How to get rid of wen on the eyelids? Drug and surgical treatment

With age, each person's skin condition changes - pigment spots, new moles or formations appear. It’s especially unpleasant when you notice small fatty spots on your face, under your eyes. They usually do not hurt or itch. Their presence is simply disturbing, brings uncertainty about their attractiveness and irritates. However, you should not try to get rid of this irritating factor on your own, because you can harm your health (especially in the eye area). Wen is the popular name for various formations on the body that contain fat. Wen include lipomas, atheromas - cysts of the sebaceous glands, milia - epidermal cysts, xanthomas, xanthelasmas, chalazions, etc. White sebaceous pimples with a dense cap, which often appear under the eyes, are benign formations. They are otherwise called epidermal cysts or milia.

Rice. 1. Wen above the eyes - milia

What is a wen under the eye?

Lipoma is a small tumor. They usually occur as a result of metabolic failures due to clogged pores. A wen differs from a pimple in that such blemishes cannot resolve on their own, but will only compact, harden and turn into a rash.

A fatty tissue under the eye is a benign tumor of the skin of the eyelid, consisting of adipose tissue. Symptoms: mobile, round, yellowish tumor from 3 mm to 1-2 cm.

Diagnosis based on examination. Treatment is surgical for advanced cases; smaller lipomas are treated locally.

Very often lipomas settle on thin areas of the skin. The main problem is that it is very difficult to remove them, since the process is painful.

Under the thin skin there are many small capillaries. Therefore, an incorrectly performed procedure is dangerous due to the appearance of bruises and other adverse consequences for the visual organs.

Lipoma is localized from the edge of the upper or lower eyelid, in the corners of the eye. They are soft to the touch, do not hurt, dimensions vary from 3-5 mm to 1 cm or more. Typically, lumps become large within 3-5 months, but it happens that the neoplasm appears unexpectedly - in a matter of days.

Self-removal of a wen under the eye is dangerous due to infection of the entire body and/or loss of vision.
It is forbidden to warm up the formation, since elevated temperatures provoke its breakthrough and, as a result, blood poisoning.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

Fatty deposits that appear on the face do not pose a threat to health and vital functions, but people are trying to find information on how to get rid of growths, since this causes significant psychological inconvenience.

Folk remedies

Among the traditional medicines for wen, you can try the following:

  1. Wen are lubricated with iodine , in which a cotton swab is moistened. The procedure is repeated once a day for a week . The method is suitable for removing only small cones and when there is a predisposition to their self-opening.
  2. Using a meat grinder, chop a small onion, after which laundry soap is grated. You should get the same amount of shavings in volume as onion gruel. Both components are mixed, wrapped in a bag of gauze or natural fabric and applied to the formation as a compress. It must be applied overnight for several days, so the compress should be additionally secured with a bandage.
  3. In a ratio of 1 to 5, tincture of burdock or golden mustache and vodka are diluted . The product is infused for a week; the seals should be lubricated with it up to four times a day.
  4. Gauze is soaked in freshly squeezed aloe juice , which is applied to the wen once a day for 5-10 minutes. The effect of using aloe is usually achieved within a month.

For reference! By themselves, such drugs are relatively safe and their use does not have serious side effects.

But care should be taken to avoid contact with the eyes, as this can lead to chemical burns to the mucous membrane and cornea.


There are the following types of growths:

  • Nodes having a lobular cross-section.
  • True lipomas are subcutaneous lumps of a certain size that rise above the skin of the face. The skin over these growths does not change.
  • Xanthoma is an uneven yellow spot that does not protrude from under the skin.
  • Millium is a small, granular white acne that protrudes from under the skin. A diffuse connective tissue capsule is not observed in such a situation. Xanthelasma and millium are often observed in older people, as their eyelid becomes much more susceptible, and therefore such formations actively increase in size.
  • Fibrolipoma is characterized by connective tissue that has grown inside.
  • Atypical lipoma - appears in areas of brown fat formation.

