Myoreforming: non-surgical facelift by Margarita Levchenko

It’s no secret that as women age, they begin to think about their aging skin and don’t want to put up with natural aging. In order for their facial skin to have a youthful appearance, women begin to use various folk remedies, visit salons, and not even be afraid to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Unfortunately, not all means give the desired result. One of the effective methods is the non-surgical lift of Margarita Levchenko. This technique is a worthy replacement for all expensive and sometimes unsafe procedures.

Biography of Margarita Levchenko

Margarita Levchenko is a graduate of a medical school and took courses as a massage therapist. She is also a certified psychologist. Margarita Levchenko came to the idea of ​​​​developing a rejuvenation technique after going through certain difficulties regarding the skin. She began to lose weight sharply, and sagging skin became noticeable on her face. In order to get rid of the difficulties that arose with the skin, Margarita began to use various cosmetic procedures. One of these procedures ended extremely unsuccessfully, as it caused a very severe burn. She studied a lot of material and techniques for working with the face. The result was our own method of “Non-surgical facelift” or Myoreforming.

Body rejuvenation program

Levchenko names correct posture as the first important aspect. With a straight back, the lungs have enough oxygen, the internal organs are in their places, and creases do not form on the face. The first improvements in well-being and appearance become noticeable after two weeks.

The second step, the author of the method recommends starting physical exercise to maintain body muscle tone. Daily gymnastics forms a beautiful figure.

The last component of a young and attractive body is toned skin. To maintain beauty, Margarita recommends body wraps, a contrast shower and a visit to the bathhouse to remove toxins and cleanse.

When combined with proper nutrition, overall well-being improves, the skin becomes smoother, and inflammatory processes in the form of pimples and rashes disappear.

Key Points to Healthy Meals:

  1. Breakfast consists of cereals, fruits, tea without sugar.
  2. At lunch, side dishes of potatoes and pasta are replaced with cereals, and stewed or fresh vegetables are added.
  3. For dinner, prepare vegetable salads or vegetarian soups, add cottage cheese or kefir.
  4. A mandatory item is 2 liters of clean water, not counting tea and coffee.
  5. Periodically arrange fasting days for the overall health and beauty of the skin.

The length of the program is 30 days.

Principles of Margarita Levchenko’s methodology

Levchenko’s technique is based on rejuvenating gymnastics and facial massage. The author also practices a method called “Hormonal gymnastics.” The purpose of the exercises is to train the facial muscles. Developed muscles improve metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The main principle is gentle handling and avoiding overload of the facial muscles.

Read on about another well-known technique by the Russian author Anastasia Burdyug - Superface in 8 minutes a day.

Facial gymnastics

The main idea when performing gymnastics is to work on the facial muscles. When performing gymnastics, there is a decrease in fat and an increase in muscle tissue, the face acquires the correct oval and restores its former elasticity. Gymnastics according to its effects can be divided into the following muscle groups:

  • Temporo-parietal - used for problems with the contours of the oval of the face;
  • Supracranial - removes wrinkles on the forehead;
  • Ear - corrects the contours of the oval of the face;
  • Muscle of the proud - removes wrinkles above the bridge of the nose;
  • Corrugator brow muscle - removes formed folds on the bridge of the nose;
  • The depressor brow muscle removes sagging of the upper eyelid.

These are all the problems that Margarita Levchenko’s facial gymnastics solves.

Face massage

Margarita Vladimirovna believes that lymphatic drainage facial massage is very important in this technique. It allows you to increase blood flow in the deepest layers of the skin, where the synthesis of the most essential proteins occurs. Massage allows, first of all, to improve venous blood supply and remove excess fluid from the subcutaneous space. The technique helps in solving the following problems:

  • Raises the corners of the lips;
  • Allows you to relieve swelling in the eye area;
  • Tightens the upper eyelids;
  • Returns the skin a healthy appearance.

Hormonal gymnastics

Exercises from the author: general information and rules

The author worked meticulously on the exercise scheme , attaching importance to all the details. First of all, the emphasis was on ensuring that facial gymnastics was not only highly effective, but also safe: the execution technique takes into account the existing interactions between different muscle groups.

