How to effectively clean pores on your face at home

The ducts of the sebaceous glands are necessary to remove waste products from the skin tissues and the entire body. Sebaceous secretion in moderate quantities is good for the skin, performs a softening and protective function, but if excessively produced, it causes harm: pores become clogged, comedones and inflammatory formations appear.

There are many methods to quickly get rid of clogged pores; treatment is carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home.


The main indication for treating skin with enlarged pores is the very presence of these pores. The problem may be genetic in nature, appear as a result of hormonal fluctuations, or under the influence of unfavorable external factors. At risk are people who do not eat a balanced diet, choose and use decorative and skincare cosmetics incorrectly, have oily skin and suffer from acne. A competent choice of treatment program will allow you to forget about the problem, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence.

Basic methods of dealing with enlarged pores

Face cleaning

Facial cleansing is a basic cosmetic procedure recommended for any skin type in order to cleanse, get rid of comedones, even out the color and texture of the face, as well as stimulate the regenerative properties of the skin.

AFT therapy and phototherapy

Phototherapy is a popular procedure in the fight for skin health and beauty. This technique thoroughly improves the condition of the skin, during which there is absolutely no need to lag behind the usual rhythm of life. Pores are narrowed due to the effect of light waves on chromophores - propionobacteria, which are saprophytic microorganisms that promote the secretion of sebum. As a result, the oil content of the skin decreases and the pores narrow accordingly.

Unlike phototherapy, AFT therapy is a more advanced technology of exposure to light of a narrower spectrum, which is based on the conversion of a light flux from a shorter wavelength into a part of the light flux that belongs to the useful region of a given spectrum. As a result, the flux density and light penetration into tissue increases, which guarantees the safety and effectiveness of procedures and reduces the number of required sessions. The effect of narrowing pores is noticeable after 3-4 sessions, but even in one session it is possible to achieve a visible effect. In addition, skin turgor increases, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, complexion noticeably improves, pores become almost invisible, dryness and the feeling of tightness of the skin disappear, a lifting effect appears, pigmentation, spider veins disappear, the skin becomes more delicate, silky and elastic.


The variety of peelings requires careful and individual selection for different skin types in order to narrow pores. For oily skin, salicylic and Jessner peels are ideal; for those prone to dryness, retinoic peels are ideal. It should be noted that peelings do not solve this problem radically, and therefore require systematic use.

Laser facial resurfacing

Laser resurfacing not only has the properties of a medium peel, but also tightens enlarged pores. The laser beam acts selectively, the radiation is divided into many microbeams, each of them creates a small depression in the skin in the form of a column (fraction). There is an alternation of zones with damaged and undamaged areas at regular intervals. The surface of the skin not affected by the laser beam is the source of skin regeneration, which, by tightening, helps to narrow the pores. The effect of the laser resurfacing method is that the skin not only becomes incredibly silky and smooth, but also noticeably rejuvenates due to the activation of the production of its own collagen.

It should be remembered that in order to be and remain irresistible, it is necessary not only to take care of your skin. After all, as we know, beauty comes from within. An equally important aspect of beauty and health is proper and rational nutrition. People who have a tendency to have increased oily skin and the appearance of enlarged pores are not recommended to eat fatty, overly hot and spicy foods, processed foods, smoked and fried foods. Our center’s specialists will not only select a set of skin care procedures for you, but also a balanced nutrition program.

Author of the material: Dermatologist, cosmetologist N.M. Lachinova. All rights reserved.


Cosmetology removes enlarged pores using specialized laser resurfacing devices:

  • MultiPulse CO2;
  • Dermablate;
  • Fraxel;
  • Sciton Halo.

You can also undergo RF needle lifting using Infini, or take a course of chemical peels. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are also used to treat enlarged pores. Procedures can be carried out one-time or in courses. Different methods give different effects; the choice of one direction or another will determine the duration and complexity of rehabilitation.

