Wrinkles near the lips: causes and methods of correcting wrinkles near the mouth

Wrinkles around the mouth not only visually age the face, but also, in addition, give it a sad, tired and gloomy expression.

The naturally thin and vulnerable skin around the mouth is prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. This area of ​​the face contains a minimal amount of subcutaneous fat, the task of which is to prevent the loss of skin elasticity and protect it from external influences. An insufficient amount of it cannot provide the necessary skin barrier, which provokes early aging.

Due to age, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin, also decreases, so after 40 years, nasolabial folds and more pronounced wrinkles above the lip, called purse-string wrinkles, form in place of the facial folds.

Reasons for appearance

In addition to the natural aging process of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles around the lips is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the muscles of the mouth. This part of the face is constantly in motion: eating, speaking, smiling are constantly accompanied by muscle contractions that either stretch or contract the skin. With age, wrinkles form at the site of the creases.

In addition, wrinkles above the upper lip occur for the following reasons:

  • Smoking and bad habits;
  • Prolonged exposure to wind and cold, excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • Loss of teeth and various deformations of the dentofacial joint;
  • Improper skin care and incorrectly selected skin products;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Poor diet and consumption of large amounts of sugar (foods high in sugar contribute to the formation of adhesions in collagen fibers, as a result of which they no longer retain the moisture necessary for elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Atrophy of collagen fibers over time leads to wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and premature aging of the skin );
  • Fast weight loss.

How to prevent wrinkles

Diamed cosmetologists are confident that regular application of sunscreen and daily use of anti-wrinkle cream containing collagen is one of the best ways to maintain youthful lip lines. Preventative Botox injections, combined with a healthy lifestyle without cigarettes and stress, slow down the formation of lines around the mouth and keep the skin youthful for many years.

We have a few more tips for you to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth:

  • eat more salmon, it is an excellent source of protein, contains many healthy Omega-3 fatty acids
  • do peeling with AHA acids, they not only remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, but also shrink pores and reduce fine wrinkles
  • wash your face with moisturizers, not water
  • use vitamin C cream, eat ascorbic acid
  • Swap coffee for cocoa, it reduces blood flow and retains moisture.

Recommendations from cosmetologists and prevention

Prevention of aging and properly selected professional and home skin care can slow down the aging process of the skin and avoid the early appearance of deep wrinkles.

Care for the skin around the mouth must be individualized and take into account exactly your skin needs. Home care is based on the principle of “cleansing - toning - active care”, and includes cleansers, creams (thicker textures in winter, lighter textures in summer), active serums.

Another effective remedy against skin aging is professional care and microcurrent therapy from Biologique Recherche. The concept of facial care from the French brand Biologique Recherche includes more than 90 active products and concentrates to solve any skin problem.

The application of each product and other products - masks, serums, fluids and creams - is accompanied by specially developed massage techniques and microcurrent therapy, which help the products penetrate deeper into the skin, and therefore achieve more expressive results.

Straightening the corners of the mouth with Botox

Botulinum toxin is a powerful substance that blocks the nerve connections between the neural plate and the muscle. As a result, muscles relax and wrinkles smooth out. Botox is now widely used, and small doses of it eliminate wrinkles caused by contraction of the facial muscles and prevent their formation in the future (preventive action). The muscles are temporarily paralyzed, which smoothes out wrinkles.

Aligning the corners of the mouth with Botox before and after

Botox is used to remove wrinkles on the face in different areas. It can quickly eliminate crow's feet around the eyes, lion's wrinkles on the forehead, smoker's lines in the upper lip, and marionette lines. After the injection of botulinum toxin, facial features become smoother, wrinkles and furrows disappear, the face looks younger and more natural.

The botulinum toxin injection procedure must be performed by a qualified doctor, as it has contraindications and can cause complications.

The skin around the lips is disinfected. Then the doctor marks the application sites on the patient’s face with a special chalk. Thin disposable needles are inserted into the marked points. The procedure itself takes a few minutes.

Wrinkle removal with Botox is virtually painless and usually does not require prior anesthesia. However, in some cases, the skin is lubricated with anesthetic ointment.

How to remove wrinkles around lips

Contour plastic surgery is used to eliminate nasolabial folds and correct wrinkles above the lips. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of dense fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which fill wrinkles, evening them out.

With the help of fillers, you can get rid of wrinkles above the lips, correct lip asymmetry and, if desired, add volume to them. Wrinkle correction with fillers is relevant not only for women. For men, we use special fillers with a lower density, which do not provide noticeable volume, but solve aesthetic problems and fight aging.