The gymnastics method chosen by the author mobilizes all the necessary facial muscles, and this can really delay aging.

Preparation for non-surgical lifting includes organizational issues and rules that must be followed:

  • The presented method is suitable for different age categories. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to perform exercises from the age of 23. This will allow the skin to correspond to its biological age and reduce the likelihood of premature aging. Women aged 35 need a full range of activities.
  • Morning is the ideal time to perform procedures. After a full sleep in the human body, all metabolic processes accelerate, and therefore the benefits of gymnastics will be maximum.
  • The exercises will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. This time is quite enough to achieve results, provided that the classes are daily.
  • The course of facial gymnastics is three weeks, the break is one week.
  • Before classes, you need to prepare your face: cleanse the skin of makeup and dirt using your usual products. It is forbidden to specifically steam the skin.
  • While performing gymnastics, you need to take a comfortable position so as not to disrupt blood circulation in the cervical spine.
  • Monitor your breathing: it should be calm and even.
  • To control the process, exercises must be performed in front of a mirror.
  • To consolidate the result, it is recommended to perform lymphatic drainage self-massage in areas where the facial muscles were actively involved. Before starting, lubricate your hands with massage oil .

Pros and cons of the technique

The non-surgical lifting technique has the following advantages:

  • The technique has no age restrictions;
  • Low price, obtaining results in a relatively short time;
  • Ease of use;
  • No side effects;
  • The result lasts a long time.

Margarita Levchenko’s method has its drawbacks, but there are not many of them:

  • Waiting for the result (about 3 weeks);
  • It is necessary to carry out procedures regularly;
  • A grimace can cause negative emotions in others.

Lifting massage for an adult woman

Against age-related changes with obvious deep wrinkles and sagging facial features, Margarita Levchenko has a special highly effective technique - cupping massage. To perform this technique, use almond or cocoa butter (preheated).

Under the influence of vacuum from cans, the following changes occur:

  • New collagen fibers are formed due to improved microcirculation and blood supply.
  • The tone of the skin on the face increases and the color is refreshed.
  • Wrinkles and creases of any depth disappear.
  • Cellular nutrition is stimulated.
  • The face becomes rested, fresh, unevenness and sagging are smoothed out.
  • Slags and toxins are removed from the subcutaneous layer.
  • Puffiness, double chin and bags around the eyes go away.

Before starting the massage, the skin is cleansed and the oil is slightly heated. The procedure is carried out using two techniques: static and dynamic. The first one works well precisely on a particularly problematic area. The vacuum jar is placed on the skin, previously lubricated with oil, and held for five seconds. Dynamic - the oil is distributed over the entire face and the jar is moved along the massage lines.

Principles of lifting massage:

  • Hold the vacuum for no more than 7 seconds.
  • Do not tear off the jar, use a pear to detach from the skin.
  • Do not use on the skin around the eyes.
  • Distribute the skin evenly inside the jar.

Massage with vacuum cups is classified as a medical procedure, so before performing it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and consult a doctor. If any of the points are present, you should refuse the lifting session.

Vacuum massage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During acute inflammatory processes.
  • In case of infectious or viral infection.
  • For oncological diseases.
  • Disruption of the facial nerves.
  • Skin damage and fungal infection.
  • With high body temperature, flu.
  • Unstable blood pressure (both low and high).
  • Low blood clotting rates.
  • Thrombosis or a tendency to it.
  • Dysfunction of the lymphatic system.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Feeling unwell or very tired.

The first sessions are done gently and carefully, excluding excessive exposure. Gradually increase the intensity, controlling the skin reaction. If bruises or hemorrhages appear, take a break until complete healing.

Myoreforming. Indications and contraindications

As noted, the technique is suitable for all women without age restrictions. Margarita Levchenko is sure that there is no need to wait for the first wrinkles to appear, and it is best to start using the technique at the age of 20. For young skin, this will serve as good protection against premature aging, but for older women it will give the face a youthful appearance.

Of course, doubts may arise whether facial massage is suitable for any woman, just like gymnastics. These doubts are not unfounded, since there are certain contraindications.