The advantages of procedures for enlarged pores on the face are minimal preparation, a simple recovery period, quick results, a large selection of techniques for all ages, taking into account the client’s financial capabilities. Specialists provide assistance in choosing cosmetics; you can purchase special care products directly at the clinic. Their use improves treatment results in other ways, increases the effectiveness of hardware and other procedures.

Mesotherapy against enlarged pores

Mesotherapy treats enlarged pores by introducing preparations with hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and amino acids into the intradermal and subcutaneous layers. Anesthesia is not necessary, but if pain sensitivity is high, your doctor may recommend it. After injections, the skin may turn red, swell slightly, and bruises form only when the needle hits the blood vessels. Injections will need to be done from 3 to 7, the results last for about a year.

Biorevitalization against enlarged pores

Biorevitalization for enlarged pores helps well, the results last for about a year, then the procedure is repeated. As with mesotherapy, the technique involves introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin. The element influences cell division and nutrition, and takes an active part in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The skin is nourished, smoothed, and its texture improves.

What is included in deep cleaning

Manipulations with the face have a clear sequence that must be followed, otherwise the result will be much worse than expected:

  1. Makeup remover It is carried out using ready-made or homemade products.
  2. Cleansing in different ways. For oily and combination skin, the use of masks and active scrubs is allowed; for dry skin, gel or foam is sufficient.
  3. Toning. Use water-based tonics or herbal decoctions.
  4. Steaming. You can do it over a basin with regular boiling water or prepare a complex composition according to one of the proven recipes.
  5. Cleaning: manual or vacuum, external or medial peeling - selected according to the fact, depending on the condition of the facial skin.
  6. Toning: soothing masks, tonics, use of ice cubes.
  7. Consolidation of the result.

On a note. You can't skip a single point. Pay special attention to steaming. It can be carried out in three different ways: traditionally - over a basin with hot liquid, using very warm compresses, or visiting a sauna (convenient when living in a private house, when the steam room is located under the same roof as the living quarters).


Complicated preparation for the procedure is not needed, but visits to beaches, solariums, bathhouses and swimming pools 10 days before and after will need to be postponed. Be careful when using blood thinners - they are not recommended with injections. General contraindications are chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation, acute pathologies, oncological tumors, dermatological and systemic diseases. After injections, swelling, redness, and the formation of papules are possible, which normally disappear within a few days.

Indications and contraindications

Deep facial cleansing at home helps get rid of blackheads, but acne must first be treated with medications prescribed by a doctor. Other indications include:

  • increased sebum secretion;
  • clogged, large pores;
  • change in skin color (graying, yellowing);
  • peeling;
  • age-related changes (emerging sagging skin).

Contraindications are standard for most types of cleansing:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases, including inflammatory ones (eczema, herpetic rash, dermatitis);
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • persistently high blood pressure;
  • bronchial asthma.

Advice. Be careful with medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients. You may be allergic to them.


Alternative options to beauty injections are laser and chemical peels. Peelings trigger epidermis renewal processes, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, help smooth out the surface, and narrow pores. For their implementation, retinoic, milk, phytin, and glycol mixtures are used. To achieve lasting results, you will need to complete a course of 5 procedures with an interval of 10 days.

Laser narrowing of pores on the face is actively used in cosmetology. It involves focal destruction of individual areas of the epidermis by intense laser radiation. The laser precisely damages the skin, as a result of which active processes of natural regeneration are launched and normal cell function is restored. The procedures in the course range from 2 to 5.

How to cleanse a steamed face. Home methods

How to properly steam your facial skin at home? you need to get a special device - a steamer. Of course, it can be replaced with a saucepan or bowl, but then the session will not be as convenient.

There are many recipes with herbs and essential oils. You can choose a decoction or ether for any problem and skin type.

For a problematic and oily face, a recipe with chamomile is suitable: it will help not only steam, but also remove local inflammation. For a liter of water, take 1 glass of dried flowers or half of fresh ones. The herb is poured with boiling water (not cooked), and infused for several minutes. The further process of releasing useful substances will occur during the procedure. If you don’t have a steam sauna, then simply tilt your head over the container and cover yourself with a towel. You need to sit like this for at least 10 minutes.