Contour plastic surgery is today the safest and most effective way to eliminate wrinkles and correct age-related changes. The result of the correction for a period of 6 to 12 months.

At EMC we use European drugs that have proven themselves in aesthetic medicine: Teosyal, Juvederm, Ellanse, Restylane. The doctor selects the drug individually, depending on the type of correction and the patient’s indications.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetic procedures

Cosmetology offers several effective methods of combating facial wrinkles:

  • Botox injections. Thanks to them, the orbicularis facial muscle reduces its activity, so the skin is smoothed and wrinkles do not appear;
  • lipolifting, hyaluronic acid injections. They fill out wrinkles, so the latter simply disappear from the face;
  • medium chemical peeling. Here the specialist acts on those layers of the skin that are deeper. During the procedure, the number of wrinkles decreases. But there is one drawback - the acid makes the skin photosensitive. Therefore, if you decide to carry out the procedure in the fall or winter, then you will need photoprotective products.

Professionals also recommend ultrasonic facial cleansing, which does not cause discomfort or pain. It is carried out quickly and gives good results. Here ultrasound affects the skin of the face. But it is important to remember that any of the above procedures should be carried out exclusively in a beauty salon under the supervision of a professional.

Advantages of the EMC Clinic

To remove wrinkles around the mouth, it is very important to find a good specialist with certification and practice in contouring, understanding of the peculiarities of working with this area and higher medical education. Be careful, all injection techniques can only be performed by a doctor, only he knows to what depth it is necessary (and safe) to inject the drug.

EMC specialists, in addition to good skills in injection contouring, always take into account the individual anatomical features of the patient’s facial structure and recommend the type of correction that will give the patient the best result.

During a personal consultation, the doctor will create a skin care program and help you understand the specifics of various methods of rejuvenation and appearance correction.

Expression wrinkles


Iron deficiency


7575 10 November


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Expression wrinkles: causes of appearance, what diseases cause them, diagnosis and treatment methods


Mimic (dynamic) wrinkles are formed as a result of contraction of the facial muscles. So, when frowning, facial wrinkles appear in the area between the eyebrows, when surprised - on the forehead, and if a person smiles often - around the eyes and mouth. At first, these wrinkles look like thin lines that appear only during active facial expressions, and disappear when the facial muscles relax. Over time, facial lines deepen and turn into grooves and folds that do not disappear even when the facial muscles are relaxed.

The muscular structure of the face is characterized by the presence of a superficial muscular aponeurotic system (Superficial Musculoaponeurotyc System, SMAS). It creates a so-called three-dimensional network with strands of connective tissue. These strands are made up of collagen and elastin fibers and are attached to the skin (not bones!). Therefore, during contraction, the muscles pull the skin along with them (we call this physiological process facial expressions), constantly stretching it, which negatively affects its elasticity.

The condition of the epidermis (upper layer of skin) also plays a significant role in the formation of facial wrinkles - with age, its renewal processes slow down and its barrier functions deteriorate.

At the same time, the activity of fibroblasts in the dermis, which are responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, decreases. These processes lead to dehydration of the skin and loss of its elastic properties.

Types of facial wrinkles

Expression wrinkles are divided depending on their location on the face.

  1. Horizontal lines on the forehead - they are also called “anxious” because they appear as a result of emotions such as excitement and anger.
  2. Horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are provoked by a spasm of the “proud muscle”. No wonder it has such a telling name! Its function is to wrinkle the nose, which often gives the face a gloomy, proudly disdainful expression. This tiny muscle is located on the bridge of the nose and is woven into the frontalis muscle, so at the same time glabellar lines are formed - vertical folds between the eyebrows.
  3. “Rabbit's feet” form on the nose - wrinkles that radiate from the center of the bridge of the nose to the lower eyelids or cheeks, becoming noticeable when squinting or frowning.
  4. Expression wrinkles around the eyes - “crow's feet” - appear earlier than others, especially in people who laugh a lot or squint. This is explained by the fact that the skin in this area of ​​the face is very thin.
  5. Nasolabial folds (creases) are facial wrinkles that run from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth and visually age the face, giving it a gloomy, sad look.
  6. Expression wrinkles around the mouth:
  • purse string – transverse folds around the mouth. This type of wrinkle is typical for smokers, but also occurs in people with connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, etc.);
  • mentolabial, so-called marionette lines - vertical folds from the corners of the mouth to the chin.

