The best therapeutic masks for problematic facial skin at home

Masks for problematic facial skin help cure acne and tighten pores; they are easy to prepare. And the necessary components are easy to find in any kitchen. Homemade care products will also relieve flaking or hyperpigmentation and improve the condition of sagging skin. They are suitable for teenagers and older women.

Their use in courses gives visible, lasting results. It is important not to overdo it, take breaks every month or two. It is worth changing recipes periodically so as not to become addictive.

Problem skin and the reasons for its appearance

Most often, the epithet “problematic” is used when talking about skin prone to inflammation, oily sheen, and enlarged pores. Peeling, hyperpigmentation, and a tendency to irritation are also characteristic of it. Care for this type of dermis must be carefully selected, taking into account all the needs of the skin, and not just solving a specific problem.

The epidermis, which is prone to increased fat content, should not be overdried. Alcohol-containing cosmetics are used locally during periods of exacerbation of inflammation. Moisturizing and nutrition should be regular, and additional care should include medications. Problem skin will look healthy if you choose wisely face masks that are easy to prepare at home.

Causes of skin problems:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Skin type cannot be changed, so properly selected care is important.
  2. Adolescence. Due to the increased production of sex hormones, sebum secretion often increases, and associated problems arise in the form of acne and blackheads.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological.
  4. Frequent stress, improper daily routine, smoking.

Abuse of fast food, sweet, spicy, smoked foods, and alcohol negatively affects the condition of the epidermis.

How to choose an anti-acne mask

The main criterion for choosing an anti-acne mask is its component composition. It is important that it contains as few harmful synthetic components as possible, which create an airtight film on the skin. Under this film, the skin cannot perform its respiratory and excretory functions; pathogenic microorganisms multiply under it, which only worsens the problem. Such harmful substances include mineral oils, synthetic glycerin, etc.

An effective acne mask should consist of absorbent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing components. If it contains vitamin complexes, vegetable oils and extracts, this is also very good. Some products contain specialized ingredients that dissolve the contents of clogged and enlarged pores (AHA acids), or reduce the rate of formation of the stratum corneum (retinol), and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands (white clay, salicylic acid, zinc oxide).

In addition to the composition of the cosmetic product, it is useful to consider some other aspects that may influence your choice:

  1. Drug category

    – professional, for home use, cosmeceuticals (medicinal cosmetics). The first and last options are more reliable, since their effectiveness has been tested and proven clinically.

  2. Characteristics of the mask

    – consistency, smell, exposure time, ease of rinsing, sensations during exposure. Such information can be obtained from reviews of those users who have used this or that drug from their own experience. Reviews also often say whether the product was liked or not, whether the person plans to use it in the future, etc.

  3. The ratio of the volume of packaging and the cost of an acne mask.

    Sometimes a small, seemingly inexpensive tube actually costs more than a bottle that contains much more cosmetic product. Always divide the total cost of the drug by the volume, so you will know the price per 1 gram or milliliter.

  4. Country of origin and brand, its reputation

    . The highest quality cosmetics are produced in France, Germany, England, Israel, America, Switzerland and Asian countries (Japan, South Korea). However, the domestic manufacturer also has something to offer to owners of problem skin prone to acne. Such professional brands as Aravia, Mesopharm Professional, Active produce effective and safe skincare cosmetics that easily solve the tasks assigned to them.

  5. Thomas release

    . The acne mask should be maximally protected from the penetration of air and microorganisms into the container, as this can negatively affect its composition and properties. Therefore, it is better to give preference to tubes and bottles or disposable sachets with a cosmetic product rather than the usual wide jars with screw caps.

  6. Package design

    is of great importance if a man intends to use an acne mask. Typically, representatives of the stronger sex do not want to keep a tube or jar with a mask on the shelf in the bathroom, which is designed as a feminine care product. Fortunately, most of these drugs have a so-called pharmaceutical, completely non-commercial, laconic design.

What ingredients will help improve facial skin?