Carrying out gymnastics using this method is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. If there are signs of inflammation of the facial nerve;
  2. High pressure;
  3. Recent plastic surgery;
  4. The presence of any infectious diseases;
  5. Recent cosmetic procedures;
  6. The presence of abnormalities in the thyroid gland.

Facial massage is contraindicated if:

  1. There are liver diseases;
  2. Diseases of the lymphatic system;
  3. Malignant and benign formations;
  4. If your skin is prone to oiliness;
  5. Heart diseases;
  6. The presence of blood clots in the vessels.

What results can you achieve if you follow the program?

The uniqueness of Margarita Levchenko’s method is that it consists of simple actions, but, as the author assures, it can lead to a noticeable effect. And regular exercise, combined with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, will allow you to look great even without “beauty injections” or similar tricks.

In 2–3 weeks of working using the non-surgical lifting method, you can achieve the following results:

  • strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the facial muscles;
  • restoration of facial contours and getting rid of such imperfections as double chin, jowls, sunken cheeks;
  • improvement of metabolism in the skin and muscles;
  • even out complexion;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • acceleration of collagen and elastin production;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • getting rid of swelling, dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • smoothing nasolabial folds and improving the shape of the nose;
  • restoration of the shape of the mouth: the corners of the lips rise, wrinkles around them disappear, and the lips themselves become fuller;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin on the neck and décolleté.

As a bonus, the author promises good health and relief from stress. The reason is that any physical activity increases serotonin levels, and when the first results from doing the exercises appear, your mood will improve just by looking in the mirror.

Massage and gymnastics work no worse than plastic surgery

Pros and cons of this rejuvenation method

The technique is free and easy to implement; you don’t even need any additional equipment.You will have to exercise regularly, twice a day - this is the only way to maintain the achieved effect of skin tightening.
Suitable for women of any age. Young girls will be able to improve their skin color, get rid of swelling, and correct their face shape if there is a sudden change in weight. Women who are faced with the first wrinkles can easily get rid of them, and women who have a full range of age-related changes are guaranteed to reduce their manifestations. Although the exercises can be done at home, it is still better to hide from your household - they are unlikely to be able to look at such a performance with indifference.
If you follow the rules of doing the exercises, there are no side effects.A noticeable result will appear only after 2-3 weeks, and if you have pronounced wrinkles, a double chin, sagging cheeks, etc., you will have to work much longer.
Painless method compared to peelings, injections or operations

Non-surgical lift. Author's recommendations

General recommendations:

  1. Open the windows and ventilate the room;
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly and remove makeup from your face;
  3. Do the exercise while looking in the mirror;
  4. After doing the exercise, you need to wash your face with cool water;
  5. Apply a suitable quality moisturizer to the face, neck and décolleté.

By the way, we recommend reading a useful article about the TOP 16 best manufacturers of skin care products.

One goal, many methods

Facial exercises are an effective method for maintaining youthful skin. With their help, you can tone your muscles and skin, smooth out wrinkles, tighten your chin and achieve other noticeable cosmetic results.

If you practice regularly enough, you can achieve a clear, even facial contour. Without jowls, double chin, pronounced nasolabial folds and a network of facial wrinkles.

True, all this makes sense if the body weight, as they say, is “about the point.” If the excess weight is significant, you will definitely need a diet and other weight loss measures, and only then - facial gymnastics.

Ideally, women and men begin to pay attention to their facial skin at the first symptoms of aging and wilting. Then exercises against wrinkles will become their prevention. It is clear that without such preventive actions the problem will grow

Let's skip the moment of no return, and then we will need biorevitalization, bioreparation, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, botulinum therapy, thread reinforcement and other modern methods

It is clear that without such preventive actions the problem will grow. Let's skip the moment of no return, and then we will need biorevitalization, bioreparation, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, botulinum therapy, thread reinforcement and other modern methods.

There are also spa treatments, wellness, acupressure and other “natural” techniques. At the other extreme is surgery. So let's try together to avoid such radical methods.

A set of rejuvenating exercises

This complex must begin from the neck. You need to stroke the front of the neck, from the collarbone to the chin. It is necessary to perform 8-9 such exercises and move on to the face.

