Double chin: causes and methods of correction

A double chin is an aesthetic defect that equally often worries not only women, but also men. Fat deposition and sagging skin in the submandibular area does not decorate anyone and is not always associated with excess weight or old age.

The skin of the chin-cervical area is almost always open and is most susceptible to the influence of adverse external factors. In addition, this area is a so-called fat trap, i.e., even with slight excess body weight, fat accumulates here first, and when losing weight, it is consumed last.

Reasons for the formation of a double chin

  • Malocclusions
    and other pathologies in the formation of the masticatory-speech apparatus can contribute to the appearance of a double chin.
  • Features of the anatomical structure
    of the lower part of the facial skull and throat. The shorter the neck, the higher the likelihood of developing a double chin; the greater the angle between the lower jaw and neck; the lower the protrusion of the larynx (Adam's apple) is located in men, formed by the plates of the thyroid cartilage.
  • Genetic factor.
    Features of the anatomical structure, metabolism and biosynthesis of proteins can be inherited. Metabolic disorders often manifest as a tendency to be overweight, and a slowdown in the process of protein synthesis and maturation also inhibits collagen regeneration - all this contributes to the appearance of such an aesthetic defect as a double chin.
  • Poor posture.
    The habit of slouching and keeping your head down leads to the formation of a double chin due to weakening of the muscles in the front of the neck.
  • Incorrect position while resting.
    Sleeping, reading or using gadgets (tablets, smartphones) while lying on high pillows provokes the appearance of a double chin.
  • Overweight, obesity.
    At any age, excessive weight gain is accompanied by fat deposition in the chin-cervical region.
  • Dramatic weight loss.
    With a significant decrease in body weight, sagging skin occurs, including in the chin area.
  • Hormonal disorders
    . Changes in hormonal levels are almost always accompanied by weight gain or loss, which in turn leads to the formation of a double chin.
  • Pathologies of the immune system.
    Diseases of the thyroid gland, for example, are often accompanied by the formation of a double chin.
  • Age-related changes.
    Even with proper care, already at the age of 35-40, the skin begins to lose elasticity, which leads to sagging, and every year the signs of gravitational ptosis become more noticeable.

Double chin – what is it?

The double chin is a fold of skin and fat under the lower jaw. Appears in men and women, young and old, fat and thin. No one is insured! But it is most noticeable among the fair sex. Maybe we're just more concerned about our appearance?

This repulsive flaw in appearance immediately adds years, weighs down the face and blurs the contour.

Almost every woman sooner or later discovers that she has a double chin. This is as common and often an inevitable sign of age as the widow's hump.

But a young girl can also develop a double chin, and not necessarily due to excess weight. This defect also appears in thin people. It would seem, where does the young and slender get it from? And everything is very simple.

Non-surgical double chin correction at the ROSH clinic

The appearance of a double chin indicates a weakening of the neck muscles, an excessive increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat, and a significant decrease in the elasticity of the dermis. These problems can be eliminated using conservative or minimally invasive methods without contacting a plastic surgeon.

The specialists of the ROSH clinic have at their disposal a large arsenal of modern technologies and innovative equipment to eliminate aesthetic problems. Experienced cosmetologists perform chin correction using safe, certified preparations, developing optimal treatment tactics in each specific case, taking into account the patient’s wishes.


For double chin plastic surgery, different types of lifting are used: implantation of threads, transplantation of one’s own fat tissue, which are used to change the shape of the face. But any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the body. You need to be very careful when choosing a method, clinic and doctor.

If for some reason you cannot use these methods, then there is always a huge arsenal of tools in the fight for beauty and attractiveness that you can use at home: masks, scrubs, wraps.

Double chin correction MesoSculpt

MesoSculpt C71 (Mesosculpt) is a new, unparalleled gel implant produced by the American company ABG LAB LLC, specializing in the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of aesthetic medicine. In the Russian Federation, its use for subcutaneous and intradermal injections has been permitted since November 2022.

