15 masks made from flaxseed, rice, rye and corn flour

Flour is used not only in the food industry, but also in cosmetology. Using it, you can prepare effective masks for the face, hair, and body wraps. Beauty salons perform procedures with rice and soy flour; you can try to repeat them at home. Next, you will learn about what each product does and how it can be useful to you. Such recipes can be used comprehensively or individually, one-time or in courses. When choosing a product, consider your skin type, its condition, features and existing problems.

About the benefits of flour in cosmetology

The flour contains a huge complex of natural vitamins; each mask made on the basis of a certain type of flour has its own effect on the skin. That is why it is important to choose a variety that is suitable for your type. With flour masks you can:

  • Get rid of oily face. The flour mask will dry out the epidermis in problem areas, tighten pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Eliminate fine wrinkles and skin defects. After using flour masks, you will notice that the skin has acquired elasticity and the contour of the face has noticeably tightened.
  • Cure acne and pimples. Flour has cleansing properties, penetrates well into pores and removes skin irritations.
  • Restore freshness to your complexion. A flour-based mask tones the skin, gives the skin radiance, smoothness and a healthy appearance. In addition, the epidermis will become more resistant to the influence of external irritants, and its texture will be more even.

Where to get quality flour

Flour is a product obtained by grinding grains. It contains a large amount of nutrients:

  • starch;
  • proteins;
  • enzymes;
  • fiber;
  • thiamine;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • lactoflavin;
  • tocopherol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • retinol;
  • minerals.

Photo: jito.su
Saturation of epidermal cells with vitamins leads to an acceleration of metabolism. As a result, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, elastin, and fibrillar protein is enhanced. These components increase the elasticity of the skin, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out and facial porosity is reduced.

To increase the effectiveness of homemade masks, special attention is paid to the choice of rye flour. For cosmetic purposes, use a product of any of three types:

  • Higher. Made from the kernel of grain. Flour is rich in carbohydrates, but almost devoid of microelements. Suitable for caring for sensitive skin with dullness, flaking and dehydration.
  • First. Contains a large amount of starch, which has moisture-retaining properties. Suitable for combating dehydration.
  • Second. Flour is made from whole grains. It contains a lot of bran, so it has exfoliating properties. Used to prepare scrubbing face masks.

To preserve maximum vitamins in flour, it is stored in dry glass containers at temperatures up to 25°C.

Flour can be bought in a supermarket, taking into account several criteria:

  • Package. In paper bags, flour products retain their beneficial properties longer.
  • Freshness. For cosmetic purposes, it is not advisable to buy “young” flour that was made less than 1 month ago.
  • Color. A bluish tint indicates the presence of unripe or weedy grains in the composition, a reddish tint indicates a large amount of bran.

Premium flour contains almost no nutrients. But baking powder and bleaching components are often added to its composition. It is ideal for combating freckles and age spots.

Rules for applying flour masks

To achieve the desired result, procedures using flour masks must be carried out correctly. There are few recommendations, but each of them is important to achieve the effect.

  • Mix flour and liquid well. The mixture tends to form lumps, and you need the ideal consistency of the material to work with.
  • Don’t abandon the procedure, complete the course you started. Only in this case will a flour-based mask become an effective treatment for dermatological problems. You will notice the first results quickly, after just a couple of uses, but this is not a reason to end the course.
  • Do not overuse the procedure. It is enough to apply the mask 1-2 times a week.
  • Correctly determine your facial skin type and choose the type of flour suitable for its treatment.

Jennifer Lopez

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Jennifer Lopez recently appeared with “this” on her face; it’s hard to call this makeup artist’s creation the big word “makeup.” Black smokey eyes look dirty and resemble panda eyes, but they're nothing compared to the brown line around the star's lips. We assume that J. Lo, like all mere mortals, might have developed a sore on her lip that had to be masked. Alas, this is exactly the case when you should have just stayed at home.

How to choose flour for your skin type

  • The best option for dry skin would be a mask made from rice or oatmeal.
  • Oily skin will be transformed by the components of wheat flour.
  • Pea flour effectively fights dermatological problems and wrinkles.
  • Rye flour is suitable for aging skin in need of rejuvenation.
  • The components of flaxseed flour have a positive effect on cleansing pores and activating blood circulation, and are useful for dry or mature skin.
  • A corn flour mask is quite versatile, helps treat acne, works as a scrub, cleanses the skin of dead cells, and also perfectly tightens the facial contour.