Smoothing the face must be carried out in the following sequence: from the center of the forehead to its edges, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the temples.

Everything before that was just a warm-up. Next, the lesson must be done according to the same scheme, but only use pressure. Of course, the pressure should be moderate so that the skin does not stretch.

Use two fingers to fix the wrinkles, and press with the third finger. For example, to remove bags under the eyes, you need to smooth it from the center of the face towards the periphery. At the final stage, simply stroke the entire face.

Considering that the technique is free and has incredible success, there are many reviews about Facebook building. Videos of the technique can also be found on the Youtube channel, you can copy them to your pages on social networks.

System principle

The essence of Margarita Levchenko’s approach to facial gymnastics is careful and careful conduct of classes. The exercises are aimed at maintaining skin tone and improving tissue processes. Gymnastics are performed at a slow pace, without overloading the facial muscles. Excessive load and a large number of repetitions are not used in this technique.

With Margarita Levchenko’s system, facial muscles are gradually strengthened, skin nutrition processes are improved, normal blood circulation is restored and lymph flows out, cells are saturated with oxygen. After a course of exercises, the condition of the skin improves, the oval of the face is tightened.

Unique improvements after a three-week course of facial gymnastics:

  • Improvement of sagging facial features.
  • Establishing metabolic processes.
  • The appearance of natural skin radiance.
  • Restoring the normal functioning of the glands for the production of sebum.
  • Stimulates collagen production.
  • Improvement of skin turgor.
  • Creases and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The contours of the nose and lips acquire a clear shape.
  • The swelling goes away.

Gymnastics should be done not only in the morning, but also, if possible, during the day. It is recommended to do exercises while removing makeup.

Gymnastics exercises

An important aspect is regularity, that is, Margarita Levchenko’s gymnastics for the face should be done every day. Exercises are carried out in a ventilated room. Before you start, you need to cleanse your face and wash your hands. To control the correctness and accuracy of performance, gymnastics is done while standing in front of a mirror with straightened shoulders.

M. Levchenko has its own exercises for each muscle group, so it is important to perform them only on certain parts of the face:

  • Workout No. 1 for smoothing forehead wrinkles and raising the eyebrow line. Place your palm slowly on your forehead and press with slight force. Without removing your hands, you need to raise and lower your muscles for ten seconds.
  • Workout No. 2 is aimed at strengthening the upper eyelid. During the exercise, look up and press the top of your eyebrows with your fingers.
  • With the help of the third gymnastics, wrinkles of the lower eyelid go away. Using two fingers, press the skin on the convex part of your cheekbones and squint your eyes.
  • Exercise No. 4 from the cycle is aimed at increasing the tone of the skin around the eyelids and smoothing out wrinkles. With two fingers, pinch the skin above and below your eyes and squint hard.
  • Workout No. 5 helps smooth out wrinkles in the nasolabial area. Take in air, filling your cheeks with it, and “move” it from right to left several times.
  • Lesson No. 6 from the non-injection rejuvenation cycle strengthens the lip muscles. The secret to performing the exercise correctly is in the peculiarities of the pronounced sounds “O” and “A”. In the first case, leave a narrow opening when opening your mouth; in the second, cover your teeth with your lips.
  • When performing exercise No. 7, all the muscles around the mouth are strengthened. Take air behind your lips and “scroll” it inside clockwise.
  • Workout No. 8 is aimed at tightening the lower line of the face. With tense neck muscles, say “U” while stretching your lips. The second step is to say “X” while smiling widely.
  • Exercise No. 9 makes it possible to tighten the front of the neck and chin. Pronounce “IKS” with emphasis on the sound “I” and tense the neck muscles.
  • Workout #10 strengthens the lower contour of the face. Pull your jaw forward and curl your lips tightly.
  • Complex No. 11 is aimed at toning the muscles of the mouth. With your lips extended forward, write out any phrases in the air.
  • Gymnastics No. 12 completely works all muscles. Pull your lips into a narrow tube, then sharply point them down, look up, sticking out your tongue.
  • Exercise No. 13 allows you to get rid of a double chin. Place your hands on your neck and strongly strain your muscles, pressing with your chin.
  • Exercise #14 tones the muscles at the back of the neck. Place your fingers behind the back of your head and tense your muscles.
  • Exercise No. 15 stimulates muscle tone on the sides of the neck. Place your hands slightly above your ears and push your head in the opposite direction.