The substances that make up MesoSculpt C71 have a complex effect on the tissue in the injection area. After injection of the drug, a gradual decrease in the volume of fat cells occurs without damaging them, the mechanism of tissue revitalization is launched, the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis are stimulated, which in turn provides tightening of skin that has begun to sag.

Advantages and disadvantages of MesoSculpt C71

Compared to the use of some lipolytics, MesoSculpt C71 has a number of advantages:

  • multi-impact on tissue in the correction area provides a well-defined modeling and rejuvenating effect;
  • reduction in the volume of local fat deposits occurs without damage to lipids, i.e., without necrosis of fat cells and complications associated with this process;
  • absence of severe pain both during the procedure and during the rehabilitation period;
  • the correction result lasts for a long time (up to 2 years);
  • absence of specific side effects and complications after correction with MesoSculpt C71.

The disadvantages of the MesoSculpt C71 gel implant include the relatively high cost of the drug itself.

How is correction done with MesoSculpt C71

Double chin correction with MesoSculpt C71 is preceded by a face-to-face consultation, during which the cosmetologist examines the patient, performs the necessary tests and decides on the duration of the course, which usually consists of several treatment sessions and 1-3 preventive ones.

The procedures themselves are performed on an outpatient basis, take little time and do not require the use of special equipment.

  • The package containing a syringe with 1 ml of MesoSculpt C71 (without a needle) is opened in the presence of the patient.
  • After cleaning the correction area from contamination, it is treated twice with an antiseptic. In some cases, with a low pain threshold, local anesthesia is used.
  • Then the specialist performs MesoSculpt C71 injections: he grabs the skin fold and injects the required amount of the drug into it to a depth of 4-6 mm.
  • At the end of the procedure, the correction area is once again treated with an antiseptic. A soothing mask or cold compress may be applied to reduce discomfort.

Side effects

  • No specific side effects have been identified for MesoSculpt C71.
  • Due to the relatively small volume of fat depot in the chin area, there is practically no risk of side effects typical for the use of lipolytics, such as fever, minor disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system organs.
  • In the correction area, there may be temporary discomfort associated with the injections: slight itching, slight hyperemia, slight swelling, etc.


Contraindications for double chin correction MesoSculpt C71 are:

  • age under 18 years;
  • allergy to any of the active ingredients or the drug as a whole;
  • cosmetic implants in the submandibular area;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

MesoSculpt C71 injections: preparation and rehabilitation

MesoSculpt C71 injections do not require special preparation. Patients receive individual recommendations during a preliminary in-person consultation with a cosmetologist.

The result of the correction can be fully assessed 10-15 days after the main course of injections.

After each procedure, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • During the day, you cannot apply cosmetics to the correction area, visit baths and solariums, be in direct sunlight, or allow hypothermia or overheating;
  • For two days you must refrain from sports training, physical overload at home and at work.

Reasons for appearance

A dimple on the chin: gives men masculinity, women – piquancy.

The depression on the chin is a natural formation, determined genetically. It appears in the place where there is a tighter connection of the skin with the underlying tissues. Apart from being an aesthetic inconvenience, the dimple does not pose any threat to health.

Another reason for the appearance of a dimple is the accumulation of fatty tissue in the chin area. The formation of a pit is caused by an uneven distribution of fat, this is especially noticeable in obese people. If you really want to, you can get rid of such depressions. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Lipolytic mesotherapy

Intradermal administration of lipolytic meso-cocktails is one of the modern minimally invasive methods for eliminating a double chin. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to perform several procedures with an interval of 8-10 days.

