We create the perfect makeup! 7 life hacks for an even complexion

December 18, 2019

Every woman wants her face to look perfect, and beautiful skin is a reason for special pride. However, this happiness is not given to everyone by nature. In addition, there are negative factors that affect skin tone and color - the environment, stress, bad habits, incorrectly selected cosmetics, and insufficient care. Therefore, we have to fight for beauty in the two most effective ways: maintaining the health and condition of the skin, as well as using cosmetics, and above all foundation.

The effect of food on skin color

Any food gives the body not only a feeling of fullness, but also useful substances, some microelements. This is why consuming the right foods is so important.

Seafood, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and many other dairy products have a great influence on the epidermis. Any vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable and very healthy. For a healthy complexion, it is recommended to eat more beets, carrots, citrus fruits, apricots, broccoli and tomatoes.

As for drinks, freshly squeezed juices in moderate doses have an extremely positive effect on the body. Good green tea also has benefits. But it is better to avoid coffee, carbonated lemonades and packaged juices.

We also recommend excluding smoked foods of unknown origin, mayonnaise, processed foods, chips and a lot of fried, spicy foods from your diet.

How to choose the right tone

Facial skin tone plays an important role in a woman’s image; it is the basis of all makeup. Choosing the right tone becomes a serious task. When testing products, apply a minimum of 3 shades, not on the cheeks, forehead, back of the arm or the crook of the arm, but on the neck or jawline. Then evaluate the difference between foundation and natural skin color. The shade should practically blend into the skin. In this case, the main assistants will be daylighting and a mirror.

Rules of "good" tone

  1. The tone should be natural, that is, not too light or dark. In addition, be sure to match your skin type and age.
  2. Keep in mind that skin tone can change depending on the weather, mood, well-being and other factors.
  3. To create the right complexion, you will need a small palette of foundations, consisting of several tones and different textures. So light shades will serve as highlighters, dark shades will be suitable for sculpting facial contours. However, in order to achieve an even, glowing complexion, it is better to have special products in your cosmetic bag - correctors, highlighter, shimmer, blush, powder.
  4. The foundation should be half a tone lighter than the natural color of the skin.
  5. Always use a small amount of tint so it doesn't create a mask on your face or stain your clothes. If necessary, add moisturizing fluid to the foundation.
  6. Pay attention to the quality of cosmetic products: they should not only create tone, but also care for the skin.
  7. It is advisable to do everyday makeup in daylight, and for evening makeup in electric light.

How to prepare your skin for makeup to even out your face

Before you start straightening your face, you need to thoroughly clean it. After all, if there are areas of severe peeling left on the skin, no amount of makeup will eliminate it. Particular attention should be paid to cleansing and moisturizing.

If you don’t take care of the condition of your skin and take care of it every day, you definitely won’t be able to achieve an even tone. Dull, unhealthy skin with a yellowish tint will make any woman look older. Dead cells, if not removed in time, will prevent the moisturizer from being absorbed, and accordingly, the tone will lie unevenly. As a result, the makeup will be done poorly, and the appearance will become untidy. Before evening out your complexion with makeup, be sure to use scrubs to ensure complete skin care. Your esthetician may perform special chemical peels or beta-alpha hydroxy acid peels.

Professional methods for beautiful skin color

Age-related changes on the skin of the face
In salons and beauty parlors you can be offered very effective procedures, such as:

  • laser cleaning (a fairly safe and painless procedure, thanks to which dead cells are burned and stimulated to produce new ones);
  • oxygen peeling (as a result, cells are regenerated and saturated with oxygen);
  • peeling with liquid nitrogen (a safe procedure that eliminates redness and strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • diamond peeling (a light massage effect occurs and gets rid of dead cells).

For greater effect, it is recommended to undergo such procedures in courses.

If you don’t have time to undergo salon procedures, then you can achieve a noticeable effect at home. After all, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not have expensive creams or plastic surgery. But natural cosmetics helped them maintain a beautiful complexion and have elastic skin.

What face is considered beautiful on a man?

Of course, men have different priorities: a heart-shaped face does not work for them. Then which male face is considered the most attractive? What shape allows you to emphasize strength and courage?

There is also an answer to this question: the most beautiful face of a man is a pentagon, which is made up of a wide forehead, clear cheekbones and a strong “strong-willed” chin. Research shows that this type of face indicates active production of testosterone (by the way, women read this information subconsciously).

And, of course, both women and men need smooth, fresh skin, the absence of wrinkles, age spots, harmonious, regular features and a friendly expression on the face of a person who is confident in himself and his attractiveness.

George Clooney

Tom Cruise

Augmentation of the angles of the lower jaw with fillers.

Look in the first aid kit

Medicines that you take as prescribed by a doctor or as part of self-medication can have a significant effect on the condition of your skin. For example, some birth control pills, tetracycline antibiotics, retinoids, and chemotherapy medications sometimes cause age spots to appear. And diuretics and antihistamines, antidepressants - dry skin, which is accompanied by peeling and redness.

