Chocolate face masks: 7 simple recipes + rules for making them at home

How difficult it is to deny yourself such a pleasure as chocolate, but consuming it leaves your skin covered with imperfections and your figure heavier. At the same time, chocolate can have a reverse effect on both the face and the contours of the body if it is not consumed internally, but used as a cosmetic product.

The original use of this aromatic delicacy will appeal to every representative of the fair sex, because, in addition to its excellent rejuvenating and firming properties, chocolate during the procedure brings a lot of incomparable pleasure.

Useful properties of the product

It’s worth noting right away that all of the benefits listed below apply to high-quality chocolate made from cocoa beans. You should not consider confectionery bars, icing, or sweets with a strange composition. It is not always safe to use them internally; they should not be applied to the skin either.

Benefits of a chocolate mask:

  • Contains caffeine and other substances that give skin tone, increase elasticity, and rejuvenate.
  • Cocoa beans contain niacin and thiamine, which are involved in metabolic processes, prevent aging, and improve cellular respiration.
  • Theobromine, which is also found in chocolate, promotes collagen production.
  • Cocoa beans contain a lot of tannins. They help heal small wounds, eliminate acne, and relieve inflammation from the skin.
  • A mask made from high-quality ingredients will contain a lot of lecithin, which is responsible for protective functions and protects our skin from scorching sun rays, wind and other adverse factors.
  • Pectin, which is also found in chocolate, will help cleanse pores and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Without this, it is impossible to fight acne.
  • Phenylethylamine is an unusual substance found in cocoa beans and chocolate. It has the unique property of increasing blood flow without irritating the skin. No redness, on the contrary, an even and uniform color.

You can look for other useful substances in the composition, but in many ways their quantity, proportional ratio, and properties depend on the product itself. In any case, a chocolate face mask, the benefits of which are obvious, will help preserve youth longer and save you from visiting cosmetologists and expensive procedures. The main thing is to do it regularly.

Magic cocoa beans guard your beauty!

The main active ingredient in chocolate is cocoa, so it is worth considering in detail its effect on the skin of the face and body.

Cocoa is one of the foods that is especially rich in antioxidants, which in turn neutralize free radicals and improve blood circulation in skin cells. Regular use of chocolate face masks helps improve complexion and create a healthy glow. In addition, cocoa beans saturate cells with minerals and vitamins, due to which the tone and turgor of the skin increase, and facial contours become clearer.

Not every candy can rejuvenate you: we recommend using chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa.

Indications for use of masks

There is no point in simply smearing food (and even cosmetics) on yourself; any action must have a purpose. Chocolate is suitable for skin of different types and maturity. But, depending on the additional ingredients, it may act differently. To get maximum benefit from the product, you need to take a conscious approach to the procedure.

Main indications:

  • dehydrated skin;
  • first signs of aging, wrinkles;
  • decreased turgor, flabbiness;
  • acne, inflammation;
  • uneven complexion;
  • swelling;
  • enlarged pores, active work of the sebaceous glands;
  • blurry oval face.

Chocolate masks are often used on the face to remove tan residue and even out the color. As in the case of cosmetic wrap, the product gives good tone, tightens the oval, makes the lines clearer, which is necessary for women after 30 years.

If there are no direct indications for external use of chocolate, and the skin is in good condition, then it can be used to prevent aging, nourish and moisturize, as a maintenance care product 1-2 times a week.

Important! Chocolate is an obligate allergen. If there is an individual intolerance, then the product cannot be used externally; it can harm the skin and cause a rash, redness, and swelling.

Professional products

Professional cosmetics often use chocolate extract to make products. There are no contraindications in this case, because Only the necessary substances are extracted from the product by chemical means. A good example is Belcosmetics, Lekomax and Amrita.

The cost of such products ranges from $3 to several dozen, depending on the selected series and manufacturer. It also plays a certain role which salon you choose for shock-spa procedures (for example, in St. Petersburg or Moscow the procedure will cost no less than $20 per session).

What kind of chocolate is used in cosmetology?