There are two types of meso-cocktails for injection lipolysis:

  • liporeducers - help reduce the volume of fat cells;
  • true lipolytics - they destroy fat cells into components that are excreted through the lymph flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

  • Thanks to lipolytic mesotherapy, the volume of fat depot in the submandibular area can be significantly reduced.
  • All manipulations are performed on an outpatient basis.
  • The results of injection lipolysis last for a long time (at least a year).
  • Injection of lipolytic mesococktails has no specific side effects or complications.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to effectively eliminate a double chin using this technique. If there is a large amount of sagging skin that has lost its elasticity (for example, as a result of gravitational ptosis), the use of lipolytic mesotherapy is not advisable.

How is lipolytic mesotherapy for the double chin performed?

  • First, cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the correction area is performed. If necessary (low pain threshold), an anesthetic is applied.
  • Then a series of intradermal injections is performed to evenly distribute the meso-cocktail.
  • The procedure is completed with antiseptic treatment and application of a soothing mask or cooling compress.

Contraindications and side effects

Like other types of injection plastic surgery, correction using lipolytic meso-cocktails is not carried out in cases of individual intolerance to individual components or the drug as a whole, the presence of skin and autoimmune pathologies, ARVI, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc.

With the correct selection of the drug and proper implementation of the procedure, side effects are short-lived and are associated with the technique of administering the mesococktail:

  • during the first 2-3 days after the session, there may be redness, swelling, a burning sensation in the correction area, a feeling of fullness at the points where the needle was inserted;
  • Within a week, bruising from the injections may be noticeable.

Preparation and rehabilitation period

The day before a lipolytic mesotherapy session, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, reduce physical activity as much as possible, and also follow the individual recommendations received at a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist (for example, stop taking certain medications for a while).

  • Immediately after completion of the session, in order to distribute the meso-cocktail evenly, you need to rest quietly in a lying position and drink 400-500 ml of water to restore the water-salt balance.
  • On the first day after injections of lipolytic meso-cocktails, for faster skin restoration and elimination of possible discomfort, it is recommended to apply cooling compresses to the correction area.
  • During the entire course and 2 weeks after its completion, you should not visit the sauna or be in direct sunlight.

To effectively remove fat and preserve the result for a longer period after lipolytic mesotherapy, it is recommended:

  • drink at least 2 liters of water daily;
  • Take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • avoid insolation of the correction zone;
  • use sunscreen at any time of the year.

How to quickly get rid of the problem

Sometimes, to correct a defect, it is enough to go on a diet and start working out in the gym. The technique is proven and very effective. And if you complement your new lifestyle with proper skin care, excellent results are guaranteed.

However, not every man will agree to such “feminine things.” Most representatives of the stronger sex are not only lazy by nature, but also consider it beneath their dignity to resort to diet and creams. They strive to solve the problem at the lowest cost, quickly and permanently.

Men of this type can be advised to reconsider their views in a more modern context or turn to salon procedures.

Salon sessions

The use of hardware techniques will help get rid of a double chin in men in a short time, but does not guarantee a permanent effect. With an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet and lack of self-care, the problem will return.

So, what aesthetic cosmetology can offer:

  • liposuction;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • mesotherapy;
  • myostimulation.

Liposuction is prescribed if the cause of sagging tissue is excess weight. It can be ultrasonic or vacuum, it is painless and leaves virtually no traces. Mesotherapy also copes well with fat. Depending on the complexity of the case, 8–10 injections will be required.

If a double chin grows due to muscle weakness, lymphatic drainage and myostimulation will help. The procedures improve blood circulation, strengthen the tissues of the submandibular zone, eliminate swelling, but are prohibited for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Well, for men who dream of getting rid of a sagging chin in one day, we can recommend plastic surgery.

True, manipulation, like any surgical intervention, has a lot of contraindications and side effects, is characterized by pain, a long recovery period and a high price. Therefore, not every man is able to decide on such a radical procedure. It is for them that alternative methods exist.

Beauty treatments at home

Homemade masks and compresses are a simple and effective way to combat a double chin in men. Nutrient compositions with lemon juice, yeast, honey, avocado pulp, hot and mashed potatoes have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthen and tone it.

