Black cumin oil for the face in cosmetology and its use in masks

Black cumin oil in cosmetology is a unique product that is popular among Eastern women. Many people call the product “black gold”. The press received a precious status for its valuable properties for health and beauty.

Caraway extract gently and effectively copes with facial skin defects, prolongs youth and gives a fresh, rested look. Are there really so many abilities in one small bottle? Even more than you think. You will learn how to use the miraculous elixir correctly in the article.

Properties of caraway oil for skin

In the East, black cumin oil has been used in cosmetology for a long time. And for good reason, because this is a most valuable elixir, rich in various elements, minerals and other useful elements:

  • vitamins A, B, C, D;
  • 15 amino acids, 8 of which play a significant role for the body (especially arginine);
  • selenium, calcium, manganese, potassium, iron and other vital minerals;
  • monopolysaccharides;
  • phytosterols, tannins, flavonoids.

Amazing Herbs, Black Cumin, 100% Pure Cold-Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil, 8 fl oz (236 ml)

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Plus, the composition includes essential oils (up to 1.3%). However, most of the components are fatty acids:

  • omega-6 - linoleic acid: 56%;
  • omega-9 - oleic: 26.7%;
  • palmitic: 13%.

All substances contained in black cumin oil are beneficial for facial skin. Therefore, regular use of black cumin oil in cosmetology exceeds all expectations:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect, which helps in the fight against rashes.
  2. Nutrition - the skin is enriched with essential elements.
  3. The production of natural collagen is activated, which helps to prolong the youthfulness of cells, elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  4. The water and hormonal balance is normalized, resulting in the skin becoming pleasant to the touch.
  5. Lipid metabolism is restored - sebum secretion is regulated (which is important for oily skin).
  6. The blood circulation process improves, which gives the skin a healthy glow.
  7. The pores are cleaned, which prevents the formation of blackheads, blackheads, etc.
  8. The skin is protected from the negative effects of the environment.

Black cumin oil has beneficial effects at the cellular level. Almost all substances contained in the press are involved in processes that are significant for the body. Therefore, using cumin extract will always help you look good - the freshness and radiance of your face is guaranteed.

Popular about black cumin

Black cumin is especially popular in Muslim countries. Two of the six collections of hadith (stories, legends about Muhammad by his companions), which are called Sakihi and are revered almost like the Koran, literally say that black cumin heals from everything except death. Therefore, Muslims use recipes with black cumin not only because of its beneficial properties, but also as a way of following the sunnah of the prophet. The oil is sold in mosque shops.

Names of a plant in the Ranunculaceae family, similar to dill, but with prettier flowers: Nigēlla satīva, nigella sativa, Roman coriander, kalonji, sedana.

The homeland of the healing honey plant is the Middle East (North Africa and West Asia). The modern range has expanded: Asia, Southern Europe. Specially grown from Egypt to India. But the plant has been cultivated since the 8th century. BC e., which is confirmed by a mention in the Book of Isaiah (Old Testament). And in the tomb of Tutankhamun, among the king’s personal belongings prepared for the afterlife, a vessel with nigella oil was found.

Nigella seeds are a spice. Similar to sesame, but triangular in shape and not as deep black. When chewed, they resemble oregano, however, the taste is more spicy and pungent. But it does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucous membranes.

The oil is obtained by pressing or infusing the seeds with vegetable fatty acids. The first method produces a higher quality product (royal). It has a rich taste, aroma and greenish-brown color, is easily absorbed without leaving a greasy film.

Low-quality vegetable oils can be used for extraction, because the strong taste and smell of sedana is drowned out even by rancidity. To choose a quality one, you need to look for the inscriptions: “cold pressed” and “does not contain solvents” (cold-pressed and solvent free).

Caraway oil for wrinkles

A course of masks with cumin extract consists of 15-20 procedures. Events are held 1-2 times a week. Apply the composition carefully, in a thin dense layer, avoiding the area around the eyes.

How does black cumin oil help against wrinkles on the face? All thanks to the valuable composition. The substances that are included in the elixir are able to penetrate deeply into the skin cells, filling them with a sufficient level of moisture - the process promotes the production of collagen and smooth out wrinkles.

Anti-aging mask for dry skin

Regular banana pulp will help to achieve hydration. Soften it with a fork. Pour in a teaspoon of cumin extract and a tablespoon of full-fat kefir. The mass should be smeared on the face (avoiding the eye area) and neck. You can wash off the product after half an hour.

Anti-aging composition for oily skin types

Apple extracts will help normalize the functioning of sebaceous flows. Remove the peel, seeds and stem from the fruit. Place in a blender and grind. Add 1 tsp to the pulp. caraway extract, a drop of lemon ether and 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of thick sour cream.

Leave the mixture to form a homogeneous mass for 30 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle mask for normal skin

This mask has a tightening effect. According to reviews, the skin becomes elastic during the course, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and a healthy glow appears.