After, when the pores have opened, you can walk over them with a hard towel - this, by the way, is the oldest method of skin cleansing, or cleanse with streptocide. You need to act quickly - because they immediately begin to narrow. At the same time, remember that each cleaned hole will remain slightly enlarged, and in the future, it may re-fill with dirt or grease. To avoid this, immediately after finishing cleaning, wipe the skin with a piece of ice.

Photo - Steaming your face with a towel

Steaming with tea tree or eucalyptus oil is an excellent remedy for acne, problematic pimples and other blemishes. It is more difficult to breathe over such steam than over herbal steam, but reviews claim that this option is more effective. The fact is that oils contain concentrated substances that promote natural cleansing and removal of toxins. For a liter of boiling water you need to take 5 grams of the selected oil.

There are also options without using steam. It's very easy to make a steaming face mask at home. For example, a clay product is very effective. Kaolin should be mixed with hot water, add a few drops of your favorite oil to the mixture, and, if necessary, oatmeal or fruit puree. The mixture is applied in a dense layer and kept until it hardens.

Here clay performs several functions at once:

  • Gently warms the skin. This promotes gentle cleansing and is ideal for normal and combination skin types;
  • Clears away toxins and dead cells;
  • Relieves inflammation and improves color.

A chic healing mask for mature skin is made from boiled potatoes. You need to wash the root vegetable and boil it until completely cooked, then peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Apply warm puree to face, neck and décolleté. You can leave it until it cools down. Afterwards, you can carry out mechanical cleaning or peeling with salt, soda and streptocide.

How to clean the pores on your face with a mask. Treatment with modern drugs

When there is no time to visit a cosmetologist, then it is recommended to use store-bought preparations against clogged pores that cleanse the dermis, remove fat, dead skin particles, dirt, and blackheads.

Helpful advice! When using special masks for facial cleansing, you should not forget about other cleansing home procedures. If you do not regularly get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, sebaceous film and dust, then the products will be ineffective.

Black mask

Most black masks contain natural ingredients to prevent side effects. The active element of the preparations is charcoal or black clay, due to which the mixture has a rich black color. The principle of using the funds is the same:

  1. Clean the skin with warm water and detergents (foam, gel), the main thing is that the composition should not contain aggressive components that can cause irritation.
  2. Apply the drug. For uniform distribution, it is recommended to use a special cosmetic spatula.
  3. Wait until the product dries - it should turn into an elastic film.

Remove in one motion the black mask frozen on the face, which has absorbed the contents of the pores. If necessary, apply a soothing cream.

Adhesive mask

To cleanse your face, it is also recommended to use adhesives that successfully remove clogged pores, scattered blackheads, dirt and grease. The active components of the preparations loosen comedones, while simultaneously improving the structure of the epidermis, restoring silkiness and a healthy tone to the dermis.

When removing the product, the loosened contents of the pores are removed and the greasy film is removed. Do not overuse - just one procedure per week is enough.

What are pores and why are they needed?

Pores are microscopic holes in the skin that serve as a kind of filter between cells and the external environment.

Pores perform 3 functions:

  • remove decay products that appear during metabolism;
  • saturate skin cells with oxygen;
  • perform an aesthetic function, allowing the epidermis to look tightened and smooth.

When the pores are enlarged, sebum appears on the surface of the skin, covering it with a thin film. This type of skin is classified as oily, prone to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and acne.

The sebaceous gland comes out through the pores of any person, but in different quantities. When the holes are too small, it is difficult for the skin to get rid of unnecessary substances, it becomes tight and unprotected. The hydrolipid mantle is not formed, which leads to dryness and excessive sensitivity.

What you need to know about contraindications

Those women who have the following reasons will have to refuse cleansing procedures:

  • A viral skin disease that is in the acute stage, for example, a herpes rash;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Infectious pathologies;
  • The period of bearing a child, lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Allergy to components of cosmetic products.

It is advisable to pre-test masks and scrubs on a small area of ​​skin before proceeding.