A mask made from yeast dough with honey helps fight the problem and slows down the aging process.

To prepare it you will need:

  • soft yeast - ½ pack;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - how much dough will take.

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add honey and wait until the components are completely dissolved. Add flour to the mixture to make a soft dough, knead a little, roll out and apply to the submandibular area. Cover the top with plastic, secure and hold for 30 minutes. It is recommended to apply this mask every other day in the evening.

To eliminate sagging tissue at home, you can use compresses. It is recommended to make them from a saline solution, a decoction of medicinal herbs or warm oil.

An excellent effect is achieved by a contrast procedure - alternating cold and hot compresses.

Special gymnastics

Facial exercises also help to cope with a double chin in men. They are an integral part of the overall approach and are carried out on a regular basis.

The most effective gymnastic complexes include turns and rotations of the head, exercises with resistance, and active work with the lower jaw. For example, imagine that you are an excavator and perform movements similar to raking a bucket.

For men who develop a double chin from sitting at a computer for a long time or sleeping on high pillows, exercise with a book will help. Putting a heavy volume on your head and straightening your back, walk for 10–20 minutes. Gymnastics will not only tighten your neck muscles, but also improve your posture.


Self-massage will help you get rid of a double chin at home. Manipulation copes with sagging skin, improves blood circulation and strengthens the muscles of the neck and jaw. You can perform the procedures at any time, but it is better before applying a mask or tightening cream.

Cupping (vacuum) massage gives a good effect. The manipulation promotes fat burning, smoothes the skin and tightens the lower third of the face.

If you can’t master self-massage techniques, you can go to a cosmetology office. Just remember, it will take a long time to go to the procedures and, preferably, without passes.

It will be good if a man understands that taking care of himself, taking care of his health and appearance is not a sign of weakness, but an indicator of education and intelligence. The so-called feminine tricks in no way detract from masculinity, but only add charm and grooming.

Reviews from men

Ivan, 33 years old, Saratov:

The problem of double chin occurs not only in overweight and elderly men. I am a slim and still young man, but my chin is growing. Probably heredity is to blame. I don’t want to do all kinds of masks and exercises, and I don’t have time. That's why I visit a beauty salon. Once a year I take a course of myostimulation, the rest of the time I do Dutch massage. The result is excellent

Alexander, 40 years old, Tambov:

I'm a complete person. And everything would be fine, I’m not the only one, but the position requires me to be in shape, and here my chin hangs almost to my waist. So how to deal with it? I go on diets, go to the gym, and my wife even taught me to do neck exercises. It helps, but I would like more, so that once there are no folds. I'll probably go to a cosmetologist.

Yuri, 47 years old, Chelyabinsk:

I’ve been involved in sports all my life, I didn’t even think about my chin, but here I see it’s growing. Age, what can you do. Well, don't go for surgery. My wife suggested doing facial exercises. Great stuff. Lost 5 years. You just need to do the exercises regularly. Now I’m thinking about doing self-massage and compresses.

Infrared thermolifting Skin Tyte

Infrared thermolifting of the double chin area using the Skin Tyte II module is a painless and safe way to rejuvenate the skin by quickly getting rid of an aesthetic defect. The essence of the method is non-contact heating of collagen located in the dermis to a temperature of 40-42 degrees C, which stimulates the process of producing new collagen fibers that increase skin elasticity.

Depending on individual indications, several thermolifting sessions are performed at intervals of 15-20 days. Visually, an improvement in the condition of the skin is noticeable immediately after the procedure, but the process of active rejuvenation of the dermis continues even after completion of the course. You can fully evaluate the effectiveness of Skin Tyte II infrared thermolifting in six months, and its results last up to 3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of Skin Tyte thermolifting

Infrared thermolifting with Skin Tyte II module:

  • does not cause pain or discomfort;
  • does not lead to burns or other damage to the skin;
  • safe for any skin type;
  • does not require special training or rehabilitation.