Face masks that improve the condition of oily skin are prepared from various components. The most effective:

  • Yeast. They reduce sebum production, cleanse pores, dry out inflammation, and remove toxins due to the steaming effect. Improves the condition of mature dermis, restores hydro-lipid balance.
  • Gelatin. Tightens pores, removes impurities from them, has a lifting effect, treats acne.
  • Cereals. Moisturize, nourish, have an exfoliating effect, relieve acne and comedones.
  • Dairy products. Kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts whiten, moisturize, and reduce the severity of acne marks. Reduces the activity of sebaceous glands and promotes regeneration.
  • Various vegetables, fruits, herbs. Parsley, sorrel or cilantro will lighten areas with post-acne and nourish the skin with vitamins. Citrus juice will relieve inflammation. Aloe vera dries out acne and moisturizes the skin. Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and avocados are also effective.
  • Tar soap. Quickly gets rid of acne and reduces oiliness.
  • Cosmetic clay. Deeply cleanses pores, neutralizes inflammation, increases elasticity.
  • Egg. Moisturizes, nourishes, dries acne.

You can add essential oils to homemade masks - tea tree, pine, eucalyptus, citrus fruits or medications (aspirin).

Coffee grounds, ground almond kernels or oatmeal play the role of nourishing, vitamin-rich scrub-masks.

Benefit and effectiveness

The epidermis is constantly exposed to external factors that negatively affect its condition. To reduce such impacts, it is necessary to protect the dermis from the wrong microclimate in the room, during trips to hot countries, lack of water, stress, and eliminate improper care. Also, after such effects, it is necessary to return the hydrolipid balance to normal.

The effectiveness of the product is ensured if it:

  • gives comfort, eliminates the feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • creates an even tone and relief, the face looks healthier and more radiant;
  • returns lost tone, gives elasticity, firmness, velvety;
  • reduces the number of facial wrinkles and makes deep ones less pronounced;
  • slows down age-related changes;
  • protects the dermis from the negative effects of wind, cold and other factors.

Depending on other purposes, a moisturizing mask can saturate the skin with useful substances (nourishing), cleanse pores (cleansing), exfoliate dead skin particles (film or tar), tone the skin (toning), dissolve the top layer of dead cells (acid peelings). It is also capable of steaming, performing mechanical cleaning, and having other effects - soothing, removing intoxication, reducing irritation, etc. Almost everything has a complex effect, so they can be used to solve several problems at once. Therefore, it is important to choose the right care product so that it has the desired effect, as well as follow a few simple recommendations for use.

Contraindications for use

General contraindications are skin injuries, including small wounds after self-opening of acne. For any serious dermatological diseases, masks should be abandoned.

You should stop using home remedies if they do not produce results after 14 days.

Individual intolerance to the components is a contraindication.

For grade III and IV acne, it is prohibited to use homemade masks without consulting a dermatologist.

Composition of moisturizing masks

Almost all moisturizing masks have a thick consistency, similar to cream. They are not absorbed and remain until removed. Moisturizers must contain hyaluronic acid; vegetable and animal fats, lactic acid, plant extracts, and vitamins can also be used. Each component has its own effect:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is involved in the production of collagen and elastin, which preserve youth and are responsible for firm contours. It penetrates into the deep layers, accelerates cell regeneration, so they are renewed and the rate of age-related changes decreases.
  2. Vitamins soften and restore oily skin. Depending on the type chosen, the effect expands - regeneration, lightening of age spots, eliminating rashes and redness, increasing elasticity and firmness, slowing down age-related changes, improving color, saturating with energy and vitality, accelerating collagen production.
  3. Plant extracts and algae are designed to soothe problematic, oily skin. They reduce inflammation, rejuvenate, protect, nourish, tone the skin, and fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  4. Natural oils improve lipid and water metabolism and are used for dry dermis. As a result of their action, regeneration occurs, slowing down the aging process, evening out shade and relief, imparting softness and elasticity, and creating a protective barrier.
  5. Vitamin E, sodium hyaluronate, tomato seed oil and soy glycerin help restore the lipid barrier, making the epidermis more elastic and soft. These ingredients are suitable for all skin types.