How to save the result

On the day when the pores have been cleaned, you should not use aggressive products. It is advisable to purchase milk or foam.

Do not injure your skin with scrubs. It is highly undesirable to touch your face with your hands; it is better to use nourishing masks. They will restore and moisturize the skin. It is good to use antiseptic solutions, wipe your face with a decoction of sage and calendula.

After cleansing, blood circulation improves and metabolic processes are activated. This is the most favorable time for skin care.

Masks made from olive oil with protein, parsley juice and sour cream will have a positive effect. You are allowed to put potatoes, melon, watermelon, and cucumber on your face.

Main stages of cleansing

For improved performance when cleaning pores, it is important to follow the sequence of actions. Below we briefly describe the proposed scheme.

Steaming pores

First of all, you need to carefully remove your daytime makeup. Pre-apply emollients to the skin to maximize pore opening. The best option would be hot herbal compresses. You can also make steam baths.

Steam the herbal composition in advance and give it time to brew. Then dip a terry towel in it, squeeze it a little, and apply it to the surface of your face. Leave the compress on for a total of five minutes. If the towel cools quickly, dip it again in the warm herbal solution. For dry skin, three minutes will be enough.

To better steam the pores, you can hold your face over a heated infusion of herbs, for example, chamomile or St. John's wort flowers, sage leaves or calendula. You can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to the decoction. Such procedures are contraindicated if there is a vascular network on the skin - rosacea, individual intolerance or skin diseases.

We remove pollution

To do this, you can prepare scrubs and mask compositions yourself. Home-made products should be applied to the skin twice in seven days if you have an oily or combination type. For dry or normal type, one per week is enough.

Wash off masks with water at room temperature. Just pat your face dry with a terry towel, do not rub. Scrubs can be purchased ready-made with factory-made fillers. In this case, the main thing is to choose a composition that suits your skin type.

If the skin is a little dry, then choose a mild product so as not to injure or overdry the surface. For the rest, compositions containing harsh abrasive particles are suitable.

Narrowing the pores

To narrow the expanded porosity of the skin, it is recommended to use available means, for example, solution of hydrogen peroxide, fresh aloe juice, and sour citrus varieties. Option - rich green tea, various mask products.

Moisturizing your face

After cleansing the skin, the final step is to apply an intense moisturizer to the surface. Oils with high fat content and creams with a high nutritional effect are usually not recommended. These products heavily clog and clog enlarged pores.

Top 5 best cosmetic complexes for facial care

To keep your facial skin clean and well-groomed, you need to use a whole range of cosmetics.

Top 5 best cosmetics manufacturers abroad:

  • According to Russian consumers, the best cosmetics are products from the German brand Nivea ;
  • In 2nd place are Swiss cosmetics Oriflame ;
  • on the 3rd place are cosmetics produced in Belarus ;
  • Maybelline is rightfully in fourth place ;
  • The list is completed by the Loreal brand.

Top 5 Russian cosmetics manufacturers:

  • Natura Siberica;
  • Clean line;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Red line;
  • 100 beauty recipes.

Every skin needs daily cleansing. The choice of cosmetic product for facial cleansing should be taken carefully and seriously, taking into account the type and condition of the skin, as well as age. Properly selected cosmetic complexes prolong the youth of the skin.

Author of the article: Doroshenko E.N.

Article design: Ovsyanikova S.V.

How to clean pores with baking soda. Cleansing and washing

Baking soda is a pretty powerful pore cleanser. You just need to add water to it and you can apply it to problem areas, applying it using circular massage movements. After a short massage, you need to wash your face with water and be sure to moisturize your skin with cream.

In addition to peeling at home, soda can be used in the form of a solution, which is useful for washing. By washing your face with a weak solution (1 tsp per glass of water) you can eliminate pimples, acne, and relieve inflammation. After using the solution, wash with water. You should not do such procedures often, once every 7 days is enough.

You can add salt to the soda. Take these ingredients in equal proportions and add boiled water until you get the consistency of porridge. Apply the scrub using massage movements in a circle. Then you need to rinse off the product with water and moisturize the skin with cream.