It should be borne in mind that the method is ineffective in the presence of significant fat deposits in the chin and neck, as well as in severe sagging skin as a result of gravitational ptosis.

How does the infrared thermolifting procedure work?

After cleansing the correction area, a thin layer of conductive gel is applied to it.

Then the cosmetologist, using the Skin Tyte II module - a special attachment for the innovative JOULE platform - evenly warms the skin with infrared radiation.

At the end of the session, there may be slight redness of the skin, which disappears within half an hour.

Contraindications and side effects

Infrared thermolifting is contraindicated in the same cases as the injection correction methods described above, as well as in cases of individual intolerance to bright flashes of light.

There are no side effects or negative consequences after performing thermolifting.

Chin fat not going away?

Sometimes getting rid of a double chin on your own can be an impossible task. Did the method described above not help you?

The list of probable causes is short:

  1. You expected to get the result very quickly, literally “tomorrow”.
  1. You don't have enough time to do double chin exercises and exercise every day.
  1. The chin was inherited from my parents.
  1. You are over 40 years old. At this age, loose skin on the chin practically does not tighten on its own and spoils the oval of the face even after massive weight loss.
  1. You have Central Asian, Caucasian or Slavic roots. The facial structure of these nations physiologically predisposes them to the appearance of a double chin even at a very early age.

But don't be upset. There are several extremely effective ways to remove a double chin quickly and without plastic surgery. Removing the double chin with lipolytic drugs will help.

Double chin contouring

Contour plastic surgery is a non-surgical technology for eliminating aesthetic defects and rejuvenating the skin by introducing filler gels made from hyaluronic acid into problem areas. Thanks to injections of special preparations, it is possible not only to level out horizontal wrinkles, give clarity to the contour of the lower part of the face, eliminate sagging skin that has lost its elasticity, restore its elasticity, but also launch the process of neocollagenesis - rejuvenation of the dermis.

Advantages and disadvantages of CP

The main advantages of contour plastic surgery:

  • atraumatic and painless all manipulations;
  • outpatient procedures;
  • almost complete absence of side effects;
  • the presence in the composition of the preparations of substances that help restore skin elasticity and prevent its aging;
  • immediate lifting and rejuvenating effect.

But the injection of gels with hyaluronic acid cannot solve all the problems associated with such an aesthetic defect as a double chin. For example, the use of this technology is impractical if there is a large accumulation of fat deposits in the correction area.

Features of double chin contouring

There are several filler gels based on hyaluronic acid, methods for performing contouring and methods for administering drugs. In each specific case, ROSH clinic specialists draw up an individual plan for injection correction of the double chin: select gels, develop implementation tactics and determine the number of procedures.

Double chin injection correction is performed on an outpatient basis. The duration of the session depends on the complexity and volume of the upcoming manipulations.

You can read more about the features of injection plastic surgery with preparations based on hyaluronic acid, recommendations for preparation and recovery after its implementation, contraindications and side effects in the article “Title - link”.

Preventing the appearance of a double chin: recommendations from ISEI

Collagen, hyaluronic acid, snail mucin are three of the strongest ingredients used in cosmetology to prevent the problem of a double chin. What do Korean cosmetic laboratories offer?

Collagen creams

Naris Cosmetics Shurei Facial Care Cream Collagen

Regenerating cream with collagen from Naris Cosmetics is aimed at actively combating age-related changes, reducing the depth of wrinkles, and providing a delicate lifting effect.

The product is based on collagen - filling the skin from the inside, the active ingredient restores its elasticity and firmness.

Village 11 Factory Collagen Cream

Moisturizing cream with collagen from Village 11 Factory forms a protective layer on the dermis that retains moisture inside the cells and smoothes the skin. An additional function of the cream is to eliminate pathogenic flora - the product removes toxins, fights inflammation, and prevents the appearance of edema.