Movements should be soft, stroking. When treating the area around the eyes you need to be extremely careful.

Non-surgical facelift step by step

Margarita Levchenko has broken down all the lessons in such a way that their complexity increases from one lesson to the next. Start with the first ones, and then move on to the next ones sequentially.

Frontalis muscle

  1. First of all, you need to sit on the edge of a chair keeping your posture straight, then raise your shoulders and move them back, letting them go down. You need to relax and sit in this position for 5 seconds. This exercise must be done 5 to 6 times;
  2. Exercise to improve blood circulation: warm up your hands and lubricate them with massage oil, then rub your face, décolleté and neck;
  3. To work the frontalis muscle, you need to press your palm tightly against your forehead and make sure that your fingers do not form folds on the forehead. It is necessary to take into account that the little finger should go straight along the brow ridge. You need to try to raise your eyebrows as slowly as possible, while keeping the skin from moving.

This exercise must be repeated at least 4 times.


Unfortunately, girls who are used to smiling often develop wrinkles under their eyes early. But in no case should you put up with this, but you need to actively fight it.

  1. You need to place your palm on your forehead and press the skin of the brow ridge. After this, you need to quickly close your eyes and relax your eyelids, and do all this without opening your eyes for 10 seconds. After this, you need to relax and repeat the exercise at least 6 times.
  2. In this position, you need to look up, pressing the frontal muscle with your index fingers to the bones of the skull. The location of the fingers should be strictly above the eyebrows. After this, you need to open and close your eyes. The moment you close your eyes, pause for 2 seconds. You need to perform at least 6 repetitions.
  3. It is necessary to press the muscles under the eyes with the ring and middle fingers. The fingers should be located along the lower edge of the eye opening in the skull. You need to close your eyes like this for eight seconds and then relax.
  4. You need to press the upper eyelid of the eyebrow with your index finger and look at the ceiling. In this position, you must pause for 40 seconds. For the first time, you can limit yourself to 1 repetition.
  5. Place your index finger above the eyebrow, and the thumb should be placed above the cheekbone, well, it’s the same as putting binoculars to your eyes. You need to slightly stretch the skin and bulge your eyes as much as possible. You need to hold out in this position for as long as possible, and then relax and blink.


Despite the fact that wrinkles appear on the cheeks late, you need to work on them in the same way as with other areas. With a decrease in muscle tone in this area, the oval of the face becomes sagging, which ages no less than wrinkles.

  1. The palms should be placed on the cheeks, with the fingers slightly apart. Puff out your cheeks and resist with your hands.
  2. It is necessary to rub the lower part of the cheeks with the edge of your palm, you need to move from the center of the chin to the ears.
  3. Place your palms on your cheeks and inflate them with air one by one. The hands should provide resistance, while increasing muscle tension. You need to roll the air from one cheek to the other. You need to do at least ten repetitions on each side until you feel tired. If it’s difficult at first, you can limit yourself to five repetitions.
  4. Use your palms to pat your cheeks until they relax. Massage the nasolabial wrinkle. You need to finish with soft stroking.

Sinus massage

If the nose is not breathing, Margarita Levchenko suggests the following technique:

Author's tips for implementation

Performing gymnastics does not require additional lubrication of the integument. Dry skin can be lightly treated with moisturizer (cosmetic oil). The product should be completely absorbed without creating a slipping effect when grasped with your fingers. After performing the exercises, wash your face and nourish the skin with cream (mask).

It is advisable to do gymnastics in front of a mirror, watching the progress of the muscles. A specific exercise is designed to involve a narrow group of muscles. It is advisable not to involve neighboring areas when performing.

Attention! The effect of gymnastics will increase if you maintain good posture. Keep your back straight, your head straight, your shoulders relaxed. The position helps improve blood supply to the muscles. After a series of exercises they relax.

