Modern methods of skin and face rejuvenation at 30, 40, 50 years old

The most common reason for visiting a cosmetologist is facial rejuvenation

How do I know what procedures I need for facial rejuvenation?

Soft anti-wrinkle filler
This question is often asked by patients even before visiting a doctor, because they want to at least get an idea of ​​what to expect and what the cost of rejuvenation will be. It’s worth saying right away that it’s possible to determine for sure only during an examination, but in general we can guess what procedures will be required.

If you are bothered by wrinkles on your skin in the form of facial wrinkles, then Botox can help you deal with them. Particularly deep creases are filled with a soft filler based on hyaluronic acid.

If you don’t like the tired look of your face, then it is very likely that a specialist will suggest volumetric correction with filler to restore sunken areas and return the points of light reflection characteristic of a young face.

If you are concerned about the quality of your skin, then a whole range of procedures is possible here, from active treatments and peelings to stimulating procedures - laser rejuvenation, fractional radio wave lifting, biorevitalization, peptide mesotherapy.

IPL treatment with intense broadband light (photorejuvenation)

If you are unhappy with your skin color, then the following options are possible. For a red, vascular face - anti-rosacea treatments, IPL treatment with intense broadband light (photorejuvenation), biorevitalization. If dissatisfaction is associated with age spots, then home-brightening and protective care is prescribed, peelings, injections of meso-preparations with antioxidants, and hardware photorejuvenation using special parameters are carried out in the office.

Tissue tightening - SMAS lifting

The sagging oval of the face often requires a set of procedures, the first ones are aimed at tightening the tissues - SMAS-lifting, micro-needle RF (Fractora), reinforcement with polylactic threads. The second way to return them to their place is thread lifting.

Does your neck show your age? Be prepared for collagen-stimulating procedures - injections of polylactic acid, Radiesse, soft fillers in rings, laser rejuvenation and micro-needling RF.

If you want to stay youthful without injections, then get ready for more and more frequent procedures. In the case of professional treatments and peelings, the main thing is regularity. It is better to start “aging naturally” with a cosmetologist at the age of 25, while there are no obvious problems.

Facial rejuvenation by a cosmetologist

It happens that all problems are somehow present on the face, especially for women after 40-45 years. What to do then? In this case, during the examination, the doctor determines the most critical areas, work with which will definitely improve the appearance. And when prescribing a set of procedures, he often starts with them. The work scheme can be planned for at least 3 months, at least for a year. We always give recommendations on how to do it perfectly, while focusing on the wishes of the patient.

The most important thing is to understand that there is no one universal procedure that will simultaneously solve all problems on the face. However, in modern cosmetology there are many procedures that, when applied and combined correctly, give amazing results.

Facial rejuvenation - Whatever one may say, one of the most common reasons for visiting a cosmetologist. To look fresher, get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes, tighten up sagging cheeks, smooth out wrinkles, improve skin tone, make the face less sad and tired - these are all requests from patients that a competent cosmetologist can turn into reality. Fortunately, the range of techniques is now wide and safety procedures are not inferior to the most modern medical technologies. And at the same time, a pronounced effect of facial rejuvenation can be obtained without surgery.

Cosmeceuticals (home and professional care)

A modern cosmetologist thinks broadly, refers to colleagues (gynecologist-endocrinologist, nutritionist), because he understands that health and beautiful skin are unlikely without working on rejuvenation of the whole body. The big advantage of modern techniques is that the doctor not only fills wrinkles, but has the opportunity to work on all fronts.

Genetic tests reveal a predisposition to certain processes in the body, this also applies to the skin, so preventive treatment programs can be drawn up.

Preparations, cosmeceuticals (home and professional care) contain substances whose activity has been proven in terms of cellular rejuvenation. This allows you not only to improve the quality of the skin externally, but also to launch restoration processes in cells, stimulate the formation of collagen fibers necessary for the skin, for example, reduce the risk of the appearance of age spots and spider veins.

Some of the most popular procedures are injection and hardware techniques.

  • Injections can reduce skin sagging, improve its color and tone - these are mesotherapy techniques.
  • Botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles that give negative facial expressions and form wrinkles - between the eyebrows, on the forehead, wrinkles of grief from the corners of the lips, cords on the neck.
  • Fillers replenish lost volume in the cheek-zygomatic, temporal, and chin areas, restore the contour and shape of the lips, and fill deep folds.
  • Thread lifting returns sagging tissues to their place - cheeks, eyebrows, “double” chin.

The magic of these techniques is that the procedure takes very little time, and the effect is visible immediately or increases over the course of a week. When you need to get your face in order quickly, beauty injections are the ideal choice.

What are anti-aging (rejuvenating) procedures

Every woman has approximately equal chances of getting one of two things by age 50: a “peach” face or a “baked apple” face. Preserved youth or decrepitude.