The product is based on hydrolyzed collagen - an ingredient that can make wrinkles less pronounced and the oval of the face clearer. The action of the main component is supported by the power of niacinamide, which evens out skin color, and propolis, a strong natural antiseptic that increases cellular immunity.

Creams with hyaluronic acid

Missha Super Aqua Ultra Hyalron Cream

Cream from the legendary South Korean brand Missha restores the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the manifestation of age-related changes. A complex of 10 types of hyaluronic acid provides the dermis with maximum hydration for 100 hours. Marine collagen helps restore skin elasticity and firmness and prevents sagging.

eChoice Hyaluronic Acid All In One

eChoice Hyaluronic Acid Cream provides long-lasting hydration to the skin, increasing its smoothness and elasticity.

The effect of the main active ingredient is complemented by a herbal complex - arnica flowers, yarrow, wormwood. They increase the turgor of the dermis, refresh and tone the face, and eliminate excess sebum.

Exercises to eliminate a double chin

Performing special facial gymnastics is important both in the presence of contraindications for the methods described above for correcting a double chin, and for consolidating the result after their use or preventing the recurrence of the problem. But before you start exercising, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

Now in the public domain (media, Internet, etc.) there is often an overabundance of purely advertising information about various “magic exercises”, “secret gymnastics”, “miracle exercise machines” for the face and neck. Blindly copying someone else's experience does not always give a positive result, and sometimes causes significant harm. For example, if the formation of a wrinkle is associated not with weakening, but with hypertonicity of a particular muscle, additional stress on it during training can increase overstrain and aggravate the problem.

An experienced specialist, taking into account the anatomical features and causes of the aesthetic defect, will select an individual set of exercises to correct the shape of the face, strengthen or relax muscles, and reduce fat deposits in the problem area. He will show you how to correctly perform gymnastics to correct a double chin and give recommendations on the duration and intensity of training.

Advantages and disadvantages

gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck are obvious:

  • You can conduct classes anywhere and at any time;
  • with a properly selected individual set of exercises, side effects and complications are excluded;
  • the lifting effect will be noticeable after several months of regular training and will last for a long time if it is continued;
  • the result largely depends on the state of the problem area before the start of classes; for example, it will not be possible to completely restore the elasticity of sagging skin and/or eliminate deep age wrinkles with the help of gymnastics alone.

Double chin: what are the solutions?

The best way to solve the problem of the appearance of a double chin is its prevention. Gymnastic exercises and cosmetic products will help with this. Surgical interventions are the last resort.

Facebuilding for a double chin

Sagging skin in the cervical-chin area can be eliminated with the help of face building. The complex is designed to normalize blood circulation in the problem area, increasing the elasticity of the dermis.

Perform the following complex daily:

  1. Open your mouth, press your upper lip to your teeth. Pressing your index finger on your chin, lower your jaw down. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  2. Slowly pronounce the letter "O". Repeat at least 25 times in 2 sets.
  3. Lift your head up, pushing your lower jaw down. Without changing the position of your jaw, turn your head left and right. Repeat 15 times.

Face building will only be effective if the exercises are repeated regularly. It is recommended to train in the evening. Before class, sit up straight, straining your buttocks and back.

Plastic cosmetology

Plastic surgeons offer several options for solving the aesthetic defect.

Injection plastic

Enzymes and lipolytics help get rid of fat:

  • lipolytics – drugs that break down fat cells and remove them from the body;
  • enzymes are substances that, in addition to the breakdown of fat, activate the processes of tightening the dermis after the removal of fat cells.

When injections of enzymes and lipolytics are administered, local weight loss is observed. The drugs work exclusively in the injection area. The effect becomes noticeable 3 weeks after the procedure. The required number of injections is determined individually - depending on the characteristics of the body and the thickness of the fat layer (from 1 to 6 procedures).

Ultrasonic and thread lifting

Non-surgical facelift using Altera ultrasonic lifting works at a depth of up to 5 mm. Penetrating to the frame on which the facial tissues are supported (SMAS layer), ultrasound tightens the muscles and dermis.

