Riot on the head or electrification of hair: Top 8 care tips.

Personal care

Riot on the head or electrification of hair: Top 8 care tips

Perhaps every girl has encountered the problem of electrifying hair. This especially bothers young ladies who love hairstyles and various transformations. Hair gets tangled and cannot be styled in any way. This happens more often in winter and cold seasons. Wearing tight hats, synthetic materials in clothing, and dry indoor air have an effect. But the time of year is not the main reason why hair becomes frizzy. You can cope with this defect both in a salon and with simple cosmetics. It is necessary to include vitamins in the diet, humidify the air in the house and change care products.

What should we look for the cause of such a common problem?

1. Wrong choice of headgear.

It is advisable to wear a hat made of natural materials - wool, fur, cotton. The size of the headdress also matters - we advise you to avoid tight hats.

2. Combs made of plastic and metal.

Metal and plastic combs destroy the hair structure and lead to electrification.

3. Exposure to heating devices. Dry indoor air has a negative impact on the condition of hair and skin.

4. Lack of vitamins.

Add more vegetables and fruits, grains, and fish to your menu.

5. Cosmetics containing alcohol.

6. Using inappropriate shampoos and conditioners.

7. Abuse of curling irons, hair dryers and other thermal devices.

8. Unfavorable environmental conditions in the area of ​​residence.

9. Washing your hair with too hot and hard water.

Features of application

Before applying a clay mask, calculate exactly how much crushed clay you will need for hair of your length and volume. It is logical to assume that curls below the shoulder blades will require more product than shorter hair.

There are several unspoken rules on how to use clay to prepare a nourishing mask:

  • You should not apply clay to your hair dry. In order to make a mask with clay, you should dilute a small amount of powder in liquid (water or another component). The consistency of the mixture with clay should resemble thick sour cream and should stick to the spoon and not flow down. If you mix a mask with clay using water, it is better to take still mineral water, settled water or melted snow;
  • Some traditional healers recommend burdock or castor oil for mixing clay . However, the most useful option would be a herbal decoction of nettle, burdock roots, chamomile, mint or calamus. To make the clay mask have a pleasant aroma, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it;
  • The clay mask should be stirred in a ceramic, glass or wooden bowl. Plastic and metal are not suitable for this purpose;
  • When preparing a mask with clay, do not get carried away with adding additional ingredients. You should not show imagination and violate the recipe of the product, otherwise you can achieve an unpredictable result;
  • Before applying to the curls, the clay mask is heated for 3 – 5 minutes in a water bath. Do not overheat it so that the mixture does not bubble up. If you do overheat the clay composition, wait until it cools down to an acceptable temperature, and only then distribute it over the strands;
  • The total holding time of the mask should not exceed 40 - 60 minutes . Other sources indicate a period of half an hour. To determine the time period that suits you individually, we recommend starting with a short period of time (25 - 30 minutes) and, in the absence of side effects, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure to the permitted maximum. It cannot be exceeded, otherwise an allergic or undesirable chemical/thermal reaction may develop;
  • The effect of the mask will be more effective if, after application, you wrap your hair with film and insulate your head with a hat or cap;
  • It is better to wash clay from your hair with warm, but not hot water. After the procedure, you can rinse your curls again with an infusion of herbs or water acidified with lemon juice. Please note that it may take about 2 to 3 shampoos to completely rinse the product from your hair. Therefore, it is useful to moisturize the ends with a nourishing balm or conditioner afterward.

Please note that the standard duration of a course of clay-based therapeutic masks is at least 10 procedures . They can be repeated every 3 to 4 days. You should not use clay masks every day, as this will lead to dry scalp. This is also why clay compounds are applied to dirty, oily hair before washing.

Useful habits when hair is magnetic:

1. Dry your hair naturally.

2. Use electrical hair styling devices less often.

3. Wear a comfortable hat

4. Drink more fluids

5. Use more moisturizing hair products

6. Comb your hair more often with a wooden comb

7. Add essential oils to skin care products

8. Wash and rinse your hair only in water at room temperature

9. Make hair masks

Tip #1: Give your hair and scalp proper care

To have healthy hair, it is very important to take proper care of your scalp and hair shaft. And rest assured, proper care is not limited to good shampoo; experts are unanimous on this.

  • It is recommended to select shampoo according to your scalp type; its task is to cleanse the skin and hair of impurities.
  • The second stage of care is micro-peeling for the scalp once a week.
  • Hair masks are necessary to improve and enrich the structure of the hair shaft; it is enough to use them 2 times a week.
  • It is better to apply conditioner or balm before using shampoo. This little trick will protect your hair and restore its shine.

We’ve decided on basic care, let’s now get acquainted with other tips that will help fill your hair with vitality.

Products from the mass market

1. Antistatic agents

Some manufacturing companies produce a series of products with an anstatic effect. They perfectly nourish, smooth, and remove static tension from the hair.

To eliminate the “dandelion” effect, you can use sprays, shampoos, balms, masks and other products.

Antistatic agents form a film on the strands that strengthens the curls, saves them from overdrying, and restores them. These products contain silicones, glycerin and vitamins.

However, you should not buy cosmetics that are too cheap. They most often contain low-grade components that can lead to brittle and dry hair.

Brands that have earned recognition are L'OREAL, ESTEL, Wella Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional, Natura Siberica and some others.

Antistatic agents will help in situations where you need to get yourself in order quickly.