Gymnastics are performed daily, absences are allowed for valid reasons (poor health). It is advisable to perform it in the morning. Each exercise is repeated 4–6 times. The load is not increased (pumping is avoided). When performing an intensive course (the first 3 weeks), gymnastics are done twice a day. Then they switch to a moderate, maintenance regimen.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

  1. The front part of the neck should be massaged with stroking movements from bottom to top, and the side and back - on the contrary, from top to bottom.
  2. Place your right hand on your chest and move towards your left shoulder.
  3. Repeat neck massage.

The direction of the movements you make corresponds to the lymphatic direction of blood flow. Since you act on the lymph, you remove excess water and thereby relieve swelling.

Early life

Doctors forbade Levchenko’s mother to give birth, but the woman dreamed of a child. Rita was born on April 22, 1965 in Volgograd. The girl spent her childhood in the city of Derbent, where the family moved shortly after the birth of their daughter. The rejuvenation trainer spent his childhood on the western coast of the Caspian Sea.

When Rita was 13 years old, she accidentally heard that her mother could die at any moment. At that time, Levchenko’s family was going through hard times - her father left, the girl had to take all the worries about her loved one on her fragile shoulders. It was then that Margarita decided that she would certainly connect her life with medicine. After this incident, the girl’s mother lived for 36 years; Levchenko never regretted her choice of profession.

After graduating from school, Rita became a student at a medical school. Already in her first year she went to work. Levchenko got a job at a hospital as a nurse. There she had to face human pain and death. This changed the girl’s worldview, and at one point she became an adult. After receiving her diploma, Margarita worked in the intensive care unit of the surgical department as a nurse.

Which technique should you choose?

Our skin ages day by day, and one of the few ways to prolong its beauty and radiance is to activate additional capabilities and cell regeneration.

Only a doctor can determine which rejuvenation method is right for a woman. Therefore, first of all, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis and find out what type of skin your skin is aging.

Types of aging:

  1. biological (premature, due to the negative impact of external factors);
  2. chronoaging (age-related);
  3. photoaging (under the influence of solar radiation).

The doctor determines not only the type of aging, but also which layers of the skin need to be rejuvenated.

Experts divide non-surgical rejuvenation into two types. The first option eliminates the earliest symptoms of aging and acts on the dermal layer of the skin.

Doctors recommend these methods to those patients who do not yet have deep wrinkles and sagging facial contours.


This includes bioreinforcement, laser dermabrasion, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation and much more.

The second type removes ptosis, wrinkles of medium and deep depth. These methods affect the deep layers of the skin - the hypodermis, as well as the muscle layer.

First of all, this is a thread lift procedure, as well as botulinum toxin injections.

According to experts, many non-invasive methods of rejuvenation are an excellent alternative to surgery. What is the essence of each method, what is the final result?

Physiology of intimate gymnastics for women

Now, using simple examples, let’s look at what happens on the subtle plane. By doing intimate muscle exercises, we activate the circulatory system, warm up the tissues, accelerate and accumulate the energy center responsible for feminine energy. This is the sacred center in which new life is born, formed and comes to light. This is the place from where a woman nourishes a man at the level of creating a home, grounding, and creating a foundation for harmonious relationships. This is a place of giving and receiving, development, sustainability, balance.

Personal life

Margarita met her fate during her student years. Her chosen one was a young military school cadet. The correspondence affair lasted for several years, after which the lover proposed to Levchenko. At the time of marriage registration, the groom was 22 years old, the bride – 19 years old.

The couple's family life began with the husband's long business trip. He set off on a voyage that lasted 1 year and 1 month. After 3 years, the family grew. The pregnancy was difficult, but Levchenko made every effort to carry a healthy child and give him life. In 1987, Margarita gave birth to a daughter.

Levchenko lived with her chosen one for 20 years. After which fate prepared a new test for her - Margarita’s husband died.

By the age of 45, the non-surgical rejuvenation gymnastics coach noticed that her appearance had changed. Several extra centimeters were added to my waist, and my face also began to fade. Margarita decided that it was time to test the technique on herself. Having got down to business, Levchenko lost 12 kg and began to look younger than her age.

Margarita Levchenko photo

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