Tips from cosmetologists

It is important to prepare homemade masks for problem skin from fresh ingredients. It is better to mix the components in a separate glass or ceramic container, in which food will not be stored later.

Experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour.
  • Thoroughly cleanse your face beforehand, even if you don’t have any decorative cosmetics on it.
  • Wash your hands before preparing and applying masks.
  • Rinse off the compositions only with warm, running water.
  • Finally, treat your face with tonic and apply cream.

Preliminary steaming of the skin allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedures. Regular use of peelings improves the condition of problematic epidermis. Reviewing your diet and giving up bad habits will also help you quickly restore health and beauty to your skin.

Cosmetologists do not recommend frequently touching your face with particularly dirty hands. Girls and women with problem skin need to change their pillowcases two or three times a week.

How to properly care for your skin while wearing a protective mask

In the morning

  • Wash your face with water and an acne-fighting product, then use a mild toner.
  • Apply moisturizer - it will reduce the friction of the mask.
  • Use creams that do not “load” the skin. The ideal choice is gel creams and light serums.
  • Pay attention to care with antioxidants that will protect your skin from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Avoid dense textures. Also exclude retinol and other irritating components - the mask enhances the effect of the substances, which negatively affects the skin.
  • The cream should be applied 15 minutes before putting on the mask so that it has time to be absorbed and its remnants are not erased.

In the evening

  • Cleanse your skin immediately after returning home. Sweat, grease and dirt accumulate under the mask, which is best removed as quickly as possible.
  • Add products containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic and other AHA acids to your evening care. If your skin is irritated after a mask, choose products with low concentrations or temporarily replace them with mild products.
  • To prevent irritation, do not use multiple products with active ingredients at the same time. Apply intensive products to individual pimples, not to the entire surface of the face. If you are used to using products with retinol, alternate them daily.

The best recipes for therapeutic masks for problematic facial skin

Effective recipes for combination (oily) skin:

  • The easiest way to prepare masks for problem skin at home is from yeast. Pour two teaspoons of the dry product with boiled, warm water (a tablespoon), leave for 10 minutes in a warm place. To increase effectiveness, you can add the juice of half a lemon or 15 drops of tea tree oil. A tablespoon of white or dove clay will help to cleanse the pores more deeply. The product should not be applied to areas near the mouth or eyes.
  • The combination of kefir and white clay quickly neutralizes inflammation. Pour a tablespoon of clay with 50 milliliters of kefir. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • A face mask for oily and problem skin that allows you to remove post-acne and reduce sebum production at home is prepared from sorrel and egg white. Chop a small bunch of greens and mix with a beaten egg. If desired, you can add chopped parsley.
  • A mixture of cottage cheese and the juice of half a lemon will not only whiten the skin, but also relieve inflammation and nourish. Two teaspoons of cottage cheese are combined with 10 milliliters of lemon juice, left on the face for 5 minutes, then a second layer is applied and left for another 5 minutes.
  • Therapeutic masks for problem skin that significantly improve the condition of the face can be prepared from aloe vera juice, honey, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix 20 milliliters of plant juice with a teaspoon of honey and add 3 drops of peroxide.

For dry skin, it is better to use the following recipes:

  • Grind the pulp of one persimmon to a puree-like state, add a tablespoon of honey.
  • Mix the pulp of one avocado with red clay (a tablespoon).
  • Grind the kernels of 4 walnuts and mix with the beaten yolk of one egg.
  • Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to full-fat kefir (2 tablespoons) and mix.

Suitable for any skin type:

  • Mixtures with gelatin. It must be diluted (1:5) with heavy cream or milk. If you have rosacea, you should not use this mask.
  • Steam a tablespoon of rolled oats with warm milk (30 milliliters), add 3 crushed aspirin tablets.
  • Grind two tablets of streptocide into powder, mix with olive oil, apply only to areas with inflammation.

Kefir restores the natural microflora on the surface of the epidermis.