Due to the increasing effect, Altera lifting requires only one procedure. By stimulating collagen production, ultrasound significantly improves the condition of the cervical-mental area within 3-6 months.

The procedure is especially recommended for minor fat deposits and noticeably sagging tissues.

Thread lifting guarantees an ideal oval face and complete elimination of the double chin. The effect achieved as a result of operations lasts 1-3 years.


Liposuction is a plastic surgery that involves removing the fat layer. After liposuction, fat disappears from the cervical-mental area and does not return.

Massages for double chin correction

Massage of the lower third of the face and neck is another additional method for correcting and preventing a double chin. Its use is advisable in the same cases as performing an individual complex of facial gymnastics.

To improve blood circulation, activate the lipolysis process, increase the elasticity of the skin of the problem area, etc., it is recommended to conduct a course of one of the types of massage:

  • manual,
  • vacuum,
  • vibration

Advantages and disadvantages

All types of massage for correcting a double chin are safe and painless and do not require special training or rehabilitation. Already after the first procedure, blood and lymph circulation in the problem area improves.

The disadvantages of the method include the need for several sessions.

Contraindications and side effects

If manipulations are performed correctly during a massage, the appearance of any side effects, and even more so negative consequences, is completely excluded.

Contraindications for any type of massage are:

  • the presence of pustules, ulcers, scratches and other skin damage in the correction area;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (massage is possible after consultation with an endocrinologist);
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute infections.

Cosmetic massage

Cosmetic massage is considered one of the most effective and popular salon procedures, but it must only be performed by a professional, otherwise there is a risk of stretching the skin of the face and cheeks directly.

Vacuum massage is often used, which improves blood circulation and improves metabolism. Muscle tone increases, and the skin of the neck and chin tightens. As a result, the process of aging and fading of the skin slows down, folds and double chin disappear, the skin is smooth and elastic.

Prevention of a double chin

The formation of a double chin can be prevented by timely preventive measures.

  • Monitor the proper formation and functioning of the chewing-speech apparatus, and visit the orthodontist in a timely manner.
  • Control your weight: eat well and properly, avoid sudden changes in body weight.
  • Exercise, paying attention to maintaining correct posture.
  • Give up the habit of sleeping on high pillows and reading in bed.
  • Perform self-massage and special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck.
  • Regularly care for the skin of your neck and décolleté: apply masks and/or compresses twice a week.

The best results can be obtained with an integrated approach, combining prevention with rejuvenating procedures using modern injection and hardware techniques. Experienced specialists at the ROSH clinic develop an individual program for the prevention and correction of a double chin for each patient.

Aqualix: a new alternative to liposuction

Expert comment:

“The drug Aqualix was created by a Spanish professor of plastic surgery specifically for the correction of fatty areas on the face and body that are not amenable to weight loss.

It is injected through cannulas into the fat layer and destroys fat cells.

Using Aqualyx intralipotherapy, the surgeon achieves the same effect as after liposuction without an operating room, pain and anesthesia in literally 2-4 procedures.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.


“To be honest, I didn’t even try to lose weight. My weight suits me quite well. But the “pillow” between the chin and neck is not.

I chose double chin injections as a method of solving the problem for one reason - it’s simple. No need to put in any effort


On Friday I asked to leave early and had injections in my chin. Of course, a little pleasant. But Anya has a light hand.

Saturday morning I woke up, stretched as usual, yawned - and my chin literally sunk into my neck. Such a pleasant and long-forgotten feeling!!! It was worth a little patience for this!”

Olga, 34 years old.

Sometimes simply removing a double chin with injections is not enough. The sagging skin fold left after getting rid of fat requires attention.

Strengthening your chin will help: myostimulation, microcurrent therapy, massage and the elastin Japanese cocktail “Sakura”, which is prepared individually each time for the needs of your skin.

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