Yes, there are insurmountable factors that can add extra years to your life, such as genetics and hormonal imbalances. But often it all depends on how you live: what you eat, how you feel, how active you are, how you take care of yourself. And the first violin in this orchestra of youth is played by rejuvenating procedures.

Humanity has been trying to invent the “elixir of youth” for thousands of years. Everything was used: hallucinogenic drinks, eating dried snakes and toads, breathing of young girls, cauterization...

With the development of science, we have received a rationale for what helps and what hinders prolonging youth.


food waste, stress, ultraviolet radiation, alcohol, cigarettes...


movement, positive emotions, regular and high-quality intimate life, vitamins, unsaturated fats...

And, of course, rejuvenating procedures. There are a huge number of them, and huge amounts of money are being made from them. Hundreds of billions of dollars (!) a year are earned from all kinds of “youth injections,” hardware techniques, threads, and aesthetic operations.

Yes, now these are not fly agarics with vipers, but “pharmacological discoveries”, “technical inventions”, “innovations” - in general, all kinds of fruits of progress with tricky names. Botulinum therapy, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasmolifting, contour plastic surgery, RF lifting, SMAS lifting, photorejuvenation, cryolipolysis, dermabrasion, blepharoplasty, thread lifting, fractional laser rejuvenation... The list is endless.

But, alas, the true impact of modern anti-aging techniques on the body is still very poorly understood. In most cases, there are no full-fledged scientific studies that would reflect the consequences of cosmetic intervention even for several years in advance, let alone in the long term.

Such studies are partly impossible due to the relative novelty of cosmetology in principle, but the main thing is that they are also unprofitable. If science recorded all the consequences of “punitive” cosmetology, it could greatly undermine the industry.

After all, most salon procedures are a fiction, a short-term appearance of youth, behind which lies the deterioration of tissues.

This does not mean that facial rejuvenation is impossible. Against. Effective methods exist, and this can be confirmed by millions of participants in MelAnnett beauty marathons.

But first things first.

Hardware rejuvenation methods

Hardware rejuvenation methods work more thoroughly. They do not give a very quick effect, but they can significantly improve the density and elasticity of the skin and tissues of the face and neck in general.

  • Laser rejuvenation
  • Fractional rejuvenation
  • Ultrasound techniques for facial and body rejuvenation

- these are the main trends in facial skin rejuvenation for several years now.

The machines are becoming more and more advanced, they allow you to work not only on all layers of the skin, but also at the level of the ligamentous apparatus of the face. Patients receive lifting, smoothing of skin texture, and smoothing of wrinkles.

The result of hardware rejuvenation procedures is slowly increasing, usually the maximum is manifested after 3-6 months.


  • Allergy to sunlight and/or light;
  • Taking retinoids in the last 6 months; taking medications that increase skin sensitivity to light over the past month;
  • Significant sun tanning or chemical tanning (use of tanning creams, etc.);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • Malignant skin formations;
  • Keloid scars, precancerous skin conditions;
  • Cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator;
  • Thromboembolic diseases;
  • Infections with a violation of the integrity of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, infections caused by the herpes virus, etc.) in the area of ​​treatment;
  • Bleeding disorders or use of medications that reduce blood clotting;
  • Laser skin resurfacing within the last 3 months;
  • Allergies to nickel (individual).

Effective rejuvenation at home

Options for home rejuvenation against the backdrop of all modern methods are not only inferior, but generally humbly receding into the distant past. Not a single mask or beauty gadget can work a miracle, the maximum is adequate cleansing and moisturizing. The most offensive thing in this case is the lost time. Removing formed creases and making sagging skin denser is three times more difficult. There is no need to talk about the financial component and time costs.

Effective rejuvenation at home is more of a fantasy. However, we should not forget that, for example, adequate physical activity, a balanced diet, self-massage, working with posture - these are things that are available to absolutely everyone at home, and will definitely have an extremely positive effect on one’s appearance and, in particular, the face.

Indications for anti-aging procedures

Anti-aging procedures are primarily addressed to women 30+. It is generally accepted that it is at this age that the skin turns from young to mature.

Although facial aging is not only a story about skin. Also important: muscle tone, posture, neck statics, mobility of the tendon helmet, blood circulation, lymphatic drainage. In order for this entire structure to work smoothly, you need to instill the right habits from childhood.

And it is optimal to start doing anti-aging procedures at the age of 20-25. After all, it is at this age that the mechanisms of aging begin. They may not yet be visible on the face, but the processes are already taking place, the blood flow is gradually beginning to deteriorate. And the sooner you begin to reverse negative processes, the longer you will remain young.