Preparing a mask is not difficult; it is important to choose the right ingredients and combine them in the required proportions. Since different types of flour can be used, it is necessary to consider what type of skin this or that is suitable for. For example, for fatty foods it is better to cook flaxseed or oatmeal, and for dry ones it is better to cook rice. You need to mix the ingredients especially carefully so that there are no lumps in the finished mask.

Flour mask recipes

Classic mask with wheat flour

You only need two ingredients here. Flour can be diluted with cool water or warm milk. The resulting dough must be kneaded well until the lumps completely disappear.

Flour mask with egg

Dissolve dry yeast (half a teaspoon will be enough) in 100 ml of warm milk. Beat the egg and add it to the rest of the ingredients. At the end of cooking, add just enough wheat flour to bring the mixture to a dough. The procedure with this mask is suitable for permanent and regular facial skin care.

Flour peeling

To prepare the peeling you need 2 tablespoons of wheat or rice flour. Stir in 1 teaspoon of crushed nuts and 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. You can make nut crumbs yourself using a coffee grinder, preferably using almonds or walnuts.

Oatmeal mask

This complex mixture has a beneficial effect on dry skin types. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with yolk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. If you don't have oat flour on hand, you can replace it with rice flour.

Soda mask with flour

Works ideally with problematic facial skin. Any type of flour is suitable for the base of the mask. Mix 2 tablespoons of flour with a teaspoon of soda and add water until thick. Do not use this mask if you have open wounds on your face. The procedure is also not recommended for use on sensitive skin.

Creamy mask with flour

This recipe also allows you to make a mixture from any type of flour. For 2 tablespoons of flour you will need 3 tablespoons of cream, the thicker it is, the better. This mask has a rejuvenating effect, so it is recommended for older women.

Honey mask with flour

As a base, you can take 2 tablespoons of flour of your choice, add whipped egg white and mix everything with a teaspoon of honey. The result of this procedure is a fresh complexion, lack of oily shine and a tightened contour.

Refreshing flour mask

If you need to quickly tone your face, this express mask is the ideal solution! To prepare it you will need grated carrots, yolk and 1 tablespoon of buckwheat flour. Mix the ingredients, apply to the skin and restore its blooming appearance in 20 minutes.

Apple flour mask

Squeeze the juice of 1 apple (it is very important to do this immediately before application, the juice must be fresh) and add 2 tablespoons of wheat flour. Stress and lack of sleep leave an imprint of fatigue on your skin, this express mask will help restore the epidermis and return it to a healthy state.

What are the benefits of rice for the skin?

Rice masks, balms, scrubs, creams are useful for both young and mature skin. What is especially valuable is that they can be used by women with any skin type: dry, oily, sensitive, problematic, aging.

We suggest you use homemade rice masks for your face. They are simple in composition and preparation, but the result will please you.

Rice contains many substances that are important for the health of our body and they naturally have a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin.

Vitamins and minerals:

  • E (tocopherol) – nourishes and rejuvenates skin cells.
  • D – gives skin tone.
  • B (B1 and 2) – improves cellular respiration due to blood flow and helps cell renewal. Thanks to him, the face acquires a healthy shade.
  • Selenium and silicon slow down the process of withering of the epidermis and maintain it in an elastic state.
  • Potassium regulates water balance, it helps remove excess fluid from tissues, which means swelling goes away.
  • Rice ceramides are included in many anti-aging products. In rice cereals, ceramides are similar to those present in our body, therefore they help produce collagen, necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Tyrosine, allantoin, ferulic acid - perfectly whiten the epidermis and remove redness. In addition, these substances protect the face from harmful sun rays and help quickly recover from sunburn.
  • Rice flour is an excellent adsorbent. By absorbing excess sebum, it mattifies the surface of the face and protects it from pollution.
  • The starch in rice gently and effectively whitens the face, even slightly lightens age spots and freckles.

Sharon Stone

Some fashion brands actually produce gold lipstick. Models even manage to look good with her in photos. Apparently, the beautiful Sharon Stone fell for this: she will remember her “golden” appearance for a long time... Because only the lazy did not discuss the sickly appearance of the star. Fortunately, it's not hepatitis, it's just makeup!

Kelly Osbourne

Now Kelly Osbourne looks great and is meticulous about her beauty looks. And before the parties, our rebel didn’t really worry about it. We assume that she simply called the neighbor kids and asked them to put makeup on her. Do you remember, when we were 5 years old, we also wore makeup like this, when we were trying to get our hands on my mother’s cosmetic bag?

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