If you are taking any drug, be sure to look at the instructions, in the column about side effects. It is possible that problems with complexion are caused by this particular medicine. Consult your doctor: he may suggest reducing the dosage or switching to another, more gentle drug.

Causes of uneven skin color

Many girls buy expensive creams, go to salons and often have no effect, because a lot depends on the cause.
First of all, you need to understand what causes uneven skin tone. Perhaps by changing your lifestyle and some rules, you can already noticeably improve your situation. The most common factors that influence skin heterogeneity are:

  • Poor nutrition . Consumption of harmful preservatives has a negative effect not only on the stomach, but also on the entire body as a whole. Fatty, spicy and sweet foods retain water, cause acne and, of course, affect the complexion. The same thing is caused by a lack of fruits, berries and vegetables.
  • Water balance . Water is vital for the skin, because it is responsible for many metabolic processes. Its deficiency can also spoil the color of the epidermis, as well as add peeling and many other troubles to its owner.
  • Lack of sleep . Overnight, skin cells are renewed and the body receives new energy. We need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. In addition, you also need to go to bed not late, because after 12 o’clock at night, every hour is equal to minutes of rest. Constant lack of sleep affects not only fatigue, but also the skin.
  • Ecology and climate . If there are many factories in your city, then every day a considerable share of impurities containing toxins floats in the air. They linger in our body and “stick” to the skin. The monotonous climate has no less negative impact. A small number of sunny days deprives the skin of necessary and beneficial vitamins, as well as a good mood, which also affects the appearance.
  • Stomach problems . Diseases of internal organs never go unnoticed. Gastritis or ulcers cause particular damage to the face. They often give acne and an unhealthy complexion to the face. You should not be lazy, go to the doctor and do regular examinations, because some people have stomach pain “silently,” affecting only the external condition.
  • Genetics . Many problems and illnesses are inherited. This is why bags under the eyes and uneven skin tone are so difficult to remove if they have been present since birth.
  • Bad habits . It has long been known that smoking and alcohol cause severe damage to the skin of the face. Many people note that people who abuse bad habits look sick and tired.
  • Lack of fresh air . With the advent of computers, the problem of a sedentary lifestyle has worsened. People have stopped taking regular walks, and many travel exclusively by car. This is one of the most striking reasons that has a strong impact on skin color.
  • Incorrect care . Improper cleansing, inadequate moisturizing or poor-quality cosmetics are the enemies of a beautiful complexion.

Lifehacks for applying foundation

A few tips to help you choose and apply the tone correctly:

  • in warm and cold seasons, it is recommended to use different foundations (thicker formulations are suitable for winter, lighter ones for summer);
  • to correct defects, they use a corrector and concealer , the corrector is usually applied under the foundation, and the concealer on top;
  • It is most convenient to mask pimples and blackheads with a stick , and spots and bruises with cream or liquid products;
  • The foundation must be applied from top to bottom, otherwise the fuzz on the face will become clearly visible;
  • When applying foundation , you should try to get by with a minimal amount and make the layer as thin as possible;
  • It is very important to shade the foundation properly , not forgetting about the neck and décolleté area.

You should strive to ensure that the foundation looks so natural on the skin, as if the face is completely without makeup.

Evening out complexion using cosmetic procedures

No, not the advertised BB-glow. By the way, the procedure is just a marketing ploy. At first the effect is really visible.

A couple of months pass and the skin color may acquire a gray or even greenish tint.

Let's talk about methods that actually work, and, most importantly, with a positive outcome.


What to do if you have an uneven complexion with redness - go for an ice massage. Or rather, liquid nitrogen. Although both are cold. Low temperatures eliminate acne, wrinkles and age spots, and also tighten pores. And without chemicals.

In general, get into the habit of wiping your face with an ice cube every morning.

A. You will wake up instantly.

B. Skin tone and elasticity will increase, wrinkles will smooth out. And you no longer have to type “even complexion cosmetology” into a search engine.

It is carried out using injections or laser. The procedure is based on hyaluronic acid. The component retains moisture in the dermis, due to which an even tone is achieved. Moisturizing, elasticity and antiage effect included.

There are many varieties - from diamond to light chemical. In the case of the first peeling, the skin is thoroughly exfoliated using attachments sprayed with diamond chips, while in the second peeling, the skin is exfoliated using a chemical burn. It just sounds scary. Light chemical peeling affects only the upper layers of the epidermis and the skin quickly recovers. Even despite such aggressive influence.

Just check out the contraindications. And it’s better to sign up for a salon.

The most beautiful face shape in women - what is it?

To begin with, just a little theory. Let's talk about the beautiful half of humanity.

What do you think is a beautiful oval face? Can you tell what facial features are considered beautiful in girls? Of course, there is no dispute about taste: if you ask different people what is needed for a beautiful face, someone will remember the doe eyes of Audrey Hepburn, while others will prefer the slightly sharp features of Angelina Jolie...

Reese WitherspoonMiranda Kerr
Ruby RoseKerry Washington

Expert comment:

“And yet there are general canons of a beautiful female face! To see this, compare images of Disney princesses. Undoubtedly, they are all different, but the beautiful face shapes of the girls are the same.