The last 3 types of wen are quite rare.


The causes of lipomas under the eyes are not fully understood. Some experts believe that they are interconnected with the presence of atypical fat cells in the body during birth. They include:

  • heredity;
  • improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • overeating, the presence of high-fat foods on the menu, which can provoke the accumulation of lipids inside the body;
  • damage to minor blood vessels;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • use of inadequate quality cosmetic preparations;
  • diabetes ;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system - as a result, the rate of elimination of decay products and fat cells from the body decreases or finally stops.

Wen removal

Wen removal is a method of therapeutic intervention when the tumor reaches a size of 10 centimeters or more.

Excessive alcohol consumption is also a provoking factor.

The choice of therapy varies depending on the factors that triggered the formation of lipomas under the eyes. A positive result will be achieved with complex treatment, which is accompanied by adjustments to the internal state and external changes.

Why do wen occur?

Lipomas often occur in areas where there is excess subcutaneous fat. Obese people are most predisposed to their occurrence. To date, the causes of formations have not been fully identified, which significantly complicates their treatment.

Among the main versions of the appearance of lipomas is the uncontrolled growth of adipose tissue, the pathology of fat cells. However, there are several other popular versions. So, the reasons for their appearance:

  • metabolic disease;
  • constant overeating;
  • kidney and genitourinary system disease;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • skin injuries.

The appearance of small wen on the eyelids may signal that there are certain disorders in the body. This often concerns the endocrine and digestive systems. Only a specialist can identify the cause of the violation.


Lipomas often appear under the eyes are white, some have a yellow tint. Wen are characterized by a soft structure, small in size (about 2 mm), often cover the upper eyelid, and occur near the eyeballs. Despite the fact that at first a lipoma does not pose a threat to health and seems only a cosmetic defect, if proper measures are not taken, it can transform into a malignant formation.

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A small wen may begin to develop. In such a situation, it can touch the nerve endings, which is dangerous for the organs of vision.

It should be noted that lipomas can appear in various places around the eyes, but never on the eyeball itself. When a growth appears that resembles a wen on the eyeball, then this neoplasm is of a different type - a pinguecula. When it appears, as well as during the process of a growth, you should immediately contact a specialist.

What to do if a wen appears on the eyelid

If a wen appears on the eyelid, it should not be touched under any circumstances. Doctors believe that this formation in this place is the least dangerous, since the risk of a significant increase in the wen on the eyelid is minimal. As a rule, the maximum diameter of the formation is 1.5 cm.

If a small wen appears on the eyelid, you should contact an appropriate specialist to be sure that it is really a lipoma and not another formation. Wen removal surgery is recommended to be performed by a qualified ophthalmologist.


The study of lipoma under the eyes is carried out through palpation and external examination. Detecting a wen is quite simple. Moreover, this can be done externally - you just need to look at the growth near the eye. It has specific features.

For example, a neoplasm is a hard lump (compared to other pimples and rashes), which has a smooth outline and shape. These defects come in different shades in color - from white to yellow.

When the wen is too large, the specialist decides to remove it. A special diagnosis must first be carried out when the fatty part is taken for examination. When a specialist sees that a growth on or under the eye has an adverse effect on vision, he recommends additional consultation with an ophthalmologist.

During the implementation of diagnostic measures, in order to determine subsequent actions, the size of the lipoma is assessed and the development of the growth is taken into account. In a situation where the tumor is growing rapidly or is already large in size, a decision is made about the need to eliminate the defect. In the process of examining a lipoma, differential diagnosis is sometimes carried out, which makes it possible to establish the nature of its origin.


There are several known methods of treating wen. It is best to find out recommendations directly from a dermatologist. It is possible to remove tumors on the eyelid using pharmaceutical products. The defect can be eliminated with the help of compresses and creams.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

This technique does not require significant investments; the key to successful treatment is patience and regularity. When choosing a treatment method, the provoking factors of the wen are determined in advance.