When do anti-aging treatments become mandatory (if, of course, you strive for beauty)? Then when you observe the following signs on your face:

  • loss of skin elasticity, decreased turgor,
  • floating contour of the face, “squaring” the oval,
  • cheeks and jowls sliding down,
  • wrinkles, folds, creases: from crow's feet to nasolabial lips,
  • drooping corners of the lips and wrinkles of sorrow going down from them,
  • bags under the eyes and swelling,
  • drooping corners of the eyes and drooping upper eyelids,
  • dull complexion, age spots,
  • thinning of the skin, increased sensitivity.

Defects in the neck and décolleté area are also added here: sagging skin, “rings of Venus”, “turkey goiter” (tissue sagging in the form of a drop under the chin).

Facial rejuvenation after 50 years

The approach to facial rejuvenation after 50 years and, for example, after 30, of course, is different. In the first case, complex effects cannot be avoided, because often the quality of the skin leaves much to be desired (sagging, wrinkles, spots), and the volumetric component is lost. Moreover, during orgasm, processes take place, including those of a hormonal nature, which do not help the work of a cosmetologist in any way, but rather the opposite. But in the case when patients come on time, about 30 years old, when all resources are still preserved, age-related changes on the face have just appeared, then the cosmetologist has the opportunity to give results quickly, with minimal costs, and most importantly, focus on the prevention of aging.

Prices for procedures

Name of serviceprice, rub.
Consultation with a cosmetologist, Ph.D. with writing a treatment program 2 500
Altera (ULTHERAPY)price, rub.
Middle and lower third of the face (not including the submental zone) 266 lines65 200
Middle and lower third of the face 390 lines82 000
Middle and lower third of the face (including submental zone) 680 lines115 500
Neck 150 lines37 500
Neck 300 lines70 000
Submandibular zone (chin) 140 lines35 800
Neck (including submental zone) 270 lines68 300
Lifting and facelift (full face, including submandibular area) 800 lines130 000
Anesthesiaprice, rub.
Cannula1 500
Application anesthesia1 000
Lidocaine1 000
Ultracaine1 200

Full price list

Facial rejuvenation procedures

The very first thing you need to do when the thought strikes you that it’s time to do procedures is to make an appointment with a cosmetologist. There is no point in looking for a universal procedure, sifting through reviews on various Internet resources, comparing the power of devices and the density of fillers.

All this knowledge is undoubtedly useful for the general development and understanding of the topic, but it will not allow you to choose your own procedures, because facial assessment skills and all practical nuances are available only to a professional.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

How you feel after the anti-aging procedure is also important.

After surgical, injection, and hardware techniques, the rehabilitation period is most often painful. Bruises, hematomas, scars, swelling, irritation, wounds, bruises, etc. are common phenomena.

And restrictions can be very uncomfortable for life. There may be taboos on the sun, sports, makeup, baths, saunas, diet... Often you can’t just touch your face or take a horizontal position.

What about natural rejuvenation? There is simply no rehabilitation period. The worst thing that can happen is that you will feel a pleasant tingling sensation from the rush of blood in the worked area and a slight ache in your body. Even out of habit, bruises may appear after cupping (they will go away later).

All these are signs that the right processes are being launched in the body.

Cosmetic procedures for mixed types of aging

It is also important to note that the same patient may show signs of different types of aging. For example, thin skin with decreased elasticity and pronounced fat packets that change the contour of the face. In such cases, the cosmetologist’s approach when choosing lifting procedures will be combined.

In addition, when selecting procedures for a facelift without surgery, it is important to take into account the structural features of the patient’s skull bones. For unpronounced cheekbones and upper jaw, the cosmetologist will recommend adding volume to the cheekbones and middle third of the face using fillers. This is exactly the case when filler is injected into certain areas so that, as the patients themselves say, “everything is tightened up.” In such situations, the introduction of filler helps to improve the shape of the face.

Changes in facial oval with gopoplasia of the lower jaw

Patients with an undeveloped lower jaw often complain of a swollen oval face. If you look at the wrong kind of patients in profile, the face looks a little slanted. With an undeveloped lower jaw, chin contouring with fillers can be achieved to achieve a clear oval face.

In conclusion, I would like to say that cosmetic lifting procedures are fundamentally different from surgical circular facelifts. During the operation, the surgeon separates the skin from the underlying tissue, sutures the SMAS, moves the skin to a new position and fixes it in this position, and also excises excess skin.

Cosmetic procedures are work to improve the quality of the skin, strengthen ligaments, work at the level of subcutaneous fat, and harmonize facial proportions. Thanks to this integrated approach, a lifting effect is achieved. And in most situations, it is necessary to resort not to just one lifting procedure, but to a combination of procedures, individually selected depending on the constitution, features of the anatomical structure and the severity of ptosis. It is also important to understand that in order to maintain the beauty and youth of your face without surgical interventions, you do not need a single visit to a cosmetologist, but systematicity and regularity. All of the listed cosmetic procedures can be done in our cosmetology clinic Code Beauty Medicine in the city of Dolgoprudny.

Material prepared by: dermatologist-cosmetologist N.A. Solovykh.

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