Take one chicken protein, beat it into a thick foam. Then pour in a shot of kefir, add 2 tbsp. l. potato starch, mix thoroughly. Pour in the cumin extract and incense ether.

Use the mixture on the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Exposure time: 30-40 minutes.

Interesting to know! Baraka cream contains cumin extract. The product is used to relieve itching and other discomfort.

Skin cleansing

Black cumin oil is effective for cleansing the face, which helps against acne, flaking and excess oiliness. Therefore, it is advisable to add herbal extract to homemade scrubs and masks. The scrubbing procedure is carried out once a week - the composition is applied with massage movements to the dermis, then washed off with warm water.

Strawberry nourishing scrub

Take strawberries, soften with a fork and combine with cumin extract (1 tsp). A simple composition that suits all skin types is ready.

Important information! Do not use this scrub if you are allergic to berries.

Deep cleansing

Not suitable for sensitive skin!

Mix salt (1 tsp) with liquid cumin extract (1 tsp) and liquid honey (1 tsp). The composition is powerful, however, gentle, so it is suitable for weekly use.

Rejuvenating scrub

Combine 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds of freshly brewed coffee and 1 tsp. cumin squeeze. This scrub can be kept on your face for a couple of minutes, like a mask.

For acne

In the East, black cumin oil has long been used for acne and other rashes. “Black Gold” gently cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and produces a calming effect.

To get rid of acne, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 protein;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 small potato;
  • 1 tsp. caraway oil.

Grate the tuber on a fine grater, add salt and squeeze. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites into a thick foam, then pour into the main mixture.

Reviews from people

On the Internet you can find many reviews of people who use the oil for cosmetic purposes.

The girl describes ways to use a natural product.

The user uses the oil to treat acne, the skin looks fresh and well-groomed.

The oil helps against peeling, bruising, irritation, and has no comedogenic effect.

Against rosacea

In simple words, rosacea is called spider veins, blood stars. The disease is a consequence of a violation of the circulatory process. Caraway oil restores blood flow. The fatty acids included in the composition strengthen the walls of skin blood vessels and have antibacterial properties.

To achieve a positive result, black cumin extract is mixed in equal quantities with other vegetable oils. The mixture is soaked in gauze, then the cloth is applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes.

Recommended base oils for spider veins:

  • sesame;
  • tamanu;
  • walnut;
  • grape seed;
  • cypress;
  • milk thistle.

Important information! Cuperosis is treated comprehensively. For facial skin, black cumin oil alone will not be enough. Taking medications is discussed with your doctor.

From papillomas

Treatment of papillomas and warts with cumin oil comes to us from Eastern medicine. Squeezing black cumin blocks the virus, which provokes the appearance of tumors, and also strengthens the immune defense.

The product is used as the basis of folk remedies for papillomas and warts. It is combined with a preheated mixture of crushed pomegranate peel and apple cider vinegar. The components are taken in approximately equal proportions. Lotions are made from the resulting mass - sessions are repeated until the tumors disappear completely.

Subtleties of preparing the product

The classic method of preparing black cumin seed extract has been used for thousands of years.

Process algorithm:

  • At the first stage, the seeds are cleaned, washed, and dried.
  • On the second stage, the raw materials are pressed using a screw press.
  • On the third stage, the oil settles until the suspended particles of fiber completely settle.
  • At the fourth stage, the unfiltered product is poured into sealed glass containers.

Black cumin seeds The oil obtained in the described way is light. Dark color means the seeds were heated during processing.

Note: The presence of sediment indicates low quality of the product.

Against age spots, freckles and vitiligo

Fatty acids in cumin oil regulate pigment metabolism, thereby activating the production of melanin. During a course of procedures using black cumin extraction, the skin acquires an even tone, eliminating age spots, freckles, vitiligo, etc.

To prepare a powerful composition against skin pathologies, prepare the following components:

  • rose water - 0.5 tsp;
  • caraway oil - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 1 tsp.
  • Apple vinegar.

Rub the essence onto the affected areas. Mix rose water with oil. Then gradually add flour until a paste forms. Apply the composition and go outside - let the stains and the product tan in the sun.

Interesting to know! Consuming black gold together orally enhances the miraculous effect of the product on the skin. In addition, it is very good for health. For preventive purposes, the oil is consumed twice a day, 20 minutes before meals, twice a day.

Indications for use

There is hardly a more universal oil, suitable for all skin types, solving a whole range of aesthetic problems:

  • stops the spread of bactericidal microflora;
  • relieves redness;
  • restores a healthy, even tone;
  • protects the skin from dryness and dehydration;
  • eliminates pigmentation;
  • smoothes out superficial wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.

Attention! Recommended for use on oily, problematic, dry, sensitive skin.

An effective remedy for moisturizing, nourishing, combating acne and excess sebaceous glands.

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