Cleansing with gel

Take washing gel (2 tbsp) and pour in water (1 tsp). Turn into foam, combine with soda and salt (a pinch of each). Apply to problem areas.

Soap and soda peeling

Pour 2 tablespoons of grated baby soap into 200 ml of boiling water. Add a pinch of baking soda and a pinch of salt to this solution and stir.

Soda peeling with salt

You can cleanse the skin with a peeling mask with an aggressive effect on the skin. To do this, you need to apply salt and soda one by one, rubbing them in with your fingers. Then you need to rinse thoroughly.

Cleansing with cream

Combine 1 tsp of water with 2 tbsp of washing gel, beat until it turns into foam. Add a pinch of soda and salt, and 1 tsp of moisturizing cream.

The best premium cleansing face masks

The premium segment is represented by masks with a therapeutic effect and a professional orientation. The Korean product is in the lead using a new unique technology and form. The formulas of these products are especially carefully developed; the best quality raw materials are used in the formulations. The selection includes cleansing masks from world-famous European, Israeli, and Korean brands.

The price range of the funds is 1300-2300 rubles.

5 Medi-Peel Herbal Peel Tox

The fifth position in the premium segment is represented by the Korean brand MEDI-PEEL with the Herbal Peel Tox Cleansing Mask.
The product belongs to the category of cosmeceuticals and has a complex effect: cleansing, peeling, anti-aging care. The mask has pronounced antioxidant activity, promoting renewal and healing of the skin. It contains 41 types of herbs and a complex of four algae. Green tea and wormwood are used in the form of powder and are visible small inclusions. Spicules (mineral particles of the skeleton of sea sponges), reminiscent of microneedles, work as scrubbing elements. Penetrating deep into the skin, they promote the production of its own collagen.

The features of the product include its consistency, a thick creamy base with many green particles. To improve spicule activity, it is recommended to make several pressing movements with your palms after application. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

After use, the skin looks fresh, clean, tightened, with an even tone. Feels moisturized and very soft. Areas with rashes and rosacea are calmed down.

The mask is universal according to skin type. Product volume 120 ml in original silver tube.


  • Gentle deep cleansing with a detox effect.
  • Peeling function with spicules.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Antioxidant activity, rejuvenating effect.
  • Unusual consistency.


  • Thick, slowly squeezed out of the tube.
  • Possible redness of the skin after the procedure.

MEDI-PEEL Herbal Peel Tox Cleansing Mask

4 Holy Land Special Mask

Fourth place is occupied by a professional product from the Israeli brand Holy Land Cleansing mask Special Mask.
It is designed for oily skin. Solves problems such as porosity, seborrhea, keratosis, acne. Recommended for irritated skin, rosacea, post-acne. The formula of the product is based on white clay, zinc oxide, sulfur and amphora. Together, these components work effectively in all of the above areas. They have an exfoliating, drying, soothing, antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Tighten pores, improve metabolic processes, reduce swelling.

For regular care, it is recommended to use the mask 1-2 times a week, applying a thick layer for 15 minutes. It gives effect after the first use. Girls note a decrease in inflammation, swelling, smooth relief and tone, and a skin tightening effect. The advantages include a long-lasting effect, pleasant cooling.

For home care, the manufacturer offers a 70 ml format in a classic tube; for salon use, a large 250 ml format.


  • Solves the problems of oily skin.
  • Cleans effectively.
  • Tightens pores, normalizes sebum secretion.
  • Reduces inflammation and rashes.
  • Evens out skin tone and texture, tightens.
  • Suitable for working with post-acne.
  • Easy to use.


  • Specific smell.
  • It may dry out.

Holy Land mineral

3 Vichy mineral

The third place in our rating is occupied by Vichy mineral pore-cleansing mask with clay.
This product specifically works with problematic and oily skin, and solves problems such as cleansing pores, softening the skin, and restoring the balance of minerals. Two types of high-quality soft clay are used as active substances in the composition. They are the ones who are able to draw out any impurities from the pores, narrow them, and normalize the secretion of sebum. Allantoin and aloe vera are responsible for softening the skin and calming it. Thermal water saturates it with minerals.

