all difficult - the body itself will tell you where exactly you need to press.

  1. Superficial massage is performed throughout the body in the direction of lymph movement using gentle, smooth circular movements with light pressure. This type of massage improves the functioning of surface capillaries, stimulates the removal of excess fluid and waste, and prevents the formation of vascular spasms.
  2. Deep lymphatic drainage massage works deep muscles and tissues, circular movements and pressure are performed stronger and more energetically. Most often, this massage is performed where fat folds form: on the stomach, thighs and buttocks.
  3. Point lymphatic drainage directly affects the lymph nodes. The movements must be neat, precise and undulating, so as not to cause harm instead of benefit.

What is the lymphatic system

The human body is penetrated by lymphatic vessels. Unlike blood, lymph is completely colorless and contains fewer proteins and nutrients. Its tasks are different - to remove toxins from tissues along with liquid. Another important function is the delivery of lymphocytes and macrophages to areas affected by infections and bacteria.

Dysfunction of the lymphatic system can lead to such a dangerous disease as lymphostasis. There can be many reasons, but the main ones are:

  • chronic fatigue and stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • low physical activity.

Insufficient movement of lymph through the vessels causes stagnation of intercellular fluid. This dysfunction is partially compensated by the kidneys and blood circulation, but toxins accumulate, and this affects health and attractiveness. The following signs indicate the appearance of lymph flow disorders:

  • varicose veins;
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • excess weight;
  • circles under the eyes;
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • decreased protective functions of the body.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

For this type of massage, special devices are used. For example, vacuum massage is performed using both conventional cans and special equipment.

This includes LPG devices for vacuum and vacuum-roller therapy.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage accelerates the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid, removes excess lymph from the intercellular space.

The following types are also widely used using special equipment:

  • electrotherapeutic lymphatic drainage massage,
  • galvanic massage. Under the influence of microcurrent, immune metabolic processes are activated, which relieves tissues of excess lymphatic fluid.
  • electroiontophoresis. With this type of exposure, a useful complex of drugs and vitamins is introduced under the skin using electric current.

Popular questions and answers

How to increase the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage at home?

Ekaterina Taratynova, founder of the Honey and Oil massage studio: Firstly, proper makeup removal.
Remnants of makeup, if not removed, will get into the pores during the massage, clog them, and inflammation will begin. You also need to choose the right cleansers, toner, and face cream. If skincare products are not suitable for you, it will harm your facial skin. Secondly, under no circumstances should you use oils: neither hydrophilic nor even special oils are suitable for facial massage. They form a film on the surface of the skin that disrupts the hydrolipid balance, that is, your skin, on the contrary, will dry out. She will not receive any nutrition or hydration. For massage, take your face cream that you use in everyday life.

Thirdly, massage must be done along massage lines. They can be viewed on the Internet.

What should you avoid when performing lymphatic drainage facial massage on your own?

I would not recommend using jars without first attending a seminar or watching a video tutorial. If you use cups on your face incorrectly, you can leave bruises on your face and also burst capillaries. You should not give a facial massage to those who have problems with skin rashes - serious acne, herpes. Already inflamed skin will be irritated under intense massage influences, and this will only worsen the situation.

Beauty injections and lymphatic drainage facial massage: how to combine correctly?

Yulia Evgenievna Zakharova, cosmetologist at clinic 18/81: There are a great many injection techniques, the quality of the skin should always be a priority, and then modeling. Lymphatic drainage massage can be combined well with mesotherapy and plasma therapy; they can be alternated - the result is potentiated. But I would strongly recommend botulinum therapy, filler injections and thread implantation after a course of massage. At a minimum, so as not to reduce the results of the injections, and at a maximum, so as not to provoke complications. Therefore, after injection procedures, I recommend avoiding massage for a while.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the massage to be effective, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • on the eve of the procedure and during the entire course, do not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid at night;
  • conduct a session three or more hours after eating;
  • Before the procedure, clean the skin and take a shower;
  • After the massage, immediately drink a glass of clean water.
  • Lie down for 15 minutes after the procedure.

It is advisable to increase the course of lymphatic drainage massage procedures to 10-12 sessions. After 6-12 procedures, results will appear: headaches will disappear, constant fatigue will disappear, the skin will become smoother, elasticity will appear, metabolic processes in tissues will improve.

How many sessions do you need?