To learn how to treat problem skin, watch the video:

Why do you need moisturizing masks?

The main purpose of moisturizing masks is to saturate with moisture. They are used in basic care of the epidermis. As a result of their use, sagging and dryness are eliminated, the formation of wrinkles is slowed down, the dermis becomes firmer, more elastic, and toned. After using it, the effect of other cosmetic care products becomes better, they apply evenly, promote nutrition and saturation with useful substances.

Such care is especially important in adulthood; it slows down aging. Moisturizing is also used for:

  • unattractive appearance of the skin without foundation or powder;
  • flabbiness, loss of tone;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • inflammation and peeling;
  • dry skin type.

Moisturizers are especially effective after exposure to the sun, wind, cold, or drinking alcohol.

For combination skin

The combined type is the skin that is covered with a layer of sebum in the T zone, and outside it loses moisture and becomes dry. To eliminate this problem, you can use products for oily and dry skin, but if they accidentally come into contact with adjacent areas with other properties, their condition may worsen. To eliminate such risks, specially developed formulations are used that act in accordance with the condition and requirements of the epidermis.

As a cosmetologist from the cosmetology clinic “Innovative Hardware Cosmetology” notes, a correctly selected product provides the following effect:

  • normalization of the sebaceous glands in the area of ​​the forehead, nose, chin;
  • elimination of flaky areas;
  • cleansing of blackheads, preventing their formation;
  • elimination of rashes in the nasolabial triangle.

The doctor included a moisturizing mask with pomegranate extract as a similar composition. It contains hyaluronic acid and pomegranate seed extract. Acid can saturate with moisture, accelerate regeneration, and help rejuvenate. As a result of the renewal, flaking is eliminated, and oily skin is nourished with moisture from the inside, which reduces shine and normalizes sebum production.

Pomegranate seed extract is a natural antioxidant. This allows it to fight free radicals, maintain youth, protect against the negative effects of the environment, tighten pores, accelerate collagen production, and improve blood microcirculation. As a result, oil content decreases, skin whitens, it becomes fresher and more hydrated.

Collagen, lavender extract, olive and Shea butter, vitamins A and E are also present.

Indications and contraindications

Use the mask for:

  • regular comprehensive facial skin care;
  • eliminating dryness and the effects of wind, cold, sun;
  • reducing peeling and roughness;
  • slowing down aging, eliminating dullness and flabbiness.

You cannot use a mask if:

  • there is an allergic reaction to its components;
  • there are open wounds or she has undergone deep cleaning in the last two days.

Night moisturizing mask

The advantage of this mask is that it provides hydration while you sleep. It has a thick and dense texture, similar to a cream, characterized by the same method of application. It contains more nutrients that can put the epidermis in order overnight.

A cosmetologist at the Beauty Workshop named the basic requirements that a night mask must meet:

  • moisturizing, nutrition, softening, regeneration of integument;
  • improvement of condition in one application;
  • release of maximum nutrients in the first hour.

She noted that a professional cream with hyaluronic acid and oils meets all the stated requirements. It is also applied at night and is classified as a night mask. The principle of their operation is the same - saturating the dermis with nutrients and moisture during the dark time of the day. The cream contains vitamins B, E, F, Laminaria and Chondrus algae, hyaluronic acid, collagen, Shea and argan oils, allantoin, bisabolol. The effects of E and F are described above, as well as algae, Shea butter, and hyaluronic acid. Maximum efficiency is ensured due to the complex effect of all substances at once.

Collagen is similar to natural collagen, produced by the body's own cells. This allows it to be more easily absorbed and also to create a protective film on the surface that prevents moisture from evaporating from the pores. As a result of use, peeling is eliminated, the color and texture of the face is evened out, age-related changes are slowed down, the regeneration process is accelerated, and its tone is maintained.