Possible causes of expression wrinkles

  1. Active work of facial muscles. For people with active facial expressions, botulinum toxin injections are recommended.
  2. Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  3. Smoking disrupts the process of oxygen delivery to the skin.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine and sex glands.
  5. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Hereditary causes of the appearance of facial wrinkles include genetic mutations that are accompanied by impaired synthesis of collagen and/or elastin, which leads to a decrease in skin elasticity and the rapid formation of facial wrinkles. In this context, it is advisable to consider the presence of connective tissue pathologies in humans, which have many skin manifestations.
  7. Regular excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. UV rays reduce the regenerative potential of the skin. In addition to the oncogenic risk, ultraviolet radiation contributes to the destruction of elastin and hardening of collagen fibers, which reduces skin elasticity.

  1. Incorrectly selected cosmetics can cause allergic reactions and reduce the production of hyaluronic acid under the influence of preservatives, fragrances and other ingredients.
  2. Alcohol consumption indirectly leads to dehydration of the body, which in turn negatively affects the condition of elastin and collagen fibers of the skin.
  3. Stressful situations, lack of sleep, nervous exhaustion leave their marks on the skin, making it less elastic and increasing the risk of both expression lines and age-related wrinkles. This is due to the effect of adrenaline, a stress hormone, on blood vessels, one of the functions of which is spasm of peripheral blood vessels. Thus, when a stressful situation occurs, adrenaline is released into the blood, which, by reducing the diameter of capillaries and small vessels, disrupts the blood supply to the skin.
  4. When vision decreases, in order to obtain a clearer image, a person may squint his eyes, which also causes the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes and on the bridge of the nose.

Which doctors should I contact to correct facial wrinkles?
Correction of facial wrinkles is carried out by cosmetologists, massage therapists and physiotherapists.

Diagnostics and examinations

When choosing correction tactics, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • level of gravitational ptosis – the degree of “sagging” of the facial skin, which depends, among other things, on the severity of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • the amount of hyaluronic acid, the production of which decreases with age, which reduces the moisture content of the skin;
  • the degree and type of violation of the tone of the facial muscles.

Every year, new methods and preparations are created to improve collagen synthesis in order to prevent involutional processes in the body and reduce the severity of wrinkles.
But in the desire to influence collagenogenesis from the outside, people sometimes forget about those substances, without sufficient quantities of which collagen synthesis in the body itself is extremely difficult. The production of this vital protein depends on hormones, hormones, in turn, on the presence of metals, and the absorption of metals on vitamins. To diagnose vitamin and mineral deficiency, tests are prescribed to determine their levels in the blood.

Wrinkles around the mouth: what oils to use

The beneficial effects of oils on the skin

Another proven remedy for smoothing out wrinkles is oils. The components in their composition smooth and restore the skin. Oils have the following effects:

  • Activate metabolism in cells
  • Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen
  • Enhance skin regenerating properties
  • Increases skin elasticity

The best anti-wrinkle oils and their properties

Oils are effective individually or in various combinations. Actively help eliminate wrinkles:

  • Macadamia oil – restores the skin, renewing and rejuvenating it. Pairs perfectly with apricot kernel oil.
  • Grapeseed oil – increases elasticity, nourishes, softens and evens out.
  • Karite – slows down aging, restores and protects skin cells. Increases elasticity, moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Wheat germ oil compares favorably with other oils. This is due to its high biological activity. This is what gives such a powerful rejuvenating result. This oil is quite dense, so it is used together with other oils. Its share in the mixture is no more than 15%.
  • Castor oil – smoothes wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation. Used in mixture with base oils: olive, apricot.
  • Olive oil – due to its rich composition, it is considered the best in the fight against wrinkles. Used alone or as a base oil, along with other oils.

Lifting the corners of the mouth with Aptos threads

Aptos threads are specialized threads with a patented structure intended for aesthetic medicine and the treatment of aging.

Aptos threads have micro-notches that allow them to effectively cling to tissues and create a kind of subcutaneous frame for them, preventing gravitational processes to which aging skin is subject. To implant the Aptos thread under the skin, special needles are used, the design of which allows for very precise movement and correct grasping of tissues for their movement (lifting).

Lifting the corners of the mouth with Aptos threads before and after

The effect of lifting the corners of the mouth is visible immediately after the procedure. In addition, over time, under the influence of the polylactic acid contained, the process of stimulation of fibroblasts with the production of elastin occurs, which leads to an increase in the tension and elasticity of the skin in the treated area.

Thanks to the synergistic effect of lifting and stimulation, the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time. It is worth adding that even after the thread dissolves, the skin does not return to its previous state, and the aging process occurs at a slow pace.

Wrinkles around the mouth: the effect of cold as a tonic

Cold exposure, or cryotherapy, shows excellent results in the fight against wrinkles. A positive effect is achieved due to the narrowing of blood vessels under the influence of cold, followed by their expansion.