After the first session, which lasts approximately 30-40 minutes, you will feel better: the heaviness in your legs and muscle pain goes away, and a feeling of lightness appears. Restorative and metabolic processes will start in the body, and this effect will last for more than one day. However, to eliminate problems and improve the condition, you need to undergo at least 5-8 sessions. In some cases, this number is extended to 10-15 (it all depends on the state of health at the time of starting therapy).

At the end of the course, patients experience weight loss and improvement in general condition, the number of visible veins and vessels decreases, and swelling disappears. It is recommended to repeat the course once every six months. To consolidate the results, you need to combine lymphatic drainage massage with exercise and proper nutrition.

Lymphatic drainage for weight loss and against cellulite

It is worth special mentioning the value of lymphatic drainage massage in the fight against “orange peel” and excess weight. When applied to the thighs and abdomen, active blood flow is activated and lymph removes the breakdown products of fat cells. As a result, the waist becomes thinner and the volume of the hips decreases. Excess fluid leaves the body naturally, which eliminates swelling.

The procedure can cure even advanced stages of cellulite. Lumpiness on the thighs and abdomen disappears, the skin becomes smoother. Patients also note the appearance of firmness and elasticity.

Results after 2 procedures of manual lymphatic drainage

Home care

Home care plays an important role in maintaining youthful facial skin after 40 years for women. You should regularly use age-appropriate products with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. In the evening, use more active complexes (night creams, serums, ampoules), since skin restoration processes take place at night.

Cosmetic products with retinol will also be useful - this is an effective anti-age component.
And in the fight against free radicals, which contribute to cell aging, antioxidants included in the care, for example, vitamin C, help. Remember that cosmetics with retinol and vitamin C require applying sunscreen before going outside. In addition, it is better to take care of your skin with retinol in autumn and winter. Vitamin C, on the contrary, is especially indicated in the warm season, as it additionally protects against pigmentation.

What results should I expect and when?

Even after the first procedure you will notice changes. The trousers will fit more loosely than before. This will happen as excess fluid is released from the fat cells. The entire course of such a massage will allow you to remove 5 cm of volume in the hips and this is not the limit.

The first degree of cellulite can be cured with 3 or 4 manual massage procedures. The session usually lasts about an hour. For the second degree, 4 to 6 procedures are needed. The third degree of cellulite is removed in 8 or 9 sessions. For the best effect, the procedures are carried out with a break of one day.

How to massage yourself

If you don’t want to spend money on a cosmetologist, then read carefully how to do facial lymphatic drainage with your own hands. Also stick to the technique we wrote about above.

First - cleansing. Use a special product like soft foam or mousse. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and other contaminants.

Warm up. Take some serum or oil and apply it to your hands. First you need to warm up the cervical lymphatic trunk. Using light circular movements clockwise, first massage your neck, then your face and head. Using circular movements, massage these areas in the following order:

  1. Chin
  2. Cheeks
  3. Bottom of eyes
  4. Forehead

Now tapping, vibrating movements and pinching. All these manipulations help stimulate blood circulation.

Finish the procedure with stroking to now soothe the skin.

Watch the video on how to do a vacuum massage using a miracle jar.

First, apply oil or serum to your face. Start the massage from the chin. Perform the movements first on the left side, then on the right. Gradually move to the upper zones.

Benefits of pressotherapy

  • No discomfort during the procedure;
  • Maximum muscle relaxation;
  • Complex effect on the whole body;
  • Relaxing effect both during and after the procedure;
  • Highly effective against cellulite and sagging skin;
  • Lack of rehabilitation period;
  • Massage effect without leaving home;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Improved digestion;
  • Beneficial effects on the nervous system, as a result of which sleep is normalized.

Distribution of lymphomassage zones

Depending on personal indications, physiotherapy covers the body with leanness, or focuses on one or several problem areas. Our clinic's massage therapists practice lymphatic drainage massage of the back, abdomen, chest, arms, and legs.


Lymphatic drainage of the upper extremities relieves stagnation of lymphoid fluid. In return, the patient receives tightened skin and freedom of movement. Pain in the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints disappears. The feeling of numbness in the fingers disappears, muscle tone increases. The procedures are recommended for patients who have undergone surgery on the mammary gland in the armpit area. Lymphomassage of the hands will be useful for people whose professional activities involve repeated rotations of the forearm and are accompanied by increased physical activity.


Massage lymphatic drainage of the mammary glands can be called the basis for the prevention of mammological diseases - fibroids, cysts, mastopathy, cancer. Massage sessions help maintain tissue elasticity, youth and breast shape.