The mask has a particularly soft and light consistency, which is usually not typical for clay products. It is very comfortable, economical, and easily spreads on the face. It is enough to apply a thin layer of the product for 3-5 minutes to get the desired effect. Can be used 1-2 times a week.

Users are satisfied with the degree of skin cleansing, the effect of freshness, firmness, and even matte tone. Inflammation is noticeably calmed. The absence of dryness and flaking is indicative.

The mask is packaged in the brand’s signature 75 ml glass jar and cardboard box.


  • Cleanses pores efficiently and tightens them.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Even tone, fresh, tightened skin.
  • Does not cause dryness or flaking.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Light consistency.


  • Price.

Vichy mineral

2 Gigi Therapeutic Lipacid Mask

In second place is the Israeli Gigi Lipacid Mask, a series of products for topical treatment of oily skin.
Using a mask helps solve problems such as acne, seborrhea, rosacea. The active components of the formula have a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and exfoliating effect. White clay and zinc oxide perform a cleansing function, freeing pores from sebum and impurities, narrowing them. Lipacid is also a good cleanser, anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating component. Biosulfur, lavender oil, allantoin relieve irritation and swelling after cleansing, restore, and relieve pain.

The mask should be applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes; it is simply washed off with cool water. The consistency of the product is clay-cream, light gray in color, rather thick, does not run down and is easily distributed. Some users apply it directly to rashes and note an excellent effect.

Other benefits include excellent cleansing of pores from blackheads and effectiveness for small and large subcutaneous rashes. The mask controls oil secretion and mattifies.

The product is available in two formats: 75 ml in a tube or 250 ml in professional packaging.


  • Cleanses pores efficiently and removes blackheads.
  • Quickly relieves small rashes and large subcutaneous ones.
  • Relieves skin irritation, swelling, redness.
  • Mattifies, regulates sebum.
  • Comfortable consistency.


  • If you leave it too long, it dries out.
  • Price.

Gigi Treatment Mask Lipacid Mask

1 Blithe for radiance Energy Yellow Citrus&Honey

The leader in the rating is the product of the Korean brand BLITHE, Energy Yellow Citrus&Honey Splash Mask for Radiance.
Like many Korean products, this mask is characterized by its multifunctionality, versatility in use, and natural composition. It is suitable for face, body and hair. The special feature of the splash mask is its liquid consistency of bright orange color and concentrated composition. Depending on the method of use, the contents are diluted with water in certain proportions. Can be used mono as an acid peel.

To cleanse the face, restore natural radiance, lightly brighten, tone, the mask can be used daily, after morning and evening washing. In a 1:2 ratio with water, the liquid is applied to the face for literally 15 seconds, the excess is blotted with a towel.

The mask contains lactic acid and AHA acids, extracts of citrus fruits and many other plants, honey, and essential oils.

The advantages of the girl’s product include gentle exfoliation, instant refreshment, softness and smoothing of the skin. Prevention of inflammation and the appearance of blackheads. Beautiful, radiant, even complexion.

The product is packaged in a transparent bottle of 150 ml.


  • Multifunctionality and natural composition.
  • Cleanses, exfoliates, cares.
  • Gives radiance, even tone, brightens.
  • Concentrated, lasts a long time.
  • Quick effect, minimum time for the procedure.
  • Decor.


  • Price.

BLITHE Splash mask for radiance Energy Yellow Citrus&Honey

What causes clogged pores?

Clogged pores are the result of dead skin cells becoming trapped in your skin instead of being released into the environment. Pores are tiny openings in the skin that secrete oil and sweat. When pores are clogged it can lead to blackheads and pimples. You can tell if your pores are clogged if you notice blackheads or an overall dullness in your skin color.

Environmental factors also contribute to clogged pores.

These factors include:

  • toxins in the air
  • non-comedogenic makeup
  • the oil from your hands is transferred when you touch your face
  • sweat
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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