Purulent pimples - how to quickly and effectively get rid of them at home. Tips and recommendations from dermatologists for treatment (115 photos)

Problems with skin rashes are often associated not only with adolescence in adolescents. Sometimes the most harmless small pimple can turn into an inflamed abscess, followed by slow healing. Many adults already know where purulent pimples can appear. As a rule, they can rash in the face, back, chest, and so on.

Suppuration of a pimple can be a consequence of self-squeezing out the acne. Lack of sanitation leads to numerous inflammations, and effective treatment of purulent acne already requires the intervention of antibiotics.

It's no secret that frequent purulent rashes spoil the skin and worsen the appearance, but few people understand how dangerous these inflammations are for the human body as a whole. After all, inflammation can spread to healthy areas and instantly spread through the blood throughout the body.

Causes of purulent acne

The human body is a well-oiled mechanism, but still, for one reason or another, it can malfunction. The doctor can make an initial diagnosis based on the skin and oral cavity. But for a complete diagnosis, the doctor needs to understand the characteristics and reasons for the appearance of purulent acne in the patient, and this, as a rule, is only shown by additional studies.

Very often, after examinations, it becomes clear that purulent inflammation, both on the face and throughout the body, is a consequence of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a malfunction in the hormonal system, allergic reactions, and so on.

The main factors that provoke inflammation of acne:

  • clogged pores due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and sweating;
  • thickening of the epidermis and poor renewal;
  • taking hormone-containing drugs;
  • regular use of antibiotics leads to the formation of pus much faster;
  • during menopause in women, as well as as a precursor to menstruation;
  • Constant stressful situations lead to malfunction of human organs, which also causes the formation of suppuration.

As a rule, modern people experience constant stress. It’s rare that you have the opportunity to visit a beauty salon to cleanse your skin. Many people do not pay much attention to acne breakouts and are in no hurry to properly get rid of the skin problem.

The inability to regularly perform skin cleansing procedures and obtain competent advice from a specialist leads to the fact that products are purchased independently, regardless of skin type.

It is very important to remember that when choosing cosmetics, you should take into account all the features of your skin. Also, frequent use of decorative cosmetics, including foundation and powder, can lead to irritation on the facial skin.

With their regular use, the pores become clogged and begin to become inflamed. But illiterate people continue to mask the pimple with foundation, thereby provoking greater suppuration.

An important factor in the appearance of a rash can be allergic reactions, malfunctions of the immune system, bacteria, and so on. It is forbidden to touch pimples and acne on the skin with dirty hands, much less squeeze them yourself.

Symptoms and causes, what to look for

Furunculosis and carbunculosis are serious pathological phenomena. Symptoms include general malaise and fever. Over time, the patient's general condition may worsen. Inflammation takes on a wide scale. The necrotic process can involve nearby tissues, penetrating deeper into the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, and pus can spread throughout the fascia. This is fraught with purulent meningitis, peritonitis and sepsis. When pustules with purulent contents appear, surgical intervention is necessary.

Hidradenitis, abscess and purulent wounds do not require delay, but immediate surgical treatment. These infectious diseases quickly cause complications, especially in patients with reduced immunity (patients with diabetes mellitus, lymogranulomatosis, tuberculosis, anemia, etc.).

How does a purulent pimple appear?

The manifestation of the process of inflammation on the skin begins with the appearance of a small red rash, which subsequently turns into swelling, and then into a purulent pimple.

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to frequent inflammation, so this type of skin should be constantly treated with special products. For example, cleansing and drying tonics.

A purulent pimple is an inflamed area of ​​skin, in the depths of which a purulent core appears in the center, and in the process of ripening it forms a dense inflamed lump.

The rod itself appears as a result of poor skin care or lack thereof.

It takes about two weeks from the moment a small red dot appears until the abscess fully matures. The larger the abscess, the greater the chance of getting a deep scar, which is called post acne, if you squeeze it out on your own.

Often carefully looking at unedited photos of purulent acne on people’s faces, many begin to think about skin care and maintaining it in proper form.

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How to get rid of an abscess yourself

The main reason for infection of a large area of ​​skin, or worse, internal organs, is failure to comply with sanitary conditions when squeezing out suppuration.

Before getting rid of a purulent pimple at home, you should wash your hands very well and disinfect the inflamed area. You should know which areas of the face are the most vulnerable and require increased caution.

Treatment methods. Modern methods (opening and drainage of the pathological process)

With a scalpel

Boils, carbuncles, hidradenitis, abscess after pre-treatment with antiseptics are opened using a scalpel, followed by removal of necrotic masses and treatment of wounds with disinfectant solutions. After cleansing, the wound is drained.

CO2 laser

This method is based on carbon dioxide and is widely used in the removal of purulent-inflammatory processes, with minimal burns. After this intervention, the skin does not form scars or depigmentation. This method has virtually no contraindications.

Radio wave method using the Surgitron apparatus

An ideal method for the treatment of boils, carbuncles, abscesses, hidradenitis and purulent wounds. The method is based on the effect of high-frequency waves on the affected area. Bloodlessly removes all pathological tissue with micron precision. After the intervention there is no swelling, redness and no scars.

Local physiotherapy

Local physiotherapy is aimed at increasing the skin's resistance to the infectious agent. The post-operation area, when exposed to physiotherapeutic procedures, quickly forms granular tissue with an obstacle to tissue sclerosis.

Systemic physical therapy (intravenous ozone therapy, ILBI, intravenous ultraviolet blood irradiation)

This procedure is appropriate for repeated furunculosis, carbunculosis and post-infectious complications. Autohemotransfusion using treated venous blood using special technology gives excellent results in case of relapses of pyodermal origin. There is regeneration of blood cells and an impulse to strengthen the immune system.

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