Drug therapy

It is carried out when the size of the growth is insignificant; the technique involves the injection of the drug. The procedure is painless and leaves no scars. It is recommended to apply balms to damaged areas; sometimes relapses occur.

Laser removal

The procedure is painless. There are no scars after using the laser. Relapses after laser therapy are unlikely. Another advantage is that the laser beam eliminates only the wen itself, without causing damage to nearby healthy tissues.

Mechanical peeling

Recommended for small lipomas.


The method involves surgical removal of the growth. Skin tissue is quickly restored. At the end of the procedure, no scars are formed. The only drawback may be the formation of a pigment spot, which disappears over time.

Puncture-aspiration method

Provides for the elimination of lipomas by inserting a needle. The adipose tissue is pulled out with a special electric pump. The fatty tissue can reappear due to improper tissue stretching.


It is prescribed if the growth is loose and of small size. The technique involves exfoliating tissue through a small puncture.


The most effective method for removing fat under the eyes. During surgery, the lipoma is removed along with the capsule. Wound recovery takes some time.

It must be remembered that this method is prescribed only in difficult situations and only according to the conclusion of a specialist. Such cases include: a significant change in the size of the growth, inflammatory processes in it or painful sensations, obstacles to vision, pressure of the wen on nearby organs.

The surgery itself is performed under anesthesia. The base of the wen is cut and the internal contents are removed through the hole made.

At the end of the procedure, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for a certain time. It usually takes approximately 2 weeks for the injured area to recover. A shallow scar will remain in this place.

It should be taken into account that a malignant formation may be hidden under the wen near the eye, therefore, before removing it, it is recommended to carry out a thorough examination. It is necessary to use for therapy only those medications that do not contain irritating elements.

Before embarking on any method of eliminating such a defect near the eyes, you should determine the size of the wen, its intensity of growth and the total number.

When lipomas form not only near the eyes, but also on the entire surface of the body, and very quickly become large in size, then a thorough, comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out. The specialist, based on the results of the examination, prescribes treatment that improves the functioning of the immune system, which reduces the risk of the formation of new wen.

How to remove a wen on the eyelid surgically

If a wen appears on the eyelid of a sufficiently large size (about 3 cm) and it negatively affects vision, this formation must be removed. The most popular method of getting rid of lipoma is surgery.

The operation consists of completely removing the fat capsule and adipose tissue that has grown on the eyelid using a scalpel. The procedure is carried out under local (if the lipoma is no more than 3 cm in diameter) or general anesthesia (lipoma more than 3 cm in diameter). The operation itself takes approximately 30 minutes. In the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics to the patient. The wound healing process usually lasts 2 weeks.


In order to prevent the formation of such unpleasant defects in the eyelid area, it is necessary to observe certain preventive measures:

  • Skin care Natural masks and non-aggressive skin cleansers will be effective. You should carefully monitor the cleanliness of your hand skin.
  • Active lifestyle. It is necessary to balance your own diet and saturate it with plenty of vitamins, include fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, vegetable and animal proteins in the menu. In addition to diet, it is recommended to exercise. But you should not abuse physical activity.
  • Controlling your own health. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland negatively affect the condition of the skin of the face. Therefore, existing diseases should not be brought to the chronic stage, but diseases that appear in the body should be treated promptly.

Various wen in the eye area appear as a result of the accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin. Pathology is formed as a result of a failure in metabolic processes within the human body.

Lipomas are observed among children and infants; patients over 40 years of age are also at risk. The pathogenesis is not associated with pain, but a cosmetic flaw causes a feeling of psychological discomfort for many.

Therapy is carried out only after a comprehensive, thorough examination and detection of the cause of the formation of the growth. Treatment involves an integrated approach. Drug therapy, laser removal and surgery are often used.

Doctors categorically do not recommend resorting to self-medication for lipomas under the eye, as this can aggravate the situation and provoke various adverse consequences that are irreversible. If you contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner, you can quickly get rid of an unpleasant defect near the eyes.

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