For cosmetic purposes, only bitter (dark) chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 75% is used. There is no point in using milk bars, as well as saving on the main product. Our skin does not need sugar (glucose), thickeners, fillers and other additives. It is better to buy a small quantity but a high-quality product.

Sometimes dry cocoa powder is used for home cosmetics. The same requirement applies to it - maximum naturalness. Instant drinks, especially those containing sugar, are definitely not suitable. If you need to replace chocolate with powder, then add a small amount of milk, water, or herbal decoction to it. For oily skin types, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Benefits of a chocolate face mask

Chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants - this determines its value in facial skin care. Thanks to chocolate masks, the structure of the skin improves, cells become stronger, elasticity appears, and signs of aging become less pronounced.

The risk of skin diseases is significantly reduced and the ability to recover is increased. The work of the lymphatic system is activated, rapid removal of toxins and cleansing occurs. Metabolism improves. Proper use allows the components to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.

The benefits of chocolate masks have been determined:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals of natural origin;
  • Thanks to the substances that make up chocolate, cells receive energy, muscles relax, which allows the skin to rest;
  • resistance to damage increases.

Constant application of such products allows you to tighten the skin, give it a natural shade, and a rejuvenation effect occurs.

Note! Chocolate is often replaced with cocoa powder, but the effectiveness of such products is slightly lower than using dark chocolate.

The nuances of making chocolate masks

At home, a chocolate face mask is prepared exclusively for one time, there is no need to apply anything for future use. Therefore, you will need a small bowl; you can take a container or bowl. To apply you need a brush or spatula. To wash off the chocolate and clean the pores of product residues, it is convenient to use a sponge or a small sponge.

Main nuances:

  • Chocolate must be melted before use. It is convenient to do this at home in a water bath, but you can also use a microwave oven.
  • A dark chocolate face mask is always applied warm; after cooling, the mass hardens. Mixtures with cocoa do not harden, but dry out.
  • Any products are applied exclusively to cleansed skin. After the procedure, you need to wipe your face with tonic.
  • You need to apply the composition not only to your face. The neck, décolleté, and chest also require nutrition, toning, and respond favorably to care.

It is advisable to do any masks in the evening, so that after the procedure there is no need to apply decorative cosmetics. In addition, overnight the beneficial substances will have time to penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin, the effect will be much better.

Dessert for hair

No less popular is the chocolate mask, which activates blood circulation in the scalp, thereby restoring strength and thickness to the hair. It is enough to use a chocolate hair mask once a week to subsequently become the owner of a chic head of hair.

Below is an easy and easy mask recipe that is suitable for any hair type: melt 100 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath, add a blended banana, a couple of tablespoons of honey and milk. Apply the composition to the scalp and hair, wrap with cling film and wrap with a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Sweet beauty recipes

You can make the simplest mask: melt a chocolate bar in a water bath and apply it to your face or body. In any case, it will have a beneficial effect on the skin. But mixed masks work better. Depending on the additional ingredient, one or another problem can be solved. Catch the most interesting, effective and sweet beauty recipes with detailed descriptions and photos.

Complex chocolate face mask at home

A universal product that cares for, nourishes and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. For fatty types, it is recommended to use milk for dilution. If your skin is normal or dry, then it is better to take cream.


  • 2 tsp. oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 25 g dark chocolate;
  • 2 spoons of milk or cream.


  1. Grind oatmeal, pour warm milk or cream, leave for five minutes.
  2. Add honey to the chocolate, place in a water bath, melt until liquid.
  3. Combine both masses, apply poppy seeds to the face, décolleté, neck, massage with your fingertips, leave for half an hour.
  4. Wash off the mask with warm water and lubricate your face with cream.

Nourishing mask

A nourishing dark chocolate face mask at home will replenish the deficiency of essential substances, transform the skin, and get rid of fine wrinkles. Olive oil is used here, but can be replaced with shea butter.