In cosmetology, this shape is usually called a heart (heart shaped face) and it is this shape that is considered the most attractive and feminine: a beautiful high forehead, high chiseled cheekbones, a narrow elongated chin and a well-defined lower jaw line.”

Anna Smirnova, leading dermatocosmetologist at Platinental.

The facial features of women of this type can be large or smaller, but the face still looks harmonious and beautiful. In addition, in our age of Instagram and social networks, it is very important that this particular type of face is the most photogenic, since the light falling on a face with high cheekbones is refracted exactly as needed to create the ideal image.

What cosmetics are needed, tips for beginners in the field of makeup

Properly executed makeup is the basis of a woman’s complete image. You need to learn how to select decorative cosmetics to create day (natural), evening or wedding makeup. Knowing the algorithm for applying cosmetics, you can learn how to correct imperfections in facial proportions, hide defects and imperfections in texture and skin color, and make accents.

Your makeup bag should contain the following “must-haves” for all skin types:

Means/instrumentFor what?
Foundation or powderEvens out facial tone, helps create flawless smoky eyes, and provides an even contour when applying gloss or lipstick.
Eyeshadow paletteHelps highlight the relief of the eyelids, set expressiveness, change or adjust proportions using light and dark shades.
BlushThey refresh makeup, highlight features, highlight cheekbones, and mask glare.
Eyebrow cosmeticsHelps emphasize an even curve, giving them a natural and rich natural color.
Lipstick or glossWithout these products, makeup is considered unfinished, and a woman’s face is unkempt.

Basic steps to create a beautiful tone

Following these steps will help create an ideal, and therefore even and beautiful complexion.

Step 1. At least once a week, exfoliate with a special product depending on the type of facial skin, since dead skin cells can not only give it an unhealthy appearance, but also interfere with the even distribution of foundation. Smooth, clean skin will help the foundation apply as smoothly as possible.

Step 2. Moisturize the skin with special creams and after 5 minutes, begin the process of applying tone. Do not neglect this rule, as well as replace the care cream with a makeup base.

Step 3. Conceal minor skin imperfections (pimples, scars, redness, age spots, dark circles under the eyes). To do this, use special correctors that can also be applied to the upper eyelids. For example, ARTISTRY Exact Fit face corrector, available in 4 shades. The product formula features ARTISTRY Color Lock technology, which ensures that the foundation lasts even in hot weather. With its help, we mask imperfections on the face, including dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. To do this, we don’t just apply the product under the lower eyelid, but draw a triangle extending to the cheek area and tint it. This product has a light structure, does not dry out the skin, fits well, does not roll down and does not remain in facial wrinkles. Skin problems such as redness and age spots are best addressed with special products such as ARTISTRY Ideal Radiance CC.

Step 4. Even out skin tone by applying a light or long-lasting foundation that improves complexion and skin texture. This can be one of 7 tones of a light moisturizing makeup base with SPF15 - ARTISTRY Exact Fit, which has a weightless structure. It moisturizes the skin and gives it a shimmering effect.

If you want to veil such a flaw as enlarged pores, then you can use BB cream with SPF 35 ARTISTRY Exact Fit, which will moisturize the skin and become an excellent base for makeup. In some cases, it is necessary to apply a mattifying base under makeup so that the skin does not have an oily sheen and looks well-groomed.

Step 5. If necessary, adjust facial features.

  • Round face: darken the contour of the face with a darker tone, lighten the forehead and chin.
  • Long face: apply a darker tone to the forehead and chin, highlight the cheekbones with a lighter tone, and then highlight with blush.
  • Triangular face: hide the cheeks and forehead with a darker tone.
  • Square face: darken the contour of the cheekbones, forehead, chin, nose, soften the angular features, lighten the area under the eyes and the central protruding parts of the face.

Step 6. Apply a thin layer of foundation using a sponge, beauty blender or cosmetic brush, lightly tap it in with your fingers so as not to stretch the skin. At the same time, beauty blenders should not be dry, they are always moistened with water: different degrees of moisture provide different density of tone coverage.

We do everything according to the plan, from top to bottom. First the forehead is covered, then the nose, cheeks, and chin. If there are barely noticeable vellus hairs on your face, then you need to apply the tone correctly - according to their growth, which will not make them noticeable.

After this, the tone is carefully shaded using a beauty blender or fingers at the boundaries of the transition from the chin to the neck and from the cheekbones to the ears. Please note that the transition should be smooth.

Step 7. Set the tone with compact or loose powder. To create the effect of a light veil, use a brush, directing its movements from the center of the face to the hairline. For a denser coverage, which is required by problematic and oily skin, a sponge is suitable. In this case, ARTISTRY Exact Fit mattifying compact powder with a transparent shade Translucent is ideal, which does not allow the appearance of oily shine. In this case, the T-zone should be covered with two layers of powder.

You can learn more about Artistry's complexion-evening products here.

Achieve your perfect skin tone with new products from the ARTISTRY STUDIO™ Shanghai Edition collection.

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