Allantoin is intended for healing wounds and defects, fighting acne and inflammation, soothing and moisturizing, cleansing, exfoliating dead particles, and protecting against negative external factors. Argan oil accelerates regeneration, rejuvenates, saturates with antioxidants, tightens contours, slows down aging, and evens out wrinkles. As a result, the epithelium becomes more elastic, toned, fresh, beautiful, and velvety. Scars and damage disappear on it, and it has a healing effect.

Bisabolol provides a soothing, regenerative, whitening, nourishing, and protective effect. It does not allow microbes, bacteria, fungi to multiply, eliminates inflammation and peeling, fights rosacea, and increases elasticity.

Intense moisturizing mask

Such products must contain fatty substances - wax, oil, fats, acids. A medical expert from the Moscow Cosmetology Center focuses on a mask with algae extract and white moss. It has gained recognition due to its carefully selected components, including natural ingredients and nutrients. As a result of its use, the dermis becomes more moist, elastic, elastic, toned, fresh and radiant.

Vitamin A can eliminate acne and its traces, slow down the aging process, lighten pigmentation, and accelerate collagen production. E has antioxidant properties, fights dehydration, accelerates wound healing, and slows down age-related changes. F heals wounds, eliminates inflammation, peeling, dryness, microinflammation.

Laminaria algae relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, and stimulate metabolism. They cleanse pores, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and bind free radicals. Spirulina algae rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with useful substances, slows down aging, cleanses pores, and eliminates oily shine. Chondrus algae are rich in polysaccharides, organic acids, enzymes and vitamins, micro- and macroelements. This improves elasticity and smoothness.

Shea butter (karite) has regenerating and sun protection properties, protects, nourishes at the cellular level, eliminates fine wrinkles, increases tone and elasticity, silkiness and radiance.

Nourishing mask

Nourishing masks are rich in beneficial substances - vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, amino acids and antioxidants. Fatty acids help create a protective film on the surface that prevents moisture from evaporating throughout the day. This mask is usually done at night, after which a nourishing cream is applied. This is complete care for the epithelium.

A cosmetologist from the Center for Plastic Surgery, Cosmetology and Implantology recommends using a mask with almond and apricot oil at night. It will provide the dermis with nutrients and also “freeze” age-related changes. As a result, you will maintain fit, freshness, attractiveness, and tone.

In addition to apricot and almond kernel oils, the mask contains vitamins A and E, hyaluronic acid, gingko biloba, collagen, olive oil, and shea butter. Ginkgo Biloba is also called the tree of youth because... it is a storehouse of useful substances. The use of such a component in nutritional care products allows you to:

  • preserve youth;
  • increase the elasticity of capillaries and blood microcirculation;
  • relieve swelling;
  • bind free radicals;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • whiten age spots.

Olive oil also slows down age-related changes, moisturizes the dermis, heals, eliminates inflammation, acne, and other defects.

With collagen

With age, the skin loses its properties, so it is important to maintain it in time. For initial age-related changes, it is enough to use moisturizing masks based on hyaluronic acid; over time, it is necessary to switch to more powerful products. All previous cosmetic options also provide a slowdown in age-related changes, but a more radical approach is needed - a loading dose of collagen and substances that promote its absorption.

As a result of using a moisturizing lifting mask with collagen, rejuvenation occurs, the first wrinkles are smoothed out, and aging is significantly slowed down. Contains:

  • aloe vera – moisturizes, eliminates dehydration, normalizes hydrolipid balance, soothes, eliminates inflammation, heals, accelerates regeneration, provides an anti-aging effect, protects against negative external factors;
  • amino acids – restore and strengthen, regulate moisture levels, increase firmness and elasticity, normalize pH and the action of free radicals;
  • vitamins E and A - moisturize, smooth, tighten, tone, slow down age-related changes, heal wounds, fight pimples and blackheads, age spots, scars;
  • hyaluronic acid – acts at the cellular level, accelerates the regeneration process by promoting the production of its own collagen, saturates the epithelium with moisture;
  • placenta – saturates with collagen and elastin, restores, smoothes wrinkles, slows down aging.

Professional cosmetics take good care of the skin, helping to restore its beauty and velvety.

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