  • 40 g chocolate;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. honey

Mode of application:

  1. Break the chocolate, add olive oil.
  2. Place in a water bath and melt. Be sure to stir so as not to overheat.
  3. Add honey to the warm chocolate mass and grind thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Using a brush, apply the mixture to your face as the first layer. After three minutes, when it starts to dry out a little, renew it.
  5. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then rinse off. Wipe the skin with tonic.

Chocolate face mask with cocoa moisturizing

A similar mask can be found in well-known cosmetic brands, for example, Savonri. Faberlic has a similar product. The base is grated cocoa beans, but you can use regular dark cocoa powder.


  • 2 tsp. cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. cocoa butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. pharmaceutical glycerin;
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil.

How to cook (step by step):

  1. Melt coconut and cocoa butter until liquid, add pharmaceutical glycerin, stir.
  2. Pour cocoa powder into a bowl, add butter with glycerin, add a little water while stirring, achieving the desired consistency. You can use green tea, herbal decoction.
  3. Immediately apply the chocolate mixture to a cleansed face, neck, and chest. Leave for ten minutes.
  4. This mask is washed off with warm water, then the skin should be rinsed with cool liquid. To tone, you can wipe with an ice cube.

Important! Coconut oil can cause comedones. For oily skin types and a tendency to acne, it is recommended to replace it with olive, shea.

Face mask with chocolate against first wrinkles

This product will prevent the skin from aging, maintain turgor, tighten the oval of the face, and it is very easy to prepare from available ingredients. If your skin type is oily, you can add an additional 0.3 tsp. lemon juice.


  • 1 yolk;
  • 25 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tsp. aloe juice

Cooking method:

  1. It is advisable to first keep the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for 10 days. This will increase the concentration of active substances. Then cut it crosswise and squeeze out the required amount of juice. Sometimes agave extract is used for masks, which can also be done.
  2. Separate the yolk from a fresh raw egg; we don’t need the white.
  3. Melt the chocolate using any method, add the prepared ingredients, and grind until smooth.
  4. Apply the mask to a cleansed face and leave for 12-15 minutes. If the mass begins to dry out quickly, you can irrigate it with regular or thermal water from a spray bottle.
  5. Wash off the composition from the face, wipe the skin with tonic, apply a nourishing cream.

Helpful advice! Any mask works better on prepared skin. Before the procedure, it is recommended to cleanse with a scrub or peeling roll.

Chocolate with avocado

This recipe is more suitable for dry or dry skin. The ingredients perfectly complement each other, deeply nourish the skin, make it soft and velvety, and help fight the first signs of aging. Judging by the positive reviews, this option is especially good for the cold season.


  • 1 tbsp. l. avocado pulp;
  • 20 g chocolate;
  • essential oils optional.

Mode of application:

  1. Select a ripe avocado, cut it into two parts, scoop out the pulp, and separate exactly a tablespoon. Place in a bowl.
  2. Melt the chocolate and add to the avocado. If you wish, you can add a couple of drops of any essential oil, for example, lavender or citrus, take into account your preferences.
  3. Grind the avocado with chocolate, apply to the face, then the neck, distribute the remainder over the décolleté and chest as much as possible.
  4. You can simply leave the mask on for 15 minutes, but it is better to first lightly massage the indicated areas and allow the mixture to penetrate deeply into the skin. Rinse off under a warm shower.

Mask for oily and problem skin

This remedy will help dry out pimples, cleanse pores, brighten facial skin and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition to the main ingredients, you will need dry lemon zest; it must be prepared in advance.


  • 30 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 0.5 tsp. dry lemon zest;
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour lemon juice into melted chocolate and add chopped zest.
  2. To relieve inflammation, add two drops of tea tree essential oil and stir. If there are no pimples or redness on the skin, you can make a mask without this ingredient.
  3. Apply the prepared mixture to your face, massage for 1-2 minutes, then leave to dry slightly.
  4. Remove with a sponge soaked in warm water and cleanse the pores at the same time. Rub your face with an ice cube.

Cleansing mask with chocolate, clay and green tea

This chocolate face mask cleanses pores well, has a positive effect on complexion, and dries out minor inflammations. Ideal for combination and oily types, it is advisable to do it twice a week. Can be used on normal skin once every 7-10 days.