This effect increases blood circulation. In addition, the skin is saturated with moisture. Under the influence of ice, collagen production is activated, which leads to the elimination of wrinkles.

To prepare cosmetic ice the following are used:

  • Herbal decoctions
  • Green tea
  • Milk

Important: do not use ice for rosacea, dermatosis, or skin damage

It’s easy to prepare cosmetic ice – just freeze the cooled liquid in molds.

Reinforcement of purse-string wrinkles with mesothreads

The thread reinforcement technique is aimed at smoothing purse-string wrinkles and strengthening the skin above the upper lip. Mesothreads are inserted parallel to the lip contour. They prevent the skin from folding. Gradually, the threads dissolve, and instead of them, their own collagen frame remains, providing a lasting effect. In one procedure, 5 threads are installed on the left and right.

Mesothreads are inserted with microneedles, which are guided by a guidewire or cannula. Excess tissue is moved from the defect area to the surface of the threads, the skin is tightened. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, and lasts about 15 minutes. The effect is comparable to a surgical lift; it lasts up to 5 years.

Wrinkles around the mouth: comprehensive massage

To eliminate purse-string wrinkles, pinch massage is effective. Its effect is enhanced when combined with a massage with a toothbrush.

Pinch massage of the lips and surrounding area: improves blood circulation, strengthens and tightens.

  • Apply on cleansed skin
  • The movements are gentle, pinching, with the thumbs and forefingers. The lip area is massaged vertically and horizontally. Time: 1 minute for each zone.
  • When performing a massage, it is necessary to ensure that the skin does not move.

Massage with a toothbrush – the brush is selected with soft bristles. It is done by tapping movements on the face and lips until light redness occurs. The duration is about 1 minute. Do not stretch the skin during the procedure.

After the massage, apply nourishing cream.

Prices for services

3D - modeling

Correction of facial contours, getting rid of wrinkles. Instant effect lasting up to six months

Voluma 1 ml17 300
Voluma 2 ml31 500
Radiesse 0.3 ml10 200
Radiesse 0.8 ml17 500
Radiesse 1.5 ml21 300
Radiesse 3 ml36 200
Botulinum toxins
Botox for 1 unit.360
Xeomin for 1 unit300
Dysport 1 unit120
Contour plastic

Removes facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds, smoothes the skin on the forehead

Belotero Soft13 200
Novacutan Medium13 200
REVANESSE Redexis, 1 ml16 200
REVANESSE Kiss, 1 ml15 700
REVANESSE Contour, 1 ml15 700
REVANESSE Contour, 2 ml28 700
SD24XP14 100
SD30XP15 100
Artfiller Fine Lines, 1.2 ml14 800
Artfiller Lips, 1.2 ml16 200
Artfiller Universal, 1.2 ml16 200
Art filler Voluma, 1.2 ml17 500
Apriline FORTE, 1 ml14 800
Apriline NORMAL, 1 ml14 400
Juvederm 3, 1 ml15 700
Juvederm 4, 1 ml17 100
Juvederm smile14 100
Juvederm Ultra No. 211 600
Juvederm Volbella17 300
Juvederm Volift17 300
Juvederm Volift RETOUCH14 700
FILORGA M-NA1811 500
FILORGA Voluma, 2ml28 700
Estefil 200 mg36 000
Nitiya, 70 mg20 000
Application anesthesia500

Prices and promotions posted on the website are not a public offer. Prices are indicated taking into account payment within 5 days from the date of the initial consultation. The exact cost of treatment is determined after consultation and diagnosis.

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Lifting the corners of the mouth with Ellanse

Ellanse (polycaprolactone, polycaprolactone) is currently the most revolutionary range of fillers that simultaneously restore collagen volume. Polycaprolactone is a collagen stimulator, non-toxic and biodegradable, suspended in a gel carrier. Its gel consistency gives an immediate plumping effect, while its chemical properties provide a long-lasting effect and influence collagen restoration.

Ellanse is a treatment that not only plumps up the desired areas, but also significantly rejuvenates, restoring the density and natural elasticity of the skin. In addition, the integration of the drug with the extracellular matrix makes it almost invisible, which provides a natural treatment effect - both at rest and during facial expressions (when talking, laughing or crying).

After an Ellanse injection, the skin initially develops a scaffold-like structure around which new collagen gradually forms 10-12 weeks after treatment, so the treatment effect is even better visible 4-6 months after treatment. Thanks to the created collagen network, in addition to filling, the tension and density of the skin also improves.

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