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience


Massage techniques have an anti-cellulite effect, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of diseases of the hepatobiliary system. The procedure significantly reduces stretch marks, eliminates a significant mass of visceral fat, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall. In just one session of lymphatic drainage massage you can lose up to 3-4 cm in the waist, in a full course of physiotherapy you can get rid of the “lifebuoy” on the stomach, sides, and upper thighs.


Lymphomassage restores the tone of skeletal muscles, relieves pain in the spine, and returns the ability to actively move and play sports. Therapy is especially indicated for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.


Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs is one of the most effective methods of preventing varicose veins. Improving lymph flow and hemodynamics helps eliminate spider veins (telangiectasia), relieves nighttime muscle spasms, relieves heaviness and fatigue, and strengthens the calf muscles. Cosmetic effects can reduce stretch marks and cellulite changes, tighten the skin, and get rid of excess fat.

Face and neck

Lymphatic drainage massage of the neck and face is a safe method of combating age and facial wrinkles, morning swelling, and skin aging. Normalizing the movement and speed of lymph flow provides a rejuvenating effect, creates a good mood, and gives self-confidence.

Who will benefit from the procedure?

Lymphatic drainage massage will be useful for everyone, even as a preventive measure. But you should especially pay attention to this procedure if:

  • Are you worried about constant swelling?
  • Have you noticed an unhealthy complexion?
  • you have sagging and sagging skin
  • the skin began to actively age
  • mimic wrinkles appeared
  • muscle tone has decreased significantly
  • There are skin problems (scars, acne, stretch marks)
  • Are you worried about general fatigue?

All these signs may indicate malfunctions of the lymphatic system.


Excess weight accumulates in the form of fat and connective tissue. Fat cells increase in size, and connective tissue grows around them. These growths can impinge on nerve endings, increasing tissue soreness, which manifests itself during massage of particularly sensitive areas (for example, the inner thighs).

To obtain a tangible and lasting effect, it is necessary to conduct a course of massage procedures. Usually, after the first two sessions, a visual decrease in volume is observed, but you should not stop there, since this result is achieved mainly due to improved lymph outflow, and the fight against fat mass is still ahead. Usually at least 6 massage sessions are required. In some cases, it is recommended to undergo 10-15 sessions. The optimal frequency of the procedure is 2-3 sessions per week.

After the massage, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Since massage lowers blood pressure and has a sedative (calming) effect, you need to be careful when getting behind the wheel, or it is better to hold off on driving. You should not drink coffee or take drugs that stimulate the nervous system.

How it works?

Such a concept as “lymphatic drainage massage” appeared relatively recently - in the middle of the last century. Its developer was Pascal Coche, a doctor from France. He noted that with regular exposure to lymph flow lines, patients get rid of edema much faster. After some time, he decided to apply the principle of lymphatic drainage to the treatment of venous insufficiency. And this time the technology exceeded all expectations.

Today, the method of lymphatic drainage massage discovered by Kosh is widely used not only in medicine, but also to solve many cosmetic problems. Excellent results are shown by sessions of such a massage when losing weight, correcting body contours and removing water from the body.


Thanks to the targeted effect on lymph currents, cells more easily release toxins and breakdown products. As a result, inflammation processes in skin tissues are inhibited. After lymphatic drainage, in addition to waste and toxins, excess fluid leaves the cell. Your weight returns to normal.

Lymphatic drainage of the face: Before and After

Principle of operation

The pressotherapy system consists of a hardware unit and an inflatable suit. The suit, which is put on the patient like clothing, has many separate chambers (4-8 in the pants, and up to 20 in the “shirt”). Pressurized air is supplied to these chambers, inflating and deflating them in a specific sequence.

Peristaltic unidirectional action causes fluids (lymph and blood) to move, freeing the limbs from stagnation. The suit is designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person from elastic material that fits perfectly to the body. The devices have from 2 to 8 operating modes, the combination of which is selected individually for each patient.

The press suit consists of pants and a shirt, which together can treat all areas of the body. But you can also perform a separate pneumatic massage of the legs or torso and arms.

The hardware lymphatic drainage massage device was developed based on the observations of specialists such as physiotherapists, plastic surgeons and sports medical experts.

The massage usually lasts 30-50 minutes. A person can sit or lie down, completely relax and enjoy the procedure. During the process, the doctor can adjust the massage regimen according to the patient’s wishes.

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