  • 1 tbsp. l. blue clay;
  • 25 g chocolate;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • green tea.

Mode of application:

  1. Brew green tea, cool until warm, it should not burn your hand.
  2. Pour the clay into a bowl, add the prepared tea, dilute it to the consistency of runny sour cream.
  3. Melt the chocolate. Add along with lemon juice to the diluted clay. Grind the mask to a homogeneous paste.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face, massage lightly, leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove with warm water using a sponge.

What effect can you get?

In fact, few cosmetic products are as effective as chocolate-based formulations. The main thing is to combine the components correctly, use exclusively fresh products and maintain the compositions only for the recommended time interval. Otherwise, you may not only not achieve a positive result, but even harm your face. If you do everything right, after just a couple of procedures you can see real changes for the better:

  • complexion will become much better;
  • the skin will become more elastic, tender, soft;
  • dryness, flabbiness, oiliness will disappear;
  • the relief will level out, pigment spots will begin to disappear;
  • inflammation, swelling will go away;
  • there will be less acne (in the case of this problem), the rash and peeling will disappear;
  • with rosacea, microtraumas of blood vessels will not be visible, their elasticity will increase;
  • the skin will tighten, wrinkles and signs of aging will become much smaller.

In general, such compositions really have a positive effect on the epidermis layer. Women who systematically perform such procedures look much younger than their years, their faces seem healthier, and they themselves are younger!

Rules for chocolate procedures

A chocolate mask will give your skin renewal only if it is used correctly. These are the rules:

  1. Do not use a pure chocolate mask for oily skin.
  2. Be sure to test the composition before using it on your face. To do this, apply a drop of the composition to the bend of your elbow, rub it a little and wait 15 minutes. If there is no reaction in the form of redness and itching, you can use the mask.
  3. Always use a scrub before applying the mask.
  4. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes.
  5. Do not apply to the area around the eyes.
  6. Rinse with warm, then cold water.
  7. Lie down after application and completely relax your face.
  8. It is best to use chocolate that contains at least 50% cocoa beans. It should not contain additives.



Anna: “I recently bought Novosvit “Hot Chocolate”. The product has the smell of real cocoa, I really like it. Well moisturizes, quickly and conveniently applied. I don’t believe in the weight loss effect from it, but it’s nice to use.”

Elina: “The chocolate face mask has a paste-like consistency; I leave it on for 20 minutes. Helps refresh the skin color, applies and washes off without problems, the effect is always pleasing.”

Karina: “I love the chocolate smell. I recently started using the mask; I love various home care products. Preparation is simple, after the procedure the skin becomes smooth and matte. The peeling goes away, and so do the fine wrinkles.”

Chocolate for combination skin

This type of skin requires more careful care, as some areas are oily, while others are too dry. Before using chocolate, it is recommended to cleanse oily areas of the skin in advance, such as the nose, forehead and chin. To do this, you can use regular soap or washing gel. You need to keep the chocolate for about 10 minutes.

Recipe 1. Take 2 tbsp. l. softened chocolate, add a little heavy cream and a little thick sour cream to thicken the mixture. The mask moisturizes dry areas well, and at the same time cleanses and tightens pores.

Recipe 2. Mix everything in equal proportions: chocolate, yolk, yogurt and honey, apply in three layers. The mixture nourishes and moisturizes, cleansing and tightening pores. In addition, it rejuvenates and helps inhibit the natural aging process of the dermis. The mask is suitable for both young and aging skin.

Recipe 3. Take 2 tbsp. l. chocolate, add a few drops of vitamin E and aloe juice. The mask helps get rid of pimples, cleanses and heals any wounds, giving the skin incredible freshness and well-groomed.

Recipe 4. Melt a quarter of the chocolate, add 1 tsp of banana and kiwi puree. The mixture ideally cleanses, refreshes and vitaminizes the skin. It is especially good to make a mask if you have blackheads, since after the chocolate-fruit procedure they disappear instantly.

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