2. Special shampoos and conditioners.

Nashi Argan Shampoo

Dry, damaged hair with split ends are more susceptible to electrification. This fact must be taken into account when purchasing skincare products.

In addition to “antistatic cosmetics,” a series for damaged hair is suitable. It is better to put off your usual shampoo and conditioner until it gets warmer. Now our task is to moisturize and nourish the strands as much as possible. Choose a product that contains vitamin E, coconut, olive or avocado oil, and wheat proteins.

3. Essential oils.

Oils of tea rose, lavender and rosemary will save you from electrification. If you use them regularly, you will notice that your hair begins to become magnetized much less, and then you will completely forget about the problem. They nourish hair from the inside, making it stronger and more manageable.

Experts recommend aromatherapy more often and adding oils to cosmetics.

Olive, burdock, flax and castor oils also have general strengthening and smoothing properties.

4. Wooden comb.

Experts recommend using a natural comb made from oak, cherry, pine and birch.

Wood eliminates static electricity and is completely environmentally friendly.

There are also combs with antistatic coating. They are made from rubber, carbon, silicone and ebonite. They make combing easier, help the hair not get tangled and magnetized.

4. Hair dryer with ionization effect.

In the life of a modern woman, time plays a leading role. Sometimes it’s difficult to do without a hairdryer and electrical appliances or give them up altogether.

A gentle option is an ionic hair dryer. It will make your hair shiny and manageable. In addition, you will save electricity - because it will take less time to dry.

5. Leave-in conditioner.

These conditioners do not need to be washed out of your hair. They are applied to wet hair and left until the next wash. They perfectly restore hair, add an attractive shine, and make strands smooth and full.

If your hair is magnetic, tangled and difficult to style, then you should think about purchasing such a product.

Leave-in conditioners come in the form of sprays, oils, lotions and serums.

What should be the water for washing your hair?

If possible, wash your hair with filtered and boiled water. A good solution would be to use water that has been infused with silicon and shungite. These pebbles have a bactericidal effect and draw out everything harmful from the water.

If this is not possible, then add herbal decoctions or soda to the tap water. These components can mitigate the harmful effects of chlorine.

Quick solutions. We get rid of the problem in seconds.

1. Plain or mineral water.

Just moisten your palms and gently run them through your hair - the electricity is gone. Carry a bottle of thermal water with you in your purse. Use it whenever you need to “smooth” your hair.

2. Cream.

Any cream will do to remove “electricity” from strands. The procedure is performed by analogy with water.

Take a little cream, rub it in your palms and go through the strands. But you need to use this product in moderation, otherwise your hair will be greasy.

3. Styling products

Today there are a huge number of such products.

Hairsprays and gels, smoothing serums, styling balms - take a closer look at them and choose the right one.

In addition to the antistatic effect, intensive nutrition and recovery are guaranteed.

4. Moisturizing spray.

It is not difficult to make such a product yourself. Add a few drops of lavender and rose oils to a glass of mineral water.

Once you spray the mixture onto your strands, it will be much easier to style your hair.

5. Hair dryer, iron and comb with ionization.

A modern and reliable way to deal with static electricity on strands is to purchase electrical appliances with an ionization effect.

A simple press of a button activates a mechanism that removes static electricity instantly! Many models have tourmaline coating. This is a crystal that, when heated, saturates the space with negative ions.

Such “smart” devices are more expensive, but they have a comprehensive positive effect on the hair.

How to use pink clay for hair

To make problematic hair manageable, you need to work with it correctly and use effective products. They can be used at home, but in the proper order. The use of pink clay for hair has certain specifics:

  • Consuming the mineral eight times a day promotes intensive recovery and strengthens the roots;
  • The mineral should only be diluted with warm water;
  • all components are introduced only after the mineral has acquired the desired consistency of thick sour cream;
  • When mixing, you should not use iron utensils; wood and ceramics are ideal;
  • Before each use, you need to prepare a new solution;
  • the procedure time can range from twenty minutes to three hours;
  • in warmth, the properties of clay are revealed more effectively;
  • when rinsing, conditioners must be used;
  • Do not dry your hair with auxiliary products.

By properly preparing the products at home, you can achieve excellent results.

Hair masks.

The following combinations of components will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair:

1. Kefir + 2 tbsp. spoons of mango pulp + yolk.

2. Honey + olive oil + yolk

3. Grapeseed oil (castor, burdock) + liquid honey

4. Mayonnaise + egg + olive

5. Castor oil + cognac

6. Lemon juice + rosemary and olive oil

7. Mustard + honey

8. Gelatin + clay

Nutrition that's good for your hair.

If you are experiencing this problem, a possible cause may lie in your diet.

If your hair becomes dry and electrified, perhaps your body is signaling a lack of necessary substances.

In particular, fats. Include fatty fish, cottage cheese, avocados, nuts, and any unfried vegetable oils in your menu.

Your daily diet should include foods that contain vitamins E, A, F and B.

Chemical composition

It is known that clays used in cosmetology come in different colors. Their color is due to differences in chemical composition. Pink clay is red and white clay mixed in certain proportions. It is used for delicate skin and hair care.

Contraindications to its use are minimal, so most women can use this sedimentary rock, rich in minerals and other beneficial substances, for regular hair care, nutrition, restoration and treatment.

It seems that pink clay has absorbed the best of red and white. It contains iron and copper oxides, kaolinite (silicon and aluminum oxides).

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